Оценка академической мобильности исследователей возможности и ограничения существующих подходов
Рассмотрение подходов к оценке академической мобильности исследователей как к смене ими работодателя в рамках академической среды. Подход к оценке академической мобильности и практическое применение каждого подхода в процессе планирования исследования.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | русский |
Дата добавления | 13.07.2022 |
Размер файла | 57,1 K |
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9. Горелова О. Ю. Межвузовская мобильность преподавателей российских вузов // Вопросы образования. 2016. № 2. C. 229-258. DOI 10.17323/1814-9545-2016-2-229-258.
10. Heitor M., Horta H., Mendonfa J. Developing Human Capital and Research Capacity: Science Policies Promoting Brain Gain // Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2014. Vol. 82, nr 1. P. 6-22. DOI 10.1016/j. techfore.2013.07.008.
11. Yudkevich M., Altbach P., Rumbley L. International Faculty in Higher Education. New York : Routledge, 2017. 310 p. DOI 10.4324/9781315543437.
12. Meyer J. B, Kaplan D., Charum J. Scientific Nomadism and the New Geopolitics of Knowledge // International Social Science Journal. 2001. Vol. 53, iss. 168. P 309-321. DOI 10.1111/1468-2451.00317.
13. Which Factors Influence the International Mobility of Research Scientists? / S. Appelt, B. van Beuzekom,
F. Galindo-Rueda, R. de Pinho // Global Mobility of Research Scientists / A. Geuna (ed.). Academic Press, 2015. P 177-213. DOI 10.1016/b978-0-12-801396-0.00007-7.
14. Does Money Accelerate Faculty Mobility? Survey Findings from 11 Research Universities in China / J. Liu, Z. Yin, W. Lyu, S. Lin // Sustainability (Switzerland). 2019. Vol. 11, nr 24. P 1-15. DOI 10.3390/SU11246925.
15. Marwell G., Rosenfeld R., Spilerman S. Geographic Constraints on Women's Careers in Academia // Science. 1979. Vol. 205. P 1225-1231. DOI 10.1126/science.472739.
16. Leemann R. J. Gender Inequalities in Transnational Academic Mobility and the Ideal Type of Academic
Entrepreneur // Discourse. 2010. Vol. 31, nr 5. P. 605-625. DOI 10.1080/01596306.2010.516942.
17. Ryazanova O., McNamara P. Choices and Consequences: Impact of Mobility on Research-Career Capital and Promotion in Business Schools // Academy of Management Learning and Education. 2019. Vol. 18, nr 2. P. 186-212. DOI 10.5465/amle.2017.0389.
18. Van Heeringen A., Dijkwel P. A. The Relationships Between Age, Mobility and Scientific Productivity. Part II: Effect of Age on Productivity // Scientometrics. 1987. Vol. 11, nr 5. P. 281-293. DOI 10.1007/BF02279350.
19. Fernandez-Zubieta A., Geuna A., Lawson C. Researchers' Mobility and its Impact on Scientific Productivity // SSRN Electronic Journal, University of Turin, Working paper No. 13/2013. 2013. URL: https://papers.ssrn. com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2244760 (дата обращения:
08.05.2020) . DOI 10.2139/ssrn.2244760.
20. Van Noorden R. Global Mobility: Science on the Move // Nature. 2012. Vol. 490, nr. 7420. P. 326-329. DOI 10.1038/490326a.
21. Scientists Have Most Impact When They're Free to Move / C. R. Sugimoto, N. Robinson-Garcia, D. S. Murray [et al.] // Nature. 2017. Vol. 550. P 29-31. DOI 10.1038/550029a.
22. Dutton J. K. The Impact of Inbreeding and Immobility on the Professional Role and Scholarity Performance of Academic Scientists. 1980 // Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). URL: http://eric. ed.gov/?id=ED196714 (дата обращения: 12.04.2020).
23. Hargens L. L. Patterns of Mobility of New Ph.D.'s Among American Academic Institutions // Sociology of Education. 1969. Vol. 42, nr 1. P. 18-37. DOI 10.2307/2111806.
24. Sandstrom U. Combining Curriculum Vitae and Bibliometric Analysis: Mobility, Gender and Research Performance // Research Evaluation. 2009. Vol. 18, nr 2. P. 135-142. DOI 10.3152/095820209X441790.
25. Mahroum S. Global Magnets: Science and Technology Disciplines and Departments in United Kingdom // Minerva. 1999. Vol. 37. P. 379-390. DOI 10.1023/A:1004749905956.
26. Yamashita Y., Yoshinaga D. Influence of Researchers' International Mobilities on Publication: a Comparison of Highly Cited and Uncited Papers // Scientometrics. 2014. Vol. 101, nr 2. P. 1475-1489. DOI 10.1007/s11192-014-1384-6.
27. Laudel G. Studying the Brain Drain: Can Bibliometric Methods Help? // Scientometrics. 2003. Vol. 57, nr 2. P. 215237. DOI 10.1023/A:1024137718393.
28. Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact / P. Deville, D. Wang., R. Sinatra [et al.] // Scientific Reports. 2014. Nr 4. P. 1-7. DOI 10.1038/srep04770.
29. Scientific Mobility Indicators in Practice: International Mobility Profiles at the Country Level / N. Robinson-Garda, C. R. Sugimoto, D. Murray [et al.] // El profesional de la information. 2018. Vol. 27, nr 3. P 511-520. DOI 10.3145/ epi.2018.may.05.
30. Ganguli I. Scientific Brain Drain and Human Capital Formation after the End of the Soviet Union // International Migration. 2014. Vol. 52, nr 5. P. 95-110. DOI 10.1111/imig.12165.
31. Subbotin A., Aref S. Brain Drain and Brain Gain in Russia: Analyzing International Migration of Researchers by Discipline using Scopus Bibliometric Data 19962020. URL: https://www.demogr.mpg.de/papers/working/ wp-2020-025.pdf (дата обращения: 25.12.2020). DOI 10.4054/MPIDR-WP-2020-025.
32. Судакова А. Е. Миграция ученых: цифровой след и наукометрия // Перспективы науки и образования. 2020. № 3 (45). С. 544-557. DOI 10.32744/pse.2020.3.39.
33. Review and Analysis of Publications on Scientific Mobility: Assessment of Influence, Motivation, and Trends / V. N. Gureyev, N. A. Mazov, D. V. Kosyakov, A. E. Guskov // Scientometrics. 2020. Vol. 124. P. 1599-1630. DOI 10.1007/ s11192-020-03515-4.
34. Гуреев В. Н., Мазов Н. А., Гуськов А. Е. Феномен научной мобильности в информетрических исследованиях // Научные и технические библиотеки. 2019. № 10. C. 40-55. DOI 10.33186/1027-3689-2019-10-40-55.
35. Fernandez-Zubieta A., Geuna A., Lawson C. What Do We Know of the Mobility of Research Scientists and Impact on Scientific Production // Global Mobility of Research Scientists : электронный каталог. 2015. P. 1-33. URL: https:// ideas.repec.org/p/uto/labeco/201508.html (дата обращения:
07.02.2020) . DOI 10.1016/b978-0-12-801396-0.00001-6.
36. Passaretta G., Trivellato P., Triventi M. Between Academia and Labour Market - the Occupational Outcomes of PhD Graduates in a Period of Academic Reforms and Economic Crisis // Higher Education. 2019. Vol. 77, nr 3. P. 541-559. DOI 10.1007/s10734-018-0288-4.
37. International Mobility: Findings from a Survey of Researchers in the EU / P. Boring, K. Flanagan, D. Gagliardi, A. Kaloudis // Science and Public Policy. 2015. Vol. 42, nr 6. P. 811-826. DOI 10.1093/scipol/scv006.
38. Baker A. Non-Tenured Post-Doctoral Researchers' Job Mobility and Research Output: An Analysis of the Role of Research Discipline, Department Size, and Coauthors // Research Policy. 2015. Vol. 44, nr 3. P. 634-650. DOI 10.1016/j. respol.2014.12.012.
39. Inbound International Faculty Mobility Programs in Russia: Best Practices. Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. ICL 2017 / A. Bezrukov, J. Ziyatdinova, P. Sanger [et al.] // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2017. Vol. 715. P. 260-265. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_31.
40. Faculty-Exchange Programs Promoting Change: Motivations, Experiences, and Influence of Participants in the Carnegie Mellon University - Portugal Faculty Exchange Program / M. T. Patricio, P. Santos, P. M. Loureiro, H. Horta // Tertiary Education and Management. 2018. Vol. 24, nr 1. P. 1-18. DOI 10.1080/13583883.2017.1305440.
41. Canibano C., Vйrtesy D., Vezzulli A. An Inquiry into the Return Mobility of Scientific Researchers in Europe. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2017. 64 p. DOI 10.2760/54633.
42. Franzoni C., Scellato G., Stephan P. Foreign-Born Scientists: Mobility Patterns for 16 Countries // Nature Biotechnology. 2012. Vol. 30, nr 12. P. 1250-1253. DOI 10.1038/nbt.2449.
43. Stephan P. E., Levin S. G. Exceptional Contributions to US Science by the Foreign-Born and Foreign-Educated // Population Research and Policy Review. 2001. Vol. 20, nr 1/2. P. 59-79. DOI 10.1023/A:1010682017950.
44. The Production of Scientific Papers in China and Japan-China Relationship in Coauthored Papers / S. Ueno, Y. Yamashita, H. Tomizawa, M. Kondo // The Journal of
Science Policy and Research Management. 2006. Vol. 21. P. 70-87. DOI 10.1241/johokanri.48.775.
45. Quantitative Analysis of International Mobility of Robotics Researchers and Characteristics of Domestic Robotics Research / T. Furukawa, N. Shirakawa, K. Okuwada, K. Sasaki // Scientometrics. 2011. Vol. 87. P 451-466. DOI 10.1007/s11192-011-0360-7.
46. Gomez C. J., Herman A. C., Parigi P. Moving More, but Closer: Mapping the Growing Regionalization of Global Scientific Mobility using ORCID // Journal of Informetrics. 2020. Vol. 14, nr 3. P 1-16. DOI 10.1016/j .joi.2020.101044.
47. Yan E., Zhu Y., He J. Analyzing Academic Mobility of US Professors based on ORCID Data and the Carnegie Classification // Quantitative Science Studies. 2020. Vol. 1, nr 4. P 1451-1467. DOI 10.1162/qss_a_00088.
48. RosenfeldR. A. Academic Men and Women's Career Mobility // Social Science Research. 1981. Vol. 10, nr 4. P 337-363. DOI 10.1016/0049-089X(81)90010-7.
49. Yuret T. Tenure and Turnover of Academics in Six Undergraduate Programs in the United States // Scientometrics. 2018. Vol. 116, nr 1. P 101-124. DOI 10.1007/ s 11192-018-2742-6.
50. Honeyman D. S., Summers S. R. Faculty Turnover: An Analysis by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity and Reason. 1994. 11 p. // Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). URL: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED390455 (дата обращения:
29.05.2020) .
51. Lopez-Cozar E. D., Orduna-Malea E., Martin-Martin A. Google Scholar as a Data Source for Research Assessment // Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators / W. Glдnzel, H. F. Moed, U. Schmoch, M. Thelwall (eds). Springer, 2019. P 95-127. DOI 10.31235/osf.io/pqr53.
52. Harzing A. W., Alakangas S. Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science: A Longitudinal and Cross- Disciplinary Comparison // Scientometrics. 2016. Vol. 106, nr 2. P 787-804. DOI 10.1007/s11192-015-1798-9.
53. Conchi S., Michels C. Scientific Mobility: An Analysis of Germany, Austria, France and Great Britain // Econstor : [сайт]. URL: https://ideas.repec.org/pZzbw/fi- sidp/41.html (дата обращения: 02.03.2020).
54. Aman V. Does the Scopus Author ID Suffice to Track Scientific International Mobility? A Case Study based on Leibniz Laureates // Scientometrics. 2018. Vol. 117, nr 2. P 705-720. DOI 10.1007/s11192-018-2895-3.
55. Moed H. F., Halevi G. A Bibliometric Approach to Tracking International Scientific Migration // Scientometrics. 2014. Vol. 101, nr 3. P. 1987-2001. DOI 10.1007/ s11192-014-1307-6.
56. Halevi G., Moed H. F., Bar-Ilan J. Researchers' Mobility, Productivity and Impact: Case of Top Producing Authors in Seven Disciplines // Publishing Research Quarterly. 2016. Vol. 32, nr 1. P 22-37. DOI 10.1007/s12109-015-9437-0.
57. Kosyakov D., Guskov A. Impact of National Science Policy on Academic Migration and Research Productivity in Russia // Procedia Computer Science. 2019. Vol. 146. P 6071. DOI 10.1016/j.procs.2019.01.080.
58. Vaccario G., Verginer L., Schweitzer F. The Mobility Network of Scientists: Analyzing Temporal Correlations in Scientific Careers // Applied Network Science. 2020. Vol. 5, nr 1. P 1-14. DOI 10.1007/s41109-020-00279-x.
59. Jonkers K., Tijssen R. Chinese Researchers Returning Home: Impacts of International Mobility on Research Collaboration and Scientific Productivity // Scientometrics. 2008. Vol. 77, nr 2. P 309-333. DOI 10.1007/ s11192-007-1971-x.
60. Jonkers K., Cruz-Castro L. Research upon Return: The Effect of International Mobility on Scientific Ties, Production and Impact // Research Policy. 2013. Vol. 42, nr 8. P 13661377. DOI 10.1016/j.respol.2013.05.005.
61. Are Mobile Researchers More Productive and Cited than Non-Mobile Researchers? A Large-Scale Study of Norwegian Scientists / D. W. Aksnes, K. Rorstad, F. N. Piro,
G. Sivertsen // Research Evaluation. 2013. Vol. 22, nr 4. P 215-223. DOI 10.1093/reseval/rvt012.
1. Teichler U. Academic Mobility and Migration: What We Know and What We Do Not Know. European Review, 2015, vol. 23, pp. 6-37. doi 10.1017/S1062798714000787. (In Eng.).
2. Ackers L. Moving People and Knowledge: Scientific Mobility in the European Union. International Migration, 2005, vol. 43, nr 5, pp. 99-131. doi 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2005.00343.x. (In Eng.).
3. Bolli T., Schlapfer J. Job Mobility, Peer Effects, and Research Productivity in Economics. Scientometrics, 2015, vol. 104, nr 3, pp. 629-650. doi 10.1007/ s11192-015-1625-3. (In Eng.).
4. Czaika M., Orazbayev S. The Globalisation of Scientific Mobility, 1970-2014. Applied Geography, 2018, vol. 96, pp. 1-10. doi 10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.04.017. (In Eng.).
5. Ejermo O., Fassio C., Kallstrom J. Does Mobility across Universities Raise Scientific Productivity? Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2020, vol. 82, nr 3, pp. 603-624. doi 10.1111/obes.12346. (In Eng.).
6. Greek M., Jonsmoen K. M. Transnational Academic Mobility in Universities: the Impact on a Departmental and an Interpersonal Level. Higher Education, 2021, nr 81, pp. 591606. doi 10.1007/s10734-020-00558-7. (In Eng.).
7. Morano-Foadi S. Scientific Mobility, Career Progression, and Excellence in the European Research Area. International Migration, 2005, vol. 43, nr 5, pp. 133-162. doi 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2005.00344.x. (In Eng.).
8. Horta H., Yudkevich M. The Role of Academic Inbreeding in Developing Higher Education Systems: Challenges and Possible Solutions. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2016, vol. 113, pp. 363-372. doi 10.1016/j. techfore.2015.06.039. (In Eng.).
9. Gorelova O. Mezhvuzovskaya mobil'nost' prepo- davatelei rossiiskikh vuzov [Cross-University Mobility of University Teaching Staff in Russia]. Voprosy obrazovani- ya [Educational Studies], 2016, nr 2, pp. 229-258. doi 10.173 23/1814-9545-2016-2-229-258. (In Russ.).
10. Heitor M., Horta H., Mendonfa J. Developing Human Capital and Research Capacity: Science Policies Promoting Brain Gain. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2014, vol. 82, nr 1, pp. 6-22. doi 10.1016/j. techfore.2013.07.008. (In Eng.).
11. Yudkevich M., Altbach P., Rumbley L. International Faculty in Higher Education, New York, Routledge, 2017, 310 p. doi 10.4324/9781315543437. (In Eng.).
12. Meyer J. B, Kaplan D., Charum J. Scientific Nomadism and the New Geopolitics of Knowledge. International Social Science Journal, 2001, vol. 53, iss. 168, pp. 309-321. doi 10.1111/1468-2451.00317. (In Eng.).
13. Appelt S., Beuzekom B., Galindo-Rueda F., Pinho R. Which Factors Influence the International Mobility of Research Scientists? In: A. Geuna (ed.), Global Mobility of Research Scientists, Academic Press, 2015, pp. 177-213. doi 10.1016/b978-0-12-801396-0.00007-7. (In Eng.).
14. Liu J., Yin Z., Lyu W., Lin S. Does Money Accelerate Faculty Mobility? Survey Findings from 11 Research Universities in China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 2019, vol. 11, nr 24, pp. 1-15. doi 10.3390/SU11246925. (In Eng.).
15. Marwell G., Rosenfeld R., Spilerman S. Geographic Constraints on Women's Careers in Academia. Science, 1979, vol. 205, pp. 1225-1231. doi 10.1126/science.472739. (In Eng.).
16. Leemann R. J. Gender Inequalities in Transnational Academic Mobility and the Ideal Type of Academic Entrepreneur. Discourse, 2010, vol. 31, nr 5, pp. 605-625. doi 10.1080/01596306.2010.516942. (In Eng.).
17. Ryazanova O., McNamara P. Choices and Consequences: Impact of Mobility on Research-Career Capital and Promotion in Business Schools. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2019, vol. 18, nr 2, pp. 186-212. doi 10.5465/amle.2017.0389. (In Eng.).
18. Van Heeringen A., Dijkwel P. A. The Relationships Between Age, Mobility and Scientific Productivity. Part II: Effect of Age on Productivity. Scientometrics, 1987, vol. 11, nr 5, pp. 281-293. doi 10.1007/BF02279350. (In Eng.).
19. Fernandez-Zubieta A., Geuna A., Lawson C. Researchers' Mobility and its Impact on Scientific Productivity. Available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers. cfm?abstract_id=2244760 (accessed 08.05.2020). doi 10.2139/ ssrn.2244760. (In Eng.).
20. Van Noorden R. Global Mobility: Science on the Move. Nature, 2012, vol. 490, nr 7420, pp. 326-329. doi 10.1038/490326a. (In Eng.).
21. Sugimoto C. R., Robinson-Garcia N., Murray D. S. et al. Scientists Have Most Impact When They're Free to Move. Nature, 2017, vol. 550, pp. 29-31. doi 10.1038/550029a. (In Eng.).
22. Dutton J. K. The Impact of Inbreeding and Immobility on the Professional Role and Scholarity Performance of Academic Scientists. Available at: http://eric. ed.gov/?id=ED196714 (accessed 12.04.2020). (In Eng.).
23. Hargens L. L. Patterns of Mobility of New Ph.D.'s Among American Academic Institutions. Sociology of Education, 1969, vol. 42, nr 1, pp. 18-37. doi 10.2307/2111806. (In Eng.).
24. Sandstrom U. Combining Curriculum Vitae and Bibliometric Analysis: Mobility, Gender and Research Performance. Research Evaluation, 2009, vol. 18, nr 2, pp. 135-142. doi 10.3152/095820209X441790. (In Eng.).
25. Mahroum S. Global Magnets: Science and Technology Disciplines and Departments in United Kingdom. Minerva, 1999, vol. 37, pp. 379-390. doi 10.1023/A:1004749905956. (In Eng.).
26. Yamashita Y., Yoshinaga D. Influence of Researchers' International Mobilities on Publication: a Comparison of Highly Cited and Uncited Papers. Scientometrics,
2014, vol. 101, nr 2, pp. 1475-1489. doi 10.1007/s 11192-014-1384-6. (In Eng.).
27. Laudel G. Studying the Brain Drain: Can Bibliometric Methods Help? Scientometrics, 2003, vol. 57, nr 2, pp. 215237. doi 10.1023/A:1024137718393. (In Eng.).
28. Deville P., Wang D., Sinatra R. et al. Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact. Scientific Reports, 2014, nr 4, pp. 1-7. doi 10.1038/ srep04770. (In Eng.).
29. Robinson-Garda N., Sugimoto C. R., Murray D. et al. Scientific Mobility Indicators in Practice: International Mobility Profiles at the Country Level. El profesional de la information, 2018, vol. 27, nr 3, pp. 511-520. doi 10.3145/ epi.2018.may.05. (In Eng.).
30. Ganguli I. Scientific Brain Drain and Human Capital Formation after the End of the Soviet Union. International Migration, 2014, vol. 52, nr 5, pp. 95-110. doi 10.1111/ imig.12165. (In Eng.).
31. Subbotin A., Aref S. Brain Drain and Brain Gain in Russia: Analyzing International Migration of Researchers by Discipline using Scopus Bibliometric Data 1996-2020. Available at: https://www.demogr.mpg.de/papers/work- ing/wp-2020-025.pdf (accessed 25.12.2020). doi 10.4054/ MPIDR-WP-2020-025. (In Eng.).
32. Sudakova A. E. Migratsiya uchenykh: tsifrovoi sled i naukometriya [Migration of scientists: digital trail and sci- enometrics]. Perspectivy nauki i obrazovaniya [Perspectives of Sciences and Education], 2020, nr 3 (45), pp. 544-557. doi 10.32744/pse.2020.3.39. (In Russ.).
33. Gureyev V. N., Mazov N. A., Kosyakov D. V., Guskov A. E. Review and Analysis of Publications on Scientific Mobility: Assessment of Influence, Motivation, and Trends. Scientometrics, 2020, vol. 124, pp. 1599-1630. doi 10.1007/s11192-020-03515-4. (In Eng.).
34. Gureyev V. N., Mazov N. A., Guskov A. E. Fenomen nauchnoi mobil'nosti v informetricheskikh issledovani- yakh [The Phenomenon of Scientific Mobility in Informetric Studies]. Nauchnye i tekhnicheskie biblioteki [Scientific and Technical Libraries], 2019, nr 10, pp. 40-55. doi 10.33186/10 27-3689-2019-10-40-55. (In Russ.).
35. Fernandez-Zubieta A., Geuna A., Lawson C. What Do We Know of the Mobility of Research Scientists and Impact on Scientific Production. Available at: https://ideas.repec. org/p/uto/labeco/201508.html (accessed 07.02.2020). doi 10.1016/b978-0-12-801396-0.00001-6. (In Eng.).
36. Passaretta G., Trivellato P., Triventi M. Between Academia and Labour Market - the Occupational Outcomes of PhD Graduates in a Period of Academic Reforms and Economic Crisis. Higher Education, 2019, vol. 77, nr 3, pp. 541-559. doi 10.1007/s10734-018-0288-4. (In Eng.).
37. Boring P., Flanagan K., Gagliardi D., Kaloudis A. International Mobility: Findings from a Survey of Researchers in the EU. Science and Public Policy,
2015, vol. 42, nr 6, pp. 811-826. doi 10.1093/scipol/ scv006. (In Eng.).
38. Baker A. Non-Tenured Post-Doctoral Researchers' Job Mobility and Research Output: An Analysis of the Role of Research Discipline, Department Size, and Coauthors. Research Policy, 2015, vol. 44, nr 3, pp. 634-650. doi 10.1016/j.respol.2014.12.012. (In Eng.).
39. Bezrukov A., Ziyatdinova J., Sanger P. et al. Inbound International Faculty Mobility Programs in Russia: Best Practices. Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. ICL 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017, vol. 715, pp. 260-265. doi 10.1007/978-3-319-73210-7_31. (In Eng.).
40. Patricio M. T., Santos P., Loureiro P. M., Horta H. Faculty-Exchange Programs Promoting Change: Motivations, Experiences, and Influence of Participants in the Carnegie Mellon University - Portugal Faculty Exchange Program. Tertiary Education and Management, 2018, vol. 24, nr 1, pp. 1-18. doi 10.1080/13583883.2017.1305440. (In Eng.).
41. Canibano C., Vйrtesy D., Vezzulli A. An Inquiry into the Return Mobility of Scientific Researchers in Europe, Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 2017, 64 p. doi 10.2760/54633. (In Eng.).
42. Franzoni C., Scellato G., Stephan P. Foreign-Born Scientists: Mobility Patterns for 16 Countries. Nature Biotechnology, 2012, vol. 30, nr 12, pp. 1250-1253. DOI 10.1038/nbt.2449. (In Eng.).
43. Stephan P. E., Levin S. G. Exceptional Contributions to US Science by the Foreign-Born and Foreign-Educated. Population Research and Policy Review, 2001, vol. 20, nr 1/2, pp. 59-79. doi 10.1023/A:1010682017950. (In Eng.).
44. Ueno S., Yamashita Y., Tomizawa H., Kondo M. The Production of Scientific Papers in China and Japan-China Relationship in Coauthored Papers. The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, 2006, vol. 21, pp. 70-87. doi 10.1241/johokanri.48.775. (In Eng.).
45. Furukawa T., Shirakawa N., Okuwada K., Sasaki K. Quantitative Analysis of International Mobility of Robotics Researchers and Characteristics of Domestic Robotics Research. Scientometrics, 2011, vol. 87, pp. 451-466. doi 10.1007/s11192-011-0360-7. (In Eng.).
46. Gomez C. J., Herman A. C., Parigi P. Moving More, but Closer: Mapping the Growing Regionalization of Global Scientific Mobility using ORCID. Journal of Informetrics, 2020, vol. 14, nr 3, pp. 1-16. doi 10.1016/j.joi.2020.101044. (In Eng.).
47. Yan E., Zhu Y., He J. Analyzing Academic Mobility of US Professors based on ORCID Data and the Carnegie Classification. Quantitative Science Studies, 2020, vol. 1, nr 4, pp. 1451-1467. doi 10.1162/qss_a_00088. (In Eng.).
48. Rosenfeld R. A. Academic Men and Women's Career Mobility. Social Science Research, 1981, vol. 10, nr 4, pp. 337363. doi 10.1016/0049-089X(81)90010-7. (In Eng.).
49. Yuret T. Tenure and Turnover of Academics in Six Undergraduate Programs in the United States. Scientometrics, 2018. vol. 116, nr 1, pp. 101-124. doi 10.1007/s 11192-018-2742-6. (In Eng.).
50. Honeyman D. S., Summers S. R. Faculty Turnover: An Analysis by Rank, Gender, Ethnicity and Reason.
Available at: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED390455 (accessed
29.05.2020) . (In Eng.).
51. Lopez-Cozar E. D., Orduna-Malea E., Martin-Martin A. Google Scholar as a Data Source for Research Assessment. In: W. Glдnzel, H. F. Moed, U. Schmoch, M. Thelwall (eds.), Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators, Springer, 2019, pp. 95-127. doi 10.31235/osf.io/pqr53. (In Eng.).
52. Harzing A. W., Alakangas S. Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science: A Longitudinal and Cross-Disciplinary Comparison. Scientometrics, 2016, vol. 106, nr 2, pp. 787-804. doi 10.1007/s11192-015-1798-9. (In Eng.).
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