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Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.06.2024
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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Забезпечення компенсації та реституції, права на житло та соціальний захист внутрішньо переміщених осіб: порівняльний європейський досвід. Проєкт Ради Європи “Внутрішнє переміщення в Україні: розробка тривалих рішень”. Київ: Видавництво “Право”, 2020. 69 с. URL: https://rm.coe.int/comparing-analysis-idps-ukr/1680a08f30

Косаревич С. Післявоєнна відбудова Хорватії. Центр Дністрянського. URL: https://dc.org.ua/ news/reconstruction-croatia

Egner В. Wohnungspolitik seit 1945. Burger & Staat. 2019. No. 2-3. S. 94-100.

Vonyo T. The Economic Consequences of the War: West Germany's Growth Miracle after 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 288 p.

Wertheimer R.G. The Miracle of German Housing in the Postwar Period. Land Economics. 1958. Vol. 34. No. 4. P. 338-345. https://doi.org/10.2307/3144545

Erstes Wohnungsbaugesetz. Bundesgesetzblatt. 1950. № 16. S. 83-88.

Hubl L., Moller P. Sozialer Wohnungsbau in Deutschland. 1st die Aufgabe erfullt? Eduard Pestel Institut fur Systemforschung e. V. Hannover. Bonn: DSL Bank, 1997. 99 s.

Gesetz uber den Lastenausgleich. Bundesgesetzblatt. 1952. № 34. S. 445-533. URL: https://www.bgbl.de/xaver/bgbl/start.xav?start=%2F%2F*%5B% 40attr_id%3D%27bgbl152s0446.pdf%27%5D#__bgbl__%2F%2F*%5B%40attr_id%3D%27bgbl152s0446. pdf%27%5D__1674149139967

Gesetzes zur Milderung dringender sozialer Notstande (Soforthilfegesetz). Munchen: Suddeutscher Verlag. 1949. 32 s.

Kohlhase T. Die Entwicklung des Bausparwesens in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der Zeit zwischen 1949 und 1990. Eine Institutionenokonomische Analyse. Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat zu Koln. Koln-Lindenthal. 2011. 416 s.

Leick V.R., Schreiber M., Stoldt H.-U. A New Look at Germany's Postwar Reconstruction. Spiegel International. 20.08.2010. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/out-of-the-ashes-a- new-look-at-germany-s-postwar-reconstruction-a-702856.html

Zweites Wohnungsbaugesetz (Wohnungsbau- und Familienheimgesetz). Bundesgesetzblatt. Juni

28, 1956. № 30. S. 523-558. URL: https://www.bgbl.de/xaver/bgbl/start.xav?start=//*%5B@attr_id=

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Zivic D. Izravni i migracijski demografski gubitci tijekom srbijanske oruzane agresije na Hrvatsku. Stanovnistvo Hrvatske - dosadasnji razvoj i perspektive. Zagreb: Institut drustvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, 2005. Str. 71-94.

London A. Croatia. Europe Review 2003/2004. The Economic and Business Report. London: Wolden Publishing Ltd., 2003. P. 70-78.

Mesic M., Bagic D. Minority return in Croatia - Study of an Open Process. Zagreb: UNHCR. 2011. URL: https://www.refworld.org/docid/553a08424.html

An Estimate of War Damages in Croatia. Direct and indirect expenses of the war for the period 1991-2005, and a forecast to 2015 in domestic and international prices. URL: https://www.slobodanpraljak.com/knjige/an_estimate_of_war_damages_in_croatia.pdf

Report on Return of Displaced Persons and Refugees in the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2000 - September 2003. Ministry for Public Works, Reconstruction and Construction, 2003.

Bezovan G. Assessment of social housing programmes in Croatia as a part of residual social care. European Network for Housing Reaserch Conference on Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation (Prague, 28 July - 1 August 2009).

Elden D.E. Post-war reconstruction, resettlement and revitalization in the Republic of Croatia. A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Georgia in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Landscape Architecture. Athens, Georgia. 2004. URL: http://getd.libs.uga.edu/pdfs/elden_david_e_200412_mla.pdf

Rebosio Calderon M., Karadzic M., Makumi C., Georgieva S. Georgia. Transitioning from Status to Needs Based Assistance for Georgia IDPs: A Poverty and Social Impact Analysis. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. 2016. 78 p.

Danish Refugee Council. Durable Housing Solutions for IDPs: Lessons Learnt from Georgia and

Steps Forward in Ukraine. Thematic Bulletin. 2018. № 1. URL: https://old.mtot.gov.ua/


Mooney E. From Solidarity to Solutions: The Government Response to Internal Displacement in

Georgia. From Responsibility to Response: Assessing National Approaches to Internal Displacement.

Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution - London School of Economics. P. 179-229.


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Foreign experience of housing solutions and compensation for destroyed/damaged housing for IDPs. (2017). Shelter cluster Ukraine: housing, land and property rights technical working group. URL: https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/foreign-experience-housing-solutions-and-compensation- destroyeddamaged-housing-idps

Ivanov, S.V. (2019). Economic recovery and development of countries after armed conflicts and wars: Ukraine's opportunities that have not lost yet. Ekon Ukr. - Economy of Ukraine, 1 (686), 75-89. https://doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2019.01.075 [in Ukrainian]

Ensuring compensation and restitution, housing, and social protection of IDPs: European Experience (2020). Council of Europe Project “Internal displacement in Ukraine: building solutions”. Kyiv: Pravo. URL: https://rm.coe.int/comparing-analysis-idps-ukr/1680a08f30 [in Ukrainian]

Kosarevych, S. Post-war reconstruction of the Croatia. The Dnistrianskyi Centre. URL: https://dc.org.ua/news/reconstruction-croatia [in Ukrainian]

Egner, В. (2019). Housing policy since 1945. Burger & Staat, 2-3, 94-100 [in German]

Vonyo, T. (2018). The Economic consequences of the war: west Germany's growth miracle after 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wertheimer, R.G. (1958). The miracle of German housing in the postwar period. Land Economics, 34, 4, 338-345. https://doi.org/10.2307/3144545

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The equalisation of burdens act. (1952). Bundesgesetzblatt, 34, 445-533. URL:

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[in German]

Law for the alleviation of urgent social emergencies (Emergency Aid Act). (1949). Munich: Suddeutscher Verla [in German]

Kohlhase, T. (2011). The development of building savings in the Federal Republic of Germany between 1949 and 1990. An institutional economic analysis. Inaugural dissertation to obtain a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. Koln-Lindenthal [in German]

Leick, V.R., Schreiber, M., Stoldt, H.-U. (2010, August 20). A new look at Germany's postwar reconstruction. Spiegel International. URL: https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/out-of-the-ashes- a-new-look-at-germany-s-postwar-reconstruction-a-702856.html

Second housing act (Housing and Family Homes Act). (1956, June 28). Bundesgesetzblatt, 30,

523-558. URL: https://www.bgbl.de/xaver/bgbl/start.xav?start=//*%5Battr_id=%27bgbl156030.pdf% 27%5D#__bgbl__%2F%2F*%5B%40attr__id%3D%27bgbl156030.pdf%27%5D__1674073858155

[in German]

Zivic, D. (2005). Direct and migration-caused demographic losses during the Serbian armed aggression against Croatia. In Population of Croatia -- past development and perspectives (pp. 71-94). Zagreb: Institut drustvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar [in Croatian]

London, A. (2003). Croatia. In Europe Review 2003/2004. The Economic and Business Report (pp. 70-78). London: Wolden Publishing Ltd.

Mesic, M., Bagic, D. (2011). Minority return in Croatia - Study of an Open Process. Zagreb: UNHCR. URL: https://www.refworld.org/docid/553a08424.html

An estimate of war damages in Croatia. Direct and indirect expenses of the war for the period 1991-2005, and a forecast to 2015 in domestic and international prices. URL: https://www.slobodanpraljak.com/knjige/an_estimate_of_war_damages_in_croatia.pdf

Report on return of displaced persons and refugees in the Republic of Croatia for the period 2000 - September 2003. (2003). Ministry for Public Works, Reconstruction and Construction.

Bezovan, G. (2009). Assessment of social housing programmes in Croatia as a part of residual social care. In European Network for Housing Reaserch Conference on Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation (Prague, 28 July-1 August 2009).

Elden, D.E. (2004). Post-war reconstruction, resettlement and revitalisation in the Republic of Croatia. A thesis submitted to the graduate faculty of the University of Georgia in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Landscape Architecture. Athens, Georgia. URL: http://getd.libs.uga.edu/pdfs/elden_david_e_200412_mla.pdf

Rebosio Calderon, M., Karadzic, M., Makumi, C., Georgieva, S. (2016). Georgia. Transitioning from status to needs based assistance for Georgia IDPs: a poverty and social impact analysis. Washington, DC.: World Bank Group.

Danish Refugee Council. Durable housing solutions for IDPs: lessons learnt from Georgia and steps forward in Ukraine. (2018). Thematic Bulletin, 1. URL: https://old.mtot.gov.ua/wp-content/ uploads/Thematic-Bulletin_Issue1_EN.pdf

Mooney, E. From solidarity to solutions: the government response to internal displacement in Georgia. In E. Ferris, E. Mooney Sh. Stark (Eds.), From Responsibility to Response: Assessing National Approaches to Internal Displacement (pp. 179-229). Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution - London School of Economics.

Received on 27.01.23 and accepted 26.05.23

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