Development and implementation of general state programs of social and economic development

The functioning of the system of state management of the economy are both general principles which relate to the state management of all branches and spheres of life of society, and special principles specific to the management of economic processes.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 04.12.2023
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Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

Development and implementation of general state programs of social and economic development

Kononenko Valerii Vasylovych Doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of the department of public management and administration


state management economic

The article states that the basis of the functioning of the system of state management of the economy are both general principles of state management, which relate to the state management of all branches and spheres of life of society, and special principles specific to the management of economic processes. In addition, it is expedient to single out specific principles that appear in the management of certain industries or spheres of economic activity. For the development and implementation of national programs for socio-economic development in the country, they rely on socio-political principles, organizational principles of building the state administration apparatus.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the socio-political principles and forms of state management of the economy in the context of the development and implementation of national programs of socio-economic development.

Socio-political principles express the most general features of the country's political (state) regime, characterizing, among other things, the state administration system. These principles, as a rule, are enshrined in the Constitution and laws of Ukraine or are derived theoretically as a result of the interpretation of the relevant normative legal acts. The organizational principles of building the state administration apparatus are the basis for determining and distributing competence between state administration bodies. These are the following principles: branch, functional, territorial, program-target. The organizational principles of the functioning of the state administration apparatus constitute a group of principles aimed at determining the content of the activities of specific state administration bodies, ensuring the effectiveness of management procedures and the effectiveness of management decisions. These are the following principles: normative activity, unity of leadership, collegiality, division of management work, personal responsibility for decisions made, operational independence.

Keywords: state economic management bodies, public opinion, principles and forms, equality of all before the law, objective economic laws.

Кононенко Валерій Васильович доктор історичних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського,



У статті зазначено, що в основі функціонування системи державного управління економікою лежать як загальні принципи державного управління, що стосуються державного управління всіма галузями і сферами життєдіяльності суспільства, так і спеціальні принципи, характерні для управління саме економічними процесами. Крім того, доцільно виокремити специфічні принципи, що виявляються в управлінні окремими галузями чи сферами економічної діяльності. Для розроблення і реалізації загальнодержавних програм щодо соціально-економічного розвитку в країні опираються на соціально-політичні принципи, організаційні принципи побудови апарату державного управління.

Метою статті є обгрунтування соціально-політичних принципів та форм державного управління економікою в контексті розроблення і реалізації загальнодержавних програм соціально-економічного розвитку.

Соціально-політичні принципи виражають найбільш загальні ознаки політичного (державного) режиму країни, характеризуючи, серед іншого, й систему державного управління. Ці принципи, як правило, закріплюються в Конституції та законах України або ж виводяться теоретично в результаті тлумачення відповідних нормативно-правових актів. Організаційні принципи побудови апарату державного управління є базою для визначення та розподілу компетенції між органами державного управління. Це такі принципи: галузевий, функціональний, територіальний, програмно-цільовий. Організаційні принципи функціонування апарату державного управління складають групу принципів, яка спрямована на визначення змісту діяльності конкретних органів державного управління, забезпечення дієвості управлінських процедур й ефективності управлінських рішень. Це - такі принципи: нормативність діяльності, єдиноначальність, колегіальність, поділ управлінської праці, персональна відповідальність за прийняті рішення, оперативна самостійність.

Ключові слова: органи державного управління економікою, громадська думка, принципи та форми, рівність всіх перед законом, об'єктивні економічні закони.

Problem statement. Socio-political principles and forms of state management of the economy of a country with a democratic regime, as a rule, are oriented towards the development of a market economy, provide conditions for citizens to exercise their economic rights, take into account public opinion and objective economic laws when making the most important economic decisions. One of the necessary prerequisites for the development of a market economy in Ukraine is the observance of such a principle of public administration as the equality of all before the law. In the economic plane, this principle, first of all, manifests itself as the equality of economic entities regardless of the form of ownership, which, in particular, involves the creation of equal conditions for the development of all forms of ownership by state administration bodies.

On the other hand, countries with an authoritarian regime, such as North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Burma, etc., mostly resort to excessive state intervention in the economy, which often borders on voluntarism, and often choose a command- administrative model of state economic management. The development and implementation of state-wide socio-economic development programs according to the relevant administrative-territorial units, which plan the economic and social development of these units, remain unresolved.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the socio-political principles and forms of state management of the economy in the context of the development and implementation of national programs of socio-economic development.

In the legal literature, the principles of state management are those that are based on an understanding of the objective principles of socio-economic development and are the basis of the activities of state economic management bodies [1-4].

The functioning of the system of state management of the economy is based on both general principles of state management, which relate to state management of all branches and spheres of society's life, and special principles specific to the management of economic processes. In addition, it is expedient to single out specific principles that appear in the management of certain industries or spheres of economic activity [3, 4].

The general principles of state administration are divided into sociopolitical, organizational principles of building the apparatus of state administration and organizational principles of functioning of the apparatus of state administration [2]. The specific principles of state management of the economy are determined by the specifics of the development of individual industries and spheres of economic activity.

Socio-political principles express the most general features of the country's political (state) regime, characterizing, among other things, the state administration system. These principles, as a rule, are enshrined in the Constitution and laws of Ukraine or are derived theoretically as a result of the interpretation of the relevant normative legal acts (Table 1).

This group of principles includes: the principle of democracy, participation of the population in the administrative activities of the state, equality of persons of different nationalities, equality of all before the law, legality, openness and consideration of public opinion, objectivity, i.e. consideration of objective laws and patterns of social development, and as well as the real (material, financial, technical, personnel) capabilities of the state and executors in the development and implementation of management decisions [2, 3].

The organizational principles of building the state administration apparatus are the basis for determining and distributing competence between state administration bodies. These are the following principles: branch, functional, territorial, program-target [3, 4].

The organizational principles of the functioning of the state administration apparatus are a group of principles aimed at determining the content of the activities of specific state administration bodies, ensuring the effectiveness of management procedures and the effectiveness of management decisions. These are the following principles: normative activity, unity of leadership, collegiality, division of managerial work, personal responsibility for decisions made, operational independence [4].

Table 1

Principles of public administration when making the most important

economic decisions

The principle of equality of persons of various nationalities

means that a person receives privileges or is subject to restrictions in the recognition, realization or use of rights and freedoms in any form, except when such a restriction is established with a legitimate, determined by essential factors and a justified goal, the means of achieving which are appropriate and necessary in a democratic society



The principle of everyone's equality before the law

means that every person in a state governed by the rule of law must have access to justice and the opportunity to exercise his right to legal protection freely, quickly, without hindrance, regardless of belonging to a certain social group or other personal characteristics of any person

The principle of legality, openness and consideration of public opinion

provides for the implementation of the activities of state bodies based on the law and decisionmaking within the limits of their powers. Yes, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine, state authorities and local self-government bodies, their officials are obliged to act only on the basis, within the limits of authority and in the manner provided for by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine



that is, taking into account the objective laws and regularities of social development

The principle of the real capabilities of the state and the


(material, financial, technical, personnel capabilities) in the development and implementation of management decisions

Organizational principles of building the state administration




occurs when a number of objects carrying out a homogeneous profile activity, i.e. a certain branch of economic activity, is attached to a certain management entity. Therefore, such management bodies are called sectoral (for example, the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine, etc.)

Principles Characteristic



Socio-political principles

Principle of democracy

the study of social interests and the possibility of their expression in the process of law-making, taking into account the social opinions on draft legal acts

The principle of participation of the population in the management activities of the state

participation of the population in the administrative activities of the state (population)

The functional principle

is implemented when creating such state administration subjects, which are assigned one or more state functions. The peculiarity of such subjects of management is that they extend their managerial competence from the subject assigned to them to enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of their branch affiliation, i.e. regardless of their profile (specialization). Therefore, such management bodies are often called cross-sectoral (functional) management bodies (for example, the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the State Tax Administration of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, etc.)



The territorial principle

envisages such an organization of the system of state administration bodies, according to which each state administration body exercises its powers within a clearly defined territory. The scale of this territory depends both on the administrative-territorial division of the country and on the place of a specific state body in the state-management hierarchy. For example, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine carries out comprehensive, i.e., that covers a number of industries and spheres, management on the territory of Ukraine, and local administrations - within the territory of regions and districts. In the same way, central bodies of executive power -ministries, state committees - extend their competence in the branches and spheres assigned to them throughout Ukraine, and their regional administrations, district departments - within the limits of the corresponding administrative and territorial units

Programmatic and target principle

is used in the creation of state administration bodies authorized to manage the implementation of large- scale programs and projects, mostly of national importance. A modern example of such a body can be the National Agency for the Preparation and Conduct of Euro-2012 in Ukraine

Normativeness of activity

means the legal regulation of the activities of state administration bodies. According to it, management decisions, actions and procedures must be carried out by state administration bodies within the requirements defined by the relevant regulatory acts



means that the state administration body is headed by a specific person who bears personal responsibility for the activities of this body. Most of the state economic management bodies are based on the principle of single leadership.

These are, in particular, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, other ministries, state committees, local state administrations, etc.


as the principle of functioning of the state administration apparatus involves the discussion of important issues when making management decisions

The principle of division of managerial labor

due to the fact that such work consists of relatively independent, homogeneous types, each of which requires certain qualifications and specific knowledge from civil servants, that is, managerial specialization. According to this principle, in the structure of management bodies, organizationally organized collectives of specialists are formed in the form of departments, services, departments, sectors, etc., among which parts of the competence of the relevant bodies are distributed in a certain way

The principle of responsibility for decisions made

provides for the inevitability of personal responsibility of an official for erroneous decisions made by him

The principle of operational independence

means that the state, normatively enshrining the competence of the governing body, provides its civil servants with operational space for independent actions within the limits of this competence, because it is impossible to predict in advance and normatively regulate the multiplicity of life situations that are resolved in the course of state administration

Along with the general principles in state management of the economy, special principles determined by the specifics of the economy as an object of state management are important. They reflect the peculiarities of state administration in the economic sphere, influence its target direction and content. The main of these principles are enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, the Economic Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts.

The specified principles found their consolidation in Art. 6 of the Economic Code of Ukraine, which defines the principles of management. These principles include [2, 4]:

4- freedom of entrepreneurial activity;

4- ensuring economic diversity and equal protection by the state of all business entities;

4- limitation of state regulation of economic processes in connection with the need to ensure the social orientation of the economy, fair competition in entrepreneurship, environmental protection of the population, protection of

consumer rights and the safety of society and the state; i- protection of the national producer;

i- prohibition of illegal intervention of state authorities and local selfgovernment bodies, their officials in economic relations;

i- free movement of capital, goods and services on the territory of Ukraine.

Analysis of the provisions of Art. 6 of the Economic Code of Ukraine indicates that these principles are more appropriate to consider as principles of state management of the economy or principles of state economic policy, since their implementation depends to a greater extent on state administration bodies than on economic entities themselves.

In addition to those specified in Art. 6 of the Economic Code of Ukraine principles, from the analysis of the provisions of this normative legal act, it follows that the principles of state economic management can also be attributed to the principles enshrined in Art. 11 of this Code, the principle of forecasting and planning of economic and social development. As follows from this article, the main forms of state planning of economic activity are the State Program of Economic and Social Development of Ukraine, the State Budget of Ukraine, as well as other state programs on economic and social development, the order of development, tasks and implementation of which are determined by the Law of Ukraine "On State target programs" dated March 18, 2004.


Thus, the development and implementation of national programs is carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and such programs are approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local executive authorities and local self-government bodies develop and approve programs of socio-economic development of the relevant administrative- territorial units and carry out planning of the economic and social development of these units.

The basic principles of state management of economic development and industry should include, first of all, the principle of state support of its leading industries. This conclusion follows from the analysis of the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine "On State Support of the Aircraft Industry in Ukraine" dated July 12, 2001, "On State Support of the Shipbuilding Industry of Ukraine" dated December 23, 1997, etc., according to which aircraft and shipbuilding are recognized as priorities branches of the economy of Ukraine, and enterprises of these branches receive certain tax, customs and other financial benefits from the state. In addition, these and other acts of legislation define certain incentives that can be applied by executive authorities in the process of state management of the specified industries. So, for the purpose of state support for shipbuilding in accordance with Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On State Support of the Shipbuilding Industry of Ukraine", the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is granted the right to act on behalf of the state as a guarantor of the obligations of shipbuilding industry enterprises under foreign loans granted by foreign countries, banks, international financial organizations, as well as obligations to foreign customers under foreign economic agreements (contracts).


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