Formation of production growth points on the basis of mineral-raw material resources as a factor of improvement of the territorial structure of the industry of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
The role of mineral resources in the world economy. Formation of supporting points of production growth based on mineral and raw material resources of Karakalpakstan for 2020-2030. Distribution of mineral-raw material resources by zones of the republic.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.07.2022 |
Размер файла | 69,5 K |
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Urgench State University
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
National University of Uzbekistan
Formation of production growth points on the basis of mineral-raw material resources as a factor of improvement of the territorial structure of the industry of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
B. Ruzmetov, D.Sc. (Economics), Professor
U. Yeshimbetov, PhD (Economics), Senior lecturer
K. Jabbarov, PhD (Economics), Associate professor
The use of mineral resources plays an important role in the global economy. “As noted in the British newspaper “Financial Times”, this sector ranks 1st in the world in terms of capitalization of the largest companies, including mining itself (excluding oil and gas) - 5th place among global industries after the banking sector, oil and gas industry, pharmaceutical and computer industries"(Kondratyev, 2014). In the developed and rapidly developing countries of the world, industrial growth is achieved through the effective use of the local potential of natural resources, improvement of the structural composition of the industry. According to the World Bank, in 2018 the share of mineral resources in GDP was 0,9 percent in Canada, 3,5 percent in Australia and 2,5 percent in Brazil, while in Uzbekistan the figure was 12,3 percent (Saydaxmedov, 2020). Many large scientific centers around the world are working on changing the methodology for the economic assessment of mineral resources, taking into account the regional economy, new economic geography, changes in the subjects of the institutional economy and the growth of knowledge that has occurred in recent years. Much attention is paid to the use of socio -economic indicators along with technical and economic indicators in assessing the mineral resource base.
Consequently, due to the development of mineral resources, opportunities arise for creating new jobs, increasing the income of the population, introducing innovative ideas and technologies in practice, and creating a competitive environment in the economy.
Therefore, the study of problems in this area in connection with the social sphere and institutions acquires the necessary scientific significance. The article discusses the formation of points of production growth. The main directions of the formation of points of production growth based on mineral-raw material resources are being studied. The distribution of mineral-raw material resources by zones of Karakalpakstan is investigated. In addition, the article talks about the specific features of the formation of reference points of growth. The stages of the formation of growth support points based on the local mineral-raw material resources of Karakalpakstan in 2020-2030 are also considered.
Keywords: Point of Growth, Industry, Mineral-Raw Material Resources, Economy, Structure, Territory, Region, Production.
Формування точок зростання виробництва на основі мінерально-сировиних ресурсів як фактор вдосконалення територіальної структури промисловості Республіки Каракалпакстан
Бахтіяр Рузметов, д.е.н., професор, Ургенцький державний університет
Уктамжон Єшимбетов, д. філос. з економіки, ст. викладач, Нукусський державний педагогічний інститут
Камоліддін Жаббаров, д. філос. з економіки, доцент, Національний університет Узбекистану
Використання мінеральних ресурсів відіграє важливу роль у світовій економіці. «Як зазначає британська газета «Financial Times», цей сектор займає 1-е місце у світі за капіталізацією найбільших компаній, у тому числі й сам видобуток корисних копалин (без урахування нафти і газу) - 5-е місце серед світових галузей після банківського сектору, нафти та газової промисловості, фармацевтичної та комп'ютерної промисловості» (Кондратьев, 2014). У розвинених і країнах світу, Що швидко розвиваються, промислове зростання досягається за рахунок ефективного використання місцевого потенціалу природних ресурсів, удосконалення структурного складу галузі. За даними Світового банку, у 2018 році частка мінеральних ресурсів у ВВП становила 0,9 відсотка в Канаді, 3,5 відсотка в Австралії та 2,5 відсотка в Бразилії, тоді як в Узбекистані цей показник становив 12,3 відсотка (Сайдахмедов, 2020).
Багато великих наукових центрів світу працюють над зміною методології економічної оцінки мінеральних ресурсів з урахуванням регіональної економіки, нової економічної географії, змін у суб'єктах інституційної економіки та зростання знань, Що відбулося останнім часом. Велика увага при оцінці мінерально-сировинної бази приділяється використанню соціально-економічних і техніко-економічних показників. Отже, завдяки розвитку мінерально - сировинних ресурсів з'являються можливості для створення нових робочих місць, збільшення доходів населення, впровадження інноваційних ідей і технологій на практиці, створення конкурентного середовища в економіці. Тому вивчення проблем у цій сфері у зв'язку із соціальною сферою та інститутами набуває необхідного наукового значення.
У статті розглядається формування точок зростання виробництва. Вивчаються основні напрями формування точок зростання виробництва на основі мінерально-сировинних ресурсів. Досліджено розподіл мінерально-сировинних ресурсів по зонах Каракалпакстану. Крім того, в статті йдеться про специфічні особливості формування орієнтирів зростання. Також розглянуто етапи формування опорних пунктів зростання на основі місцевих мінерально-сировинних ресурсів Каракалпакстану на 2020-2030 роки.
Ключові слова: точка зростання, промисловість, мінерально-сировинні ресурси, економіка, структура, територія, регіон, виробництво.
The aim of the research is to develop scientific proposals for improving the structure of the industry of Karakalpakstan based on the effective use of mineral resources. The object of the research is the industrial structure of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
The subject of research is the improvement of the industrial structure of the region through the integrated use of local mineral resources.
Research objectives: assessment of the existing potential of the mineral resource base for the location of industrial enterprises; development of proposals for the formation of territorial mineral resource complexes based on the use of mineral resources; development of recommendations for improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of industry in the Republic of Karakalpakstan based on the use of local mineral resources.
Recently, developing countries of the world are developing faster than developed countries. This is done in countries through the formation of an innovative economy (Mirzayev & Jabbarov, 2017), the development of industrial production, industrial clustering (Vertakova, Gre- chenyuk, & Grechenyuk, 2016) and the development of production points (Reavsky & Isachenko, 2015). In particular, the economic performance of the People's Republic of China is significant in this regard.
China has been the world's largest exporter since 2007 and the world's largest producer of manufactured goods since 2010 (Varnavsky, 2019).
In our opinion, the basis for the rapid development of China's economic development was as follows.
First, the global financial and economic crisis diverted investment flows from developed countries to China and India, which are the engines of economic development. In 2006-2018, among the developed countries in the USA, there was a tendency to increase the volume of capital, and among developing countries in China and India. In particular, in the analyzed period in China, the volume of capital increased by 5,3 times and reached 5,99 trillion US dollars. In India, during this period, the volume of capital increased by 2,3 times. And, according to the results of 2018, it reached 0,85 trillion US dollars. In the United States over this period, growth was 33% and reached 4,32 trillion US dollarsGross capital formation. The World Bank: веб-сайт.. Due to the crisis that took place in 2008, in 2006-2018, the volume of direct investments in the world decreased from 2,20 trillion US dollars to 921,03 billion US dollars or the flow of investments decreased by 58%Foreign direct investment, net outflows. The World Bank: веб-сайт..
Secondly, China has expanded the scope of innovation in the industry for the balanced development of the country's regions and the formation of production points. In the period 20102018, it increased its R&D expenses by 3,36 times and reached 474,81 billion US dollars2018 Global R&D Funding Forecast Snapshot. R&D world online: веб-сайт..
Therefore, the effective use of existing potential in the regions of Uzbekistan is the key to sustainable economic development.
Due to the reduction of water resources in the lower streams of the Amu Darya River and the drying of the Aral Sea, the agriculture of the Republic of Karakalpakstan is experiencing significant difficulties, which makes it a low-effective branch of the region's economy. In addition, such profitable sectors of the economy as fisheries and muskrats disappeared. Under these conditions, for the sustainable development of the economy of the republic, the development of industry, on the basis of the rational use of local mineral raw materials and the improvement of its sectoral and territorial structure, is of great importance.
The growth of industry on a republican scale in recent years has been accompanied by the preservation of significant interregional differentiation. The trend of concentration of industrial potential continues mainly in the Tashkent, Kashkadarya, Andijan, Navoi regions, as well as in the city of Tashkent, which account for more than 60% of the republican total output of the industry. The share of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in the total industrial output produced in Uzbekistan is only 4,6% (2018). In terms of industrial product per capita, the minimum and maximum values among the regions differed in 2018 - 12,6 times. Karakalpakstan occupies a middle position in the production of industrial products per capita.
It should be noted that in the region insufficient attention is paid to the territorial organization of industry. The bulk of the industry (7075%) is concentrated in the Central zone. In addition, the industrial structure of the industry is not improved. The main industries, which account for 78,5% of industrial production, are chemical and petrochemical, food and light.
In this regard, the study aims is to develop methodological and practical recommendations, the implementation of which will ensure the sustainable development of the industry of Karakalpakstan, increase foreign exchange earnings through the production of export-oriented products with high added value, which ultimately will lead to an improvement in the standard of living of the population.
The purpose of the study is the development of scientific proposals and practical recommendations for improving the sectoral and territorial structure of the industry of Kara- kalpakstan based on the use of mineral - raw material resources.
Literature review
Theoretical and methodological problems of the regional economy, territorial organization, development of regional industry and future prospects of quantitative mineral assessment have been extensively studied in the studies of academic economists as A.S. Soliev and S.L. Yanchuk (2005), G. Bertrand, D. Cassard, N. Arvanitidis, G. Stanley and the EuroGeoSurvey Mineral Resources Expert Group (2016), Shi-hong Zhang, Ke-yan Xiao, Jian-ping Chen, Jie Xiang, Ning Cui, Xiao-nan Wang (2019), F. Egamberdiyev, S. Bobokhodjaev, G. Zakhirova, Sh. Olimjanova (2020), N. Muminov, P. Hoshimov, N. Muxitdi-nova, O. Umarov (2020).
The scientific works of M.L.C.M. Henckens, E.C. van Ierland, P.P.J. Driessen, E. Worrell (2016), A. Kaluzaa, K. Lindow, R. Stark (2018), C. Ryngaert (Henckens, Driessen, Ryngaert, & Worrell, 2016), J. Dubinski (2013) and others are devoted directly to the problems of rational use of mineral raw resources and sustainable use of geologically scarce mineral resources.
However, theoretical, methodological and practical problems of improving of the sectoral and territorial structure of the region's industry on the basis of mineral-raw material resources have not been studied as a separate and integral research object. This situation indicates the relevance of scientific, theoretical, methodological and practical problems investigated in the work, as well as developed proposals and recommendations, directions for solving these problems.
Research methodology
The methods of geographical comparison, territorial analysis, economic-statistical analysis, factor analysis, statistical grouping, system-structural analysis, cartographic, balance methods, etc. are widely used in the research processes.
The practical results of the study:
- development trends, changes in the sectoral and territorial structure of industry of the Republic of Karakalpakstan are disclosed;
- the ways of improving the sectoral and territorial structure of industry on the basis of mineral - raw material resources have been identified;
- recommendations were developed on scientifically substantiated priority areas for the development of industry in the region.
The reliability of the research results is determined by the applied theoretical and methodological tools, the use of regulatory documents of analytical materials and static data of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics and the Main Statistical Office of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as the implementation of the developed proposals in practice.
The scientific and practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that they can be applied in the development of integrated socio-economic programs for the development of regions. Implementation of the results in Karakalpakstan will increase the efficiency of industrial production, eliminate imbalances in the development of the industry across the region.
Main results
Structural transformations, taking into account the effective use of the existing natural and economic potential of the regions, are used to carry out these tasks. The territorial aspect should be involved in the implementation of structural transformations of the country's economy. Since the development of the economy of underdeveloped regions, they provide a comprehensive and efficient use of resource and production potential. It is necessary here to optimally allocate productive forces and create systemically favorable production and social infrastructures, attract additional domestic and foreign investments.
In addition, studies show that in the region in 2000-2017, the place of mining in the gross industrial output decreased. For example, if according to the results of 2000, it accounted for 8,2% of industrial production, then by the end of 2017 this indicator amounted to 3,5%. Over the past years, the share of the processing industry, on the contrary, has increased. This process also applies to the Republic of Uzbekistan. This does not mean a decrease in gross output of the mining industry. Priority development of the processing industry compared with the mining industry is a positive process, which indicates the growth in the region of finished goods production (Yeshimbetov, Jabbarov, & Umarov, 2019).
The production potential of Karakalpakstan determines the possibility of generating new “growth points” using new approaches to spatial development and development of mineral-raw material resources. The formation of “growth points” presupposes the formation of centers, zones of industrial development, possessing a “growth impulse effect” and capable of exerting a stimulating effect on the development of neighboring territories. In this case, on the basis of concentration, specialization of production and capital, competitive advantages will be realized in promising projects, mainly of export direction, developing in territorial complexes, clusters (Ruzmetov, 2017).
Conducting a study of the term “growth point”, we see that at present there are several approaches to the definition of this economic category. The center of economic activity can also be called a growth point, which can independently develop to a level where it becomes necessary to spread growth to adjacent territories, and in the future to less developed areas (Leksin, 2009). According to Leshcheva T.O. the “point of economic growth” suggests understanding the economic (business) entity, industry or type of activity that, as a result of activation, is capable of diversifying and rationalizing the structure of the regional economy, stimulating the emergence and development of its new elements, and improving the quality of life of the population (Leshcheva, 2008). Any element of a socio-economic system that has signs of dominance and contributes to the development of the system as a whole can serve as a point of economic growth. This can be either an enterprise or a branch of the economy, or a specific type of activity or a project capable of providing structural changes in the regional economy in the process of self-development, stimulating the involvement of new elements in the process thereby forming growth zones (Reavsky & Isachenko, 2015).
Creation of points of production growth allows to ensure the growth of productivity of industries, create conditions for increasing production and innovation potential, stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives and the development of small business (Fig. 1).
The formation of growth points is based on production, which forms the basis of entrepreneurial initiatives and the development of small business, which form the basis of the promising specialization of the region's industry and have high potential in the implementation of engineering and technology with the subsequent release of products on the world market. Based on this, the assessment of the mineral resources of the territories allowed to determine the prospects for creating industrial growth poles.
We have developed a sequence of phased implementation of the creation of reference points for production growth in 2020-2030 in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (table 1).
Fig. 1. Features of the creation of reference points of production growth in the Republic of Karakalpakstan (Yeshimbetov & Jabbarov, 2018)
mineral raw resources points growth кarakalpakstan
As part of the successful implementation of this direction, it is necessary to take into account the solution of the following tasks:
- the use of low-power and inactive industries due to the modernization and expansion of the previously created production base, as well as providing facilities for production and social infrastructure;
- efficient use of natural resource potential;
- diversification of production based on the deepening of processing production with the final output of finished products;
- the formation of a competitive regional production due to the widespread introduction of modern equipment and technologies, knowhow, etc.;
- attraction of investment resources, including funds of the population and foreign partners for the development of regional production;
Table 1
Stages of the formation of growth reference points based on the local mineral-raw mate rial resources of Karakalpakstan in 2020-2030
Period |
Type of activity |
Activity |
I- phase (2020-2021) |
Organizational |
- study of the domestic and foreign consumer market of local products, identification of the most significant types of products and development of projects for their production; - conducting survey, geological exploration to determine the quality and volume of mineral -raw material resources; - the formation of appropriate production, transport, market, engineering-technical and social infrastructures; - wide involvement of small businesses, public-private partnerships and households based on low-power industries and unprofitable economic facilities in the production process; - acquiring the necessary technological lines for the extraction and processing of mineral-raw material resources; - development of state programs for the development of the region using local mineral-raw material resources. |
II -phase (2021-2025) |
Industrial |
- introduction and expansion of localized production into the production process based on the use of local raw materials; - implementation of promising republican and regional projects with attraction of foreign capital, on the basis of public-private partnership, using the funds of enterprises and the population on the basis of deep processing of local mineral-raw material resources; - introduction of advanced domestic and world achievements in the field of engineering and technology, including nanotechnology and nanoproducts; - ensuring international requirements for the management of production processes in the extraction and processing of raw materials. |
III -phase (2025-2030) |
Innovative |
- introduction of advanced technologies for the production of goods with various functional properties (fireproof, bioactive, etc.), providing increased comfort and attractiveness of products; - the formation of innovative infrastructure based on close cooperation between business, entrepreneurship, universities. - introduction of digital economy tools, monetary-credit systems, blockchain technologies, smart contracts, etc. |
- stimulating the creation of branded products, promoting its promotion both in the consumer market of the region and beyond; creation of an information environment conducive to the development of cooperative ties between industry enterprises (holding a conference of suppliers and other events) and the development of related industries;
- providing technical and advisory assistance on the modernization of production, the selection of projects for simulation and innovative development, the provision of various benefits and preferences to enterprises - exporters;
- development of constructive partnership of domestic manufacturers and developers with global industrial groups.
In this regard, we propose the creation of the following reference points for production growth (RPPG) in the Republic of Karakalpakstan:
I. (RPPG) reference point of production growth in the Kungrad region, the main premises of which are:
- the presence of hydrocarbon raw materials (oil and natural gas) and deposits of mineral salts (reserves are very considerable). The development of deposits of natural gas and mineral salts made it possible to create a complex of enterprises of gas production and chemical industry of republican significance, which significantly raised the level of industrial development of this region;
- provision with production and social infrastructure facilities (the intersection of the transcontinental railway and motorways Nukus-Kungrad-Beineu, the Central Asia-Center gas pipeline, Bukhara-Ural, a unified energy supply system), the availability of production sites that create the possibility of developing small business in cooperation with large enterprises;
- favorable economic and geographical position (EGP) creating conditions for the export of goods (to the Republic of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan);
- powerful production base, the only one in Central Asia, Ustyurt gas-chemical complex, unitary enterprise “Kungrad soda plant” and others.
The main factors of the "growth point" of the region is the expansion of production capacities of existing enterprises and the creation of new industries for the production of fuel, chemical products and building materials. The development of the fuel and chemical industry is advisable in the form of creating a fuel and chemical complex that allows to diversify the range of goods combined into a single industrial and technological chain of competitive products.
In the region, in addition to deposits of natural gas, common and sulfate-magnesian salts, several large deposits of various non-metallic building materials were discovered. In particular, on the basis of deposits of brick raw materials Kungrad I and Kungrad II, it is possible to expand the capacities of the three enterprises operating now. It is also possible to create silicate wall materials, on the basis of the Kyzyltu deposit - window glass, the Kyzylzhar massif - expanded clay. The products of these enterprises, first of all, provide the domestic market. In addition to mineral resources, the importance of the Kungrad region in the development of the economy of the Republic of Kara- kalpakstan in the future is determined by the huge reserves of land resources (15% of the territory of Uzbekistan). Pasture resources can play an important role in the development of livestock in the region.
The center of a reference point for industrial growth is the city of Kungrad, which is well- equipped with social, industrial, transport infrastructure and labor resources.
II. (RPPG) The reference point of production growth in Muynak district is formed on the basis of natural gas production and processing at the subsidiary Ustyurtgaz. In addition, in this area there is the possibility of producing expanded clay based on bentonite clays in the Uchsay deposit, Akkal sulfate salts deposits, which are suitable for organizing the production of sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, sodium chloride, bischofite raw materials for the production of magnesium metal. The region has the opportunity to develop food and light industry for the processing of livestock products, fishing and tourism.
With the development of animal husbandry in the region, it is possible to master the production of meat, milk, wool, and leather through the deep processing of agricultural raw materials. The prospective development of the region is also associated with the introduction of appropriate technologies for the development of artemia processing.
In the future, the development of transport infrastructure, including the construction and commissioning of the Chimbay-Takhtakupyr- Kazakhdarya-Muinak railway, as well as the Chimbay-Kazakhdarya-Muynak highway, the repair of the Kungrad-Muynak highway will provide opportunities for the formation of a complex of mining and processing industry and other related industries. In this regard, the creation of joint ventures with foreign partners is very important.
In the perspective of industrial production growth is the following:
- expansion of petrochemicals through deep processing of local fuel raw materials;
- expansion of production capacities through deep processing of livestock products to meet the growing demand of the population for consumer goods;
- efficient use of inactive production facilities, areas and production facilities for the development of production of building materials;
- the use of energy-saving and water-circulation technologies to reduce the cost of production.
Thus, Muynak can become a point of production growth in the rational use of natural potential, the development of transport infrastructure.
III. Sultanuvais (RPPG) reference point of production growth includes the Karauzyak and Beruni districts of production of pebbles, cement, building stones, building lime, expanded clay, gypsum, reinforced concrete products, and cinder blocks.
The main prerequisites are:
- the presence of reserves of mineral-raw material resources (iron ore, vermiculite, talc stone, feldspar, natural facing stones, rhodonite and larchite, cement, expanded clay raw materials, limestone for lime and building stones);
- transport infrastructure (the Sultanuvaisdag system is located along the Nukus- Tashkent highway and the Nukus-Miskin-Uchkuduk-Tashkent railway line);
- powerful production base (about thirty enterprises of the Karauzyak and Beruni districts operate on the territory of the Sultanuizdag system);
- the availability of labor resources in densely populated areas.
It should be noted that these areas are the only ones for the development and expansion of the production of talc, inert materials and the metallurgical industry.
In the future, ferrous metallurgy may develop in the Karauzyak district on the basis of the titanium-magnetite ores of the Tebinbulak deposit. At the Tebinbulak deposit, simultaneously with the extraction of iron ore, it is simultaneously possible to produce non-metallic building materials. In addition to iron elements, there are reserves of titanium and gold. Also, iron ore reserves have been identified at the Korakul deposit. It contains elements of lead, zinc, copper, silver, and gold. In addition, gold reserves were discovered at the Zhamansay and Urusay deposits.
In Karauzyak district, there is the possibility of creating industrial enterprises for the production of building materials. In particular, limestone deposits of the Jamansay, Severo Jamansay, Aktau deposits, marl deposits of the Borlykala, Karachadalim and Ayaz ridge deposits and the clay component of the Karakul deposit are used for production. Limestone deposits in the Dzhamansay II, Aktau and Kuyanchik deposits are used as raw material for lime production. On the basis of the Khozhdakul and Karakul deposits there is the possibility of producing gypsum and gypsum blocks.
In the adjacent territories of the reference point of Sultanuweis, there is a great opportunity to develop the industry of inert materials. Based on the needs of the Nizhneamudarya economic region for non-metallic materials, it is necessary to increase the production capacity for crushed stone and sand due to the intensive development of the Karatau, Keklitau and the involvement of the Sheikhdzheylsky building stone deposit. There are opportunities for organizing crushing and screening enterprises for the production of crushed stone based on the rocks of the Tebinbulak deposit of titanium- magnetite ores.
In the Beruniy district, it is possible to create a mining industry on the basis of the Zinel- bulak, Kyzylsays and Kazgantau deposits of talc stone. Currently, the company “Beruniy talc” operates on the basis of this deposit. The capacity of the enterprise is about 25 thousand tons per year. To further expand the production of talc stone, it is necessary to develop the developed Zinelbulak field and the untouched Kyzylsaysk and Kazgantau deposits of talc stone.
In the Karauzyak and Beruniy districts, there is the possibility of developing stone mining and stone processing industries. Significant reserves of marble and granite create the conditions for the development of a stone mining and stone processing plant on the basis of the Aktau (Karauzyak district), Kakhralisay and Beruniy (Beruniy district) marble and granodiorite deposits to meet the region's increasing demand and export to other regions of Uzbekistan.
IV. In our opinion, in the distant future, in connection with the development of the Porlytau and Kuskhanatau deposits, the Chimbay region will turn into the second center of the chemical industry and become the next point of industrial growth in Karakalpakstan. On the basis of this field, in addition to the chemical industry, there is the possibility of developing the building materials industry. At the same time, the on -site development of natural resources of the Beltau field in the Takhtakupyr region and the development of modern infrastructure will create the basis for another point of production growth in the region. In addition, the development of livestock and horticultural industries in these areas and the processing of manufactured products will have a huge economic effect. Chimbay district may become a local zone of growth points. But in the future, the construction of the Chimbay-Takhtakupyr-Kazakhdarya-Muynak and Chimbay-Takhtakupyr-Kyzylorda automobile and railway lines will give impetus to the creation of growth points in Karakalpakstan. The commissioning of roads and railways in the above areas, the improvement of energy, water and gas supply, the further development of social infrastructure will seriously affect the status of cities of such urban settlements as Karauzyak, Takhtakupyr, Kazakhdarya, Shege.
1. The formation of these points of production growth serves the effective use of the production potential of the industry of Karakalpakstan, an increase in the share of industry in gross regional product, and an increase in the well-being of the people.
2. The territorial structure of the region is also underdeveloped. Production facilities are mainly concentrated in Kungrad, Khojeyli, Tur- tkul, Amudarya, Beruniy districts and the city of Nukus. In Shumanai, Kanlykul, Karauzyak, Takhtakupyr, Kegeyli and Chimbay districts it is low and industrial potential remains low. As the "points of production growth", the Takhtakupyr, Karauzyak, Kegeyl, Shumanay, Kanlykul, Muynak and Nukus districts should develop. The territorial structure of the extractive industry is disproportionately developed. The enterprises of this industry are located mainly in Muinak, Kungrad, Beruniy, Karauzyak districts and in the city of Nukus. The level of diversification of this industry is also low. In this regard, it is advisable to effectively use mineral-raw material resources in the region, improving the sectoral and territorial structure of their mining on the basis of the processing industry on the basis of establishing intersectoral and inter-territorial ties.
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