Mechanism of providing and managing economic and financial and economic security of enterprises in Ukraine
Mechanism of organization of economic security of the enterprise development is a set of managerial, economic, organizational, legal and motivational ways of protecting its long-term interests. The basic principles of its formation and functioning.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.12.2020 |
Размер файла | 19,7 K |
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Mechanism of providing and managing economic and financial and economic security of enterprises in Ukraine
Babina Natallia, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Tourism Department, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
It is established that the enterprise functioning in an uncertain economic environment leads to an increase in various risks and threats, which in turn requires the development of a specific mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise and management of this process. It is substantiated that the mechanism of organization of economic security of the enterprise development is a set of managerial, economic, organizational, legal and motivational ways of protecting its long-term interests. It is specified that the main purpose of the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise is: early recognition of risks, forecasting the results of their implementation, determining the modes of localization of threats and prompt submission of information to the relevant services to make the necessary operational decisions or to adjust the tactical and strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise.
Keywords: security, management, economic security, financial and economic security, risks, threats, security mechanisms.
Механізм забезпечення та управління економічною та фінансово-економічною безпекою підприємств України
Бабіна Наталія Олександрівна, к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри бізнес-економіки та туризму, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
Проблема. В умовах недостатньо розвиненої ринкової інфраструктури, правової неоднозначності, політичних та фінансових коливань, високої степені невизначеності істотно підвищується ступень загроз економічній безпеці підприємств, ефективна підтримка якої можлива тільки в разі використання спеціальних механізмів. Стабільне функціонування, конкурентоспроможність та досягнення поставлених цілей на основі реалізації своїх інтересів потребують забезпечення економічної безпеки кожного суб'єкта господарювання.
Мета дослідження - на основі аналізу зарубіжного та вітчизняного досвіду розуміння економічної безпеки підприємства визначити основні засади формування та функціонування механізму економічної безпеки підприємства.
Результати. Обґрунтовано, що функціонування підприємства в невизначеному економічному середовищі призводить до збільшення різноманітних ризиків і загроз. Встановлено, що в процесі виробничо-господарської діяльності підприємство є відкритим для загроз в площині обміну інформацією; залученні інвестицій, фінансів, кваліфікованого персоналу; поставок товарно- матеріальних цінностей; придбанні новітніх технологій (патентів, ліцензій тощо), а це з необхідністю потребує розробки специфічного механізму забезпечення економічної безпеки підприємства та управління цим процесом. Запропоновано, щоб побудова і реалізація механізму забезпечення економічної безпеки підприємства передбачали, по -перше, визначення особливого кола суб'єктів, які на основі закріплених за ними повноважень приймають рішення і готові в нестандартних ситуаціях діяти нетрадиційно творчо; по-друге, створення банку моделей впровадження механізму забезпечення економічної безпеки з урахуванням організаційної структури підприємства; по-третє, вибір (з декількох розроблених і прогнозованих) оптимальної стратегії для якісного і вчасного вирішення нагальних задач.
Наукова новизна. Запропоновано механізм організації економічної безпеки розвитку підприємства вважати сукупністю управлінських, економічних, організаційних, правових і мотиваційних способів захисту його довгострокових інтересів. Для виконання механізмом забезпечення економічної безпеки захисної функції, запропоновано його формування на результатах аналізу всіх видів діяльності підприємства; із врахуванням потреби узгодження діяльності підприємства з умовами внутрішнього й зовнішнього середовища, в якому воно функціонує; із виокремленням етапу визначення основних цілей хазяїв або керівників підприємства; із врахування результатів формулювання довгострокової стратегії діяльності підприємства. Головним призначенням механізму економічної безпеки підприємства є: завчасне розпізнавання небезпек, прогнозування результатів їх здійснення, визначення модусів локалізації загроз й оперативна подача інформації до відповідних служб для прийняття необхідних оперативних рішень чи коригування тактичних і стратегічних цілей та завдань підприємства.
Висновки. Ефективне функціонування механізму забезпечення економічної безпеки підприємства передбачає існування адекватної системи, що розпізнає загрози, передбачає їх наслідки, визначає методи локалізації небезпек, подає попередження до системи управління, де приймаються оперативні рішення, щодо усунення загроз і/чи коригування стратегічних цілей підприємства. Призначення механізму економічної безпеки підприємства полягає в нейтралізації існуючих реальних загроз; попередженні потенційних втрат від можливих небезпек та коригування оптимального обсягу ресурсного потенціалу на основі узгодження інтересів контрагентів, що взаємодіють в єдиному економічному просторі. Таким чином, механізм забезпечення економічної безпеки підприємства забезпечуючи ідентифікацію і систематизацію загроз, сприяє прийняттю таких управлінських рішень, які дозволяють підприємству: захищатися від дестабілізуючих факторів зовнішнього й внутрішнього середовища; безпечно втілювати тактичні і стратегічні завдання; формувати та реалізовувати превентивні заходи, контрзагрози.
Ключові слова: безпека, управління, економічна безпека, фінансово-економічна безпека, ризики, загрози, механізми забезпечення безпеки.
economic security managerial legal
The emergence of a market economy in Ukraine, the creation of a large number of enterprises of different legal forms based on various forms of ownership, the emergence of new mechanisms of management and many other factors, have put the business entities in a situation where they have to pay considerable attention to the issues, related to ensuring their economic and financial and economic security. In the conditions of insufficiently developed market infrastructure, legal ambiguity, political and financial fluctuations, high degree of uncertainty, the degree of threats to the economic security of enterprises significantly increases, effective support of which is possible only in the case of using special mechanisms. Sustainable functioning, competitiveness and achievement of goals based on the realization of their interests require the economic security of each entity.
Literature review
Various aspects of economic and financial and economic security of enterprises have been the subject of scientific research by many scientists. Among them are: strategic directions of managing the development of enterprises in terms of ensuring their economic security (I. Ansof, A.N. Bohatko, B.L. Kuchin, O.I. Pushkar, O.M. Trydid, Ye.V. Yakusheva); support of a sufficient level of economic security of the enterprise (O.V. Arefyeva, H.A. Androshchuk, T.S. Klebanova, H.B. Kozachenko, Muntiyan, Ye.A. Olyeynikov, V.S. Ponomarenko, O.I. Chernyak, M.Ya. Shvets); modeling of the mechanism of financial and economic security management of professional financial market participants (N.V. Zachosova); strategic management of the system of economic and financial and economic security of the enterprise (Kyrychenko O., Dotsenko O.I., Melnychuk O.P.); principles of construction of various organizational and economic mechanisms used in the activity of enterprises, management of these mechanisms (Greiner Lynn, Stephen H. Miller, Mary Lynn Garcia, Shaker S.M., Gembicki M.P., Meyer H.E., Kahaner L., Gilad B., Gilad T) and so on.
However, some important aspects of the enterprise's economic and financial security activities have not yet been adequately reflected in domestic and foreign literature and real business experience. First of all, this concerns the problems of forming a comprehensive approach to managing financial and economic security in a transformational economy. The methods and models of financial and economic security management of enterprises in the conditions of modern integration processes and challenges of modern civilization are not sufficiently developed. Particularly noteworthy is the issue of identifying the main mechanisms for organizing financial and economic security of economic entities in the face of increased risk.
The purpose of the article. The main purpose of the research is to determine, on the basis of the analysis of foreign and domestic experience of understanding the economic security of the enterprise, the basic principles of formation and functioning of the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise.
Results and discussion
In today's transformational environment, the issue of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is relevant both at the state, regional and at the level of individual economic entities.
The mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is considered as a set of managerial, economic, organizational, legal and motivational ways of harmonizing the interests of the enterprise with the interests of environmental subjects, whereby, taking into account the peculiarities of the enterprise, profit is obtained, the value of which is sufficient for the enterprise to be in economic security state [1, c.124-129].
The development and implementation of the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise is based on several conceptual provisions: first, the implementation of the category of economic security in everyday practice and its content meaningful for modern entrepreneurs; secondly, the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise must take into account the full range of interests of the enterprise, which determine its stability and competitiveness; third, the construction of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise should be based on a scientific concept that takes into account both the theoretical principles of the economic security of the enterprise and the peculiarities of the enterprise functioning in the real economic environment [2].
The concept of formation of the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise also involves defining the system of priority interests of the enterprise, reconciling them with the interests of partners - entities of the external environment and choosing the forms and methods of harmonization of these interests to ensure profitable activities.
The formation of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise, like any mechanism, is based on certain principles. At the same time, along with the established principles of construction of various organizational and economic mechanisms used in the activity of enterprises, Western scientists offer principles that reflect the specifics of the formation and functioning of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. Among them: scientific substantiation of economic security of the enterprise; consideration of multi-vector interests of the enterprise and features of its activity; taking into account the interests of environmental entities interacting with the enterprise [3].
Formation of the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise is ensured by formation of information fields, carrying out analytical and forecasting works, execution of a number of economic calculations, making managerial decisions and evaluating their results. All of these actions are carried out in the internal environment of the entity, and some - subsequently, as required by the functioning of the economic security mechanism, repeatedly repeated, affecting various aspects of the life of the enterprise and usually cause certain costs [2, 3, 4].
The concept of economic security of the enterprise should cover all directions of production- economic, financial and commercial activity of the enterprise and is intended to solve the following main tasks: to ensure compliance of the mission of the enterprise and strategic installations of its activity to the system of leading interests of the enterprise; to determine and promptly change the priorities in the activity of the enterprise against the background of creating conditions for their implementation; to ensure that the volume of sales of the enterprise corresponds to its resource potential and market capacity; to ensure internal balance in the activity of the enterprise; to reduce risks in the activity of the enterprise; to ensure the interest of staff in the effective operation of the enterprise; to create a flexible system for reserving resources; to determine the beginning of the phase of inefficient development of the enterprise and to adjust the activity of the enterprise on the basis of the developed program [3, 4, 5].
There are four types of basic interests of enterprises: economic, social, environmental, political. The economic interests of the enterprise are conditioned by its position in the market and the state of competitiveness of its goods. The social interests of the enterprise are related to the process of expanded reproduction of labor. The environmental interests of the enterprise are influenced by the development of social, economic and spiritual spheres of society. The political interests of the company are determined by the political situation in the country or in the region [6, 7].
In Ukraine, the main focus is still on economic interests. Therefore, when developing an effective mechanism for ensuring the economic security of Ukrainian enterprises, the priority is given to the economic interests of enterprises.
Integration processes that stimulate independent entry of enterprises into foreign markets force the state to control the security of economic entities for the sake of affirming their integrity and economic independence. Enterprises also seek to pursue their interests through the conservation and increase of capital, which, in an uncertain economic environment and the aggravation of competition, requires the use of specific methods and means.
In the process of enterprise development, quantitative and qualitative perturbations of its structural elements are constantly occurring, there is a re-profile of functions, modernization of production and economic activity, expansion of ties, complications of communicative external and internal relations that require changes, including the internal organizational structure of the enterprise.
An essential characteristic of the operation of the enterprise is the reproduction processes, which are based on the availability of resources. In this area, the economic security of enterprises is a such state, which is determined by the protection against external and internal threats during the life cycle of the necessary resources and new consumer values.
Businesses, in terms of reproductive processes, are complex, open systems that consume external and internal resources and produce goods and services. When constructing the mechanism of operation of these systems, it is necessary to take into account the variability of internal and external resources during a certain reproductive cycle of the enterprise, as well as fluctuations in consumer demand, which is amplified in an unstable competitive environment.
In connection with this, the main objective of economic security is to protect the living space of the enterprise from destabilizing factors and internal and external threats, without which neutralization there is a decrease in financial, economic and organizational-functional indicators of the enterprise's activity.
The development of an enterprise demands a quantitative and qualitative expansion of the system of resources. In the context of limited resource space, this can lead to conflicts of interest for business entities. In this case, the adjustment of the economic security management mechanism of the enterprise should be made on the basis of strategic management using the methodology of the resource approach [8]. The use of a resource approach to ensure the economic security of the enterprise makes it possible to notice and take into account the various interactions of the enterprise in the external environment; to monitor the dependence of the results of the economic activity of the enterprise on the quality of basic resources (material, financial, human resources, etc.).
It should be noted that the widening of the range of attraction of resources is a factor of increasing the dangers. In such a case, the purpose of the enterprise's economic security mechanism is to neutralize existing real threats; prevention of potential losses from possible dangers and adjustment of the optimum amount of resource potential on the basis of reconciliation of interests of counterparties interacting in a single economic space.
The modern enterprise, in pursuit of its interests, constantly competes with other entities of management for economic zones, expanding the borders of its living space; renews the range of competitive products, provides additional financing to ensure efficient marketing and investment activities. The production and economic activity of the enterprise, as an open system capable of self-development, is not insured against the dangers - potential and actual factors of disturbance of stability. Therefore, the system of economic security of the enterprise should also be dynamic and consistent with the strategy of enterprise development, and the mechanism of organization and functioning of economic security such that is able to adapt to the transformative activity of the enterprise through the system of preventive measures of leveling the complex of threats.
There are several options for reacting to threats: first, choosing a waiting position that in itself leads to an accumulation and aggravation of problems; secondly, adaptation to the resulting state, with a parallel adjustment of the directions of activity of the enterprise and its security system; third, a radical modernization of business and security against the background of the interests of antagonists and the use of counter-measures to actualize the elements of the economic system, directions and objects of development, available potential and resources of the enterprise.
The intersection of interests of business entities often leads to conflicts that threaten the economic security of the enterprise. If conflicts are not resolved initially by the conflicting parties, they develop a customized security system, which is manifested in the formation of a counterprotection system, with mandatory analysis of alternative models and scenarios specific to each enterprise and evaluation of implemented ones.
The mechanism of realization of economic security of the enterprise is an organic unity of the general and the special. The latter requires the need to take into account the specifics of the structure, functions, interconnections of the elements of the enterprise as a whole system. The main purpose of the economic security mechanism of the enterprise is: early identification of risks, forecasting the results of their implementation, determining the modes of localization of threats and prompt submission of information to the appropriate services to make the necessary operational decisions or to adjust the tactical and strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise.
The economic security of the enterprise is closely linked to the systems of strategic and operational management of the enterprise. Monitoring of internal and external hazards (arising on an objective or subjective basis), timely adjustment of both the economic security system and the strategy and tactics of the enterprise activity are the basis for successful organization of enterprise protection.
If the threats do not carry the dangers of dysfunction of the economic system of the enterprise, the system of protection for making the best decisions can apply passive-waiting tactics. In cases where threats substantially limit the realization of the strategic goals of the enterprise, the mechanism of counteraction is to use active-offensive tactics with elements of business intelligence, misinformation of competitors and lobbying of interests of the enterprise in the respective state institutions [9].
The organizational mechanism of economic security is a specific system that includes the resource and organizational subsystems. Resource subsystems are the object of protection, and organizational include special structural units of the enterprise, methods and tools used for the implementation of security tasks.
Ensuring the stability of the enterprise requires both the use of specific methods of protection of available resources, as well as the attraction of new tangible, intangible, labor, financial and other resources through active business intelligence, the use of information and misinformation, the analytical evaluation of counterparties whose interests are relevant to the interests of the enterprise.
Formation of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of a certain system of basic rules - the principles of the organization (both general and specific, reflecting the specifics of the functioning and development of a certain enterprise) and can be effective only if a specialized functional unit is agreed, which coordinates and controls the implementation systems of measures concerning protection of interests of the enterprise.
The mechanism of economic security of the enterprise should ensure the implementation of multi-vector strategies of the enterprise: both - one aimed at ensuring the effective functioning and expansion of areas of influence of the enterprise, and such that by the specific methods, techniques and tools keeps in view the activities of counterparties and competitors, potentially whether they really threaten the economic security of the business. The implementation of the first strategy requires an assessment of resource compliance with the strategic goals of enterprise development. The implementation of the second requires a system of detection and assessment of the degree of external and internal hazards for the enterprise and implementation of a specific mechanism of protection against them. This mechanism involves, first, adaptation to the changing conditions of operation of the enterprise; second, the development and implementation of counter-measures to counteract threats; third, the reconciliation of the interests of the conflicting parties in order to achieve a mutually beneficial result [10].
Ensuring the optimum level of economic security of the enterprise is possible provided its stable and effective functioning at the present time and accumulation of the necessary potential for development and sustainable growth in the future. The enterprise must, alone, taking into account its own economic conditions, first determine the safe point, characterized by the balance of threats and counteracting them within the limits of its functioning; second, to determine the boundary, the intersection of which leads to loss of equilibrium, transition to the zone of instability and the need to take measures of rehabilitation of the enterprise; third, to formulate marginal deviations from the security state in which systemic changes are reversed and allow the enterprise to remain in the security field.
If an enterprise is understood as an evolving system, there are necessarily periods of stability and instability, ups and downs in its operation activity. This affects the level of economic security, which can fluctuate significantly during changes, but with a mandatory return to the steady (equilibrium) state. The mechanism of economic security of the enterprise is aimed at maintaining the functioning of the enterprise in a non-threatening zone; choosing the optimal and safe way for the future activity of the enterprise (from instability to sustainability).
The mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is based on a system of fundamental principles, which is formed on the basis of the provisions of each aspect of counteracting the threats to the enterprise. Conceptual principles include, first, understanding the enterprise as a dynamic system; second, the interpretation of this system as developing under the influence of external and internal contradictions; third, as a system capable of adapting its tactical objectives to the strategic goals of its development.
The basic general principles of any holistic formation are: systematic, interdisciplinary approach, objectivity, complexity, adaptation, cyclicality. Let's consider the role of an economic security mechanism through the prism of applying these principles to the enterprise as a coherent system.
The principle of systematicity (which focuses on direct links and feedbacks) implies that the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise should not only provide protection against threats, but also, promptly assessing the current and probable consequences of the dangers, actively influence them, modeling the internal and external environment in the desired direction.
For the proper functioning of the enterprise, the undisputed interconnection of two subsystems: the security system and the organizational and management system is extremely important. In our opinion, the necessary balance is achieved in several conditions: the management of the enterprise does not consider the security subsystem as a minor one; individual links of the security subsystem are woven into the organizational and management subsystem of the enterprise; all subsystems contribute to the implementation of preventive measures developed by the security service and actively involved in the process of threat prevention or elimination of the negative effects of destabilizing factors.
The principle of complexity implies that the management of the enterprise has operative true information about the state of development of the enterprise; there is a bank of alternative strategies and activities; the security system responds quickly to fluctuations in the internal and external environment and identifies current and potential threats; depending on the situation, a decision is made on the optimal variant of enterprise protection (localization of threats, implementation of counter-threats, coordination of interests of the parties) and the mechanism of its implementation.
The mechanism of ensuring the integrity of resources at all levels of enterprise management, implementation of the system of preventive measures and contradictions in the changing economic environment stimulates the system of economic security of the enterprise to use the principle of multidisciplinary approach to search for new knowledge, modern tools for protection against threats.
For the successful operation of an enterprise in a controversial external environment, the principle of objectivity, which requires promptness, correctness and adequacy of the information on which decisions are made, is essential. The mechanism of ensuring economic security is to scan the information space of the enterprise; identification of information, selection of the most important at the moment and valuable for the future.
The principle of adaptation in today's transformational conditions becomes almost the most important. Based on the very essence of the operation of the enterprise; a large number of its relationships with counterparties who have different interests; the active (often aggressive) realization of the intentions of economic entities in the economic space, it is vitally necessary to adapt the production-management and financial-economic system of the enterprise to constant dynamic changes. The mechanism of economic security of the enterprise provides palliative implementation of adaptation measures.
The principle of cyclicality, reflects the technical, technological, social and financial and economic processes of the enterprise. The effective functioning of the enterprise requires the cooptation of elements (above all, information) of the economic security mechanism of the enterprise into the processes of material, intangible and financial resources circulation.
The principle of self-determination is actualized in the conditions of finding the enterprise in the danger zone, when the task of self-preservation comes to the fore. The role of the economic security mechanism is, first and foremost, to prevent such a situation. However, if such a situation arises, you must: objectively evaluate the situation; to rethink the purpose of the enterprise; identify urgent goals and measures for their implementation; increase the level of economic security of the enterprise.
The specific role in the system of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise belongs to the principle of control. This principle implies: continuous monitoring of indicative indicators for detecting deviations; diagnostics of the mechanism of ensuring economic security with the purpose of its modernization and adaptation to new conditions of activity of the enterprise.
The implementation of the principle of compliance implies the creation of such conditions that on the basis of comprehensive, true information about the state of the enterprise, its life stage, prospects of development, optimal strategic and operational-tactical decisions would be made, which would ensure the functioning of the enterprise due to the high level of economic security.
The mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise should contribute to the avoidance of conflict situations as a source of specific threats. That is why the principle of reflection, which is used in the evaluation of information, which forms the basis of the formation of the system of indicators of the enterprise and in the creation of systems of measures of influence on the subjects whose actions contradict the interests of the enterprise, is so important.
An enterprise operating under current conditions characterized by increasing ambiguity and unpredictability is not immune from the imbalance of its structural subsystems, conflicts of interest with other entities, from material, financial and other losses. Such a state requires constant monitoring of the external and internal environment; assessing the level of threats; justification of cost expediency; identifying lost opportunities; the choice of optimal solutions from the calculated alternatives, etc. All this requires the creation of a special security system that has an adequate mechanism for implementing its basic principles and measures [11].
The enterprise's economic security system includes a number of elements, including: methods for collecting and processing information from each subject and object of threats, methods for identifying threats; methods of assessing their impact on the performance of the business entity through a system of indicators specific to each enterprise; organization of direct and feedback communication between the information-accounting system and the system that makes tactical and strategic decisions.
The main purpose of functioning of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is to constantly monitor the internal and external environment to collect information about existing and possible threats in order to create objective bases for making prudent management decisions appropriate to situations occurring at specific enterprises and reflecting the specifics of the internal structure of the enterprise and its relationship with counterparties, other entities.
Thus, the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise by providing identification and systematization of threats, facilitates the adoption of such management decisions that allow the enterprise: to protect itself from destabilizing factors of the external and internal environment; safely implement tactical and strategic objectives; design and implement preventative measures, counter-threats, etc. [12].
Preventive measures include both protection against threats from entities actively competing with the enterprise in the external environment, and an objective assessment of the enterprise's ability to achieve its specific goals.
Establishment and implementation of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise involves, first, the identification of a special circle of subjects who, based on the powers assigned to them, make decisions and are ready to act in unconventional situations, in unusual situations; secondly, the creation of a bank of models of implementation of the mechanism of ensuring economic security, taking into account the organizational structure of the enterprise; third, the choice (from several developed and predicted) of the optimal strategy for the qualitative and timely solution of urgent problems.
With simple and extended growth-type reproduction, the processes of enterprise functioning do not go beyond the foreseeable limits, aimed at maintaining the status quo and, as a rule, do not affect the interests and spheres of influence of other economic entities. When implementing a development strategy, an enterprise actively (sometimes even aggressively) modifies the external environment, disrupting the balance of interests. As a result, competition, antagonisms, conflicts between economic entities are intensified, the level of dangers and the uncertainty of production and economic activity of the enterprise increases.
Thus, already at the stage of formation of the enterprise development strategy, attributes of uncertainty arise, which lay the foundations of future dangers. If an enterprise is focused on an extended reproduction strategy, the risks are multiplied. Increasing of uncertainty and risks actualize the solution of tasks: adaptation of the functioning of the enterprise to the changing conditions of the environment and adequate provision of its economic security.
With aggressive enterprise development strategies, traditional methods of ensuring economic security are inadequate. In this case, it is necessary to use the situational resource-functional approach, which is based on the resource approach to the formation of strategic management of the enterprise and the functional-resource adaptation approach to the organization of strategic development of the enterprise.
The peculiarity of the situational resource-functional approach is the emphasis on taking into account the dynamic uncertainty of the external environment and the active implementation of a system of countermeasures in the external environment in accordance with the interests of the individual enterprise. Aggressive, active behavior of the business entity is motivated by the very essence of market relations. The main thing is that economic activity is implemented within the current legislation, is based on the principles of entrepreneurial ethics and does not violate the integrity of the environment.
Taking into account the variability of enterprise development, the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise should be ready to be implemented in a certain variant of two groups of strategies: static strategies, the essence of which is the identification of the level of threats and their localization or elimination; active strategies based on expanding the living space of the enterprise and providing for permanent emergence of threats and immediate response to their neutralization. Given that situations that arise in the process of functioning of the enterprise, richer than formalized concepts, there are possible options for integrated use of even alternative options from different groups of strategies [13].
Integration of elements and functions of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise directly into the organizational and managerial mechanism of ensuring the process of enterprise development enhances the security of the enterprise (subsystems, etc.) at all stages of its life cycle, stimulating the implementation of offensive development strategies. Disruption of the functioning of any component of the enterprise leads to an imbalance of the entire formation.
Similarly, if an imbalance in a particular subsystem reaches or exceeds a critical limit, a situation arises that threatens the economic security of the system as a whole.
The reaction to an unplanned situation is to make a decision on the basis of the scenarios of the eventual development of events and the decisions that they have formed with the system of economic security of the enterprise. In addition to scenarios, the enterprise's economic security system must have a classification of the most expected, cyclically recurring threats to the enterprise; special situational information base; developed system of measures of localization of threats; the system of contradictions and the mechanism of their implementation [14].
Since it is not possible to anticipate all possible options for the strategy phase, alternative scenarios are formed on the basis of incomplete, inaccurate, averaged information. The same, probabilistic nature have the programs of active functioning of the enterprise in the external environment, the totality of threats is also difficult to predict. Therefore, the issue of the feasibility of implementing simulated programs is updated at the stage of operation of the enterprise and needs to be adjusted in accordance with the real environment, relationships and interdependencies with other businesses, the level of economic security.
At the stage of active functioning of the enterprise is the organization of the process of protection of economic security, coordination of the activities of individual subsystems for economic protection, determining the powers and motivations of subjects of all structural units, security services and more. At this stage, preference is given to the use of a dialog-based informational-structural simulation method, which allows to move away from the formation of a closed, fully formalized object model in favor of local submodels.
It should be noted that at this stage of economic security, it is hampered by the fact that every abnormal situation requires a quality extraordinary solution (both in form and content) at a certain time [15]. The practical solution to this problem lies in the area of involvement in the cooperation of either our own or hired specialists for a certain period, which on the basis of analysis, processing and modeling of information create both a support system for decision-making and the basis for the implementation of measures to improve the economic security of the enterprise.
It is extremely difficult to study the dynamics of an entity's behavior in an uncertain environment. Even more difficult in the process of constant internal reorganization is to maintain the integrity of the enterprise as a system. This is the main purpose of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise - a set of actions based on certain methods, techniques and tools that allow to protect the business entity from various hazards, to adjust the behavior of relations with counterparties on the basis of determining priority interests; to adapt strategic goals to the changing conditions of the dynamic state of the external and internal environment.
The effective functioning of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise involves the existence of an adequate system that recognizes threats, anticipates their consequences, identifies methods of localization of hazards, submits warnings to the management system, where operational decisions are made, to eliminate threats and / or adjust the strategic goals of the enterprise.
Establishment and implementation of the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise involves, first, the identification of a special circle of subjects who, based on the powers assigned to them, make decisions and are ready to act in unconventional situations in unusual situations; secondly, the creation of a bank of models of implementation of the mechanism of ensuring economic security, taking into account the organizational structure of the enterprise; third, the choice (from several developed and predicted) of the optimal strategy for the qualitative and timely solution of urgent problems.
The purpose of the enterprise's economic security mechanism is to eliminate existing real threats; prevention of potential losses from possible dangers and adjustment of the optimum amount of resource potential on the basis of reconciliation of interests of counterparties interacting in a single economic space. The enterprise's economic security mechanism should not only provide protection against threats, but also, promptly assessing the current and probable consequences of the dangers, actively influence them, modeling the internal and external environment in the desired direction. The mechanism of organization and functioning of economic security should be such that it is able to adapt to the transformative activity of the enterprise through a system of preventive measures of leveling the complex of threats.
The mechanism of economic security of the enterprise is aimed at maintaining the functioning of the enterprise in a non-threatening zone; choice of the optimal and safe way of future activity of the enterprise (from instability to sustainability) through scanning of information space of activity of the enterprise; identification of information, selection of the most important at the moment and valuable for the future. When an enterprise is in danger, the task of self-preservation comes to the fore. The role of the economic security mechanism is, first and foremost, to prevent such a situation. However, if such a situation arises, you must: objectively evaluate the situation; to rethink the purpose of the enterprise; identify urgent goals and measures for their implementation; increase the level of economic security of the enterprise.
Thus, the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise by providing identification and systematization of threats, facilitates the adoption of such management decisions that allow the enterprise: to protect itself from destabilizing factors of the external and internal environment; safely implement tactical and strategic objectives; to form and implement preventive measures, counter-threats, etc.
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