Organizational-economic mechanism of ecological tourism development

Reveals and analysis the modern interpretation of the concept of ecological tourism and searches for alternatives to prevent the destructive impact of tourism on the environment. Determine the features and current directions of ecotourism development.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.11.2022
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Размещено на

Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

Organizational-economic mechanism of ecological tourism development

Iuliia Bondar, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Management and Economics' Department

Nina Lehinkova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Management and Economics' Department

Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The article considers the essence of approaches to organizational and economic development of ecological tourism, reveals the modern interpretation of the concept of ecological tourism and searches for alternatives to prevent the destructive impact of tourism on the environment, as well as analyzes the basic principles of ecotourism. It should be noted that ecological tourism is an effective means of economic and social revival of Ukraine. The ecotourism industry performs important functions in the development of the economic complex and economy of the country, region, region, because: it increases local incomes; creates new jobs; promotes the development of industries focused on the production of ecotourism services; develops social and production infrastructure in tourist centers; increases budget revenues, etc. Thus, the organizational and economic mechanism of ecotourism development should be aimed primarily at environmental protection, creating an economic mechanism identical to that used in the management of the economy by providing common approaches to the organization of production planning and environmental protection, stimulating greening production and reducing anthropogenic impact for recreational resources. A SWOT-analysis was conducted, which makes it possible to determine the features and current directions of ecotourism development, to concentrate material, technical, investment, organizational, economic and other means for its needs and to develop clear measures and proposals for ecotourism development in general. It is proved that the organizational and economic mechanism of management of ecological tourism development should be understood as such set of system elements defining algorithm of direct and indirect influence on conditions of functioning and development of object of management and providing realization of cooperative interactions of participants of territorial recreational complexes. efficiency of the regional economy.

Keywords: ecotourism; recreational resources; tourism industry; analysis; organizational and economic mechanism; strategy.


Організаційно-економічний механізм розвитку екологічного туризму

Бондар Юлія Анатоліївна,

кандидат економічних наук, доцент,

доцент кафедри менеджменту та економіки

Льотної академії Національного авіаційного університету.

Кропивницький, Україна.

Легінькова Ніна Іллівна,

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту та економіки Льотної академії Національного авіаційного університету Кропивницький, Україна.

У статті розглянуто сутність підходів до організаційно-економічного розвитку екологічного туризму, розкрито сучасне трактування поняття екологічний туризм та здійснено пошук альтернатив запобігання руйнівного впливу туризму на екологію, а також проаналізовано основні принципи розвитку екотуризму. Слід відзначити, що екологічний туризм є ефективним засобом економічного і соціального відродження територій України. Індустрія екотуризму виконує важливі функції у розвитку господарського комплексу й економіки країни, регіону, області, оскільки: збільшує місцеві доходи; створює нові робочі місця; сприяє розвитку галузей, що орієнтовані на виробництво екотуристських послуг; розвиває соціальну і виробничу інфраструктуру в туристських центрах; збільшує надходження в бюджет тощо. Отже, організаційно-економічний механізм розвитку екологічного туризму повинен бути спрямований, насамперед, на охорону навколишнього середовища, створення господарського механізму, ідентичного вживаному в управлінні економікою країни шляхом забезпечення єдиних підходів до організації планування виробництва та охорони навколишнього середовища, стимулювання екологізації виробництва і зниження антропогенного впливу на рекреаційні ресурси. Проведено SWOT-аналізу, що дає можливість визначити особливості та актуальні напрямки розвитку екологічного туризму, сконцентрувати матеріально-технічні, інвестиційні, організаційно-економічні та інші засоби задля його потреб та розробити чіткі заходи та пропозиції розвитку екологічного туризму в цілому. Доведено, що організаційно-економічний механізм управління розвитком екологічного туризму слід розуміти таку сукупність системних елементів, що визначають алгоритм прямого і непрямого впливу на умови функціонування і розвитку об'єкта управління і забезпечують реалізацію коопераційних взаємодій учасників територіально рекреаційних комплексів з метою реалізації ресурсного потенціалу для підвищення ефективності регіональної економіки.

Ключові слова: екотуризм; рекреаційні ресурси; туристична індустрія; аналіз; організаційно-економічний механізм; стратегія.



Бондарь Юлия Анатольевна,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и экономики Летной академии Национального авиационного университета Кропивницкий, Украина.

Легинькова Нина Ильинична,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и экономики Летной академии Национального авиационного университета Кропивницкий, Украина.

В статье рассмотрена сущность подходов к организационно-экономическому развитию экологического туризма, раскрыта современная трактовка понятия экологический туризм и поиск альтернатив предотвращения разрушительного влияния туризма на экологию, а также проанализированы основные принципы развития экотуризма. Следует отметить, что экологический туризм является эффективным средством экономического и социального возрождения территории Украины. Индустрия экотуризма выполняет важные функции в развитии хозяйственного комплекса и экономики страны, региона, области, поскольку: увеличивает местные доходы; создает новые рабочие места; способствует развитию отраслей, ориентированных на производство экотуристских услуг; развивает социальную и производственную инфраструктуру в туристских центрах; увеличивает поступление в бюджет и т.д. Следовательно, организационно-экономический механизм развития экологического туризма должен быть направлен прежде всего на охрану окружающей среды, создание хозяйственного механизма, идентичного применяемому в управлении экономикой страны путем обеспечения единых подходов к организации планирования производства и охраны окружающей среды, стимулирования экологизации производства и снижения антропогенного воздействия. на рекреационные ресурсы. Проведен SWOT-анализ, позволяющий определить особенности и актуальные направления развития экологического туризма, сконцентрировать материально-технические, инвестиционные, организационно-экономические и другие средства для его потребностей и разработать четкие мероприятия и предложения развития экологического туризма в целом. Доказано, что организационно-экономический механизм управления развитием экологического туризма следует понимать совокупность системных элементов, определяющих алгоритм прямого и косвенного воздействия на условия функционирования и развития объекта управления и обеспечивающих реализацию кооперационных взаимодействий участников территориально рекреационных комплексов с целью реализации ресурсного потенциала для повышения эффективности региональной экономики.

Ключевые слова: экотуризм; рекреационные ресурсы; туристическая индустрия; анализ; организационно-экономический механизм; стратегия.

Introduction / вступ

Formulation of the problem. Tourism is important both for the economies of the countries and for their social development, and also provides one tenth of the world's gross national product. Tourism helps humanity to raise its cultural level, to acquire new knowledge, to preserve traditional values, to improve norms of behavior. Thanks to tourism, people are realized, meet their recreational, cognitive and spiritual needs. This creates a sense of human responsibility for the environment and a desire to improve its ecological condition.

In recent years, due to the deterioration of the environment, there is a search for alternative uses of natural resources. One of such new directions is ecological tourism, which is actively developing all over the world. Revenues from eco-travel are about 10% of the revenues received by international tourism. The development of ecological tourism significantly improves the economic situation of the country, promotes its social development, is an effective mechanism for deterring negative processes.

The strategy of ecological tourism significantly affects the economic development of the country and the conservation of natural resources. Ecotourists need to know and adhere to the basic principles and goals of ecotourism, which include minimizing environmental impact, raising awareness and concern for the environment and culture, providing a positive experience for visitors, direct financial benefits for the environment, financial benefits to local communities and more.

The emergence of eco-tourism is a response of mankind to global environmental problems and growing consumption of natural resources. Today, eco-tourism is developing rapidly and gaining popularity in many countries, which helps to harmonize the relationship between nature, people and the economy. Due to the unique natural resources of many regions of Ukraine, the development of ecological tourism is promising, it is also facilitated by the desire of the population to relax in nature.

Given the current conditions of economic development of the country, it becomes obvious the growing contradictions in meeting tourism demand and rational use of tourist resources, so the study of the organization of the economic mechanism of eco-tourism is relevant.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Scientific publications, which show the analysis of scientific and information sources, are devoted to the problems of development and management of ecological tourism within the protected areas. Most of them describe and characterize mainly natural and historical and cultural resources of the territories. The number of publications on the development of ecotourism has been growing in domestic and foreign sources recently. Studies of various aspects of ecotourism development are contained in the works of N. Aleshutina [1], T. Bochkareva [5], V. Kutsenko [9], V. Lipchuk [12], G. Biletskaya [3], Iu. Bondar [4], V. Smal [17], N. Leginkova [4], O. Beidyk [6] and others.

In particular, O. Beidyk defined that ecological tourism is a recreational activity that has the least impact on the natural environment, provides a harmonious unity of nature, man, recreation facilities and recreational infrastructure. At the same time, O. Dmytruk believes that eco-tourism can be defined as an integrative area of recreational activities aimed at harmonizing relations between tourists, tour operators, the environment and local communities, which is realized through the greening of all tourism, nature protection, environmental education and education [6, p. 7].

G. Sorokina notes that the basic principles of ecotourism are aimed at improving the welfare of the population and reducing the negative impact of tourist flows on the environment. The main idea of ecological tourism is the care and preservation of the natural environment, which is used for tourist purposes and implemented in its tasks and functions [19, p. 27].

Organizational and economic problems of ecological tourism development were studied in the works of V. Lipchuk [13] and others.

At the same time, in modern conditions of global transformation of social and economic problems of formation, development and introduction of the organizational and economic mechanism of ecological tourism is timely and lawful both in the theoretical, and in the practical plan.

Aim and tasks / мета та завдання

The main purpose of the study is to identify approaches to the organizational and economic mechanism of ecotourism, disclosure of modern interpretation of the concept of «ecotourism» and search for alternatives to prevent the destructive impact of tourism on the environment, as well as analysis of basic principles of ecotourism.

In accordance with the stated purpose of the study, the following tasks are set:

• to analyze the organizational and economic mechanism of stimulation and support of ecological tourism entities;

• to study the trends of ecological tourism, its types and cycles of tourist knowledge about ecological tourism;

• determine the effectiveness of eco-tourism and conduct a SWOT- analysis of its development.

The theoretical backgrounds / теоретичні основи дослідження

In modern conditions, ecological tourism occupies an important niche in the national and world tourism industry, which contributes to the organizational and economic development of the state, provides for the participation of local people in the provision of services, creates economic incentives for environmental protection. That is why ecological tourism with a responsible attitude to nature and insignificant impact on the environment has prospects for development in the territory of national nature parks.

Ecological tourism is an effective means of economic and social revival of the territories of Ukraine. The ecotourism industry performs important functions in the development of the economic complex and economy of the country, region, region, because it increases local revenues; creates new jobs; promotes the development of industries focused on the production of ecotourism services; develops social and production infrastructure in tourist centers; increases budget revenues [3].

Research methods / методи дослідження

To solve this goal and objectives, the following research methods were used: statistical analysis - to analyze the development of eco-tourism, study global trends in tourism markets, determine the formation and implementation of eco-tourism; problem-oriented - for scientific substantiation of strategic directions of the decision of questions of administrative activity in tourism. On the basis of the system-analytical method the theoretical generalization of scientific concepts, developments and offers of the leading domestic and foreign scientists devoted to formation and development of the organizational and economic mechanism of stimulation and support of subjects of ecological tourism is executed.

Research results / результати дослідження

At the present stage of human development, eco-tourism is considered as a new promising type of recreation, a priority in the state environmental policy of many countries, a tool for economic development and environmental security of countries and regions [13]. Eco-tourism occupies an important place in the integration process, which has led to a change in the functioning of various sectors of the economy, taking into account the processes of implementation, development and implementation of ecological tours.

The development of the country's economy affects the condition and quality of the natural resource base of the tourist and recreational complex (TRC). Eco-tourism allows the development of recreational resources (in specially protected natural and rural areas) without harming the nature of the region, provides an opportunity to preserve in its original form forests, mountain landscapes, water bodies, etc. ecological tourism environment

In Ukraine, ecological tourism is carried out in national parks and nature reserves. It is here that the most remarkable natural values are concentrated, which so attract many tourists.

The country should consider the process of managing the development of ecological tourism as a strategic goal, to address which it is necessary to involve creative, professional staff.

The existing organizational and economic mechanism of stimulation and support of eco-tourism entities in Ukraine mainly operates a group of such regulators of behavior, which chaotically carry out their activities without thinking about the rational use of natural resource potential and effective development of tourist regions. This mechanism limits the introduction of innovative eco-oriented technologies, which leads to a natural deterioration of the tourist facilities of eco-tourism. Thus, the constructive economic tools of the existing mechanism, which is not able to encourage tourism entities to achieve both significant economic and social and environmental goals and create favorable financial conditions for the effective development of eco-tourism in the country.

The main disadvantages of the domestic economic mechanism of support for eco-tourism entities are that, firstly, it has not acquired the necessary development; secondly, it is not able to interest the subjects of ecological tourism in carrying out measures for the development of tourist regions and preservation of the existing natural resource potential; thirdly, it does not correspond to other economic indicators and rises of economic entities in the field of ecological tourism; fourth, it does not respond quickly and effectively to the dynamics of economic, social and environmental processes in the state. It is clear that such a mechanism is not able to encourage progressive structural changes in the support of eco-tourism entities.

In this case, the organizational and economic mechanism of stimulation and support of eco-tourism entities is considered as a holistic structural and functional system of links between the structural elements of the mechanism, regulating their interaction to stimulate and support eco-tourism entities.

The purpose of such organizational and economic mechanism of stimulation and support of economic entities in the field of ecological tourism is the coordinated balance of economic, ecological and social aspects of development of ecological tourism.

The main tasks of the organizational and economic mechanism of support of ecological tourism entities are:

• ensuring the influence of the state on improving the efficiency of economic entities of territorial and recreational complexes;

• improvement of economic relations between the state and economic entities;

• ensuring sustainable economic and social development of the state [15].

From the point of view of management, the emergence and development of eco-tourism leads to the following: a) an increase in the number of taxpayers and the tax base; b) increase in the number of jobs; c) the emergence of a convenient tool for interaction with business; d) increasing the investment attractiveness of the region; e) increasing the political, economic and social significance of the country.

Eco-tourism in the modern sense is a holiday in attractive regions, little disturbed by human activities, which have preserved the traditional way of life of the local population. This is a type of tourism, which is expressed in the active spending of human time in the natural environment not only with the use of its recreational, cognitive and other opportunities, but also taking into account their preservation and multiplication on both conscious and practical levels [2]. The main goal of ecological tourism and its distinctive feature is the preservation of the natural environment, education of love for the riches of nature and the importance of its protection.

The emergence of ecotourism and its development is due to the desire to minimize environmental change. Due to the smaller amount of necessary tourist infrastructure (hotels, restaurants and other entertainment facilities), per tourist and per monetary unit, this type of tourism is characterized by lower resource intensity. The concept of «environment» acquires a certain meaning depending on the central subject of the system - the organism, community, man, society, civilization [2].

At the same time, ecological tourism should contribute to the restoration and preservation of the traditional way of life of the local population, its culture and ethnographic features. The development of sustainable ecotourism is possible only with the creation of special ecotourism (landscape) parks in areas adjacent to protected areas, where the activities of local residents to provide services to tourists for the reception and sale of household products would have benefits and incentives. 1995-1996 can be considered the date of birth of ecological tourism in Ukraine [1].

The emergence of the definition of «eco-tourism» was preceded by several factors. The main ones are the following:

• a significant increase in the number of visitors to protected areas in the world and the potential threat that the damage they could cause to natural complexes has become a matter of serious concern. Instead, with the optimal organization of travel, it is possible not only to provide real financial support for nature protection, but also to preserve natural areas intact;

• the use of only «prohibitive» measures (especially if they do not coincide with the interests of the local population) cannot lead to the success of environmental actions. Local people should become partners in this activity, which would be economically profitable for them. Ecological tourism is called to play a significant role in this process;

• the preferences of tourists have undergone significant changes - more and more travelers choose to travel not the city, but the corners of untouched nature, where the natural landscape is preserved. This has led to an increase in demand for active-cognitive tours.

Eco-tourism began to develop as a direction of tourism on the interaction of economic, social and environmental problems of the modern world to find a new paradigm of development. The problem of human survival in conditions of acute resource scarcity has defined the concept of environmentally sustainable development, which should be the basis of the development strategy of society.

Creating a concept and strategy for the development of ecotourism is relevant in the industry of both international and domestic tourism. The definition of «ecotourism» can be characterized by four main features:

• based on the use of mainly natural resources;

• allows to reduce damage to the natural and socio-cultural environment;

• develops environmental education;

• contributes to the sustainable development of economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being of the population of the regions where it is carried out.

The essence of ecotourism is that without violating the integrity of ecosystems, to get an idea of the natural and cultural and ethnographic features of the area, and to create such economic conditions when nature protection becomes beneficial to the local population [13]. According to the definition (in 1990) of the International Organization for Ecological Tourism (TIES), «ecotourism is a responsible journey into natural areas that promotes nature protection and improves the well-being of the local population».

The main principles of ecological tourism are conscious travel through the natural environment, preservation of the integrity of ecosystems, observance of the interests of the local population.

Eco-tourism has become one of the most promising types of tourism in Ukraine also due to the significant diversity of tourist knowledge cycles. Accordingly, the principles of ecotourism and acquired knowledge of ecotourism (reflected in table 1).

Table 1 Basic principles and cycles of tourist knowledge
of ecological tourism [19], [17]

Principles of ecotourism

Cycle of tourist knowledge of ecotourism

The content of the cycle

Stimulation and satisfaction of needs to communicate with nature; acquaintance with wildlife and local customs and culture;


Acquaintance with cultural- historical, ethnographic, natural objects of the territory

prevention of negative impact on nature and culture;


Fishing, picking mushrooms, nuts, berries, herbs, boating

minimizing the negative consequences of environmental and socio-cultural nature, maintaining environmental sustainability; promoting nature protection and the local sociocultural environment; environmental education; participation of local residents and their income from tourism activities, which will create economic incentives for them to protect nature; economic efficiency and ensuring the socioeconomic development of the territory; promoting sustainable development of the visited regions


Swimming in reservoirs, physical labor


Change of impressions and constant contact with nature combined with low financial costs

The development of ecological tourism, in contrast to other types of tourism, requires less infrastructure development costs (it does not require the construction of new hotels in protected areas - ecotourists are accommodated in nearby settlements). In addition, the development of ecological tourism requires protection, integrated use of resources, environmental safety and availability of recreational resources, which is especially relevant in conditions where protected areas are separated by private landowners, cottages, etc. [9]. And with the right organization and skillful management of eco-tourism it is possible to maintain a balance of environmental, social and economic interests.

The main resource of ecological tourism is the unchanged natural environment. This type of tourism can be carried out both on nature protection objects of different degree of protection: biosphere and nature reserves, reserves, natural parks, regional landscape parks, artificially created objects - botanical gardens and zoological parks, dendrological parks and garden parks. - parks, natural monuments (caves, waterfalls, picturesque landscapes) of national and local importance, as well as in areas and facilities that perform both environmental and economic functions (urban and suburban parks, forestry, etc.) [17].

There are four types of ecotourism, which are promising for Ukrainian conditions (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 Types of ecological tourism

Specially protected natural areas have the greatest potential for the development of ecological tourism, as evidenced by the analysis of world tourism practice. In Ukraine, such areas include, first of all, state nature reserves and national parks.

Eco-tourism as a specific segment of the market of tourist services is closely connected with such key sectors of the regional economic complex as transport, communications, production of consumer goods, trade, construction, etc. Therefore, the development of ecological tourism accelerates (acts as a catalyst) for the integrated development of tourist regions.

There is a need to analyze and assess the state and prospects of ecotourism in Ukraine, because such an analysis is the basis for conclusions about the range of problems that exist in the field of tourism, natural resource potential of eco-tourism and require regulatory decisions.

According to the World Economic Forum, Ukraine currently uses less than a third of its tourism and recreational potential. According to expert estimates, in the case of full disclosure of Ukrainian tourism potential, budget revenues at all levels could reach up to 10 billion dollars. USA per year, so much is received by countries that are measurable with Ukraine in terms of tourist and recreational potential [8, p. 27].

The country's tourism industry plays a significant role in attracting investment and creating new jobs in various sectors of the economy related to tourism, such as transport, communications, trade, construction, agriculture, consumer goods and services. The tourism industry of Ukraine has all the prerequisites for the rapid development of ecological tourism, despite the factors that hinder its development Ukraine (as a country in the heart of Europe) has all the prerequisites for the proper development of the economy through the expansion of the tourism industry, because it is one of the leading places in Europe in terms of the availability of unique natural and cultural resources.

Ukraine has a developed network of tourist infrastructure facilities, including 4,572 collective accommodation facilities: hotels and similar accommodation facilities (motels, hostels, campsites - 2,645); specialized accommodation (sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest homes - 1927) [11].

According to the Register of Certificates for Establishing Hotel Categories, 288 hotels operating in the regions of Ukraine have certificates for establishing categories, of which 36 hotels - «five stars», 64 hotels - «four stars», 122 hotels - «three stars», 35 hotels - «two stars», 31 hotels - «one star». A significant part of Ukrainian hotels operates under the management of international and national hotel chains [11].

In addition in Ukraine the tourism industry generates less than 1% of total GDP (in European countries it is 10%), the share of exports of tourist services in the structure of exports of goods and services in Ukraine is 0,7% (in European countries - 30%) [16 ].

The effectiveness of eco-tourism has a broad socio-economic nature, namely, to increase its development it is necessary:

• to improve the existing regulatory framework;

• to improve the system of information and consulting support;

• to introduce new sources of financial and investment direction;

• to develop a set of organizational and economic measures at the state and regional levels.

Determining the economic efficiency of ecotourism can be based on the use of traditional efficiency indicators: profitability of tourism in general, unit cost, and so on. This approach generally corresponds to the theory of efficiency, according to which economic efficiency characterizes the efficiency of material and technical base, productive forces of society and is determined by the level of use of productive resources by comparing the effect with resources (or their costs) involved in its production. That is, the essence of increasing the efficiency of the production process is to produce more with the same amount of labor or to produce the same (and even more) with less labor. Therefore, the economic efficiency of eco-tourism can be calculated as the excess of income from this type of activity (for the owner of the farm) over its costs. In this case, the size of the profit - its most cumulative expression - should obviously be used as an indicator of the effect.

In order to systematize the list of problems and benefits of ecotourism development in the country, based on the generalization of factual information it is necessary to carry out SWOT-analysis of the state of this activity, which can also determine priorities for ecotourism development, form new concepts and plans (table 2).).

Table 2 SWOT-analysis of ecological tourism development


Weak sides



1. A significant number of recreational and natural medical resources

1. Reduction of funding for the tourism industry

2. Developed network of protected areas

2. Unsatisfactory condition of roads

3. Favorable economic and geographical location

3. Lack of a clear strategy for the development of ecological tourism in the country

4.Development of cross-border infrastructure, availability of Euroregion

4. Complication of permitting and approval procedures for tourist activities

5. Development of hotel infrastructure

5. Low level of quality of tourist and recreational services

6. Development of event and event tourism in the country

6. Intensification of natural disasters due to reduction of forest cover, soil degradation, pollution of water bodies

7. Training of high-quality professional staff in the field of tourism

7. Inconsistency of high price level with low level of service quality

8. Existence of international relations

8. Lack of qualified personnel in the tourism industry

9. Availability of international tourism projects for the development of ecological tourism

9. Low level of interaction between tourism business, government and science

10. Strengthening the unregulated regulatory and legal issues of service provision

11. Insufficient competitiveness of tourist enterprises.



1. The use of Internet resources to promote ecotourism, information about services

1. Difficult economic and political situation in the country

2. Organization of trainings and seminars for tourism

2. A small number of developed tourist routes

3. Creating new routes

3. A small range of eco-tourism products in the regions

4. Creating virtual 3D tours

4. Unsatisfactory level of information and advertising support of tourism

5. Increasing the level of rational use of tourist resources through their certification

5. Rapid development of competing countries

6. Development of a program to optimize traffic flows in order to increase accessibility to remote regions of the country

6. Deterioration of communication networks of tourist and recreational areas of the region

7. Increasing the level of investment attractiveness of tourist regions of the country by creating a program for the formation of tourist reputation (brand) of the region

7. The spread of the phenomenon of bankruptcy of tourist organizations

8. Improving the quality of tourist services through certification and categorization

8. A significant share of unorganized ecological tourism in the overall structure of tourist services

9. Promotion of tourist products through the use of innovations

9. Lack of a single system of tourist marking of recreational areas

10. Effective organizational, methodological and informational and legal support for the development of ecological tourism

10. The spread of the shadow business

Carrying out of SWOT-analysis also gives the chance to define features and actual directions of development of ecological tourism, to concentrate logistical, investment, organizational-economic and other means for its needs and to develop accurate measures and offers of development of ecological tourism as a whole [15].

Given the results of the SWOT-analysis, we can recommend the following measures for the further development of eco-tourism:

to carry out certification and categorization of tourist accommodation;

• develop regional programs to optimize traffic flows in order to increase accessibility to remote areas and regions of the country;

• to form the optimal legal, methodological and informational support for the development of ecological tourism;

• to introduce a centralized computer network of reservation of places for the organization and development of ecological tourism.

One of the most important indicators of planning the development of ecological tourism and technology of natural resources is the capacity of the ecosystem. Bandwidth is a general indicator, the value of which depends on the parameters of four load-bearing elements: ecological environment; spatial allocation of recreational resources; psychological comfort; economic bearing capacity of the landscape [14].

In order to optimize the use of resource potential to increase the efficiency of the regional economy, it is necessary to apply such organizational and economic mechanism for managing the development of eco-tourism, which is a set of system elements that determine the algorithm of direct and indirect impact on the functioning and development of interactions of participants of territorially recreational complexes.

The organizational and economic mechanism should include such tools to influence economic entities, which would be aimed primarily at environmental protection, the creation of an economic mechanism that would promote a unified approach to the organization of production planning and environmental protection, stimulate innovation greening of production and reduction of anthropogenic impact on recreational resources.

Conclusions and prospects for further research / висновки та перспективи подальших досліджень

Thus, it should be noted that the modern concept of ecotourism emphasizes the need to preserve natural and cultural heritage, biodiversity and improve the ecological, social and economic condition of the regions of the country visited by ecotourists. Eco-tourism should become a model for reorganization, greening of the entire tourism industry. The development of a set of measures for the management of eco-tourism, including the creation of an organizational mechanism for interaction, monitoring and control of economic agents, will maximize the huge potential for eco-tourism in Ukraine. The rate of economic growth should become a means of achieving significant environmental goals, the successful solution of urgent problems of structural and technological modernization of the recreational economy, the implementation of additional competitive advantages of resorts, tourist regions in the international arena.

Prospects for further research. With the help of ecological tourism it is possible to enrich the cultures of different peoples, strengthen mutual trust, establish international relations and exchange of tourists, improve the conditions for the development of domestic tourism and give the country a good image and increase competitiveness.

Further development of ecological tourism will allow the population to preserve the unique beauty of natural areas, minimize anthropogenic pressure on the environment, encourage young people to be interested in information about nature and expand the experience of communicating with it, improve the welfare of local people and more. That is, ecological tourism can be called sustainable ecologically balanced tourism.

To address the issue of organizational and economic mechanism for the development of eco-tourism in the future it is necessary to apply a strategy for its development, which will help ensure that natural complexes are not affected; mechanisms were created to increase employment of local residents; there was an opportunity to increase the income of both environmental structures and local settlements; developed environmental education.

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