Conditions and possibilities of integration projects implementation in the maritime transport system of Ukraine
The most important task of managing the maritime transport enterprises development is the choice of optimal parameters and the strict sequence of project implementation. Integration projects occupy an important and primary place in this sequence.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.03.2024 |
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Conditions and possibilities of integration projects implementation in the maritime transport system of Ukraine
Kuzmenko Kateryna Mykhaylivna Postgraduate student, assistant of the Department of Maritime Transport Management and Economics, National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»
Abstract. The integrated structures are one of the existing trends in the development of the modern economy. The developed countries transport systems are based on the activities of the largest integrated entities, in contact with which entire networks of medium and small business structures inevitably function. The internationalization of transport activities is based on strengthening the interconnection and interdependence between the transport complexes of individual countries.
The most important task of managing the maritime transport enterprises development is the choice of optimal parameters and the strict sequence of project implementation. Integration projects occupy an important and primary place in this sequence.
The maritime transport enterprises results are formed under the influence of a complex system of organizational, economic and political factors. Therefore, development programs need a clear ranking of priorities for the certain integration projects implementation. integration project transport system
For the implementation of integration projects of the country's transport system with the world transport system, state regulation is important. For the effective functioning of any sectors of the national economy, it is necessary to use uniform economic and legal approaches and perfect organization of economic and investment activities of individual enterprises. It is the violation of economic relations general principles and the incompetence in choosing a strategy for the maritime transport industry positioning that led to a decrease in integration activity. The problem of the national maritime transport complex effective development remains the unsolved issue of the interrelationship of the functioning process and the timeliness of the production potential renewal, taking into account the position of competitors and the integration technologies requirements.
Keywords: integration projects, transport system, strategy, world market, shipping, maritime trade.
Кузьменко Катерина Михайлівна аспірант, асистент кафедри менеджменту та економіки морського транспорту, Національний університет «Одеська морська академія»
Анотація. У сучасному світі в умовах глобалізації інтеграційні процеси мають місце у майже всіх господарських сферах держав. Взаємозв'язок та взаємодія між Україною та іншими провідними державами в процесі реалізації перевезень вантажів та включення території нашої країни до міжнародних маршрутів відіграють важливе значення для стимулювання економіки та надходжень у бюджет, збільшення кількості робочих місць, підвищення зайнятості саме українських підприємств у організації та обслуговуванні перевізного процесу, авторитету країни на світовій арені.
Задля реалізації інтеграційних проектів мають забезпечуватись умови, що вигідні для всіх учасників процесу перевезення. У статті аналізується стан окремих секторів торговельного судноплавства на основі оцінки збалансованості параметрів і уточняються особливості розвитку світової морської торгівлі на основі інтеграційних стратегій розвитку основних об'єктів мореплавання. Має бути обрана стратегія підтримки національних підприємств, здатних згодом забезпечити виконання таких проектів. Необхідною умовою є подолання багатьох перепон, що наразі стримують розвиток інтеграційних процесів транспортної системи України, серед них економічна та політична нестабільність, зокрема війна, техніко -технологічне відставання інфраструктури, недостатньо гнучка тарифна політика, зростання міжнародної конкуренції за додаткові транзитні потоки.
Також складною проблемою ефективного позиціонування національного морського транспорту в основних секторах світового ринку морської торгівлі є те, що фрахтовий ринок функціонує за специфічними законами, а також є нестабільним. Тому важливого значення набуває механізм управління господарською та інвестиційною діяльністю з урахуванням макроекономічних і підприємницьких завдань, незважаючи на реальні параметри економічного ризику. В системі менеджменту торговельного судноплавства та інтеграційної діяльності за критеріями ефективності розвитку центральне місце займає судноплавна політика макроекономічного рівня, тобто державна підтримка, і політика стійкості судновласницьких або операторських організацій на фрахтовому ринку.
Ключові слова: інтеграційні проекти, транспортна система, стратегія, світовий ринок, судноплавство, морська торгівля.
Problem statement
The state's desire to ensure the export development of the transport services, to use the transit potential more efficiently, to increase the competitiveness of domestic transport on the transport services international market can be realized through the integration of national carriers into the world transport services market.
Modern transit as a component of ensuring of the country's transport system integration processes is a complex phenomenon, a branch of the economy that must receive dynamic development, and therefore it requires constant and consistent analysis and forecasting. Ukrainian regions with their favorable geopolitical position and huge potential do not sufficiently use the available opportunities as transit territories, so the main task is to implement a whole set of measures to ensure the maximum realization of the territories available transit potential. And in view of the modern realities of the war condition and the impossibility of a logistical route through certain regions, this problem appears even more acute.
Review of the last research and publications
The issue of transport complexes integration was analyzed by many scientists. Stephen Potter and Martin J Skinner [7] researched the concept of `integrated transport' as an important guiding principle for transport policies' institutional and structural development in several countries. The idea of integrated transport planning was processed by Prof. Dr. Oliver Schwedes and Maximilian Hoor [8]. Among the Ukrainian scientists who paid attention to the study of the problem of improving various processes in transport, we can single out Mykola Prymachev [2], Lyudmila Sotnychenko [6], Elena Senko [4], and others.
Tasks of research
Even in the pre-war period, in view of the incomparability of country's transport performance indicators in integration projects with global ones, it becomes important to study the current condition and identify problems of adequate development of the maritime transport complex of Ukraine in relation to its real needs.
Implementation of integration projects provides a number of opportunities for the country's economy and its transport system, but also poses certain challenges. In turn, one of the most important features of integration projects is a high share of state ownership and a high level of state regulation, which is implemented through the implementation of transport policy. It is necessary for the state to develop a strategy and a mechanism for managing the effectiveness of the development of maritime transport enterprises capable of ensuring the achievement of set goals in a real competitive environment.
The basic material of research
The shipping companies management should be aware of the competitive forces opportunities and sources in order to identify those segments where the fleet can enter into integration technologies. In the case of relatively low costs, the strategy of positioning in the transport services market, where cargo owners have market power, is usually chosen.
In order to achieve full-scale stability of the maritime industry national shipping complex, it is necessary to determine institutional levers for individual directions and priorities, as well as to choose the limits of the liberalization of concessional crediting of objects according to the criteria of macroeconomic significance, capable of subsequently ensuring commercial efficiency.
Integration technologies of freight flow maintenance form a priority of the brand, which ensures the implementation of the transportation process
differentiation strategy according to quality parameters. Therefore, large shipping companies (Maersk, CMA CGM, Evergreen, etc.), implementing large-scale integration projects, affect the barriers to entry into the segment for new operators or ship owners. This complication for Ukrainian shipping companies at the first stages of development must be overcome by an active credit policy [10].
The position of maritime transport in international economic relations, in the security system and in achieving business efficiency (Fig. 1) determines the state role in choosing the principles of stimulating the national fleet and ports development. This, in particular, is why the transit component of the cargo traffic of Ukrainian ports is decreasing. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the certain non-competitiveness of Ukrainian ports in terms of intensity, the organization of customs control and the level of tariffs. However, it is suggested to control the integration processes according to the conditions (Fig. 1).
In the system of goods and transport flows service logistics principles, along with the competitive technical and economic level of terminals, the simplification of formalities in ports based on the unification of customs documentation and the use of computerized document management becomes the most important [7].
Fig. 1. Differentiating factors of the national maritime transport enterprises integration policy
Source: developed by the author
The basis of the economic policy for the national maritime transport complex development, which will ensure the necessary parameters of integration, is the strategy of full-scale potential formation. Otherwise, in the real conditions of the leading industrialized countries positioning, Ukraine will not be able to take an adequate place in the world maritime trade market. In connection with the limitation of state credit resources, it is necessary to use the entrepreneurial potential as much as possible according to the capital programs stimulation criteria. Attention should be focused on realizing the benefits of transit space [1].
Realization of the transit potential is an important factor in the state modern economic development and currently acts as a separate perspective aspect of forming the basis for a qualitative breakthrough in the country's economic development. The creation of a technically perfect, economically efficient, competitive transport and transit infrastructure, taking into account the world trends of globalization and international integration of economies, turning the advantage of geographical location into a factor of economic growth and using the role of a cross-border state is an important element of functioning in modern conditions.
Transit projects can have a variety of effects on the development of the economy, first of all, it is the growth of employment, business activity, investments and European revenues, promoting the integration of the economy of Ukraine into the world and global economic systems.
Every integration project for the region transport subsystem development in the market aspect plays the role of a substitute product that affects the condition of equilibrium that existed before the investment or innovation program implementation. This must be taken into account, as the parameters of competitiveness are changing significantly. Therefore, the enterprises management should focus on the choice of the operator activity strategy type without the administrative levers emphasis.
Prolonged political, economic and military instability in the country causes difficulties in economic development in all areas. Ukraine is losing its position even where it has competitive advantages based on external factors. In particular, the role of national transport systems in transit forms as a special form of business integration is increasing in all alternative directions under conditions of economic growth. In Ukraine, even before the beginning of the war, there were losses of cargo flows passing both through sea ports and railway. This happened against the background of focusing attention on the transit technologies of the Baltic States, Turkey and Central Asian countries [9].
In this aspect, the most important task of the national maritime transport complex of Ukraine is the transit potential realization according to the stability and competitiveness criteria. The analysis of foreign trade relations between the states located in the "West-East" direction, which are adjacent to the zone of international transport corridors and pass through the territory of Ukraine, shows the increasing possibility of the goods transit transportation volume in this direction [1].
The main principle of the Ukrainian active maritime transport policy forming should be the using its own resources. This approach clearly defines the sequence of individual stages implementation in accordance with the goals and reality of their guaranteed integration. Maritime transport policy should determine, in addition to strategic goals, the conditions for solving existing problems of transport independence in Ukraine's foreign economic relations. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the set of priorities may change as the potential grows.
In addition, the shipping company management policy must correspond to the nature of the Maritime Administration functioning, which reflects the state interests that ensure the safety of commercial shipping and implement Ukraine's international obligations according to the shipping regulation standards. At this level investment projects regarding the opening of new lines reflecting the priorities and advantages of Ukraine's maritime location should receive institutional support.
Increasing the transport role of the Black Sea is also possible under the option of developing a single ferry complex that covers, unlike the outer car ring, all major trade ports. Ferry connection is the most optimal in the system of intermodal and coastal connections. Therefore, such a union of the ports of the western, eastern and southern coasts will be natural. The ports of Big Odessa take a special place in this project.
It should be taken into account that in some cases an active integration strategy does not reflect the obvious economic advantages of transport routes, because there are also special goals. It is enough to compare the two routes of the TRACECA transport corridor. Traditional route includes the Black Sea and Danube ports of Ukraine and the ports of Georgia. However, as an alternative, the European Union considers and implements the transportation of goods by land through Turkey.
Therefore, a clear calculation of economic results and costs is necessary, but the main argument is the employment of vehicles of European states, and not the time and cost of delivery.
In order to implement integration projects that provide transit cargo flows of the country, a strategy for the transport potential development should be worked out taking into account all the specific features of the industry, the variability of the freight market and the high level of competition from foreign companies. Otherwise, cargo flows and corresponding funds will go to alternative directions.
During the maritime transport prospective potential formation, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of global economic relations. As shown by the peculiarities of the merchant fleet carrying capacity development based on the rapid economic relations growth between the countries of Asia and Europe at the beginning of the XXI century and its decline during the crisis periods, the implementation of fundamentally new approaches of the adaptation of national maritime transport subsystems to the results formation unevenness is needed.
Finding and satisfying most of the conditions for implementing integration technologies in the freight transportation organization and planning logistics routes becomes essential.
In addition, the shipping company management policy have to correspond to the nature of the functioning of the Maritime Administration, which reflects the state interests that ensure the safety of commercial shipping and implement Ukraine's international obligations according to the standards of shipping regulation. The investment projects regarding the opening of new lines reflecting the priorities and advantages of Ukraine's maritime location should receive institutional support at this level.
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6. Amado G., Ambrose A. Transitional Approach to Change. London: Karnac Books, 2021
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8. Filipishyna, L., Bessonova, S., & Venckeviciute, G. Integral assessment of developmental stability: cases of Lithuania and Ukraine. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2018. 6(1), P. 87-99. DOI:
9. Golubkova I., Sienko H., Lysenko N., Frasyniuk T., Parkhomenko I. Criteria for the
management of a sustainable and safe positioning of the fleet in the conditions of globalization. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2,2021. P. 178-183. DOI:
10. Jourquin B. Calibration and Validation of Strategic Freight Transportation Planning Models with Limited Information. Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2016. 6. P. 239-256. DOI: 10.4236/jtts.2016.65023.
11. Nicolas Primachev, Tatyana Frasinyuk. Ukraine: an Example of Limits of Balance and Asymmetric Reaction in the Maritime Trade Market. Electronic Scientific Journal Przeglqd Wschodnioeuropejski, 2019. X/1. P.153-161. DOI:10.31648/pw.4511
12. Sotnychenko L. Structural transformation of the national economy in the context of euroregional cooperation: соііє^Ає monograph. Wydawnictwo BMT Erida spolka z o.o.: Instytut Integrac-ji Europejskiej, 2018. 238 p.
13. Stephen Potter, Martin J Skinner. On transport integration: a contribution to better understanding. Futures. Volume 32, Issues 3-4, 2000, Pages 275-287 DOI: S0016-3287(99)00097-X
14. Oliver Schwedes, Maximilian Hoor. Integrated Transport Planning: From Supply- to Demand-Oriented Planning. Considering the Benefits. Sustainability 2019, 11(21). P. 5900. DOI:
15. Tan, Z., Wang, Y., Meng, Q., & Liu Z. (2018) Joint ship schedule design and sailing speed optimization for a single inland shipping service with uncertain dam transit time. Transportation Science, 52, 2018. P. 1570-1588. DOI:
16. Williams B. Transportation Technology (New Technology). Smart Apple Media, 2008. 46 p.
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