Situation of Sumgayit chemical industry (2010-2018)

The development of the chemical industry like the foreground in the macroeconomic development of independent Azerbaijan. Characteristics of the history of delays in the development of the Sumgait chemical industry and measures taken to prevent it.

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Situation of Sumgayit chemical industry (2010-2018)

Samedov F.F.


chemical industry sumgait

У статті розглядаються питання розвитку однієї з провідних служб хімічної промисловості Азербайджану - комплексу хімічних підприємств міста Сумгаїт. Розглядається історія відставань у розвитку Сумгаїтської хімічної промисловості та заходів, прийнятих для її попередження, передача Державної компанії «Азерикім'я» Державній нафтовій компанії Азербайджану на підставі Указу Президента Азербайджанської Республіки. До вжитих заходів відносяться наступні: застосування нових технологій, встановлення зв'язків із зарубіжними хімічними компаніями, конкретна робота, проведена у зв'язку з реалізацією «Державної програми соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів Азербайджанської Республіки», проведення науково-практичної конференції «Розширення асортиментів та якості продукції в хімічній галузі промисловості Сумгаїту», підвищення рентабельності, визначення пріоритетних векторів розвитку хімічної промисловості, нові підприємства, які будуються в країнах на основі останніх досягнень науки та техніки, навчання персоналу з більш досконалою інженерно-технічною підготовкою для одержання ними останніх досягнень інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій та комп'ютерних технологій. Дослідження показують, що в організації виробництва та реалізації нафтохімічної продукції були серйозні недоліки, і ніяких зусиль з їх усунення не передбачалося. Урезуль- таті значно погіршилися житлові умови робочих, втрачені висококваліфіковані кадри, сформовані ціною величезних зусиль упродовж десятків років, не приділялася увага вдосконаленню матеріального добробуту співробітників. У якості методів досліджень були використані матеріали статистики, архівні матеріали промислових підприємств міста, свідчення очевидців, рішення та постанови державних установ. Проведений науково-теоретичний аналіз проблеми - рівня розвитку хімічної промисловості в історії незалежного Азербайджану.

Ключові слова: Сумгаїтська хімічна промисловість, товарна продукція, «Азериким'я», «Синтетичний каучук», «ПАВ», «Органічний синтез», Державна нафтова компанія АзербайджанськоїРеспу- бліки, Державна економічна програма.

Sumgait State University

The article examines the development of one of the leading spheres of the chemical industry in Azerbaijan - the complex of chemical enterprises in the city of Sumgait. The history of the lag in the development of the Sumgayit chemical industry and the measures taken to overcome it, the transfer of the State Company "Azerikimya" to the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered. The measures taken include the following: the use of new technologies, the establishment of relations with foreign chemical companies, specific work carried out in connection with the implementation of the "State program for the socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan", the holding of a scientific and practical conference "Expanding the range and quality ofproducts in chemical industry of Sumgayit ", increasing profitability, determining the leading directions for the development of the chemical industry, new enterprises that will be built in the country on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology, training personnel with more advanced engineering and technical training, to master the latest achievements of information and communication technologies and computerization. Studies show that there were serious shortcomings in the organization of production and sale of petrochemical products, and no efforts were made to eliminate them. As a result, the living conditions of workers have deteriorated significantly, highly qualified personnel, formed at the expense of enormous efforts over decades, have been lost, and no attention has been paid to improving the material well-being of employees. The research methods used statistical materials, archival materials of industrial enterprises of the city, eyewitness accounts, decisions and decrees of the country's government. A scientific and theoretical analysis of the problem as a stage in the development of the chemical industry in the history of independent Azerbaijan has been carried out.

Key words: Sumgayit chemical industry, commodity products, Azerikimya, “Sinetskauchuk”, “Surfactants”, “Organic synthesis”, State program.


The development of the chemical industry was in the foreground in the macroeconomic development of independent Azerbaijan. At the same time, a difficult situation has developed here. As a result, in January-March 2010, ethylene and polyethylene production was operated at the “Ethylene-Poly- ethylene” Plant with a productivity of 20-30 percent. The projected commodity production was fulfilled at the level of 80 percent. If we look at the dynamics of production of high-pressure polyethylene, which is the main export product of the enterprise, we can see that the production of this valuable product decreased by 20.4 percent or more than 10,000 tons in 2009 compared to the level of 2005, operating at about 24 percent of production capacity [1].

It should be noted that in recent years, the city executive power has organized a number of large- scale events, conferences to strengthen the activities of chemical and petrochemical enterprises, problems and ways of perspective development were discussed in detail. The main theme of the conferences held on the topics "Sumgayit chemistry in the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, XXI century" and "The role of chemical enterprises in the socio-economic development of Sumgayit" were issues of restoration and development of production areas of chemical enterprises, creation of new jobs, establishment of interaction of enterprises with scientific departments, scientific research institutes and application of scientific and technical achievements in industry.

The main stages of the restoration of the chemical industry in Sumgayit

In this context, within the framework of large-scale reforms implemented in our country, in order to increase the efficiency of the oil and gas refining and petrochemical industry in accordance with international experience in this field, “Azerikimya” State- Owned Company was subordinated to the State Oil Company on the basis of a Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan [1].

To solve the problems facing the chemical industry, it is necessary to efficiently process hydrocarbon resources, reduce energy consumption per unit of output, improve product quality, minimize environmental pollution in order to improve the environmental conditions of Baku and Sumgayit cities, build new residential houses and implement a large social program.

Reconstruction of chemical enterprises in Sumgayit, including the "Surfactants" plant, the creation of new areas of technological reform and the construction of numerous social and cultural facilities in Sumgayit was accelerated.

In order to increase the efficiency of the petrochemical industry, to attract the necessary investments in production, to strength its competitiveness in the world market, by order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 2, 2010, “Azeri- kimya” Company was transferred to the State Oil Company and it operates as “Azerikimya” Production Association [22].

As part of the overhaul of the Ethylene-Polyeth- ylene Plant of SOCAR's “Azerikimya” Production Association, repair work has begun on one of the most important facilities of the EP-300 complex - the torch tower. The height of the torch tower, which burns various exhaust gases obtained during the technological processes at the EP-300 plant, is more than 125 meters. it was intended to cut failed gas neutralizing steam pipes in parts , during the overhaul of the upper part of the tower, to weld replacing with new ones, to insulate of these pipes in order to prevent the loss of steam to the tower and thus the unburned exhaust gases released into the atmosphere, to rehabilit separate parts of gas and technological lines, to more reliably fasten support points of transport pipelines.

It is important to follow the safety rules, as the removal and replacement of the three large torch boilers at the highest point of the torch tower is quite difficult and risky in terms of complexity and non-or- dination. For this reason, locksmiths, electric and gas welders were specially selected to work in the tower, where all work will be carried out at a height of 80-125 meters. Each of them underwent a serious medical examination and was introduced to the safety rules in more detail [12].

In order to increase the efficiency of the oil and gas refining and petrochemical industries operating in a single technological process, the organization of a modern complex in accordance with international experience in this field will create more opportunities to attract the necessary investments, comply with environmental standards and strengthen the competitiveness of finished products.

These opportunities are most evident at the “Ethyl- ene-Polyethylene” plant. Thus, for the continuous and stable operation of the plant's production facilities, a large-scale overhaul was carried out in a short time, equipment was upgraded, the compressor shaft was adjusted and put into operation in Turkey, catalysts and reagents were transferred to technological processes. The systems of all machines and devices are mechanically cleaned of polymers. In addition, thanks to the close assistance of the State Oil Company, the union's machinery park was equipped with modern machinery and equipment, which allowed it to build production at the level of today's requirements [20].

After the major overhaul, the company's production has increased significantly. During the year, 52,479 tons of polyethylene and 10,500 tons of absolute isopropyl alcohol were produced, of which 70-80 percent fell to the share of the last quarter. In 2010, important steps were taken to improve the social situation of chemists. The average monthly salary has been doubled from 180 to 360 manat. Their working conditions have been improved and the rooms have been heated. The launch of a new ambulance station equipped with the most modern medical equipment has been well received by the company's staff [20].

After being subordinated to SOCAR, the international relations of “Azerikimya” Production Association expanded. Thus, business relations have been established with German “VASF” and “CAC”, Korean “Sasung”, Russian “Nijnekamnskneftekhim” and “Sterlitamak” Petrochemical Plant Open Joint Stock Companies. Along with enterprises from Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, representatives of Turkey, Iraq and the People's Republic of China also established useful cooperation with “Azerikimya” Production Association, National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Qafqaz University and other universities. A number of large-scale projects have been implemented at “ Azerikimya” Production Association as part of the Year of Ecology. These measures include work against pollution of the Caspian Sea with industrial effluents, preparation and submission of the "Cadastre of Contaminated Areas" for public discussion, actions on the Caspian coast with the participation of "Young Ecologists", environmental competitions between schools, establishment of new green zones with planting of more than a thousand trees during the community work in the "Industrial Zone", etc. Employees of "Azerik- imya" Production Association, who said goodbye to 2010 with success and are determined to achieve high results in all areas in the new year 2011 [3].

Despite the fact that more than 20 years have passed since the commissioning of the EP-300 production of the Ethylene-Polyethylene Plant of the “Azerikimya” Production Association, the consumption of ethylene, which is a valuable chemical product for the production of polyethylene, has only recently reached project capacity.

The high-level overhaul of the EP-300 production in July-August 2010 was important for this. Unlike previous years, during last year's overhaul, all parts of production equipment and mechanisms were thoroughly inspected, as a result a number of serious defects and shortcomings that have been overlooked for many years. The application of inhibitors to technological processes for the first time in the last 22 years has also played a significant role in achieving this important achievement. Inhibitors have been of exceptional importance in the elimination of occasional accidents, emergency shutdowns, blockages of raw materials, semi-finished products, energy carriers and materials, as well as non-productive consumption of labor due to polymer deposits in heat exchangers, various mechanisms and junctions in pipelines [13].

The staffs of the enterprises and departments of the “Azerikimya” Production Association intend to continue the campaign on greening the industrial zone of Sumgayit [4].

The ethylene-polyethylene plant receives 230-250 tons of liquefied gas per day for April 2011. A gas line is being laid and tested from the Baku Oil Refinery Plan to make the plant work with the new production technology.

Another innovation at the plant is related to the reconstruction of the isopropyl plant. The equipment of this production facility, which has been in operation for many years, almost certainly have been exposed to physical wear. This led to the loss of raw materials and products, as well as the violation of the ecological balance. The company's management has developed a long-term development plan to equip the facility with new. According to the agreement, equipment sets are imported from Germany. According to experts, the advantages of the new technology are many. The device will be environmentally friendly. Product quality indicators will meet modern standards. Such measures have allowed the company to improve its economic performance and bring the quality of its products to the level of market requirements.

In the first quarter of 2011, the enterprise produced goods worth 42 million 630 thousand manat and fulfilled the task by 116 percent. In January-March, 22,075 tons of polyethylene and 35,439 tons of ethylene-polyethylene were produced. 92% of sales were exported [19].

The first half of 2011 was successful for Sumgayit. Production at chemical plants has doubled. More than 35 million manat were allocated for the development of various areas at the expense of all financial sources. The production capacity of the “EP-300” complex of the “Ethylene-Polyethylene” plant has been increased, purchase of polyethylene products has reached the level of the project norm. The overhaul of liquid chlorine and caustic soda at the Surfactants Plant, which began at the beginning of this year, has been completed, the interruptions in the supply of raw materials at the Organic Synthesis Plant have been eliminated and production has been retored. “Sumgayit Superphosphate” OJSC has produced about 8,000 tons of sulfuric acid [25].

In early August 2011, a meeting was held at the “Azerikimya” Production Association with a delegation of occupational safety and health specialists from Petkim Petrochemical Holding, the largest petrochemical company in Turkey. During the meeting, it was noted that along with the measures aimed at the placement and modernization of production facilities at the enterprises of "Azerikimya", the protection of labor and health of each chemist is in the forefront. It was noted that there is a need for the staff of the Union to benefit from Petkim's many years of experience in these important areas.

Taking this into account, a group of young specialists of “Azerikimya” was sent to Turkey for two months to exchange experience. They further expanded their theoretical and practical knowledge of both production and occupational safety and health [28].

It was noted that the event held on the eve of the overhaul of the Ethylene-Polyethylene plant was of practical importance and it was considered expedient to conduct periodic audits in the future and jointly discuss their results [2].

In October 2011, one of the works planned by “Azerikimya” Production Association - the separation of pyrogas into primary fractions of the “EP300” complex, one of the largest productions of the enterprise, and the installation of an alkaline-absorption column in the water chemical preparation workshop were completed. Upon completion of the repair work, the connection of this device to the technological process will ensure both the harmonious operation of production and, as a result, the production of ethylene, which is the end product, will be partially increased.

The main function of the column, which is included in the technological scheme at the suggestion of experts, is to clean the sulfur compounds in the dry gas-C-1-C-2 fraction with processed alkali and transfer them to the process at the Baku Oil Refinery since April 2011.

As part of the overhaul, special attention was paid to increasing the efficiency and reliability of the company's electrical equipment, and important measures were taken in this area [31].

As part of the “International Year of Chemistry”, a scientific conference of young chemists on "Actual problems of the oil production, oil refining and petrochemical industry of Azerbaijan" was held on October 6 at the "Azerikimya" Production Association.

The event, organized by SOCAR, Azerikimya Production Association and the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS, discussed the importance of chemical science for modern society and its wide opportunities. It was noted that the main goal is to convey the achievements of young chemists in this field to a wide audience, to increase their scientific potential. Then, reports of about 30 young researchers of Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku and Sumgayit State Universities, ANAS Petrochemical Processes, Additives, Polymer Materials Research Institutes and other prestigious scientific institutions on oil extraction, oil refining and petrochemical industry were heard [15].

At the meeting with the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in Azerbaijan held at the head office of the Union, they discussed the expanding cooperation between the two republics in petrochemistry and other fields. Mukhtar Babayev, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of “Azerikimya” Production Association, told the guest about the Union's enterprises and various chemical products, as well as ongoing petrochemical projects in Azerbaijan aimed at modernization, expansion and modernization, including the Chemical Industry Campus to be established at the Union's enterprises and preparations for the design and construction of a Urea plant. They expressed satisfaction with the high level of economic partnership between the petrochemical enterprises of Azerbaijan and Tatarstan, especially with the Nizhnekamsk petrochemical complex, and the effective integration relations.

It was stressed that establishment of special working groups to further expand and intensify petrochemical relations between the two republics on the basis of the decision and recommendation of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Tatarstan will play an important role in the development of the petrochemical industry and other industries, and in the near future to further increase the economic potential of our republics [23].

The groundbreaking ceremony of the nitrogen urea plant of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held in Sumgayit on December 19, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attended the ceremony. 24 hectares of land have been allocated for the construction of the plant in the area used by “Azerikimya” Production Association. The construction of the enterprise is planned to be financed by public investment and implemented in 2012-2014 . The plant was to consist of ammonia, liquid urea and marketable urea production units. The plant, which will have a daily production capacity of 1,200 tons of ammonia and 2,000 tons of urea, will use natural gas as the main raw material [5].

In connection with the implementation of the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev "On measures to ensure the operation of Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park" dated December 21, 2011, a meeting was held with the participation of managers and specialists of various structures and agencies.

At the meeting held at “Azerikimya” Production Association with the participation of representatives of relevant structures, the measures envisaged to fulfill the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the establishment of the Chemical Industrial Park in Sumgayit were discussed, initially, the outlines of the work to be done were determined. A wide exchange of views on their solutions. Specific instructions have been given to the heads of relevant agencies and services in order to accelerate the construction of the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park, which will play an important role in the development of the Azerbaijani economy, especially the private sector of industry [18].

Necessary work is being done in connection with the construction of the Nitrogen Fertilizer-Urea Plant, which was founded in late 2011. On the basis of the order of “Azersu” Joint-Stock Company, “Hydromakina” LLC has started to establish an enterprise for the production of plastic and steel pipes on the territory of the “Surface Active Substances” plant of the Union.

Preparations are underway for the implementation of the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev "On measures to ensure the operation of the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park." The park will allow the creation of numerous jobs [9].

In the first half of 2012, large-scale repair work was carried out at chemical and petrochemical enterprises, significant measures were taken to restructure production and upgrade equipment. The main electrical equipment, cable lines and meters, which are expiring in most workshops of the “Azerikimya” Production Association, have been replaced with new ones. The installation and testing of a robotic packaging system at the “Polymir-120” production plant of the Ethylene-Polyethylene Plant has been successfully completed [29].

During the first 9 months of 2012, large-scale repair and restoration works were carried out at Sumgayit chemical and petrochemical enterprises, significant measures were taken to reconstruct production facilities and upgrade equipment. Capital repairs were carried out at “EP-300” and “Polimir-120” complexes of Ethylene-Polyethylene Plant of “Azerikimya” Production Association. It is planned to establish enterprises for the production and processing of competitive products in the petrochemical and other priority industries in the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park. At present, “Hidromakina” LLC is constructing a plastic and steel pipe plant in the area allocated for Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park [11].

Today, Sumgayit is reminiscent of a large construction site. New enterprises are being built with a production capacity of 2,000 tons of urea. The President signed a decree on the establishment of a high- tech park on the territory of the superphosphate plant [16].

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev said: “In 1998, we held talks with Japan for the development of Azerbaijan's chemical industry. “Nicimen” took the initiative and expressed its willingness to cooperate with us. I have met many times with the President of Nicimen, Mr.Wakari, in Japan and then in Azerbaijan. I have discussed these issues. As a result, a loan of $ 90 million was received from Japan for the construction of this facility.That loan has been used, and now we are witnessing and participating in the opening of a beautiful facility” [17].

On May 21, 2013, two important new production-Cooling complexes and a Nitrogen-oxygen device were put into operation at the Ethylene-Poly- ethylene Plant of Azerikimya Production Association. The new Nitrogen-Oxygen complex has great advantages, significantly different from the plant commissioned 26 years ago - in 1987. The new device is characterized by energy efficiency, technological scheme at the level of modern requirements and standards, automated control on a computer system, especially environmental friendliness and low staff, and is very efficient. All construction and installation work of the facility was performed by the Repair and Construction Department of “Azerikimya”.

The technological equipment of the device was developed by the French company “HAMON Thermal Europe”, the installation and adjustment of NOC and automation, as well as electrical systems were carried out with the participation of French special- ists.The commissioning of the new facilities will ensure more efficient, stable and reliable operation of both productions of the Ethylene-Polyethylene Plant - “EP-300” and “Polimir-120” complexes [30].

Ethylene-polyethylene plant of “Azerikimya” Production Association is one of the leading enterprises of our city. The enterprise was established in 1994 on the basis of “EP-300” and “Polimir-120” productions. The nitrogen-oxygen plant, which has been operating for many years at the “Organic Synthesis Plant”, does not meet the demand. For this reason, the operation of the facility was canceled. A new facility was built and put into operation on the territory of the SC plant.

An important result in the production of "Ethylene-Polyethylene" plant took place in 2011. 75 thousand 274 tons of polyethylene were obtained. In 2012, this figure was 76,186 tons, an increase of 116.8 percent. The main buyer of polyethylene is the Republic of Turkey. Through the “Petkim” company of this country, our products are exported to the markets of Europe and other countries. SOCAR also plays an important role in the development of the petrochemical industry in the brotherly country. The company has become one of the largest production complexes in Turkey and one of the leading in Europe. Therefore, there is no such problem with sales. The needs of the domestic market are also being met. We continue our measures to modernize and automate machinery and equipment, technological processes [24].

Due to the fact that the largest enterprises of Azerbaijan with great industrial potential are located in Sumgayit, President Ilham Aliyev in recent years pays attention to the implementation of systematic measures to restore the city's former glory in this field. During his next visit to Sumgayit on October 4, 2013, the President stressed that in the coming years the city will become one of the important industrial centers not only in the South Caucasus, but in Europe in general. Mr. Ilham Aliyev said at the opening ceremony of Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park: “Today, the foundation stone of Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park is being laid. This is a very significant event for our country. Because it will be a new industrial city” [26].

During the 9-month reporting period of 2014, the "Ethylene-Polyethylene" plant produced products worth 129 million 971 thousand manat. Compared to the corresponding period of 2013, the volume of commodity production was 21.9 million manat more. In January-September, instead of 59,408 tons, 68,000 tons of polyethylene was produced and the forecast task was fulfilled by 114 percent. At the end of nine months, the consumption rate for polyethylene was 1.03 tons, which is a high figure. The loss rate during overhaul and subsequent connection was also reduced. Extensive measures are being taken to bring Polymer-120 production to project capacity. In order to increase the efficiency of production, the issue of purchasing spare parts for the 2nd generation compressor is being resolved [10].

At present, measures are being taken in Sumgayit to achieve the goal set by Dear President Ilham Aliyev in the following stages: 1) The historical glory of one of the strongest industrial cities of Azerbaijan has been restored; 2) Sumgayit has established itself as one of the "most modern industrial centers of the South Caucasus"; 3) The plan to "make Sumgayit one of the strongest industrial centers in Europe" has been launched.

The foundation of Urea production plant has been laid, and the construction of plants for the production of polypropylene and polyethylene by “SOCAR Polymer” LLC has begun. A total of more than 2 billion manat is expected to be invested in the construction of these plants, and construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2017 [14]. A total of more than 2 billion manat is expected to be invested in the construction of these plants, and construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2017 [14].

Not only chemical enterprises, but also the country as a whole did not have sufficient financial resources to acquire the Steam-Generator-BGG to be built. The Great Leader, who has always paid attention and care to the petrochemical industry of Azerbaijan, once again managed to get out of the situation by taking on this heavy burden. He attached great importance to the future development and perspective development of the chemical industry, and decided and blessed the construction of this unique facility with the state guarantee of Azerbaijan, in fact, with his own guarantee [8]. According to the results of socio-economic development in 2015, the volume of industrial output in Sumgayit amounted to 305.5 million manat, the growth rate was 0.6 percent, the share of the non-oil sector in GDP was more than 75 percent. More than 90 percent of the products were sent to consumers. However, the global financial crisis has also affected Sumgayit's industry. Thus, “Azerikimya” Production Association amounted to 114.3 million manat - 87 percent against 131.5 million manat [21].

The “SOCAR Polymer” project is the first project of its kind and scale in the petrochemical industry of Azerbaijan in the last 40 years. Polypropylene and high-density polyethylene plants of “SOCAR Polymer”, established in 2013 for the chemical industry in Azerbaijan, are being built in the Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park, established by order of President Ilham Aliyev [6].

One of the notable projects is the construction of a new industrial wastewater treatment plant with a daily capacity of 2,600 cubic meters. The main purpose of the construction of this facility, which will be commissioned in 2026, is to ensure the maximum purity of water discharged into the Caspian Sea and the use of treated water for irrigation purposes [7].

On July 13, 2018, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of the head of Sumgayit City Executive Power Zakir Farajov on the results of socio-economic development in the first half of this year and the upcoming issues. During the meeting it was noted that the successful continuation of construction and installation works of new enterprises in Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park, established to create favorable conditions for the development of competitive industrial production in the country on the basis of innovative and high technologies, to support entrepreneurship in this field, to ensure sustainable development of the non-oil sector and to ensure employment of the population in the field of production creates a basis for further growth of socio-economic indicators of the city in the near future.

Today in Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park, which has a special role and weight in the country's economy, a modern type of Vocational Training Center for the training of qualified personnel in the field of industry; Production capacity of 180,000 tons of polypropylene and 120,000 tons of high-density polyethylene plants based on Canadian and Australian technology; The construction of the “Carbamide” plant, which will produce 650,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer per year, are being run [27].

The results of the study are as follows:

After the transfer to SOCAR, the international economic relations of “Azerikimya” Production Association have significantly expanded. As a result, “Azerikimya” Production Association has established business economic relations with German companies “VASF” and “CAC”, Korean company “Sasung”, Russian company “Nizhnekamnskneftekhim” and “Sterlitamak petrochemical plant”, as well as enterprises in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan;

In order to solve environmental problems, a number of large-scale projects have been developed and implemented at “Azerikimya” Production Association;

After the transfer to SOCAR, the staff of “Azeri- kimya” Production Association achieved high results in all areas of chemical production and contributed to the development of the country's economy


1. Report of the head of the Executive Power of Sumgayit city Vagif Aliyev on the results of socio-economic development of Sumgayit city in the first quarter of 2010. Sumgayit newspaper. April 24, 2010.

2. Presentation of audit results (“Azerikimya” Production Association). Sumgayit newspaper, August 13, 2011.

3. 2010 was a successful year for “Azerikimya” Production Association. Sumgayit newspaper. January 15, 2011.

4. Press service of Azerkimya Production Association. Sumgayit newspaper. April 9, 2011

5. AzerTAG. The groundbreaking ceremony of the Sumgayit nitrogen fertilizer-urea plant was held. Sumgayit newspaper. December 21, 2011.

6. AzerTAG. The foundation of a high-density polyethylene plant has been laid. Sumgayit newspaper. October 31, 2015.

7. AZERTAG. President Ilham Aliyev has launched new facilities at the Ethylene-Polyethylene Plant in Sumgayit. Sumgayit newspaper. October 31, 2015.

8. Babayev M. Heydar Aliyev's unparalleled services in strengthening the petrochemical potential of Sumgayit are still a reliable guarantee of the country's chemical success. Sumgayit newspaper. September 15, 2015.

9. The first year of the current year is summed up ( Meeting of Sumgayit city activists). Sumgayit newspaper. April 28, 2012

10. Jafarov A. Economic indicators show positive results. Sumgayit newspaper. November 1, 2014.

11. Nine months have been set off (Meeting of Sumgayit city activists). Sumgayit newspaper. October 20, 2012.

12. Repair of the torch tower of the EP-300 complex has begun. Sumgayit newspaper. August 7, 2010.

13. Ethylene output has been brought to project capacity. Sumgayit newspaper. March 5, 2011.

14. Azizov E. Sumgayit enters a qualitatively faster stage of socio-economic development and modern industrialization. Sumgayit newspaper. May 2, 2015

15. Republican Scientific Conference of Young Chemists. Sumgayit newspaper. October 8, 2011.

16. Gulumov M. A city that grows younger with age. Sumgayit newspaper. November 24, 2012.

17. The fruit of Heydar Aliyev's attention, care and dreams to Sumgayit. Sumgayit newspaper. May 4, 2013.

18. The establishment of the Chemical Industrial Park has started. Sumgayit newspaper. January 14, 2012.

19. Gafaroglu S. In the question of innovations (ethylene-polyethylene plant). Sumgayit newspaper. April 16, 2011.

20. Guliyev S. Chemists are in an optimistic mood. Sumgayit newspaper. January 8, 2011.

21. Malikov G. There is still much to be done. Sumgayit newspaper. October 24, 2015.

22. Muganli G. Swallow of Sumgayit chemistry (Plant of Surfactants). Sumgayit newspaper. June 2, 2010.

23. Cooperation in the petrochemical industry. Sumgayit newspaper. November 19, 2011.

24. Niftaliyev O. The volume of production is growing, social problems are being solved (Ethylenepolyethylene plant). Sumgayit newspaper. January 9, 2014.

25. Sumgayit newspaper. July 27, 2011.

26. Sumgayit newspaper. February 1, 2014

27. Rapid development continues. Sumgayit. July 14, 2018.

28. Meeting of chemists with Turkish specialists (“Azerikimya” Production Association). Sumgayit. August 6, 2011.

29. Half a year of successful road (Meeting of Sumgayit city activists). Sumgayit. July 28, 2012.

30. New production facilities. Sumgayit newspaper. May 25, 2013.

31. A new technological column has been installed, the reliability of the power system has been increased (“Azerikimya” Production Association). Sumgayit newspaper. October 1, 2011.

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