Strategies for use of territorial resources for sustainable city development

Urban development management requires precise economic analysis of the needs of various territories and economic sectors. The article highlights important aspects of managing territorial resources in urban areas to achieve sustainable development.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 10.12.2024
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Strategies for use of territorial resources for sustainable city development

Novakovska Iryna Oleksiivna Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, Chlen korespondent NAAN, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,

Hunko Liudmyla Anatolyivna Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ivanchenko Vadym Anatoliyovych Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph. D.), Vice president of the Charitable Foundation Charity Fund “My Hometown”, Kyiv

Bereza Oleksandr Vasylovych Graduate student of the Department of Land Cadastre, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv


Urban development management requires precise economic analysis of the needs of various territories and economic sectors. The article highlights important aspects of managing territorial resources in urban areas to achieve sustainable development. The authors carefully analyze modern trends and problems in urban resource management, focusing on the economic aspect of optimizing their use. They propose the use of data analysis, statistical methods, mathematical models, and economic indicators for effective urban development management. They emphasize the importance of economic calculation to ensure optimal use of territories, particularly focusing on population, economic development, infrastructure, and technologies.

The article also emphasizes the importance of functional zoning of the city's territory to ensure efficient use of space and enhance the comfort of residents and visitors. Special attention is paid to housing construction issues, where the authors explore various types of housing construction and emphasize the need for rational use of industrial and communal-storage territories. The article provides data on the low efficiency of using industrial and communal-storage territories for construction. Using this problem as an example, the projected stabilization of job numbers due to trends in production cycle robotization is explored. The paper highlights important aspects of rational use of urban territories considering the needs of modern life and urban infrastructure development.

In conclusion, the authors point out the importance of a comprehensive approach to managing territorial resources to ensure sustainable urban development in the future. They underscore the need for using analytical methods and economic strategies to optimize resource use and improve the quality of life for residents in urban environments.

Keywords: Territorial resources, utilization strategies, sustainable urban development, urban resource management, city infrastructure, ecological resilience of cities, economic potential of cities, innovative approaches to urban resource management. territorial resources utilization strategy

Новаковська Ірина Олексіївна доктор економічних наук, професор, чл.-кор. НААН, професор кафедри земельного кадастру, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ

Гунько Людмила Анатоліївна кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри землевпорядного проектування, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ

Іванченко Вадим Анатолійович кандидат юридичних наук, віце- президент, Благодійний фонд «Рідне місто моє», м. Київ

Береза Олександр Васильович аспірант кафедри земельного кадастру, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ


Анотація. Управління міським розвитком вимагає точного економічного аналізу потреб різних територій та галузей економіки. Стаття висвітлює важливі аспекти управління територіальними ресурсами в міських областях з метою досягнення сталого розвитку. Автори ретельно аналізують сучасні тенденції та проблеми управління міськими ресурсами, зосереджуючись на економічному аспекті оптимізації їх використання, пропонують використання аналізу даних, статистичних методів, математичних моделей та економічних показників для ефективного управління міським розвитком. Вони вказують на важливість економічного розрахунку для забезпечення оптимального використання територій, зокрема, звертаючи увагу на населення, економічний розвиток, інфраструктуру та технології.

Стаття також акцентує увагу щодо важливості функціонального поділу території міста для забезпечення ефективного використання простору та підвищення комфорту мешканців і відвідувачів. Особлива увага приділяється проблемам житлового будівництва, де автори досліджують різні види житлового будівництва і наголошують на необхідності раціонального використання промислових та комунально-складських територій. В статті наведені дані про низьку ефективність використання промислових та комунально-складських територій для будівництва. На прикладі зазначеної проблеми досліджено прогнозовану стабілізацію чисельності робочих місць у зв'язку з тенденціями роботизації виробничих циклів. Робота висвітлює важливі аспекти раціонального використання міських територій з урахуванням потреб сучасного життя та розвитку міських інфраструктур.

У висновку, автори вказують про важливість комплексного підходу до управління територіальними ресурсами для забезпечення сталого розвитку міст у майбутньому. Вони підкреслюють потребу у використанні аналітичних методів та економічних стратегій для оптимізації використання ресурсів та покращення якості життя мешканців у міських середовищах.

Ключові слова: Територіальні ресурси, стратегії використання, стале розвиток міст, управління міськими ресурсами, інфраструктура міст, екологічна стійкість міст, економічний потенціал міст, інноваційні підходи до управління міськими ресурсами

Formulation of the problem

In the context of increasing urban populations, economic, and environmental challenges, the need for developing and implementing strategies for balanced utilization of urban resources to ensure sustainable development becomes evident. Among the primary issues is the inefficient use of territories. Many cities have poorly developed areas or underutilize available resources, leading to unnecessary resource expenditure and environmental threats. Additionally, the growing industrialization and automobile usage in cities often result in air and water pollution, negatively impacting residents' quality of life and the overall ecological condition. In modern urban conditions, it is crucial to ensure the optimal utilization of urban territorial resources to preserve ecological balance and ensure the city's viability for its inhabitants.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The research topic has been extensively covered by Ukrainian scholars such as B. Danylyshyn, Yu. Stadnytskyi, P. Zakharchenko, T. Nestorenko, I. Bystryakov, O. Datsiy, T. Danylovych, O. Muzichenko, V. Voytsekhovska, A. Symak, O. Tkachuk, O. Tsvyakh, and others. In the context of Ukrainian reality, scholars and practitioners are actively engaged in adapting global practices of regional development management to the conditions of Ukraine, as well as refining the methodology of strategic planning for territories. Experts like V. Vakulenko, O. Berdanova, N. Baldych, N. Hrynchuk, I. Lepyoshkin, L. Chorniy participate in the development of regional development strategies and urban planning documentation.

Simultaneously, the development of strategies aimed at ensuring sustainable development of cities, which take into account the needs of modern communities and ensure balanced development without harm to future generations, remains a relevant task for researchers.

Presentation of the main research material

Cities are often hubs of culture, business, education, and entertainment, attracting a large number of people from various social statuses, cultural backgrounds, and ethnic groups. This creates a multilayered and dynamic environment where different ideas, perspectives, and views converge. Additionally, characteristics of urban space include its infrastructure, high population density, numerous buildings, and specific architecture, often reflecting historical development and cultural influence. On the other hand, a distinctive feature of urban space is the presence of available territorial resources for urban development needs, which are extremely limited, and a significant portion of almost all functional zones are used inefficiently. Thus, the experience of the city of Kyiv in searching for territorial resources for the sustainable development of the metropolis can be applied to other cities in the country, especially large, big, and even medium-sized ones. [1]

The structure of the land fund of the capital of Ukraine, according to the State Geocadastre, in 2021 is characterized by the data in Table 1.

Table 1.

Structure of the land fund*

Main types of land and land use

in total, thousand ha

% to total area territory

Total area




1. Agricultural land, including:



arable land



fallow land



perennial plantations









2. Forests and other wooded areas



of them are covered with forest vegetation



3. Built-up land



4. Open wetlands



5. Other land



Total land (land)



Areas covered by surface water waters



* Formed according to the data of the State Geocadastre

Dividing territory by functional purpose, as a process of designating different zones for different purposes or functions, helps efficiently utilize the territory, provide convenience for residents and guests of the city, and improve the quality of life and economic development. However, it is important for this division to be carefully planned and balanced to avoid conflicts between different zones and ensure the sustainable fulfillment of all population needs.

By functional purpose, the territory of the city of Kyiv, taking into account clarifications, is divided into the following land categories: residential and public buildings (16,640.6 hectares or 19.9%, of which 2,670.3 hectares or 3.2% are allocated for construction but remain undeveloped), industrial, scientific-production, and communal-warehousing (6,912.3 hectares or 8.3%), transportation infrastructure and external transport facilities (1,848.8 hectares or 2.2%), greenery and recreational areas (45,449.2 hectares or 54.4%), agricultural enterprises (289.8 hectares or 0.3%), streets and roads (4,341.8 hectares or 5.2%), water surfaces (6,309 hectares or 7.6%), other (1,727.4 hectares or 2.1%). [2,3]

According to the data provided (Figure 1), almost 86% of the city's territory is occupied by built-up land (37.0 thousand hectares - 44.3%) and forests and other wooded areas (35.1 thousand hectares - 44.7%). Taking into account the specially conducted ecological-urban planning assessment of land cadastre, land management, and architectural-planning documentation, territorial resources can be used for urban planning purposes (Figure 2).

Fig. 2 Composition of territorial resources of the city that can be used

According to Figures 1 and 2, it has been established that there are undeveloped land plots in the suburban areas. In Kyiv, according to the [4], such lands have been allocated for comprehensive residential and public development, with a total area of 880.4 hectares, which will be developed over a period of 20 years (Teremky-3 in the Holosiivskyi district, North Osokorky, Central Osokorky, microdistrict 11 of the Pozniaky residential area in the Darnytskyi district). Additionally, there are free territories reserved for prospective comprehensive residential and public development (residential area along Ozerna Street, Pivnichna Street, South Osokorky, and others), with a total area of 273.5 hectares.

Fig. 3 Project plan for the DPT industrial district «Troeshchina» in the area of the street. Pukhovskaya. [5]

For the development of industry and municipal economy in Kyiv, the General Plan indicates areas on Pukhivska Street (industrial area "Troyeshchyna") - 184 hectares, and to the south of Lake Tyahle (industrial zone "Osokorky") - 158 hectares (provided that the areas are annexed to the city limits of Kyiv). (See Figures 3 and Figures 4)

Fig. 4 Project plan for the development of Central Osokorki [6]

An important tool in urban development management is economic assessment of needs across different areas, as it allows for consideration of specific requirements of various population groups and economic sectors to ensure optimal resource utilization. Such assessment is a key stage in planning the resource potential of a city and depends on various factors such as population size, economic development, infrastructure, technological capabilities, and land use.

For effective assessment, data analysis, statistical methods, mathematical models, and economic indicators can be utilized. For example, the calculation of needs in areas of different purposes for a 20-year master plan was carried out based on the prospective permanent population (3.26 million people) with an average residential provision of no less than 29 km2 per person, taking into account the corresponding normative indicators of population density per hectare ranging from 300 to 450 people for urban quarters (neighborhoods), and 35 people per hectare for villa areas. [1,4] This confirmed that for the capital megapolis, sustainable development provision with consideration of the prospective population has sufficient territories for all types of functional purposes.

It should be noted that the resource assessment of the territory, conducted based on the database of the state land cadastre, urban planning documentation for the planning of individual territories, and project documentation for the construction of objects considering eco-urban assessment, objectively reflects existing boundaries of spatial growth, as presented in Table 2.

An important element in creating a just and healthy society, where everyone has the opportunity to live in abundance and safety within the context of sustainable development goals, is the construction of social or affordable housing. However, today there is already a shortage of municipally owned undeveloped land for the unhindered implementation of affordable housing and social housing programs. Therefore, rational utilization of urban land resources, modernization of outdated housing stock, restructuring with a change of functions of degraded industrial- warehouse and other areas while preserving and developing revenue-generating enterprises, remain priority directions for the internal development and improvement of Kyiv (See Fig. 5).

Table 2.

Volumes of territorial resources of the city*


Areas for internal development of the city




The territorial resource of existing rural areas (free from development, including those already allocated for residential and public construction and classified in the state land cadastre as residential and public land)



Areas for comprehensive reconstruction of outdated housing stock



Inefficiently used production and storage facilities



Special purpose

173, 0


Land of agricultural enterprises, including land already

allocated for residential and public construction and classified in the state land cadastre as residential and public construction land



Territorial reserve for the creation of buffer forest parks of public green spaces at the expense of part of the territories of forestry enterprises



Other territorial resources





* Formed according to the data of the State Geocadastre

To address these tasks, various types of residential construction are utilized, ranging from the use of previously reserved areas in multi-storey residential complexes to proposals for densifying low-rise suburban areas, reconstructing territories of collective gardening associations for residential-civil construction purposes.

Fig. 5 Main Principles of Public Infrastructure Formation

According to research findings [7], the efficiency of utilizing a number of industrial-production and communal-storage territories, as well as territories of special designation, is extremely low. The area of industrial and communal-storage territories currently amounts to 6.6 thousand hectares. The current employment in industrial enterprises is 129.2 thousand people.

In the future, taking into account the dominant trends of industrial cycle automation, stabilization of employment is expected in manufacturing and municipal-warehousing enterprises in specific production areas at the level of 145150 thousand jobs (about 11% of their total number in the city), while in scientific- production associations, industrial parks, and technoparks, the number of jobs is expected to reach 370 thousand. [7] Looking ahead in the city model, it is possible to expect the release of up to 60% of their total area or about 3900 hectares of industrial and municipal-warehousing territories. Over a 20-year period, industrial and municipal-warehousing territories totaling up to 706.5 hectares can be reprofiled for residential construction, multifunctional public development, as well as engineering-transport infrastructure and shared green spaces. [7]

In addition to the main issues related to the development of residential and public construction and the placement of housing construction volumes, constant attention should be paid to the issues of reconstruction and improvement of existing residential areas, both high-rise, 5-story buildings, and areas of low-rise residential development of the estate type.

The use and protection of public construction lands should be based on the principles outlined in the General Plan of the city of Kyiv, forming a differentiated system of public centers and separate objects of city-wide cultural, educational, sports, and service institutions.


Effective urban development management requires a detailed economic analysis of the needs of different territories and economic sectors. Successful territorial planning demands a thorough analysis of population needs, taking into account economic, ecological, and socio-cultural aspects. It is important to ensure a balance between different zones to avoid conflicts and negative consequences for the environment and people. For instance, residents need protection from the negative impact of industrial zones or transportation arteries, while ecologically sensitive areas should be preserved from development.

Ensuring sustainable development and meeting all population needs require constant monitoring and adaptation of territorial planning according to changing conditions and needs. Only such an approach will allow cities to effectively utilize their potential and enhance the quality of life for their residents.

Rational use of urban land resources, modernization of housing stock, and development of social housing are critical aspects for creating a fair and healthy society. Transforming degraded areas into functional spaces for living and development can significantly improve residents' quality of life and ensure their safety and prosperity. It is important to pay attention to preserving and developing revenue-generating enterprises as components of economic growth and sustainable urban development. Such a comprehensive approach will contribute to creating living conditions where every resident has the opportunity for a decent life within the framework of sustainable development goals.


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3. Ekolohichnyy pasport mista Kyyeva, zatverdzhenyy Kyyivs'koyu mis'koyu viys'kovoyu administratsiyeyu. [Ecological passport of the city of Kyiv, approved by the Kyiv City Military Administration.] (2022). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]

4. Heneral'nyy plan m. Kyyeva do 2025 r. (Proekt) [General plan of the city of Kyiv until 2025 (Project)] Retrieved from content/uploads/2019/12/% D0%BF% D1 %80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BA%D 1%82.pdf [in Ukrainian]

5. Proektnyy plan DPT promraynu «Troyeshchyna» v rayoni vul. Pukhivs'kiy. [Project plan of the DPT of industrial district "Troyeshchyna" in the area of St. Puhivska] Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]

6. Proektnyy plan zabudovy Tsentral'nykh Osokorkiv [Design plan for the development of Central Osokorki] . Retrieved from https://gdevkievezhithorosho. com/2018/05/[in Ukrainian]

7. Tsvyakh O. M. (2018 ) Ekoloho-ekonomichni zasady vykorystannya postindustrial'nykh zemel' v umovakh velykoho mista [Ecological and economic principles of the use of postindustrial lands in the conditions of a large city] : Candidate's thesis. Kyiv: NUBiP [in Ukrainian]


1. Новаковська І.О., Гунько Л.А., Долинський І.М. Наукові засади сталого розвитку міського землекористування: монографія - К.: Видавничий центр НУБіП України, 2023. 243 с.

2. Новаковська І., Береза О. Столичне землекористування: проблеми та шляхи їх вирішення згідно з концепцією сталого розвитку. Наукові інновації та передові технології. Серія «Економіка». № 11 (25). 2023. сс.404-414. DOI: 10.52058/2786-5274- 2023-11(25)-404-413

3. Екологічний паспорт міста Києва, затверджений Київською міською військовою адміністрацією. (2022) URL:

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