Impact of COVID-19 on tourism 2020

Analysis the sanitary-epidemiological situation in the world and in Ukraine, through the prism of political and economic planes both in the middle of the country and in neighboring countries; the impact of the pandemic on the economy and tourism industry.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 21.03.2023
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Kovalskaya Lesya Vladimirovna,

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

Chorna Lyubov Vasylivna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Shchuka Halyna Petrivna,

Doctor of Pedagogical of Sciences, Professor

Polova Lesya Vasylivna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Mykhailyuk Vitaliy Volodymyrovych

Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk

Aim: to analyze the sanitary-epidemiological situation in the world and in Ukraine, through the prism of political and economic planes both in the middle of the country and in neighboring countries; to determine the impact of the pandemic on the economy globally and domestically, in particular on the service sector, namely, the tourism industry.

Methodology - the study of the impact of Covid-19 on tourism and socio-economic development of the country is based on a combination of methods of sectoral and territorial analysis. In particular, a systematic approach is used for the study using methods of comparison, statistical, analytical, etc.

Results - the article states that the tourism image of the titan countries of the tourism business has lost its position in international and domestic markets against the background of the deployment of an infectious disease - Covid-19, which in scale and number of victims went into a pandemic. A number of measures to minimize economic and financial defaults in the tourism industry are presented on the example of the countries of the Republic of Poland and Bulgaria. At the international level, mass events, competitions, contests, etc. have been abolished and postponed indefinitely, vehicle restrictions have been restricted, hotels and entertainment establishments have been suspended, the movement of citizens has been restricted and strict quarantine measures have been carried out within individual countries. The authors found that the pandemic was hit hard by countries whose economies depend on the service sector, including the tourism industry.

It is statistically presented that Ukraine, whose economy does not depend on the development of tourism, can get revenge on the domestic tourism market, which is associated with the forced suspension of international migration flows, passenger traffic and the initial development of active tourism and ecotourism. And thanks to the introduction of quarantine measures in the internetization and modernization of communications to present the unique natural heritage of the country and emphasize the quality of the tourist product.

It was found that the introduction of quarantine measures on the one hand led to the minimization of diseases during the pandemic, and on the other - to the economic collapse (the work of enterprises was suspended, a significant number of migrant workers returned home). At the same time, economic stagnation in some countries has also led to the greening of the environment, such as China, Spain, Italy and others.

Scientific novelty was discovered for the first time that Covid-19 emphasized the importance of the digital paradigm both in the creation of a tourist product, a simplified procedure for its access, and in its virtual presentation and the benefits of pricing policy. The relationship in the field of service (seller-buyer) received a challenge of integrity and emphasized the individuality of the consumer.

Practical importance. Publication materials, conclusions can be used in writing dissertations, monographs, as well as tourism entities in the period of monetary and material collapse in order to develop the information and communication sphere - as a new impetus to the development of domestic tourism.

Key words: Covid-19, pandemic, tourism, Ukraine, service sector, tourism industry.


Ковальська Леся Володимирівна, кандидат географічних наук, доцент

Чорна Любов Василівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент

Щука Галина Петрівна, доктор педагогічних наук, професор

Польова Леся Василівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент

Михайлюк Віталій Володимирович

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника

Мета: проаналізувати санітарно-епідеміологічної ситуацію у світі та в Україні, через призму політичних та економічних площин як в середині країни так в сусідніх; визначити вплив пандемії на економіку в глобальному та у внутрішньому масштабах, зокрема на сферу обслуговування, а саме, на туристичну галузь.

Методика - дослідження впливу Covid-19 на туризм та соціально-економічний розвиток країни ґрунтується на сполученні методів галузевого та територіального аналізу. Зокрема, для дослідження застосований системний підхід при використанні методів порівняння, статистичного, аналітичного тощо.

Результати - у статті констатовано, що туристичний імідж країн-титанів туристичного бізнесу втратив свої позиції на міжнародному та внутрішньому ринках на тлі розгортання інфекційної хвороби - Covid-19, яка за масштабом ураженості та кількістю жертв перейшла у пандемію. Представлено ряд заходів щодо мінімалізації економічного та фінансового дефолту у туристичній галузі на прикладі Польщі та Болгарії. На міжнародному рівні скасовано й перенесено на невизначений термін заходи, конкурси, змагання тощо, які носять масовий характер, проведені обмеження транспортних засобів, призупинено функціонування готелів та закладів розваг, обмежено пересування громадян й проведено жорсткі карантинні заходи в межах окремих країн. Авторами встановлено, що нещівного удару пандемії зазнали країни, економіка яких залежить від сфери обслуговування, в тому числі від туристичної галузі. Статистично представлено, що Україна, економіка якої не залежить від розвитку туризму, може отримати реванш на внутрішньому туристичному ринку, що пов'язано із примусовим призупиненням міжнародних міграційних потоків, пасажироперевезень. А завдяки введенню карантинних заходів при інтернетизації та модернізації зв'язку представити унікальну природну спадщину країни й зробити акцент на якості туристичного продукту.

Виявлено, що впровадження карантинних заходів з одного боку призвело до мінімалізації захворювань під час пандемії, а з іншого - до економічного колапсу (призупинено роботу підприємств, значна кількість емігрантів-заробітчан повернулися на батьківщину). В той же час економічна стагнація в окремих країнах також призвела до екологізації довкілля, наприклад, в Китаї, Іспанії, Італії тощо.

Наукова новизна вперше виявлено, що Covid-19 підкреслив значущість цифрової парадигми як у створенні туристичного продукту, спрощеній процедурі його доступу, так у віртуальному його представлені й вигідності цінової політики. Взаємовідносини у сфері обслуговування (реалізатор-покупець) отримали виклик інтегральності й підкреслили індивідуальність споживача.

Практична значимість. Матеріали публікації, висновки можуть бути використані у написанні дипломних робіт, монографій, а також суб'єктами туристичної діяльності в період грошово-кредитного та матеріально-технічного колапсу з метою розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційної сфери - як новий поштовх розвитку внутрішнього туризму.

Ключові слова: Covid-19, пандемія, туризм, Україна, сфера обслуговування, туристична галузь.

Ковальская Леся Владимировна, кандидат географических наук, доцент

Чорная Любовь Васильевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

Щука Галина Петровна, доктор педагогических наук, профессор

Полевая Леся Васильевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

Михайлюк Виталий Владимирович

Прикарпатский национальный университет имени Василия Стефаника


Цель: проанализировать санитарно-эпидемиологическую ситуацию в мире и в Украине сквозь призму политических и экономических плоскостей как нутри страны так в соседних, определить влияние пандемии на экономику в глобальном и во внутреннем масштабах, в частности на сферу обслуживания, а именно, на туристическую отрасль.

Методика - исследование влияния Covid-19 на туризм и социально-экономическое развитие страны основывается на сочетании методов отраслевого и территориального анализа. В частности, для исследования применен системный подход при использовании методов сравнения, статистического, аналитического и тому подобное.

Результаты - в статье констатировано, что туристический имидж стран-титанов туристического бизнеса потерял свои позиции на международном и внутреннем рынках на фоне развертывания инфекционной болезни - Covid-19, которая по масштабу пораженности и количеством жертв перешла в пандемию. Представлен ряд мер по минимизации экономического и финансового дефолта в туристической отрасли на примере стран Республики Польша и Болгарии. На международном уровне отменено и перенесено на неопределенный срок мероприятия, конкурсы, соревнования и т.д., которые носят массовый характер, проведенные ограничения транспортных средств, приостановлено функционирование гостиниц и заведений развлечений, ограничено передвижение граждан и проведения жесткие карантинные мероприятия в рамках отдельных стран. Авторами установлено, что от значительного удара пандемии потерпели страны, экономика которых зависит от сферы обслуживания, в том числе от туристической отрасли. Статистически представлено, что Украина, экономика которой не зависит от развития туризма, может получить реванш на внутреннем туристическом рынке, что связано с принудительным приостановлением международных миграционных потоков, пассажироперевозок и первично заложенных основными развития внутреннего активного туризма и экотуризма. А благодаря введению карантинных мероприятий при интернетиза ции и модернизации связи представить уникальную природное наследие страны и сделать акцент на качестве туристического продукта. Обнаружено, что внедрение карантинных мероприятий с одной стороны привело к минимизации заболеваний во время пандемии, а с другой - к экономическому коллапсу (приостановлена работа предприятий, значительное количество эмигрантов-работников вернулись на родину). В то же время экономическая стагнация в отдельных странах также привела к экологизации окружающей среды, например, в Китае, Испании, Италии и др.

Научная новизна впервые обнаружено, что Covid-19 подчеркнул значимость цифровой парадигмы как в создании туристического продукта, упрощенной процедуре его доступа, так в виртуальном его представлены и выгодности ценовой политики. Взаимоотношения в сфере обслуживания (реализатор- покупатель) получили вызов интегральности и подчеркнули индивидуальность потребителя.

Практическая значимость. Материалы публикации, выводы могут быть использованы в написании дипломных работ, монографий, а также субъектами туристической деятельности в период денежнокредитного и материально-технического коллапса с целью развития информационно-коммуникационной сферы - как новый толчок развитию туризма.

Ключевые слова: Covid-19, пандемия, туризм, Украина, сфера обслуживания, туристическая отрасль.

Formulation of the problem. Influenza coronavirus (acute viral-respiratory disease mainly of the respiratory system) was named COVID-19 (official name SARS-CoV-2) by the World Health Organization. The disease was first detected in China, in the administrative center of Hubei Province - Wuhan in late 2019. According to Ukrinform, the COVID-19 outbreak, according to Chinese scientists, comes from a scientific laboratory. According to the scale of the spread of the infectious disease, first in China and later in almost all countries of the world, the lack of immunity in humans and the vaccine against it led to a pandemic. If we analyze the history of pan demics in the world, we will see their geographical location and scale of damage. The deadliest of them: 165 AD - Antonine's plague (5 million died) - Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece and Italy, 541-542 - Justinian's plague (25 million) - Eastern Mediterranean, 13461353 - «Black Death (plague)» ( 75-200 million) - originated in Asia and spread to Europe and Africa. If we analyze the history of pandemics in the world, we will see their geographical location and scale of damage. The deadliest of them: 165 AD - Antonine's plague (5 million died) - Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece and Italy, 541-542 - Justinian's plague (25 million) - Eastern Mediterranean, 1346-1353 - «Black Death (plague)» ( 75-200 million) - originated in Asia and spread to Europe and Africa. During the Second Pandemic - 1346-1351 it was brought to Ukraine. 1852-1860 - Cholera (1 million) originated in India and spread to Europe, North America, and Africa. 1889-1890 - «Russian» flu (1 million) - originated in Western Siberia and spread in the European part of the Russian Empire and Central Asia. 1918-1920 - «Spanish flu» (20-50 million) covered almost a third of the world. 1956-1958 - The «Asian» flu (2 million) originated in China and spread to the United States. 1968 - Hong Kong flu (1 million) is detected in Hong Kong and spreads to the Philippines, India, Australia, Europe and the United States. 2005-2012 According to Radio Liberty, HIV/AIDS (36 million) - detected in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) - worldwide, but mainly in Africa. 2019-2020 - influenza coronavirus (according to Ukrinform as of August 15, 2020, the number of patients with COVID-19 - 21 355 685 people, of whom 763 367 patients died) - originated in China, spread - everywhere. The history of pandemics shows significant changes in population demographics and its significant duration (from 1 to 3 years). From this we can assume that COVID-19 may last until the summer of 2021, the number of deaths will be from 1.5 to 2 million people, and the consequences of humanity will be felt for many years to come.

The Fifth Secretary-General of the OECD said that the spread of the coronavirus was affecting the economic and financial crisis. The fall of the stock on the stock markets affects companies, traders, and the investment movement of finances, including savings in countries, in particular, pension funds. Today, days such as Black Thursday and Black Monday have gone down in history as a fall due to a pandemic of world exchanges and funds. According to the BBC, the FTSE fell 34.1%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average - 31.1%, and the Nikkei - 28.7%. Today, in a period of pandemic, helplessness of governments, there is a suspension of the economy, investors stop financial support for business. To support the consumer market, the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have lowered discount rates. The pandemic affects the entire economy, including the service sector. The tourism industry, as its component, in the period of economic downturn and infectious disease COVID-19 in all countries of the world today not only suffers irreparable damage, but is in bankruptcy. To support the consumer market, the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have lowered discount rates. The pandemic affects the entire economy, including the service sector. The tourism industry, as its component, in the period of economic downturn and infectious disease COVID-19 in all countries of the world today not only suffers irreparable damage, but is in bankruptcy.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Today, tou rism of the XXI century. Yancheva, Krassimira & Dyankov, Todor & Rakadziyska, Svetla. (2016) view it as a global phenomenon due to diversity and difference. The global nature of tourism is manifested in its development in all countries of the world, and hence the established tourist world flow. This industry is interpenetrating and interacts with all processes and phenomena, both inside and outside, including affected by pandemics. We do not find scientific publications that cover the state of the tourism industry during the pandemics. However, we can assume that tourism has been affected by quarantine measures, in particular, restrictions and travel bans. The consequences of a pandemic and an exit from it for the tourism industry can be identified with larg escale hostilities. Usyskin G. (2000) in his book notes the huge losses, in particular, the restoration of material and technical base, which suffered the tourism industry during World War II. However, the number of casualties is several times higher during a pandemic than in wars. The introduction of quarantine measures during a pandemic inevitably leads to the suspension of the economy, which is typical of wars. The development of tourism in the period of financial and economic instability, military acti on in eastern Ukraine, political conflicts, annexation of Crimea is devoted to the works of L. Kovalska (2015, 2020). Both wars and pandemics suspend, slow down and prevent the development of both individual sectors of the economy and the economy as a whole. Soroka I.V (2010) notes in his work that the economic crisis is a confirmation of the concepts of cyclical economic development. And the global economic crisis, like every global upheaval, creates good preconditions for the regrouping of forces in the global economy and in the national market as well. This can be confirmed by the development of the tourism industry of Ukraine (from 2014 to 2019), which was marked by progressive development in both domestic and foreign markets. Today, during the 2020 pandemic, the global tourism market is quite volatile. And the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine, which is accompanied by an economic crisis of global and national scale, remains an uncertain white spot.

Selection of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. Infectious disease - COVID-19, affects the global sanitary and epidemiological situation in the world and, in particular, the tourism industry. Given the scale and prevalence of the disease (mainly in developed countries), we need to asses s the holistic picture of the world, as the government of any country cannot act in a self-aligned manner, and the situation with the coronavirus is extremely dynamic. This publication is devoted to elucidating the impact of morbidity on the development of tourism in the world and to elucidating the realities, opportunities and options for the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine.

Formulation of the purpose of the article - analysis of the impact of infectious diseases - coronavirus on the world's population, on the global economy, including the financial component, as well as on the tourism industry of countries whose economies depend on and do not depend on tourism; presentation of ways to develop the tourism industry in Ukraine during the pandemic and exit from it.

Presentation of the main material of the study Tourism gave about a tenth in the growth of the global economy. In recent years, the industry has been called a global driver, because it has developed much faster than the world economy as a whole. Karpenko IO Olishevska Yu. A. (2006) claim that tourism has become a phenomenon that has entered the daily life of almost a third of the world's population. It promotes the development of infrastructure, services, replenishes the budget, promotes in vestment, improves the welfare of the population, creates jobs. The World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC) has determined that the economy of exotic island destinations is most dependent on the state of the tourism industry. According to Tsyganov S.A., Buntova N.V.(2019) the sector supports a significant part of GDP, for example, the Maldives - 39.6, the British Virgin Islands - 35.4, Macau - 29.3, Aruba - 28.1, Seychelles - 26.4%, Curacao - 23.4 , The Bahamas - 19%, Saint Lucia - 15%, as well as Belize Fiji, Barbados and a number of other small states, such as Montenegro - 11.0, etc. However, coronavirus disease 2019 is characterized by the global nature of the process both in terms of coverage and its spread and consequences (the number of deaths from COVID-19 (pneumonia) and complications in the body and fatalities during their course). Today, coronavirus is one of the unpredictable and unpredictable. uncontrolled phenomena with far-reaching consequences in all spheres of life, including the economic sector. Tourism is a sector of the economy that was the first to bear the brunt of the COVID-19 collapse. It is difficult to realize that the development of tourism has literally stopped all over the world. The tourism industry was hit the hardest in the countries that, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Hromadske and The-Village in 2019 were among the most visited countries in the world, in particular: France (93.2 million), Spain (82.8 million), USA (82.2 million), China (62.9 million), Italy (62.1 million), Turkey (45.8 million), Mexico (41.4 million), Germany (38.9 million) ) tourists. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) stated in March 2020 that the annual losses for the global industry will amount to 30-50 billion dollars, but they may increase, as the situation is constantly changing. According to the BBC NEWS and Tourism Economics estimates, the losses in the field of travel and tourism in the United States will amount to $ 24 billion. According to NV, in Italy, where tourism accounts for 13% of GDP, the country has already lost almost 10 billion dollars, but the losses will be much greater, because most small businesses will not withstand the economic crisis.

In this difficult time - a global sanitary-epidemiological catastrophe (pandemic), a guaranteed security system is unable to satisfy and save human life. This primarily applies to tourists. Therefore, governments develop certain models of consumer protection for tourism products. According to the Ministry of Development of the Republic of Poland, in order to support the Polish tourism industry, it urges tourism industry entities not to cancel pre-purchased travel vouchers due to the coronavirus and not to demand a refund from customers. The Ministry is working on the introduction of special vouchers that can be spent on travel or other tourism-related activities.

The voucher will be valid for one year from the date of the tourist tour, for which the client paid. At the service of customers to choose a different date and the opportunity to change the place of rest. The slogan "Choose a voucher - go later" serves to support Polish tourism. Thus, according to, The Polish government will try to protect the consumer of tourist services and guarantee the security system.

At the end of March 2020, the expediency of quarantine measures in connection with the spread of COVID-19, namely: to ban the operation of hotels, restaurants, cafes and nightclubs was supported by representatives of the administration of Stara Zagora in Bulgaria, as well as hoteliers, restaurateurs, tour operators and travel agencies. However, tour operators noted that 75-80% of all travel products and their accompanying services have already been paid in advance. Therefore, representatives of tourism entities demanded that the municipality be exempted from paying the tourist tax, as well as set up a local crisis committee. This is due to the fact that some of the staff they have invested in to improve the quality of service (their training) will need to be laid off, due to the spread of the pandemic on a global and regional scale, which also affected the logistics of transport.

Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria noted an objective and decisive measure to protect the tourist and recreation al - to offer vouchers valid for 24 months. Because tour operators are unable to return money to their customers because they have paid them to hotels, airlines, service providers, etc., a vicious circle has formed that is likely to lead to collapse. These vouchers will allow many companies in the tourism sector not to go bankrupt. Tourism entities have determined that socio-economic measures should also be implemented to overcome the difficult sanitary and epidemiological situation. Namely, the local crisis committee submitted proposals to the Bulgarian government that the state compensate 80% of the salaries of tourism and hotel and restaurant workers in order to save jobs. Also through the Fund and OP "Innovation and Competitiveness" to attract unused funds in tourism to support it; present a targeted advertising strategy in the field of tourism (virtual tours, tourist events, etc.); use the potential of domestic tourism.

The global nature of the COVID-19 phenomenon in the field of tourism has led to a rethinking of the established principles of providing tourist services. For several months there has been a search for new tourist services and products in the conditions of economic and migration collapse.

For several months in a row, an unusual way of life for the active (in all its manifestations) population and further uncertainties in time and processes lead to a rethinking of both the way of life, the way of life and the organization of recreation and leisure. Given the period of mega -rapid spread of infectious disease COVID-19 - spring 2020, and the stability and resilience to its dependence on climatic conditions - summer (active) tourist season 2020 is not only not similar to the past, but is in a state of uncertainty, spontaneous - self-organized and ineffective. It is also related to domestic and international routes, including air travel. Due to the closure of borders, the movement of aircraft was suspended. According to the latest estimates of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the industry's losses could reach $ 113 billion due to the fact that EU countries have closed international borders indefinitely. For example, the Hungarian airline Wizz Air from March 11 reduced the number of flights to Italy from 6 to one flight per week. Since the beginning of March, Lufthansa has canceled 7.100 flights in Europe, mostly from Germany to Italy. Flights to Europe and Asia have been suspended in the United States. The situation is similar with cruise liners According to Nomura Securities, bookings have decreased by 60%. All this has affected the redistribution and de facto suspension of international tourist flows, which in turn has affected the cost of blunders. Tourist trips to the UAE, Turkey, Egypt, Singapore and Thailand have fallen sharply (by almost 50%).

The impact of these socio-economic restrictions on means of transportation has affected both the migration processes themselves (mass return of workers to their homeland - about 50 thousand people returned to Ukraine alone, and the direction of tourist flows. According to the National Bureau of Statistics from China in 2018 According to VisitBritain, from September 2018 to September 2019, England was visited by 415,000 Chinese tourists, whose "average check" was Ј 1,680, meaning that they spent three times as much money as others. Thus, England received from a Chinese tourist for 1 year about 697.2 million pounds.

According to the European Commission, due to the coronavirus, in just two months (March -April) 250 000 tourists from China did not come to Europe and did not spend about 2 million nights in hotels. According to OpenTable, in mid-March this year in the world, compared to the same period last year, bookings have virtually suspended. For example, in Canada 94% of bookings were canceled, in Germany - 90%, in Britain - 82%, the USA - 84%. During 1 month of 2020, the tourism industry of the EU countries lost about 1 billion euros.

Due to the spread of COVID-19, it was decided to postpone mega-events such as Euro 2020, the Olympics in Japan, canceled almost all international events and exhibitions.

Today, COVID-19 has also affected potential consumers of products. They have become different, with new requirements and priorities for all consumer products and for tourism, in particular. In the future, radical changes in the global socio-cultural environment will inevitably lead to the formation of the benefits of organic food, price, quality, product quality and quality of service, will emphasize the values: priority will be family vacations in the bosom of nature, greening the environment, safety of rest, live communication, etc.

Today, the pandemic changes the established rules of the socio-cultural environment, adjusts the moral and ethical principles, sets the rules and adjusts the culture of recreation and leisure. Many travel services are moving from the real to the virtual space, growing a sense of mutual security. This leads to a certain limitation at first glance, although at the same time it gives impetus to the creation and search for a new, non-standard, unstable. What was unthinkable and unacceptable last week, today gave us the opportunity to prioritize, including in the way, the content of the holiday. Today we have a new attitude to family recreation, entertainment, set priorities both in life and to those around us.

Unsurprisingly, this will be facilitated by the innovative breakthrough of the digital paradigm, as a means and tool of remote communication and implementation of both non -production (service) and production processes. This approach will not affect the efficiency of production, including in the field of service, but on the contrary, will facilitate a rapid response to decision -making and customer safety.

The current epidemiological situation on a global scale has on ly emphasized the importance of innovative technologies and launched new ways to implement the concept of success. If you use all possible tools, for example, the development of PR - a campaign to present 3D tourist tours, game sites (tourism), in the near future, online casinos and more. That is, the tourist-consumer will be able to remotely track a quality, informative and interesting tourist product with an affordable pricing policy. At the same time not only the way of rest of the client, but also perception and feeling during rest will change.

The COVID-19 pandemic provides a chance to raise the quality of services to a high level, to prioritize their provision and quality, to present new concepts and paradigms for solving global problems.

Relationships between different levels, strata of the socio-cultural environment - is a challenge on the one hand, both the integrity and the emphasis on individuality, in particular, personal and natural. Because the consumer of tourist services to some extent contributes to the imbalance in the tourist destination. Therefore, the pandemic, which is quite long in time, gives the opportunity to emphasize, give preference to a healthy lifestyle, engage in active tourism, give preference to organic food, emphasize the choice of recreation in the bosom of nature, as well as take care of each other. In the tourism industry, considerable attention should also be paid to the social environment, the relationship between the consumer and the seller, within consumers, the local population - the customer and so on.

Thus, the pandemic will be the starting point, the impetus for the implementation of the concept of success through non-standard solutions and actions, the creation of new tourism products, rethinking values and needs. At the same time, the natural environment draws our attention to the need to preserve it. (Due to quarantine measures in the canals in Venice we can see fish, in Madrid there is a tendency to reduce the atmosphere of nitrogen oxides, sulfur, carbon dioxide, over China, the US space agency NASA has confirmed a decrease in nitrogen dioxide, etc.). It is through the virus that we gain the skills to be responsible for each other.

According to Tsyganov SA, Buntova NV Ukraine's economy does not depend on the development of tourism (the share of tourism in the country's GDP is 1.54%). may "after zeroing" during the pandemic of many tourist countries-titans (such as China, Italy, Spain, USA, etc.) to catch up with the leaders. Such revenge it can make through updating of standards of service, creation of the electronic register of subjects of tourist activity; rational use of 240 million hryvnias from the State Agency for Tourism Development provided by the previous government. Ukraine, with the closure of borders, can also win. According to statistics for 2017, the number of foreign immigrants (14,229,642 people) is twice less than the number of Ukrainian citizens who went abroad - 26,437,413 people. This in turn will affect the growth of demand, as restrictions on domestic tourism have not been introduced. However, according to the rules of conduct of people during quarantine, there are restrictions and/or prohibitions on mass gatherings and events. Therefore, the state government must develop its own model of domestic tourism development in quarantine, paying attention to the arrival of summer, summer vacations, mass vacations and so on.

In our opinion, the first step should be to modernize the country's communications and internet. At the same time, the fight against the infopandemic and at the same time assigned a protocol of visits to small and medium-sized tourist sites.

With regard to foreign tourism policy, Ukraine should borrow the experience of Georgia, which has created special economic zones with a favorable investment climate and conditions for the development of the tourism business. To present tourist Ukraine first of all as safe, from the point of view of sanitary- epidemiological and military-political situations. Emphasize the uniqueness of the natural heritage and the quality of the tourist product.

Conclusions. Infectious disease - coronavirus, the scale of its defeat and the geography of its spread led to the pandemic COVID-19. This phenomenon in the 20s of the XXI century. contributed to the emergence of concomitant pandemics: info-, and tour-. The infopandemic manifested itself in the initial misinterpretation of the phenomenon of the infection itself and the rules of conduct in society of infected and uninfected persons. Thurmandemia arose as a result of monetary and logistical collapse against the background of the sanitary-epidemiological situation on a global scale. Recipient countries such as the United States, China, Italy, Spain, and others, which have occupied leading positions in the world tourism market, have received an international taboo for an indefinite period in the development of the tourism business. A significant number of travel companies in these and other countries have gone bankrupt, and their image as "COVID-19 outbreak centers" will be their calling card for a long time to come. The death toll has risen more than 200,000 as of April 2020, and a second outbreak of Harbin's 10 million infection could lead to a new, more powerful wave of pandemics in the world, which is likely to last until the end of spring 2021 and take away from represent at least 1 million victims.

Countries whose economies do not depend on the development of the tourism market, represented by Ukraine, may take the opportunity to give a new impetus to the development of domestic tourism against the background of the socio-economic crisis and military-political conflict. One of the popular types will be active and ecotourism.

Suggestions for discussion.

1. Create a Guarantee Fund in tourism, which will help overcome the consequences of unsold package trips and vacations.

2. Reduce the concession fee by 20% or 50% for tourism businesses, while reducing the price of rental items in the same manner.

3. Emphasize charter flights to the country of foreign tourists, create their safety conditions

sanitary epidemiological pandemic economy tourism industry

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