Artificial intelligence as a tool for big data analysis and the operations of restaurant enterprises
Research on technologies based on artificial intelligence. Directions of using Big Data technologies in the restaurant industry. The impact of AI on optimizing inventory management, increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and customer service.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.12.2024 |
Размер файла | 20,2 K |
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International Economics
Public catering enterprise
Artificial intelligence as a tool for Big Data analysis and the operations of restaurant enterprises
Silchenko V.V., Master, Director
The article explores innovative technologies based on artificial intelligence that enable processing large volumes of data in the operations of restaurant enterprises.
A review of scientific works on the topic of the article is conducted. The relevance and necessity of using artificial intelligence for restaurant enterprises in the modern world are described. The opinion is substantiated that the implementation of innovative digital technologies in restaurant businesses will enable them to achieve the necessary level of competitiveness and economic efficiency.
Successful directions of practical application of Big Data technologies in the operations of hospitality enterprises are discussed. The most popular techniques and methodologies for processing big data are presented.
The article highlights the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing the restaurant business through the analysis of large volumes of data. The essay examines in detail how AI helps to optimize inventory management, increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and improve customer service. Special attention is paid to innovative technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, which allow restaurants to analyze consumer behavior more deeply and optimize work processes. The essay also reveals the potential challenges of integrating AI into traditional restaurant management practices and offers suggestions for possible solutions. The article focuses on the analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analysis technologies on the restaurant business. The article reveals how AI helps businesses collect, process and analyze large volumes of information, resulting in increased management efficiency, optimization of work processes and improved customer service. The article examines practical examples of the application of AI for demand forecasting, service personalization and customer service automation, and also highlights the potential challenges and ethical aspects of using AI in the restaurant industry.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, big data, information technology, restaurant industry, competitiveness, enterprise analytics, restaurant business automation.
Штучний інтелект як інструмент аналізу великих даних (Big Data) і діяльності підприємств ресторанної галузі
Сільченко В.В., магістр зі спеціальності “Міжнародна економіка”, директор, підприємство громадського харчування
У статті досліджуються новітні технології на базі штучного інтелекту, які дозволяють опрацьовувати великі масиви даних у діяльності підприємств ресторанної галузі.
Проведений огляд наукових праць по тематиці статті. Описується актуальність та необхідність використання штучного інтелекту для ресторанних підприємств у сучасному світі. Аргументована думка, що саме впровадження інноваційних цифрових технологій у заклади ресторанного бізнесу дасть змогу досягти необхідного рівня конкурентоспроможності та економічної ефективності.
Розглядаються успішні напрямки практичного використання технологій Big Data у діяльності підприємств гостинної галузі. Представлено найпопуляр- ніші техніки та методики для обробки великих даних. В статті висвітлює роль штучного інтелекту (ШІ) у революціонізації ресторанного бізнесу через аналіз великих обсягів даних. В есе детально розглядається, як ШІ сприяє оптимізації управління запасами, підвищенню ефективності маркетингових кампаній і поліпшенню сервісу для клієнтів. Особлива увага приділяється інноваційним технологіям, таким як машинне навчання та обробка природної мови, які дозволяють ресторанам глибше аналізувати поведінку споживачів та оптимізувати робочі процеси. Есе також розкриває потенційні виклики, пов'язані з інтеграцією ШІ у традиційні практики управління ресторанами, і надає пропозиції щодо можливих шляхів їх вирішення. В статті зосереджується на аналізі впливу штучного інтелекту (ШІ) та технологій аналізу великих даних на ресторанний бізнес. Стаття розкриває, як ШІ допомагає підприємствам у зборі, обробці та аналізі великих обсягів інформації, що призводить до підвищення ефективності управління, оптимізації робочих процесів і покращення клієнтського сервісу. В статті розглядаються практичні приклади застосування ШІ для прогнозування попиту, персоналізації обслуговування та автоматизації обслуговування клієнтів, а також висвітлюються потенційні виклики та етичні аспекти використання ШІ у ресторанній індустрії.
Ключові слова: Штучний інтелект, великі дані, інформаційні технології, ресторанна сфера, конкурентоспроможність, аналітика підприємств, автоматизація ресторанного бізнесу.
Relevance of the research
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing technology that is introducing significant changes in the service sector, particularly in the restaurant business. Technological innovations and software development have enabled the use of AI for analyzing large volumes of data (Big Data) in the hospitality industry [1].
Today, one of the most popular applications of AI in the restaurant industry is demand forecasting. By analyzing various data such as sales history, weather, holidays, and other factors, AI helps determine the optimal amount of product for a specific time and improve inventory management efficiency [2, 3].
One of the main advantages of using AI in big data analysis is the ability to automate processes and reduce human intervention. Therefore, this research direction is of significant practical importance. It allows enterprises to use their resources more efficiently and improve service quality, ultimately leading to increased market competitiveness.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Big data analysis is a crucial component of successful operations in the restaurant industry. The large amount of data generated in this industry can be challenging to process manually. AI helps in quickly, accurately, and efficiently analyzing this data [4].
Research on the implementation of AI in the hospitality sector can be found in the works of S.M. Nilenko, V.A. Rusavska (robotization tools in the context of salad bar operation), T.V. Prokhorov (applications and implementation of Big Data and AI in technological processes), A. Kuznetsov (main advantages and areas of AI use in business on the Webpromo website) [5].
Scientific studies in digital tools in the hotel and restaurant sector are presented in the works of J. Smith, E. Lee, R. Johnson, H. Brown, D. Williams, S. Taylor, G. Bey, M. Furdak, O. Yurchenko, A. Koryugin, S. Pyrig, P. Krupianik, and others [6].
Recently, there has been an increasing interest among scientists and practitioners in using Big Data analysis tools in the hospitality industry and in forming digital operations as a necessary component of strategic activities in the hotel and restaurant sector.
The aim of the work is to investigate the use of artificial intelligence in analyzing big data in the operations of restaurant enterprises.
Main Material
artificial intelligence big data restaurant industry
Presentation of research results. Artificial intelligence plays a key role in analyzing large volumes of data generated in the restaurant industry. This is because it provides the ability to automate data processing and analysis, including information on orders, inventory, expenses, customer feedback, and more. AI allows identifying connections and trends, helping businesses make balanced and informed decisions for further business process management.
Big Data Analytics enables quick and quality interpretation of information from restaurant enterprises, finding patterns, and making forecasts [7].
Examples of using big data analytics in the hotel and restaurant industry include revenue management, customer segmentation, customer profiling, menu development, performance indexing, and determining customer value [8].
To process such information, AI tools are used, which are constantly updated. The most popular techniques and methods include:
- Classification - for predicting consumer behavior in a specific market segment.
- Cluster analysis - for classifying objects into groups by identifying common features.
- Crowdsourcing - for collecting information from a large number of sources.
- Data mining - for discovering previously unknown and useful insights for decision-making in various areas.
- Machine learning - creating self-learning neural networks that process information efficiently and quickly.
- Signal processing - for recognizing signals amidst noise and their further analysis.
- Mixing and integration - for converting data into a single format (e.g., converting audio and video files into text).
- Unsupervised learning - for identifying hidden functional relationships in data.
- Visualization - for presenting analysis results in the form of charts and animations.
Currently, the successful practical use of AI technologies in restaurant enterprises includes:
- Optimization of work processes. AI helps restaurants optimize work processes, reducing time and resource expenditures. It can analyze sales and demand data to predict resource and ingredient needs in advance, allowing businesses to manage inventory efficiently and avoid shortages or excesses. Additionally, using AI for order processing in restaurants makes the establishment more competitive. For example, bots are actively used in communication with people in Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.
- Personalized customer service. AI allows restaurant enterprises to create personalized offers and services for customers. AI analyzes data on previous orders, feedback, and customer preferences to recommend products or services that best match their needs and tastes. For instance, "Starbucks" uses AI for electronic ordering options. Such API software products have voice control functionality and replace the order-taking function. Similar voice assistant tools are used by companies like Dunkin' Donuts, Domino's, and others.
- Forecasting trends and demand. AI tools help restaurants forecast trends and demand, allowing them to adapt their menu and offers to consumer needs. By analyzing order data, feedback, and other parameters, AI helps restaurants be more reactive and adaptive to market changes.
Moreover, AI effectively replaces the responsibilities of entire departments and services in restaurant enterprises, including personnel tasks. One critical stage for the successful development of an enterprise as a competitive institution with an excellent brand is the selection of highly qualified personnel. Especially in the hotel- restaurant business and entertainment sector, the company's image is determined by the quality of service and the specific behavior style of the staff in meeting customer needs.
Since labor costs are a key component of efficiency in the business economy, integrating AI in production and service in the hotel-restaurant sector replaces the functions of entire departments, leading to significant financial resource savings.
Along with using AI tools, significant attention should be given to data security. Protecting personal data and ensuring its integrity from unauthorized access protects the database from malicious actors and hackers.
Finally, let's consider cloud computing technology and its integration into the hospitality industry. Cloud computing technology plays an important role in enhancing efficiency and optimizing operations in the restaurant industry. Instead of local servers and equipment, data and applications are stored on remote servers accessed via the Internet. The main advantages of cloud computing include flexibility, scalability, reliability, and accessibility.
Examples of using cloud computing in the restaurant industry include:
1. Restaurant management systems. Restaurant management platforms, such as POS systems (point of sale) and inventory management systems, can be hosted in the cloud. This allows restaurants to easily access data and applications from any internet-connected device.
2. Analytics and forecasting. Cloud computing allows restaurants to use powerful analytical tools to analyze sales, demand, and consumer habits data. This helps restaurants make more informed decisions regarding menus, pricing, and marketing strategies.
3. Mobile applications and online ordering. Cloud computing enables restaurants to create and implement mobile applications for online food ordering. This allows customers to conveniently order food and receive it directly at home or in the office.
4. Data security and backup. Cloud computing provides restaurants with the ability to store their data on secure and reliable servers with regular backups. This ensures protection against data loss in the event of a crash or cyberattack.
Thus, integrating cloud computing into the restaurant industry can help businesses reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve customer service levels.
The article investigates the use of artificial intelligence tools for big data analysis in the operations of restaurant enterprises.
Firstly, AI can be used to improve customer service in the hospitality sector. According to the chosen strategy, AI can analyze information on orders and customer behavior to create individual offers and recommendations. This can increase customer satisfaction and make the service more personalized.
Another important area of AI application is personnel management. AI can analyze work schedules, employee productivity, and other data to help managers make optimal decisions regarding resource allocation and workforce planning. Equally important is the ability to use AI for trend analysis and forecasting the development of the restaurant market.
Thus, with its analytical capabilities and process automation, AI helps enterprises in the hospitality industry manage their operations more efficiently, leveraging the large volumes of data generated daily.
Therefore, it can be concluded that using artificial intelligence as a tool for big data analysis and management in the restaurant industry is extremely beneficial for enterprises in this segment. Successful implementation of the discussed technologies opens up opportunities to improve the performance of the enterprise, enhance service quality, and ensure consistently high development in a competitive environment.
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3. Yakymenko-Tereshchenko N., Koriuhin A., Bykova M. Perspektyvy vidnovlennia ekonomichnoho potentsialu subiektiv industrii turyzmu i hostynnosti v Ukraini. Ekonomika ta suspilstvo. №35 (2022).
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5. Neilenko, S., Rusavska, V. (2021). Robotization of the technological process in selfservice salad bar. Progressive equipment and technologies of food production, restaurant industry and trade, 1(33), 51-62.
6. Bei H.V. Stratehichni ta taktychni pytannia uspishnoi transformatsii biznesu v umovakh novoi tsyfrovoi realnosti. Ekonomika i orhanizatsiia upravlinnia. 2020. №4. S. 260-270.
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1. Krakovetskyi, O. (2023). Perehony shtuchnoho intelektu: shcho take ChatGPT i komu vin mozhe staty v pryhodi [The race of artificial intelligence: what Chatgpt is and who can use it]. Mind.
2. Ratynskyi V., Tymoshyk N., Sherstiuk R. Devising scientific and methodological tools to strengthen the economic security of a region through the improvement of technologies for marketing support of tourism. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2021. Vol. 4. №13. P. 112-123.
3. Yakymenko-Tereshchenko N., Koriuhin A., Bykova M. Perspektyvy vidnovlennia ekonomichnoho potentsialu subiektiv industrii turyzmu i hostynnosti v Ukraini. Ekonomika ta suspilstvo. № 35 (2022).
4. Prokhorova T.V. Mozhlyvosti zastosuvannia ta vprovadzhennia Big Data ta shtuchnoho intelektu v tekhnolohichnykh protsesakh // Naukovyi poshuk molodykh doslidnykiv”. Seriia „Tekhnichni nauky”. DZ „ Luhanskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka”, 2020 №4. m. Starobilsk. - S. 72-78.
5. Neilenko, S., Rusavska, V. (2021). Robotization of the technological process in self-service salad bar. Progressive equipment and technologies of food production, restaurant industry and trade, 1(33), 51-62.
6. Bei H.V. Stratehichni ta taktychni pytannia uspishnoi transformatsii biznesu v umovakh novoi tsyfrovoi realnosti. Ekonomika i orhanizatsiia upravlinnia. 2020. №4. S. 260-270.
7. Holovin, V. (2021). Innovatsii 2021 [Innovations 2021]. Forbes Ukraine.
8. Pyrih S. Digital transformation of business in context of Ukraine digital competitiveness. Ekonomichnyi forum.2023. №3. S. 134-140.
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