Economic Mechanism for Managing the Communication Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Globalization
Analysis of the economic mechanism for managing communication business processes of industrial enterprises in the context of globalization. Composition of a complex algorithm for managing communication business processes of industrial enterprises.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.11.2020 |
Размер файла | 174,9 K |
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Economic Mechanism for Managing the Communication Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Globalization*
K.YU. Zavrazhnyi
The paper provides a definition of the economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises in the context of globalization as a set of a system of relations, authorities, forms and methods of organization and operation, which are regulated by legal and other norms of activity and provide effective interaction in internal and external environments. This allows to deepen the understanding of the essence in the context of globalization under the orientation towards communication (we mean interaction first of all).
The composition of the comprehensive economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises is studied. This mechanism includes organizational, economic, legal, political, technical and technological, market, production, social, motivational, adaptive and communication submechanisms. This allows further formalization of the process of elemental improvement of the communication business processes of industrial enterprises.
The components of mechanism are detailed. In particular, the economic submechanisms include the mechanisms of profits distribution, economic stimulus, financial, equity, investment and reinvestment in development and other mechanisms. The legal submechanisms include the mechanisms, which govern communication and professional legal relations. Organizational submechanisms include structural mechanisms, administrative and information mechanisms that ensure the development and modernization of communication activities at the enterprise, its information security. Political submechanisms include mechanisms of information policy, social and economic policy and foreign economic policy. Market submechanisms include the ones of market competition, demand and supply, etc. Social submechanisms include the ones of transparency of doing business, social responsibility, social and psychological impact, etc. Production submechanisms include the following ones: resource, implementation of new types of software and hardware and other. Technical and technological submechanisms include the ones of scientific and technological progress, technological updates. Motivational submechanisms include the mechanisms of material and non-material incentives of personnel. Adaptive submechanisms are the submechanisms of innovative development (including implementation of innovations in information field), managing the personnel potential, etc. Communication submechanisms include the ones of information-and-analytical activities (including research conducting); external communications (including the system of integrated communications tools, modern telecommunications and communications facilities); internal communications (including creating corporate culture).
Keywords: economic mechanism, submechanisms, management, communications, business processes, industrial enterprise.
Хозяйственный механизм управления коммуникационными бизнес-процессами промышленных предприятий в условиях глобализации
Константин Юрьевич Завражный*
*аспирант кафедры экономики, предпринимательства и бизнес-администрирования Сумского государственного университета,
В статье приведено определение хозяйственного механизма управления коммуникационными бизнес-процессами промышленных предприятий в условиях глобализации как совокупности системы связей, органов, форм и методов организации и функционирования, которые регламентируются правовыми и другими нормами деятельности и обеспечивают эффективные взаимодействия во внутреннем и внешнем окружениях. Это позволяет углублять понимание его сущности в условиях глобализации в контексте направленности именно на коммуникации (под которыми понимаем в первую очередь взаимодействие).
Рассмотрен состав комплексного хозяйственного механизма управления коммуникационными бизнес-процессами промышленных предприятий, в который включены: организационный, экономический, правовой, политический, технико-технологический, рыночный, производственный, социальный, мотивационный, адаптационный и коммуникационный субмеханизмы. Это дает возможность в дальнейшем формализовать процесс элементного совершенствования коммуникационных бизнес-процессов промышленных предприятий.
Детализированы составляющие механизма. В частности, к экономическим субмеханизмам отнесены механизмы распределения доходов; экономического стимулирования; финансовый; акционерный; инвестирования и реинвестирования в развитие и другие.
К правовым субмеханизмам отнесены механизмы, регламентирующие коммуникационные и профессиональные правоотношения. К организационным субмеханизмам отнесены структурные, административные и информационные механизмы, обеспечивающие развитие и модернизацию коммуникационной деятельности на предприятии, его информационную безопасность. К политическим субмеханизмам относим механизмы информационной политики, социальноэкономической политики и внешнеэкономической политики. К рыночным отнесены субмеханизмы рыночной конкуренции, спроса и предложения и другие. К социальным относим субмеханизмы:открытости ведения бизнеса; социальной ответственности; социально-психологического воздействия; другие. К производственным относим субмеханизмы: ресурсный; внедрение новых видов программного обеспечения; другие. Технико-технологических отнесены субмеханизмы научно-технического прогресса, технологического обновления. К мотивационных относим субмеханизмы материальной и нематериальной мотивации персонала. К адаптационных субмеханизмам отнесены:инновационного развития (в т.ч. реализации инноваций в информационной сфере) управления кадровым потенциалом и т.д. К коммуникационных субмеханизмам отнесены: информационно-аналитическая деятельность (в т.ч. исследования); внешние коммуникации (в т.ч. система интегрированных инструментов коммуникаций, современные средства телекоммуникаций и связи); внутренние коммуникации (в т.ч. формирование корпоративной культуры).
Ключевые слова: хозяйственный механизм, субмеханизмы, управления, коммуникации, бизнес-процессы, промышленное предприятие.
Господарський механізм управління комунікаційними бізнес-процесами промислових підприємств в умовах глобалізації
Костянтин Юрійович Завражний*
*'аспірант кафедри економіки, підприємництва та бізнес-адміністрування Сумського державного університету,
У статті наведене визначення господарського механізму управління комунікаційними бізнес- процесами промислових підприємств в умовах глобалізації як сукупності системи зв'язків, органів, форм і методів організації та функціонування, що регламентуються правовими та іншими нормами діяльності і забезпечують ефективні взаємодії у внутрішньому та зовнішньому середовищах. Це дозволяє поглибити розуміння його сутності в умовах глобалізації в контексті спрямованості саме на комунікації (під якими розуміємо в першу чергу взаємодію).
Розглянутий склад комплексного господарського механізму управління комунікаційними бізнес-процесами промислових підприємств до якого включені: організаційний, економічний, правовий, політичний, техніко-технологічний, ринковий, виробничий, соціальний, мотиваційний, адаптаційний і комунікаційний субмеханізми. Це надає можливість в подальшому формалізувати процес елементного вдосконалення комунікаційних бізнес-процесів промислових підприємств.
Деталізовані складові механізму. Зокрема, до економічних субмеханізмів віднесено механізми розподілу прибутків; економічного стимулювання; фінансовий; акціонерний; інвестування і реінвестування в розвиток та інші. До правових субмеханізмів віднесено механізми, що регламентують комунікаційні та професійні правовідносини. До організаційних субмеханізмів віднесено структурні, адміністративні та інформаційні механізми, які забезпечують розвиток і модернізацію комунікаційної діяльності на підприємстві, його інформаційну безпеку. До політичних субмеханізмів відносимо механізми інформаційної політики, соціально-економічної політики та зовнішньоекономічної політики. До ринкових віднесено субмеханізми ринкової конкуренції, попиту і пропозиції та інші. До соціальних відносимо субмеханізми: відкритості ведення бізнесу; соціальної відповідальності; соціально-психологічного впливу; інші. До виробничих відносимо субмеханізми: ресурсний; впровадження нових видів програмного забезпечення; інші. До техніко-технологічних віднесено субмеханізми науково-технічного прогресу, технологічного оновлення. До мотиваційних відносимо субмеханізми матеріальної і нематеріальної мотивації персоналу. До адаптаційних субмеханізмів віднесено: інноваційного розвитку (у т.ч. реалізації інновацій у інформаційній сфері); управління кадровим потенціалом тощо. До комунікаційних субмеханізмів віднесено: інформаційно-аналітичну діяльність (у т.ч. дослідження); зовнішні комунікації (у т.ч. система інтегрованих інструментів комунікацій, сучасні засоби телекомунікацій і зв'язку); внутрішні комунікації (у т.ч. формування корпоративної культури).
Ключові слова: господарський механізм, субмеханизми, управління, комунікації, бізнес- процеси, промислове підприємство.
economic communication business globalization
The spread of globalization development processes in world markets has led to a cascading effect of the emergence, on the one hand, of new opportunities, and on the other hand, of problems related to adapting to new business conditions for various entities (including industrial enterprises).
According to S. K. Harichkov, the globalization processes and the development of information technologies form new conditions for the enterprises operation, which, in turn, requires adequate and modern approaches to management [1].
Scientists and practitioners agree that there is the need for the formation of new management mechanisms in accordance with the conditions and requirements of modern development. Special attention should be paid to the communication business processes of industrial enterprises due to the information economy spreading, because the dissemination of information and knowledge becomes a priority.
The mechanism of economic activity of enterprises is a multi-level system which includes a set of other submechanisms (organizational, economic, motivational, legal, etc.), with the help of which the regulation of all business processes and relations is carried out, and therefore their list and structure need to be improved taking into account the globalization conditions.
The Decree of Verkhovna Rada “On the Recommendations of the Parliamentary Hearings on the topic: “Legislative Support for the Information Society Development in Ukraine” states that modern society is characterized by qualitatively new development trends in the information field, primarily by the rapid formation of a global information space and global information confrontation, the development and use of the latest information and communication technologies, the emergence of fundamentally new public relations by different directions of information activity, namely: e-governance, access to public information, the functioning of the mass media, state statistics and document management, information activities in the field of education and science, culture and art, in economic, financial, banking, law enforcement, law-making and other fields, which require comprehensive research and proper legal support [2].
Therefore, the solution of the problem of improving the economic mechanism for managing communication business processes for domestic industrial enterprises in modern conditions is an important scientific and practical task.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The theoretical and conceptual foundations of various aspects of forming mechanisms for managing enterprises were investigated by A. H. Honcharuk [3]; H. A. Doroshuk and C. K. Kharichkov [1], Ye. V. Mishenin [4], O. M. Telizhenko [5]; the components of the economic mechanism under new conditions of new economy management - O. F. Balatskyi [6], N. Yu. Kruglova [7]; creating mechanism for sustainable development of enterprise - A. P. Kolesnikov [8]; conceptual foundations of creating mechanism for credit risk management - T. A. Vasylyeva [9] and other.
A significant contribution to the systematization of the communication management provisions has been made by V. M. Bebyk [10] and N. O. Shpak [11].
In particular, V. M. Bebyk notes that any organization functioning (governmental, business or social and political structure) directly and immediately depends on the system of collection, processing and analysis of information. On the one hand, the interests of the organization effectiveness require information support of its operation on the basis of obtaining information from external environment, since the organization should respond adequately to them in case of external threats. On the other hand, it is also necessary to monitor internal communication processes that allow to conclude on the state of the organization's “health” from the point of view of maintaining its organizational unity and effective operation. Thus, there appear many problems while organizing the functioning of any structure. These problems relate to the management of information flows that are to be “fixed on” the mentioned decision center. The collection, processing and interpretation of information are the most important stages, since the nature of the decisions making and, consequently, the effectiveness of managing any object depend on the reliability of the information [10].
Modern information society is a space of perfect communication [12]. Therefore, it is important to create such comprehensive mechanism for economy management, which would ensure the sustainable development of enterprises by using effective communication business processes.
The absence of a consensus on the mechanisms of development, structure, source, form of change as well as absence of equal interest of representatives of science [1, p. 157] and practitioners to the problem cause the relevance of the task of improving the economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises in the context of globalization.
In modern conditions of rapid globalization changes, the most urgent problem is to create an effective economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises, differentiating the composition and systematization of its elements, that allows to design its rational structure and then form more efficient management system and ensure international competitiveness and the success of domestic industrial enterprises in the world markets.
Therefore, the objective of the paper is to study the elements of a comprehensive economic mechanism for managing communication business processes at domestic industrial enterprises in the context of world markets globalization. A set of tasks is defined within the objective set. They are as follows:
- to specify the definition of a comprehensive economic mechanism for managing communication business processes at industrial enterprises in the context of globalization;
- to study and systematize a set of elements of the economic mechanism that provide effective communications in the internal and external environments.
Research methods. A theoretical analysis of scientific sources, methods of comparison, synthesis, analysis, generalization were used to achieve the objectives of the research.
The main results of the research
In the future, one of the most important automation tasks is the integration of managing the technological processes and managing the enterprise as whole, a closer combination of production and economic management tasks, the merging of technological management and systems of resource management and operations management, etc. [11].
To ensure such development dynamics, a comprehensive mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises should be formed.
In this study, the economic mechanism for managing communication business processes at industrial enterprises is considered as a set of a system of relations, authorities, forms and methods of organization and operation, which are regulated by legal and other norms of activity and provide effective interaction in internal and external environments.
Economic mechanism for managing the enterprise is a multi-level target system. Complexity and consistency are its objective characteristics.
Let us analyze its components.
According to A. H. Honcharuk the mechanism for managing the enterprise efficiency
includes the following mechanisms [3]:
- organizational,
- economic,
- motivational.
Yu. N. Kruglova states that comprehensive mechanism for managing enterprise includes the mechanisms as follows [7, p. 7] :
- economic,
- motivational,
- organizational,
- legal,
- political.
H. A. Doroshuk notes that external factors of organizational development force the enterprise to change. But enterprise cannot control these factors by influencing through adaptation mechanisms and influencing indirectly through participation in political activities, trade associations, by advertising and public relations. [1, p. 57]. The author emphasizes the importance of the mechanism of interaction between the change leader and the change agent, the decision-making mechanism, the mechanism for implementing organizational innovation projects at the enterprise, feedback mechanisms, mechanism for personnel potential management [1, p. 16, 75, 93, 101, 102].
In our opinion, the above mentioned lists of the components of the economic mechanism should be supplemented with submechanisms that are important while ensuring the management of communication business processes of the enterprise, namely:
• market,
• social,
• production,
• communication,
• technical and technological.
Let us detalize the composition of each mentioned submechanisms. The economic submechanisms include:
- distribution of profits;
- economic stimulus (of activity of enterprise as a whole and implementation of information technologies in particular);
- financial (including credit one);
- equity;
- investment and reinvestment in development (enterprises as a whole and communication in particular);
- other mechanisms.
The legal submechanisms include the mechanisms, which govern communication legal relations as a whole and professional legal relations in a specific area of economic activity.
The legal fundamentals for building the information society in Ukraine is laid down by the following laws governing social relations for the creation of electronic information resources, protection of intellectual property for these resources, implementation of electronic document management, information protection, etc. [13]:
• Law of Ukraine “On Information” (No.2657-XII of 02.10.1992),
• Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” (No. 2939-VI of 13.01.2011),
• Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data” (No. 2297-VI of 01.06.2010),
• Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Information in Information and Telecommunication Systems” (No. 80/94^ of 05.06.1994),
• Law of Ukraine “On Television and Radio Broadcasting” (No.3759-XII of 21.12.1993),
• Law of Ukraine “On Printed Mass Media (Press) in Ukraine” (No.2782-XII of
16.11.1992) ,
• Law of Ukraine “On State Secret” (No. 3855-XII of 21.01.1994),
• Law of Ukraine “On Scientific-and-Technical Information” (No. 3322-XII of
25.06.1993) ,
• Law of Ukraine “On Telecommunications” (No.1280-IV of 18.11.2003),
• Law of Ukraine “On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine” (No.1227- VII of 17.04.2014),
• Law of Ukraine “On the Concept of the National Informatization Program” (No.75/98- ВР of 04.02.1998),
• Law of Ukraine “On the National Informatization Program” (No. 74/98-ВР of 04.02.1998).
When an industrial enterprise enters foreign markets, the legal mechanism for managing its activities is adjusted to comply with norms and requirements of the legislative and regulatory acts of other countries.
Organizational submechanisms include structural mechanisms (including the implementation of modern management methods, the reorganization of the organizational structure of management), administrative and information mechanisms that ensure the development and modernization of communication activities at the enterprise (including the implementation of e-government), its information security.
О.V. Dykan notes that all the tools for building communications within organizations can be divided into several types: information, analytical and organizational, and to overcome the organizational communication barriers it is necessary to [14]:
- create feedback system,
- manage the information flows,
- develop managerial actions to simplify the process of the information exchange horizontally and vertically,
- develop a proposition collection system,
- use the internally organized information system (corporate print media, etc.),
- apply the achievements of modern information technologies.
Political submechanisms include mechanisms of information policy, social and economic policy and foreign economic policy.
Market submechanisms include the ones of market competition, demand and supply, etc.
Social submechanisms include mechanisms as follows:
- transparency of doing business;
- social responsibility (socially responsible business);
- social and psychological impact (including leadership style, conflict management, the formation of a social and psychological climate in the team);
- taking into account the dynamics of social norms, ethical, ideological and moral differences, etc.
Production submechanisms include the following mechanisms:
- resource (will ensure the integration of various types of resources, including information ones);
- improvement/implementation of new types of software and hardware;
- implementation/development of integrated information systems and their adaptation to the needs of the enterprise;
- improvement of service maintenance, etc.
Motivational submechanisms include the mechanisms of material and non-material incentives of personnel, namely:
- motivation of scientific and technological developments (work content, awareness of
one's achievements, etc.);
- motivation of high-quality labor (responsibility, etc.);
- motivation of entrepreneurial spirit (desire for career growth, etc.);
- motivation of business (maximizing economic results, etc.);
- motivation of social performance;
- motivation of self-realization at work (recognition by others, etc.).
Technical and technological submechanisms include:
- implementation of scientific and technological progress achievements;
- technological updates (the implementation of the latest information and communication technologies, expanding the communication channels capacity);
- improving the security system (including information protection);
- leveling the technological limitations of the production process.
Adaptive submechanisms include the following mechanisms:
- innovative development (including implementation of innovations in information field),
- managing the personnel potential, etc.
Communication submechanisms include:
- information-and-analytical activities (including the collection and analysis of market information, research conducting, information exchange);
- external communications (including the system of integrated communications tools, modern telecommunications and communications facilities);
- internal communications (including creating corporate culture).
The components of a comprehensive economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises are summarized in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Scheme of the economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises (compiled by author)
The above list of submechanisms (which all are included to a comprehensive economic mechanism) is not complete and can be expanded: for example, according to various types of sustainability of enterprises economic activities, A. P. Kolesnikov [8] distinguishes production, marketing, social-and-economic and environmental sustainability) etc.
Conclusions concerning research and the prospects for further research in this direction. Based on the results of the research it can be concluded that:
1) the above mentioned definition of the economic mechanism for managing communication business processes at industrial enterprises as a set of a system of relations, authorities, forms and methods of organization and operation which are regulated by legal and other norms of activity and provide effective interaction in internal and external environments allows to deepen the understanding of the essence in the context of globalization under the orientation towards communication (we mean interaction first of all).
2) the elements of the comprehensive economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises (including organizational, economic, legal, political, technical and technological, market, production, social, motivational, adaptive and communication submechanisms) were studied and it allows further formalization of the process of elemental improvement of the communication business processes at industrial enterprises.
The results of the research can be used in the practical activities of business entities while improving/creating economic mechanism. In addition, these results can become the basis for further methodological research.
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