Development of business communications in the management of organizations

The role of business communications in ensuring the management of External Relations of organizations. Description of business communications and their basic tasks. Dependence of types of business communications on the type of activity of the business ent

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Development of business communications in the management of organizations

Lyzanets Anzhela, Mesko Kristina

The article examines the role and place of business communications in managing the external relations of organizations. The essence of business communications, their basic tasks, the main areas of application are revealed. The dependence of the applied types of business communications on the type of business entity activity, the, the type of market to which it enters, the target users of products (services), the organization image at the market. The expediency of wider usage of Internet communications in modern conditions of business digitalization is substantiated. The most widely used means of Internet communications have been systematized. The advantages of Internet communications usage to influence the target public groups and increase the efficiency of activities and management of the organization are indicated.

Key words: communications, business communications, Internet communications, means of Internet communications, digitalization of business.


Лизанець А. Г., Мешко К. В.

У статті досліджено роль і місце бізнес-комунікацій у забезпеченні управління зовнішніми зв 'язками організацій. Розкрито сутність бізнес-комунікацій, їх базові завдання, основні сфери прикладного застосування. Визначено залежність застосовуваних різновидів бізнес-комунікацій від виду діяльності суб'єкту господарювання, типу ринку, на який здійснюється вихід, цільових користувачів продукції (послуг), іміджу організації на ринку. Обґрунтовано доцільність ширшого застосування інтернет-комунікацій в сучасних умовах діджиталізації бізнесу. Здійснено систематизацію найбільш застосовуваних засобів інтернет-комунікацій. До найбільш дієвих бізнес-комунікаційних Інтернет-технологій впливу на цільову аудиторію віднесено CRM-системи, SEO-системи пошукової оптимізації, таргетинг, продакт-плейсмент, SMM (соціо-медіа-маркетинг, переважно через мережі Facebook, Instagram), SEM - пошуковий маркетинг, контент-маркетинг, провокаційний маркетинг, вірусний маркетинг та інше.

Вказано на переваги їх застосування для впливу на цільові групи громадськості та підвищення ефективності діяльності і менеджменту організації. business communication management management

Ключові слова: комунікації, бізнес-комунікації, інтернет-комунікації, засоби інтернет-комунікацій, діджиталізація бізнесу.

Constant changes in the environment of organizations, caused by economic, political, technological, natural and other factors, necessitate the wider use of communications to support the processes of life, functioning and development, timely response and adaptation to change. Ways and types of information transfer and exchange become a strategic resource, thanks to which companies get the opportunity to increase their competitiveness and gain competitive advantages.

The work of a number of foreign and domestic authors is devoted to the study of the role and place of communicative processes in the management of enterprises, problems of organization, functioning and improving the efficiency of internal and external communications. A significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of business communications was made by such scientists as Andrusyak OI [1], Lebedenko MS [2], Sokhatska OM, Legky OA [3], Daynovsky YA, Glinenko LK [4], Zelich VV, Soima S.Yu., Krysa VV [5] etc. However, there are still insufficiently developed approaches to improving the information support and strategic direction of business communications in the face of restrictions on direct communication between the subjects of economic relations for objective reasons. Further research into the possibilities of Internet technologies in the implementation of business communications is needed.

Communication management in modern organizations is aimed at achieving effective information exchange both within the organization and between the organization and its external environment. It covers the use of techniques, methods, procedures and technologies that provide effective informational and emotional interaction between different communities and individuals.

Business communication as an activity of the organization is a set of efforts to create, develop and maintain a reputation in the eyes of target groups of society and society as a whole to achieve a level of trust in the subject and achieve goals in its core business [1].

Communicating well-formulated communicative messages of the organization to its target groups forms a favorable basis for activities in the system of economic relations, helps to gain public support to protect the interests and reputation of the subject of economic activity.

The basic tasks of business communications include:

- formation and maintenance of the organization's image;

- study of external factors and influences on organizational activities;

- establishing relations between the business entity and target audiences;

- creating a favorable socio-economic climate for operational and economic activities;

- assistance to the business entity in obtaining relevant and complete information about the external environment and in the formation of public opinion about it;

- overcoming distrust in the business entity when entering new business segments;

- search, study and discovery of new business opportunities, etc.

The main areas of application of business communications include interactions with customers, partners, shareholders, suppliers, customers, investors, external public contractors of the organization (with authorities and public organizations, public relations, contacts with the media), with labor market (employment services, recruitment agencies), etc.

Variations in the forms, tools and means of business communication depend on the subject of the external environment to which they are directed.

Thus, to create and establish communication with customers, the organization uses such communication policy tools as advertising and promotional activities, personal selling, public relations (PR), Internet communications, direct marketing, advocacy, branding, sponsorship, etc.

Organizations, as a rule, use not one of the options or directions of business communications, but their combination. The choice of components of the business communication system takes into account the type of activity of the entity, the type of market to which it enters, its capacity, the stage of the life cycle of the organization or its product (product or service), the degree of consumer readiness to purchase.

A special place among business communications in modern conditions is occupied by Internet communications as a set of communication tools and activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization through its implementation on the Internet.

Communicative Internet technologies are the most promising and relevant in a total pandemic and quarantine restrictions in connection with COVID 19. The key advantages of the Internet are interactivity, targeting, cost and measurability [2, 3]. Other advantages include quick identification of the target audience, the ability to automatically observe and analyze consumer behavior and reaction to the pricing and product policies of the organization, low cost per unit of contact, two-way communication.

The key factors in the spread of Internet business communications should also include the constant growth of Internet users, personalization of messages and the ability on this basis to increase the customer base, the ability to constantly update information and more.

The means of Internet communication that can be used by enterprises in modern conditions can be conditionally combined into several groups [4]:

1) tools that ensure effectiveness at a moderate cost of time, money, intellectual efforts. These include Internet advertising, web presentations, distribution of textual information, audio and video files, links to Internet resources that profitably cover the activities of the enterprise, dissemination through social networks of data on current events in the life of enterprises (presentations, conferences, competitions , participation in exhibitions, promotional offers, etc.);

2) tools that require significant intellectual and financial costs, but can potentially provide an effect. This is work on search engine optimization, creating special blogs, forums. Here the difficulty lies in the need for constant information updates, finding interesting topics for communication;

3) tools that are popular in some areas of service, but are ineffective in others. Yes, online sales promotion through promotions, contests, games, quizzes can stimulate the consumer to make a one-time purchase of goods, but are not as effective in the field of educational services. Advertising in mobile applications, SMS and MMS-mailing can be related to mass services, but it is clearly not suitable for specialized, where the target audience is a small proportion of owners of mobile gadgets.

The most effective business communication technologies to influence the target audience via the Internet include: CRM-systems, SEO-search engine optimization, targeting, product placement, lead generation, SMM (socio-media marketing, mainly through Facebook, Instagram), SEM - search marketing, content marketing, provocative marketing, viral marketing and more. In addition, companies are actively using chatbots, voice search tools, augmented reality, messengers and other systems to quickly order their products, linking them to their social pages on Facebook, Instagram and websites [5].

The transition of most organizations to the format of online communication and online communication with customers, finding consumers and target audiences to be able to sell their products and services over the Internet, led to the growing role of e-commerce and Internet communications, on the one hand, and loss former positions of personal sales and advertising in traditional media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.).

Among the tools of Internet communications has recently been actively developing and publicity. Publication of news and notes about the organization, its press releases in the Internet media is an effective and low-cost way to disseminate information about it.

As a result, the intensive use of Internet business communications leads to the global digitalization of business. The use of modern communication technologies makes it possible to reach individual niche markets with minimal costs and receive real-time feedback, which allows you to quickly adjust the management of the organization to achieve the greatest economic effect from its operation.

Business communication is an important component of the organization's management system. The right choice of techniques, methods, procedures and technologies that ensure effective information interaction between the organization and the environment, is a prerequisite for the successful operation of the organization and achieve its goals. An entity that seeks to maintain a strong competitive position in the market must follow current business trends and implement the latest business communication technologies using the Internet. When choosing the means of business communication, it is necessary to take into account objective trends related to the development of digital technologies and modern features of communication impact on customers.

Список використаних джерел

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4. Дайновський Ю. А. Інтернет-комунікації у стратегіях цифровізації бізнесу підприємств сфери послуг / Ю. А. Дайновський, Л. К. Гліненко, Ю. В. Полякова // Науковий вісник ЛНУВМБ імені С.З. Ґжицького. Серія: Економічні науки. - 2019. - Т. 21, № 92. - С. 15-20.

5. Зеліч В. В. Роль і значення комплексу інструментів маркетингових комунікацій та їх вплив на діяльність підприємства / В.В. Зеліч, С. Ю. Сойма, В. В. Криса // Інфраструктура ринку. - 2020. - Вип. 43. - С. 160-167.


1. Andrusiak, O.I. 2009. Osoblyvosti biznes-komunikatsii u systemi mizhnarodnykh ekonomichnykh vidnosyn [Features of business communications in the system of international economic relations]. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, no 12(102), pp. 26-35 (in Ukrainian).

2. Lebedenko, M.S. 2008. Marketynhovi komunikatsii v merezhi Internet [Marketing communications in the Internet] Naukovyi visnyk Kyivskoho politekhnichnoho instytutu, no 59 (in Ukrainian).

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