Development of the enterprise potential in circular economy conditions

The conceptual approach to the management of anticipatory development of the innovative potential of enterprises in the conditions of transformations. Strategies for the development of the company's potential in the conditions of the circular economy.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 19.03.2024
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Development of the enterprise potential in circular economy conditions

Roleders Viktoriia, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia Education and Research Institute of Economics West Ukrainian National University

The purpose of the study is the formation of a modern conceptual approach to the management of anticipatory development of the innovative potential of enterprises in the conditions of transformations. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was made up of the following methods: comparison and systematization - to determine the components of the development of the potential of enterprises in the coordination of the economic interests of the participants; deductions - to highlight individual elements of the circular economy as a prerequisite for the development of innovative potential; analysis and synthesis - to substantiate the scientific approach to determining the strategic directions of development of the potential of enterprises. Modern economic processes determine the need to influence the activities of all business entities, in particular, in terms of strategy and tactics. The problem of planning and forecasting the development of the company's potential is aimed at strengthening existing competitive advantages provided by the circular economy.

The article substantiates the need to ensure the systemic nature of the development of the company's potential, which will allow for the activation of adaptation changes processes. Prospective directions for the modernization and renewal of the production and commercial process have been determined as a result of the improvement of organizational support for the development of potential for the implementation of innovation. The components of the development of the company's potential in the conditions of the circular economy are substantiated, which include: the economic interests of the participants, the effectiveness of the activity, measures to improve the components. There is a well-founded need to form and implement measures to update the components of the company's potential in their organic combination, to create the basis for an effective "vision" of the company's own development and opportunities for adequate assessment of the weak and strong sides of the company's potential.

Proposed and substantiated strategic directions for the development of the company's potential in the conditions of the circular economy. The obtained research results allow enterprises to use the advantages of the circular economy, improve their activities in competitive market segments and maintain competitive advantages based on the development of their potential, taking into account the economic interests of the participants.

Keywords: strategic directions, enterprise potential, development, circular economy, restructuring transformations, strategies, economic interests, development needs.

Розвиток потенціалу підприємства в умовах циркулярної економіки

Роледерс Вікторія Валеріївна, Вінницький навчально-науковий інститут економіки ЗУНУ

Метою дослідження є формування сучасного концептуального підходу до управління випереджальним розвитком інноваційного потенціалу підприємств в умовах трансформацій. Теоретико-методологічну основу дослідження склали такі методи: порівняння та систематизації - для визначення складових розвитку потенціалу підприємств при узгодженні економічних інтересів учасників; дедукції - для виділення окремих елементів циркулярної економіки як передумови розвитку інноваційного потенціалу; аналіз та синтез - для обґрунтування наукового підходу до визначення стратегічних напрямків розвитку потенціалу підприємств. Сучасні економічні процеси зумовлюють необхідність впливу на діяльність усіх суб'єктів господарювання, зокрема, щодо стратегії та тактики.

Проблема планування та прогнозування розвитку потенціалу компанії спрямована на посилення існуючих конкурентних переваг, які надає циркулярна економіка. У статті обґрунтовано необхідність забезпечення системного характеру розвитку потенціалу підприємства, що дозволить активізувати процеси адаптаційних змін. За результатами вдосконалення організаційного забезпечення розвитку потенціалу впровадження інновацій визначено перспективні напрями модернізації та оновлення виробничо-комерційного процесу. Обґрунтовано складові розвитку потенціалу компанії в умовах циркулярної економіки, до яких належать: економічні інтереси учасників, ефективність діяльності, заходи щодо вдосконалення складових.

Виникла обґрунтована потреба у формуванні та реалізації заходів щодо актуалізації складових потенціалу підприємства в їх органічному поєднанні, створення підґрунтя для ефективного «бачення» власного розвитку підприємства та можливостей адекватної оцінки слабких і сильних. сторони потенціалу компанії. Запропоновано та обґрунтовано стратегічні напрямки розвитку потенціалу компанії в умовах циркулярної економіки. Отримані результати дослідження дозволяють підприємствам використовувати переваги циркулярної економіки, удосконалювати свою діяльність у конкурентних сегментах ринку та підтримувати конкурентні переваги на основі розвитку свого потенціалу з урахуванням економічних інтересів учасників.

Ключові слова: стратегічні напрями, потенціал підприємства, розвиток, циркулярна економіка, реструкту- ризаційні перетворення, стратегії, економічні інтереси, потреби розвитку.

Statement of the problem

Modern aspects of the development of enterprises and the trends of transformational processes of the economic environment of their operation make it necessary to find new approaches to the management of innovative potential. A priori, the development of the innovative potential of the enterprise has an anticipatory nature, therefore it is appropriate to consider its formation, state and implementation precisely through the prism of an anticipatory nature. The pace of changes, transformations, adaptations, introduction of innovative products and services cause the acceleration of management systems of enterprises, especially leading sectors of the economy. Also, in the conditions of the strengthening of globalization processes and the formation of a competitive environment in the realities of the domestic economic complex, enterprises face the problem of lagging behind competitors in the use of innovative products, technologies, and services. Domestic enterprises need the formation of approaches to the management of innovative potential, which will have an anticipatory character and allow them to ensure proper development and competitiveness.

Analysis of the latest research and publication

Scientific approaches and practical aspects of developing the potential of enterprises and determining strategic directions in the context of the cyclical economy are the subject of research by the following researchers Arefieva O., Poberezhna Z., Vovk O.M., Dudik A.O., Garafonova O.I., V.B. Horban, V.V. Gurochkina, M.S. Budzinska, V. Lebedeva, T. Shabatura, M. Vargatyuk, Y.G. Makovii, S.T. Piletska, T.Yu. Korytko, Sergiyenko L.V., O.V. Shkurenko, N.V. Shtykhan, L.V. Bezzubko and others. Despite the available research in this area, aspects of the formation and substantiation of the strategic directions of the development of the potential of enterprises when using the modern advantages of the cyclical economy to ensure the economic interests of the participants in organizational support and adaptation to the dynamic external environment remain unresolved.

Purpose of the article

The purpose of the study is the formation of a modern conceptual approach to the management of anticipatory development of the innovative potential of enterprises in the conditions of transformations, taking into account the priority of economic interests through knowledge management.


The problem of organizing their timely and effective management is one of the urgent and important problems in the implementation of planning and forecasting processes at the enterprise. The potential of the enterprise, based on the assessment of the enterprise's economic activity efficiency, makes it possible to assess the actual level of use of the enterprise's capabilities and compare it with the potential. The analysis of the enterprise potential allows to reveal the hidden reserves of resources in its components and to determine and substantiate alternative strategic directions of the enterprise's development for the forecasted period.

The formation of the enterprise's strategic potential depends not only on its potential capabilities, but also on the conditions for the implementation of strategic directions of development, on solving the multi-channel problem of their resource provision. Within the framework of the modern paradigm, the strategic potential of the enterprise can be defined as the basis for the creation and development of sustainable competitive advantages of the enterprise based on the formation of unique combinations of resources and distinctive competencies, strategic flexibility of management with the aim of producing successful products and technologies.

The development of the company's potential and its potential are different concepts in terms of content and dynamic direction, consideration of which will contribute to the justification of strategic guidelines. So, potential is the opportunity and ability of the enterprise to mobilize resources and competences in the implementation of all types of activities to ensure continuity of functioning. The development of the company's potential is a system of measures to ensure the implementation of the selected economic and competitive strategies and the formation of promising directions for the modernization and renewal of the production and commercial process in the conditions of the knowledge economy and digitalization.

The characteristic features of potential development are the formation of prospects based on the reflection of past trends, both changes and sales dynamics, it is based on a set of technical, economic, competence properties accumulated by it as a system in the process of forming an activity and those that condition the possibility for its functioning and development; determination of ability to practical application and use of available opportunities; applying updates and focusing on development (for the future), that is, it can be argued that strategic potential is the basis for developing an effective strategy and ensuring the appropriate level of enterprise development.

Strategic management of the development of the enterprise must necessarily take into account innovative development, because innovations enable the enterprise to expand the boundaries of its influence and capture new segments of consumers. The priority directions of innovative development include: development of new technologies; introduction of new technologies and equipment; introduction of modern information technologies; innovation management; training and retraining of workers' qualifications in the field of innovations [1].

An important stage of potential development is the assessment of the efficiency of the company's activities and future state in terms of the components of their potential, since their measurement is a certain prerequisite for management decisions when choosing the type of development strategy, ensuring the appropriate level of pace and quality of development processes, stability and intensity of restructuring and reengineering transformations. Scientists have proposed a sufficient number of developed indicator systems that are expedient to use when assessing the profitability of an enterprise in order to respond in a timely manner to changes in the conditions of the circular economy that occur in the external and internal environment of the enterprise, to adjust the implementation scenarios of the selected development strategy, including the specifics of the implementation of the features of the circular economy economy is not reflected.

The basis of the circular economy is the formation of new business models focused on reducing the number of resources used, implementing reuse or a closed cycle of production (planning the need for production in materials) and processing in production, which allows for environmental protection and reduces the primary need of enterprises industry in external resources. The concept of the circular economy is based on the secondary processing of almost any product, which is manifested at the stages of planning and development of products to ensure a long life cycle and a high potential of competitiveness of an industrial enterprise for further reuse, modernization, restoration and recycling [2].

Creating the potential of the enterprise and its development can be represented as a process of forming a list of opportunities, as well as planning scenarios for their implementation in order to implement neo- technological reproduction and the necessary pace of strengthening the competitive positions of the enterprise and satisfying the economic interests of the participants. The systematic nature of the development of the company's potential determines its formation and changes, that is, it is necessary to carry out processes of meaningful filling of potential components on an ongoing basis.

Determining the effectiveness of enterprise management has both scientific and practical importance, as it allows not only to evaluate the effectiveness of enterprise management, to analyze the total effect of its various structural units and areas of activity, but also to determine a development strategy, develop a forecast and action plan for the future, establish results use of spent resources and level of capitalization. In modern conditions, to determine the level of capitalization of an enterprise within the framework of evaluating its management, it is advisable to use VBM-management with the definition of a modified EVA indicator, which allows taking into account the influence of external environmental factors [3].

The development potential of the enterprise can be characterized by the following features, which reflect both the need and the need for development processes in order to implement safe functioning and create prerequisites for the implementation of the strategy: production and commercial opportunities by directions and types of activity; socio-economic orientation of formation and use of employees' competencies; provision of resources in terms of volumes, nomenclature, and the ability of technologies to replace them with more modern ones; the degree of satisfaction of the economic interests of the participants; organizational support from the point of view of flexibility, the ability to separate groups when applying the project approach in management; the level and culture of implementing restructuring transformations using the advantages of the cyclical economy.

The convergent approach to management is based on an organic combination of the capabilities of information technologies with the features of building a spatial-digital economy, regional markets and multi-functional products, while realizing the intersection of advanced achievements in the quality of technology, organization, planning, processing of new communications, as well as the possibility of transitioning to different platforms of innovative employees your It is worth noting that precisely the convergence of both development and the spatial circular economy may face a certain need to harmonize the elements and connections of the system in order to avoid their antagonism and ensure compatibility in order to preserve its integrity and create prerequisites for development [4]. Clarification of the strategic directions of the development of the company's potential is carried out in the following ways: in order to ensure the prospects of activity through the total or cumulative (cumulative) total for certain years of the planned integral indicator at the end of the specified period; the target value of the indicators at the end of the set period for each of the directions and by means of qualitative modeling the construction of a complex for forecasting the future. This also concerns the formation of organizational support and the need to ensure the economic interests of stakeholders when making changes in accordance with the dynamics of the external environment and the formation of strategy scenarios based on strategic directions of activity in order to maintain competitive advantages in selected markets. The model for choosing strategic areas of development, focused on the creation and implementation of elements of the cyclical economy, is presented in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. A model for choosing strategic areas of development, focused on the creation and implementation of elements of the circular economy [5; 6]

When determining the strategic directions of development of the company's potential, the main stage is the technology of developing strategic plans. Based on the development of strategic plans, there is a balancing of the company's development prospects and possible resources to optimize the cost assessment of the implementation of the production and commercial process. They allow the enterprise to avoid unforeseen situations regarding the influence of the external environment and market entities. The possibility and necessity of using the strategic directions of the enterprise's development and its economic potential in planning management.

In our opinion, the development of the company's potential is its ability to change real opportunities for the implementation of the development strategy, while the main task when choosing it is to ensure the continuous operation of the company, as well as the strategic level of competitiveness of the main areas and the formation of relevant segments of the goods market and services that are formed under the influence of the peculiarities of the market situation and are not subject to control by the subject, namely:

- the level and degree of the state and regional system of regulation of economic processes, the possibilities of its differentiation and the realization of the advantages of indicative planning;

- development of infrastructure and market institutions, includinglogistic, currency and financial regulation and control of operational, investment and financial activities of the enterprise; interest rate level; dynamics of the exchange rate of major currencies;

- measure of capacity of market segments; effectiveness of types of sales and transportation channels; the level of competition and characteristics of the concentration of the main market participants; consumer demands regarding product quality and service load;

- the level of labor productivity, the regularity of updating the technological component of the potential during the implementation of the development concept and the technology of operational activity;

- social and cultural level, regional features of management decision-making; advantages in solving environmental problems, quality of life and scale of implementation of digitalization;

- resource provision and selection of the pricing system, its flexibility and adaptability.

The influence of the enterprise development trends on its potential is manifested through competitiveness and the current state of the market, which determines the priority areas of activity and operational groups, which are characterized by the largest static and dynamic demand, as well as a weighted average price cluster with a certain profitability and price flexibility, and, accordingly, the increased demand contributes to the expansion of sales opportunities through the definition of interdependence and interconnection of indicators of industry and regional markets, which are based on approved programs of priority renewal and development.The economic and informational space as a factor in the formation of prerequisites for the development of potential has a significant place in the construction of the architecture of effective cooperation with the components of the external environment on the basis of partnership relations and balanced maintenance of the interests of the parties (owners, counterparties, creditors, investors, suppliers, consumers, etc.). The clarity of establishing one's strategic position relative to the main competitors will allow creating a monitoring system capable of differentially reflecting the nature and strength of the impact of non-security risks on the operation of the enterprise, clarifying the competitive map of the corresponding segment. Timely and systematic response to new challenges in a competitive environment will contribute to the leveling of new threats in the event of contradictions in the development of external potential, will contribute to strengthening the adaptive functions of the enterprise.


Thus, it is expedient to carry out strategic management of the development of the enterprise's potential on the basis of the identification and creation of unique resources, combinations and updated competencies, taking into account new opportunities for researching the development of the enterprise's potential and the market that create the prerequisites for the enterprise's ability to make the necessary changes, increase and expand the number of alternatives for its development.

circular economy innovative


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4. Arefieva O., Poberezhna Z. (2021). Konverhentnyi rozvytok innovatsiinoho spivrobitnytstva v umovakh pros- torovo-tsyrkuliarnoi ekonomiky [Convergent development of innovative cooperation in the conditions of spatial circular economy]. Adaptyvne upravlinnia: teoriia ipraktyka. Vypusk 10 (20).

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Список використаних джерел

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