The genesis of the formation of the new economy

It is analyzed that in the minds of the globalization of the world economy, all the greater values are developing directly. It has been shown that the movement to integrity in the process of globalization is disharmonious and uneven in various spheres.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 19.12.2022
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The article analyzes that in the conditions of globalization the world economy is developing in the direction of increasing integrity, at the same time feeling the influence of destructive processes, centrifugal, disintegrating forces. In opposition to these trends, the main contradictions of the era are expressed, the traditional processes of interstate integration are intensifying, the purpose of which is not so much the expansion and liberalization of international markets, but primarily protectionist protection and common customs regulation within global economic exchange. It is determined that the movement towards integrity in the process of globalization is disharmonious and uneven in different spheres of socio-economic life. The movement of goods, services, capital actually means the creation of a global reproductive integrity with all its inherent features (cyclical, economic gaps, etc.). At the same time, in the sphere of politics, intercivilizational and intercultural interaction, the process is reversedfrom movement to integrity. It is substantiated that the key role in understanding modern economic transformations is played by the creation of a fundamentally new theory of economic and technological development, its value criteria and indicators. It is analyzed that traditional ideas based on resource components of growth, measured by incremental values of output, income, production and others, at the beginning of the XXI century have exhausted themselves, because the qualitative transformation of the structure and mechanism of social reproduction requires rethinking the system offactors and sources of economic and technological development. The traditional scheme: labor, land and capital - even with the mechanical addition of science and information to it is no longer able to explain the changes taking place in the world at the beginning of the XXI century.

Key words: new economy, service economy, innovative economy, informative economy,knowledge economy, network economy


globalization world economy disharmonious

Генезис становлення нової економіки. Швиданенко О.А., Бусарєва Т.Г.

У статті проаналізовано, що в умовах глобалізації світова економіка розвивається в напрямку все більшої цілісності, одночасно відчуваючи вплив деструктивних процесів, відцентрових, дезінтегруючих сил. У протистоянні цих тенденцій виражається основне протиріччя епохи, посилюються традиційні процеси міждержавної інтеграції, цільовою функцією яких стає не стільки розширення та лібералізація міжнаціональних ринків, а передусім протекціоністський захист і спільне митно-тарифне регулювання в межах глобального економічного обміну. Визначено, що рух до цілісності в процесі глобалізації відбувається дисгармонійно та нерівномірно в різних сферах соціально-економічного життя. Рух товарів, послуг, капіталів фактично означає створення глобальної відтворювальної цілісності з усіма притаманними їй особливостями (циклічністю, економічними розривами тощо). Водночас у сфері політики, міжцивілізаційній і міжкультурній взаємодії протікає зворотний від руху до цілісності процес. Обґрунтовано, що ключову роль в осмисленні сучасних економічних трансформацій відіграє створення принципово нової теорії економіко-технологічного розвитку, її ціннісних критеріїв та показників. Проаналізовано, що традиційні уявлення, засновані на ресурсних складових зростання, що вимірюються приростними величинами виготовленої продукції, доходами, обсягами виробництва та іншими, на початку XXI століття вичерпали себе, адже якісне перетворення структури і механізму суспільного відтворення потребує переосмислення системи факторів та джерел економіко-технологічного розвитку. Традиційна схема: праця, земля і капітал - навіть з механічним додаванням до неї науки та інформації вже не в змозі пояснити зміни, що відбуваються у світі на початку XXI століття.

Ключові слова: нова економіка, економіка послуг, інноваційна економіка, інформативна економіка, економіка знань, мережева економіка


Генезис становления новой економики. Швиданенко О.А., Бусарева Т.Г.

В статье проанализированы, что в условиях глобализации мировая экономика развивается в направлении все большей целостности, одновременно испытывая влияние деструктивных процессов, центробежных, дезинтегрирующих сил. В противостоянии этих тенденций выражается основное противоречие эпохи, усиливаются традиционные процессы межгосударственной интеграции, целевой функцией которых становится не столько расширение и либерализация межнациональных рынков, а прежде всего протекционистский защиту и совместное таможенно-тарифное регулирование в пределах глобального экономического обмена. Определено, что движение к целостности в процессе глобализации происходит дисгармонично и неравномерно в различных сферах социально-экономической жизни. Движение товаров, услуг, капиталов фактически означает создание глобальной воспроизведенной целостности со всеми присущими ей особенностями (цикличностью, экономическими разрывами и т.д.). В то же время в сфере политики, межцивилизационного и межкультурном взаимодействии протекает обратный от движения к целостности процесс. Обосновано, что ключевую роль в осмыслении современных экономических трансформаций играет создание принципиально новой теории экономико-технологического развития, ее ценностных критериев и показателей. Проанализировано, что традиционные представления, основанные на ресурсных составляющих роста, измеряемые приростными величинами изготовленной продукции, доходами, объемам производства и другими, в начале XXI века исчерпали себя, ведь качественное преобразование структуры и механизма общественного воспроизводства требует переосмысления системы факторов и источников экономико-технологического развития. Традиционная схема: труд, земля и капитал - даже с механическим добавлением к ней науки и информации уже не в состоянии объяснить происходящие в мире в начале XXI век.

Ключевые слова: новая экономика, экономика услуг, инновационная экономика, информационная экономика, экономика знаний, сетевая экономика.

Formulation of the problem

The new ideology, the new economy must be based on a methodological approach, taking into account two fundamentally different components compared to the previous epistemological achievement. The first component is the recognition in the cognitive object of an active conscious beginning, already possesses to some extent information and has a set of psychological properties adequate to modern economic society, which allows the latter to respond to a changing competitive environment. The second component (it should be noted that economists have ignored it until recently) is the recognition in people of properties and goals that go beyond the narrow utilitarian boundaries by which economists traditionally distinguish their analytical constructions, and the inclusion of active reflective models first in cognitive activity and then and in management decisions. The subject of work is information technology, and economics - human consciousness, which is manifested in various manifestations. In the context of globalization, it is extremely important to analyze the genesis of the new economy in order to determine its main determinants and drivers.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The most important aspects of the analysis of the peculiarities of domestic business were analyzed in the works of L. Antonyuk, Y. Baskakova, B. Biloshapka, O. Bulatova, O. Butnik-Siversky, M. Gazizova, V. Geyts, I. Gladunyak, L. Gonyukova, O. Grishnova, V. Goshovsky, V. Gurievskaya, L. Danylenko, L. Edinger, K. Zhilenko, I. Kalenyuk, A. Kolota, K. Krutiy, O. Kuklina, N. Larina, V. LeVina, E. Libanova, O. Lukasheva, D. Lukyanenko, M. Orliv, T. Orekhova, E. Panchenko, L. Pashko, M. Piren, P. Senge, S. Sidenko, R. Storozheva, I. Surai, T. Fedoriv, S. Filonovych, A. Chukhna, O. Shvydanenko and many others. However, today the issues of the peculiarities of cooperation of domestic business with TNCs remain unresolved.

Formulation of the purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to analyze the peculiarities of the formation and development of the new economy.

Presenting main material

Deep technological changes in the structure of social reproduction, increasing the importance of the information component of the economy, technological development, environmental and social constraints imposed on it, call into question the universality of labor theory of value in the context of explaining social processes. This theory loses its absolute significance and becomes a "separate case", which is applied to a certain stage of socio-economic progress and is characterized by relatively smooth development with the predominant or exclusive use of traditional growth factors.

Against the background of global technological changes and structural restructuring of the world economy, the creation of new models of economic development, characterized by high growth rates and a share of intellectual capital, comes to the fore. The nature of the causal relationship should be interpreted as follows: this global trend determines the paradigm of the economy, and the paradigm of the economy - the nature, features of the era, social paradigm, the nature of the post-industrial era. It is the paradigm of economics that is the criterion for determining the nature of the historical epoch and the corresponding social paradigm. In order to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of each type of economy, it is advisable to analyze their formation and development.

1. Service economy. In the context of economic theory, the category of "services" was first violated by A. Smith, who considered the service as "the result of human activity, embodied in goods, which disappears after giving its useful effect." The concept of "service" is explored in the works of Zh.B. Seya ("Services as a special kind of goods capable of bringing income to their owners"), K. Marx ("Service is nothing more than the beneficial effect of a consumer value of goods and labor") and in the works of famous economists (A. Marshall , A. Fischer, etc.). Until the end of the XIX century, the category of "service" was considered in the framework of production - without separating the independent sphere. It was not until the end of the twentieth century that C. Clark and J. Furastier singled out a separate service sector. In the scientific literature there are various definitions that reflect this state of the economy. Thus, D. Bell uses the term "service economy", E. Toffler - the phrase "service economy", V. Inozemtsev uses the term "service economy", F. Fukuyama uses the term "service economy".

The service economy is formed and developed according to certain principles. The first principle is the unity of a socially oriented economy and a socially oriented policy (focus on the person - the worker and the person - the consumer of services.), The essence of which is to interact people with each other, not with machines. The basis of this principle is human capital, the purpose of the service economy - to meet human needs, primarily engaged in socially useful work, and socially oriented policy must align its requirements with the existing economic base. The second principle is the delimitation and integration of elements of a socially oriented economy at all levels. The functioning of enterprises and households requires the creation of optimal economic conditions at the macro and meso levels within the subjects of socio-economic policy - federal, regional, local and municipal legislative and executive authorities. At these levels, the regulation of economic parameters (tax rates, interest rates on bank loans, wages, subsistence level, etc.) is regulated in view of their differentiation, taking into account the priority of different areas of activity. This is achieved through monitoring, which allows to identify the characteristics of the relationship between economic and social actors. The third principle is a systematic analysis and use of sources and factors of socio-economic growth. Sources of systems analysis are opportunities to expand the volume of natural, material and human resources. Thus, the factors of socio-economic growth, in particular technology and competence, are determined.

Unlike the industrial economy, based on machine technology, the service economy is formed under the influence of intelligent technology. If in material production investments in technology increase productivity, in the service sector the connection between investments in technology, its productivity and profitability is not observed, ie there is a so-called "paradox of information technology" (the reasons for which are costly and inefficient use of information technology ; delay effect).

The service economy is characterized by the following features: the creation of value goes beyond material production; the emergence of employment in the service sectors of the economy; creating a useful effect that can be consumed only in the process of creating a service; personalization of products and services; involvement of consumers in the process of providing the service; service production is increasingly becoming a collective process, generating network effects in the service economy; service as an intangible substance affects the creation of many other intangible products - service promotes the emergence of "virtual factories", companies that do not have their own production, but focused on finding customers, design and sale of the product [1].

2. Innovative economy. The next stage in the formation of post-industrial society is the concept of innovative economy, which is due to the development of material production through the active introduction of innovations. The preconditions for its formation emerged in the late 1980s as a result of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, which led to the emergence of a single information space, increased capital mobility and globalization of markets. The driving force of the innovative economy is man, and science is transformed into a productive force.

The theory of innovative economics originated in the early twentieth century. Its founder is J. Schumpeter, who introduced into scientific circulation the concept of "innovation" in the modern sense and noted it as a factor of economic growth. According to J. Schumpeter, innovation is a new and effective combination of resources in the production of goods and services, which is produced in the process of contact with the external environment. The researcher connects into a holistic system, which is based on "creative destruction", private enterprise and innovation. J. Schumpeter's theory of innovation is a selfsufficient theoretical system, the main provisions of which are included in the concept of "innovation society": the concept of "innovation" is determined and classified with the definition of the role of innovation in economic development; innovative activity is defined as the most important function of entrepreneurs. The main source of innovative capital in this economic model should be considered technological rent, in particular unique knowledge and skills that help to produce innovative goods and services, to create conditions for innovative transformations. The concept of innovative economy is particularly interesting because it pays more attention to material production, given the trend of shifting the emphasis of economic theories on intangible capital.

The innovation economy can be perceived ambiguously: on the one hand, as a generating system, and on the other - as one that perceives innovation. In the first case, it is said that in the economy, along with industry, agriculture, transport, science and education, culture and sports, there is a developed innovation system comparable in scale and importance of sectors. In particular, they mean innovation systems of different levels (global, national, regional and local), in the area of responsibility of which is the implementation of the innovation chain "science - practice". In the second case, the economy is understood as such, the main factor in the reproduction and development of which are innovations created on the basis of scientific knowledge[2].

3. Informative economy. Despite the development of the service economy, already in the early 1960s F. Mahlup and T. Umesao introduced into scientific circulation such a concept as "information society". The very term "information economy" was analyzed in the works of M. Porat, who considered it as the economy of information goods and information and communication technologies. In this theory, such a factor as dominance in the socio-economic space of the information sector related to the leading role of information comes to the fore.

Today there are three approaches to the interpretation of the term "information economy". Thus, according to the first approach, the main factor determining the essence of the economy is the increase in the economic value of the information sector in GDP growth (F. Mahlup, M. Porat, D. Bell). Such changes in the structure of GDP can be justified by an increase in the share of employment in the information sector. The second factor may be the transition from the production of goods to the production of services, where there is an increase in value added due to the properties of key factors in the production of the information society - information and knowledge. That is, society becomes informational when the information sector begins to dominate the economy. This socio-economic aspect was studied in detail in the 1970s and 1980s by T. Stoneier, who considered information as a factor of production that has, like capital, similar properties: it can be accumulated and stored. Increasing the informatization of society, according to his theory, leads to the fact that industry in terms of employment and its share in GDP gives way to the service sector, and the service sector is mainly information processing.

According to the second approach, the information economy is formed in connection with the increase in the amount of information in the public space - "information explosion", which contributes to the qualitative transformation of society (T. Umesao, Y. Hayashi, Y. Ito). Thus, J. Masuda, studying the economy of the period 1940-1970, points to the acceleration of the information revolution: information technology is developing 3 to 6 times faster than energy use technology, and also tend to constantly accelerate in development.

The third approach is based on the dominance of information and communication technologies in society (ES Duff, S. Nora, A. Minka). According to the concept of information society Z. Brzezinski, as a result of the telecommunication revolution is the formation of "technotronic society", which is formed under the influence of technology and electronics, especially in the field of computers and communications. Despite the fact that the theories of the information society of the second and third approaches have a certain logic, from the economic point of view it is the first direction of interpretation that is most important for economic theory. The formation of the information economy is characterized by the dominance of the "fourth sector" of the economy after agriculture, industry and services, and the key factor of production is information. In the table. 1.3 shows a comparative description of the pre-industrial, industrial and information society.

There are two main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of information economy: technocratic, in which information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered a means of increasing productivity and their use is limited mainly to production and management; humanitarian, in which information technology is seen as an important part of human life, important not only for production and management, but also for the development of consumer, social and cultural spheres.

In our opinion, the information economy is the economy of post-industrial development of society, in which most of the gross domestic product is provided by activities for the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial society.

Characteristics of the society

Pre-industrial society

Industrial society

Post-industrial society

Leading sector of the national economics




Professional structure

Peasants, artisans

Workers, service personnel, managers

The growth of the intelligensy and the "technical class"

Structure of economy

Mining economic activities predominate

Traditional capitalintensive and laborintensive industries

Science-intensive, information, innovation industries

The main factor of the development



Information, knowledge

Managing social group


Financial and industrial groups

Owners of information and knowledge

Source: created by authors based on [3]

The main feature of this model of economy is the presence of the main drivers of development of the following industries: R&D, information and communication, automated production, support for software development and more. As a result of the development of ICT and the spread of the Internet, the process of transmitting and exchanging information becomes less costly both in time and in cost. Gradually, information becomes an independent factor of production.

The main source of capital creation in such an economic model is the information rent generated by the owner through the distribution and sale of information capital. With the development of the information economy is the development of the information society. It should be noted that the introduction of the term "information society" is often attributed not to American experts, but to the Japanese scientist Yu. Hayashi. The main characteristics of the knowledge society (the stage of development of which is the information economy) were identified in the reports submitted to the Japanese government by a number of organizations: the Economic Planning Agency, the Institute for Computer Development, the Industry Structure Council. Among the most famous such reports are: "Japanese Information Society: Themes and Approaches" (1969), "Outlines of policies to promote the informatization of Japanese society" (1969), "Information Society Plan" (1971).

The philosophical interpretation of the essence and vectors of development of the information society was introduced by the Japanese scientist I. Masuda, presenting it in the monograph "Information society as a post-industrial society", published in the USA in 1983. Even then I. Masuda noted Art. will be computer technology, which will lead to the replacement of manual labor by mental.

4. Network economy. The development of information and innovation economy resulted in the formation of a network economy, one of the conditions of which was the displacement in the late 1990s of the fourth technological system of the fifth, in which the leading positions are occupied by the latest computer and information technologies, space communications. fiber optics, biotechnology. Network economy arose at the junction of traditional economy and information and communication technologies. It should be noted that until 2000, the network economy was called mainly "Internet economy" or "digital economy", but since 2001 in the international research environment began to use the term "network economy" (sometimes - "electronic economy").

The cost structure of network goods differs from the cost structure of ordinary goods, the main part of which falls on the initial period of their production (for example, writing a book and subsequent distribution of the product electronically). At the same time, network benefits are not subject to the law of diminishing returns, demonstrating increasing profitability in the very long run. Accordingly, the industries engaged in the production of network goods have enormous opportunities to exploit the effect of scale. The most important patterns of these benefits are as follows: in a network economy, the value of labor products is related to their multiplicity, not rarity; low fixed costs and rapid distribution of products reduce the time interval to the beginning of rapid growth; increasing the return on the results of work performed is provided by the entire network and distributed in it among all participants in the process; in the network economy, all objects that can be copied become cheaper as they improve, and this contributes to the growth of innovation; network economy creates the preconditions for constant change in the organization of the system[4].

The emergence of the network economy was facilitated by large-scale changes in economic processes due to the use of ICT, the ability to transmit huge amounts of information, audio and video materials in the global market. In addition, the widespread use of ICT has led to economic and social changes at the international, macro and micro levels. In particular, it allowed: to reduce transaction costs of companies; increase market transparency - both buyers and sellers can compare the offered prices with the prices of competitors; reduce barriers to market entry and reduce the importance of spatial and temporal factors for doing business; strengthen the global nature of the economy. It is these factors that distinguish the network economy from the industrial one.

It should be noted that Kelly, in New Rules for a New Economy: Twelve Interconnected Principles of Survival in a Turbulent World, argued that every business would ultimately submit to the logic and economics of networks. At the beginning of the XXI century, the processes of displacement of hierarchies by network structures are becoming massive and irreversible, manifesting itself through the active formation of a new model of production - at the level of companies, markets, national economies, integrated communities and the world economy .

It is becoming increasingly clear that the global recession of 2007-2009 is not so much a financial and economic crisis in its traditional sense as the beginning of a systemic adaptation of states to the horizontal logic of development. This adaptation is accompanied by a sharp slowdown in macroeconomic dynamics (the so-called "new normality"), the purpose of which is to provide systems with time for organizational maneuver and enable them to gradually move to a cluster-network structure. After all, at the beginning of the XXI century, all types of economies, including the United States and developed EU countries, faced a crisis of aggregate production, which is why the process of their post-crisis recovery is slower than after similar recessions of the past. This is due to the fact that the latest optical and neural (based on computer simulation of the human brain) information technology opens up new opportunities in various fields of economic activity. The era of "factories without workers" and "virtual companies" is coming. After all, the network economy not only integrates branches of companies located in different territories, but also there is a globalization of the world economy in a single space, and in this case the geographical location of network companies does not play any role.

Network economy has significantly different characteristics in comparison with command and market economies both from the standpoint of using a systemic approach, and from the standpoint of the location of productive forces, turnover of goods and capital, and others. For example, in a network economy, the location of productive forces acquires a socio-economic character, which is most in the interests of the world community. According to such patterns in the last third of the twentieth century. there was a transition to the fifth information, technological system, the core of which were the electronics industry, computers, software, telecommunications, global and regional information networks and information banks, astronautics, robotics, gas industry.

5. Knowledge economy. In the knowledge economy, there is a significant increase in the role of man, in which he becomes not just a subject of reproductive labor with elements of creativity, but directly a subject of creative labor. The main source of capital creation of such an economic model is the intellectual rent received as a result of the use of intellectual capital. In addition to intellectual capital, the knowledge economy has structural capital, which differs from human capital in that it is owned by the organization and can be in the form of brands, business processes, ie elements that ensure employee productivity. From our point of view, it is the knowledge economy that is the result of the development of all analyzed economies and a transitional link to the formation and development of a new economy.

Thus, the new paradigm of economic theory, which aims to study the patterns of formation and development of the knowledge economy, should integrate the conceptual development of all theoretical areas of its study. The knowledge economy is aimed at combining science, innovation and business processes, which ensures the leadership and competitiveness of the economy while reducing resource consumption. In turn, the knowledge economy is based on human capital and knowledge, high technology and high quality services.

Based on the analysis, we propose the following system of correlation of these categories: the basic concept is the theory of post-industrial society; all subsequent theories are a concept of post-industrial economy with the use of one of the features as a key element of the economy. The first concept is the theory of service economy, which was transformed into the information economy. The theory of information economy, on the one hand, has developed into an innovative economy through a synthesis of theories of human capital. On the other hand - in the digital economy as a result of the digital revolution. Network economics contains all these theories. The fifth change in technology, based on the sixth information revolution, prompted theorists and practitioners to search for a new ideology, a paradigm for world civilization, which they began to interpret as the information society, knowledge economy, postindustrial economy, infosphere, programmed society, and society of professionals.

The term "new economy" has been widely used since the early 2000s. The first attempts to explain the phenomenon of the new economy appeared in 1976 in the works of the American Stanford Center M. Porat and M. Rubin, in which a significant and rapidly growing sector of the information economy was identified and a system of basic concepts and methodology for studying the impact of the information sector to other sectors of the economy. According to the first approach, the "new economy" means a complex of knowledge-intensive industries engaged in the production and provision of information and communication equipment, creation and distribution of software products, development of communication networks, and the entire system of formation, storage, dissemination and retrieval of information on the Internet. According to this approach, the "new economy" includes all business activities that use modern electronic information and communication technologies.

The second approach includes the concept of "new economy" organizational and institutional innovations in various (including traditional) sectors of the economy of developed countries. This definition is presented in the concept of the Council of Economic Advisers under the President of the United States, according to which the American economy of the last decade of the twentieth century is generally characterized as a "new economy" due to extraordinary growth, as a result of the combined effect of technology practice and economic policy.

Proponents of the third approach pay attention to the financial component of the "new economy". This approach defines the concept as one of the peaks of the international financial economy, the financial model of management, which symbolizes the widespread use of tools of information technology innovation in the monetary and financial system. Within the framework of the listed approaches in the field of view of researchers there are important elements of the new economic reality created by information technologies both at sectoral, and national levels. However, these interpretations of the "new economy" do not sufficiently reveal the dynamics of the current stage of social progress.

The fourth approach considers the "new economy" as a set of industries characterized by a larger share of human capital compared to material elements. In these areas, the technological implementation of knowledge plays a crucial role, and the production of knowledge is a source of economic growth. In this interpretation, the concept includes the field of education, information and communication markets, innovation, the provision of intellectual services (consulting, information mediation, analytics, marketing)[5].

In the new economy, there are two subspaces that define the different activities of economic relations: material (includes the actual processes of creation, distribution and consumption of resources) and information (is the result of information reflection of material space, includes the formation of information model environment and composition) ), and on its basis - a new way of material space).

It is expedient to single out the factors that led to the emergence and development of the new economy, including the globalization of the economy, characterized by the development of free trade and market liberalization, increased capital mobility, lower corporate income taxes, easy movement of industries between countries to reduce labor and natural resources; creation and distribution of networks, general informatization; creation of new forms of employment and remuneration, work through a system of remote offices; dissemination of skilled and intellectual work; rapid development of technology and technology. The most important factor in the existence of a new economy is knowledge, which becomes an independent factor in production. The peculiarity of this factor is belonging to intangible, inexhaustible and non-scarce resources.


Summarizing the above, it is worth emphasizing that the key role in understanding modern problems is played by the creation of a fundamentally new theory of economic and technological development, its value criteria and indicators. Traditional ideas based on the resource components of growth and measuring its incremental values of production, income, production have exhausted themselves. The main economic parameter of the country is the productivity of industry as a total parameter of productive technologies. Under such conditions, science truly becomes a productive force. Thus, the theory of labor value passes into the theory of technological value and exchange. This calls for the creation of political economy - the theory of economic and technological development. Taking into account the diversity of the political system (modification of property relations, mixed type of economic system, class structure of society) I do not deny the existence of common collective characteristics for productive technologies associated with global trends of economic and technological progress. In the structure of social reproduction, increasing the importance of the information component of economic, technological development, environmental and social constraints imposed on it, increasingly calls into question the universality of the labor theory of value in the explanation of social processes. It loses its absolute significance and becomes a "special case" applied to a certain stage of socio-economic progress, characterized by relatively smooth development with the predominant or exclusive use of traditional growth factors.

Список використаних джерел

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2. Ильяшенко С.Н. Применение методов и инструментов маркетинга в управлении знаниями / С.Н. Ильяшенко // Маркетинг и менеджмент инноваций. - 2019, № 2, 45-49 с

3. Мельник Л.Г. Экономика информации и информационные системы предприятия : учеб. пос. / Л.Г. Мельник, С.Н. Ильяшенко, В.А. Касьяненко. - Сумы : Университетская книга, 2018. 48-56 с

4. Shevchuk OA Knowledge - as the main strategic resource of the enterprise / O.A. Shevchuk // Technological audit and production reserves. 2017, №2,46-49 с

5. Rudenko MV Management of knowledge as a competitive advantage of the enterprise / M.V. Rudenko, VO Kryvoruchko // Economy and State. 2018, №4, 74-78 с


1. Ansoff, I. (2018). Strategicheskyi management.[Strategic management]. L.I. Evenko (Ed.). Moscow: Ekonomika.

2. Iliashenko, S.N. (2019). Primenenie metodov i instrumentov marketinha v upravlenii znaniiami [Application of methods and instruments of marketing in management of knowledge]. Marketinh i menedzhment innovatsii - Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2, 45-49 [in Russian].

3. Melnik, L.H., Iliashenko, S.N., & Kasianenko, V.A. (2019). Ekonomika informatsii i informatsionnye sistemy predpriiatiia [Economics of information and information systems of enterprise]. Sumy: Universitetskaia kniha [in Russian].

4. 4.Shevchuk O.A.(2019). Znaniya - kak osnovnoi strategicheskyi resurse predpriyatiya. [ Knowledge - as the main strategic resource of the enterprise]. - Moscow

5. Rudenko M.V.(2020). Management znaniyi kak konkurentno priemushestvo predpriyatiya [Management of knowledge as a competitive advantage of the nterprise]. Economy and State. New York [in Russian]

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