Environics - the fundamental science on salvation and development of Earthly civilization or a new concept of the world`s development

Investigation of objective laws of environics as a practical implementation of processes in social systems. Consideration of the processes of development of technology, scientific and technological progress, economy and sociological processes in society.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.07.2024
Размер файла 44,7 K

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State Higher Education Institution «Pryazovsky State Technical University»

Private Higher Education Institution «Rauf Ablyazov East European University»

Flight Academy of the National Aviation University


Mykola BILOPOLSKYI Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,

Oleksii HUTSALIUK Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Juliia BONDAR Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Dnipro, Cherkasy, Kropyvnytskyi


The article examines the science of the environment as a new concept of world development, which will allow raising the political and economic potential of the world and social relations to the modern level of development of productive forces, a system of intellectual development of society and the world, where it is focused on improving the development of social relations, as now, and especially in the future. The study of management activities carried out in enterprises, organizations or ministries shows that all processes that take place in these systems are organized by management personnel (managers). The level of management depends, as a rule, on the knowledge, experience and intuition of managers (leaders), their organizational abilities. It was revealed that the reorganization of production and economic activity in any state is, first of all, the organization of production and economic systems in such a way as to achieve the highest intensification and accelerated development of technological, economic, sociological, environmental and functional processes. It was determined that the life of any society depends on whether people are provided with food, industrial goods, housing, transport, cultural and educational institutions, whether they are provided with social protection, etc. All this is realized through the production of means of production and means of consumption, as well as through economic activity, which is multifaceted and diverse. It is worth noting that the organization of economic activity must be reasonable, and those who organize it must have organizational skills. Sociological processes, that is, relationships between people, which are the most important processes in social systems that positively affect the stable development of society, are considered. The development of the countries of the world, which is based on the knowledge of objective dialectical laws, has been studied and provides the greatest guarantee that the social system is built correctly and will work without fail.

Keywords: environics, society, concept of world development, social system, sociological processes, economy.


Микола Григорович БІЛОПОЛЬСЬКИЙ доктор економічних наук, професор, заслужений діяч науки і техніки України, завідувач кафедри обліку та аудиту, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Дніпро, Україна

Олексій Миколайович ГУЦАЛЮК доктор економічних наук, професор, проректор з науково-педагогічної діяльності, Приватний заклад вищої освіти «Східноєвропейський університет імені Рауфа Аблязова», м. Черкаси, Україна

Юлія Анатоліївна БОНДАР кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту авіаційної діяльності, Льотна академія Національного авіаційного університету, м. Кропивницький, Україна


У статті розглянуто науку про навколишнє середовище як нову концепцію розвитку світу, яка дозволить підняти політичний та економічний потенціал світу та суспільні відносини до сучасного рівня розвитку продуктивних сил, систему інтелектуального розвитку суспільства та світу, де він зосереджений на вдосконаленні розвиток суспільних відносин, як тепер, так і особливо в майбутньому. Дослідження управлінської діяльності, яка здійснюються на підприємствах, організаціях чи міністерствах, показує, що всі процеси, які відбуваються в цих системах, організовуються управлінським персоналом (менеджерами). Рівень управління залежить, як правило, від знань, досвіду та інтуїції менеджерів (керівників), їх організаторських здібностей. Виявлено, що реорганізація виробничо-господарської діяльності в будь-якій державі є перш за все, організація виробничо-господарських систем таким чином, щоб досягти найвищої інтенсифікації та прискореного розвитку технологічних, економічних, соціологічних, природо-екологічних і функціональних процесів. Визначено, що життєдіяльність будь-якого суспільства залежить від того, чи забезпечені люди продуктами харчування, промисловими товарами, житлом, транспортом, культурно-освітніми закладами, чи забезпечено їм соціальний захист тощо. Все це реалізується через виробництво засобів виробництва і засобів споживання, а також через економічну діяльність, яка є багатогранною і різноманітною. Варто зазначити, що організація господарської діяльності має бути розумною, а ті, хто її організовує, мають володіти організаторськими здібностями. Розглянуто соціологічні процеси, тобто взаємовідносини між людьми, які є найважливішими процесами в соціальних системах, що позитивно впливають на стабільний розвиток суспільства. Досліджено розвиток країн світу, заснований на пізнанні об'єктивних діалектичних закономірностей, дає найбільшу гарантію того, що соціальна система побудована правильно і буде працювати безвідмовно.

Ключові слова: енвіроніка, суспільство, концепція розвитку світу, суспільна система, соціологічні процеси, економіка.


The mankind is really now on the threshold of a new world, new stage of the development, and new evolutional spire. It is especially traceable in the rates of technical progress.

It should be noted that humanity is currently living in an era of development crisis. There is an imbalance of development not only in nature, but also in society. Global problems have stood in the way of the future development of the world. Humanity is faced with a choice - to die or survive. Never in the past has the historical choice been so clear and unambiguous. The current generations must find a way out not in a tragic epilogue, but in a reasonable arrangement of the states of the world, using the potential of science and scientific and technological progress for the future development of all life on Earth.

The present world is suffering great military, political, social and economic, energy, international, ecological and other conflicts. It resembles stretched strings. And if one string is overstretched, the catastrophe will be unavoidable. The conclusion of it is the following: further development of the world requires much caution, wisdom and ability. The states should be governed by wise and rational leaders.

In the management of social systems, the method of trial and error prevails. Unfortunately, the scientific method of guiding politics, socio-economic, production and economic activities, ecology, art, culture, education and others. We consider scientific method based on deep knowledge of objective the laws by which social systems develop.

Knowing them and taking into account their actions and influences, you can avoid many mistakes and crisis phenomena in the future development of the state. The complexity and diversity of all phenomena modern life, great opportunities and dangers, associated with scientific and technological progress and with a number of political, socio-economic, environmental and other negative phenomena, urgently require scientific approach and involvement of the intellectual elite in solving urgent problems.

Therefore, the actual study of society and the world today with the help of the science of environmental science, which offers a new concept of the development of the world, namely the system of intellectual development of society and the world, where he focused on improving the development of social relations, both now and especially in the future.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Many social scientists, economists have been thinking for a long ago over the problem of perspective development of the world and what way the mankind should choose to develop further. There are also scientific works, propositions; they hold scientific conferences. The International conference of government executives of 130 states held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 made the serious definition of the mankind motive powers. The Conference recognized that the Western model of development had exhausted itself, that profit hunting leads to such an aggravation of contradictions that creates a real threat to the existence of life itself on the Earth. The unrestrained consumption cannot be considered as the main motive power of the progress any more. We need a new paradigm of the mankind development.

Unfortunately, the Conference suggested neither serious theoretical nor practical proposals on the further world organization. In our opinion, the significance of the Conference is that it established the course to a stable development of the world countries' economies, load reduction and environment protection. It would be very important if the Conference could suggest not only the way of stable development but also a stable cutting down of expenditures on production, exchange, distribution and consumption of finished products. This should become the basis for the perspective development of the world countries.

In addition, it was necessary to propose a new socio-economic formation for the future development of civilization, which would exclude various kinds of crises, wars, conflicts and cataclysms in the world in the future.

Aim and tasks

The purpose of the study is to consider environmental science as a new concept for the development of the world, which will raise the political and economic potential of the world and social relations to the current level of development of productive forces.

In accordance with the stated purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:

- to investigate the objective laws of environics as a practical implementation of processes in social systems;

- consider the processes of development of technology, technology, scientific and technological progress, economy and sociological processes in society.

environics society economy sociological

Methods and methodology

The following methods were used to solve the research tasks: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis - for historical and comparative analysis of modern social systems (industrial, economic, state) and the world as a whole; regression analysis - to identify patterns of development of a single science - environics, which in an integrated form, comprehensively, in full scope, in a general scope will not only study, but also determine both theoretically and practically the future development of social systems and the world as a whole. Objective laws by which social systems develop were used.

Presentation of the main research material

Investigations of managerial activity realized at enterprises, in firms, organizations or ministries show that all processes which take place in these systems are organized by managerial staff (managers). The level of management depends, as a rule, on knowledge, experience and intuition of managers (heads), their organizational skills.

Any work begins with organization, the next steps in the work are also impossible if the actions are not organized. There are some methods of organizing social systems available in science and practice. Any manager (head) considers organizational processes as his most important activity.

Reorganization of production-economic activity in any state is, first of all, the organization of production and economic systems in such a way as to achieve the highest intensification and accelerated development of technological, economic, sociological, natureecological and functional processes.

Progressive development of society always began with the development of labor implements and means. An outstanding feature of our century is increased role of machineries and technologies in human life. In our time, it is especially important to utilize machines, mechanisms, automated lines, new technologies for providing intensive development of society.

Acceleration of socio-economic development in any society is possible due to wide introduction of advanced technologies and flexible production, which allow effective launching of new products.

The scientific-technical progress, new equipment and innovative technology are the main driving forces in the development and improvement of all processes in production and economic systems. It goes about (table 1).

One should give particular attention to organization of machineries and technologies. Any type of production is a very complicated organizational process. Managing production means to organize it. This can do only man. This process is realized on man's initiative and includes improvisation, search, choice and selection.

The vital activity of any society depends on that whether the people are provided with food, manufactured goods, housing, transport vehicles, cultural and educational establishments, if they are ensured social protection and so on. All this is realized through manufacturing of production means and consumption means as well as through economic activity which is manysided and varied.

There is no necessity to describe economic activity in social systems. It has been described in the world economic literature, both at macroand microlevel. It is worth of noting that the organization of economic activity must be reasonable and those who organize it should possess organizational skills. It is organization of economics, both theoretical and practical, that is developed poorly almost in all countries. Unfortunately, in many cases the trial-and-error method and intuition of managerial personnel are used. Even highly-developed countries, not to mention the countries with disorganized economies, often suffer from financial crises, smash up of a business, overproduction of commodities, face the tax problems and others.

Table 1

The main stages of development and improvement of all processes in production and business systems


Stage content



- operative introduction of scientific and technical achievements, selection of better machines, mechanisms, equipment applied in concrete systems;

- reduction of designing periods, production and introduction of new machineries and technologies;

- new investment and structural policy that provides the development of power engineering based on new nontraditional sources of energy, electronics, all-round automation, technology for production and processing new materials - all they provide the intensive development of efficient machineries and technologies.

In this relation, the scientific-research and designing institutes must develop new machines and find new technological decisions which would provide highly-efficient production in the future. The decisions should find their practical application at the enterprises within the country.

Second stage

elaboration of the policy directed at

replacement of outdated technology by advanced which corresponds to intensive development, creation of automated and computerized production systems able to provide maximum utilization of raw materials under reduced waste.

Third stage

formation of such organizational and

socio-economic conditions which would promote continual and timely renewal of machineries and technologies and creation of new generations of basic assets.

Fourth stage

rational organization of technical and

technological processes which provides efficient utilization of machines, mechanisms, equipment, buildings, constructions, as well, as ensures increase in their employment and lifetime.

So, organization of economic services and processes has a great influence on exchange, distribution and consumption of finished products; it makes them reasonable and fair and, thus, raises well-being in the country.

The main objective of enterprises' economic services (departments for sales and marketing, finance, planning, accounting) is to organize sale and realization of finished products so as to gain a maximum profit and to raise profitability. The industries and the state should be aimed at organizing the structure of social production in order to observe some proportions, in particular reproduction proportions - between manufacturing of production means and consumption means; sector proportions - in the development of production braches (industry, building, agriculture, transport and communication, trade and other spheres); territorial proportions - in location of production in economic regions; foreign-economic proportions - import and export of products manufactured in different branches and districts 9 from and to foreign countries. Finally, the state should provide a reasonable organization of tax, credit and finance-banking system which would stimulate domestic manufacture, improve social sphere and boost the well-being in the country.

Sociological processes, i.e. interrelations between the people, are the most important processes in social systems. They have a positive effect on stable development of the society.

Every man plays a particular role (organization or disorganization) in production systems, social systems and society. The level of development or disorganization of any system will depend on the ability of a man to cooperate, contact with other people in political, cultural and other activities.

Sociological relations are, as a rule, various and rather complicated. Even the simplest production system undergoes a great number of relations between employees, to say nothing of industries or states. These are the relations between managers and workers, between managers, between workers, between collectives and groups of people in the process of productioneconomic and other types of activities. Moreover, it should be taken into consideration that every person is individual, including moral standards, psychophysiology, incomes, political, ideological, religious, cultural and other points of view.

Organization of the system's collective for performing the work is a hard task to do. It does not go about organization of the work as such. It is necessary to organize the work so as one might gain a maximum effect (profit) and use total capabilities of the collective for development and improvement of the system. One should pay attention to the factors, which have influence on personnel's capacity for work. These factors include political (social structure, love for native land, devotion to the nation, collective, etc.), economic (wages and salaries, material welfare), production (well-organized and safe labor), sociological (education, moral standards and psychological state), nature-ecological (gas contamination in living accommodations and production premises, cleanness) and many other factors. Besides these factors, any system depends on personal qualities of managers and workers. Here one can observe the intricate relations, including faith or suspiciousness, leadership or protection, friendliness or hostility. Different individualities have different relations, which provide different levels of organization of production systems, economic systems and society.

Sociological factors are also main reserves for raising economic potential, an inexhaustible source for development and improvement of social systems, their reasonable, purpose-oriented and expedient interactions.

The mankind using scientific methods and life experience has defined main directions for sociological interrelations which promote a reasonable development of social systems. They are:

Firstly, democratization of society which secures continual development and does not permit return of old inefficient (perhaps, totalitarian) regimes.

Two variants are possible - democratization or social sluggishness, conservatism and stagnation. Democracy implies drawing of the great mass of the population into socioeconomic, ideological, political, cultural and other types of activities. This increases the importance of collective search for truth based on mass initiative, wide discussion of urgent problems by mass media, radio and television. The publicity of this kind will help to avoid making incorrect decisions.

Secondly, making use of democracy advantages for providing progressive development of society. Different forms of ownership of production means, as well as production and distribution of products in economic processes should be based on high consciousness of the 10 people and supported by them. It will give an opportunity to work out a strong social and economic policy, which would combine moral and material interests of enterprises and organizations' employees.

Thirdly, the people should be more active, not only separate persons but the collectives of production systems, economic systems and society.

To achieve the success, it is necessary to create the conditions favorable for realizing human capabilities, to create motivational environment. To do it, the interrelations between heads and subordinates should be revised. It is necessary to work out such moral and material incentives, which would induce to active actions on the masses' initiative, encourage creativity. Conflict situations should be settled through public organizations taking into account a collective opinion; the managers should be competent, efficient and able to organize the people by using effective material and moral incentives.

A social climate in the collectives of social systems has a great importance for discovering human potentialities. A good atmosphere should be created, first of all, by the managers (heads) with participation of specialists, sociologists, psychologists, etc. Creation of efficient work in collectives of social systems requires good knowledge of moral-psychological state of the people, their interests, needs, requirements.

It is worth of noting that the organization of sociological interrelations, as it has been mentioned above, prevents from many negative phenomena in production, economic systems and society, such as drop in production, decline in productivity, low-quality products, all kinds of conflicts, socio-economic, political and other shocks.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

As a result of the study, it can be said that it is extremely important in the development of public relations of states to develop a new, universal, unified socio-economic formation, like environmental science, this is the science of the development and improvement of society and the world.

It should be noted that the development of the countries of the world, based on the knowledge of objective dialectical laws, provides the greatest guarantee that the social system is built correctly and will work without fail. This is evidenced by the experience of numerous examples in technical and biological (living) systems. It was technicians, technologists, engineers, biologists who created new machines, mechanisms, etc. after learning the objective laws by which these systems function.

It is necessary to pay tribute and support this discovery in the social sciences, because the problem of survival, development and improvement of production, economic systems, states of modern civilization is becoming one of the central ones both in the research of scientists and in the activities of political, state leaders, business managers and all people of the planet, who think and cheer.

Thus, modern social relations expect serious fundamental transformations, since they do not meet the requirements of highly productive forces. Old obsolete methods in politics, economics, ideology, morality, culture, etc. do not make it possible to raise the potential of social relations to a high modern level. They suspend the prospective development of states and the world as a whole and do not meet the realities of today, therefore a more advanced study of such a science as environmental science will give a holistic, systematic idea of how social (states) systems should develop in the present and future (strategic).


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  • Project background and rationales. Development methodology, schedule planning. Company mission and vision. Organization of staff and company structure. Procurement system target market. Implementation of procurement system. Testing, user manual.

    дипломная работа [6,8 M], добавлен 28.11.2013

  • The stock market and economic growth: theoretical and analytical questions. Analysis of the mechanism of the financial market on the efficient allocation of resources in the economy and to define the specific role of stock market prices in the process.

    дипломная работа [5,3 M], добавлен 07.07.2013

  • Assessment of the rate of unemployment in capitalist (the USA, Germany, England, France, Japan) and backward countries (Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan). Influence of corruption, merges of business and bureaucracy on progress of market economy.

    реферат [15,5 K], добавлен 12.04.2012

  • The first stage of market reforms in Kazakhstan is from 1992 to 1997. The second phase is in 1998 after the adoption of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030". The agricultural, education sectors. The material and technical foundation of the medical institutions.

    презентация [455,3 K], добавлен 15.05.2012

  • The use of computers in education. Improvements in health, education and trade in poor countries. Financial education as a mandatory component of the curriculum. Negative aspects of globalization. The role of globalization in the economic development.

    контрольная работа [57,9 K], добавлен 13.05.2014

  • Investments as an economic category, and their role in the development of macro- and microeconomics. Classification of investments and their structure. Investment activity and policy in Kazakhstan: trends and priorities. Foreign investment by industry.

    курсовая работа [38,8 K], добавлен 05.05.2014

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