The study on the manufacturing period of national economy in the Ukrainian academy of sciences (20-30th of XX century

Determining the current state of study of the problem, determining the prospects for research in this direction. Development of a network of institutions for studying the national economy of Ukraine in the structure of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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The study on the manufacturing period of national economy in the Ukrainian academy of sciences (20-30th of XX century

Vira Gamaliia

PhD hab. (History), Head of Department of Philosophy and History of Science and Technique, State University of Infrastructure and Technology, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,

Дослідження мануфактурного періоду вітчизняної економіки в українській академії наук (20-30-і рр. ХХ ст.)

Віра Гамалія

доктор історичних наук, завідувач кафедри філософії та історії науки і техніки, Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, вул. Кирилівська, 9, м. Київ, Україна,


Мета роботи - на основі аналізу наявних друкованих та рукописних розробок з історії мануфактурного періоду економіки України визначити стан вивчення проблеми на сьогоднішній момент та означити перспективи подальших досліджень в цьому напрямі. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на принципі історизму, системності, достовірності, об 'єктивності. Використано такі методи, як проблемно-хронологічний, історико- генетичний, аналітико-синтетичний. Наукова новизна. Вперше на основі зіставлення матеріалів літературних джерел і архівних даних представлено комплекс досліджень мануфактурного періоду в контексті економічного розвитку України, проведених співро - бітниками Української академії наук у 20-30-х рр. ХХ ст. Висновки. Показано розбудову мережі установ для вивчення народного господарства України в структурі Української академії наук. Показано всебічне вивчення співробітниками академії економіки України від XVII до початку XIXст., що знайшло відображення у значній кількості створених ними книг та статей. Підкреслено, що відверте проголошення владою у 1928 р. курсу на боротьбу з «внутрішнім ворогом» відчутно загальмувало плин академічної науки, призвівши до знищення низки праць з історії економіки, виданих або підготовлених до видання. Підкреслено оригінальність розвідок Олександра Оглоблина та Наталії Полонської-Василенко в галузі історії порцеляново-фаянсових мануфактур означеного періоду. Відзначено дослідження особливостей економіки України означеного періоду вітчизняними вченими, що працювали, почи - наючи з 60-х рр. ХХ ст. до початку третього тисячоліття. В процесі майбутньої реконструкції знань у межах початкового періоду становлення народного господарства України рекомендовано звернути увагу на доцільність подальшої розробки історії Києво-Межигірської мануфактури як установи, детальний аналіз технологічних прийомів та продукції якої матиме значення для осмислення взаємозв 'язків між мистецтвом і наукою, для пізнання історії не тільки господарства, а й культури і мистецтва нашої держави. Першим кроком у цьому напрямі може стати публікація книги «Нарис історії Києво-Межигірської мануфактури», підготовленої Н. Полонською-Василенко, що зберігається в архіві Інституту рукопису Національної бібліотеки імені В. Вернад- ського і становить одне з яскравих надбань, залишених нам у спадок нашими попередниками.

Ключові слова: економіка України; мануфактурне виробництво; Українська академія наук; архівний розшук.


The purpose of the research is to determine the state of studying the problem at the moment and to indicate the prospects for further research in this direction on the basis of analysis of existing printed and hand-written developments on the history of the manufacturing period of the Ukrainian economy. The research methodology is based on the principle of historicism, consistency, reliability, objectivity. The problem-chronological, historical-genetic, analytical-synthetic methods are used in this article. The scientific novelty. A complex of studies of the manufactory period in the context of Ukraine 's economic development conducted by the staff of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the 20's and 30's of the 20th century on the basis of comparison of materials of literary sources and archival data are presented for the first time. Conclusions. The development of a network of institutions for studying the national economy of Ukraine in the structure of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences is shown. The comprehensive study by the members of the Ukrainian Academy in the field of Economics from the 17 th to the beginning of the 19 th century was shown. It was reflected in a large number of books and articles created by them. It was emphasized that the explicit proclamation by the authorities in 1928 of the course to combat against «internal enemy» significantly slowed down the process of academic science, leading to the destruction of a number of works on the history of economics, published or prepared for publication. The originality of Oleksandr Ohloblyn 's and Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko 's research in the history of porcelain and faience manufactories of this period is underlined. The research of features of the Ukrainian economy of the given period by the domestic scientists who have been working since the 1960's and to the beginning of the 3-rd millennium is noticed. It is recommended to pay attention to the expediency offurther development of the history of the Kyiv-Mezhyhirs 'ka manufactory in the process of future reconstruction of knowledge within the initial period of formation of the national economy of Ukraine as an institution. A detailed analysis of technological techniques and products of this establishment will be important for understanding the interrelationships between art and science, for learning history of not only economics, but also of the culture and art of our state. The first step in this direction may be the publication of the book «Essay on the History of the Kyiv-Mezhyhirs 'ka Manufactory», prepared by N. Polonska-Vasylenko. It is stored in the archive of the Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and is one of the brightest achievements left to us as heritage by our predecessors. national economy ukraine

Keywords: Economics of Ukraine; manufactory production; Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; archival search.

Problem statement

Studies on the history of Ukrainian industry are of particular importance now in connection with the necessity to build effective ways for its further progressive development. In this sense, the reference to the works of the researchers of the 20-30's of the 20th century, devoted to the consideration of significant transformations of the Ukrainian economy during the XVII-XVIПП centuries, can be considered as a useful source for obtaining important information from the experience of the past.

The analysis of sources and recent researches

The first work on economic history of Ukraine is the monograph of Sergiy Podo- linskiy. In this work he noted that in the XVIII century in Ukraine there were already factories which in the nineteenth century replaced plants and factories (Podolynskyi, 1880). In January 1895, Yulian Bachinskyi's book «Ukraine irredenta» was published, in which he substantiated the necessity of Ukraine's political independence, which is a prerequisite for «not only its economic and cultural development, but its very existence as a nation» (Bachynskyi, 1924). According to Y. Bachinskyi, the issue of Ukraine's independence was on the agenda in the process of developing of its productive forces. He states that handicraft and the old-fashioned manufactory came to a decline, conceding «fast pace in front of our eyes» to the factory industry. Three years later one of the most famous works in the history of economics in pre-revolutionary Russia was published, which contained an analysis of the development of capitalism in the country, from the establishment of the factory from the serf manufactory in the XVII century to the machine industry of the 1890's (Tugan -Baranovskiy, 1898). For this work, its author M.I. Tugan-Baranovskyi received the title of Doctor of Political Economy. According to Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, till 1917 the history of political events taking place in Ukraine was mainly investigated, while «the development of economic phenomena, their influences and significance in the history of Ukrainian life were hardly touched. And therefore they are worthy of special attention».

The purpose of the publication: reconstruction of the knowledge accumulation process on the economic history of Ukraine, starting with a detailed studying of the manufacturing period, initiated in the walls of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and the definition of the prospects for further researches in this direction.

Statement of the basic material

According to one of the founders of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, academician V. Vernadsky, «The state's weight of the Academy is shaped by the influence which it will have on increasing of the productive forces of the country ... Due to the extensive research work it is necessary to quickly increase the weight of Ukraine's natural wealth ... and at the same time to find the measures necessary to increase the productivity of the work of its people through econometric studies». The development of these issues was to be held at the III Division of the Academy, the Department of Social Sciences, whose organizer, Academician M. Tugan-Baranovskyi, worked hard on its structure. The first subdivision, the Legal, had to focus on the study of law, while the second, Economic - on the study of material life. It was about this wrote M. Vasylenko, noting: «The third department, the Department of Social Sciences, on it's structure, in many respects, is a completely new form of academic institutions. Social sciences in St. Petersburg's other Academies are submitted only by single departments and only by Academie des Sciences Morales et Physicus in Paris and, perhaps, partly British Academy in London are approaching to some order in the way of the future Ukrainian Academy. The greatest news of its structure is the class of economic sciences, both the number of the cathedral, and their character. Together with the widespread development of purely scientific questions, his statement also acquired the tasks of applied nature, which are closely connected with the questions of the economic life of Ukraine ... in connection with the general conditions of world life».

The composition of the Socio-Economic Department provided for two subdivisions: the branch of economics and law sciences. In the economic subdivision, it was decided to establish two institutions: the Institute for studying economic conditions, which would become a kind of economic observatory, registering and analyzing changes in the state of affairs with the aim of their scientific synthesis and predic - tion of their course in the near future, and the Demographic Institute. The first one was founded on the idea of the deceased Academician

M. Tugan-Baranovskyi, and he became his first chairman. In May 1919, after his premature death, Academician K. Voblyi was elected as Director of the Institute. In view of economic-political circumstances of that time learning the economic conjuncture was out of the question, that is why the Institute all its work aimed to learning of Ukrainian national economy (it's history and current situation), and accordingly it was called the Institute for learning of economic conditions and national economy («Zahalnyi spysok ustanov», n.d.). In 1922, an order from the center was issued to reduce the state; it was necessary to reduce the number of employees of the Academy of Sciences from 606 employees to 149. Instead of 40 full-time posts, the III Division had now only 7, and in connection with such sharp reduction of states, the Institute stopped its activity.

Academician K. Voblyi also led the Seminar for studying the national economy of Ukraine, created on October 12, 1925, which was transformed into a Commission for studying the national economy under his own chairmanship in 1927. The task of the Commission was to study: 1) the creative and productive forces of the national economy of Ukraine; 2) the opportunities, forms and weight of Ukraine's participation in the global economy; 3) conditions, process and consequences of Ukraine's transition from the old to the new system;

4) perspective plans of individual branches of the economy of Ukraine and their agreement with each other; 5) to work out a bibliography on the economy of Ukraine (Zvidomlennia Ukrainskoi Akademii Nauk, 1928).

In 1929, during the Historical department of All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the Commission for the Socio-Economic History of Ukraine with two employees (staffed from 1930) was established: headed by Professor O. Ohloblyn and Senior Researcher and Acting Scientific Secretary N. Polonska-Vasylenko. Freelance members were also involved in the work of the Commission. The main tasks of the Commission were researches: 1) the history of industry and the working class in Ukraine; 2) the colonial policy of Poland and Russia in the era of feudalism; 3) the bourgeoisie in Ukraine in the era of imperialism.

At the meetings of the commission and the seminar, the staff of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences delivered reports on various problems of the economy: «Concerning the question of the method in the study of economic phenomena» (Orzhentsky, 1921); «Assumptions about our future economic opportunities and prospects» (Vasiliev, 1922); «From the history of the Shosten gunpowder plant to the half of the nineteenth century» (Verkhovets, 1923); «Cloth factory of Kiev «Order of the Public Prizreniia» (Tishchenko, 1926); «Industry in the Podillya at the end of the 18th century» (Karachkivskyi, 1927); «On the history of porcelain production in Chernigiv region» (Smolichev, 1928); «Potash industry as an element of economic evolution» (Yaro- shevich, 1929); «Ways of Textile and Industrial Development in Ukraine» (Shrag, 1930). Quite often such performances were as material for print works, among which were: the monographs by K. Vobliy (Voblyy, 1928), M. Slabchenko (1922), V. Dubrovskii (Dubrovskyi, 1930), I. Jidjori (Dzhydzhora, 1930), articles by V. Barvinskyi (1926, p. 18-29),

M. Tkachenko (1931, pp. 33-35), V. Danilevskyi (Danylevskyi, 1927, pp. 239-247) and a handwritten note by K. Voblyi (Voblyy, 1920).

However, the most detailed history of the Ukrainian factory was described in the works of O. Ohloblyn. For this purpose he planned six volumes: the first one - from the history of the Ukrainian manufactory of the XVIII century; the second is the Ukrainian serf factory from of the end of XVIII to the first half of the XIX century; the third is the non-serf factory of the first half of the nineteenth century; the fourth volume was intended to represent the internal organization of the Ukrainian factory of the first half of the nineteenth century; the fifth and sixth are related to the history of the Ukrainian capitalist factory until 1917 inclusively (Vynar, 1977, pp. 64-92). As D. Bahalii said, Ohloblyn was the first who set himself the task of writing a wide source sketch of the history of the Ukrainian factory on the basis of scattered sources. In the 20's and early 30's h e worked on archives of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrivs'k, Zhytomyr, Moscow, Leningrad and others. A little explored factory archival funds of the Kyiv- Mezhihors'ka Faience Factory, the Bakhmut and Torsky Salt Plants, the Shosten Powder Factory, materials from the archives of the Kyiv Magistrate and the Antonovych Kyiv Central Historical Archives where investigated by Ohloblyn.

The first of the planned volumes, submitted to the publishing house in 1922, came out in 1925 (Ogloblin, 1925a). The third, published in the same 1925, was presented by Ohloblyn as a doctoral dissertation (Ogloblin, 1925b). In this paper he set and substantiated the thesis of the economic independence of historical Ukraine. After public defense in Odessa in summer of 1926 he was the first national historian who was awarded with the degree of Doctor of History of Ukrainian Culture. However, this degree was not recognized by Higher Attestation Commission in Moscow, and only in the beginning of 1941 O. Ohloblyn was awarded a Doctor of Historical Sciences degree (without defense of the dissertation) on the basis of published and handwritten works. The second volume, submitted for printing in 1924, came out only in 1931 (Ohloblyn, 1931) and was destroyed. It prevented further work Ohloblyn above 4, 5 and 6 volumes. And only in 40 years the first three volumes from the history of the Ukrainian factory were published in Volume 12 of the Harvard series of Ukrainian studies (Ohloblyn, 1971).

The hard destiny touched a number of other works of O. Oh- loblyn. As wrote about those times the famous Ukrainian historian O.I. Gurzhiy, they «were affected by all those complicated, and sometimes tragic events of that time, when the Marxist-Leninist methodology began to displace other forms of knowledge of social processes and comprise all branches of science» (Hurzhii, 1994, pp. 283-287). This is illustrated eloquently by «Conclusions and proposals of the commission of the NKO of the Ukrainian SSR on the examination of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences from February 15, 1928»: «Created under the conditions of the hetman regime, the VUAN starting from it's establishment has become and remains a shelter and center of consolidation, on the one hand of bankrupt social groups of the Ukrainian bourgeois-nationalist intelligentsia (first of all SRs), on the other hand - the cadet-monarchist circles, the Russian and reactionary circles of the former university professorship» (TsDAHO Ukrainy, f. 1, op. 147, ark. 176-194). Among the employees of VUAN, who had experienced the consequences of new trends, was O. Ohloblyn. At the end of 1930 he was arrested, and after his release in 1931, a three- day «dispute» took place, in which the «class-hostile character» of his historical works was proved. Following this, O. Ohloblyn was forbidden to perform professorship for some years, and some of his works,

already published, did not see the world, among them: The Manufactory in Right-bank Ukraine for the last quarter of the XVIII century // Notes of the Historical and Philological Department of VUAN, Pr. XXVI-XXVII. (This book of «Notes» was destroyed); Essays on the history of capitalism in Ukraine. Issue I. Kharkiv - Kyiv. State Publishing House of Ukraine. Proletarian. 174 p. (published but did not reach the readers because they were distributed by «closed order»); History of metallurgy of the Right-bank Polissya of the XVI-XVIII centuries (destroyed in 1937). According to Lubomyr Vinar, a number of works by O. Ohloblyn still remain in the manuscript: Left-bank Ukrainian-style manufactory of the XVIII century (Historical sketch), 1931; the industry of the Right-bank Polissia of the XVI-XX centuries. (Historical essays of enterprises of iron ore, glass (gutnits'ka), faience, porcelain, paper, cloth and copper foundry industry, examined by Polissia expedition in 1932), 1933. Glass industry of the Right-bank Ukraine of XVI-XX centuries (Historical and economic essay), 1934; Porcelain and faience industry of the Right-bank Ukraine of the XVIII-XX centuries (Historical and economic essay), 1934 (Vynar, 1995, pp. 19-47).

Among the relatively small works of O. Ohloblyn from the history of the Ukrainian factory, preserved to this day, the article about the Kyiv-Mezhihirs'ka faience manufactory is of considerable interest (Ohloblyn, 1926, pp. 332-342). Production of faience, he notes, first started on the Right Bank in the last quarter of the XVIII century. The first was a factory in Chudniv (1783), which belonged to Prot Pototskiy. In the same 80s, Prince Czartoryskyi's large faience and porcelain factory appeared in Cork, which was almost destroyed by the fire in 1797. Its successor who continued the tradition of the right- bank manufactory became the Kyiv-Mezhyhirs'ka factory founded in 1798 near Kyiv in the picturesque area of Mizhhir'ia. It was given a manor house of the former Mezhyhirs'kyi Spaso-Preobrazhenskiy monastery with all buildings and gardens and granted the right to use wood from the monastery forest and clay from Petrivka Mountain.

Kyiv-Mezhyhirs'ka factory, which became the first small-scale faience production plant in Ukraine, was originally under the control of the Kyiv magistracy, which was hoping for profits. However, the first steps of the factory were slow and not very capable: its breeders did not show the necessary clearness and entrepreneurial abilities. Great damage was caused by the fire in 1810, but already in 1814, mezhihirs'ki products were presented for sale in St. Petersburg, where they caused considerable interest, but were not competitive with foreign products. At that time, British dishes, imported to Russia in a lot quantity through Odessa, were in great demand.

In 1822 the factory with all its property was transferred to the imperial office, and during the 1820's and 30's of the nineteenth century it represented a state-owned enterprise (a type rather rare in Ukraine) with a clerical organization of labor, clerical peasants and a government organization (Tugan-Baranovskiy, 1898). The state-owned organization of production did not improve the situation of the factory. The production technique was obsolete, and although a steam engine was introduced and number of manual work was changed by mechanical one, masters from abroad were engaged, this did not help. The epoch of the serf labor organization has already gone away. In 1873, the economic crisis began, and it complicated the situation. Mezhihirs'ka faience factory did not withstand competition with foreign products, which thanking to the network of railways in the 60's and 70's occupied the Ukrainian market, and in 1874 was closed. In the same year, the monastery was restored, and the buildings of the faience factory, located on its territory, went to the administration of diocesan authorities.

The study of the history of the Kyiv-Mezhyhirs'ka factory was one of the main directions of N. Polonska-Vasylenko's work. In her opinion, Mezhyhirs'ka and Volokityns'ka factories, which worked not only on the owners but also on the market, had the greatest signi - ficance among the porcelain-faience plants in Ukraine (Vasylenko- Polonska, 1976). The Porcelain Factory in the Volokityno village of Glukhiv district in Chernigov region was founded in 1836 by A. Mik- lashevsky, and in 1839 its products were first exhibited at the St. Petersburg exhibition. The range of production was quite broad: «from jewelry to very large articles». The factory produced fireplaces, dressing tables, washbasins, watch cases, coat-of-arms doors, chandeliers, mirrors frames, whole porcelain windowsills with painted gloves and scarves, literary portraits and figurines (NBUV NAN Ukrainy, IR, f. 42, № 14, 108 ark. (104+2). [Arkhiv Polonskoi-Vasylenko]. Mezhy- hiria (Kyievo-Mezhyhirska faiansova manufaktura)).

N. Polonska-Vasylenko noted that the history of the Mezhihirs'ka manufactory is almost unclear. Only a small article by E. Kuzmin (1911, pp. 255-270) and two articles of Ohloblyn were devoted to it.

On the basis of rich archival materials, Polons'ka-Vasylenko created a monograph «The work of the Kyiv-Mezhihirs'ka manufactory» which is not published. But in Kyiv, the Institute of Manuscripts retains a part of this work, which is essentially an independent work called «Kyiv-Mezhihirs'ka Faience Manufactory» (NBUV NAN Ukrainy, IR, f. 42, № 14, 108 ark. (104+2). [Arkhiv Polonskoi-Vasylenko]. Me- zhyhiria (Kyievo-Mezhyhirska faiansova manufaktura)). This is confirmed by its contents, compiled by the author:

1. An overview of the history of Kyiv-Mezhihirs'ka faience manufactory 1-50.

2. Production technique 51-71.

3. Products of Kyiv-Mezhihirs'ka manufactory 72-95.

4. The stamps of Kyiv-Mezhihirs'ka manufactory 96-99.

Appendix No 1. List of chief masters 100.

Appendix No 2. List of masters and assistant masters 101-102.

List of drawings of Mezhigirska products 103-104.

N. Polonska-Vasylenko according to O. Ohloblyn regrets about tragic fate of Ukrainian science and Ukrainian culture. At the same time she emphasizes the importance of products of Mezhyhirs'ka manufactory as monuments of national art. «Mezhyhirs'ka faience factory», she notes, «was during the first half of the nineteenth century the largest and best enterprise in the field of faience production not only of Ukraine, but even in the total Russia, and reflecting on its products various enthusiasm and trends in art, was in the same time is closely linked to local folk art» (NBUV NAN Ukrainy, IR, f. 42, № 14, 108 ark. (104+2). [Arkhiv Polonskoi-Vasylenko]. Mezhyhiria (Kyievo- Mezhyhirska faiansova manufaktura)). The age of the factory is quite significant, it existed for 75 years. Other similar institutions have lived 10, 20 years and left a noticeable trace in the history of art and industry. Not as expensive as porcelain, products of Mezhyhirs'ka factory have been preserved. Nevertheless, it would be worthwhile to find them in the museum funds of Ukraine and consider in the context of the combination of common cultural and regional artistic traditions.


Modern researchers have not ignored the manufacturing period of the Ukrainian economy. In the early 60's of the twentieth century, the role of manufactures in the development of native industry is highlighted in the monographs P. Fedorenko (1960) and I. Gurzhiy (Hurzhii, 1962). In the 70's O. Ponomariov addressed this topic, devoting to it a monograph (Ponomarov, 1971) and a doctoral dissertation (Ponomarev, 1971). And at the beginning of the XXI century a very thorough article by M. Zasypko came out, in which the main aspects of the transition from the craft trade to factory production in the territory of Ukraine (Zasypko, 2013, pp. 154-158) were revealed. However, in all the above-mentioned works, the character of the technology and features of the porcelain-faience factory is mentioned only in passing.


1. Bachynskyi, Yu. (1924). Ukraina irredenta [Ukraine the unbound] (3 ed.).

2. Berlin: Vyd-vo ukrainskoi molodi [in Ukrainian].

3. Barvinskyi, V. (1926). Zamitky do istorii manufaktury v Livoberezhnii Ukraini XVIII st. [Notes to the history of the manufactory in the Left- bank Ukraine of the XVIII century]. Naukovyi zbirnyk Kharkivskoi naukovo-doslidnoi kafedry istorii ukrainskoi kultury - Scientific collection of the Kharkiv Research Department of the History of Ukrainian Culture, 2-3, 18-29. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].

4. Danylevskyi, V.V. (1927). Fabrychno-zavodska promyslovist [Factory industry]. Poltavshchyna - Poltava region, 2, 239-247. Poltava [in Ukrainian].

5. Dubrovskyi, V.V. (1930). Persha fabryka na Ukraini: Slobidska Hlushkivska manufaktura (1719-1917) [The first factory in Ukraine: Slobidska Hushkovs'ka manufactory (1719-1917)]. Kharkiv: Derzhvydav Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].

6. Dzhydzhora, I. (1930). Ukraina v pershii polovyni XVIII stolittia. Rozvidky i zamitky [Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century. Intelligence and Notes]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

7. Fedorenko, P.K. (1960). Rudni Levoberezhnoy Ukrainy v XVII-XVIII vv. [Ore of the Left Bank of Ukraine in the XVII-XVIII centuries]. Moscow: Izd-vo AN SSSR [in Russian].

8. Hrushevskyi, M.S. (1917). Studii z ekonomichnoi istorii Ukrainy: ekonomichnyi i sotsialnyi perelom XV-XVII vv. : hospodarstvo poliskoho mahnata na Zadniprovii [Studios on economic history of Ukraine: economic and social breakthrough of the XV-XVII centuries: economy of the Polish magnate in the Zadernoprovye]. Kyiv: Druk. Tsentr. Rady [in Ukrainian]. Hurzhii, O.I. (1994). Pisliamova [Epilogue]. In D.I. Bahalii, Narys istorii Ukrainy: doba naturalnoho hospodarstva - Essay on the history of Ukraine: the era of subsistence farming (pp. 283-287). Kyiv: Chas [in Ukrainian].

9. Hurzhii, I. (1962). Rozvytok tovarnoho vyrobnytstva i torhivli na Ukraini z kintsia XVIII stolittia do 1861 roku [Development of commodity production and trade in Ukraine from the end of the XVIII century to 1861]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo AN URSR [in Ukrainian].

10. Kuzmin, E.M. (1911). Mezhigorskiy fayans [Mezhygorsky faience]. Iskusstvo, zhivopis, grafika, khudozhestvennaya pechat - Art, painting, graphics, art print, 6-7, 255-270 [in Russian].

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