Budget execution in Ukraine under military a ggression: current state and forecast for the future

The paper attempts to investigate modern challenges associated with budget execution in Ukraine under military aggression, as well as to identify trends of change in forecast indicators. It is observed that the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 12.12.2023
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Budget execution in Ukraine under military a ggression: current state and forecast for the future

Yuliia O. Rusina

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine

The paper attempts to investigate modern challenges associated with budget execution in Ukraine under military aggression, as well as to identify trends of change in forecast indicators in the future. It is observed that the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine has inflicted a heavy blow on the Ukrainian economy, thus almost ceasing the opportunity of budget execution in Ukraine which in turn spurs a significant on-going drop in budget revenues against rapidly increasing public expenditures under the pressure of military and social spending. It is reported that since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion to Ukraine, the total budget deficit has increased to almost 263 billion UAH. It argued that in extremely difficult wartime, Ukrainian taxpayers who their best to fulfil their timely scheduled obligations to the budget have become a profound source of budget stuffing providing strong support for the Armed Forces. In the current realia of Russian aggression, as long as the war lasts, it is rather hard to predict medium-term prospects in the area of public finance, as well as to forecast what exactly will happen to government revenues and expenditures in the future. It is emphasized that the key development trends in government income and expenditures will fully depend on the war duration and the specifics of military actions in the future. However, the findings demonstrate that the Ukrainian economy, although slowly but gradually, is still adapting to the new wartime realia of life and doing business. Thus, the government is encouraging entrepreneurial endeavours at all levels, thereby boosting business activity. According to the results of the study, the inflation rate in Ukraine which is underpinned by the increase in fuel prices could be considered as moderate which consequently will contribute to further budget stuffing, primarily through VAT. Apart from the above, the findings suggest that in the future, Ukraine will need to critically evaluate the effectiveness of unprecedented customs duty exemptions and preferences that have started to create barriers to national producers' competitiveness, impose additional pressure on the exchange rate, and worsen the balance of payments. However, it is argued that the current state of underpayment of customs revenues will continue. The conclusions resume that there is a critical need to expand the throughput capacity of crossing points to enhance international trade and export, in particular. In this context, the following are considered to be promising steps forward: abolishment by the European Union of all customs duties and quotas on goods and products on the Ukrainian exports during the year; announcement by the President of Ukraine of signing a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Poland on joint border and customs control. It is noted that thanks to the adoption of the relevant legislative acts, expenditures for the national security and defense purposes and for overcoming the negative effects caused by Russia's large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine have been increased. Within the scope of this study, the authors rely on the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022" dated May 31, 2022, according to which most of the funds will be directed to national security and defense (247.8 billion UAH), assistance within the framework of the "eSupport" Program for citizens who lost their jobs due to the war (5.8 billion UAH), assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living expenses (12.5 billion UAH), payment of pensions, allowances and increases to pensions assigned under various pension programs (20 billion UAH). budget execution ukraine's economy

Keywords: budget execution; full-scale war; Russian aggression against Ukraine; budget forecast for the future; Ukraine's economy; population protection; international support; legal framework; increased spending.

Юлія О. Русіна


У статті здійснено спробу дослідити проблеми і виклики, пов'язані з виконанням бюджету України в умовах військової агресії, а також виявлено тенденції зміни прогнозних показників у майбутньому. Наголошується, що виконання бюджету практично унеможливлюється через повномасштабну війну Росії проти України, яка завдала й досі завдає величезного удару по українській економіці, що призводить до прямого суттєвого зниження доходної частини наповнення бюджету України на тлі постійного зростання витрат державних фінансів під тиском військових та соціальних видатків. Визначено, що з початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії на територію України загальний дефіцит бюджету зріс майже до 263 млрд грн. Встановлено, що єдиним джерелом наповнення бюджету та найнадійнішою підтримкою Збройним силам України є платники податків, які в надскладний воєнний час своєчасно виконують свої зобов'язання перед бюджетом. Доведено, що в теперішніх умовах російської агресії доки триває війна дуже важко передбачити середньострокові перспективи у сфері державних фінансів, як і те, що саме буде відбуватися із доходами та видатками державного бюджету. Підкреслюється, що основні тенденції розвитку дохідної та видаткової частини бюджету України повною мірою будуть залежати від того, скільки часу триватиме ця агресія від Російської Федерації, і який перебіг цих військових дій буде визначено надалі. Проте доведено, що українська економіка, хоч і поступово, але все одно пристосовується до вимушених умов життя та виробництва під час дії воєнного стану. Так, держава підтримує підприємницьку діяльність на всіх рівнях, поліпшуючи тим самим їх ділову активність. Встановлено, що інфляція в країні має помірний характер і зумовлена зростанням цін на пальне, що своєю чергою також сприятиме номінальному наповненню бюджету, насамперед, за рахунок ПДВ. Визначено, що в майбутньому на Україну чекає необхідність критичного оцінювання ефективності наданих широких митнихпільг,які почали перешкоджати конкурентоспроможності національних виробників, створювати додатковий тиск на валютний курс та погіршувати сальдо платіжного балансу. Проте, наявний стан із недовиконанням митних надходжень триватиме ще й надалі. Результати дослідження демонструють, що постає нагальна потреба в розширенні пропускної потужності митних пунктів для активізації зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, а зокрема - експорту. У цьому контексті, перспективними вбачаються такі кроки: скасування Європейським союзом всіх мит та квот на товари, продукцію українського виробництва упродовж року; анонсування Президентом України підписання двосторонньої угоди між Україною та Польщею про спільний прикордонно-митний контроль. Визначено, що завдяки прийняттю відповідних законодавчих актів було збільшено частину видатків, що йдуть на національну безпеку та оборону та на подолання негативних наслідків, що були спричинені широкомасштабною збройною агресією Росії проти України. Мова йде про Закон України «Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про Державний бюджет України на 2022 рік» від 31 травня 2022 року, згідно з яким більша частина коштів буде спрямована на національну безпеку та оборону (247,8 млрд грн), надання допомоги в рамках Програми «єПідтримка» для громадян, які через війну втратили роботу (5,8 млрд грн), допомогу внутрішньо-переміщеним особам на покриття витрат на проживання (12,5 млрд грн), виплати пенсій, надбавок та підвищень до пенсій, призначених за різними пенсійними програмами (20 млрд грн).

Ключові слова: виконання бюджету; повномасштабна війна; агресія Росії проти України; прогноз бюджету на майбутнє; українська економіка; захист населення; міжнародна підтримка; законодавча база; збільшення видатків.

Юлия А. Русина


В статье предпринята попытка исследовать проблемы и вызовы, связанные с выполнением бюджета Украины в условиях военной агрессии, а также выявлены тенденции изменения прогнозных показателей в будущем. Отмечается, что выполнение бюджета становится практически невозможным из-за полномасштабной войны России против Украины, которая нанесла и до сих пор наносит огромный удар по украинской экономике, что приводит к прямому существенному снижению доходной части наполнения бюджета Украины на фоне постоянного роста расходов государственных финансов под давлением военных и социальных расходов. Установлено, что с начала полномасштабного вторжения России на территорию Украины общий дефицит бюджета вырос почти до 263 млрд грн. При этом единственным источником наполнения бюджета и надёжной поддержкой Вооружённым силам Украины являются налогоплательщики, которые в сверхсложное военное время своевременно выполняют свои обязательства перед бюджетом. Доказано, что в нынешних условиях российской агрессии пока идёт война очень трудно предсказать среднесрочные перспективы в сфере государственных финансов, как и то, что будет происходить с доходами и расходами государственного бюджета. Подчёркивается, что основные тенденции развития доходной и расходной части бюджета Украины в полной мере будут зависеть от того, сколько времени продлится эта агрессия Российской Федерации, и какое течение этих военных действий будет происходить в дальнейшем. В то же время доказано, что украинская экономика, хотя и постепенно, но все равно приспосабливается к вынужденным условиям жизни и производства во время действия военного положения. Государство поддерживает предпринимательскую деятельность на всех уровнях, улучшая тем самым их деловую активность. Установлено, что инфляция в стране носит умеренный характер и обусловлена ростом цен на топливо, что в свою очередь также будет способствовать номинальному наполнению бюджета, прежде всего, за счёт НДС. Отмечается, что в будущем перед Украине потребуется критическое оценивание эффективности предоставленных широких таможенных льгот, которые стали препятствовать конкурентоспособности национальных производителей, создавать дополнительное давление на валютный курс и ухудшать сальдо платёжного баланса. Кроме того, недовыполнение таможенных поступлений будет продолжаться и в дальнейшем. Результаты исследования демонстрируют, что возникает настоятельная потребность в расширении пропускной мощности таможенных пунктов для активизации внешнеэкономической деятельности, а в частности - экспорта. В этом контексте, перспективными видятся следующие шаги: отмена Европейским союзом всех пошлин и квот на товары, продукцию украинского производства в течение года; анонсирование Президентом Украины подписания двустороннего соглашения между Украиной и Польшей о совместном погранично-таможенном контроле. Определено, что благодаря принятию соответствующих законодательных актов была увеличена часть расходов, идущих на национальную безопасность и оборону и на преодоление негативных последствий, вызванных широкомасштабной вооружённой агрессией России против Украины. Речь идёт о Законе Украины «О внесении изменений в Закон Украины «О Государственном бюджете

Украины на 2022 год» от 31 мая 2022 года, согласно которому большая часть средств будет направлена на национальную безопасность и оборону (247,8 млрд грн), предоставление помощи в рамках Программы «еПоддержка» для граждан, которые из-за войны потеряли работу (5,8 млрд грн), помощь внутренне перемещённым лицам на покрытие расходов на проживание (12,5 млрд грн), выплаты пенсий, надбавок и повышений к пенсиям, назначенным по разным пенсионным программам (20 млрд грн).

Ключевые слова: выполнение бюджета; полномасштабная война; агрессия России против Украины; прогноз бюджета на будущее; украинская экономика; защита населения; международная поддержка; законодательная база; увеличение расходов.


Russia's war against Ukraine inflicted and still inflicts a massive and huge blow on the Ukrainian economy, which led to a direct decrease in the revenue part of filling the budget of Ukraine. In the opposite situation are the expenditure part of the budget, namely the expenses of state finances, which are growing every moment under the pressure of military and social expenses [1]. Thus, the State Budget of Ukraine, starting from February 24, 2022 and until now, has been executed with a deficit of almost UAH 147 billion. Since the beginning of the full- scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the total budget deficit has increased to almost UAH 263 billion. The only source of filling the budget and the most reliable support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine are taxpayers who, in extremely difficult wartime, timely and fully fulfill their obligations to the budget [1].

However, the Ukrainian economy, albeit gradually, is still adapting to the conditions of life and production under martial law. Thus, the state supports entrepreneurial activity at all levels, thus improving their business activity. Inflation in the country has a moderate character and is caused by the increase in fuel prices, which in turn will also contribute to the nominal filling of the budget, primarily due to VAT [1].

In the current conditions of Russian aggression, as long as the war continues, it is very difficult to predict what the medium-term prospects will be in the field of public finances, what exactly will happen with the revenues and expenditures of the state budget. The main trends in the development of the income and expenditure part of the budget of Ukraine will fully depend on how long this aggression from the Russian Federation will last, and what course of these military operations will be determined in the future [1].

Materials and methods

When writing the article, general scientific and special research methods of economic phenomena and processes were used to determine the implementation of the budget of Ukraine for 2022 in the conditions of military aggression by Russia.

Results and discussion

The general trend for the perspective of the implementation of the budget according to expenditures will be savings in all areas, with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and social protection of the population remaining the priority. Therefore, the need of the population and business activities to optimize public expenditures and improve the quality of public services is increasing. According to the latest results of the negotiations of the working group of the National Council for the recovery of Ukraine from the consequences of the war "Functioning of the financial system, its reform and development" of the "Budget policy" subgroup, the participants of the process made a decision to review all budget expenditures [1].

In the future, Ukraine will face a critical assessment of the effectiveness of the broad customs benefits that have begun to hinder the competitiveness of national producers, create additional pressure on the exchange rate, and worsen the balance of payments [10; 11; 12; 13]. However, the current state of underpayment of customs revenues will continue. There is an urgent need to expand the throughput capacity of customs points for the activation of foreign economic activities, and in particular, exports. The following factors will come in handy in this:

1. The European Union canceled all duties and quotas on goods and products of Ukrainian production during the year.

2. The President of Ukraine announced the signing of a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Poland on joint border and customs control.

These factors will undoubtedly contribute to the recovery of Ukraine's economy [1; 2].

In addition, in the near future, it will be difficult, time-consuming, but necessary to gradually restore the full functioning of the VAT electronic administration system (VAT CEA), that is, its improvement and bringing it to a new level, the beginning of which was laid back in 2015. Since many enterprises throughout Ukraine interact through the supply chains of goods, and a huge number of partners ended up in the occupied territories controlled by the militants of the Russian Federation, then problems are already arising regarding the registration of their tax invoices, payment of tax obligations, which will definitely lead to the non-filling of the revenue part of the budget of Ukraine [1].

The launch of the electronic VAT administration system should ensure the beginning of the recovery of the VAT budget refund. Initially, there was an opinion that it would be possible to reimburse VAT at least for January 2022 (which is almost UAH 17 billion) by means of the voluntary purchase of domestic state loan bonds. However, this idea turned out to be unsuccessful, since such bonds would be sold on the secondary market at a large discount, which would entail large losses for exporters.

In addition, bonds of the domestic government loan would become a direct competitor to military bonds, which are issued every Tuesday of the month by the Ministry of Finance in the auctions of primary placement. This, in turn, would lead to an increase in the rate of return on the part of the Ministry of Finance. A possible way out of this situation was payment in cash, but all this applies only to the first month of 2022, that is, before the invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine [1].

The next trend in the forecast for the future, supported by the Association of Cities of Ukraine, will be the strengthening of the territorial binding of tax benefits. Since, according to the Association, wherever a business moves, taxes must be paid from there and the budget should be filled accordingly [1; 2].

In addition, of course, international financial support remains the most important perspective and trend in the implementation of Ukraine's budget. Yes, from 40 billion dollars. Aid from the USA, which was already voted by the Congress and signed by the President of the USA, Joe Biden, 9 billion dollars. will go to additional economy and technical assistance to Ukraine, and 8 billion dollars. To respond to urgent needs in Ukraine, namely budget support [1].

The main promising trends in budget implementation are shown in Fig. 1.

Paying attention to the budget of Ukraine during martial law, it is worth emphasizing that global changes took place. Thus, the Parliament increased part of the expenses that go to national security and defense and to overcome the negative consequences caused by Russia's large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. So, on May 31, 2022, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022" was adopted [3].

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022", most of the funds will be directed to national security and defense (UAH 247.8 billion), assistance under the "eSupport" Program for citizens who lost their jobs because of the war (5.8 billion UAH), assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living expenses (12.5 billion UAH), payment of pensions, allowances and increases to pensions assigned under various pension programs (20 billion UAH), a more detailed list is given in fig. 2 [3].

Fig. 1. Promising steps in the implementation of the budget of Ukraine

Source: [3].

Fig. 2. Increase in expenditures of the general fund of the State Budget of Ukraine,UAH billion

In general, the implementation of this Law [3] will allow:

first, to implement priority steps in increasing the defense capability and security of Ukraine, the main purpose of which is to counter Russia's large-scale war against Ukraine, as well as to solve global issues caused by this war [3];

secondly, to ensure efficiency in the management of budgetary appointments of the main heads of state budget funds belonging to the security and defense sector, to regulate the attraction of grants for budgetary support on the basis of contracts between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and foreign financial institutions, as well as to regulate the possibility of free provision of legal advisers protection of the rights and interests of Ukraine, state bodies and local self-government bodies in foreign jurisdictions [3].

Regarding the Law on budget management during martial law, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 7166 on the peculiarities of government budget management during martial law [7].

Now, local self-government bodies or military administrations will be able to make decisions on directing the remaining funds from subventions from the state budget to local budgets. We are talking about money saved in local budget accounts as of January 1, 2022, which will go to territorial defense measures, meeting the food needs of the civilian population, evacuation/removal/relocation of the civilian population from the area where hostilities are taking place and dangerous territories to safe ones places [7].

In addition, the funds will be used to pay for transport services, fuel and lubricants, arrangement of accommodation for citizens who left their homes in connection with hostilities, payment of other measures aimed at supporting the civilian population in the conditions of martial law [7].

It is also postponed until January 1, 2023, the introduction of automatic inclusion in local self-government budgets of the excise tax on the sale of tobacco products, tobacco and industrial tobacco substitutes, liquids used in electronic cigarettes [7].

In addition, the draft law [7] provides that during martial law and within six months after its end, in the event of an overdue debt of a business entity to the state for a loan raised by the state or under a state guarantee, as well as for a loan from the budget, interest and other fines are not accrued [7].


Therefore, Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine will deal a terrible blow to the entire economy of Ukraine, resulting in a drop in the revenue part of the country's budget. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the total budget deficit has increased to almost UAH 263 billion. In the current conditions of Russian aggression, as long as the war continues, it is very difficult to predict what the medium-term prospects will be in the field of public finances, what exactly will happen with the revenues and expenditures of the state budget. The main trends in the development of the income and expenditure part of the budget of Ukraine will fully depend on how long this aggression from the Russian Federation will last, and what course of these military operations will be determined in the future. However, the Ukrainian economy, albeit gradually, is still adapting to the conditions of life and production under martial law.

Thus, in order to fulfill the budget of Ukraine in the long term, the following basic steps must be followed: cancellation by the European Union of all customs duties and quotas on goods and products of Ukrainian production during the year; the announced signing of a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Poland on joint border and customs control; gradual restoration of the full functioning of the VAT electronic administration system; strengthening of territorial anchoring of tax benefits; the introduction of savings in all directions, except for the priority of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and social protection of the population; continuation of international financial support.

In addition, not the last place is occupied by the regulatory and legislative base of Ukraine. Because of the adoption of these Laws part of the expenditures for national security and defense and for overcoming the negative consequences caused by Russia's large-scale armed aggression against Ukraine was increased. We are talking about the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022" dated May 31, 2022, according to which most of the funds will be directed to national security and defense (247.8 billion UAH) , provision of assistance within the framework of the "eSupport" Program for citizens who lost their jobs due to the war (5.8 billion UAH), assistance to internally displaced persons to cover living expenses (12.5 billion UAH), payment of pensions, allowances and increases to pensions assigned under various pension programs (20 billion UAH).


1. Виконання бюджету в умовах війни:

прогноз тенденцій. Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень (niss.gov.ua). URL:https://niss.gov.ua/

news/komentari-ekspertiv/vykonannya- byudzhetu-v-umovakh-viyny-prohnoz- tendentsiy.

2. Мер Дніпра Філатов розкритикував податкові поблажки ФОПам на час війни. Главком. 18.04.2022. URL: https:// glavcom.ua/economics/finances/mer-dnipra -filatov-rozkritikuvav-podatkovi-poblazhki- fopam-na-chas-viyni-838950.html.

3. Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про Державний бюджет України на 2022 рік»: Закон України від 31.05.2022. URL: https://zakon. rada.gov.ua/laws/show/ 2385-20#Text.

4. Державний бюджет в умовах війни - які зміни внесені? 0564.ua. URL: https:// www.0564.ua/news/3398952/derzavnij- budzet-v-umovah-vijni-aki-zmini-vneseni

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скорочення:що чекає на

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19. Tytarchuk, I. M. (2020). Planuvannia ta vykonannia biudzhetnykh prohram v ahrarnomu sektori ekonomiky Ukrainy [Planning and execution of budget programs in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine]. Ekonomika ta pidpryiemnytstvo = Economics and business, No. 44, P. 82-95 [in Ukrainian].

20. Hupalovska, M. B., Yakhtorovych, Kh. S., Kit, O. V. (2021). Planuvannia i vykonannia mistsevykh biudzhetiv Ukrainy v umovakh detsentralizatsii [Planning and execution of local budgets of Ukraine in

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22. Tymoshenko, M. V. (2020). Rol podatkiv v protsesi formuvannia ta vykonannia derzhavnoho biudzhetu Ukrainy [The role of taxes in the process of formation and implementation of the state budget of Ukraine]. Efektyvna ekonomika = Efficient economy, No. 11. URL:http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/efek_2020_11 _40 [in Ukrainian].

23. Volkova, O. V., Sysoienko, I. A., Karliuka, D. O. (2020). Otsinka vykonannia dokhodnoi chastyny biudzhetu Ukrainy [Evaluation of the implementation of the revenue part of the budget of Ukraine]. Infrastruktura rynku = Market infrastructure, Vol. 46, P. 83-87 [in Ukrainian].

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