Prerequisites and perspectives of sustainable development of tourism and recreation

The global adoption of a strategy for intelligent and sustainable development has led to a paradigm shift in the development of the tourism, prompting a consideration of tourist-recreational activities on the principles of sustainable development.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 20.09.2024
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Prerequisites and perspectives of sustainable development of tourism and recreation

T. Topolnytska,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism, Recreation and Regional Development,

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and

R. Danyleichuk,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism, Recreation and Regional Development,

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

The article delineates that the global adoption of a strategy for intelligent, comprehensive, and sustainable development has led to a paradigm shift in the development of the tourism and recreation sector, prompting a consideration of tourist- recreational activities on the principles of sustainable development. It is generalized that transitioning towards the vector of sustainable development of the tourist- recreational sector is an exigency recognized not only in Ukraine but also worldwide. Simultaneously, it is reasoned that the balance and efficacy of utilizing tourism potential to activate sustainable development in Ukraine are determined by a series of prerequisites and factors. Through the examination of scholarly works, the primary preconditions defining the prospects of the country's tourist-recreational sector development have been identified. Specifically, institutional, natural-resource, sociocultural, economic, infrastructural, and innovative factors have been explored. The analysis conducted attested to the significant impact of the country's economic situation on the state of the tourist-recreational sector and the prospects for transitioning it to sustainable development principles. Among the systemic problems complicating the transition of the tourism and recreation industry to a strategically important level for the national economy of Ukraine, the imperfection of regulatory legislation, the complex political-economic situation in the country, and the absence of a coherent strategic approach and an effective management system for the development of the tourist- recreational sector have been identified. In the list of advantages that Ukraine possesses and can utilize to stimulate the development of the tourism and recreation industry, the favorable geographical location, the presence of favorable natural-climatic conditions, and a rich historical and cultural heritage have been noted. It is substantiated that one of the important principles of ensuring the sustainable development of the tourism sector is the engagement of all stakeholders in the industry's development processes, as maximum effect can only be achieved through cooperation among executive authorities, local self-government bodies, public and professional organizations, and entrepreneurial structures. The comprehensive assessment of the outlined prerequisites has enabled the determination of the development and prospects of the functioning of the tourist-recreational sector in the country.

Keywords: sustainable development, tourism and recreation, sustainable tourism, economic growth, environmental protection, social well-being.

Т. Б. Топольницька,

к. е. н., доцент, доцент кафедри туризму, рекреації та регіонального розвитку, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу sustainable development tourism

Р. Б. Данилейчук,

к. е. н., доцент, доцент кафедри туризму, рекреації та регіонального розвитку, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу


У статті зазначено, що прийняття світовою спільнотою стратегії розумного, всеохоплюючого та сталого розвитку призвело до зміни парадигми розвитку сфери туризму та рекреації, що й зумовило розгляд туристично - рекреаційної діяльності на засадах сталого розвитку. Узагальнено, що перехід на вектор сталого розвитку туристично -рекреаційної сфери є вимогою часу, визнаною не лише в Україні, але й у світі. Водночас, обґрунтовано, що збалансованість й ефективність використання туристичного потенціалу задля активізації сталого розвитку туристично-рекреаційної сфери в Україні визначається низкою передумов і чинників. Шляхом дослідження наукових праць виявлено основні передумови, що визначають перспективи розвитку туристично - рекреаційної сфери країни. Зокрема розглянуто інституційні, природно -ресурсні, соціокультурні, економічні, інфраструктурні та інноваційні чинники. Здійснений аналіз засвідчив значний вплив економічної ситуації в країні на стан туристично - рекреаційної сфери та перспективи переходу її на засади сталого розвитку. Серед системних проблем, які ускладнюють перехід індустрії туризму та рекреації на рівень стратегічно важливих для національної економіки України, визначено недосконалість нормативно-правового регулювання, складну політично-економічну ситуацію в країні та відсутність цілісного стратегічного підходу та ефективної системи управління розвитком туристично-рекреаційної сфери. У списку переваг, які Україна має та може використати для стимулювання розвитку туристичної та рекреаційної промисловості, відзначено вигідне географічне розташування, наявність сприятливих природно-кліматичних умов, багатий історичний та культурний спадок. Обґрунтовано, що одним з важливих принципів забезпечення сталого розвитку туристичної сфери є залучення усіх зацікавлених осіб до процесів розвитку галузі, оскільки максимального ефекту можна досягти лише за умови співпраці органів виконавчої влади, місцевого самоврядування, громадських і професійних організацій та підприємницьких структур. Стан окреслених передумов у комплексі дав можливість визначити розвиток та перспективи функціонування туристично-рекреаційної сфери в країні.

Ключові слова: сталий розвиток, туристично-рекреаційна сфера, сталий туризм, економічне зростання, захист навколишнього середовища, суспільний добробут.

Formulation of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

The global embrace of a strategy promoting intelligent, inclusive, and sustainable growth has instigated a paradigmatic transformation in the realm of recreational tourism development. Consequently, there arises a necessity to contemplate tourism and recreational pursuits through the lens of sustainable development. Realizing the potential for sustainable development within the tourism and recreation sector necessitates a revitalized approach to conceptual framework establishment, underpinned by the engagement of all societal stakeholders in addressing the challenges of tourism and recreation advancement.

Despite the increasing focus on sustainability in the tourism sector, researchers such as R. Butler [1] and C.L. Moyle et al. [2] voice apprehension regarding the sluggish integration of sustainable practices in the industry. Furthermore, there has been limited emphasis on the progression of research concerning sustainability in tourism. Studies dedicated to scrutinizing the evolution and patterns of research in sustainable tourism are sparse. This presents a potential issue since, for research to maintain relevance and applicability, a comprehensive grasp of prevailing trends and deficiencies within the domain is crucial.

While tourism research, particularly regarding its economic implications, is gamering increased attention, sustainable tourism remains relatively nascent in comparison to research in other economic sectors. R. Buckley [3] emphasizes the significance of comprehensively understanding the multifaceted aspects of the tourism industry, including research assessment. This understanding enables not only academics but also governmental policies to incorporate more sustainable practices within the industry by elucidating the rationale and mechanisms underlying its functioning.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The literature review conducted herein reveals a notable advancement in research pertaining to tourism sustainability, evidenced by the proliferation of authors, sources, and publications dedicated to this domain.

H. Zarokosta et al. [4] underscore the significance of leveraging local resources, entrepreneurship, and stakeholder collaboration for fostering sustainable tourism development in rural locales. L. McCombes et al. [5] advocate for a paradigm shift in the discourse surrounding the social impacts of tourism, advocating for a transition from descriptive critiques to actionable solutions. A. Kadriu [6] highlights the potential of Green Tourism in job creation and bolstering overall economic stability.

A cadre of researchers has focused their investigations on the establishment of public-private partnership initiatives in the tourism sector and their ramifications on fostering sustainable economic development. Noteworthy among them are V. Papp,

N.Boshota, E. Kozlovskyi, T. Tkachenko, L. Ivashova, H. Skliar, O. Lytvyn, D. Darmostuk, and S. Tyshchenko. H. Skliar, Yu. Karpenko, and O. Zyma [7; 8] have elucidated challenges concerning the partnership dynamics between government and business entities within the tourism domain, while also proffering recommendations for enhancing private-public collaboration in this sphere. Furthermore, researchers T. Sak, Bilyo, and Yu. Tkachuk have scrutinized the ecological and economic repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war in their studies [9].

Despite the exponential growth in tourism research observed in recent decades, an overarching theme of sustainability and the imperative of sustainable development goals remain conspicuously absent within the literature.

Formulation of the goals of the article (task statement)

The aim of this article is to examine the fundamental determinants and possible pathways that facilitate the sustainable advancement of the tourism and recreation domain.

Presentation of the main research material

In Ukraine, the tourist services and recreation sector has historically been regarded as subordinate to the country's economic advancement, with precedence given to industrial, agricultural, and other productive sectors. Concurrently, global precedent demonstrates the economic attractiveness of tourism and recreation activities. In the 21st-century global economy, the tourism sector has emerged as a highly lucrative industry, outpacing the pace of development in the real sector [10]. An increasing number of countries worldwide recognize the profitability and substantial socio-economic impact of tourism and recreation development. This impact is evidenced by the creation of new employment opportunities through the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises catering to tourism and recreation, the expansion of infrastructure facilities, and the augmentation of foreign currency earnings from international tourism. The tourism and recreation sector is globally recognized as an appealing form of financial enterprise, yielding substantial and consistent returns. Moreover, it serves as a pivotal contributor to the stable and dynamic augmentation of state budget revenues, while also catalyzing the growth of numerous sectors within the economy [11].

Despite the potential of the tourism industry to foster economic growth and development, the absence of suitable and sufficient policies and strategies may lead to adverse externalities stemming from tourist activities. Research conducted by [12] and [13] indicates that if not effectively managed, tourism could result in the loss of biodiversity, pollution, environmental degradation, and negative impacts on the social and cultural fabric of communities. Hence, sustainability is imperative in tourism development.

Although multiple definitions of sustainability exist, its essence lies in ensuring that development not only satisfies present needs but also safeguards the interests of future generations [14]. Thus, sustainable tourism denotes the industry's capacity to operate within the limits of the region's carrying capacity, thereby avoiding irreversible disruption of the balance among cultural, social, and environmental aspects of the region [15]. There is a growing recognition of the necessity for enhanced sustainable practices within the tourism sector [16]. For tourism enterprises, the adoption of sustainable practices is not only essential for their advancement and competitiveness but also affords them a competitive edge [13]. M. Burdett [17] delineates unsustainable tourism as characterized by escalating waste, air pollution, resource overexploitation, and ultimately signifies a form of tourism that does not contribute to the well-being of local communities and the environment.

As per researcher I. Lebediev, the sustainable progression of the tourism and recreation domain manifests through the delineation of the subsequent three constituents and objectives:

- social component: achieving socially significant effectiveness of tourism activities, meeting recreation and health needs, ensuring the availability of tourism and recreation for broad segments of the population, providing jobs and decent working conditions, improving the quality of life, developing human potential;

- economic component: ensuring the efficiency of economic activity in the field of tourism based on innovative development and rational use of resources (natural, material, human, financial, informational);

- nature protection (ecological) component: preservation of nature through the rational use of natural resources, prevention of environmental pollution, support of the ability of ecosystems to self-regulate and self-renew. Implementation of the concept of sustainable tourism makes it possible to achieve a balance in the implementation of social, economic and environmental goals in the interests of society, tourists, entrepreneurs, and the local population [18, p. 171].

The current unstable political climate and the outbreak of full-scale warfare in Ukraine have resulted in a decline in the country's position within the tourist market. Tourism enterprises are compelled to either suspend operations or undergo transformation into alternative modalities, such as relocation, engagement in voluntary activities, and adjustment to wartime circumstances. In hinterland areas, domestic tourism is gradually resurging, with companies arranging excursions to Lviv, Ivano- Frankivsk, Transcarpathian, and Ternopil regions. The conflict in Ukraine will necessitate a comprehensive overhaul of the entire tourism sector, and post-conflict, new popular tourist destinations are expected to emerge [19]. Nevertheless, it is imperative to develop specific tourist programs at present to provide Ukrainians with insight into the challenges they have endured.

Among the challenges and issues confronting the tourism and recreation sector in Ukraine during the wartime context, several salient concerns can be delineated. These include security and stability, whereby military activities within Ukrainian territory exacerbate instability and security risks, thereby posing significant obstacles or rendering safe and peaceful leisure activities unfeasible. Moreover, the loss and deterioration of tourist infrastructure have been observed, with the conflict resulting in the destruction of tourism assets such as historical landmarks, museums, hotels, and restaurants, necessitating extensive restoration efforts and complicating further industry development. Financial ramifications also ensue, as the conflict engenders substantial financial losses for the tourism sector, potentially leading to bankruptcies and diminished investment in tourism infrastructure development. Furthermore, the landscape of tourist destinations undergoes transformation due to military operations, resulting in the destruction, occupation, or alteration of numerous popular tourist sites.

Consequently, the sustainable advancement of the tourism and recreation sector in present-day Ukraine is beset by the adverse ramifications of a complex array of external factors, characterized by their unpredictable nature. This underscores the imperative of continuous monitoring of economic, social, and environmental conditions. The systematic categorization and clustering of primary factors underpinning the sector's high level of dependency facilitate the establishment of an information repository and the scientifically grounded implementation of measures aimed at mitigating the impact of adverse factors. Moreover, it enables the identification of strategic priorities for the restoration of the tourism and recreation sector on the basis of sustainable development principles [20].

Aligned with the contemporary dynamics of the Ukrainian economy and the imperative of adhering to sustainability principles in the advancement of tourism and recreation, and drawing insights from the investigations of various scholars [6; 11; 21; 22] who have delved into the domain of tourism and recreation development, we propose delineating the principal categories of prerequisites pivotal in shaping the country's potential and capacity to foster sustainable development within the tourism and recreation sphere:

1. Institutional prerequisites encompass elements such as the regulatory and legislative framework, institutional backing, the political landscape within the country and globally, and the assurance of tourist safety.

2. Natural and resource prerequisites entail factors such as unique natural and climatic conditions, historical and cultural attributes that attract tourists.

3. Socio-cultural prerequisites encompass considerations such as the demographic profile, societal organization, technological state, educational and cultural levels of the populace.

4. Economic prerequisites encompass indicators such as employment levels, income and expenditure structures of the populace, infrastructure advancement, investment facilitation, and foreign economic engagements.

5. Infrastructure prerequisites encompass factors such as the quality and density of transportation networks, the status and expansion of facilities catering to tourist needs, dissemination of information regarding tourist and recreational amenities, and the restoration of damaged tourist facilities.

6. Innovative prerequisites pertain to the assimilation of advancements in scientific and technological spheres.

Collectively, these outlined prerequisites delineate the trajectory of development and the prospects for the operational dynamics of the tourism and recreation sector in the country grounded in principles of sustainable development. Nonetheless, given the prevailing circumstances within the country, we assert the institutional environment to be the paramount prerequisite for fostering the advancement of the tourism and recreation industry. It encompasses the establishment of a robust legal framework ensuring ecological stability and environmental conservation, guaranteeing requisite levels of security and protection, fostering the development of healthcare and hygiene infrastructure, and delineating state-level priorities for tourism development.

Amidst escalating terrorist threats globally, political destabilization, and the onset of a full-scale war in Ukraine, the imperative of safeguarding the safety and security of tourists necessitates bolstering the state's role in implementing measures aimed at restoring political stability and enhancing the tourist security apparatus, both in terms of enforcement and regulatory dimensions. Thus, a pivotal determinant capable of either catalyzing or hindering the advancement of the tourism industry is the regulatory and legislative framework. The attainment of sustainable development within the tourism and recreation domain hinges on the presence of a robust legislative framework, which should furnish conducive conditions for business operations, adhere to international regulations governing both international and domestic tourism, and facilitate streamlining visa, customs, and border procedures, among other aspects [21]. The existence of a legal framework serves as the cornerstone for ensuring ecological sustainability and environmental conservation, recognized as paramount for the sustainable progression of tourism and recreation.

Among the assets that Ukraine possesses and can leverage to invigorate the tourism and recreation sector, noteworthy features include its favorable geographical location, favorable natural and climatic conditions, rich historical and cultural heritage sites, and relatively affordable service prices. Ukraine ranks prominently in Europe in terms of the abundance of valuable natural resources capable of catering to the diverse needs of travelers, thereby attracting domestic and international tourists alike. Its shared borders with European Union member states establish a common foundation for sustainable spatial development with neighboring regions such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania, rendering Ukraine an appealing strategic partner and neighbor for EU countries.

The development of Ukraine's tourism and recreation sector exhibits distinct regional characteristics, with particular prominence attributed to the Carpathian region. Encompassing the Lviv, Chernivtsi, Transcarpathian, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions, this area encompasses the mountainous terrain of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Notably, the Carpathian region, situated within the hinterland, boasts abundant natural and recreational resources, serving as a hub for multifaceted summer and winter sports, educational and recreational pursuits, as well as balneotherapy. Sporting activities such as skiing, hiking, hunting, and spelunking demonstrate significant developmental potential within this locale, with ski tourism being particularly robust compared to other tourist destinations.

Furthermore, the region benefits from the presence of mineral healing waters, abundant in Transcarpathian, Chernivtsi, Lviv regions, and the mountainous and foothill areas of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Of note are the valuable sulphide mineral waters, with approximately 51% of springs and wells situated in Transcarpathian region, 26% in Lviv region, 13% in Ivano-Frankivsk region, and 10% in Chernivtsi region [23].

The recreational capacity of the Carpathian region is estimated to accommodate between 2 million to 8 million vacationers and tourists annually, along with approximately 12 million excursionists and weekend tourists [10]. Overall, key resources contributing to the sustainable development potential of the tourism and recreation sector in the Carpathian region encompass climatic and natural conditions, balneological resources, as well as the presence of historical, architectural, and religious attractions that captivate the interest of tourists and holidaymakers.

We concur with the perspective posited by the author [11] that each region of Ukraine should devise a development scenario for tourism and recreational activities conducive to fostering sustainable progress. This entails establishing and upholding a harmonious equilibrium among the conservation of natural, historical, and cultural resources, economic imperatives, social requisites, and the operational dynamics of the tourism and recreational domain. Concurrently, it is imperative to foster an environment conducive to the creation of high-quality tourist and recreational offerings.One of the pivotal principles underpinning the facilitation of sustainable development within the tourism sphere, warranting particular emphasis, is the maximal engagement of all stakeholders in the industry's developmental processes. This entails a comprehensive analysis of all participants involved in tourism and recreational activities, along with an evaluation of the impact and significance of each entity toward attaining the prospects for sustainable development within the tourism and recreation sphere. The stakeholders contributing to the sustainable development of tourism encompass:

1. The state: assumes a central role in tourism development by formulating strategic plans and policies aimed at conserving and restoring natural resources, cultural and historical heritage, and fostering the socio-economic advancement of regions specializing in tourism. Additionally, the state can extend financial support and infrastructure investments to bolster the tourism industry.

2. Private sector: comprises private enterprises, including travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, airlines, and other tourism service providers, pivotal in furnishing high-quality services and fostering innovation within tourism. Moreover, private entities can contribute to environmental and cultural heritage preservation through ecological practices and socially responsible business models.

3. Local population and public organizations: local inhabitants and public entities actively contribute to tourism development by offering support and engagement in conserving and promoting local cultural and natural heritage. They can also collaborate as partners in initiatives aimed at environmental conservation and socio-economic development within the region.

4. Tourists and visitors: tourists and visitors play a role in advancing sustainable tourism by opting for environmentally friendly forms of tourism, participating in local conservation projects and initiatives, and advocating for social and environmental compliance to tour operators and accommodations.

5. Scientific and research institutions:engaged in conducting research to

comprehend the impacts of tourism on the environment and society, devising innovative solutions for natural resource and cultural heritage preservation, and evaluating the efficacy of existing strategies and practices in the tourism domain. These stakeholders collaborate synergistically to foster the sustainable

development of tourism, harmonizing economic growth with the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage, alongside ensuring the social welfare of local communities and visitors.

The optimal efficacy in the realm of tourism and recreation can be attained through collaborative efforts involving executive authorities, local self-government, public and professional organizations, and business entities within a framework of public-private partnership [24, p. 55]. The European Union has amassed considerable expertise in providing organizational and economic support for sustainable development within the tourism and recreation sector. This model of governance, predicated on the cooperation between state and non-state entities and social partnerships, underscores the extensive involvement of pertinent public organizations. Leveraging positive global experiences holds significant relevance for domestic endeavors in structuring and executing mechanisms for sustainable development within the tourism and recreation domain [20].

The utilization of public-private partnership in tourism facilitates various benefits, including the mobilization of additional investments to navigate economic downturns, the attraction of fresh resources to spearhead reforms in Ukrainian regions, alleviation of financial burdens on state and regional budgets, enhancement of investment appeal in the tourism sector, fortification of collaboration among market participants, creation of conducive environments for integrating innovative technologies into tourism project management, redistribution of risks between businesses and the state, and augmentation of accountability among stakeholders. Successful public-private partnership implementation broadens avenues for small businesses to engage in hospitality, public catering, preservation of historical and cultural heritage, management of tourist influxes, organization of festive events, and construction of tourist infrastructure [25]. The advantages of public-private partnership adoption extend to include financial backing for airlines to augment their capacity, coordination of joint promotional initiatives for tourist routes, formulation of discount programs for tourist services, reduction of exhibition participation fees, and amplification of tourism facility management efficiency.

The advancement of the tourism and recreation sector in Ukraine hinges upon the assimilation of cutting-edge advancements and progressive technologies derived from the most developed tourist industries, alongside the instigation of quality benchmarks for tourist amenities, the augmentation of the competencies of tourism personnel, and the formulation of organizational and economic modalities to ensure the efficacious operation of the tourism and recreation domain. Within the existing socio-economic milieu, the sector confronts a spectrum of issues and imperatives mandating the delineation of strategic imperatives and the substantiation of organizational and economic frameworks conducive to the sustained progression of the tourism and recreation arena. Central to the attainment of these objectives is maximal involvement of the populace, enterprises, and communities in addressing the exigent dilemmas of the tourism and recreation industry, in alignment with the principles of sustainable development.

Given the foregoing, pivotal measures necessitate governmental reinforcement of the tourism and recreation sector through the enactment and execution of national and regional developmental agendas and strategies; formulation of efficacious strategic blueprints for the diversification of tourism and recreation services; adoption of exemplary practices from the most evolved tourism and recreation sectors; integration of service quality standards to enhance the tourism profile and invigorate tourism endeavors.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research in this area

The paradigm of sustainable development within the tourism and recreation sector necessitates its operational stability, contingent upon maintaining equilibrium among the economic outputs of the industry, societal cohesion, and ecological integrity. Hence, the facets of sustainable development within this sector encompass economic, social, and environmental dimensions, the interplay of which should be sustained irrespective of the conditions and dynamics of tourism and recreation activities. The efficacy thereof is determined by the ecological and social capacity of specific locales and the advancement of tourism and recreation infrastructure.

The analysis undertaken unveiled the pronounced influence of the country's economic landscape and the state of the tourism and recreation sector, alongside the potential transition to sustainable development principles. Among the systemic challenges impeding the ascendance of the tourism and recreation industry as strategically pivotal for Ukraine's national economy, notable shortcomings in regulatory frameworks, intricate political-economic dynamics, and the absence of a holistic vision and efficacious regulatory apparatus for sectoral development stand out. The amalgamated status of these prerequisites delineates the trajectory and viability of the tourism and recreation sector within the country.

Embracing a comprehensive and participatory approach, Ukraine can tackle the exigencies stemming from the ongoing conflict and lay the groundwork for a resilient, sustainable tourism and recreation industry in the forthcoming era. In crafting a sustainable tourism strategy for Ukraine, it is imperative to underscore the significance of collaborative efforts between public and private sectors, alongside active involvement with local communities. Such initiatives may encompass capacity enhancement, educational initiatives, and the cultivation of entrepreneurial spirit within local communities. This approach aims to ensure the fair distribution of tourism benefits and their alignment with local development goals.

The pressing demand entails the formulation of innovative business frameworks to propel the evolution of the tourism and recreation domain grounded in sustainable development principles. These models should be founded upon the aligned interests of all stakeholders within the tourism and recreation services market, aiming to preserve an equilibrium among economic outcomes, social impact, and environmental integrity throughout operational processes. This underscores the imperative for additional scientific investigation.


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