Formation and implementation of economic interests as a basis of economic behavior of actors
Theoretical and methodological aspects of formation and realization of economic interests. Causal links between these processes. Application of the "potential-real" principle to determine the content of the mechanism of formation of economic interests.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.05.2021 |
Размер файла | 16,3 K |
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Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University
Formation and implementation of economic interests as a basis of economic behavior of actors
Smiesova V.
PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics
В. Л. Смєсова, канд. екон. наук, доц., доцент кафедри теоретичної та прикладної економіки, ДВНЗ «Український державний хіміко-технологічнийуніверситет», м.Дніпро
У статті розглядаються теоретичні і методологічні аспекти формування і реалізації економічних інтересів. Обґрунтовуються причинно-наслідкові зв'язки між зазначеними процесами. Запропоновано авторське визначення зазначених понять. Розглядається зв'язок формування і реалізації економічних інтересів з економічною поведінкою акторів та їх розвитком. Застосовано принцип «потенційне -дійсне» до визначення змісту механізму формування і реалізації економічних інтересів.
Ключові слова: економічні відносини, економічні зв'язки, економічні інтереси, потреби, формування і реалізація економічних інтересів
Problem statement
Modern economic development is characterized by intensive transformations in all spheres of economic activity, which involve changes in the economic interests of actors, forms and methods of their implementation, development of the economic activity participants. Accordingly, a comprehensive analysis of the processes of formation and realization of economic interests is relevant as the basis for production, distribution, exchange and social product consumption, creation of potential economic opportunities for investment, satisfaction of needs in economic and social benefits and for progressive economic development.
Analysis of recent research and publications and Selection of previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The analysis of the essence and content of economic interests, the classification and characterization of their species, the determination of the consequences of institutional influence, the interrelationship of interests with social production should be named among the scientific achievements of Russian economists which have been revealed in the works of T. Beloborodova, S. Melnik, N. Rasskazova, N. Chernetsova [1-4]. The works of S. Kovalchuk, N. Novikova [5-6] highlighted the course of the economic interests formation and realization processes under the conditions of economic transformation at the level of agro-industrial sector; but the issues of the theory and methodology of these processes scientific analysis, the mechanism of economic interests movement and development within the economic environment remained insufficiently resolved. economic interest potential real
The purpose of the article - is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological features of the processes of economic interests formation and realization, to clarify the cause-effect relationships between them.
From our point of view, the economic interests serve as socio-economic attraction and the actor's direction to meet the needs for economic and social benefits, the content of which is revealed through his economic aspirations and economic actions, relations and relationships based on the economic choice mechanism, which leads to a change in the output economic / social position of the actor, his economic results, self-improvement and self-development.
The economic interests do not exist by themselves in a stand-alone state, but they are an element of various economic processes, ranging from the emergence and satisfaction of needs, the implementation of economic activity, to the receipt and distribution of economic results. The economic interests at their discrete level are simultaneously characterized by the processes of their formation, implementation and new reproduction of these processes, provide a constant renewal of both the interests and the processes to satisfy the needs of actors in economic and social benefits.
The formation of economic interests is in the nature of a process, and the latter inherently involves gradual transformations and the spatio-temporal variability of the object [276]. Formation as a process presupposes the emergence and manifestation of certain properties, the image and form of economic interest, as well as its main components and directions. The "arrangement" and bringing economic interest to strengthintegral substance is determined by the actor himself, his inner environment, and by the influence from outside. This process takes place through attraction (direct attraction, perception), actualization, reflection of certain signals, stimuli as a potential interest and the acquisition by the interest of the final form and its acceptance at the level of consciousness.
Consequently, the formation presupposes con- cretization of economic aspirations and identification of those values, institutions, resources and means, with the help of which their realization is possible.
One of the properties of the economic interests formation process is the development of both the interest itself and the actor being the carrier of economic aspirations. Economic interests are developed on the basis of bringing them to real form, level, representation, specific business idea by means of their careful analysis, comprehension and deepening into the object of interest, comparison of goals orientation with the possibilities of their realization and the possibilities to obtain an appropriate economic benefit, coordination with endogenous and exogenous " valuable attitudes filters. " Accordingly, the following is taking place in the process of formation: changes and transformations of economic interests, adaptation to their needs, resource opportunities and desires, adaptation to the exogenous economic and social environment, and the corresponding reverse adaptation of the economic and social space to the economic interests of the actor. Consequently, formation is a means to develop the economic interests.
At the same time, the economic actor is developing by himself; and in the process of his own economic interests formation, this actor looks for, accumulates, analyzes the available information about the object of interest, gaining new experience, strives to master new ways and tools to realize the economic interests, creating startups, assessing existing ones and developing new financial resources saving opportunities, means to save time and other economic resources, etc.
Changes and developments of the economic actor occur even when he is given the impetus to form the economic interests at a psycho-emotional level, which leads to the formation of economic interests and decision-making and worsen his economic results, leads to the emergence of cognitive contradictions and attitudes, as well as casual deviations. In this situation, the actor is also seeking a way out of his economic and social situation, analyzing the possibilities of addressing the situation to his advantage by developing new schemes of economic activity and behavior, establishing new ties and relations with further adjusting the inefficient economic behavior forming the new economic interests on this basis.
The process of economic interests formation, thereby, provides that the actor creates his new essence - an economic entity, which is formed by himself; the actor develops and regulates his own economic behavior, becomes implanted and adapted to the economic environment with the norms and rules inherent in it, with the psycho-emotional provocations about deviation from rationally pragmatic aspirations, institutional traps, etc. The actor thereby predetermines the ontogeny of his new functional capabilities, lays the foundations for the formation of new communications, the implementation of innovative interactions, the formation of higher-level economic knowledge, the economic worldview that meets modern economic trends, etc.
Accordingly, the formation directly determines the existence of economic interest, its movement, ontogenesis and further implementation. The latter, in turn, create new forms and new formations of economic interests through accumulation of experience, learning, creating economic relations and relationships with actors, they give the impetus to self-development, self-improvement and self-reproduction of the economic essence in the actor.
The main purpose and objective function of economic interests is their implementation, without which the meaning of their formation is lost. The realization of economic interests is a process of realizing economic aspirations in specific economic and / or social results. Realization means the transition of economic interests to essential action, giving them a form of real things, their materialization. Implementation provides the possibility to realize the goals and targets defined by the actor; thus, the economic / social effect is achieved (receiving wages, profits, rents, dividends, saving costs, social status and position, etc.), which allows to meet the actor's needs.
It means that this process takes place if actors have economic interests, goals, guidelines and attitudes, which are realized consciously and intentionally, and it is based on the choice of the mechanism for their implementation (directions, forms, means, methods) and is implanted through the formation of connections, relations and the conduct of active actions.
Thus, the realization of economic interests occurs on the basis of socio-economic interactions of the actor due to his/her economic behavior and the corresponding back reactions of other actors. The implementation of economic interests means:
- satisfaction of the needs of the actor himself through the economic and social benefits received and at the same time the indirect embodiment of the interests of the actors-contractors with whom he enters into economic interactions (for example, the consumer and the producer) or with whom he has cross-over (the enterprise and its employees) and common interests (associations enterprises, social groups);
- formation of new needs and new economic interests for the actor on the basis of the effective implementation (in case of positive economic / social effect and satisfaction of needs), of new needs and new economic interests, their expansion and deepening, as well as the simultaneous formation of appropriate economic aspirations in other actors, hence, the recurrence of economic interests in their new capacity;
- simultaneous realization of public economic interests (part of the actor's income will be used to create public goods and meet the economic interests of other actors because of the GDP distribution)
- the emergence of economic relations (social, organizational, techno-economic relations), the growth of social production, the realization of factors of production, improvement of the quality of people's life and the like.
Consequently, the realization of economic interests is a complex process based on a conscious interaction of actors with other economic units in order to gain the economic / social outcome; each of those participants (direct and / or indirect) has the goal to satisfy one's own needs, as well as unconscious promotion to implement the economic interests of the counterparties and to embody the public economic interests.
Accordingly, in the process of formation, the economic interests of the actor have the form of a conscious abstraction, a certain set of possible (potential) thing, and in the process of realization such things turn into reality. In this perspective, when applying the interdisciplinary approach and the quantum mechanics principle of superposition, one can consider the process of economic interests formation as a situation when the economic interests are characterized by a set of potential opportunities [275]. These opportunities mean the availability of various potentials in the directions, ways, forms, instruments suitable for realization of the economic interests in order to meet the needs and resources that can be used to satisfy them.
And accordingly, the actor as a detector destroys the specified superposition of possible alternatives in the process of economic choice, and replaces it with one - embodied and realized, thereby rejecting the potential of all other alternatives [275, p. 124].
In its turn, the embodied opportunity contains new energy in itself and a new spectrum of potential possibilities; thus, the choice of one of which again translates the possibility into action, signifies a new solution to the contradictions and the formation of a new quality of interest through "catastrophes" and "races". The repeatability, infinity, "inexhaustibility" and irreversibility of these processes are evident. The potential thing due to destruction becomes real one, and the real thing again creates a potential one. This principle reveals the reproducibility of economic interests.
1. Beloborodova, T., Chernetsova, N. (2009) Vzaimosvyaz ekonomicheskih interesov i sotsialno- ekonomicheskih institutov [The relationship of economic interests and socio-economic institutions]. Ekonomicheskie nauki, no11(60): 63-67
2. Melnik, S., Gorban, I., Tsup, M. (2014) Sutnist i klasifikatsiya natsionalnih ekonomichnih interesiv [Essence and classification of national economic interests], Naukoviy visnik Lvivskogo derzhavnogo universitetu vnutrishnih sprav. seriya ekonomichna, Vip. 1: 57-66.
3. Rasskazova, N.V. (2013) Ustoychivoe razvitie sotsialno-ekonomicheskoy sistemyi v kontekste teorii interesov [Sustainable development of socio-economic system in the context of the theory of interests], Filosofiya hozyaystva, no 5: 149-158
4. Chernetsova, N. Ekonomicheskaya priroda i evolyutsiya sistemyi ekonomicheskih interesov [The economic nature and evolution of the system of economic interests]: diss. ... d-ra ekon. nauk: 08.00.01, M., 2003, 411 p.
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