Training Economics Students for Innovative Activities

Determining the conditions for ensuring the readiness of students of an economic profile to participate in innovative projects. Analysis of the principles of innovative economy, reflexive activity approach to the organization of the educational process.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 01.04.2022
Размер файла 40,1 K

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Obviously, the research is preliminary, and it needs significant expansion of empirical basis, and improvements in research methodology, like combining a survey aimed at educational environment and an analysis of corporate practices of implementing innovative projects. At the same time, developed elements of the level model of innovative activity training and proposed competence features of economics' students (in terms of their readiness for innovations) can serve as a basis for the development and implementation of a pilot program of level training and the corresponding changes of academic curricula in Russian universities.

The presented theoretical level model of students' readiness for innovative activities, adapted to the higher education peculiarities, provides grounds for planning new educational courses and building a multi-level developing education system. Professional tasks, that should be performed by economists and managers in innovative projects, allow us to choose companies, industries, types of business, where students focused on innovative activity should have practical training and internships.


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