State regulation of treatment and health institutions
The need to introduce service management in each segment of the tourism industry as the most important condition for increasing the competitiveness of the tourism industry of Ukraine and its individual subjects on the European and world markets.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 201,5 K |
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Размещено на
Odesa National University of Technology
Odesa Polytechnic State University
Dobrianska Natalia, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Lebedieva Vira, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Krupitsa Iryna, PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Domdrovska Virtoria N., Bachelor's Degree Student
Modern society is increasingly concerned about strengthening and protecting its health. The high potential of people's physical and mental activity is an immediate prerequisite for a fulfilling life. Medical and health tourism allows to maintain good health in comfortable and relaxed conditions, so its development in recent years has been extremely dynamic both on the domestic and international tourist markets. Medical tourism has acquired a global scale. However, the situation changed dramatically at the end of 2019 - the beginning of2020, when the coronavirus pandemic brought significant changes to the usual conditions of social life, which “stopped” a significant number of industries. The service and tourism sectors were the most affected by the pandemic itself and measures aimed at curbing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In this regard, the issue of ensuring the development of both the entire tourism industry and certain types of tourism in the modern conditions of quarantine restrictions and the uncertainty of their implementation period is gaining special relevance.
Keywords: state regulation, medical and recreational facilities, problems of medical and recreational facilities.
Добрянська Наталя Анатоліївна, доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри туристичного бізнесу та рекреації, Одеський національнии технологічний університет
Лебедева Віра Василівна, доктор економічних наук, професор, професор кафедри туристичного бізнесу і рекреації, Одеський національний технологічний університет
Крупіца Ірина Вікторівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри туристичного бізнесу і рекреації, Одеський національний технологічний університет
Домбровська Вікторія Миколаївна, здобувач ступеня магістр ДержавниИ університет «Одеська політехніка»
Сучасне суспільство все більше піклується про зміцнення та охорону свого здоров'я. Високий потенціал фізичної та розумової діяльності людей є безпосередньою передумовою повноцінного життя. Лікувально-оздоровчий туризм дає змогу в комфортних і невимушених умовах підтримувати стан здоров'я у належному стані, тому його розвиток останніми роками є вкрай динамічним як на вітчизняному, так і на міжнародному туристичних ринках. Лікувальнооздоровчий туризм набув глобального масштабу. Проте, ситуація різко змінилася наприкінці 2019 - початку 2020 рр., коли суттєві зміни у звичніумови суспільного життя внесла пандемія коронавірусу, яка фактично «зупинила» значну кількість галузей. Найбільш постраждалими від самої пандемії та заходів, спрямованих на стримування поширення вірусу COVID-19, виявилися сфери сервісу та туризму. У зв'язку з цим особливої актуальності набувають питання забезпечення розвитку як всієї туристичної галузі, так і окремих видів туризму в сучасних умовах карантинних обмежень та невизначеності терміну їх запровадження. Лікувально-оздоровчий туризм в Україні є складовою частиною державної політики стосовно національної системи охорони здоров'я. Мета державної політики полягає в ефективному використанні курортного потенціалу країни для оздоровлення населення, збереження генофонду та у відтворенні трудових ресурсів. Складність ринковихумов функціонування санаторно-курортних закладів спонукає до визначення ролі держави в їхньому розвитку. Державна політика України у сфері лікувально-оздоровчого туризму визначається Верховною Радою України і будується на принципах: законодавчого визначення умов і порядку організації діяльності курортів та санаторіїв; забезпечення доступності санаторно-курортного лікування для всіх громадян; врахування попиту населення на конкретні види санаторно-курортних послуг при розробці та затвердженні загальнодержавних і місцевих програм розвитку курортів; економного та раціонального використання природних лікувальних ресурсів і забезпечення їх належної охорони; сприяння перетворенню санаторно-курортного комплексу України у високорентабельну та конкурентоспроможну галузь економіки.
Ключові слова: державне регулювання, лікувально-оздоровчі заклади, проблеми лікувально-оздоровчих закладів.
Actuality of theme
The market of medical and health services is one of the most stable types of tourism markets of Ukraine and priority directions, which is most in need of support and coordinated development. Sanatorium-resort treatment is medical assistance carried out with a preventive, curative or rehabilitative purpose with the use of natural healing factors in the conditions of a stay at a resort or health-recovery area and in sanatorium-resort facilities. The Ministry of Social Policy constantly monitors the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment services by health facilities that have been selected by privileged categories of citizens to receive such treatment, namely, participants in the antiterrorist operation, persons with disabilities, and citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster.
The scientific works of many scientists, namely M.V. Sabat [1], Yu.M. Kozoriz [2], I.I. Samoilova [4], N.M. Vlashchenko [5], M.V. Tonkoshkur [5], V.Z. Kholyavka [6], H.S. Leshko [6], O.M. Mochulska [6], A.O. Kukhtiy [6] and others. The above-mentioned scientists thoroughly considered the concept of medical and health services, but at the present time, the definition of their place and role in the issue of the development of medical and health services requires attention.
The purpose of the article
The article identifies factors that exert a key influence on the tourism industry in Ukraine attention is paid to the importance of infrastructure development, the need to complete the medical reform, as the basis for the functioning of medical and health tourism. The need to introduce service management in each segment of the tourism industry is substantiated as the most important condition for increasing the competitiveness of the tourism industry of Ukraine and its individual subjects on the European and world markets and, as a result, the successful attraction of foreign tourists.
Presentation of the main research material
service management tourism market
The market of medical and health services is one of the most stable types of tourism markets of Ukraine and priority directions, which is most in need of support and coordinated development. By choosing medical tourism, the client (patient) will be able to rest, receive treatment and improve their appearance at the same time. Medical spa and wellness centers offer clients health and rejuvenation programs, fitness centers, swimming pools, comfortable accommodation and healthy food, a unique combination of herbal infusions, phytobaths, yoga and meditation, as well as excursions, entertainment, sports recreation, festivals, gastronomy and oenotherapy, thalassotherapy and medotherapy, and this is not yet a complete list of services for those who want to be a tourist using the services of "medical tourism".
It is worth noting that the popularity of European countries among tourists is not the same. Most tourist flows are directed primarily to Western European countries. The tourism industry has always been characterized by rather ambiguous characteristics and opportunities. Tourism as a multi-sectoral and multifunctional phenomenon is characterized by the highest degree of elasticity from natural (ecological), general economic, social, and political changes in any country - a potential destination. Classic tourism, especially in the direction of visits to foreign countries by Ukrainians, tends to develop, and such a specific direction as medical tourism is rather difficult to perceive both by our compatriots and by foreign citizens who visit Ukraine.
Medical and wellness methods are traditionally divided into the main ones: climate therapy (treatment with the help of a favorable climate); balneotherapy (with mineral waters); peloidotherapy (mud), and additional: thalassotherapy (sea water); aerotherapy (mountain air); speleotherapy (microclimate of caves); phytotherapy (phytobaths, microclimate of phytocenoses, i.e., a collection of a certain set of plants).
Medical tourism is one of the types of tourism, according to which there is no unity among scientists in determining type-specific characteristics and classification features. The terminological confusion is explained, firstly, by the peculiarity of the domestic sanatorium-resort system, which has been preserved in its main manifestations since the Soviet period, and secondly, by the lack of a unified understanding of tourist terminology in the field of medical and health services on a global scale. According to A.M. Vetitnev, "sanatorium-resort care is a complex of medical, diagnostic and preventive measures, which are performed by specially trained personnel, in specialized resort institutions, with the predominant use of natural healing factors, for a certain contingent of patients, within the framework of state social programs on a free or discounted basis. It is a part of medical care, and by analogy with it, it can be considered both in a broader sense (as the provision of assistance to the population) and in a narrow sense (as the treatment of a specific patient)." In other words, operating with the concept of "help" means the state's duty to the population to preserve their health.
As far as health tourism is concerned, there is also no consensus on the term itself (healing, health, sports, rehabilitation, recreation, etc.) and the meaning of this concept. The majority of specialists are inclined to the fact that medical and health tourism should be defined based on the selection of its main components - medical and rehabilitation, valeological (health), and recreational. The first two components are medical in nature, and the third is characterized by recreation and entertainment services. Trying to provide a definition of health tourism, it is first necessary to define more clearly the terminology accepted throughout the world.
The development of state regulation of tourism activities in Ukraine is characterized by a gradual weakening, with the simultaneous expansion of contractual regulation at the level of a specific business entity and consumer. Under such conditions, the mechanisms of competition, self-regulation, the relationship between demand and supply have a decisive influence. [3]
Considering that the main motive of tourism production is profit, public interests without adequate protection from the state are relegated to the background. As a result, in Ukraine, the desire to abandon comprehensive control by the state, as an attribute of the administrative-command system, calculation on the self-regulation of society, brought with it the denigration of the importance of public interests, and the hypertrophy of private interests.
In this regard, V. M. Pashkov notes that "hopes for spontaneous market self-regulation have led to a decline in social protection of the population, which is particularly dangerous in such a socially significant area as the protection of the human right to health. Annex A reflects the approaches of scientists regarding the influence of the state on the regulation of the sphere of economic activity.
Thus, the application of the regulatory influence of the state in various spheres of public life is a strict necessity to protect the rights of consumers. This statement is especially relevant in the field of health tourism, in which the formation of a tourist product involves the provision of health and medical services.
The specificity of medical and health tourism is that the activity of organizing and ensuring the creation of a tourist product (tour operator activity), as well as the activity of providing medical and health services (medical practice), belong to the types of economic activity that are subject to licensing. This is primarily due to the high level of potential risks in the implementation of these types of activities, which necessitates the need for state protection of the rights of consumers of these services.
The purpose of licensing and other types of state control is the need to provide state guarantees, both to protect the rights of consumers of medical and health tourism in general, and to protect the rights of individual patients to life, health, and compliance with international and regional (European) standards for the provision of medical services.
The consequences of state control on the part of the bodies that regulate the activities of medical and health tourism are the provision of a law enforcement or law enforcement function in the form of administrative coercion, by deprivation of the right to implement the specified type of activity, and prosecution. In this context, Yu. A. Tikhomirov notes that "coercion acts as an important element of public power."
The study of the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" shows that, in fact, along with the main means of regulatory influence of the state, which are listed in Art. 12 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, it also establishes other means of state regulation. Note that the means of regulating activity in individual sectors of the economy and on the markets of individual goods and services are basically the same as the general means of regulating economic relations. In particular, Art. 5, 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" indicate that tourist operators must obtain a license for tour operator activities in accordance with the established procedure.
In addition, Art. 6 of the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" establishes that "the implementation of state policy in the field of tourism is carried out, among other things, by:
1. licensing in the field of tourism;
2. standardization of tourist services;
3. determination of qualification requirements for the positions of tourist support specialists;
4. establishing a system of statistical accounting and reporting in the field of tourism and the resort and recreation complex;
5. organization and implementation of state control over compliance with legislation in the field of tourism".
According to Clause 6 of Art. 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism", "in order to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens who are consumers of tourist services, tour operators and tour agents are obliged to provide financial support for their civil liability (a guarantee from a bank or other insurance (medical and accident) is mandatory and is provided by the subjects of tourism activities on the basis of agreements with insurers." Article 19 prohibits the provision of accommodation services credit institution) to tourists." Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" regulates that "tourists' without a certificate of establishment of the appropriate category.
Table 1
Indicators of the number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents, the envy of tourism in Ukraine for 2018-2020
Years |
The total number of tourists served by tour operators and tour agents |
From the total number of tourists: |
Foreign tourists |
Tourists are citizens of Ukraine who traveled abroad |
Domestic tourists |
2018 |
4 272 070 |
74 303 |
3 763 794 |
433973 |
2019 |
6 132 097 |
86 840 |
5 524 866 |
520391 |
2020 |
2 360278 |
11 964 |
2 125 702 |
222 612 |
Deviation 2019/2018: |
absolute, ( - , -) |
1 860 027 |
12 537 |
1 761 072 |
86 418 |
relative, % |
143,5 |
116,9 |
146,8 |
119,9 |
Deviation 2020/2019: |
absolute, ( - , -) |
-3 771819 |
-74 876 |
-3 399 164 |
-297 779 |
relative, % |
-61,5 |
-86,2 |
-61,5 |
-57,2 |
Source: built by the authors based on materials [2]
Ukraine has significant potential for the development of health tourism. All types of resources (balneological, mud, climatic) are present on its territory, which are necessary for the functioning of institutions providing medical and recreational services. The availability of various recreational resources makes Ukraine attractive for the development of the tourism sector of the economy. However, the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus added new challenges and further complicated the development process of tourism in general, and medical and health tourism. This is evidenced by the reduction of tourist flows in Ukraine (Table 1).
Analyzing the data in the table. 1., we conclude that the total number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents in 2019 compared to 2018 increased by 1,860,027 people (43.5%), and in 2020 compared to 2019 under the influence of the COVID pandemic -19 - decreased by 3,771,819 people (61.5%). Among them: the number of emigrating citizens decreased in 2020 compared to 2019 by 3,399,164 people (61.5%); the number of foreign and domestic tourists decreased by 74,876 people (86.2%) and 297,779 people (51.8%), respectively. [2]
This is due to quarantine restrictions that were introduced due to the threat of the spread of COVID-19. Thus, to prevent the epidemic, on March 12, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced quarantine measures that limited the work of accommodation, recreation, health, food and entertainment facilities, mass cultural and entertainment events, festivals, etc. Borders for foreign citizens, air, rail and bus connections between cities and regions of Ukraine were closed for a long time.
In Ukraine, the number of medical and recreational facilities of all types decreased by 557 units in 2019 compared to 2018. (4.8%), and in 2020 compared to 2019 - by 605 units. (5.5%).
The main reasons for the decrease in health care facilities in Ukraine are: the decrease in the solvency of the population, an unstable situation, hostilities in the East of Ukraine, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to strict quarantine restrictions that were introduced in our country (as well as in most countries of the world) in 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, almost all tourist accommodation facilities, including those that provided medical and health services, completely stopped their activities. [2]
Only in the spring of 2021, quarantine restrictions were gradually eased, service areas were opened, and tourist flows were restored according to new rules and requirements.
Institutions that are subordinated to the department or financed by private structures do not aim to make a profit from their activities, since the funding is directed to the health of employees under social insurance programs. Commercial medical and health facilities of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms usually specialize in providing medical and diagnostic and additional services with the involvement of consumers for a short period. [6; 7]
Thus, the given data testify to the existence of a certain material and technical base of sanatoriums, which can be expanded under the conditions of the activation of medical and recreational activities in Ukraine.
The main problems that inhibit the development of health tourism in Ukraine include:
- strict quarantine restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic;
- outdated material and technical base; low service;
- lack of innovations in the medical and health sector;
- undeveloped animation activity; there is no leisure area;
- the imperfection of the tax policy, which prevents investment in recreational infrastructure and the sanatorium-resort complex;
- sharp increase in energy and food prices;
- inflationary processes that negatively affect the cost of sanatorium-resort services;
- deterioration of the socio-political situation in the country, which leads to a reduction in the flow of foreign tourists for the purpose of medical and health tourism.
The development and harmonization of the interaction of the elements of the internal environment of any organization is an important factor that guarantees the possible achievement of the target indicators of obtaining the necessary results of financial and economic activity in a strategic perspective. However, no less important, especially in the service market, is a timely response to the changes occurring in the external environment of the subject of entrepreneurial activity. These transformations can be caused both by purely economic reasons and by factors directly related to conducting business. [6; 8]
From the point of view of medical tourism, the diversification strategy applied to the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which involves certain restrictions related to conducting business activities, can be implemented in different directions (Fig. 2).
One of the possible promising directions for the organization and development of health tourism should be recognized as the use of the system of weekend tours ("weekend tourism"), the active spread and popularity of which was associated with the peculiarities of the organization of mass leisure in the USSR. As the successful domestic experience of conducting tourist activities in the Soviet period shows, "weekend tours" were in demand by various categories of citizens, although they were mainly focused on family vacations, and offered a wide range of destinations (sports tourism, cultural and educational tourism, ecological tourism). [5]
At the same time, the following aspects can be noted as certain characteristics and features of such tours in the classic view:
- As weekends, a priori, we meant Friday evening - Sunday evening, as well as non-working holidays, during which the tour program was supposed to be held. In modern conditions, the concept of "day off should be interpreted more broadly in connection with the change in the work schedule of various specialties, as well as the possibility of remote work organization.
- At the initial stage of the development of the "weekend tours" system, there was no clear segmentation of the consumer market and the selection of individual categories of consumers. In this regard, the tours had a typical character without considering the requests and specifics of the consumer, provided for the passage of identical, well-known routes, and also did not always correspond to the quality level of standard tourist packages, which ultimately reduced the overall demand for services.
- Maximum affordability of weekend tours for different population groups. In modern conditions, the spectrum of types of tourism, in which "weekend tours" can be presented, as an alternative option for organizing leisure and recreation for domestic and foreign tourists, can be significantly expanded, with the help of medical and health tourism.
It was found that the means of state regulation of medical tourism include:
- licensing of tour operator activity;
- licensing of medical and recreational practice activities;
- establishment of requirements for financial provision of civil liability to consumers of health tourism services for subjects of this type of activity;
- insurance of consumers of medical and health tourism services (medical and health tourism, and against accidents), which is provided by subjects of tourist activity on the basis of agreements with insurers;
- provision of accommodation for consumers of medical and health tourism services, in the presence of a certificate of establishment of the appropriate category;
- registration and accounting of individual entities that provide services for temporary accommodation and food in the implementation of medical and health tourism activities.[4; 9]
In addition, it is proposed in the conceptual documents with subsequent implementation in the program documents to provide for the creation of favorable conditions for the development of medical tourism and the tourism industry, with the aim of encouraging investments in the development of the tourism industry, by creating favorable conditions, through the simplification and harmonization of the currency, customs, tax and other types of legislation. The model of state regulation of health tourism should include the functions of management, control, and protection of public interests.
Fig. 1 Prospective directions for the implementation of the diversification strategy in the market of health tourism in the post-crisis period.
Source: built by the authors based on materials [2]
Conclusions and prospects for further investigations
The organization of effective recreation, recovery and rest, prevention, prevention and reduction of morbidity and disability, strengthening the health of the population of all age groups currently acquires special importance against the background of the tense socio-economic and ecological situation, deterioration of the population's health. The client (patient), having chosen medical and health tourism, will be able to relax, receive treatment and improve their appearance at the same time. [1]
The study of the health resort industry confirms that it directly affects the development of tourism in Ukraine. At the current stage, unfortunately, it has been overtaken by negative trends, which are primarily caused by the lack of an effective comprehensive system of management of the tourism industry of Ukraine and a general decrease in the solvent demand for the national tourism product. Under such conditions, the strategic goal of the policy in the field of tourism and the sanatorium-resort complex is the implementation of effective methods of management of the industry, which will be aimed at improving the quality of all types of tourist services and their competitiveness both on the domestic and global tourist markets.
It is necessary to improve the level of service, expand the network of resort animation, improve and more publicly use advertising, raise the level of service culture. Thus, it can be noted that the development of the tourism industry, medical and health tourism, is the key to the sustainable development of Ukraine's economy. [1]
Our state has significant natural potential for the development of this industry. Given the fact that Ukraine has one of the best natural health and wellness potentials in Europe, the issue of improving the sanatorium-resort complex becomes one of the most priority directions for the development of tourism, which leads to replenishment of the budget and strengthening of the state economy as a whole.
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