Methodological approaches to managing the investment development of business structures on the basis of greening
Management of enterprise productivity on the basis of rational use of natural resources creates preconditions for growth of economic, social and ecological efficiency. The main areas of resource conservation. resource security of all business processes.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 679,4 K |
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Methodological approaches to managing the investment development of business structures on the basis of greening
Tetiana Horodetska, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; Maryna Kashynska, student, Odesa Polytechnic National University; Denys Vilko, student, Odesa Polytechnic National University
In modern conditions of gradual depletion of natural resources, natural capital is becoming the main limiting factor of production systems. The dominant trend of exceeding the rate of use of natural resources over the growth rate ofproduction leads to exclusive attention to the need to increase the productivity of natural resources in solving environmental problems and problems of rational use of mineral resources. The resource potential created in Ukraine, its uniqueness, scale of development, relevant infrastructure objectively determine in the long run the preservation of a significant share of the mineral complex in social production. The inefficiency of the technical and economic mechanism of subsoil use leads to large losses of minerals. Strategic resources are a prerequisite for increasing not only economic but also environmental efficiency: the production of industrial waste is several times lower than from extracted natural raw materials, which creates the preconditions for increasing the profitability of the enterprise. Rational use of natural resources allows increasing volumes of production per unit of resource, reducing costs of marketable products, expanding the market niche of the enterprise and optimizing the size ofpenalties for environmental pollution. It is also crucial in solving environmental problems: reducing the area of land that is taken away under dumps; reduction of the volume of stored waste and dustiness of the territory, etc. Development and implementation of management decisions aimed at ensuring a balance of resources enterprises is a combined process, which is based on the use of various management methods and tools appropriate to the current conditions and development objectives of the entity.
Keywords: investment development, resources, natural resources, greening, economic management
Методичні підходи управління інвестиційним розвитком підприємницьких структур на засадах екологізації
Тетяна Борисівна Городецька, к.е.н., доцент, Марина Миколаївна Кашинська, студентка, Денис Олегович Вілко, студент, Національний університет "Одеська політехніка"
У сучасних умовах поступового зменшення природних ресурсів саме природний капітал стає головним обмежуючим фактором виробничих систем. Домінуюча тенденція перевищення темпів використання природних ресурсів над темпами зростання обсягів виробництва зумовлюють виключну увагу до необхідності підвищення продуктивності природних ресурсів у вирішенні екологічних проблем і проблем раціонального використання мінерально-сировинної бази країн. Створений в Україні ресурсний потенціал, його унікальність, масштаби освоєння, відповідна інфраструктура об'єктивно зумовлюють у довгостроковій перспективі збереження значної частки мінерально-сировинного комплексу у суспільному виробництві. Неефективність техніко-економічного механізму користування надрами призводить до великих втрат корисних копалин, що зумовлює об'єктивну необхідність формування концептуально нових підходів до раціонального використання природних ресурсів. Визначальним фактором управління інвестиційним розвитком в умовах обмеженості природних ресурсів є впровадження ресурсозберігаючого типу виробництва.
Передумовами раціонального використання ресурсів підприємства є дотримання ресурсних пропорцій підприємства і досягнення максимально ефективного рівня ресурсозабезпеченості всіх бізнес-процесів відповідно до цілей розвитку підприємства. Основними напрямами реалізації цього принципу є такі: дотримання ресурсних пропорцій у рамках тактичних і стратегічних заходів; формування компенсаційного механізму перерозподілу ресурсів на основі трансформації частини базисних ресурсів у стратегічні і компенсаційні, які необхідні для виходу підприємства на рівень стійкого і ефективного функціонування та інвестиційного розвитку. Однією з ключових умов ефективного використання ресурсів є їх збалансованість, оскільки дефіцит одного з них виступає стримуючим чинником розвитку підвищення результативності діяльності підприємства загалом.
Ключові слова: інвестиційний розвиток, ресурси, природні ресурси, екологізація, економічне управління.
In modem conditions of gradual depletion of natural resources, natural capital becomes the main limiting factor of production systems. The dominant trend of exceeding the rate of use of natural resources over the rate of growth of production leads to exclusive attention to the need to increase the productivity of natural resources in solving environmental problems.
Research methods
The paper used such research methods as the scientific abstraction, statistical observations, analysis and synthesis.
The purpose of the paper is the substantiation of directions of economic growth of activity of enterprises at the expense of effective use of natural resources.
Enterprise productivity management involves the implementation of alternative approaches: 1) increase sales of products with a constant amount of resources spent; 2) reduction of resource costs with a constant volume of sales; 3) providing conditions for outpacing the growth of sales over the growth rate of resource costs. The practical implementation of each approach can be ensured by increasing production per unit of natural resource.
The determining factor in the growth of enterprise productivity in conditions of limited natural resources is the introduction of resource-saving type of production. The category of "resource conservation" was introduced into the scientific vocabulary in the mid-80's of the twentieth century. Under the conditions of economic transformation, the concept of resource conservation has changed. Today it is worth noting two approaches to the interpretation of the term "resource conservation":
1) focus on "conservation" of natural resources;
2) rational use of all, without exception, economic resources of the enterprise.
Recognizing the more complex nature of the second approach, we focus on the rational use of natural resources, given their limitations and a significant share in the formation of operating costs of the enterprise.
In the author's transcription, the growth of productivity of natural resources in the conditions of industrial enterprises is considered not as a formal reduction in the extraction of minerals, but their rational use to expand the scale of production and economic activity. In this context, the integrated use of raw materials is extremely important, which provides relative stabilization and further reduction of primary use of resources and creates the conditions for optimizing the environmental and economic parameters of the enterprise.
World experience in the development and implement- tation of resource conservation programs is based on a diverse arsenal of mechanisms and economic methods to ensure efficient resource consumption in all areas. Summarizing the experience of foreign countries, it is necessary to identify the following areas of problem solving:
- increasing the productivity of resources by increasing the level of innovative production;
- large-scale introduction of technologies for integrated use of natural resources;
- adoption of legislative acts and measures that have a restrictive or stimulating character to the use of the resource base.
The initial idea, which reflects the essence of the modern concept of resource management in the enterprise, is the idea of taking into account the relationship and interaction of external and internal environment in determining the goals of the enterprise, the tools of which are economic and environmental management:
- increasing the efficiency of activity and the level of competitiveness of the enterprise;
- reduction of negative impact on the environment.
The main areas of resource conservation, covered today in the scientific literature, have an organizational and technological section:
- introduction of resource-saving equipment and technologies, improvement of constructions of machines and equipment [1];
- processing of secondary resources, integrated use of raw materials [1];
- reduction of material consumption of products [2];
- use of new types of material resources [2];
- introduction of progressive norms of consumption of natural resources [2].
The results of research on the experience and functioning of leading companies show that traditional sources ofproductivity (material, financial, labor) are gradually losing their importance in ensuring the economic growth of enterprises. Instead, such factors as the presence of strong innovative potential of enterprises, the speed of their mastery of scientific and technological model of economic development and, most importantly, the quality of human resources and conditions for its reproduction come to the fore. Since intellectual resources are the basis of technological experience, knowledge and skills, so in modern conditions they create the conditions for increasing the productivity of natural resources. The greater the level of in- tellectualization of the production system corresponds to the greater productivity of resources that it attracts in the process of activity:
Strategic resources are a prerequisite for increasing not only economic but also environmental efficiency: production from industrial waste is several times lower than from extracted natural raw materials, which creates the preconditions for increasing the profitability of the enterprise. Rational use of natural resources allows to increase production per unit of resource, reduce the cost of marketable products, expand the market niche of the enterprise and optimize the size of penalties for environmental pollution. Solving environmental problems is also crucial: reducing the area of land allocated for dumps; reduction of the volume of stored waste and dustiness of the territory, etc. Given this, it can be argued that strategic resources produce opportunities for synergy of environmental and economic results through the rational use of natural resources (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The logic of the results of increasing the productivity of natural resources
Note that the prerequisites for the rational use of enterprise resources are compliance with the resource proportions of the enterprise and achieve the most effective level of resource security of all business processes in accordance with the goals of enterprise development. The main areas of implementation of this principle are as follows:
- compliance with resource proportions in the framework of tactical and strategic measures;
- formation of the compensatory mechanism of redistribution of resources on the basis of transformation of a part of basic resources into strategic and compensatory which are necessary for an exit of the enterprise to a level of steady and effective functioning;
- ensuring stable and effective interaction of all structural elements, updating and increasing the resource base of the enterprise in accordance with its strategic development guidelines.
One of the key conditions for the efficient use of resources is their balance, as the lack of one of them is a deterrent to the development of improving the performance of the enterprise as a whole. Development and implementation of management decisions aimed at ensuring the balance of enterprise resources is a combined process, which is based on the use of various management methods and tools appropriate to the current conditions and objectives of the entity.
Considering the set of resources of the enterprise within the system approach, we can conclude that as a result of their interaction, new properties are formed, which each type of resource does not have. That is, the complex interaction of all types of enterprise resources involved in business processes, produces higher-order capabilities that determine the company's ability to achieve its goals and ensure its competitive advantage. As all types of resources of the enterprise are directly interconnected, coordinated and purposeful expansion of their certain types will allow to realize the formed strategic purposes and priority directions of development of the enterprise.
Management of enterprise productivity on the basis of rational use of natural resources creates preconditions for growth not only of economic efficiency, but also social and ecological. The eco-positive importance of productivity growth is manifested in the following chain: increasing the efficiency of natural resources leads to increased output per unit of natural resource, and therefore, a unit of natural resource can meet the needs of more individuals, leading to reduced demand for natural resources and ultimately stabilization socio-ecological and economic system.
It is proved that strategic resources, first of all, produce opportunities of the highest order in the context of realization of the set purposes and tasks of functioning of the enterprise; secondly, they create preconditions for the replacement of non-renewable natural resources with renewable intangibles, which allows optimizing the use of the most valuable natural capital. Given this, their impact on the formation of enterprise performance is proposed to assess through the prism of internal productivity, interpreted by the author as the ability of the enterprise to generate and accumulate intellectual, informational, organizational products over time, which acquire strategic status and create implementation of priority areas of the company's development in the context of the implement- tation of resource-saving type of production.
Among the many institutions dedicated to the analysis of the problems of efficient use of natural resources, a significant place is occupied by the Club of Rome - an informal international organization that brings together scientists of various specialties. In the report of the Club of Rome "Factor four. Costs - half, return - double. The rational use of natural resources is recognized as a factor in solving socio-economic and environmental problems.
The analysis shows that the growth of productivity of mineral resources involves the introduction of resourcesaving type of production, in the context of its implementation is of exceptional importance integrated use of raw materials, which is interpreted as economically viable and technologically possible maximum use of minerals and waste [3].
It is proved that the production of products from waste is several times lower than from extracted natural raw materials, and therefore the integrated use of raw materials is a prerequisite for increasing the profitability of the enterprise. Integrated use of raw materials allows to increase the volume of production per unit of resource, reduce the cost of marketable products, expand the market niche of the enterprise and optimize the size of penalties for environmental pollution. Solving environmental problems is also crucial: reducing the area of land allocated for dumps; reduction of the volume of stored waste and dustiness of the territory, etc. Given this, it should be noted that increasing the productivity of natural resources through their integrated use will provide a synergy of environmental and economic efficiency.
Systematization of views on the economic essence of rational use of resources allowed to highlight the most characteristic features (fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Systematization of approaches to the forms of manifestation of "rational use of natural resources"
In our opinion, planning the rational use of natural resources should be comprehensive and continuous. The prerequisites for this approach are constant monitoring of external and internal conditions of the enterprise, which are constantly changing.
management economic natural resource ecological
1. Horodetska T.B., Belkin D.O., Satanievska M.M. Increasing the effectiveness of resource use as a factor of environmentalization of business activity. Economics. Finances. Law. 2022. № 7. pp. 9-13. (in Ukrainian).
2. Hobelia V.V. Economic and safety environmentalization: theory and practice: monograph. Lviv, 2021. 244 p. (in Ukrainian).
3. Prokopenko O.V. Socio-economic motivation of greening of innovative activity: monograph. Sumy, 2010. 395 p. (in Ukrainian).
Список використаних джерел
1. Городецька Т.Б., Бєлкін Д.О., М.М.Сатанієвська Підвищення ефективності використання ресурсів як фактор екологізації підприємницької діяльності. Економіка. Фінанси. Право. 2022. № 7. С.9-13.
2. Гобеля В.В. Економічна та безпечна екологізація: теорія і практика: монографія. Львів, 2021. 244 с.
3. Прокопенко О.В. Соціально-економічна мотивація екологізації інноваційної діяльності: монографія. Суми, 2010. 395 с.
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