National innovation system of Ukraine: potential of import substitution of high-tech goods
The essence of the national innovation system, analysis of its current state and potential in Ukraine, as well as prerequisites for import substitution by high-tech goods. The mechanism for calculating the share of export and import of high-tech goods.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 307,0 K |
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It is within the framework of the selected strategies for entering a specific market that an innovative infrastructure should be selected and formed, which should be doubly goal-oriented, aimed not only at producing innovative products, but also at entering a specific market. Already at the stage of determining the goal, it is necessary to decide which and to what extent are needed (or needed at all, if it is cheaper, more reliable and easier to buy everything you need abroad) scientific laboratories, engineering firms, technology parks, business incubators, etc., the assistance of which development institutions is necessary for business success, which forms of public-private partnership are most suitable for solving tasks, the lack of which economic incentives and regulators prevents the achievement of final goals, etc.
In times of crisis, long-term goals and decisions are usually put in the background. But we must not allow less attention to be paid to the development of science and innovation. Scientific, technical and innovative backwardness tends to increase much faster than any other. The crisis is a time for reviewing management decisions and optimizing economic processes, but it is not a reason to abandon the long-term course taken, pre-election promises and overdue reforms.
1. In order to move to an innovative economy, a holistic national innovation system (NIS) is important, which transforms new knowledge into products and services needed for the economy and society. It can be defined as a set of business entities (research institutes, enterprises, consumers) and institutions (legislative, financial, social) that interact in the processes of production, use and dissemination of advanced knowledge and technologies within the framework of an innovative ecosystem based on models, (TH or QH), whose activities are aimed at implementing priority areas for the development of the country's economic system and contribute to increasing its competitiveness.
2. Today in the development and functioning of NIS natural are: the leading role of the state, which focuses on creating favorable conditions for innovative activity of all elements included in NIS; accelerated development of information and telecommunication technologies, which contributes to the creation of network interactions between NIS participants; the effective functioning of the chains of «creation - application - dissemination» of innovations is carried out at the regional level; integration of national innovation systems into larger (supranational or global) innovation systems.
3. Four models of NIS functioning in the world have been established - Euro-Atlantic, East Asian, third world countries and transition countries, to which Ukraine belongs. According to the qualitative and quantitative indicators of innovation activity of Ukraine, there is a deterioration of the dynamics, in particular a reduction in the number of innovation-active enterprises; a slight increase in the number of introduced new technological processes; a reduction of production of innovative types of products; a decrease in the share of innovative products sold (goods, services) in the total volume of products sold; a drop in the knowledge intensity of GDP. A decrease in the level of education was noted and it was noted that preserving the human potential of science has not yet become a state priority.
4. A necessary condition for technological progress is the transition from raw material specialization to an export-oriented economy with a predominance of high-tech goods and services produced by national innovative enterprises. Since the export of high-tech products is an important indicator of the development of the knowledge economy of a particular country or region, the development of high-tech industry, a factor in the development of new knowledge, its transformation into new goods. The development of hightech exports, and therefore the high-tech sector, encourages investment in research and development, to strengthen the level of innovation and improve the skills of the labor force.
5. The analysis of foreign trade in high-tech goods is carried out by harmonizing domestic statistics of foreign trade with the standards of the world classification of trade in high-tech goods. A general transition table of six-digit codes has been developed, which contains expanded statistical data on foreign trade in high-tech goods. This approach allowed us to establish disappointing trends in strengthening the position of high-tech imports in the domestic market of Ukraine.
6. Four possible scenarios of development of the Ukrainian innovation sphere depending on technological orders are considered: 1) «Technological stagnation», which is implemented in the case of curtailment of the industrialization program; 2) «Technological inertia», which is possible as a continuation of industrialization in its current form, without changing priorities and strengthening the innovation component of the implemented investment projects; 3) «New technological niches», which provides for the need to strengthen the actual technological competencies by including them in global technological chains; 4) «technological breakthrough», which focuses on the maximum possible synchronization with global technological dynamics. Based on the analysis of the preconditions and weaknesses of Ukraine's economic development, it is concluded that the scenario of «technological inertia» is most likely to be realized.
However, given the potential of Ukraine and the need to form new technological systems for Ukraine's economy, it is less necessary to implement the scenario of «new technological niches», which provides for the opening of «backward opportunities» for innovation-backward countries using technologies of the fifth order that have already passed the peak of profitability in the markets of leading countries, but retain the potential for profit on a global market scale.
7. The innovative way of economic development is not an alternative for Ukraine, but modernization of the economy and ensuring long-term sustainable development cannot be achieved without improving the financing system and stimulating innovation processes in the country. Therefore, it is necessary to have a consistent comprehensive state policy to transfer Ukraine to the innovative path of development, the formation of a national innovation ecosystem (a set of institutions, relations, and various types of resources involved in the creation and application of scientific knowledge and technology), which would facilitate its implementation and development of innovation culture in the state, using, in addition to financial, other mechanisms for the development of innovation.
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