Development of mobile acquiring in Ukraine and tools to overcome obstacles

Payment for goods and services using a payment card and any gadget (smartphone, tablet). Culture of non-cash payments. The state of development of mobile acquiring in Ukraine and its key directions. Increase the level of security of non-cash payments.

Рубрика Финансы, деньги и налоги
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Дата добавления 08.05.2018
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Development of mobile acquiring in Ukraine and tools to overcome obstacles

Koretska N., Yakubovskyi V.

Lutsk national technical university

With the development of trade and interest in this bank, mobile acquiring - a service where payment for goods and services is carried out with the help of a payment card and any gadget (smartphone, tablet) has spread.

In the article the state of development of mobile acquiring in Ukraine is investigated and it is revealed that mobile acquiring is a fast-growing and promising service that will allow to bring the level of customer service to a new level. According to the forecast of analysts, the share of this service in Ukraine will continue to grow and after 2 years more than half of purchases of goods and payment for services will be carried out through gadgets. Moreover, an audience has already been formed, which likes to buy from a mobile phone and prefers the most convenient and easy way to choose payment for goods and services. Therefore, the transition to a mobile sales format is topical and should have a high-quality implementation from the Internet business to convert a visitor from a mobile device to a full-fledged buyer. It is the key areas of development of mobile acquiring in Ukraine for the period 2017-2020. Should be: 1) further increase the level of financial literacy of the population and the formation of a culture of non-cash payments; 2) increase in the share of non-cash settlements; 3) popularization and activation of the use of wireless mPOS-terminals; 4) increase in demand for applications for mobile payments; 5) increase the level of penetration of the Internet, 3G coverage and use by the population; 6) regulation of the tariff policy of banks; 7) increase the level of security of non-cash payments.

Keywords: payment card, acquiring services, mobile payments, mobile acquiring, mPOS-termiml, smartphone, Internet, banking institutions, cost of services.

Корецька Н.І., Якубовський В. О.


З розвитком торгівлі і зацікавленості в цьому банків поширення набув мобільний еквайринг - послуга, при якій оплата за товари і послуги здійснюється за допомогою платіжної картки і будь-якого гаджета (смартфона, планшета).

У статті досліджено стан розвитку мобільного еквайрингу в Україні та виявлено, що мобільний еквайринг - це швидко зростаючий і перспективний сервіс, який дозволить вивести рівень обслуговування клієнтів на новий рівень. Згідно із прогнозом аналітиків, частка даної послуги в Україні буде продовжувати рости і через 2 роки більше половини покупок товарів і оплати послуг будуть здійснюватися саме через гаджети. Тим більше, що вже сформована аудиторія, яка любить купувати з мобільного телефону і вважає за краще максимально зручно і просто вибрати спосіб оплати за товари, послуги. Тому перехід в мобільний формат продажів є актуальним і має мати якісну реалізацію з боку інтернет-бізнесу, щоб конвертувати відвідувача з мобільного пристрою на повноцінного покупця. Саме ключових напрямах розвитку мобільного еквайрингу в Україні на період 2017-2020 рр. повинні стати: 1) подальше підвищення рівня фінансової грамотності населення та формування культури безготівкових платежів; 2) збільшення частки безготівкових розрахунків; 3) популяризація та активізація використання бездротових mPOS-терміналів; 4) збільшення попиту на додатки для здійснення мобільних платежів; 5) підвищення рівня проникнення інтернету, 3G-покриття і користування ними населенням; 6) регулювання тарифної політики банків; 7) підвищення рівня безпеки здійснення безготівкових платежів.

Ключові слова: платіжна карта, еквайрингове обслуговування, мобільні платежі, мобільний еквайринг, mPOS-термінал, смартфон, мережа Інтернет, банківські установи, вартість послуг.

mobile acquiring payment

Корецкая Н. И., Якубовский В. А.


С развитием торговли и заинтересованности в этом банков распространение получил мобильный эквайринг - услуга, при которой оплата за товары и услуги осуществляется с помощью платежной карты и любого гаджета (смартфона, планшета).

В статье исследовано состояние развития мобильного эквайринга в Украине и выявлено, что мобильный эквайринг - это быстрорастущий и перспективный сервис, который позволит вывести уровень обслуживания клиентов на новый уровень. Согласно прогнозу аналитиков, доля данной услуги в Украине будет продолжать расти и через 2 года больше половины покупок товаров и оплаты услуг будут осуществляться именно через гаджеты. Тем более, что уже сформирована аудитория, которая любит покупать с мобильного телефона и предпочитает максимально удобно и просто выбрать способ оплаты за товары, услуги. Поэтому переход в мобильный формат продаж является актуальным и должен иметь качественную реализацию со стороны интернет-бизнеса, чтобы конвертировать посетителя с мобильного устройства на полноценного покупателя. Именно ключевым направлениям развития мобильного эквайринга в Украине на период 2017-2020 гг. должны стать: 1) дальнейшее повышение уровня финансовой грамотности населения и формирования культуры безналичных платежей; 2) увеличение доли безналичных расчетов; 3) популяризация и активизация использования беспроводных mPOS-терминалов; 4) увеличение спроса на приложения для осуществления мобильных платежей; 5) повышение уровня проникновения интернета, Зв-покрытия и пользования ими населением; 6) регулирование тарифной политики банков; 7) повышение уровня безопасности осуществления безналичных платежей.

Ключевые слова: платежная карта, эквайринговое обслуживание, мобильные платежи, мобильный эквайринг, mPOS-терминал, смартфон, сеть Интернет, банковские учреждения, стоимость услуг.

Problem is presented in general terms and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks

Acquiring is a service consisting in technological and informational settlement of transactions executed by electronic means of payment within the payment system [1]. Nowadays this service is becoming more popular, and customers are more willing to use it.

The development of trade and the banks' interest in acquiring led to popularization of one of acquiring forms - mobile acquiring. It is a service in which a payment for goods and services is effected by means of a payment card and any gadget (smartphone, tablet) [2, p. 34].

An analysis of the latest research in which the problem was initiated. Issues related to acquiring were studied by A. Babaieva, V. Vladykin, N. Voitovych, N. Koretska, Yu. Narimanova, Yu. Sukrystov, V. Chernomor, A. Shurysheva and others. It was mostly practical analysts who examined these issues more thoroughly. At the same time, the comprehensive scientific research on this topic is missing.

Article targets - to investigate the state of development of mobile acquiring in Ukraine and to develop tools for overcoming the existing obstacles.

Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the received scientific results

We propose to carry out the analytical study of mobile acquiring development taking into account the following parameters [3]: 1) the number of smartphones with built-in devices 2) availability of mPOS-terminals; 3) the Internet penetration rate, 3D coverage and its use by population; 4) the number of banks offering the service; 5) the cost of the service.

The number of smartphones with built-in devices

More often than not mobile phones are used to effect commercial and banking payments. Taking into account rapid development of mobile services, central banks conduct annual surveys on the use of mobile phones by consumers for financial services, analyse trends in the sphere of mobile acquiring, payments, purchasing and customer behaviour [4, p. 1].

During the last years, the number of smartphone users in Ukraine has surged.

In 2016, 35% of Ukrainians used these gadgets. As for the number of smartphones, they amounted to 58% of the Ukrainian market at the beginning of 2016 and now every third Ukrainian uses a touch-screen smartphone (5% - the elderly people) (fig. 1). It should be noted that an average user in Ukraine is a young person up to 40 years with higher education, who mainly uses a smartphone based on Android operating system (prevalence of this operating system is 66%) [5].

2012 2013 2014 2015

Fig. 1. The level of penetration of smartphones in Ukraine in the period of 2012-2015 [6]

Research results show an average of 1,2 Internet-connected devices per Ukrainian citizen in 2016, a number by 58% higher comparing to results in 2013. The service is being used actively [7]. Today every fifth visitor accesses the website trading platform from a mobile device. In 2016 their amount increased up to 19,2%. The Ukrainians performed an average of 10 thousand purchasing operations per month using tablets and 11,6 thousand purchasing operations using smartphones.

So, in Ukraine there is a continuous positive movement of a «smart-phonisation». PC analysts expect smartphones to be the fastest growing type of computer devices in the course of the next 5 years and their number will reach 74,1 % in 2018 that, in its turn, will lead to the rapid development of mobile acquiring.

Availability of mPOS-terminals

To pay for goods or services at any time and at any place, customers can use a new payment service available through a convenient and compact terminal (mPOS-terminal (card-reader)).

Banks have started to use wireless mPOS-terminals not so long ago. In Ukraine this service is offered by [8]: 1) Pay-Me Ukraine; 2) IPay, allowing to develop mobile acquiring at an appropriate level and creating in the short term perspective a favourable basis for the further development.

The Internet penetration rate, 2D coverage and its use by population

Fig. 2. The level of penetration of the Internet in the territory of Ukraine and the level of its use by the population during 2010-2015 [9; 10]

In 2015 Ukraine was one of the countries with the lowest level of the Internet penetration in Europe, i.e. 49% (fig. 2).

That is, only 22 million Ukrainians at the age of 15 years had permanent access to the Internet. However, in 2016, the situation improved: the penetration rate reached 66,1% [11]. 83% of Ukrainians within the age range of 18-50 years use the Internet, thus forming the core of the Ukrainian Internet audience. When accessing the Internet, in most cases the preference is given to Wi-Fi (the main way to connect from the mobile devices) [12].

Hence, the Internet penetration rate in Ukraine is increasing steadily and is approaching saturation. Its core customer group has already been formed and has a significant share in quantitative terms among the Ukrainians.

The number of banks offering the service

The rapid adoption of mobile acquiring transforms marketing of financial and credit institutions, which should actively introduce new technologies, understand what sets the categories of customers apart by studying their priorities, improve functionality of application performance, etc. [13].

In the national market mPOS-service is offered by 4 banks: PJSC CB «Privatbank» (IPay) and JSC «Raiffeisen Bank Aval», OTP Bank, JSC «Unex Bank» (Pay-Me Ukraine). However, some account holders find this service to be far from satisfactory since it is not yet provided by every bank in Ukraine. Moreover, not all clients of the above mentioned banks providing this service are holders of such payment cards and have access to respective mobile services. But, in general, the processes occurring in mobile acquiring services can be largely called as thought-out and steadily developing ones [14].

The cost of the service

The banks charge for installation, connection and configuration of equipment, and tariffs amount to 2,0-2,5% per 1 transaction. Also, minimum and maximum thresholds are set for the amount of payments and their number (table 1).

Table 1

Tariff policy of banks regarding mo

bile acquiring as of 01.12.2016 *


Mobile acquiring service (card reader)

The cost of the mPOS terminal

Fee for each payment transaction

Monthly fee for using the service

PJSC CB «PrivatBank»


49 UAH (board one time)

1,5% - on the cards of the bank-acquirer; 2,75% - on the cards of other banks

no fee

JSC «Raiffeisen Bank Aval»


650 UAH (board one time)


no fee


«OTP Bank»


650 UAH (board one time)


no fee





650 UAH (board one time)


no fee

* formed by the authors

based on the data of the websites of banking institutions

These costs, however, are fully justified by the following advantages and benefits of mobile acquiring: low cost of the terminal, simplified implementation process, the ability to review and prepare a report on transactions, their cancellation, analytics, cost reduction, the total weight of equipment, simplicity of staff training, customer growth by 20-30% and a high degree of transaction security in accordance with the international standards of Visa and MasterCard, etc. Thus, the mobile acquiring is a relatively cheap payment solution and, therefore, more attractive and competitive.

Obstacles and tools to overcome them

In recent years many new technologies (including mobile acquiring) have been developed, but there is no single strategy for their use.

Analysis shows that the development of mobile acquiring in Ukraine is characterized by unstable dynamics: its growth rate in Ukraine is quite low in contrast to the one in the developed countries. Additionally, it has revealed some problems hindering the development of this service in Ukraine: insufficient level of financial literacy, use of gadgets based on the operating system that supports this service, the Internet penetration, 3D coverage and its use by population, popularization and use of wireless mPOS-terminals, security of transactions, etc.

Therefore, the key trends of mobile acquiring in Ukraine for 2017-2020 should be: 1) further increase of the level of financial literacy and Ukrainians' culture of cashless payments; 2) increase of number of cashless payments; 3) popularization and increased use of wireless mPOS-terminals; 4) increase in demand for applications to make mobile payments; 5) increase of the Internet penetration, 3G-coverage and its use by the population; 6) regulation of the bank's tariff policy; 7) improvement of the cashless payments security.


On the whole, mobile acquiring is a growing and promising service. It helps to bring the customer service to a new level. The analysts forecast that the share of this service in Ukraine will continue to grow and more than half of purchasing operations will be performed by gadgets during the next three years. Moreover, there has already been formed the audience that likes to buy from their mobile phones and wants to have the opportunity to choose the most convenient and easy method of payment for goods and services. Thus, the transition to a mobile format of sales is well-timed and should be implemented by the Internet business to convert the visitor from a mobile device into a full-fledged buyer.


1. Закон України «Про платіжні системи та переказ коштів в Україні» від 05.04.2001 р. №2346-Ш. - п. 1.9 ст. 1.

2. Корецька Н. І. Суть еквайрингу та особливості розвитку його видових технологій / Н. І. Корецька, В. О. Якубовський // Зб. тез допов. ХШ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Наука і цивілізація». - Частина 1. - 30 січня-07 лютого. - Великобританія: Наука та освіта, 2017. - 96 с. - С. 33-35.

3. Корецька Н. І. Методичний підхід до оцінки стану розвитку еквайрингу / Н. І. Корецька, В. О. Якубовський // Зб. тез допов. Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Управління економічними процесами: сучасні реалії і виклики». - 22-23 березня. - Мукачево: МДУ, 2017.

4. Consumers and mobile financial services. - March 2015 / Board of governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2005. - 69 p.

5. Використання смартфонів в Україні // [Електронний ресурс]. - Київ: Київський міжнародний інститут соціології, 2016. - Режим доступу: - Назва з екрана.

6. Використання смартфонів в Україні та світі (Інфографік) // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http: //www.mobilemarketing. vikoristannya-smartfoniv-v-ukra%D 1 %97ni-ta-sviti-infografik/

7. Кількість користувачів смартфонів в Україні зросла на 150% // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http: //www.epravda.

8. Приём оплат пластиковыми картами: обзор тарифов на еквайринг // [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:

9. Демиденко В. Ю. Аналіз методів просування споживчих товарів в мережі Інтернет на ринку України / В. Ю. Демиденко, О. І. Хоменко, К. К. Писанець // Технології та дизайн. - 2016. - №1(18).

10. Рынок электронной коммерции Украины // [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: elektronnoy-kommercii-ukrainy/

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12. Яке майбутнє інтернету в Україні // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: majbutnje-internetu-v-ukrajini-111114.html

13. Nicoletti B. Mobile banking: evolution or revolution / Bernardo Nicoletti. - Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014. - 209 p.

14. Як українці купують в Інтернеті //[Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: n708983

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