Problems of innovative enterprises in China’s international digital economy experience
Analysis of the problems of innovative enterprises in the international experience of China's digital economy in view of its importance for the development of the digital economy. Prospects of Chinese innovative enterprises as leaders in world markets.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 2,0 M |
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Problems of innovative enterprises in China's international digital economy experience
Kazakova Nadiia Arturivna
Neustroieva Gelena Olehivna
Netetska Tetiana Mykolaivna
Ponomarenko Natalia Volodymyrivna
Hromov Vadim Oleksandrovych
The article deals with the scientificant analyses of the problems of innovative enterprises in China's international digital economy experience based on its essential importance for the world problem of developing digital economy.
This article considers such analytical issues estimating that modern Chinese innovative enterprises act as leaders in the world markets and have all the prospects for development. Today, the Chinese government is looking forward to changing the status of the country from 'industrial" to "innovative". Therefore, it creates an optimal economic atmosphere for working in the country and cooperating with other countries. China is strengthening its position in the innovation environment through its contribution to R&D and the development of the digital economy. In this article, based on economic analyses, the role of innovative enterprises in the international experience of China's digital economy was assessed, and several priority development areas were identified. In the process of transnational technology transfer in China, the role of the government is diversified and complex, the government influences the institutional environment that companies face during cross-border technology transfer at the macroeconomic level, that is why the topic of innovative enterprises in the international experience of China's digital economy is relevant.
The general provisions on analysis of various options for solving this problem are given and it is estimated that the analytical approach is the most optimal, since it allows you to build a diagram for comparing China's exports of goods in 2020. It is advisable to consider the process of selecting most of the data that have been collected before. This research paper reveals the fact that much of the concern is related to the fact that the state authorities support and provide opportunities for the protection of scientific and technological activities to innovative enterprises. Both state and non-state transnational corporations operate in China. The development of corporations contributes not only to scientific activities, but also leads to an increase in jobs.
The article analyzes economists' views on the process of solving the problems of the existence of innovative enterprises .It should be noted that these main issues will affect further world market prices and inflation will rise. At the initial stage of the development of Chinese TNCs, the country was dominated by imports of high-tech goods and information services, now the share of exports of its own developments is growing in China. Chinese innovative enterprises today are a desirable partner, because even the import of Chinese products in the United States is very high. Practical recommendations are provided for solving the problems.
The research has been developed to estimate that China is a leading country in the digital sector of the economy. Supporting the development of scientific and technological progress and investment activities are the main components of Chinese innovative enterprises.
Keywords: innovations, innovative enterprises, solving the problems of transnational technology transfer, Chinese economy, digital economy, influence of innovations, digital sector of the economy.
Казакова Надія Артурівна кандидат географічних наук, зав. кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин ім. Артура Голікова, Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна
Неустроєва Гелена Олегівна старший викладач кафедри міжкультурної комунікації та іноземної мови, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»
Нетецька Тетяна Миколаївна доцент кафедри міжкультурної комунікації та іноземної мови, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», Пономаренко Наталія Володимирівна кандидат філологичних наук, доцент кафедри міжкультурної комунікації та іноземної мови, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»,
Громов Вадим Олександрович студент 3 курсу факультету Міжнародних економічних відносин та туристичного бізнесу, Харківський національний університет ім. В. Н. Каразіна
Стаття присвячена науковому аналізу проблем інноваційних підприємств у міжнародному досвіді цифрової економіки Китаю з огляду на її істотне значення для світової проблеми розвитку цифрової економіки. У статті розглядаються такі аналітичні питання, оцінюючи, що сучасні китайські інноваційні підприємства є лідерами на світових ринках і мають усі перспективи для розвитку.
Сьогодні уряд Китаю з нетерпінням чекає зміни статусу країни з «індустріальної» на «інноваційну». Таким чином, створюється оптимальна економічна атмосфера для роботи в країні та співпраці з іншими країнами. Китай зміцнює свої позиції в інноваційному середовищі через його внесок у дослідження та розробки та розвиток цифрової економіки.У цій статті на основі економічного аналізу оцінено роль інноваційних підприємств у міжнародному досвіді цифрової економіки Китаю та визначено кілька пріоритетних напрямків розвитку.
Під час процесу транснаціональної передачі технологій у Китаї, роль уряду диверсифікована та складна, уряд впливає на інституційне середовище, з яким стикаються компанії під час транскордонної передачі технологій на макроекономічному рівні, тому тема інноваційних підприємств у міжнародному досвіді цифрової економіки Китаю є актуальною. Наведено загальні положення щодо аналізу різних варіантів вирішення даної проблеми та оцінено, що аналітичний підхід є найбільш оптимальним, оскільки дозволяє побудувати діаграму для порівняння експорту товарів Китаю у 2020 р. Доцільно враховувати процес відбору більшості даних, які були зібрані раніше. Ця дослідницька стаття виствітлює той факт, що велика частина занепокоєння пов'язана з тим, що державні органи підтримують і надають можливості для захисту науково-технічної діяльності інноваційним підприємствам.
У Китаї діють як державні, так і недержавні транснаціональні корпорації. Розвиток корпорацій сприяє не тільки науковій діяльності, а й веде до збільшення робочих місць. У статті проаналізовано погляди економістів на процес вирішення проблем існування інноваційних підприємств. Слід зазначити, що ці основні проблеми в подальшому впливатимуть на ціни на світовому ринку та зростатиме інфляція. На початковому етапі розвитку китайських ТНК в країні домінував імпорт високотехнологічних товарів та інформаційних послуг, зараз у КНР зростає частка експорту власних розробок. Китайські інноваційні підприємства сьогодні є бажаним партнером, адже навіть імпорт китайської продукції в США дуже високий. Надано практичні рекомендації щодо вирішення завдань. Дослідження було розроблено, щоб оцінити, що Китай є провідною країною в цифровому секторі економіки. Підтримка розвитку науково-технічного прогресу та інвестиційна діяльність є основними складовими китайських інноваційних підприємств.
Ключові слова: нновації, інноваційні підприємства, вирішення проблем транскордонної передачі інформації, китайська економіка, цифрова економіка, вплив інновацій, цифровий сектор економіки
Problem statement
Under the influence of globalization processes, the economic environment is undergoing constant changes, especially in the field of innovation and high technology. Currently, in the modern world markets the main competitors in the field of innovation according to the Bloomberg Innovation Index are China, Switzerland, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Germany, and the USA etc. However, Asian countries, namely China, can be separately distinguished among these competitors. Today, the Chinese government is encouraging investment in innovation and technology, and is ready to cooperate with innovative enterprises.
Taken into account that the contribution to R&D (research and development) includes a percentage of GDP (Growth Domestic Product), it can be concluded that China could be a serious competitor in the field of innovation. To assess the impact of innovative enterprises in China's international digital economy experience, we conducted several studies, which are described in more details below.
Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. China's innovative enterprises are transnational corporations that have developed through contributions to the R&D. It is worth noting that most MNCs (multinational corporations) are state-owned and those that are not controlled by state authorities. The working principle of Chinese enterprises is formed basing on the ideas of "working for the common good", so the state power has promoted the development of large technological enterprises and the development of science.
Supporting the development of scientific and technological progress and investment activities are the main components of Chinese innovative enterprises. R&D activities in China have partly influenced the emergence and development of transnational corporations. It should also be mentioned that the state authorities support and provide opportunities for the protection of scientific and technological activities to innovative enterprises.
Both state and non-state transnational corporations operate in China. The provision of special opportunities and protection by the Chinese authorities contributes to the faster development of the digital economy in the country. The development of corporations contributes not only to scientific activities, but also leads to an increase in jobs. According to the Fortune Global 500 ranking for 2020, 133 Chinese TNCs (transnational corporations including state-owned ones are among the top 500 TNCs in the world. In the table below you can see the top 10 Chinese companies included in this ranking and their place in it, profits, as well as the number of employees provided with jobs.
Table 1.Top 10 Chinese TNCs included in the Fortune Global 500 ranking for 2020
Rank |
Name of the company |
Profit (current US$) |
Number of employees |
2 |
SINOPEC GROUP (Chinese oil corporation) |
4070008.8 |
582648 |
3 |
STATE GRID (state grid corporation) |
383906 |
907677 |
4 |
CHINA NATIONAL PETROLEUM (Chinese state oil corporation) |
379130.2 |
1344410 |
18 |
CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING (Chinese State Construction Corporation) |
205839.4 |
335038 |
20 |
PING AN INSURANCE (Chinese insurance corporation) |
184280.3 |
372194 |
24 |
INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA (Chinese commercial bank) |
177068.8 |
445106 |
26 |
Ш±Ш HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY (Taiwanese electronics manufacturing corporation) |
172868.5 |
757404 |
30 |
CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK (Chinese construction bank) |
158884.3 |
370169 |
35 |
AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA (Agricultural Bank of China) |
147313.1 |
467631 |
43 |
BANK OF CHINA (Chinese bank) |
135091.4 |
309384 |
From the table above it becomes clear what the main activities of modern Chinese TNCs are. Thus, the oil industry is in the first place, followed by the network and financial industries.
However, among the most profitable companies in China there is also an electronics corporation.
Despite the diversity of activities of Chinese TNCs, it can be pointed out that all of them are innovative enterprises, because every year they are automated and developed by contributing to R&D.
Research objective
In China, the existence of innovative enterprises is particularly developed and supported by the state authorities. At the initial stage of the development of Chinese TNCs, the country was dominated by imports of high- tech goods and information services, now the share of exports of its own developments is growing in China. Chinese innovative enterprises today are a desirable partner, because even the import of Chinese products in the United States is very high. Chinese companies have gone through three main stages before becoming TNCs: internationalization of products, then investment and globalization of business. The share of FDI (foreign direct investments) in China is growing every year, as it is the country's GDP. Chinese TNCs are not only international companies; they are also a kind of economic and political mechanism.
Presentation of the material
The activity of Chinese innovative enterprises is based on investment in scientific spheres. R&D has become an integral part for Chinese companies. The state authorities are building so-called "strategic and policy plans" for the development of scientific and technological process in the country, and innovative TNCs are an integral part of this plan. According to the "Made in China 2025 Plan", the Chinese authorities propose to invest in the development of information services, aerospace, transport, high-tech industry, fuel, etc. Thus, with the application of such a strategy, China's GDP will continue to grow. It is not a difficult task to implement this plan, because the state innovation corporations, which are aimed at developing the country's economy on science, are quite widespread in China.
Social networks and online stores are also a factor of development. In China, the WeChat system is now very common, a network created by Tencent Holdings. The system itself contains everything that a modern person needs: a payment system, the ability to post photos, messengers, the ability to make calls, search for information, etc. Today, there are enough similar programs in China. However, in the future there will be no Chinese who would not use WeChat. The same situation is with online stores, for example, the world-famous company Alibaba has created AliExpress and Taobao, stores where you can buy anything from any corner of the globe. Such activities of Chinese innovative enterprises are very widespread, one state authorities try to control them and require providing certain information about users. However, thanks to such large companies as Alibaba, Tencent Holdings, China Mobile, China Telecom, Lenovo, etc., Chinese innovative enterprises are serious players in the field of high-tech 8. According to the rating for 2020 "Top 52 Publisher Award" provided by the analytical company App Annie, Chinese innovative enterprises in particular Tencent took the first place.
Another important factor in the activities of innovative enterprises in China is industry. Thus, until 1949, Chinese companies were focused exclusively on the production of agricultural goods, but at the same time, the situation has changed. Industrial activity is now a very important factor in the development of Chinese corporations. Oil companies were gaining popularity and now occupy the first positions in terms of profitability among many world companies. Industrialization was a way for China to get rid of poverty and protect political and economic independence. Today, most of the products manufactured in China are industrial. With the development of industrialization, and the desire to improve the sphere of scientific development, TNCs began to appear. Thus, one company (parent) invested in subsidiaries. However, it should be pointed out that both before and nowadays, the investments reach the branches unevenly, but this does not greatly affect the overall structure of transnational corporations. The territorial peculiarities of China contribute to a peculiar difference in the culture of individual regions, and of course, this affects transnational processes, so there are other factors in the development of innovative enterprises, such as mergers and acquisitions, or foreign investment in innovation.
Chinese enterprises are actively developing and they are very promising. In addition, the Chinese government does not only support the development of innovative enterprises, but also protects the activities of Chinese corporations. The government is creating special programs to integrate with companies from other countries, such as the One Belt, One Road program, which enables cooperation with corporations from the European Union and Asia. Chinese innovative enterprises invest and develop social networks and electronic payments, create online platforms for selling goods, and tend to develop in the high-tech sector. However, despite these factors, to assess the impact of innovative enterprises on China's digital economy, we believe it is necessary to conduct several economic analyses aimed at determining interdependence. Thus, correlation and regression methods of economic analysis were chosen to assess such interdependence.
The system of global economic relations depends on many, often little-known and changing factors. The theory of correlation, a central section of mathematical statistics that analyses the interdependence between various phenomena and processes occurring in natural and socioeconomic systems, helps to identify and study such factors. There is a strong direct correlation between GDP and exports, which indicates the importance of the export component in China's economy. In addition, exports of high-tech goods also have a strong direct correlation with GDP, meaning that the production and sale of high-tech goods also have an impact on China's economy. One of the components of the digital economy is high-tech products, as well as information and communication technologies. Moreover, there is a strong direct correlation between GDP and information and communication technology.
Exports and imports also have a strong direct proportional interdependence. Exports play an important role in China's economy, but as for the digital economy, it consists of electronic products, so the impact on the digital economy can only be assessed by looking at the component of information and communication technology exports and high-tech exports. ICT (information and communication technologies) exports and high-tech exports have the same strong direct correlation as exports and imports. High-tech products, as well as information and communication technologies, are the main products of Chinese TNCs, i.e., the main products of China's innovative enterprises. Therefore, it can be concluded that the export of high-tech products directly affects China's exports, which also affects GDP, which indicates a high level of digitalization of the state.
During the correlation analysis, it was found that import has a strong direct relation with export of high-tech goods. It should be noted that during the development of innovative enterprises in China in the past there was infringement of copyright rights, due to borrowing of technologies. However, imports and exports of information and communication technologies have an average direct proportional interdependence. There is information on cooperation and purchase of certain details to produce high-tech products, so it is possible that this is why such a strong direct link between import and export of high-tech goods occurs today.
To see the strong interdependence between exports, imports, and production and exports of high-tech goods, let us turn to the estimates of exports and imports (Figure 1, 2 and 3).
Source [1, p. 1-2] Figure 1. China's exports of goods in 2020
Figure 1 shows the main groups of goods exported by China; here we see mainly high-tech goods, which may also indicate a high level of digitalization in the Chinese economy. It is also immediately clear why there is a strong direct correlation between high-tech exports and exports in general. High-tech goods and goods that contribute to the development of the digital space account for 47.4% of China's total exports.
Source [3, p. 21-22] Figure 2. Main commodity groups in exports in 2020
Figure 2 shows that most of the top exported products are high-tech goods. For example, electrical machinery and electronics account for 29.6% of China's total exports ($783 billion), machinery, mechanical devices and their parts account for 17.8% of China's total exports ($472 billion). For example, television and radio equipment is exported for $223 billion, computers for $156 billion, and integrated circuits for $120 billion, and parts of office equipment for $86.8 billion.
Source [2, p. 31-32] Figure 3. China's imports of goods in 2020
As shown in Figure 3, high-tech goods (machinery) and mineral products account for the largest share of imports. Most of the imported products are oil and oil refining inputs, as well as products that can be used in the production of high- tech goods (Figure 4).
Source [5, p. 1-2] Figure 4. Main commodity groups in imports for 2020
Figure 4 confirms that most of the imported goods are products necessary for the creation and functioning of machines. It should also be mentioned that imports of high-tech goods amounted to $402 billion, which is three times less than the number of high-tech exports. In addition, the first place in China's imports is occupied by the import of integrated circuits, which are a necessary element for the manufacture of high-tech products. This confirms the strong direct proportional interdependence between imports, exports, and exports of high-tech products. In addition, the export and import of services were also considered.
For more information on China's digital economy, we studied the World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2022 by the World Competitive Centre. This ranking is made up of three indicators: knowledge, technology, and the future readiness. In turn, several factors are covered to assess these indicators, e.g., for knowledge - talent, training and education, scientific concentration; for technology - regulatory Framework, capital, technological Framework; for future readiness - adaptive attitudes, business agility, IT Integration. According to this study, China is ranked 17th in the digitalization of the economy in 2022. The ranking is made up of three components: knowledge, technology, and future readiness. The index ranks China 17th for knowledge, 18th rank for technology and 15th rank for the future readiness in 2022.
Source [7, p. 15-16] Figure 5. Ranking of digital economy factors in China ranking by the World Competitiveness Centre
This graph shows that China rises higher in the overall ranking of digitisation, as the value of the ranking tends to fall. In 2018, China was ranked 30th, and in 2022 it will be 17th. The reason for the improved performance can be attributed to China's good innovation enterprise policy and commitment to development. The website of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), for example, provides information on the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan, which is released every year and was last updated in March 2023. In these reports, we can see how to improve certain aspects of the economic and political system. Therefore, it can be said that improving the performance and digitalization of the economy is a joint effort between the government and innovative businesses.
Summing up our work, we can say that the development of innovative enterprises has a significant impact on the Chinese economy. For a long time, China has been trying to develop innovative enterprises and improve its R&D base.
Today, China is a very competitive country in the field of innovation and the digital economy, as evidenced by statistics in the reports of global economic magazines such as Bloomberg and Forbes.
China's digital economy is largely dependent on the development of innovative enterprises that is why the Chinese government is helping domestic businesses by improving the business climate in the country and providing incentives and subsidies.
It should also be noted that the Chinese government plays an important role in the development of innovative enterprises and the international digital economy, as it is constantly implementing programs aimed at developing research and development activities and attracting investment. China seeks to establish international ties through various integration alliances, such as the Silk Road, which helps to develop business and the digital economy.
However, China can become more competitive in the digital economy and innovation, if certain strategies are to be followed, namely: improving product quality, establishing international cooperation, more active developing of innovations, stimulating research and development activities, establishing systems to protect against cybercrime and focusing on supporting small and medium-sized innovative enterprises to expand the market.
innovative enterprise economy
1. Bloomberg Index Innovation., 2020-: 2023- 05-n/us-g7-target-china-with-push-against-economic-coercion?srnd=economics-v2
2. China's Digital Economy: Opportunities and Risks // International Monetary Fund Working Paper.2019 -:
3. The Economist: official website [Electronic resource]. - Access mode-: https://
4. European Commission. - :
5. Faulknor V., Habib B., (2017). The Belt and Road Initiative: China's vision for globalization, Beijing-Style-: for-globalisation-beijing-style-77705
6. Forbes Rating [E-resource].-: ukraini-2022-02032023 -12098
7. The rise of Chinese TNCs, BRICS, and current global challenges-: en/article/the-rise-of-chinese-tncs-brics-and-current-global-challenges
8. World Economic Forum-: official website [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
1. Bloomberg Index Innovation., 2020-: 05-n/us-g7-target-china-with-push-against-economic-coercion?srnd=economics-v2
2. China's Digital Economy: Opportunities and Risks // International Monetary Fund Working Paper.2019 -:
3. The Economist: official website [Electronic resource]. - Access mode-: https://
4. European Commission. - :
5. Faulknor V., Habib B., (2017). The Belt and Road Initiative: China's vision for globalization, Beijing-Style-: for-globalisation-beijing-style-77705
6. Forbes Rating [E-resource].-: ukraini-2022-02032023 -12098
7. The rise of Chinese TNCs, BRICS, and current global challenges-: en/article/the-rise-of-chinese-tncs-brics-and-current-global-challenges
8. World Economic Forum-: official website [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
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реферат [15,5 K], добавлен 12.04.2012Concept of competitiveness and competition, models. Russia’s endowment. Engendered structural dominance and performance. The state of Russian competitiveness according to the Global Competitiveness Index. Place in the world, main growth in detail.
курсовая работа [1,2 M], добавлен 28.05.2014State intervention in the economy. Assessment and the role of teaching Veblen. Economic development of the society. Process of long-term loan and the inclusion of investor-banker in industrial production. Negative aspects of American institucionalism.
реферат [27,4 K], добавлен 14.11.2012Resources of income for enterprises. Main ways of decreasing the costs Main ways of increasing the income. Any enterprise’s target is to make profit. In order to make it a company should understand where comes from the income and where goes out costs.
курсовая работа [59,9 K], добавлен 09.11.2010Priority for the importance of Economy of Ukraine. Sources, functions, structure of income Household as a politico-economic category. Family income - the economic basis of reproduction. Levels of income of the population. The structure of family income.
реферат [22,5 K], добавлен 28.10.2011Рrogress in adapting its economy from the Soviet model to a 21st century economy in the globalized market. Pension reforms, undertaken in 2011. Cancellation of grain export quotas and reversal of a proposal for the monopolisation of grain exports.
презентация [476,2 K], добавлен 08.04.2015The essence of Natural Monopoly. The necessity of regulation over Natural Monopoly. Methods of state regulation over the Natural Monopolies. Analysis and Uzbek practice of regulation over Monopolies. Natural Monopolies in modern Economy of Uzbekistan.
курсовая работа [307,7 K], добавлен 13.03.2014