Historical conditions of improvement of the training system for the agrarian economy of Bulgaria
Post-industrial economics - a complex system of interrelated industries for the production, dissemination and management. Education like one of the most important factors in competitiveness in the economic development policy of the world leaders.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.10.2022 |
Размер файла | 16,5 K |
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Historical conditions of improvement of the training system for the agrarian economy of Bulgaria
Georgieva M.D.
National Transport University
Developed systems of working agrarian staff, training and training of professional staff is important at all levels of agricultural commodity production. The study investigated the main directions and improvements of the systems used for the agricultural sector of the Bulgarian economy, discovered by modern manufacturers specialized specialists to meet the necessary needs of the Bulgarian economy in the framework of integration in to the European economic space. The importance of vocational education and the transformation of agrarian education in Bulgaria were revealed.
The historical necessity of training, retraining and advanced training of working personnel for the agricultural complex of Bulgaria has been investigated. The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of personnel support of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian economy. The peculiarities of economic activity of agricultural producers are analyzed. The current state and problems of development of educational system of training ofpersonnel for agrarian sector are investigated. The necessity to create a system of staffing for small farmers is substantiated. It is proposed to create a qualitatively new system of training for farmers offarm type. The basis for the formation of training programs for peasant farms was to lay innovative methods and approaches to the development of training courses, abandoning out dated theories. The main criterion for the effectiveness of cooperation between the agricultural sector and the education sector should be the level of practical implementation of the acquired skills and knowledge. Implementation of the analyzed measures will significantly increase the level of competitiveness of farms.
The current stage of formation of the Bulgarian agrarian sector is characterized by the growing importance of family forms of agricultural production in all aspects. Farmers and households played an important role in shaping the Bulgarian agrarian market by important groups of agricultural products (vegetables and industrial crops, fruit and berry products, grapes, sheep breeding, poultry farming), as well as performing village and planting functions. The state of ensuring the development of agricultural production by scientific-pedagogical staff and specialists of the field has been studied. It is determined that it is the high level of staffing of the Bulgarian agriculture that is decisive in improving the efficiency of the industry as a whole.
Key words: personnel training system, agro-industrial complex, agrarian sector of economy, Bulgaria, European Union, agar production.
Вироблення системи підготовки кадрів-аграріїв, навчання та підвищення кваліфікації кадрів має надзвичайно велике значення для всіх сфер аграрного товаровиробництва. У статті досліджено основні напрями формування та вдосконалення системи підготовки кадрів для аграрного сектора економіки Болгарії, розкрито сучасні напрями підготовки спеціалістів для задоволення необхідних потреб сільського господарства Болгарії в умовах інтеграції до європейського економічного простору. Розкрито значення професійно-технічної освіти та причини реформування аграрної освіти в Болгарії.
Досліджено історичну необхідність підготовки, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації робочих кадрів для агропромислового комплексу Болгарії. Стаття присвячена дослідженню механізму кадрового забезпечення аграрного сектора економіки Болгарії. Проаналізовано особливості господарської діяльності аграрних товаровиробників. Досліджено сучасний стан та проблеми розвитку освітньої системи підготовки кадрів для аграрного сектора. Обґрунтовано необхідність створення системи кадрового забезпечення для малих сільськогосподарських виробників. Запропоновано створення якісно нової системи підготовки фахівців для селянських господарств фермерського типу. Основою формування навчальних програм для селянських господарств мало бути покладено інноваційні методи та підходи до розробки навчальних курсів, відмову від застарілих теорій. Основним критерієм ефективності співпраці між аграрним сектором економіки й освітньою сферою мав стати рівень можливостей практичного впровадження набутих навичок і знань. Здійснення проаналізованих заходів суттєво підвищить рівень конкурентоспроможності фермерських господарств.
Сучасний етап становлення болгарського аграрного сектора характеризується зростанням значення сімейних форм аграрного виробництва в усіх аспектах. Фермерські господарства та домашні господарства відігравали важливу роль у формуванні болгарського аграрного ринку за важливими групами сільськогосподарської продукції (овочеві та технічні культури, плодово-ягідні товари, виноград, вівчарство, птахівництво), а також виконують селоформувальну та селотвірну функції. Вивчено стан забезпечення розвитку аграрного виробництва науково-педагогічними кадрам та спеціалістами сфери. Визначено, що саме високий рівень кадрового забезпечення сільського господарства Болгарії є визначальним у підвищенні ефективності галузі загалом.
Ключові слова: система підготовки кадрів, агропромисловий комплекс, аграрний сектор економіки, Болгарія, Європейський Союз, агарне товаровиробництво.
Formulation of the problem
The innovative development of agro-industrial production in the present conditions is of particular importance, since Bulgaria's entry into the world economy implies increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. In this context, the main advantage was to focus on the creative abilities of people, their intelligence, on investing capital in enhancing the creative potential of the individual. Thus, it is extremely important to find new forms and methods of solving the problem of improving the efficiency and further development of agriculture on an innovative basis through the development of human resources.
Analysis of recent research and publications
More and more researchers are arguing that the failure of management and employees of agricultural enterprises to become active participants in the innovation process has largely caused the inability and unacceptability of enterprises to innovate. Social and personnel problems of innovative activity, its specific aspects in the activity of managers and employees of enterprises are considered in the works of such authors as M. Anastasova, B. Ivanov, D. Ruscheva, H. Bashev and others [1; 3; 8; 2]. However, a comprehensive system of effective staffing for the innovative activity of the personnel of enterprises has not yet been developed.
Setting objectives
An analysis of Bulgaria's historical experience in training agrarian staff to ensure the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises in the context of Bulgaria's European integration aspirations.
Outline of the main research material. In today's environment, more than ever, the decisive role in the development of agriculture is played by the human factor, and innovative development of the enterprise can not take place without employees capable of constant updating and accumulation of knowledge. The formation of the knowledge economy, as a leading trend in modern world development, requires national governments to develop strategies for socio-economic development based on an innovative model of governance and organization of economic activity. Such a model can be based on the widespread development and realization of the intellectual component, the application of which becomes a relevant element in the structure of economic relations at the beginning of the new century. Although the problems of innovation as development and introduction of new knowledge have been the subject of close attention in Bulgaria and Ukraine and the world over the past few years, the innovation problem is still poorly researched in terms of its staffing, and especially in the area of its staffing agrarian sector [5, p. 19].
We believe that the problem of innovation in the modern economy is the main form of intellectual property, the main object of which is knowledge, which is becoming a determining resource of national socio-economic development [6, p. 69]. It is important to realize that people are the carriers, generators and users of this resource. Thus, the personnel component of innovative development is an integral element of the modern economy.
Bulgarian agriculture is not sufficiently sensitive to the perception of innovation and prompt response to the demands of today's global transformations. Post-industrial economics is a system of interrelated industries for the production, dissemination and management of the “new economy”.
Therefore, knowledge is becoming the basis of a future society that has already begun its transition. D. Ruscheva states: “<...> it is necessary for actions related to the accumulation of knowledge to become ordinary. This will bring innovation to the forefront. Due to the habit, the costs of preparation and decision-making in the current activity are minimized <.>. This will free up time and resources, including mental resources, to expand innovation activity” [8, p. 45]. However, the scientist notes that a knowledge-based economy successfully exists and develops through the implementation of a project that is social in nature, based not only on specialized, but also on everyday knowledge, constantly updated, expanded, supplemented and typified through innovative activity, but in Bulgaria individual activity, and therefore its innovative nature, is growing too slowly [8, p. 81]. In such circumstances, the benefits of education should be regarded as one of those few reserves of economic development of agriculture that still remains in Bulgaria.
Education is one of the most important factors in competitiveness in the economic development policy of the world leaders. First, education is a factor in the formation and improvement of productive forces of society, because at the stage of post-industrial development they (productive forces) are increasingly based on the results of the work of scientists, on discoveries, inventions, information, that is, above all, on the use of intellectual potential embedded in the individual. The US example illustrates the existence of these processes in the economies of post-industrial societal development. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of scientists and engineers for the period 2002-2012 will increase by 26% while the total employment will increase by only 15%,
e. it will grow by 70% faster [1, p. 48]. Secondly, education ensures the quality of economic growth. Without education, economic progress is impossible.
As the history of civilizational development testifies, there has not yet been an example of a country getting richer with a simultaneous impoverishment of education, science and culture.
Thirdly, education determines the continuity of economic development and the possibility of its acceleration on the basis of qualitative changes that occurred at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, namely:
- due to the high level of well-being achieved in developed countries, in the system of values of the overwhelming majority of the population the motive for the behavior was the improvement of personality;
- due to the development of new forms of production that require more and more information, the need to constantly improve the educational level and accumulate new knowledge as a result of social change nigh priorities possession of information and the ability to produce new knowledge are now just as significant as the presence of material wealth in the industrial society.
However, according to the international competitiveness ratings (WEF ratings), according to which Bulgaria ranked 82nd among 133 countries in the year, having fallen to 10 positions immediately compared to the results of the previous survey, our country does not realize the possibilities of even the potential for development, to which you can still hope. These are, first and foremost, education, as well as the ability to innovate those competitiveness factors that have been identified on the basis of these international observations [9, p. 420]. The current stage, the differences of which are extremely intense and inclusive processes of intellectual and innovative development, puts the countries to the test not only in the aspect of technological competition, but also in terms of the perfection of educational systems.
Today, the translational function of education is moving to the periphery, giving way to the function of personality development - the ability of the individual to think, make independent decisions, creativity.
According to scientists, the strategic potential of developed countries began to be determined not by general mass education, but by the creative potential and the level of the scientific, technical and organizational-political elite [10, p. 65].
In the context of global processes of society's transition to a post-industrial economy, the level of quality requirements for education is increasing. According to experts [8, p. 44], the disparity between the new technological system and the outdated training system and, as a consequence, inadequate quality of labor resources, including the agrarian profile, is a major constraint on economic growth and the weakening of competition.
In this context, today it is particularly considered the feasibility of reforming the Bulgarian higher education system, including the agrarian one, in accordance with the conditions of the Bologna Process and integrating it into the European and world market of educational services. It is convincing that in the top ten countries with the highest overall competitiveness index there are 7 countries participating in the Bologna Process, and they are in the top ten in terms of the higher education competitiveness index.
In the context of globalization, the EU aims to ensure competitiveness in world markets for goods and services, including the competitiveness of educational services provided by EU higher education institutions. This is facilitated by the modernization of the European education system, the improvement of the quality of educational services, as well as marketing policies abroad. The latter is implemented through specific programs of the European Commission, as well as through the activities of EU Member States to attract foreign students.
Theory and practice testify to the crucial importance of scientific and technological human resources for enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. L. Edwinson noted that any organization can be considered as a set of ideas. The company, which is a leader in the production of ideas, is also a leader in the market [3, p. 39]. A good example is the American practice of government regulation in this area. In the US, the problem of education and training for the needs of the new (post-industrial) economy is central to the state's innovation strategy. This is evidenced by the 2006 American Competitiveness Initiative. It is based on the fact that the main innovation resource is the staff of scientists, engineers, inventors, skilled workers who are able to be competitive in the global economy [12, p. 11].
Increasing demand for scientific and technical staff is a common trend in the global labor market, and in the post-industrial economy it will only grow.
Therefore, Bulgaria, for which the staff still remains one of the few dominants of competitiveness, neglecting measures to enhance this advantage is inappropriate. We need an effective, financially backed, organizationally coordinated program similar in principle to that implemented by the US government.
The current situation in the scientific and technological environment of the agro-industrial complex of Bulgaria requires staffing, first of all - in relation to the enterprises whose activity is related to the production of high-tech products. Experts note that the funds spent on research work make up only 20% of all expenditures, and the rest (80%) is due to the need for analysis of the situation, the promotion of the product on the market, the selection of professional managers [7, p. 9]. In this regard, according to scientific research, in technological leaders countries tend to transform research processes in corporations. This is the case: the application of a closed model, focused on the predominant use of internal resources of the company, is gradually supplemented and even gives way to an open model based on the principles of attracting external sources of innovative growth.
In other words, outsourcing extends in two directions. First, the transfer of certain functions to other entities of economic relations is used when there is a need to concentrate the activity of the company in strategically important areas and the separation of less significant ones, or when the efficiency of the transferred processes “on the side” is higher than within the company. Second, outsourcing is used when a company acquires new ideas, knowledge, intellectual property objects, new product lines, technologies created by other firms, and when the alienation of individual operations or property objects that cease to be in line with strategic activities companies.
Therefore, solving the problems outlined requires a new generation of people capable of perceiving and innovating. However, the demand from employers for highly skilled workers and professionals with high quality training is unmet. Let us dwell on the main reasons for this situation: 1) the lack of a state concept of training innovative personnel in accordance with the needs of the economy; 2) the passivity of the employers themselves to ensure the conditions for proper training of staff, improving their professional level; 3) lack of a base of accumulated qualitative and progressive knowledge and mechanism for their transfer to low-skilled workers; 4) deterioration of the economic function of science and education.
These issues become even more important because it is agriculture that is characterized by a decline in the educational level of workers. Existing direct link between results of work and education of employees is proved. This problem in due time was given special attention by Academician S. Strumilin. It is probably the first time in the world that he has covered it and calculated the effectiveness of such investments in human capital, proving the effectiveness of general education, finding, for example, that a year of school education gives about 2,6 times higher qualification than the year of factory experience. The benefits of increased labor productivity exceed 27,6 times the state's corresponding expenditures on school education [9, p. 142].
According to calculations made in 2011, national income increased by 80,1% as a result of improved labor productivity, 37,1% of which was due to an increase in the educational level and skills of workers and an increase in technological armaments 43%.
The innovative development of agroindustrial complex requires the provision of agrarian sector of the regions and highly qualified, professional management personnel. At the same time, new principles of functioning of the infrastructure of the market of educational services with legal, financial, logistical and organizational mechanisms are necessary, which will allow to promptly manage personnel processes in the conditions of changing economic situation.
The issue of integration of activity of higher, secondary, supplementary vocational education and research institutions is of particular relevance today. These programs should realize the real integration of educational activity with science and production, optimize the system of continuous multilevel training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, unify methodological support at all levels of agricultural education, create new, more favorable conditions for the training of scientific personnel, form a single effective information consulting service of the agro-industrial complex of the region, to expand participation in international programs and in the use of special scientific and educational grants, to create an effective resource Publication of high technology products in agricultural, processing and other fields of agriculture and, finally, to eliminate the dispersion of funds spent on training and scientific research, etc.
A prerequisite for the development and effectiveness of agrarian education is its focus on the acquisition by students of advanced methods and technologies of management, the ability to adapt them to specific production conditions. Educational institutions should constantly work to update curricula, taking into account the achievements of modern technology, technology, economic and social sciences, and best practices. Positive moments in the activity of educational institutions - this is a significant basis for the future, a real impact we can get with the coordinated action of executive authorities, educational and educational institutions and directly enterprises and organizations.
Thus, for formation of qualitative personnel component of innovative development of the enterprise it is necessary to:
- at the national level: to develop the concept of training of innovative personnel for the enterprises of agrarian sector of economy;
- at the enterprise level: to develop measures to increase the level of innovation activity of employees by increasing their motivation; to create favorable conditions for (through various types of incentives) stimulation of development of qualitative traits necessary for introduction of innovations; to provide continuous training, in-company training.
All this will create opportunities for increasing interest in innovation activity, its activation, increase of labor efficiency, which will help to strengthen the competitive position of a particular enterprise and improve its financial and economic status.
industrial economic education
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