The theoretical and methodological aspects of economic growth and economic development

Research of problems of ensuring progress of humanity. Discussion of the main questions of the cyclical theory of economic development. Modeling the process of economic growth based on an interdisciplinary approach, synthesis of exact and social sciences.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 10.10.2024
Размер файла 37,1 K

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2. Pasichnyk T. O. Logical and epistemological foundations of the concept of economic structures development. Economic innovations. 2024. Vol. 26. No. 2 (91). P. 65-82.

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3. Madsen J. B., Robertson P. E., Ye L. Malthus was right: Explaining a millennium of stagnation. European Economic Review. 2019. No. 118. P. 51-68.

DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2019.05.004

4. Snowdon B. The Solow Model, Poverty Traps, and the Foreign Aid Debate. History of Political Economy. 2009. No. 41. P. 241-262.

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DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2019.11.63

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