Peculiarities of Italian "dry ports" in the context of foreign economic activity

Experience of Italy regarding the peculiarities of the functioning of "dry ports" in the context of foreign economic activity. Analysis of the legislative acts of Italy, which regulate the creation and operation of the intermodal infrastructure.

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Peculiarities of Italian «dry ports» in the context of foreign economic activity

Serhii Popel,

senior researcher at the customs development department, candidate of economic sciences


Objective. The article is aimed at studying the Italian experience of the peculiarities offunctioning of dry ports in the context of foreign economic activity.

Research methods. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: induction and deduction, theoretical generalisation, abstraction, dialectical cognition - when studying scientific sources and researching the specifics of the creation and operation ofdry ports, comparative method - for systematisation of information on legal acts, structural and functional method - for studying foreign experience, and the method of generalisation - for forming the conclusions of the study).

Results. The article analyses the main legislative acts of Italy that regulate the creation and functioning of the country's intermodal infrastructure, namely: Law №240 of 4 August 1990 on the State Regulation of the Construction of Interports Aimedat the Transport of Goods and in Favour of Intermodality; National Logistics Plan for 2011-2020; and Draft Law №703 on the Framework Law on Interports.

The study found that in order to consolidate and develop intermodal transport and logistics in the country, the Union of Interports of Italy (Unione Interporti Riuniti) was created, the main purpose of which is to increase the role of multimodal facilitiesand develop a stable connection between them and all other entities involved in logistics activities.

The author analyses the activities of the largest dry ports in Italy in the context of their specifics, location and transport links, the range of logistics and customs services provided by them, the area and logistics, forms of ownership, ownership structure, etc.

Scientific novelty. The study of international experience in the creation and operation of intermodal infrastructure facilities has been further developed.

Practical significance. The main provisions of this study can be used in the process of developing proposals for improving the procedure for creating dry ports in Ukraine.

Key words: intermodal transport, dry port, infrastructure facilities, logistics.


Особливості діяльності «сухих портів» Італії в контексті здійснення зовнішньоекономічної діяльності

Сергій Попель,

старший науковий співробітник відділу розвитку митної справи Науково-дослідного інституту фінансової політики Державного податкового університету, кандидат економічних наук

Мета. Метою статті є дослідження досвіду Італії щодо особливостей функціонування «сухих портів» в контексті здійснення зовнішньоекономічної діяльності.

Методи дослідження. Для досягнення поставленої мети використано такі методи: індукції та дедукції, теоретичного узагальнення, абстрагування, діалектичного пізнання - при вивченні наукових джерел та дослідженні особливостей створення і функціонування «сухих портів», компаративний - для систематизації відомостей про правові акти, структурно-функціональний - для вивчення зарубіжного досвіду, метод узагальнення - для формування висновків дослідження).

Результати. Проведено аналіз основних законодавчих актів Італії, якими регламентується створення та функціонування інтермодальної інфраструктури країни, а саме: Закон «Про державне регулювання будівництва інтерпортів, які спрямовані на перевезення вантажів і на користь інтермодальності» від 4 серпня 1990 року №240; Національний план логістики на 2011-2020 роки; проєкт закону «Рамковий закон про інтерпорти» №703.

В ході дослідження виявлено, що для консолідації та розвитку інтермодального транспорту та логістики в країні було створено Об'єднання Інтерпортів Італії (Unione Interporti Riuniti), основною метою якого є підвищення ролі мультимодальних об'єктів та розвиток стабільного зв'язку між ними та всіма іншими суб'єктами, залученими дологістичноїдіяльності.

Проаналізовано діяльність найбільших «сухих портів» Італії в контексті особливостей їх функціонування, місця розташування та транспортного сполучення, спектру логістичних і митних послуг, які ними надаються, площі та матеріально-технічного забезпечення, форм власності, структури власників та ін.

Наукова новизна. Набуло подальшого розвитку дослідження міжнародного досвіду особливостей створення і функціонування об'єктів інтермодальноїінфраструктури.

Практична значущість. Основні положення даного дослідження можуть бути використані в процесі напрацювання пропозицій щодо удосконалення процедури створення «сухих портів» в Україні.

Ключові слова: інтермодальні перевезення, «сухий порт», інфраструктурні об'єкти, логістика.

Main part

Problem statement. The volume of intermodal transport in the world is growing every year. Thus, as of 2022, the global intermodal freight market is estimated at USD 54.8 billion. At the same time, it is expected to reach USD 171.5 billion in 2030. The average annual growth rate of this freight transport industry is projected to be 15.3% (Intermodal Freight Transportation, 2023). Therefore, the development of dry ports inUkraine, as an important component of the intermodal business, can significantly improve the dynamics of Ukraine's foreign economic activity under martial law. Therefore, it is necessary to study the possibilities of implementing international best practices in the creation of such logistics centres in Ukraine.

It is determined that in some countries, intermodal infrastructure is characterised by a high level of development and a significant impact on the national economy, in particular in Italy. Therefore, it has been chosen as a benchmark for developing proposals for the development of Ukraine's logistics infrastructure, in particular, the creation of dry ports. It is worth noting that it is impossible to fully translate effective international experience into domestic practice given the peculiarities of our country's geographical location, its logistics potential and the war-affected business environment. However, certain elements of this experience can be used as a basis for amodel for the creation and operation of dry ports in Ukraine.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Among the scholars who have studied the peculiarities of intermodal infrastructure functioning, the following can be distinguished: Artemenko A. V, Zavhorodna Y V, Nelipovych O. V, Melnyk O. V, Miroshnyk O. V, Rudoi T V, Tymoshchuk O.M., Shcherbyna V V

Despite the significant number of studies on this topic, there are still many controversial issues that require further study, including a study of international experience in the specifics of dry ports and the possibility of its implementation in Ukraine.

The article is aimed at studying the Italian experience of the peculiarities of functioning of dry ports in the context of foreign economic activity.

Summary of the main research material. The main legislative act that regulates the creation and operation of the country's intermodal infrastructure and defines the legal regime of dry ports is the Italian Law «On the State Regulation of the Construction of Interports Aimed at the Transport of Goods and in the Benefit of Intermodality» of 4 August 1990, №240. This law contains provisions on (Legge n. 240, 1990):

- definition of the term «dry port». «A dry port is an organic set of integrated structures and services aimed at the exchange of goods between different modes of transport, and includes rail connections to seaports and airfields and access to motorways;

- classification of interports («dry ports» in Italy), which are divided into nationaland local ports and are defined by the General Transport Plan;

- construction and management of interports. Initially, it was determined that the construction and management was entrusted to state bodies and joint-stock companiesunited in consortia on the basis of a concession agreement, which later turned out to becontrary to the European Directive DIR. 75/130/EC and DIR. 92/106/EC, which favour liberalisation. Therefore, a legislative decree was adopted on 01.04.1995, which essentially provided for the privatisation of intermodal infrastructure;

- peculiarities of financing interports;

- rules for intermodal activities.

Another regulatory act that has been used to develop Italy's intermodal infrastructure for a long time is the National Logistics Plan for 2011-2020, developed by the General Consultation for Road Transport and Logistics at the initiative of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport. This national plan is a tool for implementingthe 2001 General Transport and Logistics Plan to ensure a unified direction of transport policy, as well as to coordinate and harmonise the exercise of powers and administrative interventions by the state and regions. The logistics plan identifies ten areas of intervention, characterised by fifty-one measures to be implemented in varioustransport and logistics sectors. It affirmed the central role of intermodality and the needto achieve a high level of free and intermodal integration, and it was also intended to create, through the intervention of local authorities and careful financial planning, railand road infrastructure capable of guaranteeing their interconnection with the Trans - European Transport Networks (TEN-T networks) in order to achieve socio-economic benefits. The most important measures to be taken at the regulatory level outlined in the Plan are, in addition to the provision of incentive schemes for intermodality, the reform of the port legal system, the creation of a transport and logistics authority and the reform of the law on freight villages («dry ports») (Il testo della legge quadro sugliinterporti, 2010).

In recent years, the need to reform the procedure for the establishment and operation of interports has become increasingly acute, as Law №240 of 1990 has become outdated, and therefore legislators have drafted the Framework Law onInterports №703, which is currently being considered by the Italian Senate. Its main objective is to create an efficient network of dry ports capable of concentrating logistics operators, shippers, road transport companies, intermodal terminals and customs services. The main points to be provided for in the draft law are (Legge A.C. 703, 2023):

1. Specifying the goals of intermodal infrastructure.

2. Implementation of intermodal planning principles.

3. Identification conditions and requirements for creating interports.

4. Functions and responsibilities of the National Committee forIntermodality and Logistics.

5. The legal regime of import management (management is based on private law).

6. Financial support for the development of intermodality, interports and inter-port railway connections.

«Today, dry ports are one of the most important components of the Italian logistics industry, which is why the Union of Italian Interports (Unione Interporti Riuniti - hereinafter referred to as UIR) was established to consolidate and develop intermodal transport and logistics in the country. UIR is a national association that unites almost all Italian interports. Founded in 2003, the Association is the sole representative of theintermodal transport sector, whose main goal is to enhance the role of multimodal facilities and develop stable communication between them and all other entities involved in logistics activities. The Association also carries out information, educationand promotion activities for members, legislative and governmental institutions, aswell as business structures, acting as a qualified intermediary to help solve problems related to the development of the national logistics and transport system (UIR, 2023).In order to become a member of the UIR, the dry port authority must apply for membership and be assessed by a special committee for compliance with certaincriteria. In addition, according to the law, all dry ports operating in Italy must be registered with the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Today, 24 intermodal facilities are members of the Association: Interporto Bologna S.P.A., Interporto Centro Ingrosso Pordenone, Interporto Regionale Della Puglia, Interporto Cervignano Del Friuli S.P.A., Civitavecchia Fruit & Forest Terminal, Stazioni Doganali Autoportuali di Gorizia, Interporto Toscana Amerigo Vespucci S.P.A., Interporto Sud Europa, Interporto Campano, Polo Logistico Di Mortara S.P.A., Interporto Centro Italia Orte S.P.A, Interporto Servizi Doganali E Intermodali Del Brennero S.P.A., Interporto Padova S.P.A., Interporto Di Parma, Portogruaro Interporto S.P.A., Carbones Italy SRL, Interporto Della Toscana Centrale S.P.A, Interporto Rivalta Scravia S.P.A., Interporto Vado Io Spa, Interporto Di Rovigo S.P.A., Societa Interporto Di Torino, Interporto Di Venezia, Quadrante Europa Verona Interporto, Interporto Di Trieste (Unione Interporti Riuniti, 2023).

According to the official data of the UIR (Interporti, una riforma trainata dal Pnrr, 2023), the total area of warehouses of all dry ports is more than 32 million m2, and 50,000 trains are unloaded/loaded every year, transporting more than 65 million tonnesof cargo, equivalent to 2 million TEU.

The vast majority of dry ports operating in Italy are established in the form of joint-stock companies Societa per azioni (S.P.A.) is a form of corporation in Italy, literally translated as «company limited by shares». Shareholders' interests in a joint - stock company are distributed in the form of shares, and the minimum authorised capital is EUR 120,000. The supreme governing body of a joint-stock company is the general meeting of its shareholders. A joint-stock company is the only form of business that allows the company's shares to be listed on a stock exchange.

In some cases, a limited liability company (Societa a responsabilita limitata (S.R.L.) is also used. Unlike a joint-stock company, in this form, the shares of the participants are not in the form of shares, and the minimum authorised capital is EUR 10,000. If an SRL has two or more founders, at the time of its establishment, at least 25% of the authorised capital must be deposited into a special bank account. And if there is only one founder, then the entire €10,000 must be deposited at the time of registration. For example, in 2013, the international Austrian corporation Carbones established an intermodal terminal in Italy in the form of a limited liability company, which is to handle such cargoes as coal, ferroalloys, iron and steel products.

For example, let's look at the ownership and ownership structure of some of Italy'sdry ports (Table 1):

Thus, the table above shows that in the vast majority of cases, Italian dry ports are established in the form of public-private partnerships in which the majority of shares are held by state shareholders (usually the shareholder with the largest share is a municipality or provincial administration). The charters of most dry ports state that the share of state shareholders in the charter capital cannot be less than 20%. Other shareholders are usually banking institutions, transport companies, chambers of commerce and industry, associations or unions of industrialists. The import port is managed by the Board of Directors, which is appointed on the basis of the dry port's charter and the current Italian legislation. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is appointed by the municipality of the province where the logisticsfacility is located. The Executive Director, who directly manages the port, is appointedby the Board of Directors.

One of the most important issues that arise when opening a dry port is its locationand transport links. As a rule, such logistics facilities are located close to internationalroads and railways, airports, seaports and river ports. For example, in Italy, 70% of thetotal cargo traffic handled by dry ports is accounted for by those located in the northernpart of the country (14 out of 24) (Fig. 1), which is due to the fact that the largest pan-European corridors pass through this region of Italy: Corridor 1 (Baltic-Adriatic); Corridor 3 (Mediterranean), which partially replaces the former Corridor 5 Lisbon - Kyiv; Corridor 5 (Helsinki-La Valletta), which partially replaces the former Corridor 1 Berlin-Palermo; Corridor 6 (Genoa-Rotterdam).

Ownership and structure of Italian dry ports

«Dry Port»

Form of ownership

Ownership structure, % of shares

Interporto Centro Ingrosso Pordenone


Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone-Udine - 78.97% The Municipality of Pordenone - 15.34%.

Interporto - Centro Ingrosso di Pordenone S.p.A. - 4.28%. Confederation of the North Adriatic - 0.67%

The Union of Italian Enterprises - 0.35% Pordenone Craftsmen's Union - 0.30%.

Provincial federation of winegrowers - 0.04%.

Provincial Union of Friulian Co-operatives - 0.02%. Provincial Union of Farmers of Pordenone - 0.01%.

Interporto Bologna


The Municipality of Bologna - 35.1%. Bologna Metro - 17.56%.

Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group - 17.21%.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bologna - 5.9% Association of Industrialists of the Provinces of Bologna, Modena, Ferrara - 5.13%.

BPER Banca Banking Group - 2.6%. Unilog Group - 2.47%

Interporto Bologna - 2.11%.

Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro s.p.a. - 2.08% Generali Italia - 1.69%.

Mercitalia Rail 1.49%.

A.B.S.E.A. - 1.49% Banco BPM - 1.43%.

Artigianato Group of companies - 1.43% Dexia Crediop - 1.13%.

L'operosa - 1.1%.

Societa Interporto di Torino


Finpiemonte (owned by the Piedmont region) - 52.74% Socotras (an association of private companies) - 43.26

Mercitalia Logistics - 4%.

Interporto Rivalta Scravia


Argo Financial SPA - 1.65%.

Port Authority of Savona - 0.06%. Autostrada Dei Fiori SPA - 48.16%. Municipality of Alessandria - 0.19%. Confindustria Alessandria - 0.13%. Finpiedmont - 4.72%.

Rivalta Scrivia Interport - 49.81%

Stazioni Doganali Autoportuali di Gorizia


Municipality of Gorizia - 100%

Societa Interporto di Torino, 2023; Interporto Bologna, 2023; Interporto Centro Ingrosso Pordenone, 2023)

1. In addition to these transport corridors, it is also worth noting the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian trade routes that pass through the area (Rapporto UIR, 2013).

Location of Italian ports

dry port foreign trade

The location of a dry season port largely determines its transport links. Let'sconsider the transport connection of Italian interports (Table 2).

Table 2/ Transport links between Italian interports

«Dry Port»

Railway connection

Air services

Road connections

Sea connection

Interporto Centro Ingrosso Pordenone

The railway connection is provided by the operator Rete Ferroviaria Italiana by railway lines Venice - Udine - Tarvisio - Trieste

Marco Polo Internation al Airport (Venice)

Motorway A28 Trunk road SS13

Seaports of Venice and Trieste

Interporto Bologna

Railway connection is provided by the Terminali Italia operator


Marconi Internation al Airport (Bologna)

At the crossroads of 5 transport routes of national and international importance and between Corridor 3 (Mediterranean) and Trans-European Corridor 5 (Helsinki-La Valletta) and Corridor 1 (Baltic-Adriatic).

The seaports of Trieste, La Spezia and Livorno.

Interporto Cervignano Del Friuli

Railway lines:

- Venice - Trieste;

- Cervignano - Palmanova - Udine;

- Udine - Tarvisio

Ronchi dei Legionari Airport (Trieste)

Motorway A4

Seaports of Trieste, Nogaro and Monfalcone

Interporto Di Gorizia

International railway line Gorizia-Nova Gorica

Ronchi dei Legionari Airport (Trieste)

Italian motorway A34, which branches off the A4 motorway (part of the European route E70). Slovenian motorway H4

Seaports of Trieste, Nogaro and Monfalcone

Interporto Campano

It is the only intermodal platform in Italy that has a private railway station operated by RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana).

Capodoccin o Internation al Airport (Naples)

Motorways: A16 Naples-Bari, A30 Caserta-Salerno, A1 Naples - Milan, A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria

Seaports of Naples, Gioia Tauro, Taranto, Salerno and Bari

Thus, based on the information provided in the table, it is possible to identify a number of features of the transport connection of dry ports in Italy, namely

- the vast majority of intermodal terminals use the services of the national railway operator Rete Ferroviaria Italiana. Nevertheless, other regional operators, such as Ferrovie Emilia Romagna and Ferrovie del Sud Est, also provide transport services;

- Almost all dry ports are located near major cities, which gives them access to a network of international airports;

- Italy's imports do not have connections to inland waterways (unlike in northernEurope, where this mode of transport is widely used in the intermodal industry);

- Usually, a dry port is created as a satellite for a particular seaport, but Italian ports provide their services to several simultaneously.

Thus, Italy's dry ports allow for the integration of land, rail, water and air transport, creating synergies between the 4 modes of transport, which allows for dynamic and efficient management of logistics flows.

Another important characteristic of interports is their area and logistics. Their capacity and efficiency depend on these characteristics. For example, let's look at these characteristics of several dry ports (Table 3).

Table 3. Area and material and technical support of Italian interports

«Dry Port»


Logistical support

Interporto Centro Ingrosso Pordenone

Total area 840,000 m2 including:

- Railway terminal - 160,000 m2;

- Office space - 200 m2;

- Railway equipment workshop - 1000 m2;

- Conveyor and shipping warehouses - 107,000 m2;

- Logistics centre - 30,000 m2;

- Intermodal platform - 100,000 m2;

- Industrial zone - 25,000 m2;

- Space for warehouses and storage areas: 50,000 m2.

The railway terminal has 7 tracks, 3 of which are electrified for 800 metres and 4 for 750 and 700 metres. The platform is designed to receive Ro-La trains (freight transport by train) and is prepared for the installation of portal cranes.

Interporto Cervignano Del Friuli

It covers an area of 460,000 m2, which includes:

- Intermodal terminal - 160,000 m2;

- Covered warehouses - 24,000 m2;

- Open warehouses and car parks - 50,000 m2;

- Administrative buildings - 2500 m2.

- 3 railway branches of 2 tracks of 750 m each;

- road scales and two overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 12.5 and 30 tonnes;

- 4 riverboats (3 of them with piggybacks);

- 2 port tractors and loaders of various capacities;

The warehouses are connected to the railway and are equipped with hydraulic shutters, an external platform at the level

of the shutters, a sprinkler system, service offices and technical facilities.

Interporto Di Gorizia

Total area 600,000 m2 including:

- 43,000 m2 - covered warehouses;

- 260,000 m2 of open warehouse space;

- 20,000 m2 - intermodal terminal;

- 33,000 m2 - cooling rooms.

- The warehouse is equipped with an air purification system and an overhead crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tonnes;

- 5 caterpillar tractors with lengths of 500 m, 385 m, 350 m, 340 m;

- The Ro-La system, consisting of concrete platforms and loading ramps located along the main railway axis;

- 11 cooling chambers (from 190

m2 to 650 m2) with a total area of 4,400 m2 and a total volume of 28,700 m2;

- A modern racking system that can store up to 3,800 pallets;

- A warehouse management system for tracking batches of goods and containers and separate inventory management.

Interporto Toscana Amerigo Vespucci

Total area 2 800 000 m2 including:

- 120,000 m2 - covered warehouses, of which:

- 7,500 m2 - premises with refrigerated chambers for chilled products (from 0° to 14°C);

- 2,000 m2 - warehouses for frozen products (down to -30°C);

- 3,000 m2 - warehouses for fruit ripening and processing.

- 830,000 m2 - open warehouse space;

- 126,000 m2 - railway terminal;

- 142,000 m2 - the area for the provision of various services;

- 285,000 m2 - green areas;

- 1,000 m2 - premises for customs control;

- 736,000 m2 - other areas;

- 162,400 m2 - areas of future developments.

The railway terminal is equipped with 4 tracks and

1 transtainer crane.

360 compartments for heavy vehicles 2 high-speed corridors connecting to the port terminals of the seaport of


A special feature is the availability of storage facilities with the ability to maintain temperatures down to


Interporto Padova

Total area 1,100,000 m2 including:

- 270,000 m2 - warehouse space, of which:

- 18,000 m2 - cold rooms;

- 300,000 m2 - intermodal and railway terminal.

The intermodal terminal has two entrances with three tracks each and another entrance with two tracks, each track is 750 m long. For container handling, 19 reach stackers are used (10 for handling empty containers and 9 for handling loaded containers), which load and unload trucks and trains.

The infrastructure zones of Italian dry ports cover a total of almost 32,000,000 m2.

They vary considerably in size, from the smallest, which cover an area of 300,000-500,000 m2 to the largest, which cover an area of more than 2,500,000 m2. On average, the area of an intermodal facility is 1,100,000 m2.

In addition to the areas that are already in use, there are also vast areas that can beused for expansion in the short and medium term. In most cases, these are areas that are already owned by logistics terminals but not yet equipped with infrastructure (totalarea of more than 10,000,000 m2

In summary, the Italian import system is internally made up of huge real estate assets (covered warehouses, cold storage and office buildings), open storage space and significant land (greenfield and future development sites).

Another feature of the dry port in Italy is the simultaneous presence on its territoryof areas intended for logistics, areas used for intermodal transport and a railway terminal.

In terms of logistics, the main characteristic of intermodal terminals is the lengthof the train they can handle. In most Italian dry ports, the maximum train length they can handle is no more than 750 m (EU standard), but there are several intermodal terminals that can handle trains of 800 m or more.

Most dry ports are also equipped:

- to service Ro-La transport (Rolling Road is a rail transport system for trucks. Trucks and semitrailers can travel certain parts of their route across Europe by rail, thus combining road and rail transport);

- to handle goods that require special storage conditions. For this purpose, some dry ports that specialise in handling fruit and vegetables are equipped with cold roomsthat can maintain temperatures down to -30°C and air purification systems;

- to provide VGM-certified services (Verified Gross Mass is the weight of the cargo, including the weight of the fasteners, containers and the container carrying the cargo).

In addition to the above equipment, modern intermodal terminals in Italy are equipped with overhead and gantry cranes, port tractors and loading machines, and riverboats of various capacities.

As noted earlier, dry ports are modern intermodal facilities that provide a wide range of logistics services, including customs clearance services. Therefore, it is also advisable to study dry ports in the context of the services they provide (Table 4).

Thus, dry ports in the country provide a wide range of logistics services, such as:

- Loading, unloading, preparation for transport, labelling, packaging.

- Storage and return of empty containers and reverse logistics (logistics is the management of waste generated throughout the supply chain).

- Warehousing, stock replenishment, distribution, order picking.

- Installation, repair, maintenance and cleaning of vehicles, etc.

In terms of customs services, in order to ensure their provision, offices of the customs authorities of the province in which the logistics facility is located are often located on the territory of dry ports. Among the customs services most often available to consumers are the following: customs clearance of goods, assistance in filling out and submitting customs declarations, assistance in preparing and submitting national and international customs reporting forms (through the Intrastat system), and various forms of customs control.

In addition, customs warehouses often operate on the territory of dry ports. Customs warehouses operating on the territory of interports may be (IL SISTEMA DOGANALE, 2014):

- private. They are intended exclusively for storing the warehouseman's goods.


- C: the depositor (warehouse owner) is the same as the warehouse holder, without necessarily being the owner of the goods;

- D: similar to type C. Taxation in accordance with the elements of value at thetime of entry of the goods;

- E: similar to type D. Can place goods under the customs regime without presenting them to the customs authority.

- state-owned. Can be used by any person to store goods. Types:

- A: storage of goods under the responsibility of the warehouse keeper (generalwarehouses);

- B: storage of goods under the responsibility of the owner of the goods;

- F: managed by the customs authority that holds goods awaiting customsclearance.

Table 4. The entire territory of private and public customs warehouses is a customs controlzone

«Dry Port»

Logistics services

Customs services

Interporto Centro Ingrosso Pordenone

1. Warehouse services.

2. Repair and maintenance of vehicles.

3. Issuance of permits for the circulation and registration of vehicles.

4. Measures to preserve cargo.

- Acceptance and registration of customs declarations for linking to various applicable regimes (import, export, transit, etc.).

- Preliminary permits for admission to customs procedures.

- Consideration of applications for permits to operators for customs clearance procedures and permits to establish customs warehouses.

- Inquiries into compliance with the requirements of authorised economic operators.

Interporto Bologna

1. Warehouse services.

2. Dangerous goods management.

3. Maintenance and repair of vehicles.

4. Agency services (train booking, train release and inspection, train check-in / check-out);

5. Processing of railway wagons:

- Coupling and uncoupling of train locomotives;

- Removing and applying tail signals;

- Connecting and detaching wagons;

- Train locomotive control;

- Overloading of wagons;

- Locomotive towing of a train.

The terminal houses the territorial centre of the Bologna Customs (which includes a customs counter and a fenced customs area for customs control), where all customs services that can be provided by the customs administration can be obtained.



1. Storage of goods.

2. Storage of dangerous goods.

3. Warehouse and inventory accounting.

4. Loading and unloading.

5. Fumigation of warehouses.

6. Packaging and labelling.

7. Weighing cargo and vehicles.

8. Door-to-door delivery service.

9. Container rental.

10. Repair of containers.

11. Washing and cleaning of containers.

The entire territory of the dry port is a customs control zone (type E customs warehouse is one of the types of private customs warehouse). In addition, there is a 40,000 sq m temporary storage warehouse2, a 3,000 sq m excise warehouse2 and 1,600 sq m administrative premises2.

Customs formalities at the terminal are carried out by the Nola Customs Office (municipality). The office has premises equipped with mobile scanners and scales for container inspection.

Interporto Servizi

Doganali E Intermodali Del


1. Transportation and storage of goods.

2. Premises for rent.

3. Courier services.

4. Railway services.

5. Fuel distributor.

6. Cargo weighing.

7. Cleaning of containers.

At the import facility, all users can receive a wide range of customs services, including:

- assistance in customs clearance of goods;

- assistance in filling out customs declarations;

- preparation and submission of reports through the Intrastat system;

- Assisting international freight forwarders with customs formalities;

- customs declaration for export and import of goods;

- customs operations for temporary import and export.

Interporto Vado

1. Storage of goods.

2. Warehouse operations.

3. Outsourcing services.

4. Picking and delivery of goods.

5. Rent of warehouses and offices.

6. VGM (Verified Gross Mass) - weighing services for any type of transport.

7. Repair of containers.

8. Fumigation and high temperature treatment of containers.

9. Fastening and unloading / loading of goods requiring special conditions.

There is a customs warehouse on the territory of the dry port. The port administration holds permits for a private temporary storage warehouse and an authorised consignee.

Users can get all the necessary customs services at the import territory.

In addition, Italian dry ports may obtain permits from the customs administration for the following activities:

- opening and operation of an excise warehouse;

- application of the transit simplification «status of authorised shipper» (for the common transit regime (NCTS));

- application of the transit simplification «status of authorised consignee» (for the common transit mode (NCTS));

- a simplified domiciliation procedure (designation of a special place of paymenton a bill of exchange other than the location of the person indicated as the payer on thebill by means of a domiciliation formula).

In total, about 1,200 international companies and organisations with more than 20,000 employees operate in Italian dry ports (Gli interporti italiani risentono del Covid ma riacquistano attenzione politica, 2020). As for the specialisation of interports, most of them provide their logistics services for all types of cargo without exception. However, some of them specialise only in handling certain types of cargo for which the appropriate conditions have been created, namely Civitavecchia Fruit & Forest Terminal - vegetables and fruits, Interporto Di Gorizia - fresh, dried and frozen products, Interporto Toscana Amerigo Vespucci - fresh and frozen products.

Conclusions. It is established that the world market of intermodal freight transport is developing quite dynamically, due to which modern intermodal terminals are gaining more and more influence on the international economy and are becoming one of the factors of logistical improvement of trade turnover, which is extremely relevant in the current conditions of foreign economic activity of business entities

In the course of the study of the peculiarities of functioning of interports in Italy, as one of the leading countries in the field of intermodal business, it is determined that they are one of the most important infrastructure facilities of land transport and an integral part of the national integrated transport system (SNIT - Sistema Nazionale Integrato dei Trasporti). In addition, the results obtained will be useful in the context of the implementation of certain stages of the development of Ukraine's intermodal infrastructure.


1. Intermodal Freight Transportation - Global Strategic Business Report. URL: https://www.

2. Legge 4 agosto 1990, №240. Interventi dello Stato per la realizzazione di interporti finalizzati al trasporto merci e in favore dell'intermodalita. U

3. Il testo della legge quadro sugli interporti. URL: - legge-quadro-sugli-interporti_%28Il-Libro-dell % 27anno-del-Diritto % 29/

4. Legge quadro in materia di interporti A.C. 703. URL: TR0019. Pdf

5. UIR redazionale. URL: % 203795.pdf

6. Unione Interporti Riuniti. URL:

7. Interporti, una riforma trainata dal Pnrr. URL: - trainata-dal-pnrr/

8. Rapporto UIR. Il sistema degli Interporti italiani nel 2011. URL: https://lombardia.portale-infrastrutture. it/data/documenti/RapportoUIR2012_finale% 20 (2)%2018.01.2013.pdf

9. Interporti finanziati con sovvenzioni pubbliche. URL: infografica_interporti_158-new.pdf

10. Stazioni Doganali Autoportuali di Gorizia. URL:

11. Interporto Rivalta Scravia. URL:

12. Societa Interporto di Torino. URL:

13. Interporto Bologna. URL:

14. Interporto Centro Ingrosso Pordenone. URL:

15. Interporto Campano. URL:

16. Interporto Cervignano Del Friuli. URL:

17. Interporto Toscana Amerigo Vespucci.URL:

18. Interporto Padova. URL:

19. Interporto Servizi Doganali E Intermodali Del Brennero. URL:

20. Interporto Vado. URL:


22. Gli interporti italiani risentono del Covid ma riacquistano attenzione politica. URL: https://www.

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