Substantiating the influence of the results of a competent organization's functioning on the efficiency of the national economy

An increase in the number of organizations capable of achieving high performance indicators, competent in market conditions. The influence of the results of the activity of Ukrainian organizations as an indicator of competence on the volume of GDP.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 05.09.2024
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Undoubtedly, periodically negative dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators, imperfect regulation of relations between business entities and authorities, weak cooperative ties between small and large businesses, active inflationary processes that provoke an increase in organizational costs for raw materials and all other elements of production cost, complicate the functioning of organizations in Ukraine and inhibit their development, bringing to the fore the issue of revising state policy aimed at improving the conditions for their creation, functioning and development with an emphasis on acquiring competence and increasing profitability based on this (State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2023).

Analysis of the relations of the specified indicators is important for formulating the correct conclusions. According to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2023), the share of the volume of sold products consistently exceeds the similar indicator of production in almost all groups of organizations (the exception is large organizations), which may indicate additional, besides own production, purchase and sale of products from counter- parties-suppliers and/or about the availability of finished products in warehouses. However, the advantage in growth rates of manufactured products over sales in Ukraine and by groups of organizations (the exception is large organizations) indicates an increase in production volumes by Ukrainian organizations, a decrease in the volume of residual products and dependence on suppliers (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Dynamics of volumes of products manufactured and sold by organizations of Ukraine. (Source: created by the authors based on Kuharska et al, 2020)

Official data demonstrate the identity of trends in the volume of products manufactured and sold and the volumes of GDP. The fall in the volume of production and sale of products, which is often explained by a decrease in demand due to a decrease in the level of purchasing power of the population, always has a negative impact on the volumes of GDP. Additionally, the rising inflation level against the national currency devaluation significantly devalues the population's incomes, which has a negative impact on the sphere of retail trade, and household investments and is expected to lead to a decrease in macroeconomic indicators (Kuharska et al., 2020).

As known, the results of organizations' operations, including the volumes of produced and sold goods, and the level of profitability, have a significant impact on GDP, ensuring the effective functioning of the national economy. Within the scope of the study, these factors are also considered as indicators of organizations reaching a certain level of competence in the market. Despite the importance of all these indicators, an organization capable not only of producing certain volumes of goods but also of selling them at a price that allows for profit is considered more competent. Such an organization possesses not only production and financial competence but also entrepreneurial competence, competence in organizational support of marketing and sales activities, thus having a broader range of competencies. Therefore, confirming the first hypothesis of the study and formulating a conclusion regarding the influence of the results of organizational functioning, as an indicator of their competence, on the efficiency of the national economy can be illustrated through modelling the relationship between the indicator of volumes of sold goods and GDP (Table 2).

Table 2. Regression model depicting the dependence of the efficiency of economic functioning on the level of competence of organizations. (Source: created by the authors based on Economic profile of the region, community, cluster, 2022; State Statistics Service of Ukraine, 2023)



Regression model

Y = -283817,76 + 0,43 X X

Dependent variable (Y)

The volume of goods and services sold by organizations, UAH million

Independent variable (X)

Gross Domestic Product, UAH million

Determination Ratio


Fisher F-test


Variation Ratio




According to the data in Table 2, the regression model demonstrates a high level of reliability, describing 99% of the influencing factors and having high stability (only 4% variation). In other words, the key factor in economic development is not the number of organizations or the intensity of their growth but rather the qualitative indicators of their activities. This pertains to the volumes of products that organizations can offer to consumers, the level of competitiveness in the market, influencing sales volumes, the ratio of organizational costs to results, determining profit generation. These indicators signify the achievements of certain organizations in attaining a certain level of competence in the market, enabling them to address operational tasks more efficiently than competitors. This leads to the acquisition of competitive advantages and the strengthening of market positions. Therefore, the competence of an organization should be considered a key factor in ensuring the effectiveness of its operations, as it determines its ability to achieve high results.


The study of the results of the Ukrainian organizations' activities in the context of their impact on the national economy functioning allowed to note the presence of unambiguous trends. Analysis of the organizations' development at the meso- level revealed their high concentration in six leading regions - 975 225.52 organizations (49.85%) (Figure 2). This does not always indicate their greatest positive influence on the state of the economy, which made it necessary to analyze the regional contribution to the total GDP of Ukraine (Figure 3). It was found that the contribution to the GDP of the Dniprope- trovsk region, where the number of organizations increased by 0.02%, is almost 11%. The city of Kyiv, which is distinguished by the most active development of new organizations (almost 3%), provides 26% of GDP (Figure 3). That is, the difference in the growth rates of the number of organizations in the regions by almost 150 times determines the difference in shares in GDP by only 2.36 times (Figure 4). This disproved the hypothesis that there is a direct relationship between the number of organizations in the region and its share in GDP, therefore, the inexpediency of considering the indicator as a determining factor of influence on the national economy. The analysis of the results of the organizations' functioning, and the economic effect of their activity, which is manifested in the ratio of the volumes of products manufactured and sold, became reasonably important. It was determined that the organizations of the entrepreneurial sector are able to more effectively solve the issue of developing science-intensive technologies, and their implementation in production, and contribute to the saturation of domestic and foreign markets with competitive products. Despite the predominance of small organizations in the total number of business entities in Ukraine - 1 716 977 organizations (more than 99%), they demonstrate a lower contribution to GDP volumes compared to large and medium-sized organizations. The study of the volumes of manufactured and sold products and their ratio (Figure 5), and growth rates of indicators (Figure 6) made it possible to identify the prevailing trends in the activity of Ukrainian organizations. Growth in 2 or more times in the volume of manufactured products in Ukraine for all groups of organizations was accompanied by an obvious, but less rapid, increase in the volume of sold products. Despite the absolute leadership of micro-organizations (Figure 6), the share of organizations in large and medium-sized businesses in the volume of manufactured and sold products remains consistently high (Figure 5).

The state and dynamics of the above indicators are the subject of regular discussions between representatives of the scientific community. The most actively discussed are the problems of ensuring high financial results to prevent the organizations' bankruptcy (Dorosh, 2018), the issue of organizing effective entrepreneurial activity (Smentini et al., 2019), in particular, the small business development in Ukraine (Melnik & Chemeris, 2017), the reasons for rapid development of organizations in the service sector (Nadvinichnij, 2021). Scientists are focused on the analysis of the effectiveness of the organizations' functioning in the context of its increase to ensure the stable functioning of the national economy. The prerequisites and internal factors that determined the level of indicators remain out of consideration. On the other hand, a significant share of research was conducted at the global level. Scientists, developing an innovative model of the development of the economy of Ukraine (Ilyash et al., 2022), determining the strategic priorities of the state policy of stimulating the national economy (National Bank of Ukraine, 2015; Kosach et al., 2020) and individual sectors (Poluyaktova, 2016), concentrated attention to the public sector, comparing it with the private sector (Prohorov et al., 2021). That is, the analysis of organizational performance indicators was carried out to find ways to increase it in order to ensure the development of the national economy (Dorosh, 2018; Smentini et al., 2019; Melnik & Chemeris, 2017; Melnik et al., 2019; Nadvinichnij, 2021). Or, on the contrary, the prospects for the development of the country's economy, which are based on the results of the functioning of organizations, were studied.

The peculiarity of this study is that the results of the organizations' activities in the context of their influence on the development of the national economy are considered an indicator of the organization's achievement of a certain level of competence in the market. Accordingly, the analysis of changes in indicators will make it possible to form directions and identify opportunities for acquiring certain competencies, create competent organizations capable of developing production infrastructure, invest in the introduction of advanced technologies, train and retrain personnel, that is, carry out activities in accordance with international standards. The obtained results made it possible to partially confirm the legitimacy of the second research hypothesis. Negative trends in the volumes of manufactured and sold products, which allow to draw conclusions about the unsatisfactory level of organizational competence, determining the need for its improvement, almost always have a negative impact on the volumes of GDP, as the main indicator of the efficiency of the national economy. Since the strategic goals of state policy also include the achievement of a high standard of living and the development of the population, it is considered appropriate to supplement the results with an analysis of the dynamics of the number of unemployed population in relation to the change in the number of organizations, offered jobs, the degree of workload of the unemployed population per organization and vacancies. On the other hand, an indicator of success that enables organizations to create jobs with decent wages, contributing to the balance of demand and supply, ensuring full and productive employment, is the growth of financial results. Therefore, additional assessment of them is necessary as evidence of competence in modern market conditions. Defining the components of organizational competence, forming a system of indicators, and providing recommendations for their evaluation in connection with the study of the financial performance of organizations and indicators of the effectiveness of the national economy will serve as a guideline for further scientific research. This will ultimately confirm the direct impact of a high level of organizations' competence on the socio-economic efficiency of their activities in the context of ensuring the overall efficiency of the national economy.


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the predominant influence of the performance results of Ukrainian organizations as an indicator of competence on the GDP volumes, serving as a comprehensive measure of economic efficiency and the development of the state.

The results of the study of scientific developments in the field of structural transformations of the national economy confirmed the conclusion about the exceptional role of modern organizations in the country's economy, shaping its state and development prospects. The analysis of trends in the creation of Ukrainian organizations in today's conditions, their sectoral and regional structure, made it possible to reveal the active development of organizations of the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy compared to the negative growth rates of the number of organizations of the primary sector, which corresponds to the general trends of globalization of the world economic system, the formation of a postindustrial, information society, features of the national economy of the developed countries of the world.

An additional analysis of the trends in the development of Ukrainian organizations at the meso-level, the dynamics of regional GDP and its share in the total GDP of the country shows that the growth rates of the number of organizations in certain regions do not correspond to the dynamics of their contribution to the country's GDP. This made it possible to conclude that there is no direct relationship between the number of organizations in the region and their share in the national GDP and to confirm the greater significance of the results of the organizations' activities. The substantiation of the impracticality of considering the quantitative indicator of organizations as a determining factor of influence on the national economy became the reason for the study of the economic effect of their activities, which is manifested in the volumes of products manufactured and sold by organizations, their ratio and indirectly shows the competence level and potential development opportunities.

It is noted that the growth of the volumes of manufactured goods and services in Ukraine by 2 or more times for all groups of organizations is not an unambiguous indicator of their success without comparison with the volumes of sales of products, which is due to the interdependence of indicators. The noted growth, but at a less rapid pace, of the volumes of sold products made it possible to claim that the indicators are approaching balance. The projection of trends in the volume of manufactured and sold products on the GDP volumes made it possible to assert their identity. Consequently, the drop in the volumes of production and sale of products almost always has a negative impact on the GDP volumes, which made it possible to confirm the second hypothesis of the study. However, the disparity in the growth rates of the volumes of manufactured and sold products and GDP, as well as the rates of decline in indicators, which is not necessarily a source of negative impact on the results of the economy's functioning, requires additional research. The analysis of the financial performance of organizations in conjunction with the assessment of their competence is considered promising. This will allow evaluation of their development capabilities, the possibility of creating additional jobs, and, consequently, the degree of influence on the balance of the labour market. Given this, it seems logical to analyze the dynamics of jobs offered by organizations, taking into account the intensity of growth in their number, the number of the unemployed population and the degree of workload of one organization and vacancies. This will make it possible to increase the degree of objectivity of conclusions regarding confirmation of the validity of the second hypothesis, or, on the contrary, to refute it.

Assuming the existence of hidden objective and subjective factors that directly or indirectly affect the effectiveness of the organizations' functioning and form the level of their competence in the market, considering the financial condition of organizations as an important, but not its only component, a reference point for further scientific research will also be the identification and assessment of other components of organizational competence, research of prerequisites for their timely acquisition and development, the degree of influence on its general level, outline of the prospects of modern organizations and Ukraine as a whole on the European market.


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