Ways to improve the economic mechanism for the development of the agricultural sector
The farm household as natural and effective form of management in agrarian sector. The area - an administrative-territorial formation, socio-economic development, which depends on interaction of resource components, control system element of region.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
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Дата добавления | 15.02.2021 |
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Ways to improve the economic mechanism for the development of the agricultural sector
Nurgaliyeva Ainash Kunyazova S., Karimbergenova M., Rakhimova S., Sultanov A., Beisembina A.
Abstract. Research of social and industrial infrastructure of the village and development of proposals on development of social infrastructure investment process and protection rural population. Natural and effective form of management in agrarian sector is farm household.
At the modern stage occurs a requirement to ensure a balanced development of the economy on the basis of a correct and flexible definition needs of social progress and economic development. Without providing this condition it can be out of the question the complexity of region development.
One of the principal provisions which necessity does not require provement, is the fact that the continuous growth of the social structure.
Keywords: territorial division, regional policy, territorial difference, social-economic development
Research of social and industrial infrastructure of the village and development of proposals on development of social infrastructure investment process and protection rural population. Natural and effective form of management in agrarian sector is farm household.
Specificity of rural infrastructure cannot be considered out of agricultural sector features surviving during the crisis caused by the collapse of the old and the formation of new production relations in recent years has managed to stabilize and is now on the threshold of a new phase, which should ensure the effective development of the sector in conditions of open economy within the world system production and trade of agricultural production.
It's no secret that agriculture is a vital sector of the economy that provides the population with food, processing industry - raw materials. In addition to the above the agriculture has its own peculiarities, which should be considered by resolving any specific questions.
First, in the agricultural sector the land serves as the durable means of production.
Main part.
First, in the agricultural sector the land serves as the durable means of production.
Secondly to this industry is characteristic geographical dispersion, which often requires the construction of managerial body territorial-production principle and provides them greater than in other sectors of the operational and economic independence.
Third, a variety of natural and economic conditions, seasonal nature of production and the need to work with living organisms (plants, animals), require exact consistency between sub-sectors and agribusiness services.
Fourth, construction managerial body is greatly influenced by the diversity of patterns of ownership.
Fifth, the objective differences in lifestyle in town and country require peculiar solution of many Governance Matters, including thereto related the social sphere [1].
As a result of radical economic reform, the transition to market relations in agriculture of the republic originated radical changes. In rural areas, there formed a mixed economy. Agricultural commodity producers have acquired the right of self-selection of organizational and financial activities, orders produced products and receipts, price making for the products. It was increased responsibility for their results of economic activity.
Natural and effective form of economy management in agrarian sector is the farm household. It is there can be most completely into account the specific biological factors of production organization in the industry and created the most favorable conditions for the efficient use of land and water, growth and development of plants and animals.
At the present stage of development of the economy is important differentiated approach to specific economic issues, depending on the capabilities and characteristics of each region. Only a strict comprehensive survey of all natural and economic, demographic, environmental and other conditions and the characteristics of different regions give to form a reasonable combine addressing the major tasks of accelerated economic development with an effective regional development. Common regional problems for all regions of the republic mean reforming the economic structure, to overcome depressive state of separate regions, the creation of social infrastructure. Among the new problems of regional economy include the development of export and import replacing industries, creation of market infrastructure, entrepreneurial development. Economic role and importance of social infrastructure predetermine a special need for comprehensive improvement of management of the sphere at the level of each region. Despite significant differences scale and composition of solved problems, they have much in common. The main unifying motive is the specificity of the region, which is determined by the need to solve a variety of tasks on a proportional development of all economic sectors, including residential construction, health care, public
Specificity of rural infrastructure cannot be considered out of agricultural sector features surviving during the crisis caused by the collapse of the old and the formation of new production relations in recent years has managed to stabilize and is now on the threshold of a new phase, which should ensure the effective development of the sector in conditions of open economy within the world system production and trade of agricultural production.
It's no secret that agriculture is a vital sector of the economy that provides the population with food, processing industry - raw materials. In addition to the above the agriculture has its own peculiarities, which should be considered by resolving any specific questions.
Class creation of private owners and the development of farming have seen as levers that can ensure the effective development of agriculture and agribusiness (AIC) and just solve the problem of food supply.
Profitability of agriculture is local budgets replenishment of rural areas and accordingly the possibility of rural development. In its turn, these measures will help to a deeper restructuring of agricultural production, in particular through the employment of work-force, the substance of social infrastructure.
The main deterrent in organizing large farm households based on the family is the deficit of necessary material, financial, economic, institutional, and social and other means.
According to academician I. Buzdalov in order to work with profit and to withstand competition with agricultural producers in Western Europe, you must have a land area of 40 100 hectares, developed supply marketing and social infrastructure, and investment needs of tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars [2].
Specificity and uniqueness of agricultural complex composed in the fact that it requires more unified management by local authorities. These managerial bodies help better organize more effective use of available human, material and financial resources, to considerate maximally of natural, economic, geographic and social conditions, because of the particular conditions, exigencies and opportunities of the area.
In modern conditions of transition to a market economy is required the establishment of an effective mechanism for the development of social management of rural infrastructure, which will certainly lead to expansion job offers in agrarian labor market and consequently to rising of living standards and quality of the rural population.
If you proceed from the natural premise that improving the rising of living quality of the population and trend support its growth is the main objective in the management services activities at different levels (from rural akims to the government of RK), the values of living quality can be interpreted as assessing the degree evaluation of controls relevant administrative services.
Many problems of rural areas for their permission require significant investments that the majority of rural collectives cannot do alone. In solving these complex problems s associated with acceleration of development a large role play in rural cooperative funds of enterprises, construction and building of necessary facilities on the basis of equity. The best possible coordination of these processes can performed only by local governments. At the same time to provide more operational management of agricultural production processes in the field considering specific conditions allows the territorial approach.
The area is an administrative-territorial formation, socio-economic development, which depends on interaction of their own elements - as resource components and control system element of region (area). Therefore, economic and social development of the region and small businesses should be made conditional on: first, the condition and environment of labor, material, technical, natural, financial and information resources; secondly, from the current system of regional economy, targeting at achieving medium-, long term orientation of the national economy. [3].
The main object of local government is the social infrastructure, which, by force of its features function in the reproduction process is closely related to populations residing in different regional systems of settlement, often coinciding with the boundaries of administrative regional assignment.
In the next 5-10 years, D. Shamyrkanova considers, we need to create prerequisites for achieving much higher lines in the future, to reach deep qualitative changes in the economy, the decisive turning point in the intensification of the national economy. In this connection material and technical base and management system should acquire new, higher qualities. The most important task is to achieve the position where final products of social production become performance results of more sectors and units of the national economy. By this scales of development are closely linked to the resource potential of society, the requirements satisfy ever increasing requirements of the population and the economy.
Solving these problems could be achieved only by actuating forms of economic management in the region in line with the changing tasks and conditions of its functioning. In connection with this a special actuality got the issues related to perfection of management social infrastructure. This is caused first of all high social significance determined role in ensuring the general conditions of reproductivity and labor force. Moreover, it can reasonably be argued that social infrastructure comes out as essential prerequisite enhancement of product efficiency with the purpose of total solution social problems corresponding to significantly increasing demands, intellectual and social needs, the interests of balanced growth of the individual [3].
Particularly many problems in this connection occur in the development of social infrastructure. The most difficult task here is to rank requirements of the population according to the degree of urgency, as determined by a number of objective and subjective reasons, strongly differentiated according to specific conditions.
At the modern stage occurs a requirement to ensure a balanced development of the economy on the basis of a correct and flexible definition needs of social progress and economic development. Without providing this condition it can be out of the question the complexity of region development.
One of the principal provisions which necessity does not require provement, is the fact that the continuous growth of the social structure. This process has a constant character, because the requirements run ahead in the development of social production possibilities, but at the same time "... you are a product of history and depend largely on the cultural development of the country."
In perspective it raises sharply value of new demands and requirements. These include the needs in infrastructure services, which are complex interacting system, depend on a great number of diverse socioeconomic factors which ultimately formed specifically folding quantity demanded and structure. From mentioned it is easy to conclude that a very complex mechanism of the social infrastructure formation that predetermines the possibility of effective problem solving on satisfaction of wants of the population just through the development of comprehensive plan and its development in the regions.
Set this problem it cannot be ignored the fact that the territorial mobility of its objects, as this combined with socio-demographic and national characteristics of different segments of the population determines contrasting pattern of requirement. Many scientists have noted, for example, that pattern of requirements, including the spiritual, at rural people deviates from fit needs of citizens. In this connection it is important not just to plan activities fit needs, but also to influence the process of their formation.
In modern organizational disunity of social infrastructure to solve the problems of complex, dynamic and balanced development is very difficult. This is caused first of all by the absence of a comprehensive program that would embrace sufficiently socio-economic changes.
For the purpose of process improvement territorial development of the social infrastructure considers D. Shamyrkanova education deserves exacting attention in every region of the territorial social development funds. With certainty it can count on significant strengthening the efficiency of territorial administration, empowerment perspective of social development of the regions, the best use of social production of growth factors Major step towards rationalizing formation mechanism and functioning of regional systems social infrastructure should be strengthening the coordinating role of the local governments. This is not to lose sight of the need for widespread research development, allowing governments on the basis of scientifically substantiated proposals promptly and flexibly to address emerging economic and social problems. It should be emphasized that the norm setting of new economy management principles due to the increasing role of market relations, will give new content to regional development.
The development of regional systems social infrastructure should be focused on the creation of normal conditions for the reproduction of the population, labor force, that is should be set the problem of providing universal comprehensive social infrastructure. [4].
Agro industrial complex needs to grow and to prosper making a living by their own production and non-production activities with minimal support from the government on the social and cultural needs. Decreased production in the agricultural sector lead the field to a sharp decrease life quality in rural areas the collapse of the social and industrial infrastructures. For the rural population are difficult to access social blessings such as health care, education, in short, the sphere of social infrastructure. On fall of living standards is significantly influenced by the territorial sparsity and remoteness centers of population, poor development of transport and communication infrastructure.
Rural population as the main source of labor resources greatly determines the possibilities of production and non-production of development in rural areas. From population composition by gender and age in many respects depend the possibilities of further defense buildup. At the same time, the number and composition of the population identifies quantitative, structural and qualitative need for housing construction, elements of social infrastructure. Such view prevails in research of the Soviet science representative S.G. Krapchan. [5].
This point of view develops N. Kalmanova. She writes that difference agricultural production from other industries and its specificity consists in the fact that agriculture - it is not only the manufacturing, but also a large sector of life of the country. Rural economy and rural settlement are inseparably linked: the rural settlements were historically formed on the basis of agricultural activity and ceased to exist with the termination of the last. Recent history only confirms this regularity: the crisis in agriculture entailed urbanization and the collapse of life support systems rural settlements.
Depressive positions of many villages and auls are explained by unemployment, which is higher than weaker agro formations. A low material level, the asperities of providing drinking water, telephone service deficiency, electricity, feeble provision of medical and general educational institutions-all this and more, as a consequence, leads to a poor life quality in rural areas. Specialists of state bodies with regional leaders and foreign experts conducted large-scale surveys of rural settlements. The technique, numbering 130 different criteria, the estimating level of development of each of the 7660 villages in collaboration with its economic potential, economical strength, economic status, engineering (water system, power grid) and social (the availability of schools and hospitals) infrastructures. As a result was presented a fairly complete alignment of each village: 14% of villages where approximately live 1mln.600 thousand people have high potential for development, and therefore, the most optimistic future perspectives. Average potential possess 74% of rural settlements, in which more than 5.3 million inhabitants. Villages with low levels of turned out 10% (300 thousand inhabitants).
Agricultural people (peasantry) - is not just a stratum of society, it is also the bearer of certain moral and spiritual values. Just at that spot was fixed and passed on from generation to generation, manufacturing skills, love for land. Throughout the world the family farm is highly regarded as a special institution, preserving the social stability.
The compound farm properties, labor and managing are characteristic of peasant farming, giving a powerful impetus to conduct agrarian production in the most efficient manner. The stability of such farms is based on direct responsibility for the result of own work, the future of the family. Therefore, it has a large underlying strength; the ability to survive in times of economic ills, sufficient flexibility to adapt to the build up pressure of agribusiness, the requirements of scientific and technical progress.
Applied to Kazakhstan model it means that the essence of the current land reform comes down to achieve the transition to variety of forms of land ownership, land tenure and land use types. It is necessary to ensure socio-fair and economically sound land redistribution and to form equal conditions for all forms of management.
The problem of poor returns from agricultural production does not allow agriculture to compete in attracting investment to the industry and services in urban areas.
Efficient industrial activity of agricultural enterprises requires the creation of necessary conditions for workers in the labor process, and in the reproduction of the workforce. This task is intended to perform business and support units of infrastructure. In the long term development of agriculture it also depends on social conditions in rural areas.
Agricultural people (peasantry) - is not just a stratum of society, it is also the bearer of certain moral and spiritual values. Just at that spot was fixed and passed on from generation to generation, manufacturing skills, love for land. Throughout the world the family farm is highly regarded as a special institution, preserving the social stability.
The compound farm properties, labor and managing are characteristic of peasant farming, giving a powerful impetus to conduct agrarian production in the most efficient manner. The stability of such farms is based on direct responsibility for the result of own work, the future of the family. Therefore, it has a large underlying strength; the ability to survive in times of economic ills, sufficient flexibility to adapt to the build up pressure of agribusiness, the requirements of scientific and technical progress.
Efficient industrial activity of agricultural enterprises requires the creation of necessary conditions for workers in the labor process, and in the reproduction of the workforce. This task is intended to perform business and support units of infrastructure. In the long term development of agriculture it also depends on social conditions in rural areas.
Given clause (article) is devoted maintenance of a harmonious combination of interests of economy of republic and its (her) each region and area.
farm household agrarian economic
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