The role of the state in shaping the startup ecosystem in Ukraine
The economic essence of the innovation ecosystem is defined, its structural elements are characterized, on the basis of which it operates. The main features of the innovation ecosystem and its main component - the startup ecosystem - are highlighted.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 1,9 M |
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Eastern and central European countries took up the global initiative to develop the SES only at the beginning of the eleventh century, so they are currently at the stage of intensive development. Six years ago, these countries accounted for less than 1% of the world's innovation investments (USD 0.6 billion), while Western European countries had 25 times more venture capital resources (USD 15 billion). However, the situation is constantly improving, and the SESs of these countries are actively progressing and gaining higher places in global rankings. This is facilitated by the state's effective policy of developing the startup sector.
In 2015-2022, Ukraine's SES also progressed at a fairly high rate, but the government's merits are not as high as we would like. Therefore, today it is necessary to study the experience of our close neighbors in building a favorable environment for startups to create a solid foundation for the post-war reconstruction of the national economy.
Given the experience of several of Ukraine's close neighbors (Poland, Hungary, Estonia, etc.), the formation of a national SES should be carried out with conditions of maximum government support at the regulatory and financial levels. A large set of tools for government regulation of startups is usually formed within the framework of long-term programs of digitalization of the state, progress of innovative business, and activities that produce high-tech products and is approved by the implementation of a set of measures in the field of reforming the national economic systems of these countries, introducing the latest technologies, creating a favorable environment for entrepreneurs, and paying significant attention to building intellectual potential.
Conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction
Therefore, the main directions of the government's stimulation of the development of SES are: the introduction of legal innovations, which are designed to create a loyal environment for young businessmen in the field of information technologies and segments of the economy that produce innovative products; implementation of government capital investments in socially important and efficient startups, implementation of joint capital investments with commercial venture companies; creation of prerequisites for building scientific potential, raising the level of digital literacy of the population and awareness of computer information technologies, and involving secondary and higher education institutions in this process; formation of innovation centers, consulting groups and innovative organizations, which will have partnership relations with representatives of private domestic and foreign private businesses; the organization of communication management in the SES, which will help to establish cooperation with mass media and provide information about startups in social networks, Internet pages and other web resources.
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