Training of future veterinarians for professional communication by means of interactive technologies

The analysis of the experience of using interactive technologies in the process of training future veterinarians for professional communication. The interactive learning is determined, the organization and basic methods of work under the conditions.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 22.05.2022
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Training of future veterinarians for professional communication by means of interactive technologies

O.A. Stukalo, Senior teacher

Dnipro State University of Agriculture and Economics, Dnipro, Ukraine

The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of using interactive technologies in the process of training future veterinarians for professional communication. The essence of interactive learning is determined, the organization and basic methods of work under the conditions of active, passive and interactive forms of learning are characterized. The peculiarity of interactive learning is fundamentally important and necessary in the context of teaching students professional communication. The effectiveness of the interactive technologies use in the professional training of future veterinarians is proved. This learning technology creates conditions for the development of independence character, forms and develops creative abilities and communicative competencies.

Keywords: interactive technologies, student, professional communication, educational process, method.

Підготовка майбутніх ветеринарів до професійного спілкування засобами інтерактивних технологій

старший викладач, Стукало О. А.

Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет, Дніпро, Україна.

Статтю присвячено аналізу досвіду використання інтерактивних технологій у процесі підготовки майбутніх ветеринарів до професійного спілкування. Визначено сутність інтерактивного навчання, охарактеризовано організацію та основні методи роботи за умов активних, пасивних та інтерактивних форм навчання. Особливість інтерактивного навчання є принципово важливою та необхідною в контексті навчання студентів професійного спілкування. Доведено ефективність використання інтерактивних технологій у фаховій підготовці майбутнього ветеринара. Така технологія навчання створює умови для розвитку самостійності, формує та розвиває творчі здібності та комунікативні компетенції.

Ключові слова: інтерактивні технології, студент, професійне спілкування, навчальний процес, метод.

Подготовка будущих ветеринаров к профессиональному общению средствами интерактивных технологий

старший преподаватель, Стукало Е.А.

Днепровский государственный аграрноэкономический университет, Днепр, Украина.

Статья посвящена анализу опыта использования интерактивных технологий в процессе подготовки будущих ветеринаров к профессиональному общению. Определена сущность интерактивного обучения, охарактеризованы организация и основные методы работы в условиях активных, пассивных и интерактивных форм обучения. Особенность интерактивного обучения является принципиально важной и необходимой в контексте обучения студентов профессиональному общению. Доказана эффективность использования интерактивных технологий в профессиональной подготовке будущего ветеринара. Такая технология обучения создает условия для развития самостоятельности, формирует и развивает творческие способности и коммуникативные компетенции.

Ключевые слова: интерактивные технологии, студент, профессиональное общение, учебный процесс, метод.


Nowadays the problem of rethinking the technology of the educational process in higher education is due to the need to involve students in an active cognitive process, the application of knowledge in practice, cooperation in solving various problems, formulation and argumentation of their own opinions. The need to renew education has led to the emergence and spread of a large number of approaches to the organization of the educational process, methods and technologies of teaching and education. In particular, interactive learning technologies have recently become very popular, and modern specialists of agriculture should be ready to use them.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

Among the large number of pedagogical innovations, many scientists and teachers recognize the benefits of working in interactive learning, which is considered one of the most promising ways to improve the training of future professionals, which draws attention to the research of S. Kashlev [3], I. Pidlasyi [4], O .Pometun [5] and others.

Numerous works show that this problem has been comprehensively studied in the domestic pedagogical science. However, the use of interactive technologies in the training of future veterinarians needs to be generalized.

The aim of the article is to consider some methods of interactive learning that should be used in the preparation of future veterinarians for professional communication.

Presentation of the main research material

training veterinarians professional interactive

In the process of professional training of future specialists, teachers use different models of innovative technologies for teaching students. Scientists distinguish between models of passive, active and interactive learning depending on the participation of students in educational and cognitive activities.

Under the use of the model of passive learning, the student plays the role of an object that must learn and reproduce the material provided by the teacher, the textbook or other source of knowledge. For example, during the academic lecture-monologue, the teacher's explanation of new material, the use of demonstration methods, students mostly play the role of listener and observer, and therefore - only a repeater of the learned material.

Under the conditions of the teacher's use of the model of active learning, the use of methods that stimulate cognitive activity and independence of students is envisaged. A student often performs creative tasks, enters into a dialogue with the teacher, and so on. The main methods of work in terms of active forms of learning: independent work, problem and creative tasks, questions from student to teacher and vice versa.

The model of interactive learning is widely used in higher education and is considered by scientists as one of the modern and productive innovative pedagogical technologies. The concept of “interactive learning” is based on the term “interactive” - capable of interaction, dialogue.

Interactive learning technologies in the training of specialists in various fields have attracted the attention of many scientists. Thus, O. Pometun notes that since 1975, thanks to the German researcher G. Fritz, the term “interactive pedagogy” began to be used, which identified the change and improvement of behavior patterns of its participants as the main goal of the interactive process [5]. Interest in interactive learning technologies is due to the fact that “interactive approaches today are the most effective, because they put the seeker of knowledge in an active position of their independent development” [4, p.225]. Modern researchers often turn to the design of interactive innovations in the educational process and the use of interaction in the training of future professionals to enhance learning and more.

Interactive learning is a special form of organization of cognitive activity, which has a specific, predictable goal - to create comfortable learning conditions in which each student feels his success, intellectual ability [5].

The essence of interactive learning is that the educational process of professional training of future veterinarians is organized on the basis of constant, active interaction of all participants in the educational process. It is co-learning, mutual learning (collective, group, collaborative learning), where the student and the teacher are equal. Interactive learning effectively contributes to the formation of values, skills and abilities, creating an atmosphere of cooperation, interaction in the student body [5]. Training is aimed not only at the acquisition of ready-made scientific and practical knowledge, but at the possibility of producing new knowledge, developing creativity, flexibility of thinking, modeling new ways of working, which is especially important in the professional activities of future veterinarians.

Interactive technologies involve the organization of cooperative learning, when individual tasks grow into groups, and each student makes a unique contribution to the joint efforts of the group, the efforts of each member of the group are necessary and indispensable for the success of the whole group. The use of interactive technologies in the educational process of universities to train future veterinarians involves avoiding stereotypes of thinking, developing the basics of non-standard thinking of students, imagination and communication skills, intellectual, emotional, motivational and other areas.

The existing system of professional training of future veterinarians in higher education institution, which is mostly based on traditional education, is able to give the future specialist a fairly deep theoretical knowledge. However, to transform professional knowledge into practical skills and abilities, the primary culture of professional activity, to promote the development of not only theoretical but also practical thinking, to gain experience of interpersonal and group interaction, individual decision-making is possible with the use of interactive technologies.

Interactive learning technologies refer to pedagogical technologies built on the basis of humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations, activation of students' activity and efficiency of organization and management of the learning process. The problem of interactive learning is actively studied in theoretical and methodological aspects. According to the definition of the pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary of B. Bim-Bad, interactive learning is based on the interaction of the learner with the learning environment, which is a sphere of assimilated experience [2, p.107].

In A. Adamova's research, interactivity is considered as a direct dialogue, and interactive learning as one that is based on communication. Forms of learning are modified from translation (transmitting) to dialogue, based on mutual understanding and interaction [1, p.9].

P. Shevchuk and P. Fenryh define the features that characterize interactive methods: 1) implementation is possible only through the joint activities of teachers and students; 2) forced activation of the student's thinking (forced activity), the student must be active regardless of his desire; 3) ensuring the constant involvement of students in the learning process, as their activity must be sufficiently stable and long-lasting; 4) independent decision-making, increased motivation and emotionality of students; 5) constant interaction of the teacher and those who study in the process of dialogic and polylogical forms of organization of the educational process; 6) identification of reflexive self-organization of the teacher and students in the joint educational activity “learning - learning” [7].

According to O. Pometun, the effectiveness of any technology depends on the chosen method of interaction, the form of communication of participants in the learning process. In the existing education system, the main form of communication is monologue. The teacher transfers the knowledge to the students in a monologue form, and then the acquired knowledge is reflected in the form of monologue answers. The communication of the participants of the educational process is concentrated around the teacher. Thus, in practice the model of one-way communication is realized [5, p. 29].

The use of interactive technologies implies that the lesson is based on a technological approach, as it necessarily has a planned result, is a set of interactive methods, techniques, teaching aids specific to a particular situation; consists of a set of learning models developed by the teacher on the basis of interactive learning.

The structure of the interactive lesson consists of the following elements: motivation - focusing students' attention on the problem of the lesson, stimulating interest in the topic under discussion; announcements, presentation of the topic and expected training results - ensuring students' understanding of the content of their activities; providing students with brief information in the shortest possible time to perform practical tasks through interactive interaction; interactive exercises - the central part of the lesson, which involves the use of the teacher some interactive technologies, which are selected depending on the expected results; summarizing, evaluating the results - the process, the reverse of the briefing, reflection. Its task is to clarify the content of the study; correlate real results with expected ones; analyze why it happened this way and not otherwise; draw conclusions; consolidate or adjust learning; to establish a connection between what is already known and what will need to be learned, to learn in the future; to make a plan of further actions [6, p. 358-359].

Since the organization of interactive learning is based on conceptual approaches to communication first in the educational environment, and later - in professional situations, all interactive methods can be grouped into certain categories that are in a harmonious relationship, namely:

1) information that promotes the exchange of spiritual and professional values of future veterinarians in the process of dialogical interaction of students;

2) cognitive, which are designed to acquire and systematize new knowledge, creative improvement of students' professional skills and abilities in the conditions of higher education;

3) motivational, which encourage future workers of agriculture to active personal growth in professional activities;

4) regulatory, through which each student determines his own position on the activities of the group, the role functions of individual participants and himself, due to which certain rules of dialogic interaction of future veterinarians are realized, determined, accepted or denied.

Therefore, in the context of interactive learning, a student with developed confidentiality shows reasonable optimism about their potential success in the future, confident in their professional competence, free and open to professional communicative positions, ready to work hard, set realistic professional goals, accept praise and do not react painfully to criticism, ready to take some responsibility for professional problems, show respect for the personality of others, willingly put forward new ideas and plans and more. Thus, the use of interactive methods initiates in students the process of considering the possible correction of certain qualities or forms of behavior that hinder the development of a positive nature of the future veterinarian.


The use of individual, pair, group and collective interactions provides an opportunity to prepare the future veterinarian for different forms of professional activity, to feel the difference and to master the peculiarities of communication in pairs, large and small groups.

Implementation of interactive technologies in the process of training future veterinarians provides maximum approximation of educational activities to the conditions of the profession and the development of research qualities of the future specialist, mechanisms of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, critical and creative thinking. The use of interactive technologies in the training of future veterinarians provides an opportunity to decide communicative and cognitive tasks by means of professional communication. Thus, interactive methods of learning professional communication will help to solve problems of communicative, cognitive and educational nature: develop communication skills, establish emotional contact with interlocutors and teach students to work in a team, take into account the opinions and statements of others and more.


1. Адамова, А.М. (2007). Інтерактивні форми роботи на уроках української мови та літератури. Вивчаємо українську мову та літературу, 33, 8-10.

2. Бим-Бад, Б.М. (2002). Педагогический энциклопедический словарь. Москва, 528.

3. Кашлев, С.С. (2005). Технология интерактивного обучения. Минск, Белорусский верасень, 196.

4. Підласий, І.П. (2004). Практична педагогіка або три технології. Інтерактивний підручник для педагогів ринкової системи освіти. Київ: Видавничий Дім «Слово», 616.

5. Пометун, О.І. (2007). Енциклопедія інтерактивного навчання. Київ, 144.

6. Руденко, В. М. (2010) Формування професійно-комунікативної компетентності майбутнії філологів засобами інтерактивних технологій. Дис. канд. пед. наук. Черкаси, 288.

7. Шевчук, П. Фенрих, П. Інтерактивні методи навчання. Щецін, WSAP, 170.


1. Adamova, A.M. (2007). Interaktyvni formy roboty na urokakh ukrainskoi movy ta literatury [Interactive forms of work in lessons of Ukrainian language and literature]. Vyvchaiemo ukrainsku movu ta literaturu, 33, 8-10 [In Ukrainian].

2. Bim-Bad, B.M. (2002). Pedagogicheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar [Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary]. Moskow, 528 [In Russian].

3. Kashlev, S.S. (2005). Tehnologiya interaktivnogo obucheniya [Interactive learning technology]. Minsk, Belorusskiy verasen, 196 [In Russian].

4. Pidlasyi, I.P. (2004). Praktychna pedahohika abo try tekhnolohii. Interaktyvnyi pidruchnyk dlia pedahohiv rynkovoi systemy osvity [Practical pedagogy or three technologies. An interactive textbook for teachers of the market education system]. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 616 [In Ukrainian].

5. Pometun, O.I. (2007). Entsyklopediia interaktyvnoho navchannia [Encyclopedia of interactive learning]. Kyiv, 144 [In Ukrainian].

6. Rudenko, V. M. (2010) Formuvannia profesiino-komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti maibutnii filolohiv zasobamy interaktyvnykh tekhnolohii [Formation of professional and communicative competence of future philologists by means of interactive technologies]. Dys. kand. ped. Nauk. Cherkasy, 288 [In Ukrainian].

7. Shevchuk, P. Fenrykh, P. Interaktyvni metody navchannia [Interactive teaching methods]. Szczecin, WSAP, 170 [In Ukrainian].

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