Analysis of the communication process from the quality indicators of business institutions in Azerbaijan

In this article related to corporate communication. The research of companies operating in Azerbaijan the degree of importance of the corporate communication process was analyzed in terms of the development of quality indicators of business enterprises.

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Analysis of the communication process from the quality indicators of business institutions in Azerbaijan

Konul Aghayeva*, Ph.D., Associate Professor Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction; Azerbaijan State Economic University Aydan Pashayeva, Master Student Azerbaijan State Economic University

Konul Aghayeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction; Azerbaijan State Economic University. Aydan Pashayeva, Master Student, Azerbaijan State Economic University. Analysis of the communication process from the quality indicators of business institutions in Azerbaijan.

In modern times, the importance of communication process for organizations plays a vital role, especially with the developments in the world of technology. In a competitive environment, companies need to use corporate communication effectively not only to protect their existence, but also to stand out and be chosen by the target audience. Additionally, to gain an advantage, organizations must place corporate communication at the center of their strategic planning. Companies that prioritize quality workforce in Azerbaijan should take a serious approach to institutionalization in order to increase their productivity and profitability and expand their market shares. While creating institutionalized structures of institutions that must be systematically managed within the framework of certain rules in our country, the success of institutions is ensured by taking a path within the framework of the plan and program. To increase this success and effectively communicate to the target audience, organizations should benefit from corporate communication tools with different characteristics in terms of strategy, form and content. In this article, concepts related to corporate communication, the concept, definition and scope of corporate communication, strategic corporate communication, areas where corporate communication interacts, factors that hinder corporate communication, corporate communication network models, the examination of techniques and tools used in corporate communication, and the research of companies operating in Azerbaijan the degree of importance of the corporate communication process was analyzed in terms of the development of quality indicators of business enterprises.

Key words: communication process, corporate communication, business enterprises, quality indicators, Azerbaijan.

Конул Агаєва, Ph.D., доцент, Азербайджанський університет архітектури та будівництва, Азербайджанський державний економічний університет. Айдан Пашаєва, магістрант, Азербайджанський державний економічний університет. Аналіз процесу комунікації за показниками якості бізнес-інститутів в Азербайджані.

У наш час важливість процесу комунікації для організацій відіграє життєво важливу роль, особливо з розвитком подій у світі технологій. У конкурентному середовищі компаніям необхідно ефективно викорис-товувати корпоративні комунікації як захисту своєї присутності, а й у тому, щоб виділитися і бути обраними цільової аудиторією. Крім того, щоб отримати перевагу, організації мають поставити корпоративну кому-нікацію до центру свого стратегічного планування. Компанії, які надають пріоритет якісній робочій силі в Азербайджані, повинні серйозно підійти до інституціоналізації, щоб підвищити свою продуктивність і прибутковість, а також розширити свою частку на ринку. При створенні нашій країні інституціоналізова- них структур інститутів, якими необхідно систематично управляти у межах певних правил, успіх інститутів забезпечується проходженням шляху у межах плану та програми. Щоб збільшити цей успіх та ефективно спілкуватися з цільовою аудиторією, організації повинні отримати вигоду з інструментів корпоративних комунікацій з різними характеристиками з погляду стратегії, форми та змісту. У цій статті розглянуто поняття, пов'язані з корпоративною комунікацією, поняття, визначення та сфера застосування корпоративної комунікації, стратегічна корпоративна комунікація, галузі взаємодії корпоративної комунікації, фактори, що перешкоджають корпоративній комунікації, моделі мережі корпоративної комунікації, розгляд методів та інструментів, що використовуються у корпоративній комунікації. комунікації, а також дослідження компаній, що діють в Азербайджані, було проаналізовано ступінь важливості процесу корпоративних комунікацій з погляду розвитку показників якості бізнес-підприємств.

Ключові слова: комунікаційний процес, корпоративна комунікація, ділові підприємства, показники якості, Азербайджан.


communication quality business azerbaijan

Communication is available everywhere in our living space. At home, at school, at work, we communicate with other people. Communication is an important human need in our life. Workplaces are one of the most important foundations of communication. Communication is very important in business. Organizations are also a communication system consisting of communication and interaction of people. Management also requires having some basic communication skills. In modern times, the communication process within entrepreneurial enterprises operating in Azerbaijan has become more important than before. Particularly important changes in the social structure of our republic have led to transformations in the communication process and rules in the administrative field. New organizational structures, understanding and relational styles have emerged. The field of mass communication has become more complex and difficult to understand. As a result of these changes, there is a need for a new look at communication theories and research.

It should be noted that communication is considered the main feature of business activity and development. In order to sustainably ensure the growth of business in Azerbaijan or to succeed in the operation of business enterprises, that business is based on effective communication with both customers and employees. Ineffective communication usually leads to team mismanagement and undesirable business results. This study aims to highlight and explain the importance of good communication and its impact on the success of any business. Since the Enlightenment, the formation of communication has always been a key factor for reform. Effective communication is important in both personal and professional contexts because it enables individuals to clearly express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings and to understand the perspectives of others. There is no substitute for effective communication to achieve business results. Corporate communication is an important component used to work with customers and employees. In this article, the importance of effective communication in business enterprises existing in Azerbaijan and at the same time the significant impact of corporate communication on the growth and profitability of business in our country is specially emphasized. By prioritizing clear and concise communication, businesses in Azerbaijan can create a more productive and profitable environment for all stakeholders. While this article sheds light on senior managers' assessments of corporate communication in Azerbaijan, it also highlights the extension that can contribute to the personal knowledge and observations of employees assigned to manage communication. This initiative will perhaps challenge many of the "truths" we have learned about communication and managing relationships strategically.

It should be noted that communication is considered the heart of business and has a special importance within business. Effective communication plays an important role in the survival and growth of a business. In addition, communication acts as a clarifying element for business development. In particular, it can be noted that for any organization/business to be successful, it is considered a prerequisite to establish proper communication methods or channels for the relevant segments internally with employees or externally with customers. Communication skills are required for business marketing and promotion in Azerbaijan. Effective communication helps to develop employee skills and achieve business goals. In our country, corporate communication increases the efficiency of the work process, leading to the establishment of good business relations between business owners and employees. It also helps develop relationships that lead to successful teamwork. Employee satisfaction, customer retention, and the company's public image benefit from successful corporate communication.

Communication is also the cornerstone of decision-making and guides the process of making a decision, determining or choosing something that needs to happen during a business activity. It is a means for people to express their views on proposed initiatives or to develop solutions to problems. As a result, it is an essential component of corporate success.

Analysis of recent research and publications

It should be noted that another important process affected by effective communication is job satisfaction. When business subjects and the business world in Azerbaijan are examined more closely in modern times, it will be seen that job satisfaction in many small and medium-sized enterprises is not at the maximum level and corporate communication disorder has a very significant share in this dissatisfaction. For this reason, in this article, the issue of corporate communication in our country will be discussed in detail and its effect on job satisfaction will be investigated, and suitable solutions will be proposed in this direction.

In general, let's talk briefly about the concept of communication. Communication, derived from the Latin word "communis" and used as "communication" in many western languages, can be defined in the most general sense as the process of deriving common meanings between individuals. Communication is a process that shapes human life [5]. Given that organizations are based on coordination between individual activities, communication inevitably forms the basis of this harmony. Strengthening this process has certainly become an integral part of business subjects in our country. Especially social psychologists argue that communication is the essence of social systems [14]. For this reason, when employees are the target of management methods, the power of communication is used in its implementation. For people who are considered to be social beings, as in all areas of life, communication is very important in business life. Regardless of whether the result is positive or negative, communication is an integral part of social life and plays an important role in all activities aimed at achieving corporate goals in business enterprises operating in Azerbaijan [11].

Today, we live in the information age, economic and technological changes and developments related to globalization have also had their impact on institutional structures. It should be specially emphasized that these mentioned developments not only increased the importance of communication in business enterprises in Azerbaijan, but also highlighted different dimensions and forms of communication. In general, the strengthening of corporate communication positively affects the quality indicators of business. Corporate communication is an all-encompassing communication and relationship management discipline aimed at increasing the organization's performance and becoming an organization that is liked and appreciated by society with the approach of sustainable development principles [6].

The main reason why the concept of communication has come to the fore in business enterprises is that today organizations adopt a human-oriented management approach. In general, businesses are structures that arise in response to human needs and are social systems formed by the cooperation of two or more people to achieve a common goal and organize their behavior according to formal rules. Those business enterprises cannot carry out their activities without establishing communication. Coordination of workers is possible through communication. Organizational excellence depends on the communication skills of all organizational members [3].

Corporate communication is not only mutual communication between members of the organization. In fact, it has a systematic and formal structure at a higher and more complex level. Organizational structures, areas of activity, management styles, cultures, and other similar factors can also be influential in determining the pattern or type of intra-organizational communication. The communication process in business enterprises can be defined as a process by which messages are created about work or social relations between employees, departments at different levels that make the organization an enterprise, managers, management level and sub-divisions [1].

The ability to communicate in the work process accounts for almost 85% of success in both work and life. So when the communication between employees and management is strong enough, it results in smooth running of the business. According to Stephen, it is clear that communication is the most critical factor in organizing and planning work as well as efforts to achieve the organization's goals, mission and objectives [2]. By creating an environment of understanding, there is a great chance to strengthen cooperation and promote effective action. Therefore, it is extremely important for businesses to prioritize effective communication strategies to ensure that their employees perform to the best of their abilities [9].

In order to increase quality indicators, various communication methods, which may include face-to- face meetings, phone calls, text messages, e-mails, and other traditional written forms, are widely used within business enterprises operating in Azerbaijan. There are several forms of corporate communication in our country: internal communication, horizontal communication and external communication. It should be noted that external communication is considered the most important type of communication for smooth business management [7].

Internal communication: Internal business communication refers to the exchange of information and ideas within an organization, among its employees, departments and other stakeholders. Effective internal communication is essential to the success of any organization because it helps align everyone to common goals, promotes collaboration and teamwork, fosters a culture of openness and trust, and increases employee satisfaction and productivity [4]. Effective internal communication can take many forms (formal channels such as memos, reports, meetings, and emails, as well as informal channels such as face-to-face conversations, chats, and social events). By providing timely and relevant information to employees, internal communication can help them understand their roles, responsibilities and expectations and enable them to make informed decisions. In addition, effective internal communication can help identify and resolve organizational issues such as conflicts, problems with policies or procedures, or changes in the marketplace. By creating a culture of open communication, employees are more likely to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback, which can lead to improvements in processes, products, and services. Overall, effective internal business communication is essential to create a positive and productive work environment, increase employee satisfaction and commitment, and ensure organizational success [12].

Horizontal Communication: Horizontal communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas, and messages between individuals or groups within the same hierarchical level or functional area within an organization. In other words, it is communication that occurs between colleagues or peers without a hierarchical relationship [5]. Lateral communication is important to organizations because it facilitates collaboration, teamwork, and knowledge sharing between departments or teams. It allows individuals or groups to share information, ideas and perspectives, which can lead to innovative solutions and better decisions [11]. Horizontal communication can also help break down silos within an organization and promote a culture of open communication where all members feel empowered to contribute to the organization's success. However, horizontal communication can also create some problems, such as potential misunderstandings, conflicts, or competition between departments or teams. Therefore, organizations should establish clear communication protocols and guidelines to ensure that horizontal communication is effective, respectful, and consistent with the organization's overall goals and objectives [9].

External Communication: External communication refers to the exchange of information, messages and ideas between an organization and external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, partners, investors, regulatory bodies and the general public [1]. Effective external communication is important to organizations because it helps build and maintain relationships with stakeholders, promote the organization's brand and reputation, and achieve its goals and objectives. External communication can take many forms, including advertising, public relations, corporate social responsibility initiatives, social media, email, phone calls, or in-person meetings [10]. Effective external communication is critical to organizations as it helps build and maintain relationships with stakeholders, promote brand awareness and reputation, and ultimately drive business growth and success. In addition, external communication should be consistent with the organization's values, mission, and goals. Building and maintaining trust with stakeholders must be respectful, transparent and honest. Overall, effective external communication is a critical component of organizational success and requires careful planning, implementation, and evaluation to achieve its desired outcomes [5].

Communication skills are useful in the conception, management, organization, promotion and creation of a range of advertising, management, development and construction structures and procedures. Marketing and promoting a business requires communication skills. Effective communication helps employees grow and achieve business goals. One way for a corporation to provide a pleasant customer experience is through excellent communication. To bridge the gap, employers and employees must be able to communicate successfully. Good communication skills can help reduce stress and increase efficiency. And in this way, everyone is motivated to fulfill the goals of the organization in a productive and enjoyable way. In response, good communication skills are essential in business management and organizations [5].

One of the most important information technology tools, the Internet is widely used in exchange and communication and many other fields. The scope of the exchange area includes digital products and services and information. The Internet has profoundly affected all variables of the marketing mix in this context. Issues such as the elimination of geographical and spatial boundaries, implementation and personalization of promotional activities in a virtual environment, unlike traditional media, and personalization of the structure of products depending on personal needs can be examples of this influence. Thus, for some products and services, both the functions of advertising with its mass characteristics and individual selling with personal interaction can be easily performed in the stages of testing and purchase [14].

The development of new communication channels was a very important element in the process of information provision and a driving force in terms of not only marketing activity, but also the creation of innovations. First of all, it became possible to implement electronic media-based communication between business partners. Technological developments and the widespread use of the Internet lead commercial enterprises to reach their target customers in new and innovative ways such as digital media. With the ever-expanding use of digital marketing activities by consumers, digital marketing has become a strategically important tool for businesses [1]. Corporate communication covers a very wide area within itself. However, this study will focus on personal, interpersonal, person-group, intergroup and inter-organizational communication. There is no social formation or business that does not require a communication system. Therefore, it seems impossible for organizations that do not build a healthy communication system to survive. Organizations are relatively stable, physical structures in which communication takes place. In this sense, organizations are places where communication processes take place and people send information to each other from different positions in the organization. In this sense, some of the questions that organizations address and try to find answers to in relation to communication are listed below [5]:

(1) How can communication be made more accurate?

(2) How do communication breakdowns occur?

(3) What is the most suitable medium for sending messages?

Personal Communication - A type of communication where the source of communication is a physical person. In fact, a person is both a source and a target who receives a message in communication. Expressions are produced, transmitted and interpreted within a person in ways that are not expressed externally. The message formed in this type of communication process consists of a person's thoughts and feelings. Thinking for oneself, discussing some situations in one's head, making decisions or experiencing conflicts within oneself can be considered communication with one's self. The positive or negative situations that a person experiences in communication with himself will also be reflected in the communication with his environment.

Interpersonal Communication - The type of communication carried out by two or more people together or through some means is called interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication can occur face- to-face, via e-mail, telephone, or the Internet. Given the hierarchical structure in organizations, this can be between colleagues at the same level or between superiors and subordinates. This communication can take place both formally and informally.

Person-Group Communication - This type of corporate communication is the process of communication between the members of the enterprise with the group they belong to or with other groups within the organization. There are two types of group communication. The first of these is individual-to-group communication. An example of this situation is when an employee in a managerial position reports to the board of directors or the board of partners. The second is a type of communication that involves group to individual communication. An example of this situation is the transfer of a decision made by the board to the CEO.

Intergroup Communication - This is a type of communication where both the sender and receiver of the message are a group. An example of intergroup communication is communication between different groups within the organization.

Inter-Corporate Communication - It is a type of communication where the sender and receiver of information is an enterprise. Organizations influence or are influenced by other organizations that interact with them. An example of inter-organizational communication is the participation of an enterprise in the process of communication with another enterprise.


Corporate communication is the foundation of all business activities and interactions, including team collaboration, customer service, marketing, negotiation and decision making. Since corporate communication acts as a link between decision makers and all employees, communication can make or break the existence of a business. All businesses rely on communication for their operations. Effective communication mainly strengthens the relationship between the organization and minimizes misunderstandings between employees and management. Effective communication sometimes defeats organizational goals and objectives, leading to uncertainty, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. Effective business communication aims to reduce errors and improve organizational procedures. It is of great importance that employees always communicate with management, co-workers and teammates. To convey messages to employees or external customers, a proper communication channel is required that helps them to be updated about company information. When corporate communication is done effectively, it increases employee satisfaction, customer retention, and improves the company's brand name. Ineffective communication in a business organization can result in confusion, misunderstanding and unpleasant work environment. Ineffective communication in the workplace can lead to miscommunication, misconceptions, and an uncomfortable work environment.

The ability to communicate with people both inside and outside the company is a key characteristic of successful business founders. While some people think that communication is a crucial feature of business, others say that the position of communicator is not productive and that a dedicated communication department is unnecessary. The second form of company was also solved by humans. The success of a firm depends on sales, planning, logistics, accounting, business development, markets and other management tasks. All these roles require knowledge of effective communication strategies on the part of managers. To achieve this, you need to create a well-managed and comprehensive communication process. Managers can use effective communication to help them accomplish their work tasks. During the planning phase, it is very important to communicate the prerequisites and relevant information to the project stakeholders.

A smart public relations strategy can enhance a company's image by using the media. Effective business communications contribute to the promotion of corporate innovation. By expanding the customer and customer base, the company can benefit from the increasing globalization of the world. The benefits are significantly greater if both management and employees interact effectively and regularly. Business innovation occurs when people are able to express or communicate their thoughts and ideas and are motivated to do so. Firms should instill confidence in their employees by encouraging them to voice their opinions when starting any new venture. It is also very important to get information from current customers before starting a new business. Both of these require open and friendly communication. It can be stated unequivocally that for any organization/ business to be successful, adequate communication methods/channels must be established for all important segments, whether with employees or with external customers.


1. Business organization and management: textbook (2011) Baku: "Economics University" Publishing House, p. 464.

2. Alirzayev A. G. (2005) Problems of social and economic development of Azerbaijan under the conditions of reforms and acceleration strategy: experience, trends and prospective directions. Baku: Adilogiu" publishing house.

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4. Hussaini S. W. (2021) Influence of effective communication on business affluence. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, pp. 596-599.

5. Hynes G. E. (2012) Improving employees' interpersonal communication competencies: A qualitative study. Business communication quarterly, no. 75(4), pp. 466-475.

6. Kaplan R. S., Norton D. P. (1992) The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review, pp. 71-79.

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