Principle approach to forming and implementing an effective system of enterprise's economic security under conditions of economic recovery

Creation of a system of economic security of the enterprise at the current stage of development. The vision of the directions of transformational changes of this system in the conditions of threats from the external environment is of particular interest.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Poltava University of Economics and Trade

Principle approach to forming and implementing an effective system of enterprise's economic security under conditions of economic recovery

Vlasenko Valentyn

Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D. in Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management

Poltava, Ukraine


The methodological and practical recommendations for the formation and implementation of an effective system of economic security at enterprises under conditions of the post-war recovery of the national economy are substantiated. The author's interpretation of the category «enterprise security» is proposed as a set of organizational, technical, managerial, and personnel measures that ensure the enterprise's stable functioning within the defined tasks of its development under the influence of destabilizing factors of the external environment. This made it possible to determine the content of the scientific categories «financial security of the enterprise» and «personnel security of the enterprise». At the conceptual level, the components of the mechanism for managing the financial security of the enterprise are substantiated, which, together with the process of its management, form the basis of the general system for managing the financial security of the business entity. It is recommended to consider the personnel security subsystem as an essential component in the structure of a modern enterprise's human resources management system, which combines it with the economic security system. A principled approach to understanding the role and place of the subsystem offinancial and personnel security in the general system of the enterprise's economic security was formed, which made it possible to reveal in more detail the functional purpose of these subsystems and generalize the main elements (subjects and objects of management). The main areas of operation of the enterprise's economic security system under conditions of risks of economic activity and threats of the external environment are specified. The stages of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's economic security system based on the resource and functional approach were considered. The practical implementation of the proposed author's approach will contribute to a proper mechanism for monitoring the enterprise's economic security system and a clear division of work between functional executors. The tasks of forming the enterprise's financial and personnel security subsystems are summarized.

Keywords: business security, enterprise security, economic security, the enterprise's economic security system, financial security, the enterprise's financial security management mechanism, personnel security, enterprise personnel security subsystem, the process of evaluating the economic security of the enterprise, digitalization of the national economy.



ВЛАСЕНКО Валентин Анатолійович

кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту, Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі (м. Полтава, Україна)

У роботі обґрунтовано методологічні та розглянуто прикладні рекомендації щодо формування та реалізації ефективної системи економічної безпеки на підприємствах в умовах повоєнного відновлення економіки України. Незважаючи на наявність окремих пропозицій щодо створення ефективної системи економічної безпеки підприємства на сучасному етапі розвитку, цілісне бачення напрямів трансформаційних змін даної системи в умовах нових загроз зовнішнього середовища викликає особливий інтерес. Запропоновано авторське трактування категорії «безпека підприємства» як сукупності організаційних, технічних, управлінських та кадрових заходів, що дозволяють забезпечити стабільне функціонування підприємства в межах визначених завдань його розвитку в умовах впливу дестабілізуючих чинників зовнішнього середовища. Це дало змогу визначити зміст наукових категорій «фінансова безпека підприємства» та «кадрова безпека підприємства». На рівні концепції обґрунтовано складові механізму управління фінансовою безпекою підприємства, який разом із процесом управління нею становить основу загальної системи управління фінансовою безпекою суб'єкту господарської діяльності. Рекомендовано підсистему кадрової безпеки розглядати як важливу складову у структурі системи управління персоналом сучасного підприємства, що поєднує її із системою економічної безпеки. Сформовано принциповий підхід до розуміння ролі і місця підсистеми фінансової та кадрової безпеки у загальній системі економічної безпеки підприємства, що дозволило детальніше розкрити функціональне призначення цих підсистем та узагальнити основні елементи (суб'єкти та об'єкти управління). Конкретизовано основні напрями роботи системи економічної безпеки підприємства в умовах ризиків господарської діяльності та загроз зовнішнього середовища. Розглянуто етапи процесу оцінювання ефективності системи економічної безпеки підприємства на засадах ресурсно- функціонального підходу. Практична реалізація запропонованого авторського підходу сприятиме впровадженню належного механізму моніторингу стану системи економічної безпеки суб 'єктів господарювання та чіткому розподілу робіт між функціональними виконавцями. Узагальнено завдання формування підсистем фінансової та кадрової безпеки підприємства.

Key words: безпека бізнесу, безпека підприємства, економічна безпека, система економічної безпеки підприємства, фінансова безпека, механізм управління фінансовою безпекою підприємства, кадрова безпека, підсистема кадрової безпеки підприємства, процес оцінювання економічної безпеки підприємства, діджиталізація національної економіки.


Rapid changes in the external environment, caused by the protracted financial and economic crisis, the gradual overcoming of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the aggravation of socio-political processes under conditions of active hostilities on the territory of our country led to the emergence of economic risks and threats to the activity of socio-economic systems. Nowadays, the security factor of the functioning of business entities is one of the defining elements of the development management mechanism at Ukrainian enterprises, which will allow the formation of an effective economic security management system in the short term.

The implementation of effective economic activity by enterprises at the current stage of adaptation of the national economy to the requirements of wartime is accompanied by the need to overcome the threats of negative factors of the external environment, restore the stable state of individual economic entities as a result of their exit from crises, and ensure stable solvency in the future. For these reasons, the management of most market entities is trying to form systems of economic security of business activity by applying an integrated approach.

The need to form an integral system of economic security at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms remains an urgent and debatable scientific issue. Namely, at present, only an effective combination of functional subsystems within the general system of the enterprise's economic security guarantees its further survival in the harsh conditions of competitive pressure, effective functioning in market segments, and dynamic development of internal business processes. That is why a complete system of economic security is critical to an enterprise's survival under new challenges and threats to the competitive environment.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The problems of forming an effective system of economic security at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, determining the optimal structure of its main subsystems are the field of scientific research of many scientists, among whom it is appropriate to single out O. V. Cherevko, O. I. Chernyak, S. B. Dovbnya, B. S. Dub, V. M. Geets, O. L. Gerasymova, N. Yu. Gichova, T. S. Klebanova, G. V. Kozachenko, T. B. Kuzenko, M. O. Kyzym, O. M. Lyashenko, V. P. Ponomaryov, L. V. Sharyi, O. O. Sosnovska, N. I. Verkhoglyadova, N. V. Zachosova, Z. B. Zhyvko [1-6, 8, 11, 14, 16].

Certain aspects of enterprise financial security management were considered in their works by researchers O. I. Baranovskyi, I. V. Fedulova, Yu. V. Lavrova, S. I. Melnyk, O. V. Orlyk, L. A. Parfentiy, G. T. Pyatnytska, L. S. Yastrubetska [9, 12, 13].

Characterization of the components of personnel security of the enterprise is devoted to the publications of O. V. Arefieva, I. Ya. Burda, O. M. Gerasymenko, S. V. Kondratieva, I. P. Migus, G. V. Nazarova, V. I. Tkachenko, R. I. Urdukhanov [7, 10, 15].

However, despite the existence of numerous scientific studies on economic security, there is still a practical interest in works that reveal the peculiarities of forming an effective economic security system at enterprises and determine the structure of its functional components.

Forming the purpose of the article

The study aims to substantiate the scientific-methodical and applied principles for the formation and implementation of an effective system of economic security at enterprises under conditions of the post-war recovery of the national economy.

By the purpose of the study, the recommended principled approach to understanding the role and place of the subsystem of financial and personnel security in the general system of the enterprise's economic security was proposed, as well as the author's version of the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's economic security system based on the resource and functional approach was developed.

Formulation of the main material

When considering the issue of forming an effective system of economic security at enterprises, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the ontological content of the scientific category «enterprise security».

At the current stage of the development of socio-economic relations, the term «security» is understood as a complex concept containing various interpretations. In the social sciences, the concept of «security» characterizes the satisfaction of such needs as existence, integrity, independence, peace, and development. The approach is quite widespread, according to which security is defined as «a state of preservation and protection of the stable existence and development of an object (system), in which the probability of changes caused by external or internal influences, of any parameters (characteristics) of functioning is minimal» [4, p. 20].

Security should be understood as the permanent management of static (permanently existing) and dynamic (temporarily acting) external and internal threats with the aim of their complete elimination, removal, or at least reduction of possible damage to the functioning of the facility with the same conditions and parameters [11, p. 17].

Scientist B. S. Dub understands security as «the conditions in which a complex system is located, when the action of external factors and internal factors does not lead to processes that are considered negative about this complex system by the existing, at this stage, needs, knowledge, and ideas» [6, p. 9].

Professor N. I. Verkhoglyadova emphasizes that «security is the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of causing any harm to the life, health, and property of citizens, as well as the natural environment» [1]. A similar view is held by O. O. Sosnovska, who noted that «security is characterized by the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of causing harm and (or) inflicting damage» [14, p. 106]. At the same time, the proposed definitions do not indicate the limits of unacceptable risk, which are vital indicators of danger.

Researchers O. L. Gerasymova, M. V. Podolyanu, and A. V. Chachkova believe that «security is a state of the subject (entity) in which the probability of changing the qualities inherent in this subject (entity) and the parameters of its external environment is insignificant, less than certain interval» [3, p. 143]. However, the features of changes in the qualities and parameters of the external environment are considered superficially in the proposed definition.

On the other hand, the category «enterprise security» is understood as the state of effective use of its resources (capital resources, personnel, information and technology, equipment and equipment, corporate rights) and existing market opportunities, which allows for preventing internal and external negative influences (threats) and ensure its long-term survival and sustainable development in the market by the chosen mission.

Ukrainian scientists S. B. Dovbnya and N. Yu. Gichova rightly note that «enterprise security is a set of measures that contribute to increasing the financial stability of economic entities under the conditions of a market economy, which protect their commercial interests from the influence of negative market processes» [5, p. 91]. There is a fairly widespread opinion that «enterprise security is a set of factors that ensure independence, stability, and the ability to progress in conditions of destabilizing factors» [2, p. 35].

Summarizing the previous definitions, we consider it expedient to offer the author's interpretation of the category «enterprise security» as a set of organizational, technical, managerial, and personnel measures that ensure the stable functioning of the enterprise within the defined tasks of its development under the influence of destabilizing factors of the external environment.

The main goal of the enterprise's economic security should be to guarantee its stable and maximally effective functioning at the current stage and to provide appropriate conditions for realizing the existing development potential in the future.

In order to manage the economic security of the enterprise effectively, an appropriate system of economic security must be formed. In this context, T. B. Kuzenko notes that «the enterprise's economic security system is a complex of organizational and managerial, regulatory, technical, preventive and propaganda measures aimed at the quantitative implementation of the protection of the interests of the enterprise from external and internal threats» [8, p. 146]. According to L. V. Sharyi, the economic security system is an interconnected set of unique structures, means, methods, and measures that ensure business security from internal and external threats [16, p. 267].

Functional components of the enterprise's economic security system are considered to be:

Intellectual and personnel components.

Information component.

Technical and technological components.

Financial component.

Political-legal and ecological components.

Power component.

Financial and personnel security play a prominent role in an enterprise's economic security system.

Researcher Yu. V. Lavrova understands the category «financial security of the enterprise» as «the ability of the enterprise to independently develop and implement a financial strategy by the goals of the general corporate strategy in an uncertain and competitive environment» [9, p. 128]. In its central part, this definition is based on a strategic approach. O. V. Orlyk supports a similar approach, characterizing the financial security of the enterprise as «the boundary condition of financial stability or the boundary state of financial stability that the enterprise must ensure in order to implement its strategy, resist internal and external threats» [12, Pp. 223 -224].

Professors G. T. Pyatnytska and I. V. Fedulova give an exciting interpretation, emphasizing that «the financial security of the enterprise is the ability to create and maintain such financial conditions at the enterprise in which the impact on the enterprise of both external factors and internal factors does not lead to processes that are negative in terms of financial support for the activities, development of the enterprise and allows to form its stable financial condition, which is necessary to achieve the set goals» [13].

Therefore, from the point of view of the author, the content of the scientific category «financial security of the enterprise» should be understood as the state of the enterprise's production, commercial, financial, and economic activity, which characterizes the level of its provision of financial resources and reflects the ability to counteract challenges and threats of the external environment, allows to ensure the protection of financial interests of the economic entity from negative influences and forming adaptive control mechanisms for destructive conditions and factors of business development. economic security threat

It should be emphasized that the mechanism for managing the financial security of the enterprise is a set of interconnected methods (economic, administrative, legal, social, and psychological), levers (pricing, taxation, interest rates, spending limits, loans, fines, investment flows, material bonuses, etc.) and elements of support (organizational and legal, informational, instrumental and technical) that allow the financial subsystem to function effectively in the direction of rational use of financial resources and growth of the enterprise's market value.

The mechanism for managing the financial security of the enterprise, together with the process of its management, form the basis of the general system for managing the financial security of the business entity.

The researcher S. V. Kondratieva interprets the category «personnel security of the enterprise» as «... a complex of actions aimed at ensuring the process of interaction of employees to perform basic personnel work and measures that will reduce the negative impact of factors of both the external and internal environment of the enterprise» [7, p. 195].

Ukrainian scientists G. V. Nazarova and R. I. Urdukhanov apply a systematic approach to understanding the essence of personnel security; they note that «personnel security of the enterprise is an adaptive system that is always in dynamic development, adapting to emerging threats and developing under their influence, if possible warning them» [10, p. 27]. However, in the author's opinion, the specified definition is sufficiently generalized to understand the etymological content and structure of the category «personnel security of the enterprise».

A methodologically interesting definition is offered by V. I. Tkachenko, who believes that «personnel security is a set of conditions and factors of the enterprise that create security for the vital interests of participants in social and labor relations, contribute to the effective and harmonious development of human resources» [15, p. 83]. The researcher substantiates the combination of target, resource, and comparative approaches to understanding the essence of the enterprise's personnel security.

Summarizing the above definitions, the author proposes to understand the content of the category «personnel security of the enterprise» as a set of means and conditions for protecting the personnel subsystem from the threats and dangers of the external environment, which allows coordinating the interests of the enterprise's management and employees in the direction of realizing the long-term goals of its development.

No less importance should be given to the management of personnel security of the enterprise, which is the process of the security system subject's influence on the managed objects to eliminate threats and dangers from the market environment.

In turn, the personnel security subsystem should include the main components of the enterprise's general human resources management system and provide for the performance of related functions. The personnel security subsystem is an essential component in a modern enterprise's human resources management system and combines it with the economic security system.

Fig. 1 shows a principled approach to understanding the role and place of the financial and personnel security subsystem in the enterprise's general economic security system.

As proposed in Fig. 1, the structure of the enterprise's financial and personnel security subsystem allows for revealing their functional purpose in more detail. It generalizes the main elements (subjects and objects of management).

In our view, an effective system of the enterprise's economic security should provide for the formation of a state of stable life activity, functional stability, and financial stability, which ensures the realization of the main economic interests in the market of goods and services, the protection of the subject of market relations from internal and external threats and other destructive factors of the external environment.

The main areas of operation of the enterprise's economic security system under conditions of risks of economic activity and threats of the external environment include protection of commercial secrets and confidentiality of information; computer security; internal security; safety of buildings and structures; physical security; technical security; communication security; security of economic and contractual activity; safety of transportation of goods and people; security of advertising, cultural, mass events, business meetings and negotiations; fire safety; environmental safety; radiation and chemical safety; competitive intelligence; information and analytical work; social, psychological and preventive work among personnel and their training on safety issues; expert review for the mechanism of the enterprise's security system.

Ukrainian researchers L. M. Shymanovska-Dianych and V. A. Vlasenko summarized the components of a flexible system of economic security for enterprise development in the following measures [17, p. 134-135]:

Determination of the primary sources and nature of threats and destructive factors affecting the enterprise's management system.

Active means of cooperation of the enterprise with suppliers, industry intermediaries, and contact audiences to establish close relations.

The main goals of economic activity security of structural subsystems are to prompt the identification of destructive factors, prevent their negative influence or eliminate them, eliminate the consequences of influence, and stabilize and return the socio-economic system to its previous state.

Implementation of the main tasks by determining the necessary level of funding for the maintenance of the structural divisions of the enterprise; assessments of the level of threats to the enterprise; comparison of funding opportunities with the level of threats for the implementation of the necessary areas of work in this area.

Clear formation of objects of threats (personnel, material means of labor and financial funds, information resources with limited access, means and systems of computerization of enterprise activities, technical means and systems of protection (protection) of material and informational resources, interests, property, technologies, products and services, economic and other relations with partners) and protection subjects (Economic Security Services, Enterprise Security Departments, personal data protection specialists, programmers and database administrators, etc.).

Interconnection in the activity process of all structural divisions of the enterprise in the direction of performing their functional duties.

Fig. 1. Recommended principled approach to understanding the role and place of the subsystem of financial and personnel security in the general system of the enterprise's economic security

* Source: Developed by the author

The enterprise's economic security subsystem should lead in the overall organizational structure of the enterprise's management when forming a holistic organizational and economic mechanism for managing its development.

The assessment of its effectiveness should be equally important during the creation of the enterprise economic security system. As a rule, in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's economic security system, three approaches are most often used:

resource and functional approach - involves evaluating the security system of the enterprise based on the assessment of the state of use of corporate resources according to particular criteria;

programmatic and target approach - oriented towards the calculation of integral indicators that comprehensively characterize the state of the enterprise's security system;

indicator approach - is because the security system assessment is established based on the results of comparing the enterprise's actual performance indicators with the developed or normative indicators.

We are convinced that applying the resource and functional approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's economic security system is the most expedient in conditions of high uncertainty of external environmental factors and the unstable state of the internal potential of functional subsystems.

Fig. 2. Recommended process of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's economic security system based on the resource and functional approach

* Source: Developed by the author

As can be seen from Fig. 2, in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's economic security system, its top management must determine the general list of threats for each functional component to assess the feasibility and cost of measures related to the prevention of losses in the enterprise's activities, determine partial functional criteria for assessing the state of individual components of this system, determine the reasons and responsible persons for the insufficient effectiveness of the implemented measures, to establish the significance of partial functional criteria and to determine the size of the aggregate criterion of economic security of the enterprise, to develop measures to eliminate the negative impact of existing threats, as well as to evaluate the cost of the proposed measures.

The proposed stages of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise's economic security system will allow the formation of a proper mechanism for monitoring the state of this system and distributing work between the responsible persons of its separate functional subsystems.

Conclusions and prospects for further investigations

Thus, in the process of creating an effective system of the enterprise's economic security, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach that will allow its top management to implement the entire available arsenal of means of influencing risk factors, sources of threats, and dangers that prevent the successful functioning and further development of the market entity under conditions of the economy wartime.

The critical task of forming the subsystem of financial security at the enterprise under conditions of digitalization of the national economy and the complication of business processes within functional divisions is to ensure the financial balance of the business entity by optimizing the amount of operating income at a minimum level of financial risks. The goal of implementing the personnel security subsystem should be to ensure an appropriate mechanism for protecting the enterprise and employees, particularly from the uncontrolled influence of environmental factors.

Implementing an effective system of economic security at the enterprise in the aggregate of its financial and personnel components in the context of the wartime economy and the post-war recovery of Ukraine will require further scientific research in this direction.


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