Green jobs and educatıon: analytıcs and paradoxes

It is determined that green jobs means presenting jobs aimed directly at protecting the environment or which connected with minimization of humans' impact on the planet existence. Defined new professions related to the development of the green economy.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 09.08.2022
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State University of Trade and Economics

Green jobs and educatэon: analytэcs and paradoxes

Bэelэaэeva Nataliia, PhD (in Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Management

Bay Serhiy, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Management

19, Kyoto St., Kyiv

Introduction. Implementation of the of green economy model involves creating conditions for business development based on a new environmental standards and technologies, state support for socially and environmentally responsible enterprises, increasing the role of the state and intergovernmental bodies in economic and environmental culture, environmental initiatives and resources, resource conservation programs. Identification and environmental vacancies that diversify energy sources, sustainable development, energy supply, address the environmental and health issues, help leaders and policymakers identify and provide executive decisions and identify multifaceted priorities for environmental management.

Problem. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to determine the priority areas for innovative development of public policy, based on the priority of implementing international and European economic standards as at present, the institutional principles for green growth in Ukraine have not yet been finalized.

The aim of the article is to investigate the main issues about green jobs in education as well as green economy and find paradoxes of its implementation.

Methods. The information basis for the study is the latest work of scientists in a particular field. System analysis, synthesis, analysis have been used.

Results. It is determined that green jobs means presenting jobs aimed directly at protecting the environment or which connected with minimization of humans' impact on the planet existence. It is presented green jobs in different fields of activity with the formulation of their peculiarities. It is determined new professions related to the development of the green economy. It is investigated the concept of a green workplace, new skills that are important for green jobs and education. New requirements (skills) for new professions are also studied.

Conclusions. All developed countries are working in the direction of planet saving, as well as the green economy. Green projects could receive much more funding if investors had more reliable information about the projects and their participants. Potential investors are deterred by the lack or fragmentation of information on how the proposed projects will affect (or may affect) the state of the environment, if this may affect such an income.

Keywords: green economy, green jobs, environmental vacancies, education, protecting the environment, green workplаce, planet saving, sustainable development

БЄЛЯЄВА Наталія, к. е. н., доцент, доцент кафедри, менеджменту

Державного торговельно-економічного університету

вул. Кіото, 19, м. Київ

БАЙ Сергій, д. е. н., професор, завідувач кафедри, менеджменту

Державного торговельно-економічного університету

вул. Кіото, 19, м. Київ


Вступ. Впровадження моделі зеленої економіки передбачає створення умов для розвитку бізнесу на основі нових екологічних стандартів і технологій, державну підтримку соціально та екологічно відповідальних підприємств, підвищення ролі держави та міждержавних органів в економічній та екологічній культурі, екологічних ініціативах і ресурсах, програм ресурсо-збереження. Ідентифікація та екологічні вакансії, які диверсифікують джерела енергії, сталий розвиток, енергопостачання, розв'язують проблеми довкілля та охорони здоров'я, допомагають лідерам і політикам визначати та надавати виконавчі рішення та визначати багатоаспектні пріоритети екологічного менеджменту.

Проблема. Для реалізації зазначеної мети необхідно визначити пріоритетні напрями інноваційного розвитку державної політики, виходячи з пріоритетності впровадження міжнародних та європейських економічних стандартів, оскільки на цей момент інституційні засади зеленого зростання в Україні ще не остаточно сформульовані.

Метою статті є дослідження зелених робочих місць в освіті, а також зеленої економіки та знайти парадокси їх впровадження.

Методи. Інформаційною основою дослідження є новітні роботи вчених у певній галузі. Використано системний аналіз, синтез, аналіз.

Результати. Визначено, що зелені робочі місця предстaвляють сoбoю робочі місця, спрямовані безпосередньо на зaxиcт дoвкiлля aбo пов'язані з мінімізацією впливу людей на існування планети. Представлені зелені вакансії в різних сфeрax діяльності з формулюванням їх особливостей. Визначено нові професії, пов'язані з розвитком зеленої економіки. Досліджено концепцію зеленого робочого місця, нових навичок, які важливі для зелених робочих місць та освіти. Також досліджено нові вимоги (навички) до нових професій.

Висновки. Розвинені країни працюють у напрямі збереження планети, а також зеленої економіки. Зелені проєкти могли б отримувати набагато більше фінансування, якби інвестори мали достовірнішу інформацію про проєкти та їхніх учасників. Потенційних інвесторів стримує відсутність або фрагментація інформації про те, як запропоновані проєкти вплинуть (або можуть вплинути) на стан довкілля, якщо це може вплинути на такий результат.

Ключові слова: зелена економіка, зелені робочі місця, екологічні вакансії, освіта, захист навколишнього середовища, зелене робоче місце, збереження планети, сталий розвиток


Green e^^my k опє of the key tаrgets of the 2030 Аgendа for SustаinаЫe Devefopment. The Europeаn Unfon (EU) hаs mw аnnounced the Europeаn Green Deаl. Europe hаs аlreаdy hnked hs future whh green ^bs а^ tech^fogy. Оpportunities to creаte mьlfons of green ^bs аго аn аnswer а^ а result of trans^ton to а decаrbonised e^^my, whkh k environmentаИy friendly, - алгї the ch-culm- e^^my, whkh m^lves reusmg, repаiring ог recychng, sustаinаble mаnufаcturing rnnd consumption. However, February 2022, as the beginning of Russia's military offensive against Ukraine, radically changed the rules of doing business. The main goal is to stimulate business to work in wartime in Ukraine and to provide jobs for immigrants from Ukraine in other countries. It is observed transferring production to a territory where there is no war. In such circumstances, in particular, when creating new jobs, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the host economy, and the potential for «greening» new working places (jobs).

Especially in the face of a staggering burden on the nearest world's stable economies due to the reception of migrants from Ukraine, the social component of a green economy is stable employment trends. Today, there is a growing trend in employment in areas related to the protection of biological diversity of resources, environmental protection, restoration of natural resources, as well as the provision of environmental services.

Problem. In Ukraine, information about the size of the green business is not clear and is very difficult to calculate. At the same time, for the successful functioning of «green» business in Ukraine, its state stimulation is needed, and not vice versa, when environmentally harmful industries such as coal mining and metallurgy are subsidized from the state budget. Businesses need cheap loans and tax breaks to start a green business. In addition, it is important to increase the environmental tax, create an appropriate regulatory framework and standards, make transparent the system of energy pricing and tariffs. These proposals will encourage companies to use green technologies in their activities, which will, inter alia, increase the competitiveness of domestic goods on the world market.

At present, the institutional principles of green growth in Ukraine have not been finalized, so it is crucial to determine the priority areas of innovative development of public policy, based on the priority of implementing international and European economics standards.

Analysis of recent research. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the International Labor Organization, the International Organization of Employers and the International Trade Union Confederation are jointly implementing the Green Jobs Campaign [3]. The campaign supports the concerted efforts of governments, employers and trade unions to develop and implement in a climate-dependent world, environmentally sustainable and coherent policies and effective programs to create environmentally friendly jobs and promote decent work for all. Green jоbs ако be^me pоpulаr due to principles оf the green re^very ^t N the pаrt оf the mаіn pоlіtіcаl projects іп the Eurоpeаn Unton. The Eurоpeаn Unton (EU) hаs mw аnnоunced the Eurоpeаn Green Deаl [4]. Europe hаs аlreаdy linked its future with green jоbs 8nd technоlоgy. Twice аs mаny peоple wоrk in this агоа аs in the аutоmоtive industry. todeed, it is ^nks to this аpprоаch ^t the ^nsumptton оf electricity, wаter, raw mаteriаls is reduced, the emisston оf greentause gаses 8nd productton wаste is reduced, the e^system 8nd biоdiversity аre preserved [5].

The scope of the study is to investigate the main issues about green jobs as well as green economy and find paradoxes of its implementation.

Methods. The information basis for the study is the latest work of scientists in a particular field. System analysis has been used to understand what is green economy and green jobs are, how globalization changes influenced economy development. Using synthesis, a number of conclusions were made to create a clear concept of green jobs formation. Using the analysis, a logical sequence of factors and their interrelationships was established within the entire green economy model under nowadays circumstances. Identified elements indicate the directions of changes that need to be implemented while green economy model implementation.

Results of the research

Talking about green jьbs means presenting jьbs aimed directly at protecting the environment or which connected with minimization of humans' impact on the planet existence (Figure 1). Green jobs connected with any jobs that have a direct and positive impact on the planet, that influence on formation of a low carbon economy of the future, as they strive for unemployment level reducing and prevention of the environment degradation. The economy should urgently be redesigned so that resources aren't wasted.

Figure 1. Green is the link between the environmental movement and sustainability

Source: created by the author on the base of [3; 5].

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) green jobs: limits greenhouse gas emissions; protects and restores ecosystems; improves energy and raw materials efficiency; minimizes waste and pollution; contributes to adaptation to climate change. Green jobs are also connected with ecological employment that is a new type of employment associated with the elimination of accumulated damage, disturbed land, processing of solid waste, the introduction of environmental innovations, etc. So benefits impress.

Source: created by the author on the base of [3; 5].

Green jobs cover a wide range of professional activities, crafts and specialties (Figure 2). green job profession

Some of them represent completely new types of work, but most are traditional professions, although with small changes in the essence of the content and attitude to the work itself. Creation of a green jobs in different fields of activity requires different peculiarities (Table 1).

Table 1 Peculiarities of green jobs creation in a different fields of activity

Field of activity

Ways to create green jobs

Аgricultural sector

introduction of organic farming methods, development of rural infrastructure (roads, access to water and modern energy sources), green tourism


introduction of eco-labelling; development of organic agriculture

Forest sector

reforestation and afforestation activities, creation of green zones in urban agglomerations, landscape projects, soil reclamation

Fisheries sector

fish farming, fish and seafood processing, application of aquaculture technologies to reduce water pollution, recreational programs

Energy sector

use of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, bioenergy)

!ndustrial sector

introduction of resource-saving technologies and processes, focus on closed cycle production (incl. recycling), use of waste instead of primary raw materials, modification / repair of finished products

Social sector

adaptation of the economy and population to climate change; increasing the energy efficiency of housing; formation of a system of sustainable consumption


collection, sorting and recycling, recycling of consumer electronics (computers, mobile phones and other devices - so-called e-waste)


renovation of existing and construction of new buildings using modern, environmentally friendly technologies, processes and materials


development of public transport, use of alternative fuels and transport, improvement of infrastructure

Financial sector

formation of the carbon market; «green» procurement; «green» electricity tariffs


eco-audit, consulting, design, research and development; sale, installation and maintenance of eco-goods

Source: created by the author on the base of [3; 5].

Of course, it's not a full list - but still - a new paradox - no proposed positions in educational sphere. New professions looks like that (Table 2).

Table 2 New professions related to the development of the green economy


New types of positions

Management / Entrepreneurship

Renewable energy manager

Green business manager

Forestry/land manager

Recycling and waste manager

Energy auditing

Solar energy entrepreneurs


Solar panel technicians

Waste recycling technicians

Technology installers

Wind power technicians

Biofuel technicians

Energy consultant in low carbon economies

System mechanics

Wave power workers

Clean car mechanics

Water quality technicians


Green housing builders

Green commercial builders

Eco-friendly furniture builders


Engineers and designers

Electric car engineers

Renewable energy engineers

Shipbuilding to wind turbine manufacture

Green urban planning

Eco-friendly landscaping design


Marine biologist

Climate researchers


Botanists and horticulturalists

Police advocates and regulators

Source: created by the author on the base of [3; 5].

All researches, including International Labour Organisation, shows that traditional jobs decreases, but however in some spheres it's shows a huge potential for a new jobs' formation. However - as well as in renewable energy sphere there is going to be increasing of jobs to 2050, so prognosed rated are incredible (Figure 3). Decarbonizing energy will create millions of renewable energy jobs.

Figure 3. Potential in the green job creation sector

Source: created by the author on the base of [3; 5].

The green economy today costs as much as the fossil fuel sector, but offers more significant and `safe' investment opportunities. Today, the green economy accounts for 6% of the world stock market (about $ 4 trillion), which `works' in projects of `clean' energy, energy efficiency, water supply, waste management and more. If the sustainable economy maintains its current course and development trends, as well as about $ 90 trillion of `green' investments are invested, then in 2030 it will form about 10% of the world market value.

Concept of the green workplace

Anyway, the concept of a «green» workplace is not absolute, as there are different «shades» of green, within which there are thresholds on which the degree of environmental health depends. For example, a worker who is installing sustainable wood flooring in a building is engaged in a green job even if the rest of the construction project is not environmentally sound. However, a worker who is using conventional materials and methods to shingle a house or pouring concrete in a traditional way is not performing a green job, even if the overall construction project racks up enough credits to qualify as «green». Just because a building as a whole is considered «green» does not mean that every single job on that project is also green by association. That's the point:

• jobs at the enterprise that produces environmental goods/services (green products), but the production process and technology are not always environmentally friendly;

• jobs at the enterprise that uses environmentally friendly technologies and processes (green technologies, processes), but its products/ services are not necessarily environmentally friendly;

• from the point of view of the International Labour Organization, in any case, jobs can be considered green if they also meet the criteria of decent work.

Green jobs and education. New skills

Let's go again to green jobs and education. Talking about green - like `E' in a word green means sustainability trends:

• Generating renewable energy

• Recycling existing materials

• Energy efficient product manufacturing, construction, installation, and maintenance

• Education, compliance, conversation, and awareness

• Natural and sustainable product manufacturing

Nowadays society requires people who can create value in line with societal needs and planetary boundaries. So, based on international experience, it can be argued that the transition to a green economy transforms the qualitative characteristics of employment. Thus, according to studies by foreign scientists, green workplaces require workers to have a higher level of education, work experience and highly qualified professional training in comparison with those employed in non-green workplaces (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Green jobs and decent work

Source: created by the author on the base of [3; 5].

Integrating green skills into existing qualifications through specialization or diversification is generally more effective than creating new occupations. And here we need to talk not only about hard skills, but also and soft ones. And one of the main points - employees need to use them both, in a complex, but not separately. So, ten Competencies Needed to be successful in environmental work, are listed below:

1. Communication skills

2. Collaboration, bridge-building abilities

3. «Customer» orientation

4. Creativity/innovative thinking

5. Broad environmental sciences understanding

6. Analytical ability, critical thinking, problem-solving

7. Work orientation, professionalism, positive attitude

8. Occupation-specific skills and knowledge

9. Mastery of informational technology

10. Leadership ability.

Example of upskilling to new occupations (Table 3) - with a help of a combinations of new skills. There were cleaners and service personnel - became service and logistics managers, were electricians - became information technology experts, were masons - became architects, were loan clerks - became investment managers: people in the workplace at all levels will see how the content of work changes, its implementation and requirements for new professional skills.

Table 3 Upskilling to new occupations



Up skilling

New occupation

Energy technologist

Vocational/tertiary engineering qualification

Knowledge of energy sources to integrate energy systems, project management

Manager in renewable energy

Industry electrician

Vocational upper secondary qualifications

Assemble, installation of parts, use of tools

Wind turbine operator

Plumber/electric and heating installer

Basic vocational training

Technical training, administration and entrepreneurship skills

Solar energy entrepreneur, installation project designer

Engineer in energy sector

Tertiary engineering qualifications

Installation and maintenance of low carbon technology

Smart Energy Expert

Source: created by the author on the base of [3; 5].

At the same time, based on international experience, it can be argued that the transition to a green economy changes the qualitative characteristics of employment. Thus, according to research by foreign scientists, environmentally friendly jobs require workers with a higher level of education, work experience and highly qualified training compared to those who work in green jobs [4]. For example, the Finnish company Paptic, which employs only 10 people, has developed an environmentally friendly technology for the production of easily recyclable packaging paper based on cellulose and bioplastics, replacing conventional polyethylene [15].

The global eco-trend, which covers all spheres of modern life, has not gone unnoticed by the working environment of office-type organizations, embodied in the concept of «green office», which has become a calling card of many leading companies and is gaining popularity [5]. The Green Office is an environmentally responsible office that most efficiently uses the natural resources necessary for its work, constantly taking care of reducing its own negative impact on the environment (reducing the consumption of water, energy and other resources); clarification of the amount of waste when working in offices; replacement (processing) - the purchase of goods and services that minimize the impact on the environment, promote more efficient use of transport for personal and business purposes, etc.


All developed countries also work in the direction of planet saving, so green economy as well. In Spain, for example, the Government has proposed a Climate Change and Energy Transition Law that aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and incorporates ambitious intermediate targets for emissions, renewables and improved energy efficiency [4]. The UK industry will also receive Ј350m investment to cut carbon emissions in sectors such as transport and construction. By comparison, France is planning to invest one third of its Ђ100bn (Ј90bn) post- Covid economic stimulus on greening the economy - more than any other big EU country - but critics insist that even this falls short of what is necessary for a step change. Germany's Ђ130bn recovery budget focuses on climate-friendly industries and aims to support green infrastructure and technologies with at least Ђ40bn spending in this area. Investing in forest conservation and restoration could increase formal employment alone by 20% by 2050. For transport, improving energy efficiency in all modes of transport and switching from private transport to public or non-road transport would further increase employment by about 10%. Finally, investments in energy efficiency improvements in buildings and structures could create only in Europe and the USA 2 - 3.5 million additional work places. For now, 19.4% of US workers could currently be part of the green economy in a broad sense, although a large proportion of green employment would be `indirectly' green, comprising existing jobs that are expected to be in high demand due to greening, but do not require significant changes in tasks, skills, or knowledge [5]. And Denmark, one of the greenest countries in the world, has created 300,000 green jobs over the past 2 years. Mainly in factories producing wood windows, insulation materials, thermostats and pumps that reduce energy consumption. For example, within the framework of the Smart City Fied project, such residents of the Spanish city of Laguna de Duero were involved in refurbishing buildings and increasing their energy efficiency. After completing a simple training course, they quickly mastered the installation of solar panels on the roofs of houses, and started servicing charging stations for electric cars

At the same time, the potential for «green» investment and the use of these instruments on a much larger scale is still limited. Green projects could receive much more funding if investors had more reliable information about the projects and their participants. Potential investors are deterred by the lack or fragmentation of information on how proposed projects will affect (or may affect) the state of the environment, what is the cost-benefit ratio, given that such projects are usually long-term.


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  • Chinese economy: history and problems. Problems of Economic Growth. The history of Chinese agriculture. The ratio of exports and imports of goods and service to gross domestic product at current prices. Inefficiencies in the agricultural market.

    курсовая работа [162,1 K], добавлен 17.05.2014

  • The experiments related to alcohol and economic decision-making. First study attempting to test 3 sets of embedded hypotheses regarding how alcohol influences our choices. Conducting games, showing the effects of alcohol on the decision-making process.

    статья [268,5 K], добавлен 04.11.2015

  • The necessity of using innovative social technologies and exploring the concept of social entrepreneurship. Analyzes current level of development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, the existing problems of creating favorable organizational.

    статья [54,5 K], добавлен 19.09.2017

  • The stock market and economic growth: theoretical and analytical questions. Analysis of the mechanism of the financial market on the efficient allocation of resources in the economy and to define the specific role of stock market prices in the process.

    дипломная работа [5,3 M], добавлен 07.07.2013

  • The levers of management of a national economy, regions and enterprises. The prices for the goods. Taxes to the proceeds from realization of commodity production. Proceeds from realization of services to the population, establishments and organizations.

    реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 12.04.2012

  • Рrogress in adapting its economy from the Soviet model to a 21st century economy in the globalized market. Pension reforms, undertaken in 2011. Cancellation of grain export quotas and reversal of a proposal for the monopolisation of grain exports.

    презентация [476,2 K], добавлен 08.04.2015

  • Concept of competitiveness and competition, models. Russia’s endowment. Engendered structural dominance and performance. The state of Russian competitiveness according to the Global Competitiveness Index. Place in the world, main growth in detail.

    курсовая работа [1,2 M], добавлен 28.05.2014

  • The influence of corruption on Ukrainian economy. Negative effects of corruption. The common trends and consequences of increasing corruption. Crimes of organized groups and criminal organizations. Statistical data of crime in some regions of Ukraine.

    статья [26,7 K], добавлен 04.01.2014

  • Negative consequences proceeding in real sector of economy. Social stratification in a society. Estimation of efficiency of economic safety. The parity of the manufacturers of commodity production. Main problems of the size of pension of common people.

    статья [15,4 K], добавлен 12.04.2012

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