Design of production processes in the context of industry 4.0

Theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of manufacturing within the framework of adopting Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. Automating production systems and processes, digitalizing operations and facilitating data exchange across enterprises.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 14.12.2024
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Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


Savchenko Sergii Mykolaiovych Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor,

Korohodova Olena Oleksandrivna Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor,

Zhenvachev Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Student of group MK-22



fourth industrial tevolution technology

The article explores the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of manufacturing within the framework of adopting Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. Scholarly discourse points to the emergence of a comprehensive framework known as "Industry 4.0", which focuses on automating production systems and processes, digitalizing operations, and facilitating data exchange across enterprises and organizations engaged in diverse industrial sectors. Prevalent within this paradigm is "smart manufacturing" or "integrated industry", made feasible by cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, and related services integrated into production process design. Industry 4.0 production processes establish a complete value creation chain: from order placement and delivery of resources for current production, to the transport, smart storage, distribution, and delivery of goods to customers. The overarching objective of smart manufacturing is to fulfill consumer demand by dynamically and flexibly utilizing labor resources and production facilities to design an integrated production process that seamlessly integrates with subsequent enterprise operations such as transportation, storage, logistics, and others. Consequently, the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in production process design enables: rapid transmission of customer information to manufacturers, facilitating adjustments in the quantitative and qualitative aspects of production resources; on-demand production of goods and services; timely delivery of goods and services; receipt of feedback (information, product data) from consumers to enhance product quality. Smart manufacturing exemplifies flexibility in production process design through the utilization of computerized machinery and equipment known for their high adaptability to production needs, swift adjustments in production processes owing to embedded digital technologies, and the provision of more flexible training for technical personnel engaged in such production practices.

Keywords: "smart manufacturing", design of production processes, "integrated industry", "Industry 4.0", international projects, logistics 4.0, technology systems, production organization.


Савченко Сергій Миколайович кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, м. Київ

Корогодова Олена Олександрівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, м. Київ

Женвачев Олександр Олександрович, студент групи МК-22, Механіко- машинобудівний інститут, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, м. Київ,


У статті здійснюється дослідження теоретичних та концептуальних засад виробництва в контексті впровадження технологій четвертої промислової революції. Наукові розвідки вказують на формування цілісної концепції «Індустрії 4.0», ідея якої - автоматизація виробничих систем та процесів, цифровізація, обмін даними з використанням технологій між підприємствами, організаціями в різних видах промислової діяльності. Найбільшого поширення набуває «розумне виробництво», або ж «інтегрована промисловість», яке стало можливим завдяки кібер-фізичним системам, Інтернету речей та послуг, їх інтеграції у проєктування виробничих процесів. В межах виробничих процесів Індустрії 4.0 створюється цілісній ланцюжок створення вартості: від розміщення замовлення, доставки ресурсів для поточного виробництва до транспортування продукції, її «розумного» зберігання, розподілу та постачання товарів клієнтам. Кінцева мета «розумного виробництва» передбачає виготовлення товарів на вимогу споживачів, а технології в такому випадку забезпечують динамічне та гнучке використання трудових ресурсів та засобів виробництва для проєктування власне цілісного виробничого процесу, його інтеграції з наступними процесами, налагодженими на підприємстві (транспортування, складування, логістика та інші). Таким чином, застосування технологій Індустрії 4.0 в проєктуванні виробничих процесів дозволяє: 1) швидко доставляти інформацію від клієнтів до виробників, тим самим даючи змогу змінювати кількісні та якісні характеристики засобів виробництва; 2) виготовляти товари або послуги на замовлення; 3) постачати товари або послуги точно в строк; 4) отримати зворотній зв'язок (інформацію, дані про товар) від покупця для подальшого підвищення якості продуктів. Саме розумне виробництво забезпечує гнучкість у проєктуванні виробничих процесів, адже в ньому використовуються комп'ютеризовані машини, обладнання, устаткування, що характеризуються високим ступенем адаптації до виробничих вимог, швидкою зміною виробничого процесу завдяки вбудованим цифровим інформаційним технологіям та більш гнучкою підготовкою технічного персоналу до такого виготовлення продуктів.

Ключові слова: «розумне виробництво», проєктування виробничих процесів, «інтегрована промисловість», «Індустрія 4.0», міжнародні проєкти, логістика 4.0, системи технологій, організація виробництва.

Problem Statement

In 2023, the assessment of the Industry 4.0 market amounted to $114.3 billion, and according to forecasts, it is expected to grow by 20.2% from 2023 to 2032, reaching an estimated value of $555.1 billion by 2032. The dynamic growth of the sector is driven by the active integration of technologies into manufacturing processes, enhancing flexibility and ensuring adaptability in product manufacturing to meet consumer demands.

Within the framework of Industry 4.0, the global manufacturing sector is experiencing significant growth, as the adoption of digital technologies in production processes increases. There is a rising investment in IoT and cloud computing, and automated machines and equipment are being developed and implemented in the manufacturing sector. Governments are also increasingly supporting automation processes in production.

In such conditions, the design of production processes is undergoing transformation, optimizing the development processes of organizational, technological, and planning-economic activities of labor resources and production assets. This integration into a unified process enhances cohesion and efficiency. These developments underscore the relevance of researching the design of production processes in the context of Industry 4.0.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The most comprehensive study of designing production processes in the context of Industry 4.0 is highlighted in the scientific works of foreign scholars. Researchers and experts actively investigate the theoretical and applied principles of manufacturing [2; 7-8; 10], the implementation of cyber-physical systems [10], the use of Internet of Things [2; 6; 12-13], cloud computing [11; 20], blockchain [16], and other technologies in the product manufacturing process [1; 4-5; 11; 14].

Several scientific papers discuss the advantages of improving production processes [15; 17; 19] through the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, which have enabled fully automated production tailored to consumer demands. This article also contributes to the scholarly literature on the specified topic by investigating specific mechanisms and approaches identified in previous studies by the authors [21-24].

Given the substantial scientific achievements of economists in this field, it is noteworthy that the challenges of exploring novel approaches to designing production processes within the context of Industry 4.0 development necessitate further scientific inquiry.

The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and conceptual foundations of designing production processes in the context of Industry 4.0, including its core components.

Presentation of the main research material

Globalization has become a driving force for the growth of global competition, as a result of which companies need to improve their own operations. Technologies that are developing under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) solve the problems of enterprises, giving them a number of competitive advantages, among which is the automation of production processes.

In the literature, Industry 4.0 (considered as a process of digitization of various sectors of the economy. At the same time, scientists are discussing the integral concept of "Industry 4.0", the idea of which is the automation of systems, processes, digitalization, data exchange using technologies between enterprises, organizations in various types of industrial activity Note that this concept refers primarily to production activity, its automation, the combination of production technologies and data exchange technologies into a complete self-regulated system with minimal, limited or no human intervention in the production processes.

Scientific explorations of the automation and digitization of production processes in the context of Industry 4.0 also indicate the identification of this concept with such concepts as "smart production", "integrated industry" [8].

Industry 4.0 is interpreted as a set of revolutionary digital and physical technologies that offer new values and services to customers and enterprises [14]. However, it should be noted that today there are integrated high-tech sectors where such technologies are created, so it cannot be said that Industry 4.0 encompasses only a collection of technologies. The term also encompasses a range of innovative industrial sectors for manufacturing technologies on demand by other production enterprises.

In the study [5], Industry 4.0 is considered in a broader context, the concept of which involves the use of the most advanced intelligent technologies: Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and others [5].

Barreto, Emeral, and Pereira note that within Industry 4.0, a holistic value creation chain is established: from order placement and delivery of resources for current production to the smart storage, distribution, and delivery of goods to customers [1].

In the new industrial environment of Industry 4.0, support for personnel is provided and emphasis is placed on teamwork, ensuring access to practically any useful information at any time and from any location, which enables economically efficient production of personalized products in short series (known as mass customization of products) [13].

According to the scientific viewpoint presented in the study [20], the ultimate goal of Industry 4.0 is the concept of "production on demand," where consumers influence production processes and their design (creating ways to execute manufacturing processes for products or services).

Based on data from e-commerce platforms and retail sector enterprises, it is possible to anticipate consumer demand for specific products and categories of goods and services. When a consumer places an order for a particular product, the manufacturer can start its production according to the specified consumer characteristics without expending resources on products with basic characteristics before the order is placed. After the product is delivered, the customer can evaluate it using a customer relationship management system, providing feedback to the manufacturer on the quality of the product produced according to consumer requirements [20].

In contrast to the production cycle of Industry 3.0, which involved trial production based on prototype designs entailing significant expenditures of financial resources, labor, and time, the Fourth Industrial Revolution emphasizes flexibility and cost efficiency in manufacturing processes. This paradigm shift fundamentally alters the approach to product development, particularly in the constituent elements of design influenced by consumers. Unlike the conventional phased progression in product development, Industry 4.0 prioritizes the generation and selection of ideas proposed by the customer with engineers [24].

Thus, the application of Industry 4.0 technologies in designing production processes allows:

1) Rapidly delivering information from customers to manufacturers, enabling adjustments to quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production means and necessary resources based on demand for specific product categories.

2) Manufacturing goods or services on demand.

3) Delivering goods or services precisely on time.

4) Receiving feedback (information, product data) from customers to further enhance product quality.

Given the above terms, it is evident that among theorists and practitioners studying this issue, a definitive definition of "Industry 4.0" has not yet been formulated. This can be explained by the specificities in the application of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies across various industrial activities and specific enterprises.

The term "Industry 4.0" ("Industrial 4.0") was publicly introduced at the Hanover Fair in 2011 as part of Germany's high-tech strategy aimed at preparing and strengthening the industrial sector in line with production requirements [19].

In foreign literature, a number of characteristic features of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are outlined, including [15]:

1. Flexibility in connecting products and services to the Internet or other networked programs, establishing a link between the physical and digital spaces.

2. Digital connectivity enables automation and self-optimization of production of goods and services, including their delivery without human intervention (self- adaptive manufacturing systems built on principles of transparency and predictability).

3. Decentralized control of the value creation network, where system elements (e.g., manufacturing plants or vehicles) make autonomous decisions (autonomous and decentralized decision-making).

Thus, Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies provide: 1) real-time data and information flow; 2) flow of goods or services (final products), i.e., movement of material flows; 3) design of production processes considering the movement of information and material flows, thereby combining the digital and physical environments to create value for consumers.

In other words, "Industry 4.0 ensures flexibility in the production processes of goods and services through technologies connected to the Internet" [15].

Therefore, the concept of Industry 4.0 involves the integration of real production machinery and equipment with the virtual environment of the Internet and information and communication technologies. People, equipment, machinery, and IT systems automatically exchange information during the production process-- both within the enterprise and across different company IT systems.

A review of the scientific literature on the main technologies that are actively used in production processes makes it possible to highlight the key components of Industry 4.0 (Table 1) [7]. The structural components of Industry 4.0 are divided into cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, the Internet of Services, and smart production [8].

Key Components of Industry 4.0 Utilized in Manufacturing Processes



Function regarding the production process

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) [5]

Since Industry 4.0 technologies can be connected using the Internet, so-called cyber-physical systems combine physical and virtual environments.

CPSs enable the integration of computing with physical production processes.

A new level of control, monitoring, transparency and efficiency of the production process.

Internet of things (IoT)

IoT is the technology of transforming physical things into so-called "smart things" with the help of computers connected to the Internet [6]

A new generation of products can provide independent information exchange (for example, smartphones), trigger actions and control each other over the Internet using machine-to-machine communication (M2M) [10]

Intelligent ("smart") production (Smart factory,

manufacturing) - serial flexible production

A decentralized production system based on the integration of IoT and IoS ("Internet of Services").

The integration of CPS and IoT into the production process provides dynamic tracking of material flows in real time, faster and improved transportation of products, resources, as well as accurate risk management [15].

Source: systematized by the authors according to [5-6; 10; 15].

The paper [3] substantiates the relationship between CPS, IoT and IoS as the main components of Industry 4.0. CPSs transmit information through IoT and IoS, thus enabling so-called "smart manufacturing" built on the idea of a decentralized manufacturing system in which people, machines, and resources share information flows thanks to machine-to-machine communication. The simplest example is the transfer of information and data between two smartphones, their subsequent arrival to the manufacturers of these smartphones, which makes it possible to obtain information about the needs of users of these "smart devices".

Cyber physical systems (CPS) use computer algorithms to control and monitor mechanisms, and have complex software-hardware interaction. Examples of such systems include: "smart" networks, autonomous vehicles, industrial control systems (ICS), robotics.

An empirical study of ten industries that develop cyber-physical systems in 2023, based on an analysis of 2,313 new companies operating in this field, indicates the following features of their application [18].

Manufacturing, utilities, automotive, agriculture, Industry 4.0 and aerospace industries are integrating “smart” assets, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices, to optimize their operations. In addition, CPS improves the interaction between people and machines in the field of health care, agriculture, cyber security [18].

Cyber physical systems can change the competitive landscape. Applying more efficient production processes, improving their design and achieving higher levels of productivity and economies of scale can also lead to increased economic sustainability. In addition, companies have embarked on the path of digital evolution, the amount of investment in innovative technologies to improve production processes and their design is increasing [13]. Cyber-physical systems allow you to network and automate the transportation of a warehouse system, and manage software based on a decentralized approach [4].

Empirical studies have shown that the use of cyber-physical systems by companies provides a higher level of service quality, more efficient processes with partners, and improved cooperation within the performance of a number of functions. As a result, companies achieve higher market and financial performance indicators, ensuring and strengthening competitiveness [17].

The Internet of Things (IoT) is complemented by the "Internet of Services" (IoS), as "smart products" are supplemented with such capabilities as the provision of "intelligent" services [10]. The application of the Internet of Things (Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) allows identification, tracking and transfer of information.

In Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing ensures flexibility in designing production processes by employing computerized machines, equipment, and systems characterized by high adaptability to manufacturing requirements. This facilitates rapid changes in production processes through embedded digital technologies and enhances technical personnel's flexibility in preparing for such product manufacturing.

Within modular "smart factories" of Industry 4.0's intelligent manufacturing, various processes of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) can be monitored using virtual representations and decentralized decisions regarding real operations. Real-time communication and collaboration processes occur between humans and machines or among any subjects and objects involved in the production process. Through the use of the Internet of Things (IoT), internal and external organizational services can be provided and accessed [11].

In the new industrial environment of Industry 4.0, labor resources are integrated through digital network management and information technologies. Materials produced or used in manufacturing undergo precise quantification in both physical and monetary terms, with established processes for information exchange between them. Information flow is implemented vertically: from individual components to the company's IT department and vice versa. The second direction of information flow operates horizontally: between machines involved in the production process and the company's production system.

Manufacturers implementing Industry 4.0 solutions can reduce production costs and thus flexibly respond to customer demands, gaining significant competitive advantages over their peers.

Important technologies in innovative industrial production also include:

1) Blockchain, enhancing transparency in designing manufacturing processes, increasing data and financial transaction speed, improving data security through shared data digitization, and reducing intermediaries, primarily through mechanisms like smart contracts [16];

2) Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), a network comprising sensors for monitoring and tracking various device conditions such as location, movements, or temperature;

3) Middleware, a service-oriented software layer enabling software developers to communicate with different devices like sensors, actuators, or RFID tags, networks, storages, etc., providing shared access to IoT-based applications facilitating interaction between devices and humans. IoT utilization specifically enhances warehouse management systems, overall affecting warehouse productivity [2], influencing supply chains, and helping address issues related to growing customer demands (real-time data, customer order synchronization, manufacturing process automation) [12];

4) Big Data, ensuring flexibility, transparency, visibility, and integration of manufacturing processes and global supply chains;

5) "Green" solutions, ensuring a company's environmental productivity amidst increasing demands for ecological and energy-efficient production, fostering sustainable corporate development.

Thus, the integration of Industry 4.0 tools in design of production processes enables enterprises to capitalize on a broader spectrum of business opportunities. These factors facilitate the implementation of effective management strategies aimed at fostering sustained, dynamic development of enterprises, fostering innovation, and bolstering international competitiveness.


Scientific research on manufacturing in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies indicates the formation of a holistic concept of "Industry 4.0", the idea of which involves the automation of production systems and processes, digitalization, and data exchange using technologies among enterprises and organizations in various industrial sectors.

Smart manufacturing, or integrated industry, has gained the most traction, made possible by cyber-physical systems (CPS), the Internet of Things (IoT), and their integration into the design of manufacturing processes. This enables real-time tracking of material flows, faster and enhanced transportation of products and resources. Within Industry 4.0 production processes, a comprehensive value creation chain is established: from order placement and delivery of resources for current production to transportation of products, their smart storage, distribution, and delivery to customers.

The ultimate goal of smart manufacturing is to produce goods on demand from consumers, with technologies facilitating dynamic and flexible utilization of labor resources and production means for designing a holistic production process integrated with subsequent enterprise processes (transportation, storage, logistics, among others). Thus, the application of Industry 4.0 technologies in designing production processes allows:

1) Rapid delivery of information from customers to manufacturers, thereby enabling changes in quantitative and qualitative characteristics of production means;

2) Manufacturing goods or services on demand;

3) Delivering goods or services precisely on time;

4) Obtaining feedback (information, product data) from the customer for further enhancement of product quality.

Smart manufacturing ensures flexibility in designing production processes, utilizing computerized machines, equipment characterized by high adaptability to production requirements, quick changes in production processes due to embedded digital information technologies, and more flexible training of technical personnel for such production of products.


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1. Barreto, L., Amaral A., Pereira, T. Industry 4.0 implications in logistics: an overview (2017). Elsevier. Vol. 13. P. 1245-1252. Retrieved from 320343294_Industry_40_implications_in_logistics_an_overview

2. Ben-Daya, M., Hassini, E., Bahroun, Z. (2019) Internet of things and supply chain management: a literature review, International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 57 (15-16). P. 4719-4742, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1402140

3. Dash, K., Mohapatra, D., Das, M. R., Sahoo, R. (2018) Smart Manufacturing & Future Prospects in Logistics. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 5(11). P. 1798-1801.

4. Facchini, F. et al. (2020). A Maturity Model for Logistics 4.0: An Empirical Analysis and a Roadmap for Future Research. Sustainability. Vol. 12. 86.

5. Fatorachian, H. Kazemi, H. (2020) Impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chain performance. Production Planning & Control. Vol. 32. P. 1-19.

6. Fleisch, E. What is the internet of things? (2010) An economic perspective. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets. Vol. 5(2). P. 125-157. Retrieved from search/article-detail?id=267154

7. Hermann, M., Pentek, T., Otto, B. (2015) Design principles for Industrie 4.0 scenarios: a literature review. Technische Universitat Dortmund, Dortmund.

8. Hofmann, E., Rusch, M. (2017) Industry 4.0 and the current status as well as future prospects on logistics. Computers in Industry. Vol. 89. P. 23-34.

9. Industry 4.0 Market Size - By Technology (IoT, Digital Twin, Big Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Robotics & Automation, Augmented Reality), By End-user (Manufacturing, Automotive, Healthcare, Energy & Utilities, Food & Beverage), Forecast 2024 - 2032. Retrieved from

10. Kagermann, H., Lukas, W. D., Wahlster, W. (2011) Industrie 4.0: Mit dem Internet der Dinge auf dem Weg zur 4. industriellen Revolution. VDInachrichten. 2011. 13(11). P. 2.

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