Innovative approach to optimization of logistics process management taking into account the seasonality of supplies
The main principles of logistics process management. Modern trends in its development, implementation of elements of Logistics 4.0 in management. The expediency of applying economic and mathematical methods and models for solving problems of logistics.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.04.2023 |
Размер файла | 696,9 K |
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Odesa I.I. Mechnikov national university
Innovative approach to optimization of logistics process management taking into account the seasonality of supplies
L.M. Ivashko,
Ph.D. in economics, associate professor, associate professor of management and innovation department
The article considers the theoretical and methodological and practical principles of logistics processes management. Current trends in logistics development are outlined. It is shown that the trends demonstrate active implementation in the management processes of the elements of Logistics 4.0. The expediency of using economic-mathematical methods and models to solve logistics tasks is reasoned. An overview of e-commerce processes, typical for today, both in the world and in Ukraine, which directly cause changes in logistics, is made. The problem of optimization of transport costs for delivery of goods from the warehouses of the online store «Hope» to customers, taking into account the seasonality factor is defined. The economic-mathematical model of the problem of logistics processes management has been built and adapted as follows: selection of two seasonally-leased warehouses from five reserve ones and optimization of transport costs for delivery of goods from warehouses of the online store to customers. This optimization model was implemented to solve the problem of optimizing logistics costs for the online store «Hope», taking into account seasonal demand, transport tariffs, warehouses capacity and forecasted sales volumes. Various ways to solve the problem of logistics process management, which allows us to show the additional benefits of using these methods and determine the effectiveness of the decision taken are considered as well. The solution for the choice of warehouses and the optimal plan for delivery of goods to customers in order to minimize transportation costs is obtained. It is shown that with the use of economic and mathematical modeling to solve the problem of seasonally adaptive transition for logistics process management, it is possible to make the best choice of two additional leased warehouses from the five reserve ones, to find the optimal delivery plan, to reduce the total length of delivery route and, consequently, the costs of transportation of goods, to avoid shortages of goods in warehouses, in a timely manner and with minimal costs to satisfy the interests of customers of online store «Hope» goods. The economic interpretation of the results of the models implementation is presented and recommendations for their use are provided to achieve minimization of transportation costs, maximum flexibility, speed, reliability of the supply chain, ie to make effective management decisions.
Keywords: logistics process management, e-commerce, optimization, economic and mathematical modeling, seasonally adapted model.
Л.М. Івашко,
кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри менеджменту та інновацій
Одеського національного університету імені І.І. Мечникова,
Інноваційний підхід щодо оптимізації управління логістичними процесами із врахуванням сезонності поставок
У статті розглянуто теоретико-методичні та практичні засади управління логістичними процесами. Окреслено сучасні тенденції розвитку логістики. Показано, що тренди демонструють активне упровадження у процеси управління елементів Логістики 4.0. Аргументовано доцільність застосування економіко-математичних методів та моделей для розв'язання задач логістики. Здійснено огляд процесів електронної комерції, характерних для сьогодення, як у світі, так і в Україні, які безпосередньо спричиняють зміни у логістиці. Сформульовано постановку задачі оптимізації транспортних витрат на доставку товарів від складів інтернет-магазину «Hope» до замовників, зважаючи на фактор сезонності. Побудовано та адаптовано економіко - математичну модель задачі управління логістичними процесами, а саме: вибору двох сезонно-орендованих складів з п'яти резервних та оптимізації транспортних витрат на доставку товарів зі складів інтернет-магазину замовникам. Цю оптимізаційну модель реалізовано щодо розв'язання задачі оптимізації логістичних витрат для інтернет-магазину «Hope», враховуючи сезонний попит, транспортні тарифи, місткість складів та прогнозовані обсяги замовлень клієнтів магазину. Також представлено різні способи розв'язання задачі управління логістичними процесами, які дозволяють показати додаткові переваги застосування цих способів та визначити ефективність прийнятого рішення. Отримано розв'язок щодо вибору складів та оптимальний план доставки товарів замовникам з метою мінімізації транспортних витрат. Показано, що за допомогою застосування економіко-математичного моделювання для розв'язання задачі сезонно адаптивного переходу щодо управління логістичними процесами надана можливість здійснити найвдаліший вибір двох додаткових орендованих складів з п'яти резервних, знайти оптимальний план доставки товарів, зменшити загальну протяжність маршруту доставки товарів, а отже, і витрати на перевезення товарів, уникнути дефіциту товарів на складах, своєчасно та з мінімальними витратами задовольнити інтереси замовників товарів інтернет-магазину «Hope». Представлено економічну інтерпретацію результатів реалізації моделей та надано рекомендації щодо їх застосування для досягнення мінімізації витрат на перевезення продукції, максимальної гнучкості, швидкості, надійності ланцюжка поставок, тобто для прийняття ефективних управлінських рішень.
Ключові слова: управління логістичними процесами, електронна комерція, оптимізація, економіко-математичне моделювання, сезонно-адаптована модель.
Main part
Formulation of the problem in general. Logistics as a science and practical activity has become an integral part and tool of the modern economy. In essence, logistics is universal. After all, all the subjects of the unified market are engaged in logistics and use logistical methods of production and trade management.
The universality of logistics is also manifested in the fact that the logistics system is a subject of the unified market, which generates or through which economic flows pass. Therefore, any enterprise - whether manufacturing, service or trade - is a logistics system. And logistics acts as a component of management tools for production and commercial activities, which uses special concepts of logistics and economic and mathematical methods.
As an applied economic science of a new scientific and practical direction, logistics is based on the provisions of economic theory, which are mainly presented in mathematical form. The need to use economic and mathematical methods and models in logistics is also due to the fact that one of the tasks of logistics is to promote a more intensive manifestation of the estimated start of the organization of commodity movement. Therefore, logistics reflects the quantitative side of current economic processes. The application of mathematical methods and models in economics is one of the most important and promising areas for the development of economic theory and business activity including logistics.
Both in theory and in practice, logistics has reached such a level of development that the use of mathematical methods has become not only possible but also necessary.
Thus, it is important to study the optimization of logistics processes with the use of methods of economic and mathematical modeling to build the logistics system of the enterprise adaptive to external conditions.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Researchers such as Madani F., Lomtev A., Gutorov O.I., Lebedinskaya O.I., Prozorova N.V., Sazonets O.M., Tserkovna A.V., Seleznyov A., Isachenko O., Kochnev O. and others studied the theoretical aspects of logistics processes management.
Problems of application of economic-mathematical methods and models for solving the problems facing logistics companies have been studied by such scientists as: Plotkin B.K., Delyugin L.A., Ramazanov S.K., Zaitsev M.G., Varyukhin S.E., Hristianovsky V.V., Petrunya Y.E., Chase R.B., Equiline J., Wentzel O.S., Kremer N. Sh. etc.
However, due to the versatility and complexity of the tasks of building a flexible logistics system of the enterprise, as well as its management and optimization, there are still issues that require additional research and need to be further developed.
The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological and applied aspects of the management of logistics processes of the enterprise, as well as to build a model of seasonally adapted transition to manage the transport costs of the online store.
Presentation of the main material of the research.
In a rapidly changing economic environment, the logistics business also has to transform rapidly. The successful operation of the logistics system in our rapidly changing world is largely determined by management.
In the 2000s, the volume of the logistics market was huge, the need for logistics services - consistently high, there were a few competitors - there was enough space for everyone. That's why it was easy for companies to grow. The whole service was within the limits of «just to deliver the goods in whole, with a slight delay». In the 2010s, service and technology came to the fore, and competition began to be felt. Today the market is radically different as well as the needs of customers. The demands of the new age are speed, efficiency, quick response to a request. In some areas, the competition, as in professional sports, takes place in minutes and seconds: who will process the order faster and offer the customer the best option. The importance of service satisfaction has grown crucially. Today, reviews on the Internet reach millions of audience [1].
Therefore, one of the main tasks of logistics is to develop a carefully considered reasonable assumption that would help increase the efficiency of a company, increase its market share and gain an advantage over its competitors.
Now, in logistics, it is more important than ever to be ready to rebuild in time without losses. To help in this situation a variety of ways to optimize the logistics system come, starting from building the optimal structure for each company and ending with the creation of a logistics management system.
«Without going into the complex definitions formulated in the theory of optimal processes, we can say that, in this case, optimization is a modification of the system in order to increase its efficiency. Efficiency is a feature of the system to perform its tasks, to achieve certain goals in the present conditions with a certain quality. These quality indicators are called criteria for the efficiency of the logistics system «[2].
Cost minimization and revenue maximization are the most important activities of any commercial structure. A wide scope of logistics processes directly affects the maximization of revenues from the overall activities of the enterprise, it can also reduce costs. These two leading areas of logistics are reflected both in the financial result and in strengthening the market position, achieving and maintaining advantages in competitive struggle.
Some of the main key targets in logistics that companies need to focus on, however, are as follows:
- unquestionable fulfillment of tasks assigned to the logistics system;
- reduction of overall logistics costs;
- minimization of investments in the logistics system;
- improving the quality and reliability of logistics service.
Thus, «if the logistics system successfully implements its target function (in a trading company it may be the movement of goods from producer to consumer with intermediate consolidation in its operating warehouse) in the allotted time, with minimal costs, we can say that the logistics system of the company operates successfully «[2].
In today's business marketplace, customer requirements for customization, flexibility and rapid response increasingly encourage manufacturers to expand their logistics networks to include and coordinate all suppliers and optimize internal and external logistics processes, as well as strengthen decision-making processes. Logistics must be as technological as possible. Any optimization is based on digital tools and data analytics.
Improving the logistics management process requires the use of such methods of organizing the promotion of goods flows, which would be based not on the subjective qualities of individual employees, but on the principles of the system concept (logistics), which are objective in nature. They reflect both mathematical and economic approaches to flow control [3].
To choose the right course of evolution of the company business should pay special attention to management, especially its efficiency. Knowledge of certain techniques and the ability to competently use the necessary tools, including economic and mathematical modeling, are able to create a management system that meets the objectives and the chosen development strategy. The high share of logistics costs of the final price of goods shows what reserves of improving the economic figures of economic entities contain the optimization of goods flow management. Thus, when considering mathematical methods and models in logistics, the starting point is the theory and practice of management.
As more and more people choose to order online, customers' expectations for delivery increase as well as the need for effective end-of-chain supply strategies. The last link is the most expensive part of the logistics supply chain, but it is also the only link in the e-commerce supply chain in which customers usually interact in real life. Optimizing the latter not only has the potential to increase profits, but can also improve the company's overall reputation through excellent customer service.
«The results of the study organized by Reuters and IT company Blue Yonder on the dynamics of changes in costs and investments in e-commerce show, in particular, a significant increase in investment by logistics and other companies in improving supply chains, risk management systems in transport and warehousing. «[4]. According to the press release, «the supply chains status and cost concern both logistics and trade «[4]. It turns out that retailers and logistics service providers operating around the world are currently mostly concerned with issues such as:
- strengthening the customer orientation of the business;
- cost increase in the field of e-commerce;
- financial risks;
- the need to reach the direct consumer (D2C);
- the cost of the last link in the supply chain, etc. [4].
Experts predict what trends will determine the development of the logistics market in the coming years: dumping in the logistics market and exit of weak companies from the market; development of collaboration, cooperation, association of services; refusal to purchase cars; increase in demand for the «grouped cargo» service; development of domestic freight and logistics chains; ordering transportation from a mobile device and the emergence of a separate industry «mobile carriers»; contactless courier delivery; development of parcel delivery by drones; transfer of the majority of employees to remote work on a permanent basis; emergence of demand for delivery of goods to remote settlements; change of auto transport to railway and air; compliance with sanitary standards; introduction of telemedicine to logistics; transfer of all world logistics activities to online format; use of new IT technologies; availability of a backup anti-crisis plan; the importance of last mile delivery; environmental friendliness; e-commerce as a growth point of logistics [1, 5-11].
These trends show that elements of Industry 4.0 are being actively introduced into logistics management processes.
With the broad paradigm of Industry 4.0 (or smart manufacturing), a specific stream of research on the impact and application of Industry 4.0 technologies on logistics under two different names: «Smart Logistics» or «Logistics 4.0» has emerged [12, 13]. Paradigm 4.0 is the result of the expanded use of the Internet (Things, Services, Persons, IoTSP), which allows real-time communication between products, machines, services and people, as well as the use of advanced digital tools. Therefore, Logistics 4.0 is based on the use of technological applications that allow efficient planning of resources and efficient management of warehousing and transportation systems to ensure efficient transmission of data and materials between departments [14].
It is widely acknowledged in the literature that the new Industry 4.0 paradigm will provide several opportunities to improve significantly various aspects of internal and external logistics, such as efficiency, sustainability or responsiveness to a customer [15]. Key components of Industry 4.0, such as Cyber Physics Systems (CPS) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), can support realtime tracking and tracking of materials inside and outside enterprises, thus improving internal and external logistics management [16].
Experts also believe that one of the priority points for the growth of logistics today is e-commerce, in particular, both marketplaces and individual online stores have the potential.
«Respondents say that online sales have grown by 120% in average in recent years, including Ukraine. According to various estimates, about 70% of Ukraine's population uses the Internet. For comparison, in 2010 this figure was 30%. Getting used to the Internet, people get used to using the services it provides - online shopping is one of them «[17].
According to the study by CBR, at the end of 2020, 10.6 million people in Ukraine regularly bought online - almost a third part of the population. These are regular customers of online stores and trading platforms [17].
Ukrainians are interested in e-commerce as buyers and sellers. This is indirectly proved by Google statistics. Ukrainian users have become active looking for what to sell online. IBM experts estimate that «the pandemic has accelerated the transition from offline to online shopping by about five years.
Stores that used to work only offline have begun to explore the Internet - they have brought new niches to e-commerce and expanded the audience of customers» [17]. For example, buying products online has become common, although it used to be mostly offline.
Along with sales, the load on delivery services increased. The number of parcels of the main postal operators of Ukraine «Nova Poshta» and «Ukrposhta» increased by 25-35% [17].
The practice of fulfilling orders without visiting the store has become a new area of attention for all retailers, which requires the constant implementation of innovative solutions. The cycle of interaction with the client can begin online, but will eventually end with delivery to the client's address. Standards set by innovators in the field of order fulfillment, such as the Walmart retail chain, which has introduced a home delivery service that includes the delivery of purchased goods and medicines and the return of purchased goods to stores, will increasingly affect all industry players, even those who are not direct competitors.
Consumers rely on objective information about the status of the order and delivery, and some of them also want almost immediate execution of the order. This practice of service is extremely fast becoming a key factor that is closely linked to the perception of service and quality. This is confirmed by analytical data from a survey of consumer attitude, published in March 2021: 42% of respondents around the world say that fast and reliable delivery for them is one of the top three most important criteria for online shopping [18]. Although it is not difficult for consumers to evaluate the fulfillment of an order - either its delivery was fast and reliable or not - the formation of an opinion about the order delivery service depends on many implicit factors.
Recent events have revealed the shortcomings of most supply chains: the inability to respond to large-scale failures and unexpected fluctuations in consumer behavior. To increase the efficiency of supply chains investment in artificial intelligence technology and other digital tools may be required that will provide a complete understanding of all stages and ensure their integration into a single complex - critical components of the supply chain of the future [18].
Large logistics companies have begun to make the most of online services. In some cases, plans to digitize a number of processes have been accelerated. Where possible, all activities were converted online. The same situation was observed at post offices, where, for example, paperwork was replaced by electronic one.
In today's conditions, it is recommended for logistics operators to continue their activities within the framework of facilitating delivery processes to consumers, as well as to look for more flexible approaches to work in crisis conditions. Anti-crisis measures in the economy should be aimed at ensuring the stability of supply chains
The revival of B2C sales has increased the demand for transportation of goods to logistics centers and end customers. Customers have turned en masse to online shopping. This has been very well felt by logistics companies, which now have a much higher workload than before.
The high share of logistics costs of the final price of goods shows what reserves of improving the economic performance of economic entities contain the optimization of material flow management. Now in logistics it is important to be ready to rebuild without costs.
Retailers face challenges due to disruptions in global supply chains. Among the problems that logisticians and retailers are trying to solve there is one that should be highlighted is how to plan and stock up in advance. Traditionally, companies and online stores plan supply chains long before the season. Preparation begins in advance. It is important to predict sales volumes in advance based on last season data, purchase inventory and prepare warehouses for peak loads. However, due to the ambiguity of the situation and fluctuations in demand, it becomes more difficult to forecast sales.
At present, it is critical for companies to carefully plan inventory to meet consumer demand and increase sales. On the other hand, insurance stocks create new challenges - the cost of maintaining products increases.
As retailers are forced to build up more inventory than before, with the progressive development of e-commerce, the problem of lack of storage space has become acute [5].
The same situation is observed in other countries. For comparison: «according to the report by Cushman & Wakefield, America also has a fairly low vacancy rate of 4.3%, and in warehouses near ports it is even lower - about 1%» [19]. In preparation for Black Friday, even Amazon has faced the challenge of increasing the area of distribution centers, warehouses, to satisfy consumers due to the excitement and huge seasonal demand.
A new study by global real estate company Cushman & Wakefield shows
- «the last link in the e-commerce supply chain may be 50% or more of the total cost of the supply chain;
- Cushman & Wakefield estimates that real estate costs (ie distribution centers, warehouses) make for only 4.3% of total logistics costs, while transport costs 50.3%;
- city distribution centers and warehouses, despite significantly higher rents, have consistently lower costs for the «last link»;
- on average 20 minutes closer from the city depot to the first delivery point creates an average saving of 2 million euros per year «[19].
Experts conclude that the logistics prize for urban land is worth it, as huge savings are possible due to total transport costs. Not surprisingly, rent for urban land reflects the maturity of the e-commerce market anywhere. Rents for urban warehouses will increase significantly in major European cities due to the further development of logistics centers. «The high potential for rent growth for the end - in-chain warehouses now puts logistics at the same level of income as traditional urban land use» [19].
Starting in 2020, e-commerce is already adapting warehousing operations by changing the internal and external distribution of space. Competition for the best location for warehouses will increase as the revolution, particularly in retail, continues.
Temporality gradually displaces constancy. Adapting to a rapidly changing environment is becoming one of the main strategies in the new normality. Companies should be quicker to navigate in unexpected situations and calculate possible options for the outcome of events in order to choose the best one in the shortest possible time.
We consider the possibility of applying economic and mathematical modeling taking into account the seasonality factor on the example of optimizing the transport costs of the online store.
A small online store «Hope» sells seasonal consumer goods. In recent years, the owner has managed to find customers for these seasonal products, which confirmed their willingness to work with him this year. The store has its own warehouse. The owner of the online store «Hope» decided to prepare for the season in advance. After all, out of season the price of goods is much lower than in season. Ambiguities in supply chains can lead to online store disruptions. Therefore, it is very important to prepare for the season in advance: forecast demand, create stocks, take care of storage capacity (warehouses), start planning a marketing campaign and attract additional resources to solve logistics problems in a timely manner.
The owner, forecasting sales on the basis of data for last season and securing contracts with his regular customers, decided to buy stocks of seasonal products and find warehouses for peak loads. The online store has 7 regular customers for the product, for which the volume of orders is known (see Table 1).
Table 1. Volumes of customer orders, units
The need for goods, units |
Customer |
Customer |
Customer |
Customer |
Customer |
Customer |
Customer |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
2400 |
2880 |
2040 |
6000 |
3600 |
5280 |
1800 |
«Hope» has one warehouse with a capacity of 12,000 units of goods. But currently the store's own warehouse can not fully meet the demand for goods from these customers, so the online store plans to expand the storage of goods. Since the total customer demand is currently estimated as 24 thousand units of goods, the store is negotiating the rent of two additional warehouses with a capacity of 7 and 7.4 thousand units of goods each.
In total, 5 convenient reserve warehouses of appropriate capacity, storage conditions and reasonable rent were found for rent. From the 5 warehouses found in different districts of the city, 2 warehouses need to be chosen. Any two of them and the available own warehouse will provide the volume of storage of the goods necessary for customers. We know distances from own warehouse and reserve warehouses to each of the customers of the online store (see Table 2).
Table 2. Distance from warehouses to customers, km
Customer 1 |
Customer 2 |
Customer 3 |
Customer 4 |
Customer 5 |
Customer 6 |
Customer 7 |
Own warehouse |
116,6 |
172,7 |
66 |
272,8 |
202,4 |
196,9 |
391,6 |
Reserve warehouse 1 |
114,4 |
88 |
79,2 |
183,7 |
242 |
194,7 |
377,3 |
Reserve warehouse 2 |
168,3 |
341 |
218,9 |
304,7 |
128,7 |
84,7 |
116,6 |
Reserve warehouse 3 |
89,1 |
259,6 |
93,5 |
311,3 |
85,8 |
119,9 |
303,6 |
Reserve warehouse 4 |
160,6 |
34,1 |
133,1 |
150,7 |
292,6 |
233,2 |
403,7 |
Reserve warehouse 5 |
250,8 |
259,6 |
281,6 |
125,4 |
337,7 |
236,5 |
267,3 |
All regular customers are ready to cooperate with the online store «Hope» and buy goods of the specified quantity. The owner of the online store needs to determine which 2 reserve warehouses out of the 5 presented should be chosen for rent in order to minimize transport costs for delivery of goods to customers. Therefore, to solve the problem of logistics management - minimizing the cost of delivery of goods from warehouses to customers due to the seasonal factor of production - the owner of the online store «Hope» should apply such an optimization problem of linear programming as transport.
But in addition to minimizing transportation costs, the owner needs to choose two additional warehouses from the reserve five warehouses. This can be done either by solving 5 consistent transport tasks (for 10 possible combinations of two additional warehouses with the owned one), or by combining the task of choosing two warehouses from five possible ones with minimizing the cost of transportation from them to customers.
The expediency of both methods of solving the problem is dictated by the ability, in addition to finding the minimum cost of delivery of goods and thechoice of additional warehouses, to demonstrate cost-effectiveness between the worst and best option for the location of reserve warehouses.
We make economic and mathematical model of a problem on the basis of data of tables 1 and 2. For this purpose we will introduce designations as follows:
- quantity of goods planned to move from /-warehouse to 7-customer;
- warehouses;
- online store customers;
ykj - choice k-location for i-warehouse,
at - capacity of i-warehouse;
bj - volume of orders of7-customer;
Z - total length of the goods transport route.
We have an open (unbalanced) transport task as follows:
The balance equation is a prerequisite for solving the transport problem. Therefore, when in the initial conditions an open task is given, it must be brought to a closed form. If the stocks of suppliers exceed the needs of consumers, then a fictitious consumer with the required amount of consumption is introduced. Options that link fictitious points to real ones have zero scores. After the introduction of fictitious consumers, the problem is solved as closed.
Therefore we will introduce the fictitious customer with volume of theorder:
The objective function of the economic-mathematical model of the problem of minimizing the transport costs of the online store will be as follows:
System of restrictions of closed transport task are:
We adapt the economic-mathematical model (formulas 1 - 2) based on the data of tables 1 and 2 to optimize the transport costs of the online store.
Substituting data on transport tariffs, warehouse capacity and customer orders, we obtain the following model (3 - 4):
We implement the economic-mathematical model (formulas 3 - 4) of the seasonally adaptive transition to the management of logistics processes in Excel.
First, we solve the problem of choosing 2 additional warehouses from 5 reserve ones by the method of sequential search (10 options).
Solutions to the optimal supply of goods from the i - warehouse to the j - customer, are presented in Fig. 1 and 2 accordingly when choosing the first and the fifth warehouses and the second and the fourth warehouses.
Figure 1. The optimal plan for delivery goods from the 1st and the 5 th warehouses to customers
Figure 2. The optimal plan for delivery of goods from the 2nd and the 4th warehouses to customers
The solution of the problem (formulas 3 - 4) about the simultaneous selection of 2 warehouses from the reserve 5 warehouses and finding the optimal plan for delivery of goods from the warehouses of the online store «Hope» to customers is presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Selection of warehouses and plan for optimal volumes of the goods delivery from і-warehouse to j-customer
logistics management economical
Therefore, we will analyze the results of the implemented model of seasonally adaptive transition for logistics management (Fig. 3), and try to provide online store «Hope» recommendations for logistics management by optimizing transport costs taking into account the seasonality factor.
In order for the total length of delivery of goods from three warehouses of the online store to seven customers to be minimal and amounted to 3008588 km, it is necessary to: choose for rent the 2nd and the 4th warehouses from 5 reserve warehouses; distribute the delivery of goods as follows: from the own warehouse 2400 units of goods should be delivered to customer 1, 2040 units - to customer 3, 1880 units - to customer 4, 3280 units - to customer 5; from the 2nd warehouse - 320 units to customer 5, 5280 units - to customer 6, 1800 units - to customer 7; from the 5th warehouse - 2880 units to customer 2 and 4120 units to customer 4.
When solving the problem by sequential search of 2 warehouses from 5 reserve warehouses, we will be able to evaluate the best and worst options, as well as make sure that in any case, the optimal plans and values of the objective functions match. Comparing the values of the objective functions in Fig. 2 and 3, we see that they are the same. In addition, the optimal plans for delivery of goods from the warehouses of the online store to customers coincide.
In fig. 1. and 2 the worst and best options for choosing warehouses are presented. In the worst case of the choice of warehouses (1st and 5th) the total length of the route of delivery of goods will be 3708188 km, and in the best case (2nd and 4th warehouses) - 3008588 km. A comparison of the values of the objective functions showed that the total length of the delivery route of goods in the worst case exceeds the total length of the delivery route of goods in the best case by 23%
Thus, by applying economic and mathematical modeling to solve the problem of seasonally adaptive transition in the management of logistics processes, we will be able to make the best choice of two additional warehouses from five reserve warehouses, find the optimal delivery plan, reduce the total length of delivery route, and therefore the cost of transporting goods, to avoid shortages of goods in warehouses, in a timely manner and with minimal costs to satisfy the interests of customers of online store «Hope» goods.
Conclusions and suggestions.
The study demonstrates the following significant results and areas of improvement of enterprises to optimize the management of logistics processes, taking into account the factor of seasonality.
The important task of logistics process management on the selection of additional rented warehouses in the high season and finding the optimal plan for delivery of goods is considered.
A seasonally adapted transition to manage the logistics process for the «Hope» online store is proposed; an algorithm for such a transition was developed using the example of the online store «Hope» with one main warehouse and possibility to choose two additional warehouses to meet the interests of consumers in the high season; the plan of optimization of a route of delivery of the goods from these warehouses to customers which minimizes transport expenses is offered.
The efficiency of application of the suggested algorithm of logistic process management is demostrated.
It is substantiated that the concept of logistic processes is that changes in one of their elements cause a chain reaction of changes in other elements.
The seasonally adapted transition model for logistics process management can be used to optimize the cost of delivery of any goods while increasing the number of customers of the online store, as well as the choice of additional premises in the season of high demand for any category of goods.
The practical significance of the study is that the implementation of recommendations provided to enterprises as to the use of methods of economic and mathematical modeling for the management of logistics processes will help: to minimize transport costs and avoid shortages of goods in warehouses and customers; to reduce the idle time (mileage), which will also contributes to significant reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and therefore the company will keep up with the trend of eco-friendly logistics.
The results of the study can be used by managers and employees of logistics companies, owners of online stores, etc.
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