Green investments as a non-traditional source of financing the development of the Czech national logistics system

The paradigm of thinking leads to the reorganization of logistics processes, the need to transform the national logistics system of the Czech Republic in the context of green economy concepts. The World Economic Forum found that greenhouse gas emissions.

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Green investments as a non-traditional source of financing the development of the Czech national logistics system

(Trushkina N, Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine)


The change of the modern paradigm of thinking leads to the reorganization of logistics processes and the need to transform the national logistics system of the Czech Republic in the context of green economy concepts. A 2019 survey by consulting firm PwC found that 41% of transport and logistics managers in 85 countries are concerned about climate change and the environmental damage associated with their business growth prospects.

The World Economic Forum found that greenhouse gas emissions from logistics account for 5.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to UN estimates, the global transport sector accounts for 25% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Annually, the total loss from the negative effects of the transport industry is 710% of GDP. The damage to health from environmental pollution from mobile sources is 1 trillion dollars USA a year. According to official Eurostat data, air pollution from road transport causes more than 400 thousand premature deaths each year. czech national logistic system

Therefore, large-scale investment programs are being actively implemented in the world to modernize transport and infrastructure by "greening" them in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment and maintain a competitive position. Such programs are usually based on the technologies of the third and fourth industrial revolutions. Significant advantages of the third industrial revolution include the "greening" of transport systems through the transition to hydrogen and electric transport, which contributes to a dramatic improvement in the quality of the environment. For example, the EU Transport Strategy envisages a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of around 20% from 2008 levels and 8095% below 1990 levels by 2050.

Given this, it is advisable to find innovative tools and scientifically sound "green" solutions, non-traditional sources of funding, as well as the introduction of fundamentally new organizational and managerial approaches and "green" technologies to improve the efficiency of the Czech national logistics system. This was the purpose of this study.

Presentation of the main research material

In the scientific literature there are many approaches to the consideration of the environmental component of logistics (Z. Jianwei, Z. Minjie, Z. Liwei; S. Pulawska, W. Starowicz; L. Simao, M. Goncalves, C. M. T. Rodriguez; M. Moroz, Z. Polkowski; I. Urbanyi- Popioleka; W. Liu et al.). The greening of logistics is recognized as a key driver of business development, as most consumers prioritize those companies that carry out freight transportation by "green" transport and use technologies that conserve natural resources.

Based on the analysis conducted by the consulting company PwC, it is established that the emphasis on environmental sustainability and stringency of emission standards will force transport and logistics companies to move to environmentally friendly and safe decisions, i.e. to "green" logistics. Climate change is expected to continue to affect meteorological phenomena, leading to destabilization of supply chains. The reduction of stocks of natural resources will lead to higher prices for them and will promote the processing and more efficient allocation of resources. As a result, sustainable and environmental development issues will be in high demand in the long run.

A public opinion poll commissioned by the e-commerce delivery platform Sendcloud found that the majority of British consumers support the introduction of "green" technologies in manufacturing and logistics. According to 57% of respondents, the growth of online shopping through online shopping will lead to greater environmental pollution. At the same time, 38% of respondents are willing to pay extra for the delivery of goods on environmentally friendly transport.

It should be emphasized that the COVID-19 pandemic has also forced consumers to reconsider their attitudes towards sustainable development and to consider the impact of purchases on the environment, society and business (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance, ESG).

According to a survey conducted by the Internet provider Orange Business Services, which surveyed 320 managers of international companies, including in the field of transport and logistics, 85% of respondents are willing to invest in business sustainability. And 59% of respondents said they could not allow the use of unethical and non-environmental technologies, as this would affect the level of profitability of companies. An express survey of 8738 consumers from 22 countries conducted by PwC in 2021 as part of the Global Consumer Behaviour Survey found that 55% of respondents buy products from companies with a clear environmental policy, and 54% prefer goods in ecological packing.

Despite a wide range of scientific developments on selected topics, methodological issues of "green" financing of infrastructure projects in the field of transport and logistics remain unresolved and require further research. And this problem acquires special significance in the current conditions of green transformation of the Czech national logistics system in the context of the European Green Deal.

According to Armstrong & Associates, Inc., the share of logistics spending in the Czech Republic's GDP in 2020 was 8.9% (global average - 10.8%). During this period, the share of 3PL sector revenues in the country was 11.2% of logistics costs (global average - 10.6%). In 2020, the share of the Czech Republic's GDP

was 0.29% of global GDP, logistics costs - 0.24% of their total volume in the world, 3PL sector revenues - 0.25% of global GDP.

According to the analysis of the statistical database of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the volume of road transport by road increased in 2000-2019 by 21.6% (from 414.7 to 504.1 million tons), and rail - by 0.6% (from 98.3 to 98.8 million tons). Volumes of cargo transportation by river transport decreased by 55.2% - from 1739 to 779 thousand tons.

Let's forecast the volume of freight traffic by different modes of transport in the Czech Republic using the autoregression method. Calculations show that the volume of cargo transportation by rail will be reduced by 0.3% in 2019-2022, and by 0.7% in 2019-2025. Volumes of cargo transportation by road will increase in 2022 compared to 2019 by 6%, and in 2025 - by 12.4% [1].

However, if in the future the Czech government does not invest in the development of river transport, stimulate small and medium-sized businesses in the sector, implement public-private partnerships and seek non-traditional sources of funding (green investment, venture capital, crowdfunding, etc.), then There will continue to be a downward trend in freight traffic. Thus, it is projected that the volume of freight traffic by river transport will decrease in 2019-2022 by 46%, and in 2019-2025 by 70.9%. Although river transport is recognized in most European countries as an attractive mode of transport from an environmental point of view [2].

It should be noted that the formation and operation of the transport and logistics network in the Czech Republic should be based on the strategic document "Development of transport infrastructure until 2050", which aims to create conditions for further economic development of the country and its regions. The normative document formulates proposals for a transport solution, especially for the road network, as well as in the context of the road and railway network until 2050, including the expected trends in transport using modern innovative and digital technologies. The draft decision on the development of road infrastructure will be one of the bases for updating the strategy of the Government of the Czech Republic on the functioning of the transport sector.

In this regard, it is currently advisable to develop and implement the National Transport Development Plan of the Czech Republic until 2030 on the basis of multimodality, digitalization and greening. The main goal of this strategic document should be to pursue a policy of stimulating and supporting the movement of products using environmentally friendly modes of transport (rail and river), as well as achieving a more flexible, sustainable and low-carbon economy.

In addition, in order to solve environmental problems in the transport sector, it is necessary to develop and approve the National Plan for Reconstruction and Sustainable Development of the Czech Republic, the main goal of which is to promote sustainable development after the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this goal, a set of measures and reforms should be developed that will not only restore the potential for economic growth, but also develop and increase it. At the same time, the plan should lay the foundations for the green transformation of the logistics system in the context of the European Green Pact [3-5].

One of the key measures of the National Plan should be to reduce the carbon footprint of the transport and logistics spheres through green investments in the modernization and digitalization of these sectors. Among the main reforms that need to be implemented as a matter of priority are the following:

updating the strategic base of the transport sector;

integration of sustainable urban mobility into strategic planning of regional and spatial development;

application of a fundamentally new regional approach with direct involvement of local communities in the management of European funds and instruments;

reforming the water transport sector;

digitalization of railway transport by modernization of safety and energy efficiency systems on railways;

implementation of a pilot scheme ("Green Mobility") to support sustainable urban mobility through measures to develop environmentally friendly, safe, functional and energy efficient transport systems and logistics networks.

Given that, it is advisable to develop and implement a mechanism for "green" investment in infrastructure projects, which means financing investments that provide environmental benefits in the broad context of environmentally sustainable development of various areas of economic activity. According to expert estimates, only 1% of global bonds are marked as "green", while 1% of investments of institutional investors belong to the category of "green" infrastructure assets [6].

To date, among foreign and domestic researchers and practitioners there is no single approach to the classification of funding instruments for "green" projects, including the transport sector (Table 1).

Table 1

Approaches to the classification of funding instruments for "green" projects proposed by various scientific schools

Scientific schools representatives

Types of funding instruments

S. Venugopal

A. Srivastava

C. Polycarp E. Taylor, 2012

- mechanisms of public support;

- public financing instruments: loans, share capital, investment instruments that exclude risks

N. Lindenberg, 2014

- instruments through which direct financing is carried out: shares, credit lines, loans and grants;

- instruments that do not provide direct funding, but can transfer knowledge or reduce risks: guarantees and technical assistance;

- instruments used to attract additional private resources transferred to "green" projects through one of the above instruments: green bonds and structured funds

M. Voica

M. Panait I. Radulescu, 2015

- green shares;

- green bonds

V. Kazlauskiene

A. Draksaite

L. Melnyk, 2017

- green bonds;

- green shares;

- green loans;

- budget financing instruments

Source: compiled on the basis [7-10].

Thus, the key instruments for "green" financing the modernization of transport infrastructure, which are effectively used in different countries around the world, include:

"green" bonds - bonds of any type, income from the placement of which are aimed exclusively at full or partial financing or refinancing of new and launched "green" projects that meet the established requirements (France, Brazil, China);

"green" loans - loans of any type, provided exclusively for full or partial financing or refinancing of new and launched "green" projects that meet the established requirements;

green investment funds - a mutual investment fund or other investment mechanism that provides investments only in companies that are considered socially conscious in terms of their business activities or directly contribute to the development of social responsibility using standardized "green" assets (France, Switzerland, United Kingdom).

Statistical analysis shows that the global volume of sustainable financing assets increased in 2016-2018 by 34.1%, including in Europe - by 17.5%, the United States - by 37.9%, Canada - by 54.5%, Australia and New Zealand - by 40%. The largest share of sustainable financing assets falls on Europe (45.9% of global assets) and the United States (39.1%) (Table 2).

Table 2

Global distribution of sustainable investment assets, trillion dollars USA

















Australia and New Zealand






Source: Global Sustainable Investment Review - Global

Sustainable Investment Alliance, 2018.

At the same time, as noted in the analytical report [11] in European countries, the most widely used investment approach is "negative screening"; in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - "integration of ESG-factors"; in Japan - "corporate interaction and shareholder action".

There is a growing trend of investment in some "green" investment approaches in the world. Thus, the volume of thematic sustainable investment increased 3.7 times in 2016-2018; positive screening - 2.3 times; targeted investment - 2 times; integration of ESG-factors - 1.7 times; negative screening - 1.3 times; corporate management and actions of shareholders - 1.2 times (Table 3).

Table 3

Volumes of investment in some "green" investment approaches in the world, billion dollars USA





Targeted investment



Thematic sustainable investment



Positive screening



Screening within normal limits



Corporate management and actions of shareholders



Integration of ESG-factors



Negative screening



Source: Global Sustainable Investment Review - Global

Sustainable Investment Alliance, 2018.

As a result of research [12-17] it is established that for the effective functioning of the national logistics system (LS) of the Czech Republic in the context of "green" growth, it is advisable to apply a comprehensive approach (Fig.). Its essence is to integrate the main components of the organizational and economic mechanism (principles, functions, methods, tools, management tools, information systems and technologies) and green financing tools for the implementation of priority areas of green transformation of LS.

Fig. Structural and logical scheme of transformation of the nationallogistics system on the basis of green economy

Source: author's development.


In the current conditions of rapid development of the green economy, the issues of environmental protection in the transport sphere and in the organization of logistics activities in the Czech Republic are relevant. Therefore, today the Government of the Czech Republic and the participants in the supply chain must pay special attention to environmental factors in the process of formation and functioning of the national logistics system. This will be in line with the main provisions of the Green Pact for Europe.

Thus, based on the above, we can conclude that it is appropriate to apply in modern Czech realities of international practice of implementing the mechanism of "green" investment in infrastructure projects. To this end, it is necessary to make appropriate changes and additions to the National Transport Development Plan for the period up to 2030 and to develop a Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Czech National Logistics System.

This will successfully transform the national logistics system based on the green economy and achieve balanced sustainable development of transport infrastructure through the implementation of investment-attractive "green" solutions.


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7. Venugopal, S., Srivastava, A., Polycarp, C., Taylor, E. (2012). Public Financing Instruments to Leverage Private Capital for Climate-Relevant Investment: Focus on Multilateral Agencies. Working paper. World Resources Institute.

8. Lindenberg, N. (2014). Public Instruments to Leverage Private Capital for Green Investments in Developing Countries. Discussion Paper. German Development Institute.

9. Voica, M.C., Panait, M., Radulescu, I. (2015). Green Investments - between Necessity, Fiscal Constraints and Profit. Procedia Economics and Finance, 22. 72-79.

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