Content and principles of economic harmonization of interests of industrial enterprises
Areas of ensuring the harmonization of economic interests of economic entities are highlighted, namely: innovative cooperation; optimization preservation and focusing strategy; digitalization of business. Harmonizing the economic interests of enterprises.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 26,3 K |
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Content and principles of economic harmonization of interests of industrial enterprises
Klymchuk Maryna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Organization and Construction Management
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kukharuk Anna
PhD in Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor at the Department of International Economics
Ivanova Tetiana
PhD in Economics, Associated Professor, Associated Professor at Department of International Economics
The article is devoted to the problems of harmonizing the economic interests of enterprises under the conditions of destabilizing factors of the external environment. The theoretical basis of the research is the work offoreign and domestic scientists. The study is based on a systems approach, the economic theory of development based on resources, and the theory of economic harmonies. The content of the concept of "harmonization of the economic interests of the enterprise" is defined, under which it is proposed to understand the process of harmonizing the economic interests of the enterprise and the interests of other subjects of the external environment, which provides for the reduction of the imbalance in the resource provision of all market participants and enables the further commercially successful activity of the enterprise on the basis of innovative activity, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development. The following principles of harmonizing the interests of industrial enterprises are highlighted: complexity, planning, limitations, competitiveness, environmental friendliness, balance, continuity, and efficiency. The obtained results deepen scientific developments regarding the need for economic harmonization of domestic industrial enterprises. The structure of the balance sheet of economic entities in Ukraine for the period 2019-2021 is shown. The types of economic activity characterized by the dominance of the share of non-current assets in the total assets of the respective enterprises are highlighted. The need to consider the dependence of businesses on material costs when determining ways to harmonize their economic activity is emphasized. Areas of ensuring the harmonization of economic interests of economic entities are highlighted, namely: innovative cooperation; optimization preservation and focusing strategy; digitalization of business. economic harmonization principle
Keywords: economic harmonization, principles, economic interests, economic optimization, balanced development, industrial enterprises, economic disharmony, post-war economic recovery, digital economy.
Статтю присвячено проблематиці гармонізації економічних інтересів підприємств в умовах дії дестабілізуючих чинників зовнішнього середовища. Теоретичною основою дослідження є праці зарубіжних та вітчизняних учених. Дослідження базується на системному підході, економічній теорії розвитку, заснованому на ресурсах, а також на теорії економічних гармоній. Визначено зміст поняття «гармонізація економічних інтересів підприємства», під яким запропоновано розуміти процес узгодження економічних інтересів підприємства та інтересів інших суб'єктів зовнішнього середовища, що передбачає зменшення дисбалансу ресурсного забезпечення всіх учасників ринку та уможливлює подальшу комерційно успішну діяльність підприємства на основі інноваційної активності, корпоративної соціальної відповідальності та сталого розвитку. Виділено наступні принципи гармонізації інтересів промислових підприємств: комплексності, планування, обмеженості, конкурентоспроможності, екологічності, збалансованості, безперервності, ефективності. Отримані результати поглиблюють наукові розробки щодо необхідності економічної гармонізації вітчизняних промислових підприємствах. Показано структуру балансу суб'єктів господарської діяльності в Україні за період 2019-2021 рр. та виділено види економічної діяльності, котрі характеризуються домінуванням частки необоротних активів в загальному обсязі активів відповідних підприємств. Підкреслено необхідність врахування залежності бізнесу від матеріальних витрат при визначенні шляхів забезпечення гармонізації їх економічної діяльності. Виділено напрями забезпечення гармонізації економічних інтересів суб'єктів господарювання, а саме: інноваційної кооперації; оптимізаційного консервування та стратегії фокусування; діджиталізації бізнесу.
Ключові слова: економічна гармонізація, принципи, економічні інтереси, економічна оптимізація, збалансований розвиток, промислові підприємства, економічна дисгармонія, післявоєнне відновлення економіки, цифрова економіка.
Formulation of the problem in general
The main economic contradiction of unlimited needs and limited resources gives rise to the multivariate development of production and commercial activities of business entities in the direction of the formation of added value and business profit. The determination of ways to achieve commercial success is based on the use of those resources that are available to a particular enterprise and under the condition of such a distribution of publicly available resources that enables the further functioning of an individual enterprise, its competitors, and other market participants. A non-optimal distribution of resources can become an obstacle in the company's activities, when they are not enough to achieve goals, or an excess of resources creates gaps in other market entities (again, due to the limitation of general resources). Harmonization of the interests of industrial enterprises, society and the state can be a solution to the imbalance of resource provision, due to which the optimization of economic distribution, exchange, consumption and accumulation of resources is achieved.
Analysis of recent studies and publications
The main provisions concerning the harmonization of interests of the enterprises have been studied in the works of the following scientists: Berdar M. M. [1], Chmut A. V [3], Vartsaba V. I. [9], Kalynychenko M. [4], Koshkalda I. V and Tregub O. M. [5], Pravdyuk N. L. and Shinkovich A. V [7], Zhylenko K. [10] and others.
However, based on the analysis, in our opinion, the experience of harmonization of interests of industrial enterprises needs to be further studied, which will contribute to the development and implementation of the necessary decisions in the field of the resource management, in particular, considering the specifics of a certain industry.
The theoretical basis of the study are the works of foreign and domestic scientists. Do achieve the research purpose, general scientific methods of scientific knowledge were used, namely: theoretical generalization, systematization, analysis and synthesis. The study is based on the system economic theory and resource-based economic theory, and theory or economic harmonies.
Formulating the purposes of the article
The main purpose of this study is to systematize and substantiate the provisions on economic harmonization of the interests of industrial enterprises. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: to generalize approaches to the concept of "harmonization of interests of enterprises"; to determine the principles of harmonization of industrial enterprises in a crisis; to determine the peculiarities of compliance with the principles of harmonization of interests on enterprises by types of their economic activity.
Presentation of the main research material. In the modern scientific literature, the term “harmonization of the interests ofthe enterprise" has many aspects ofinterpretation. According to Berdar M. M. [1, p. 127], harmonization of the interests of the enterprise “can be considered as a criterion for the success of the organization of production and economic activities and the direction of improving the performance of certain works”. Pravdyuk N. L. and Shinkovich A. V. [7, p. 83] note that the harmonization of the interests of the enterprise “involves achieving a certain balance, coherence of structural units to adapt the economic system to new conditions and challenges”. Koshkalda I. V. and Tregub O. M. [5, p. 38] believe that the harmonization of the enterprise is “a multifaceted process of bringing the set of units involved in the production of products and services, as well as structural parts of the enterprise, in a state of balance and coherence, which helps to establish proportions for further development”. Vartsaba V I. [9, p. 4] argues that the harmonization of the interests of the enterprise is a “complex and multifaceted process of transfer of any socio-economic system (object) and all its various and diverse components of subsystems from a state of disharmony to a state of harmony under the managerial influence of their governing bodies (objects)”. Chmut A. V. [3, p. 93] notes that the harmonization of enterprise interests “consists in an organic unity, coherence, balance, and subordination of interests and determines the purposefulness of economic behavior of all social groups (state, firms, households, individuals) in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods”.
The study of various approaches to the definition of the concept of harmonization of the interests of enterprises showed the presence of certain debatable provisions, in particular, insufficient readability of the existing definitions and their incompleteness in terms of defining the components of the enterprise's activities, which are a source of economic interests. Under the harmonization of interests of the enterprise, authors understand the process of harmonizing the economic interests of the enterprise and the interests of other entities of the external environment, which provides for the reduction of the resource imbalance of all market participants and enables the further successful commercial activity of the enterprise based on innovation, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development.
Berdar M. M. includes the following to the principles of harmonization of interests of enterprises [1, p. 127]: ensuring sustainable development of industrial enterprises; application of program-target management in ensuring its sustainable development; determining the set of own financial interests in its mission; the relationship of financial security management subsystems with the overall financial management system; balance of financial interests of owners, management, managers, departments, staff, etc.; carrying out constant monitoring, control, and assessment of financial risks; compliance of measures with the formation and implementation of the financial strategy of sustainable development of the industrial enterprise, its mission; timeliness of improving the system of financial support of industrial enterprises; minimization of costs to ensure sustainable development of industrial enterprises; development of financial policy in the areas of financial activity, formation and implementation of financial strategy.
Pravdyuk N. L. and Shinkovich A. V. believe that the principles of harmonization of interests of enterprises should be [7, p. 83]: concretization; balance; maximum efficiency; coordination; compliance with restrictions; flexibility; complexity; stabilization and coordination; decomposition; adaptability; mutual realization; diversity; prevention; cooperation; values, reliability, minimality, saturation, openness and a meaningful load of information; complementarity; predictability; professionalism and competence; structural perfection; collegiality; suboptimization; strategic; planning; recombination of rights, responsibilities, and powers; effective adjustment.
Koshkalda I. V. and Tregub O. M. argue that the harmonization of the interests of enterprises should be carried out in compliance with such principles [5, p. 38]: planning (provides for a sound plan of activity and development of the enterprise), coordination (analysis of strategic, tactical and operational changes in the enterprise, making appropriate adjustments to the set and proportion of resources), restrictions (based on limiting the set of resources in the enterprise, its structural units in order to effectively manage them), coordination (resources and actions on them should be coordinated and balanced), mutual realization (the optimal result of harmonization can be achieved with maximum consideration of the interests of all participants), objectivity (is to adequately characterize the components of the industry structure).
As a result of the analysis, we propose to consider the following principles of harmonization of the interests of the enterprise, which are given in the Тable. 1.
Table 1
Basic principles of harmonization of interests of industrial enterprises
№ |
Principle |
Characteristic |
1 |
Complexity |
An integrated approach to the development and implementation of appropriate measures |
2 |
Planning |
Development of measures taking into account pessimistic and optimistic options for enterprise development |
3 |
Limitations |
Taking into account certain restrictions that may arise in the course of the enterprise |
4 |
Competitiveness |
The planned measures will help increase the level of competitiveness of the enterprise |
5 |
Environmental friendliness |
Reducing the negative impact of the company on the environment |
6 |
Balance |
Maintaining a balance between the interests of the enterprise and society, as well as the state |
7 |
Continuity |
The process of implementing appropriate measures to harmonize the interests of the enterprise must be continuous |
8 |
Efficiency |
Planned activities should be economically justified and have a positive impact on the dynamics of the enterprise |
Source: proposed by the authors on the basis of [1; 5; 7]
In contrast to the harmonization of the economic interests of market subjects, today we see many examples of economic imbalances. Within the framework of this study, we are talking, first of all, about resource imbalances - financial, material, information, human capital, and other imbalances.
When studying the possibility of applying the principles of economic harmonization defined in Table 1, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of the industries in which enterprises operate. Thus, the economic sections of the work of enterprises by types of economic activity make it possible to single out those industries that are more dependent on material costs. In particular, these are those enterprises whose balance sheet structure is significantly dominated by non-current assets (Table 2).
Table 2
Structure of the balance value of Ukrainian enterprises in 2019-2021, % to the total
Industry |
Assets, % |
Liabilities, % |
Balance value, mln.UAH (100 %) |
Non- negotiable assets |
Current assets |
Non- negotiable assets and groups of leaving |
Equity capital |
Long-term commitments and provision |
Current liabilities and provision |
Total, 2019 |
49,2 |
50,7 |
0,1 |
32,1 |
15,2 |
52,7 |
6689081,6 |
Total, 2020 |
46,8 |
53,1 |
0,1 |
28,0 |
15,4 |
56,6 |
6810349,4 |
Total, 2021 (detailed below) |
48,2 |
56,2 |
0,0 |
30,1 |
14,1 |
55,8 |
8146433,0 |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing |
41,2 |
58,6 |
0,2 |
3,4 |
12,2 |
84,4 |
14372,4 |
Industry |
43,3 |
56,7 |
0,0 |
25,3 |
14,5 |
60,2 |
3748982,1 |
Construction |
17,9 |
82,1 |
0,0 |
10,8 |
9,9 |
79,2 |
212100,4 |
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
15,5 |
84,5 |
0,0 |
10,6 |
9,5 |
79,9 |
1775311,4 |
Transportation and warehousing, postal and courier activities |
75,3 |
24,6 |
0,1 |
59,8 |
13,0 |
27,2 |
986668,1 |
Accommodation and food service activities |
69,9 |
30,1 |
0,0 |
7,3 |
38,5 |
54,2 |
24102,3 |
Information and communication |
64,7 |
34,9 |
0,4 |
33,8 |
30,4 |
35,8 |
158698,2 |
Financial and insurance activities |
41,2 |
58,2 |
0,5 |
21,0 |
34,6 |
44,3 |
150243,3 |
Real estate activities |
64,0 |
36,0 |
0,0 |
16,0 |
41,4 |
42,6 |
178849,6 |
Professional, scientific and technical activities |
56,6 |
43,4 |
0,0 |
64,5 |
11,3 |
24,1 |
597157,9 |
Administrative and support service activities |
85,1 |
14,8 |
0,0 |
69,2 |
11,8 |
19,0 |
184921,7 |
Education |
68,7 |
31,3 |
0,0 |
35,5 |
8,2 |
56,3 |
2720,6 |
Human health and social work activities |
74,7 |
25,3 |
0,0 |
66,7 |
11,9 |
21,4 |
76897,0 |
Arts, sport, entertainment and recreation |
84,3 |
15,7 |
0,0 |
45,3 |
14,3 |
40,4 |
32442,3 |
Other service activities |
66,0 |
34,0 |
0,0 |
67,8 |
0,2 |
32,0 |
2965,7 |
Source: completed by authors based on the data of State Statistics Service of Ukraine [8]
As Table 2 shows, such industries as (a) Transportation and warehousing, postal and courier activities, (b) Administrative and support service activities, (c) Human health and social work activities, and (d) Arts, sport, entertainment, and recreation are those characterized by a large share of non-negotiable assets in the structure of the balance value. For mentioned industries, the optimization of the use of material resources at the enterprises is a more timeconsuming and complex process, therefore, for these areas of activity, additional research is needed - the research on special tools for harmonizing their activities and the interests of the subjects of the external environment.
Enterprises with a smaller share of non-current assets in the structure of the balance sheet, but the specifics of whose activities may involve causing ecological damage to the environment, which in turn creates economic imbalances, need special attention - primarily, industrial enterprises.
Resources are a factor of internal reserves, the effective use of which makes it possible to provide both the needs of the enterprise in particular and the needs of society in general. The value and influence of resources on the efficiency of the enterprise are determined by the role played by the resource in achieving the goals of the enterprise, the possibilities of its replacement, and the level of influence of the price on individual resources and are evaluated by a system of indicators that characterize the efficiency of the use of enterprise resources and determine their impact on the final performance results [6]. Accordingly, in order to harmonize the economic interests of industrial enterprises and their influence on the resource provision of other enterprises and market subjects, it is necessary to take into account this systemic relationship between business processes.
Due to [2], in the following years, the industry of Ukraine will develop under the following challenges: a further decrease in demand for the main positions of Ukrainian industrial exports due to the reduction; European partners of investment programs, the establishment of tough competition in export markets; strengthening of the trend towards localization of production chains within national economies for increasing the stability of supply chains and minimizing dependence on external partners; strengthening the digital component of the competitiveness of industrial enterprises.
In 2022, another challenge appears - a full-scale war in Ukraine, which creates a significant number of imbalances, which cannot be resolved with the tools of harmonization of interests due to a significant number of unpredictable events and a high level of turbulence. The scientific task of finding ways to restore the lost balance of resource provision in terms of post-war economic recovery is becoming extremely important.
In such conditions, the following means of restoring the balance of resource provision and harmonizing the activities of industrial and other enterprises are considered promising.
1. Innovative cooperation. This direction involves increasing the involvement of enterprises in the development and implementation of innovative projects, mostly due to the contribution of intellectual capital. Strengthening innovative activity due to the non-material participation of enterprises will provide an opportunity to avoid risks associated with material costs, as well as to prolong productive activity due to the created values based on scientific and technical partnerships with innovative concerns of European countries.
2. Optimizing conservation and focusing strategy. This direction involves the reduction of the usual activities of enterprises due to the termination of processes that require additional resources and cannot be continued due to logistical obstacles, instead, they can be replaced by other processes and focus attention only on the direction of activity that can be performed in the new conditions of war.
3. Digitalization of business. This direction is only possible for a part of the enterprises, and to a large extent, it has already been worked out due to the transformations of 2020 associated with quarantine restrictions.
The conducted research provides an opportunity to formulate the following conclusions of theoretical content and practical direction:
1. Under the harmonization of the economic interests of enterprises, it is appropriate to understand proposed to understand the process of harmonizing the economic interests of the enterprise and the interests of other subjects of the external environment, which provides for the reduction of the imbalance in the resource provision of all market participants and enables the further commercially successful activity of the enterprise on the basis of innovative activity, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development.
2. One of the noticeable factors of the successful commercial activity of a private enterprise is the consistency of its economic interests with the economic interests of other market subjects.
3. Taking into account the principles of harmonization of the economic interests of enterprises should be based on the study of the specifics of the activity of a specific branch of industry or the field of activity of the enterprise.
4. When determining the ways to ensure economic harmonies, it is advisable to be guided by knowledge about the differences in the resource provision of enterprises, which may be seen in the differences in the structure of their balance value.
5. In conditions of increased turbulence of the economic environment, traditional management tools are characterized by lower efficiency, and therefore the development of new tools is required. Modern enterprises of Ukraine, which function in conditions of a full-scale war, should direct their efforts to those areas of activity that are relatively better equipped with resources and require a smaller amount of material costs, for example, innovation cooperation due to the contribution of mostly intellectual capital to joint innovation projects.
A promising research subject is an algorithm for harmonizing the interests of industrial enterprises, as well as the development of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of appropriate measures.
1. Berdar, M. M. (2014), “Harmonization of interests of financial and economic relations as a condition for sustainable development of industrial enterprises”, Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Ser.: Economic Sciences, vol. 7 (2), pp. 126-129.
2. Bobyl V, Dehtyar S. (2021), “Economic development of industrial enterprises in the conditions of financial instability: European experience and Ukrainian realities”, Effective Economy, vol. 5. Available at:
3. Chmut, A. V (2017), “Harmonization of interests of shareholders of corporations and other stakeholders in terms of entering international markets”, Manager. Bulletin of Donetsk State University of Management, vol. 2 (75), pp. 91-97.
4. Kalynychenko, M. (2013), “Harmonization of economic interests in marketing management system of industrial enterprise”, Economy of industry, vol. 3(63), pp. 119-128.
5. Koshkalda, I. V., Tregub, O. M. (2017), “Conceptual principles of harmonization of the branch structure of agricultural enterprises”, Economics of agro-industrial complex, vol. 3, pp. 37-44.
6. Martynenko V (2006), Strategy of viability of industrial enterprises. Kyiv, Center of educational literature, 328 p.
7. Pravdyuk, N. L., Shinkovich, A. V (2020), “Program of harmonization of organizational and information support of crisis management of agricultural formations”, Economy. Management. Business, vol. 1(31), pp. 82-89.
8. State Statistics Service of Ukraine (2021), “Indicators of the balance of enterprises by types of economic activity”. Available at: operativ2021/fin/sbp/sbp_u/arh_sbp2021_u.htm.
9. Vartsaba, V I. (2014), “Harmonized management and management - an important area of development of theory and practice of management”, Strategy of economic development of Ukraine, vol. 34, pp. 3-8.
10. Zhylenko K. (2018), “Harmonization of TNC's economic interests in the conditions of new type economy”, Investments: practice and experience, vol. 4, pp. 39-44.
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