Bulgarian economy as a producer of intermediate goods for the European Union

Research of the Bulgarian economy as a producer and supplier of semi-finished products for the countries of the European Union. Using the input-output model and, in particular, symmetric input-output tables provided by the Worldwide Input-Output Database.

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Bulgarian economy as a producer of intermediate goods for the European Union

Sabrina Kalinkova

Економіка Болгарії як виробник напівфабрикатів для Європейського Союзу

Сабріна Калінкова

Актуальність теми дослідження. В умовах глобалізації економічний розвиток країни багато в чому залежить від її відносин з рештою країн світу. При використанні в дослідженнях економічних показників, включаючи показник «зовнішньоторговельний баланс», особливого значення набуває їх правильне тлумачення. economy bulgaria cost output

Постановка проблеми. Дослідницький інтерес повинен бути зосереджений не лише на обсязі експорту та імпорту в грошовому виразі, а й на його структурі. Це питання того, які саме товари та послуги болгарська економіка експортує (та, відповідно, імпортує), а також куди саме болгарська економіка здійснює експорт (звідки надходить імпорт).

Постановка завдання, мети дослідження. Це дослідження має на меті представити економіку Болгарії в її ролі виробника та постачальника напівфабрикатів для країн Європейського Союзу.

Метод або методологія проведення дослідження. Дослідження базується на використанні моделі «витрати-випуск» та, зокрема, симетричних таблиць витрат-випуску, наданих Світовою базою даних «витрати-випуск».

Викладення основного матеріалу (результати роботи). У цій роботі представлено результати дослідження обсягу та структури експорту болгарської економіки як виробника та постачальника напівфабрикатів до країн Європейського Союзу. В цьому аспекті проаналізовано взаємодію болгарської економіки з такими країнами: Австрія, Бельгія, Німеччина, Данія, Іспанія, Франція, Великобританія, Греція, Італія, Нідерланди, Польща та Румунія. Деякі країни-члени Європейського Союзу не підлягали дослідженню з причини відсутності взаємодії між ними та болгарською економікою, заснованої на забезпеченні напівфабрикатами.

Висновки відповідно до статті. Дослідження представляє лише один аспект зовнішньоекономічних відносин, що мають місце між Болгарією та Європейським Союзом. Здебільшого відносини між економікою Болгарії та іншими економіками Європейського Союзу базуються головним чином на галузях, пов'язаних з постачанням ресурсів. Послуги та продукція з остаточним ступенем готовності надаються болгарською економікою у значно меншій мірі.

Ключові слова: болгарська економіка, Європейський Союз, напівфабрикати, експорт, імпорт, галузі економіки.


Сабрина Калмыкова

Актуальность темы исследования. В условиях глобализации экономическое развитие страны во многом зависит от ее отношений с остальными странами мира. При использовании в исследованиях экономических показателей, включая показатель «внешнеторговый баланс», особое значение приобретает их правильное толкование.

Постановка проблемы. Исследовательский интерес должен быть сосредоточен не только на объеме экспорта и импорта в денежном выражении, но и на его структуре. Это вопрос того, какие именно товары и услуги болгарская экономика экспортирует (и, соответственно, импортирует), а также, куда именно болгарская экономика осуществляет экспорт (откуда поступает импорт).

Постановка задачи, цели исследования. Данное исследование имеет целью представить экономику Болгарии в ее роли производителя и поставщика полуфабрикатов для стран Европейского Союза.

Метод или методология проведения исследования. Исследование базируется на использовании модели «затраты-выпуск» и, в частности, симметричных таблиц затрат-выпуска, предоставленных Всемирной базой данных «затраты-выпуск».

Изложение основного материала (результаты работы). В данной работе представлены результаты исследования объема и структуры экспорта болгарской экономики как производителя и поставщика полуфабрикатов в страны Европейского Союза. В этом аспекте проанализировано взаимодействие болгарской экономики со следующими странами: Австрия, Бельгия, Германия, Дания, Испания, Франция, Великобритания, Гоеция, Италия, Нидерланды, Польша и Румыния. Некоторые страны-члены Европейского Союза не подлежали исследованию по причине отсутствия взаимодействия между ними и болгарской экономикой, основанного на обеспечении полуфабрикатами.

Выводы в соответствии со статьей. Исследование представляет лишь один аспект внешнеэкономических отношений, имеющих место между Болгарией и Европейским Союзом. В основном отношения между экономикой Болгарии и другими экономиками ЕС базируются главным образом на отраслях, связанных с поставкой ресурсов. Услуги и продукция с окончательной степенью готовности предоставляются болгарской экономикой в значительно меньшей степени.

Ключевые слова: болгарская экономика, Европейский Союз, полуфабрикаты, экспорт, импорт, отрасли экономики.

Relevance of research topic. In conditions of globalization, the economic development of a country depends a lot on its relations with the rest of the world. When using economic indicators, including the «foreign trade balance» one, their correct interpretation is of particular importance.

Formulation of the problem. The research interest should be focused not only on the volume of exports and imports in monetary terms, but also on its structure. It is a question of what production (goods and services) the Bulgarian economy exports (respectively imports), as well as where it exports (from where the Bulgarian economy imports)

Setting the task, the purpose of the study. This report aims to present the Bulgarian economy in its role of producer and supplier of intermediate products for the countries of the European Union.

Method or methodology for conducting research. The study is based on the use of the input-output model and in particular the symmetric input-output tables provided by the World Input-Output Database.

Presentation of the main material (results of work). This report presents the results of the study of volume and structure of exports of the Bulgarian economy as a producer and supplier of intermediate goods, directed to the countries of the European Union. The interactions with the following countries were analyzed: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Romania. Some of the member states of the European Union are not included. The reason for this is the lack of interactions between them and the Bulgarian economy, based on the provision of intermediate products.

Conclusions according to the article. The study presents only one aspect of the foreign economic relations that take place between Bulgaria and the European Union. For the most part, the relations between Bulgaria and the other economies in the European Union are based mainly on industries related to the supply of resources. Services and products with a final degree of readiness are provided to a much lesser extent.

Key words: Bulgarian economy, European Union, intermediate products, export, import, sectors of the economy.


In today's global world, it is not possible to talk about the economic development of a country isolated from its relations with the rest of the world. In economic theory, one of the main measures / indicators for these relationships is the foreign trade balance, presented by logic:

Sdo = Export -- Import


Sdo - the foreign trade balance;

Export - the export volume of output generated by a national economy, expressed in monetary terms;

Import - the volume of imports of goods to a national economy, expressed in monetary terms.

When using economic indicators, their correct interpretation is of particular importance. This also applies in full force to the «foreign trade balance» indicator. The correct approach to its use requires interpretation and analysis not only to obtain a numerical result, but also an in-depth analysis of the content of the phenomena behind this result. In other words, the research interest should be focused not only on the volume of exports (respectively imports) in monetary terms, but also on its structure. It is a question of what production (goods and services) the Bulgarian economy exports (respectively imports), as well as where it exports (from where the Bulgarian economy imports).

This report presents the results of the study of one of the just presented aspects - volume and structure of exports of the Bulgarian economy, directed to the countries of the European Union.

Starting positions

The analysis of the Bulgarian economy as a producer and supplier of intermediate goods for the European Union is carried out through the well-known input-output model [1 -4] 1. Each vector row of the first quadrant of the symmetric input-output table provides information on the volume of output created by a given economic sector in Bulgaria, which as an intermediate product is delivered to the sectors of the national economies of the European Union.

The main starting points to be indicated before presenting the results of the study are:

- The information used for the symmetric input-output tables is provided by World Input - Output Database [5-6] The model is also known as the Leontief system (of its creator Vasily Leontiev), as well as the Balance of intersectoral relations. http://www.wiod.org/, visited on: 25 February 2021 г.

More information on the construction of the WIOTs can be found in the following paper [6].

- The data in the WIOTs are expressed in millions of dollars;

- The Bulgarian economy is represented by 56 economic sectors Due to the large volume, the names of the industries are not presented separately. For more information see [7]. The last year with available information summarizes the data for the period 2014-2016 due to non-fulfillment of the obligation of the states to provide detailed information for power supply of the model.;

- The present study analyzes the links available as of 20164. It should be noted here that the model itself presupposes the publication of information with a lag over a period of 3 years, and the validity of the data is 5 years.

- The object of analysis are those significant connections that are characterized by a volume of over $ 1 million. The inter-branch relations between the branches of the Bulgarian economy remain outside the scope of the research.


Bulgaria and Austria

The Bulgarian economy interacts with the Austrian as a supplier of products mainly in same industries. For example, industry „Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» interacts with industry „Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» ($2,35 million) and „Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products»($6,96 million); industry „Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products» delivers products to industries: „Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products» ($2,38 million) and „Accommodation and food service activities» ($1,85 million).

The main interactions between the two economies are based on industries related to services. And it is primary the transport services presented by the different types of transport - air, water, land. The most significant connections are built through the «Land transport and transport via pipelines» industry, which interacts significantly with 24 of the sectors of the Austrian economy, supplying products worth $129 million Industry «Water transport» delivers products for $36 million to the industries of Austrian economy and «Warehousing and support activities for transportation» for $30 million.

Bulgaria and Belgium

Similar to Bulgaria's relations with the other member states of the European Union, there are connections (based on provided intermediate products) between almost all sectors of the two economies. Several, however, are the more significant relationships. First, the «Manufacture of basic metals» sector provides production to 12 sectors of the Belgian economy worth a total of $ 487 million. Secondly, the «Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning» supply industry interacts with 30 sectors of the Belgian economy, supplying them with intermediate products worth $ 237 million. Third, the «Air transport» industry interacts with 15 sectors of the Belgian economy through intermediate products worth $ 107 million. The «Land transport and transport via pipelines» industry provides intermediate production to 26 industries worth $ 93 million.

The most significant connections between Bulgaria and Czech Republic are presented in Table 1.

The connections between the economies of Bulgaria and Germany are significant. In five of the branches of the Bulgarian economy there is an export of intermediate products worth over $100 million. Industry «Manufacture of rubber and plastic products» supplies products for 17 sectors of the German economy, worth $127 million. «Manufacture of basic metals» industry interacts with 14 industries through the supply of intermediate products worth $333 million. The «Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment» industry produces products, worth $101 million for 14 sectors of the German economy. «Manufacture of electrical equipment» supplies products to 12 sectors of the German economy worth $175 million. «Manufacture of machinery and equipment» industry interacts with 9 sectors of the German economy, worth $113 million.

The relations between Bulgaria and Denmark in terms of intermediate products supplied by the Bulgarian economy, presented in Table 2, can be defined as weak.

Table 1: Volume of intermediate goods produced by the Bulgarian economy (vector-row) and delivered to Czech economy (vector-column) (mil. $)

Czech Republic


Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

Manufacture of basic metals

Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

Manufacture of electrical equipment

Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply


Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Land transport and transport via pipelines

Warehousing and support activities for transportation

Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding

Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security

Real estate activities

Manufacture of basic metals






Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment






Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply





Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security







Source: http://www.wiod.org/

Table 2: Volume of intermediate goods produced by the Bulgarian economy (vector-row) and delivered to Denmark economy (vector-column) (mil. $)

Manufacture of basic metals

Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.


Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Land transport and transport via pipelines

Water transport

Air transport

Manufacture of basic metals




Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.





Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles


Land transport and transport via pipelines



Warehousing and support activities for transportation




Source: http://www.wiod.org/

Bulgaria and Spain

The relations between Bulgaria and Spain can be defined with low levels of significance, based on the intermediate products provided by the Bulgarian economy. The most intensive is the connection between the «Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» sector of the Bulgarian economy, which supplies intermediate products, worth $ 170 million for 6 sectors of the Spanish economy, in particular «Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products».

The connection between Bulgaria and France is represented by three significant interactions in the supply of Bulgarian products to French industries. First of all, it is the «Manufacture of electrical equipment» industry, which, through links with 26 French industries, provides products, worth $124 million. Second, the «Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» industry produces products, worth $76 million for 3 sectors of the French economy. Third, the «Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.» industry interacts with 12 industries through intermediate production, worth $53 million.

The relations between Bulgaria and Great Britain, based on the intermediate products provided by the Bulgarian economy, are not characterized by special significance, as is the case in the other countries. It is noteworthy that the largest volume of intermediate products was provided by the sector «Administrative and support service activities» - $65 million.

Strong foreign trade relations are present in the study of the relations between Bulgaria and Greece. The «Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» sector of the Bulgarian economy supplies intermediate products to the Greek economy, worth $155 million. The «Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products» industry provides products, worth $98 million. And the «Manufacture of basic metals» and «Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products» industries, respectively are worth $72 million and $68 million.

The most significant connection between Bulgaria and Italy stands out through the «Manufacture of basic metals» industry, which supplies intermediate products to the Italian economy, worth $472 million. Production, worth $110 million, provides the «Manufacture of electrical equipment» industry, and the «Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» industry supplies intermediate products, worth $91 million.

There are two more significant connections between the economies of Bulgaria and the Netherlands. These links are based on the intermediate products that the sectors of the Bulgarian economy «Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» and «Manufacture of electrical equipment» supply to the sectors of the economy of the Netherlands. In the first case, there is interaction with 9 industries, worth $106 million. And in the second - with 17 industries to which products, worth $66 million were delivered.

Bulgaria and Poland build foreign economic relations based on the supply of products from Bulgaria to Poland, but these relations cannot be characterized as strong. This is evident from their value expression. The «Manufacture of basic metals» sector of the Bulgarian economy exports $76 million worth of products to the Polish economy. The «Manufacture of rubber and plastic products» sector provides intermediate products for the Polish economy worth $26 million. With exported production to the Polish economy, worth $19 million the sectors «Land transport and transport via pipelines» and «Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» are characterized.

Last but not least are the links between the sectors of the national economy of Bulgaria and those of Romania. The territorial proximity of the two countries is a prerequisite for the implementation of intensified trade, respectively relations based on the provision of intermediate products to the Romanian economy. Three connections can be identified as the most significant. First, the «Manufacture of basic metals» industry supplies $278 million worth of products for the branches of the Romanian economic system. Second, intermediate production worth $182 million is provided by the «Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities» sector. Third, the «Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products» industry produces $115 million worth of products.

As can be seen from the presented statement, some of the member states of the European Union are not included. The reason for this is the lack of interactions between them and the Bulgarian economy, based on the provision of intermediate products. These countries are: Croatia, Hungary, Cyprus, Estonia, Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden.

Another conclusion that can be made on the basis of the study is that for the most part the relations between Bulgaria and the other economies in the European Union are based mainly on industries related to the supply of resources. Services and products with a final degree of readiness are provided to a much lesser extent.


1. Mateev, E., Balance of the national economy, pub. Science and Art, 1966.

2. Manov, V., Forecasting and planning the development and functioning of economic systems, IM Economy, Sofia, 2001

3. Manov, V., Design of appropriate (from economic, social and environmental points of view) competitive development of economic systems, UNWE, Sofia, 2018.

4. Eurostat Manual of Supply, Use andInput-Outputtables,available on:

https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3859598/5902113/KS-RA-07-013-EN.PDF/b0b3d71e-3930-4442-94be- 70b36cea9b39, visited on: 25 February 2021

5. http://www.wiod.org/, visited on: 25 February 2021 г.

6. E. Dietzenbacher, B. Los, R. Stehrer, M.P. Timmer and G.J. de Vries (2013), ««The Construction of World Input-Output Tables in the WIOD Project», Economic Systems Research, 25, 71-98.

7. Timmer, M. P., Dietzenbacher, E., Los, B., Stehrer, R. and de Vries, G. J. (2015), ««An Illustrated User Guide to the World Input-Output Database: the Case of Global Automotive Production», Review of International Economics., 23: 575-605.

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