European paradigm of socially responsible governance as conditions for exiting the COVID-19 pandemic crisis
That today in the post-pandemic COVID-19 should be formed socially responsible management as a factor in overcoming crisis effectiveness of the post-pandemic COVID-19, in which its paradigm would permeate all institutions and other social systems.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 3,6 M |
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European paradigm of socially responsible governance as conditions for exiting the COVID-19 pandemic crisis
Valentyna Voronkova Vitalina
Nikitenko Gennadiy Vasyl'chuk
Urgency of the research is that today in the post-pandemic COVID-19 should be formed socially responsible management as a factor in overcoming crisis effectiveness of the post-pandemic COVID-19, in which its paradigm would permeate all institutions and other social systems.
Target setting. It is important to study the conceptual aspects of socially responsible management as a complex adaptive system that contributes to the successful adaptation of management and man to systemic change, overcoming stochasticity, the emergence and maintenance of stability at all levels of society. Socially responsible governance is the result of understanding the depth of human existence and potential, meeting the needs of security, based on ensuring a degree of internal order that helps to overcome disorganization, disorder and uncertainty in both social and individual life.
Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. In the presented research on the conceptualization of socially responsible management, we focus on our own developments: R. Andryukaitene, V. Voronkova, О. Kyvliuk, V. Nikitenko, R. Oleksenko, A. Cherep, O. Cherep and other scientists.
The research objective. Conceptualize new formation and development aspects of socially responsible management, through which society must emerge from the crisis and move to a stability level.
The statement of basic material. The article is devoted to the study conceptual aspects of socially responsible management as a factor overcoming the crisis effectiveness of the COVID-19 pandemic. Socially responsible manage-ment permeates all social spheres: communication, behaviour, subordination of managers with subordinates, communication, information and communication process, information production, health care, human existence of an individual.
Conclusions. Socially responsible management is analyzed, which is firmly integrated into a complex set of economic, financial, social, cultural, information relations and creates a number of problems that require their solution in order to form a sustainable social development; models of social protection and institutional support of socially responsible governments in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic are investigated; digital technological management models in European Union countries as a factor in overcoming the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are revealed. Keywords: socially responsible management, pandemic COVID-19, sustainable development of society, social protection model, digitalization.
Актуальність теми дослідження полягає в тому, що сьогодні в умовах постпандемії COVID-19 має бути сформовано соціально відповідальне управління як фактор подолання кризової ефективності постпандемічного COVID-19, в якому його парадигма пронизувала б усі інституції та інші соціальні системи. Постановка проблеми. Важливим є дослідження концептуальних аспектів соціально відповідального управління як складної адаптивної системи, що сприяє успішній адаптації менеджменту та людини до системних змін, подоланню стохастичності, виникненню та підтримці стабільності на всіх рівнях суспільства. Соціально відповідальне управління є результатом розуміння глибини людського існування та потенціалу, задоволення потреб у безпеці, що ґрунтується на забезпеченні такого ступеня внутрішнього порядку, який допомагає подолати неорганізованість, безлад та невизначеність як у соціальному, так і в індивідуальному житті. Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. В представленому дослідженні, щодо концептуалізації соціально відповідального управління, ми орієнтуємося на власні розробки: Р. Андрюкайтене, В. Воронкової, О. Кивлюк, В. Нікітенко, Р. Олексенка, А. Череп, О. Череп та інших вчених. Постановка завдання. Концептуалізація нових аспектів становлення і розвитку соціально-відповідального управління, завдяки якому суспільство має вийти з кризи і перейти на рівень стабільності. Виклад основного матеріалу. Стаття присвячена дослідженню концептуальних аспектів соціально-відповідального управління як чинника ефективності виходу з кризи пандемії COVID-19. Соціально-відповідальне управління пронизує усі сфери суспільства: комунікацію, поведінку, субординацію керівників з підлеглими, спілкування, інформаційнокомунікаційний процес, інформаційне виробництво, охорону здоров'я, людське буття індивіда. Висновки. Проаналізовано соціальновідповідальне управління, що міцно інтегроване у складний комплекс економічних, фінансових, соціальних, культурних, інформаційних відносин та породжує ряд проблем, що вимагають їх вирішення з метою формування сталого розвитку соціуму; досліджено моделі соціального захисту та інституціонального забезпечення соціально-відповідальних урядів в умовах пандемії COVID-19; розкрито моделі управління цифровими технологіями в країнах Європейського союзу як чинник виходу з кризи в умовах пандемії COVID-19.
Ключові слова: соціально-відповідальне управління, пандемія COVID-19, сталий розвиток соціуму, модель соціального захисту, цифровізація.
The problem statement generally and how it relates to important scientific or practical objectives. In the context of growing conflict in the world, new geopolitical reformatting in the world and overcoming the crisis, new aggravation, reproduction and escalation of new conflicts and problems, their “hybrid” in the context of increasing the role of information factors there is a need for socially responsible management society. The relevance of the research topic is that today in the post-pandemic COVID-19 should be formed socially responsible management as a factor in overcoming crisis effectiveness of the post-pandemic COVID-19, in which its paradigm would permeate everything: communication, behavior, subordination of the leader with subordinates, communication, information and communication process, information production, health care, human existence of an individual [2]. Socially responsible management as an efficiency factor should permeate all organizations (or enterprises), should be based on certain managerial and cultural archetypes as a set of certain images and symbols aimed at forming a sense of “we as a social whole”, which contributes to the dynamic exit of the nation - pandemic COVID-19 [1]. Therefore, the conceptual aspects study of socially responsible management as a complex adaptive system that contributes to the successful management adaptation and man to systemic changes, overcoming stochasticity, emergence and maintaining stability at all levels of society remains relevant. Socially responsible management is the result of understanding the depth of human existence and potential, meeting the needs of security, based on ensuring the degree of internal order that helps to overcome the disorganization, disorder and uncertainty of both social and individual life. european exiting covid pandemic crisis
Target setting. We single out the problem of socially responsible management as management art, which is the only energy information process or exchange aimed at overcoming society's crisis and forming a sense of identity. It is this society and governance that creates the informational, cultural, economic community and responsibility of the government to overcome the post-pandemic crisis of COVID-19, and helps to overcome the human existence paradoxes and ensure homeostasis of the system [21]. The influence of socially responsible management is achieved through the cultural artifacts of information age management, information and communication process and exchange, and through such processes as creativity, initiative, innovation, creativity, professionalism and competence. Socially responsible management should become the mechanism as a result of which there is not a self-destruction of the social organism of the country, but its cardinal transformation and reorganization, as a result of which management plays the role of a commentator, helping to restore both man and society as a whole, overcoming psychological entropy and ensuring psychological health.
The study is based on the new aspects conceptualization of the formation and socially responsible management development, through which society must emerge from the crisis and move to a level of stability. The sharp increase in mobility (economic, political, financial, individual, educational) together with the development of communication and digital factors have led to a sharp increase in the interdependence of different development levels, different social and cultural systems of countries and regions, based on the provision of basic human needs.
The research objective.
1. Analyze socially responsible management, which is firmly integrated into a complex set of economic, financial, social, cultural, information relations and creates a number of problems that require their solution in order to form a sustainable development of society.
2. Investigate the social protection and institutional support models of socially responsible governments in the post-pandemic COVID-19
3. To reveal the digital technology management models in the countries of the European Union as a factor in overcoming the crisis in the post-pandemic COVID-19.
Research methodology - analistic methods and synthesis, modeling and forecasting, system and structural analysis, the use of a synergistic approach. Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies.
The statement of basic materials. Socially responsible management, which is firmly integrated into a complex set of economic, financial, social, cultural, information relations, and creates a number of problems that require their solution in order to form a sustainable social development.
Socially responsible management, firmly integrated into a complex set of economic, financial, social, cultural, information relations, includes changes that permeate the metamorphoses of “space-time”, “information-energy”, “subjective-objective software”. Socially responsible management penetrates into the essence of both the internal world of the management mechanism and the external one, and influences the essence, structure, directions of management development, which determine the logic of political decisions and social processes. As never before, there is a need for a holistic approach to the formation of a conceptual paradigm of formation and development of socially responsible management at the present stage [20].
Socially responsible management as a key institution in ensuring sustainable development of society and a factor in the effectiveness of overcoming the crisis of the postpandemic society COVID-19 plays an instrumental and functional role and promote the development of certain “rules of the game” between officials and subordinates, performing certain functions:
1) symbolic;
2) adaptive-activity;
3) functional;
4) system-structuring.
Socially responsible management in its structure and system of management decisions should become the attractor (point of attraction), which diffusely extends to the entire social climate of society, based on different levels of culture, both organizational and corporate, public morality, health care. I, which is entirely aimed at overcoming the crisis, instability and achieving balanced sustainable development, based on the provision of basic human needs, including the need for human happiness.
Socially responsible governance as a factor in the effectiveness of overcoming the crisis of the post-pandemic COVID-19 is thinking in the categories of complex systems, aimed at forming a new health care system that is developing in the system dynamics of the “smart city”. The direction of “smart city” is considered by us as an example of socially responsible management, which includes “smart medicine”, “smart education”, “smart management”, etc .. For example, according to forecasts by Frost & Sullivan, by 2020 smart medicine will occupy 15% of the total market of smart cities [7].
Socially responsible management as a factor in the effectiveness of overcoming the crisis of the post-pandemic COVID-19 includes a set of specific measures in the context of finding effective models to stimulate the digitalization of health care and television medicine, providing on-site health care that meets the criteria of timeliness, personalization, prevention, manufacturability and safety [21].
Models of social protection and institutional support of socially responsible governments in the post-pandemic COVID-19.
Health and economy are the worst-hit sectors by COVID-19, though this pandemic has crippled every aspect of our daily lives. Over the past few months, first China and now the whole world has been grappling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in businesses, employees, customers, communities, and each other. For over a century, corporate philanthropy is visible everywhere around the globe [12]. The nature of CSR obligations can differ from a volauntary manner to moral responsibility for a company [15].
Overall, there is a positive correlation between levels of economic development and investment in social protection. More interestingly, however, there are sizeable differences in social protection investment among countries at the same level of economic development (or countries with government budgets of similar size), indicating that there is some scope for policy choice regardless of the economic capacity of a country [13, c. 29].
1 figure. Public social protection expenditure (excluding health), percentage of GDP, 2020 or latest available year [22]
Just as the COVID-19 crisis has revealed stark gaps in social protection coverage, comprehensiveness and adequacy, it has also underscored the exigency of investing further in social protection systems, and especially in social protection floors that can guarantee at least a basic level of income security and access to healthcare for all. Europe and Central Asia allocates the largest percentage of GDP to social security [22].
We will present the models of socially responsible government to such countries as Austria, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, and the United States, which have announced plans to phase out restrictive measures related to the Covid-19 crisis. Experts have already begun to predict which countries will be the first to emerge from the economic recession. The Covid-19 pandemic has added an unprecedentedly high level of unpredictability to the global economy. States are trying to overcome the infection by promoting programs of serious measures, including financial intervention in an attempt to stabilize markets [2].
Therefore, in this case it is necessary to better understand the forecasts of experts, we turned to the Index of Economic Security-2019, compiled by the insurance company FM Global. The Index builds a ranking of 130 countries on the viability of the business climate, the ability to recover and demonstrate socially responsible measures to help overcome the crisis of the post-pandemic COVID-19. Estimates are based on such factors as political stability, the success of corporate governance, the conditions for the emergence of risks, the development of logistics mechanisms of retail chains, the transparency of the business environment. Comparing the rating of a country with its initial response to a pandemic, we single out countries that are likely to maintain economic stability and resilience during the crisis, and what can be expected in the near future. It is unclear who else can follow the example of Austria, but it is clear that a return to normal life will be difficult in all countries [17].
In the Country Index, Denmark ranks high, with high marks for control over the supply system and low corruption in government. At the beginning of the crisis, the country's government acted decisively, quickly introducing social distancing, closing schools and secondary private enterprises, the country took measures that proved effective. Compared to 2020, the incidence of the common flu has decreased by 70%, which can be seen as a good indicator of the effectiveness of the steps taken by the government. The people of Denmark are accustomed to trusting their authorities and are always ready to unite for a common goal, which contributes to the effectiveness of the measures taken. A new term “samfundssind” has now appeared in the Danish media and social networks, which can be translated as “civic feeling” or “civic duty”, and most Danes feel a moral obligation to the public, believing that something should be sacrificed for the sake of health. of the whole society. Denmark's government socially responsible measures are extremely significant, for example, the payment of 90% of hourly wages and 75% to those who are already recognized on the salary as a model for the rest of the world [7].
Measures that freeze the economy until the best of times are obvious and necessary. However, the Danish economy model is not cheap, it can cost the country up to 13% of GDP. In addition, the Danish government understands that this is a global crisis and the resilience of their economies will no doubt depend on how the rest of the world copes with the crisis and how countries adhere to the principles of free trade. In addition, Denmark has a well-developed pharmaceutical sector, which may be an advantage of the country's exit from the crisis [6].
New Zealand. In the above-mentioned Index, New Zealand ranks 12th, with particularly high ratings in the areas of corporate governance and supply. Authorities in the country also responded quickly to the pandemic, closing borders to foreign travelers and banning businesses from secondary industries. Strict government measures are already bearing fruit, and if everyone adheres to them, in the next few weeks the cases of infection will be eradicated, and the country will be one of the first to successfully return to normal life. Exports and tourism are the main components of this country's economy, so New Zealand will soon face some difficulties. As long as the nation is isolated, it will be time to readjust.
The New Zealand government was already concerned about the impact of unorganized tourism on the environment, and the current situation has made it possible to think about what is more important - the dollars of tourists or nature. Decisive measures to close borders and introduce a regime of self-isolation have opened up prospects for New Zealand to restore economic health. In general, the country has an excellent chance of a stable economic recovery, as the national debt is small, it is possible to saturate the economy with money supply and at the same time keep interest rates low. In addition, New Zealand remains a country with relatively high confidence in government, and this is a good basis for economic recovery, health care, so the country emerges from the crisis stronger thanks to socially responsible government [8].
Singapore. Singapore's rating (21st in the Economic Security Index) is quite high due to a strong economy, low political risks, highly efficient infrastructure and low levels of corruption. This country also quickly introduced measures to curb the spread of coronavirus, the incidence growth curve here is one of the lowest among other countries.
In Singapore, the number of infected people is relatively low, the people trust the government, its every step in this crisis is quite transparent, which indicates the socially responsible actions of the government, and the people follow the measures. There are those who violate the rules of self-isolation, but their passports and work permits are taken away, but in general the government and the people work together, the people do not have to worry about a riot in society or destabilization in the economy. Singapore is a small country, and the way out of the crisis will depend on the recovery of the world economy, but its people believe in the happy future of their nation. Many companies quickly adapted to the new conditions, setting up work for their employees at home. The government has released the Trace Together mobile application, which helps track the spread of the virus, and many Singaporeans have downloaded it to their smartphones.
Appel Mahmud states that, the United States CSR leaders adopt various mechanisms for protecting their employees, continuing customer services, and caring communities through diversified CSR-the COVID-19 initiatives. While the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is evolving every day, it is the best time to become together (maintaining social distance practices and health professionals' guidelines) to save the people and make the earth more beautiful than ever it was. At this time, firms should look not only for financial performance but also for society's benefit and the welfare of their stakeholders, such as partners, families, employees, customers, and communities. Acording A. Mahmud the global health, economic, and social impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are growing day by day. The people worldwide are strongly committed to working together and supporting each other in every way possible during this critical period filled with fear and uncertainty. At this time, the number one priority is always the safety of people's lives with good health [14].
Models of digital technology management in the European Union as a factor in overcoming the crisis in the post-pandemic COVID-19.
Digital technology management models in the EU are one of the important areas of the EU strategy to stabilize society, minimize risks, overcome post-war restrictions, fight cybercrime, and ensure the national security of the EU. The official policy of the European Union on the objectives of digital technology management is tied to the “Digital Agenda for Europe” [16].
Digital technology management means a system of scientific and engineering knowledge, methods and tools used to create, collect, transmit and store information as a basis for digitization; process, method of search, collection, processing, storage, dissemination and exchange of information for further improvement of the digital society; methods of implementation of digital processes and methods in the context of a combination of modern technical electronic means and software, organizational forms and methods of working with information aimed at using digital resources in all social spheres, aimed at improving its efficiency and effectiveness. The introduction of digital technology management models in the EU is the most important factor in the socio-political and economic development of the EU as a whole [18].
At the same time, one of Brussels' goals is to promote its digital governance model to work with partners to collectively respond to modern challenges and common approaches to blockchain, artificial intelligence, high-performance computing in the interests of global security and stability. A feature of the EU strategy in the field of digital technology management is the creation of a global and regional network of digital platforms for dialogue with partners to address a variety of issues - from cybersecurity and Internet governance to human rights and the modern economy, digital agriculture (digital agriculture). communication systems (5G) and democracy in accordance with “European values”. The necessary digital network infrastructure is created by forming alliances with interested countries and regions on the basis of special cooperation agreements or through joint projects with the assistance of the EU Delegations in countries and regions of special interest.
At the same time, the EU's course towards digitalization is motivated by the need to promote economic growth and sustainable development of potentially crisis regions under the UN Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030. The creation of a modern infrastructure for digital technology management in the EU is in the stage of socio-economic and political transformation, significantly expanding the technical capabilities of the EU. These include monitoring, early warning and forecasting of potential crises, cyberattacks, planning of optimal parameters of assistance to EU countries both in the field of development and in post-conflict recovery [9].
In matters of digital technology management in the EU relies not only on technical aspects (tools, data processing, digital networks), but prefers a comprehensive approach that combines technical, social, algorithmic measurement of its strategy for both users and for the recipients of these technologies. Deployment of digital technology management models in EU countries is within the competence of the European External Action Service, which is responsible for EU operations and programs for post-codification recovery, which coordinates these activities through tools that promote digitalization of society, governance, education, human beings.
New technologies can help increase the efficiency of digital management, as they bring a lot of new things to digital management processes. Digitization has become widespread in connection with the processes [10]:
1) the transition of content to digital, mobile and personal;
2) the transition from simple to complex technologies, using artificial intelligence, which becomes only a means, a tool of communication, has the ability of a computer system to process, apply and improve information;
3) communications that become heterogeneous: vertical, hierarchical interaction loses relevance, and there is a transition to the network space and the development of network competencies;
4) the spread of digitalization processes is associated with information globalization, which affects the transformation of social communication, changing the image of social and political institutions that prevail in society, value systems, priorities, traditions.
Digitization itself is becoming the subject of a series of interdisciplinary studies called “media studies”. Digital technology today is helping to identify the ways in which coronavirus spreads through tracking contact with infected and sick people, which involves the widespread use of protected personal data.
As an example, there is now concern in the EU that some very large companies are attracting significant digital assets, including huge amounts of data, and are increasingly acting as key developers of the rules of the digital economy. Development and implementation of digital technology management models in the EU aims to analyze, monitor and strategically assess the effectiveness, reliability, security of the digital governance system using modern digital technologies in the European Union, using a variety of digital technology management models [11].
Conclusions of the research and prospects for further exploration in this direction
Thus, socially responsible actions by governments help countries emerge from the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and show who to focus on in the face of crisis and uncertainty. Socially responsible management as a factor in the effectiveness of overcoming the crisis of the post-pandemic COVID-19 is based on automated programs for processing large data sets (Big Data), which will automatically select the optimal algorithms for medical care for each person based on telemedicine consultations and more. Socially responsible management is a paradigm for the development of such management that will contribute to the establishment of balance in society and overcoming the crisis of the postpandemic COVID-19. Socially responsible management as a factor in the effectiveness of overcoming the crisis of the post-pandemic COVID-19 aims to increase the productivity and efficiency of the use of material, human, information and other resources and data for the provision of medical and other services [3]. However, as today's practice shows, modern society is still far from a socially responsible type of management, as the costs of its prevention must be invested today, there is a lack of public resonance of such management, effective state mechanism and motivational engine to overcome problems and establish a constructive preventive consolidation model of socially responsible management and society. For example, within the EU, the role of initiators in promoting a number of integration projects is played by Germany and France, the phenomenon of regional leadership is expanding. Such development, in principle, works to structure the modern European society and thus maintain its stability.
Practical recommendations
1. An important role is played by restoring the economic potential in Ukraine and preserving the Ukrainian state position as an important player in the international relations system to establish the stability of Ukrainian society, due to limited financial, logistical, information resources at the present stage.
2. Management at the present stage requires greater organization, professionalism and competence of public administration and administration, which requires improving the effectiveness of management as a factor in the effectiveness of overcoming the crisis of the post-pandemic COVID-19, improving the efficiency of integration systems, policies, problemsolving and mobilization society to overcome the crisis and instability.
3. Analyze the methods and approaches to the analysis of socially responsible management, through which society must emerge from the crisis and move to a level of stability and contribute to the consolidation continuum of society as a complex and controversial process to overcome the post-pandemic crisis COVID-19.
4. Analyze the practical impact dimensions of the post-pandemic COVID-19 on the socially responsible management solution, analyze practical dimensions of paradigm shifts of organizations as information influence objects, identify new problems for the socially responsible management implementation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution related to technological leadership and new management models.
5. Carry out the long-term influencing analysis of socially responsible management for formation of sustainable development of a society and improvement directions; to evaluate economic and financial policy effectiveness in Ukraine, to determine the development directions of the innovation culture and analysis of new coexistence state models; to analyze the place and role in Ukraine in the modern globalization processes of the post-pandemic crisis COVID-19.
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6. Олексенко, РІ & Воронкова, ВГ 2020, `Інституціональне забезпечення системи публічної влади в історичному і системному контексті розвитку публічного управління та адміністрування'. Вісник Національного університету цивільного захисту України : зб. наук. пр. Київ, № 2 (13), с. 89-104.
7. Олексенко, РІ & Воронкова, ВГ 2020, `Формування моделі класифікації соціальних процесів у публічному управлінні та адмініструванні: понятійно-категорійний апарат'. Теорія та практика державного управління : зб. наук. пр. Харків: Вид-во ХарРІНАДУ “'Магістр”, Вип. 3 (70), c. 82-90.
8. Олексенко, Р, Воронкова, В & Никитенко, В 2019, `Экспертиза цифровой реальности как фактор достижения устойчивости общества в условиях стохастичности (неопределенности, нестабильности, бифуркационности)'. Ежеквартальный немецкий научный / научно-популярный вестник результаты работы ученых: социология, криминология, философия и політологія, Том.1, № 4, c. 1-10.
9. Череп, АВ, Воронкова, ВГ, Череп, ОГ, Венгерська, НС & Безкоровайна, ЛВ 2021, `Вплив креативних інноваційних технологій на сталий розвиток туристичної галузі в Європі після пандемії COVID-19'. Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers. Zaporizhzhrn: Zaporozhye National University, 8 (85), с. 134-146.
10. Череп, А, Воронкова, В & Никитенко, В 2020, `Обратная сторона технологических инноваций и их последствия в условиях инновационно-информационного общества'. Theory and Practice: Problems and Prospects Scientific articles. Kaunas, с. 462-470.
11. Cherep, V, Voronkova, R, Andriukaitiene, V & Nikitenko V 2020, `The concept of creative digital technologies in the tourism business in the conditions of digitalization'. Humanities Studies, 5 (82),
pp. 196-209.
12. Gao, Y 2011, `Philanthropic disaster relief giving as a response to institutional pressure: Evidence from China'. Journal of Business Research, 64 (12), pp. 1377-1382. Aviable from: <https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.12.003>. [12 March 2022]..
13. Isabel, O, Chowdhury, A, Valverde, FD, Muzaffar, T & Urban, S 2019, Fiscal Space for Social Protection: A Handbook for Assessing Financing Options. ILO and UN Women. Aviable from: <>. [12 March 2022].
14. Mahmud, A, Ding, D & Hasan, M 2021, `Corporate Social Responsibility: Business Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic'. SAGE Open, January-March 2021: pp. 1-17. Aviable from: <>. [12 March 2022].
15. McLennan, S & Banks, G 2019, `Reversing the lens: Why corporate social responsibility is not community development'. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26 (1), 117-126. Aviable from: <>. [12 March 2022].
16. Nesterenko, O & Oleksenko, R 2020, `Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning'. Humanities Studies, Випуск 4(81), c. 165-181.
17. Nikitenko, V 2020, `Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse'. Humanities Studies, 4 (81), pp. 60-73.
18. Nikitenko, V, Andriukaitiene, R & Punchenko, O 2020, `Formation ofsustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities'. Humanities Studies, 1 (78), pp. 140-153.
19. Tovarnichenko, V 2019, `Pseudoscience and information security in smart-society'. Humanities Studies, 1 (78), pp. 15-26.
20. Voronkova, V & Kyvliuk, O 2017, `Philosophical reflection smart-society as a new model of the information society and its impact on the education of the 21st century'. Future human image, pp. 154-162.
21. Voronkova, V, Punchenko, O & Azhazha, M 2020, `Globalization and global governance in the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0)'. Humanities Studies, 4 (81), pp. 182-200.
22. World Social Protection Report 2020--22: Social protection at the crossroads - in pursuit of a better
future International Labour Office 2021, Geneva: ILO. Aviable from:
< on/wcms_817572.pdf>. [12 March 2022].
1. Voronkova, VH 2014, `Obshchestvo ryska kak sledstvye kryzysa sovremennoi tsyvylyzatsyy v hlobalnom yzmerenyy (Risk society as a consequence of the crisis of modern civilization in the global dimension)'. Humanitarnyi visnyk Zaporizkoi derzhavnoi inzhenernoi akademii, Vypusk 58, c. 13-24.
2. Voronkova, V, Andriukaitene, P, Kyvliuk, O, Romanenko, T & Ryzhova, Y 2017, `Kontseptualyzatsyia smart-obshchestva y smart-tekhnolohyi v kontekste razvytyia sovremennoi tsyvylyzatsyy (Conceptualization of smart society and smart technologies in the context of the development of modern civilization)'. Mokslas ir praktika: aktualijos ir perspektyvos Taptautine moksline-praktine konferencija, c. 11-12.
3. `Dosvid perezhyvannia pandemii COVID-19: dystantsiini psykholohichni doslidzhennia, dystantsiina psykholohichna pidtrymka (Experience of experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic: remote psychological research, remote psychological support)' 2020, Materialy onlain-seminariv 23 kvitnia 2020 roku “Dosvid karantynu: dystantsiina psykholohichna dopomoha i pidtrymka” ta 15 travnia 2020 roku “Dystantsiini psykholohichni doslidzhennia v umovakh pandemii COVID-19 i karantynu”, nauk. redaktory:. Sliusarevskyi, MM, Naidonova, LA & Voznesenska OL, Kyiv : ISPP NAPN Ukrainy, 121 s. Dostupno: < sem_23-04-20_and_15-05-20_ncov19.pdf>. [12 Berezen 2022].
4. Oleksenko, R 2017, `Liudyna v umovakh informatsiinoho suspilstva yak obiekt sotsialno- ekonomichnoi refleksii (Man in the information society as an object of socio-economic reflection)'. Stanovlennia i rozvytok informatsiinoho suspilstva yak osnovy zabezpechennia konkurentospromozhnosti Ukrainy u sviti ta staloho rozvytku suspilstva i derzhavy, s. 59-62.
5. Oleksenko, RI 2013, `Hlobalni problemy filosofii vid Antychnosti do sohodennia v dyskursi rynkovykh transformatsii (Global problems of philosophy from antiquity to the present in the discourse of market transformations)'. Prydniprovski sotsialno-humanitarni chytannia: u 6-ty chastynakh. Ch. 2: materialy Dnipropetrovskoi sesii II Vseukr. nauk.- prakt. konf. z mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu, s. 148-151.
6. Oleksenko, RI & Voronkova, VH 2020, `Instytutsionalne zabezpechennia systemy publichnoi vlady v istorychnomu i systemnomu konteksti rozvytku publichnoho upravlinnia ta administruvannia (Institutional support of the public authority system in the historical and systemic context of the development of public administration and administration)'. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu tsyvilnoho zakhystu Ukrainy : zb. nauk. pr. Kyiv, № 2 (13), s. 89-104.
7. Oleksenko, RI & Voronkova, VH 2020, `Formuvannia modeli klasyfikatsii sotsialnykh protsesiv u publichnomu upravlinni ta administruvanni: poniatiino-katehoriinyi aparat (Formation of a model for the classification of social processes in public administration and administration: conceptual and categorical apparatus)'. Teoriia tapraktyka derzhavnoho upravlinnia : zb. nauk. pr. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo KharRINADU “Mahistr”, Vyp. 3 (70), c. 82-90.
8. Oleksenko, R, Voronkova, V & Nykytenko, V 2019, `Ekspertyza tsyfrovoi realnosty kak faktor dostyzhenyia ustoichyvosty obshchestva v uslovyiakh stokhastychnosty (neopredelennosty, nestabylnosty, byfurkatsyonnosty) (Expertise of digital reality as a factor in achieving the sustainability of society in conditions of stochasticity (uncertainty, instability, bifurcation))'. Ezhekvartalnyi nemetskyi nauchnyi / nauchno-populiarnyi vestnyk rezultaty raboty uchenykh: sotsyolohyia, krymynolohyia, fylosofyia y politolohiia, Tom.1, № 4, c. 1-10.
9. Cherep, AV, Voronkova, VH, Cherep, OH, Venherska, NS & Bezkorovaina, LV 2021, `Vplyv kreatyvnykh innovatsiinykh tekhnolohii na stalyi rozvytok turystychnoi haluzi v Yevropi pislia pandemii COVID-19 (The impact of creative innovative technologies on the sustainable development of the tourism industry in Europe after the COVID-19 pandemic)'. Humanities studies: Collection of Scientific Papers, Zaporizhzhia: Zaporozhye National University, 8 (85), s. 134-146.
10. Cherep, A, Voronkova, V & Nykytenko, V 2020, `Obratnaia storona tekhnolohycheskykh ynnovatsyi y ykh posledstvyia v uslovyiakh ynnovatsyonno-ynformatsyonnoho obshchestva (The Other Side of Technological Innovation and Its Consequences in the Innovative Information Society)'. Theory and Practice: Problems and Prospects Scientific articles. Kaunas, s. 462-470.
11. Cherep, V, Voronkova, R, Andriukaitiene, V & Nikitenko V 2020, `The concept of creative digital technologies in the tourism business in the conditions of digitalization'. Humanities Studies, 5 (82),
pp. 196-209.
12. Gao, Y 2011, `Philanthropic disaster relief giving as a response to institutional pressure: Evidence from China'. Journal of Business Research, 64 (12), pp. 1377-1382. Aviable from: <https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.12.003>. [12 March 2022]..
13. Isabel, O, Chowdhury, A, Valverde, FD, Muzaffar, T & Urban, S 2019, Fiscal Space for Social Protection: A Handbook for Assessing Financing Options. ILO and UN Women. Aviable from: <>. [12 March 2022].
14. Mahmud, A, Ding, D & Hasan, M 2021, `Corporate Social Responsibility: Business Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic'. SAGE Open, January-March 2021: pp. 1-17. Aviable from: <>. [12 March 2022].
15. McLennan, S & Banks, G 2019, `Reversing the lens: Why corporate social responsibility is not community development'. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26 (1), 117-126. Aviable from: <>. [12 March 2022].
16. Nesterenko, O & Oleksenko, R 2020, `Social philosophical reflection of the individual legal education philosophy as the basis for the democratic society functioning'. Humanities Studies, Випуск 4(81), c. 165-181.
17. Nikitenko, V 2020, `Evolution and further development of the real world in the conditions of technological changes in the context of socio-philosophical discourse'. Humanities Studies, 4 (81), pp. 60-73.
18. Nikitenko, V, Andriukaitiene, R & Punchenko, O 2020, `Formation ofsustainable digital economical concept: challenges, threats, priorities'. Humanities Studies, 1 (78), pp. 140-153.
19. Tovarnichenko, V 2019, `Pseudoscience and information security in smart-society'. Humanities Studies, 1 (78), pp. 15-26.
20. Voronkova, V & Kyvliuk, O 2017, `Philosophical reflection smart-society as a new model of the information society and its impact on the education of the 21st century'. Future human image, pp. 154-162.
21. Voronkova, V, Punchenko, O & Azhazha, M 2020, `Globalization and global governance in the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0)'. Humanities Studies, 4 (81), pp. 182-200.
22. World Social Protection Report 2020--22: Social protection at the crossroads - in pursuit of a better future International Labour Office 2021, Geneva: ILO. Aviable from: < tion/wcms_817572.pdf>. [12 March 2022].
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