Impact of presentations of high-tech companies on stock prices

Analysis of the impact of presentations of high-tech companies on the stock quotes of companies. Research of high-tech companies and product presentations, creation of recommendations for investors. Introduction of a new product at a special public event.

Рубрика Финансы, деньги и налоги
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 10.12.2019
Размер файла 917,8 K

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The Government of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Institution for Higher Professional Education National Research University Higher School of Economics

St. Petersburg Branch

St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Master's dissertation

Impact of presentations of high-tech companies on stock prices

Area of studies 38.04.08 «Finance and Credit»

Master Programme “Finance”

Shvyakov Vladislav

Saint Petersburg - 2019


This paper is devoted to event study analysis of high-tech companies' presentations impact on the stock prices of the companies. First of all, there is a review on a previous research devoted to event study methodology and some innovation announcements research. This research is based on the sample of 49 presentations held by main technological market leaders and on the sample of 12 fully new products presentations. This paper tests two hypothesis the first is whether stock prices of the companies react positively to the presentations and whether new products have greater effect on the stock prices than the presentations related to the update of already existing flagship product of the company. The results show positive cumulative abnormal returns for all presentations and are significant at 99% level for event windows from -1 day to 3 days after event and longer. This study can be useful for private investors, or other market participants, according to the results of this research they can overperform market returns. In the end there are some recommendations for further development of this topic.

Keywords: Product presentation, high-tech, technology, event study, abnormal return, stock market reaction.




High tech companies are something we hear about each day. We use different products and devices created by top world companies many times per day and can't imagine our life without them nowadays. From time to time completely new devices appear and come to our everyday life to make it more convenient, easier. Introducing new products is risky (Cooper, 2000) and expensive for companies, but critical for constant growth or at least for keeping sales level. Research and development investments can provide the competitive advantage of an entity and its long-term well-being.

According to the hypothesis of the efficient market, prices of stocks represent all available information, when any new information appears at the market stock prices react according to this information, sometimes news can be leaked before the official announcement for example news about dividend payments or about features of the new products company is going to present. This is the reason why the stock price can reflect upcoming news earlier. According to Fama (1976) market is efficient in case of the events which can affect the wealth of shareholders. But sometimes available information cannot be estimated in the right way at the moment when information becomes public so the first reaction of the market can be false and corrected later.

The purpose of this paper is toevaluate the effect of new product announcement of high-tech companies on stock prices, this kind of events is widely covered by media, and expected by the investors. This paper examines the two hypotheses:

· Presentations of high-tech companies lead to higher daily stock returns of the company;

· New product or device presented has greater impact on stock prices than the update of previous one.

The method of event analysis is most suitable for this kind of research.It will help to detect abnormal returns of the stocks after the date when the presentation takes place. According to the event study methodology, we will answer the research question: How presentations of high-tech companies' effect stock prices?

The main objective of this paper is to estimate, with the help of event study analysis,how investors react to the presentation of new products. On the one hand, we can assume that company presents best product or about the same level with competitors at the moment of presentation and high level of sales and good financial results can be expected by the investors and it will increase stock prices of company, but on the other hand the new product can have negative effect if it does not meet high level of investors' expectations.

To achieve this objective the following tasks should be done:

· To analyze literature on the topic of event study and find out literature with previous studies related to the topic;

· To analyze which high-tech companies and which product presentations are suitable for the research;

· To analyze all important presentations of the top high-tech companies during the last 12 years;

· To collect all the necessary data (dates of the presentations, stock prices for 60 days before the event and 30 days after, information about the product);

· To develop the methodology of the study and make all computations;

· To interpret the results and create recommendations for investors.

The idea of this research is to find out how stocks of publicly traded high-tech companies react to update of the previous product or introduction of the new product at special public event. The presentations in this study were done only by leading market companies and took place between 2007 and 2019. All in all, the sample consists of 49 events made by 4 top companies.

It is also important to explain that presentations in this paper mean special public events of high-tech companies, where the introduction of a new product or update of the already well-known flagship device takes place. These events are highlighted by different media resources and widely discussed online. High-tech companies in this research are well-known entities listed at stock exchange which produce consumer electronics, and the big part of their business depends on the presented product or they have a chance to get extra revenue by earning money in the new market segment with the introduction of a new product.

This paper can be divided into 3logical parts. The first part consists of theoretical information about event study analysis, literature review and previous results of papers close to this topic.The second part presentsthe methodology anddata sample. The third part containsall steps of event analysis, results of the study and their interpretation.This topic is relevant because it shows how investors react to new products. The results of this work can give strategical advice for institutional investors and individual traders because they can get better returns than market average investing in shares of these companies.


There are a lot ofpapers dedicated to event study analysis. Event analysis is one of the most often used tools in economic research, it is mostly used in different financial papers. The main goal of an event analysis is to find out abnormal returns of stocks after different events like dividend announcements, annual reporting, new product presentations, mergers and acquisitions and others.

Peterson (1989) pays attention to the careful definition of the event date to examine abnormal returns because in some cases information can reach the market the next day or sometimes before the official announcement. Sometimes information can be presented when the trading day is over, so the market will response it on the following day. Leaks of the important news can also affect seriously on the stock prices, so it is also significant to estimate expected returns, abnormal returns and cumulative abnormal returns in the right way. In some cases, it is also possible to make calculations for two dates (official date of the event and the supposed day of leak). Henderson (1990) also says that it is more important when the market anticipated the news, not when the event actually took place.

The event study design is individual for each case, but its main structure is always very similar. The traditional method of event analysis is explained in detail by Kothari and Warner (2007) and it consists of the following steps:

· First of all, the date when the market received the news should be defined correctly;

· The aim of the next step is to find daily returns of stocks before and after the date when event took place.

· According to the chosen model of the expected stock price estimation there may be a need of daily market index return estimation;

· During the estimation window evaluations are done to calculate expected returns of the stocks. For this purpose,a model to describe daily returns before the event day should be chosen. The classical approach is based on simple historical price model, which assume constant return in time, according to Brown and Warner (1980, 1985)the returns gained with the help of this method are similar to results of more complex models. Another popular model of estimation is a market return model,in which abnormal return is calculated by subtracting stock daily return of the market index daily return. This model was described by MacKinlay (1997).One more model used for estimation of expected returns is a market model based on the ordinary least squares' method with an assumption that stock and market index daily returns have a linear relation. The model is evaluated in the estimation window (Graph 1). The choice of model and estimation window can play an important role for research because they can influence final results.

· Then according to the idea of research the period T1 - T0is chosen where the return of stock evaluates. The event day Ttakes place in event window. Time period including a few days before the event T - T0 time is used when there is a need to find out whether the market had any information before the event or public announcement of any insider information, in case of airline disasters that period does not play role because it is an unpredictable event, time period T1 - Tusually takes from few days up to one month depending on the research aim;

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Figure 1. Time diagram for event study (MacKinlay, 1997)

· According to the chosen model daily expected returns for the event window can be calculatedand after that real returns after event compared to expected. The difference between real and expected returns is called abnormal return,ARand calculated for each day of the sample;

· After that,abnormal returns from event day and following are accumulatedin CAR (cumulative abnormal return) to highlight the event effect over random return fluctuations;

· According to the fact that in most cases of event study short event window is used, it is recommended to use not one event but the number of close events and find out the average for the whole sample;

· The last step is to determine whether the abnormal returns are significant using the significance tests.

Some research on the effect of presentations and announcements of a new product or a technology have already been done. They have proved that there is impact on the stock prices.

One of the first researches devoted to innovation and new technology effect on the stock prices was done by Dos Santos et al. (1993). The methodology of the event study was used in this research, they have checked the effect of announcements in the technological industry between 1981 and 1988, they did not get significant results both for the whole industry and for the segments of the industry. high tech stock investor product

According to the Sood and Tellis (2009) appearance of the new products in the market makes a great impact on the whole industry because it moves other companies to create new products and leads to high level of competitiveness sometimes new products can even create fully new markets.

One more research devoted to the stock price reaction to the innovations was done by Guseva and Rogova (2016) this research is based on the investments in the innovation technologies. The sample includes 84 announcements between 2010. And 2013 of Russian companies traded on the stock exchange. They achieved significant results and positive abnormal returns for the sample of 20 research projects and for the sample of 21 projects investments in which was based on the cooperation.

Xin (2010) says that technological development is very important for company growth and can create additional value.But any new product should appear at the right moment and in the right place, when customers really need this good and can create demand for it. She says that investors usually expect positive returns and better financial performance after announcement of the new product. In her study she examined stock market returns and impact on some financial indicators. She got significant average return of 1.71% on the day of event.

In another paper by Lee et al. (2000) they tell us that the company in the market which makes the first move and present new technologyor product gets competitive advantage. This paper is based on the sample which includes product announcements from 1975 to 1990 in brewing, telecommunication and computer industry. As a result of this paper the first movers had negative return on 3 cumulative abnormal return equal to -0.69.

One more paper by Yuan (2012) about product announcements effect on the stock prices in the technological sector. This paper has a sample of 50 events related to phone and smartphone announcements done by 5 companies in the period from 2007 to 2012. This paper tests different time periods to find out any significant returns. The results show that there is no significant effect in the short-term period but for the longer period from 35 to 40 days there is negative change of companies' stock price. In this paper author used his own judgment tochoose 5 companies, not all of this companies have mobile phones as big part of their business and that is the reason why not all of this product in the sample are equally interestingforthe investors.


When it is possible to estimate date when an event took place it is reasonable to use event study research methodology to find out if there is any influence on the market instrument affected by this event after it became known for all financial market participants.Implementation of event study can help us to detect abnormal returns for the sample of events. To do this we have to calculate significance of abnormal returns.

In this research under the presentations we mean special public events of high-tech companies, where the introduction of a new innovative product or update of the already well-known flagship device takes place. These events are highlighted by different media resources and widely discussed online. Nowadays presentations play really big role in the life cycle of the company each year more and more people are interested in new technologies top companies send invitations to the top tech media and prepare online streams for everybody who wants to gain first-hand information and there are millions of viewers on such events. High-tech companies in this research are well-known entities listed at the stock exchange which produce consumer electronics, and the big part of their business depends on the presented product or they have a chance to get extra revenue by earning money in the new market segment with the introduction of a new innovative product.

To collect all the data needed for research first of all we had to put some requirements for product announcements:

· The date of the event should be assigned and announced at least couple of weeks before the presentation takes place;

· The presentation should be available for public (online stream, media covering the event online) and it should be the first global announcement of the product;

· The presentation should be held by one of the top companies of consumer electronics market;

· The presented product should be an update of already existing flagship product or the new one;

· If it is an update of already existing product the share of this product in total revenue of the company should be at least 10%;

· If it is a completely or partly new product it should not be some kind of the specific product, but one which is available for typical customer.

The most popular and widely discussed presentations nowadays are the announcements of smartphones. This market is highly competitive, and each presentation brings a new technology, some features and better performance.We have found the information about leading smartphone companies by shipment volumes and market share, this information is presented in the table 1 below.


2018 Shipment Volumes

2018 Market Share

2017 Shipment Volumes

2017 Market Share

Year-Over-Year Change

1. Samsung






2. Apple






3. Huawei






4. Xiaomi






5. Oppo


















Table 1. Top 5 Smartphone companies' worldwide shipments (in millions) for 2017 and 2018 calendar years. (Source: IDC quarterly mobile phone tracker, January 30, 2019)

Then we checked whether smartphone business is an important part of the company and which part of revenue share does it brings to the company. The reason for this is that if company is not specified in smartphones and the revenue share of smartphone sales is less than 10% we can assume that new announcements in case of such companies do not change stock prices of the companies significantly because investors do not set high expectations for the product which is not the main part of the business. To find out which companies fit this research financial reports of these companies were downloaded.

Samsung revenue distribution between business units are provided in table 2.

Business unit










Mobile Communications







Consumer Electronics














Display Panels














Table 2. Samsung's revenue (in trillion KRW) distribution from 2016 to 2018. (Source: Samsung Electronics Announces Fourth Quarter and FY 2018 Results)

From table 2 we can say that Mobile communication unit is one the most important in Samsung's business and brings about 40% of revenue each year so their phone presentations can have significant effect for business.

Apple revenue distribution by products for the last years is presented in the table 3.





Revenue, bln $


Revenue, bln $


Revenue, bln $



$ 136,7


$ 141,3


$ 166,7



$ 20,6


$ 19,2


$ 18,8



$ 22,8


$ 25,9


$ 25,5



$ 24,4


$ 30,0


$ 37,2


Other products

$ 11,1


$ 12,9


$ 17,4



$ 215,6


$ 229,3


$ 265,6


Table 3. Apple's revenue (in bln $) distribution between products from 2016 to 2018. (Source: Apple FY 2018 Results)

For Apple company their main product is iPhone with more than 60% of total annual revenue. Apple is the most discussed company nowadays its presentations have millions of viewers all over the world it is one of the most innovative companies nowadays, so consumers and investors are always waiting for the new announcements of the company.

Huawei is private company which is fully owned by employees. The methodology of event study is applicable only for public companies with shares listed at stock exchanges so despite of high level of Huawei sales it is not applicable for this research.

Xiaomi's financial results and business unit share are provided in table 4.













IoT and lifestyle products





Internet Services















Table 4. Xiaomi's revenue (in bln RMB) distribution between business units from 2017 to 2018. (Source: Xiaomi FY 2018 Results)

From the table 4 we can see that Xiaomi's smartphone business unit is the most important part of its business with more than 65% of annual revenue. During the last years Xiaomi became big player at the high-tech market with a great amount of interesting products but the main part of their business are smartphones. Xiaomi nowadays offers high quality devices with a bit lower price than their competitors have.

Oppo is number 5 company by the amount of smartphones sold all over the world during last 2 years but it is a private company and we can't use it for event analysis because its stocks are not listed at any stock exchange.

After analyzing different companies of technology market, we have found only one more company which suits our requirements for the sample it is Microsoft. This company has diversified business oriented both for users and business (table 5).




Office and cloud services

28 316


Server products and cloud services

26 129



19 518



10 353


Search adv

7 012


Enterprise services

5 846



5 134



5 259



2 793



110 360


Table 5. Microsoft's revenue (in mln $) distribution between products in 2018. (Source: Microsoft FY 2018 Results)

As we can see from the table Microsoft's main parts of business are Office products, Server products and Windows, these products are used in each office and at every home, so updates of them are very important for investors.

After selecting companies, we have to find information about dates of presentations and products presented there.Most of the information was found on official web-sites of the companies which we include in sample, but some old events were found as video recording of official presentations, these videos can provide trustful information about the date of event and products which were presented. We have collected information about product presentations of 4 top high-tech companies. All these presentations were held from 2007 to 2019. The sample includes 25 events for Apple from 2007 to 2019, 20 events for Samsung from 2009 to 2019, 9 events for Xiaomi from 2010 to 2019 and 9 events for Microsoft from 2009 to 2018. There are 66 events all in all.

The next step is to collect historical stock prices for each event. The daily stock prices should include the price on the day when the event took place, daily prices for each day in the estimation window and daily prices for event window. We should also download market index prices for the same periods for local markets of each company. For Microsoft and Apple we have downloaded S&P 500 index prices, for Samsung KOSPI (Korean stock exchange index) and Hang Seng index for Xiaomi (Hong Kong stock index). These indexes will be used to compare our companies' daily returns to market returns. All stock prices and index prices were downloaded from Yahoo! Finance, the website allows to public to download reliable time series of the prices for any period of time for public companies from different markets.

Estimation window is a time period in which model parameters of the model are estimated. The estimation window size differs very much in event study analysis, they can be from 30 up to 350 days everything depends on the effect of which event we want to estimate. In most research devoted to event analysis of innovations estimation window is between 60 and 90 days (Yuan, 2012).

In this study we will use the estimation window of 60 days before the event, because some of the technological companies have presentations once per quarter and to avoid layering of the other presentations effect it reasonable to use rather small estimation window. We have also collected the stock prices for 30 days after the event date for event window calculations further.

While collecting the data for sample it was discovered that Xiaomi was not a public company some time ago and it is possible to collect data only for 1 presentation held by the company. While collecting stock prices information about Samsung it was detected that company had several stock splits during the history of the company. Some of these splits were in the estimation window of events in our sample or in the event window, so we had to delete 3 events from the sample because these company actions had very strong impact on the stock price change. Whenwewereobtaining the information about Microsoft, we found out that the event window of one presentation was in the estimation window of another one, so we deleted one event and have total of 8. SpeakingaboutApple, originally, we had the sample of 28 events but deleted 3 of them because their estimation window was affected by the event windows of previous presentations.

After all these manipulations our final sample decreased from 66 product presentations to 49, which is enough for the event study. The sample is presented in the table 15 in the appendices.

After collecting all the data required to perform event analysis, we have to calculate returns. We need all real daily returns for the event window. First of all,daily returnsRtwere calculated,for each day of each event with the following formula (1), adjusted close prices were used for calculation:

Where Ptis the stock price onday t; - stock price on the day t-1; is a real daily return of the stock.

Then daily market returns Rmt were calculated, for each event based on the index prices of each company market and dates when event took place, with the next formula (2):

Where Pmtis the market index price on day t; is themarket index price on the day t-1; is a real daily return of the local market index. S&P 500 market index was calculated for events associated with Apple and Microsoft, for Samsung KOSPI (Korean stock exchange index) returns were calculated and Hang Seng index for Xiaomi (Hong Kong stock exchange index).

The next step is to find the expected return of each stock Eit. This can be done in different ways, in this research the market model was used to predict expected returns, this model is based on the assumption of a constant linear relation between stock returns and the returns of market index, the next formula is used for calculations (3):

Where is expected return of the icompany on the day t; is a return of the market index portfolio on the day t; and are estimated coefficients of the company i, is a zeromathematical expectation of the regression error.

The estimation of and coefficients of the market model for all presentation events is based on the estimation window of 60 days for each case. The estimation of the expected return for each day in the event window is done by the substitution of daily market index returns in the market model with estimated and coefficients, which are calculated by the ordinary least squares (OLS) method based on the estimation window data.

Then abnormal returns ARcan be calculated for each day before theevent and for the event window. Abnormal return is one of the most important parameters in the event study it shows unexpected changes in the stock prices of the company.It is calculated as a difference between real stock return and expected return.AR has the following formula:

Where is the estimation of excess return of i stock on the day t; is a real daily return of the i stock on the day t; is an expected return of the i stock on t day.

The next step is to calculate theCumulative abnormal return (CAR)for each event. CARis the sum of daily abnormal returns in the event windowfrom the first dayof the event window to the last day and used to evaluate an effect of event or news on the stock price of the company.CAR can be calculated by the following formula (5);

Where is the estimation of sum of the over performed stock returns of the company i; is an estimation of over performance of the stocks of company i on the day.

According to this research our sample consists of the 49 product announcements for the all events and 12 presentations for new products, to test this samples correctly the average abnormal returns (AARs) and corresponding to it cumulative average abnormal returns (CAARs) should be calculated, according to the event study methodology described by Kothari and Warner (2007).

Average abnormal returns (AARs) can be calculated by the following formula (6):

Where is an average abnormal return on day t; - estimation of abnormal return of the stock i on the day t; N - is a number of events in the sample.

Then cumulative average abnormal return should be calculated (CAAR) for both samples, it is calculated as a sum of average abnormal returns (AARs). The formula for CAAR calculation is presented below (7):

Where CAARis an estimation of the accumulated average abnormal returns; is an average abnormal return on the day t.

When all calculations are done it is possible to analyze and estimate the impact of different kinds of events on the stock prices of the companies.

The last stage of the event study analysis is the check of the hypothesis about significant impact of the event on stock prices of the company. All tests for the event study analysis can be divided in two groups parametric and non-parametric. The main difference between this two groups of tests is that parametric tests are applicable only for normal distribution of returns. A lot of research includes tests from different groups. That approach can additionally check the absence of the outlier effect on the research results.

In this research we will also use two different tests to check our hypothesis one parametric test and one nonparametric. Some tests are presented in the table below (table 6).

Parametric Tests

Nonparametrc tests

For one event

AR test, CAR t-test


For the sample

Patell test, Jackknife test, Skewness corrected test

Corrado rank test, Sign test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test

Table6. Some tests for the hypothesis check. (Source: significance tests for event studies;

Cumulative average abnormal returns will be tested in this research with suitable for the sample testingby Patell (Petell, 1976) and Wilcoxon (Wilcoxon, 1945) tests. To calculate these tests, we will use XLSTAT addon for Microsoft excel.

The aim of this work is to check the two following hypotheses:

· Presentations of high-tech companies lead to higher daily stock returns of the company. We assume that when the new product is presented it is the best at the market or about the same level (according to the sample requirements) so investors are excited about new product and can expect high level of sales and good financial result, which in turn will lead to the increase of stock prices;

The null and alternative hypothesis have the following form:

New product or device presented has greater impact on stock prices than the update of previous one. We assume that new products can have greater impact because new products can significantly increase company's revenueby entering to the new markets and creating demand among new customers or additional product demand among loyal ones.The null and alternative hypothesis have the following form:

For each. of the hypothesis there are two possible outcomes:

· Hypothesis H0 is rejected and hypothesis H1 is accepted if testsresults are significant;

· Hypothesis H0 is not rejected and hypothesis H1 is rejected if the results of the tests are not significant.


Final sample includes 49 most significant events for Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and Xiaomi between 2007 and 2019. Among these events there were 12 presentations of new products of the company

The collected samples are presented in the tables 7, 8 below:


Number of events





Fablets (big size smartphones)















Table 7. All presentations sample


Number of events





Fablets (big size smartphones)















Table 8. New products presentations

In most cases companies do not have special event for the fully new products announcements, these events are mostly occurred during the update of already existing flagship products of the company. These combined presentations were also included in the sample of new products because there is no other way to collect more than 3-4 events in the sample to achieve reliable results.

There is an interesting fact in the sample that share of other products among all products presented is the lowest, but among new products presented is the highest. The reason for that is new products such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, VR glasses, wireless headphones, these products appeared not so long ago, and the market is not full of these products yet. Companies understand that it is possible and perspective way to increase their profit by entering the new markets, so they produce new products and are trying to find new ways to expand their business.

After collecting the sample an intermediate stages of event analysis were done, daily stock returns, daily market index returns and expected returns for each event and each company were calculated.

Then average abnormal returns (AARs) were calculated for each company, the results for AARs for the days from 0 (the day of presentation) to 30 days after presentation are on the figures 2, 3, 4, 5 for each company below:

Figure 2. Average abnormal returns from day of event to 30 days after, in % for Apple.

Figure 3. Average abnormal returns from day of event to 30 days after, in % for Samsung.

Figure 4. Average abnormal returns from day of event to 30 days after, in % for Microsoft.

Figure 5. Average abnormal returns from day of event to 30 days after, in % for Xiaomi.

The graphs of the average abnormal returns do not provide enough information about the returns of the companies, it is rather difficult to estimate how did stocks perform after the presentation and make conclusion whether presentation of the company affects positively on the stock prices of the companies or not.

Then the average abnormal return for all companies was calculated all AARs for the days from 0 (the day of presentation) to 30 days after public announcement of the product are presented on the figure 6:

Figure 6. Average abnormal returns from day of event to 30 days after, in % for all companies.

From this graph we can see that after presentations companies had mostly positive daily abnormal returns it means that stocks of these companies overperformed themselves on the most days. The highest average abnormal return for all companies equals to 0,5% and is on the 13th day after presentations the lowest abnormal return is on 23rd day after the event date and equals to -0,33%

Then the average abnormal return for all companies new products was calculated all AARs for the days from 0 (the day of presentation) to 30 days after public announcement of the product are presented on the figure 7.

Figure 7. Average abnormal returns for new products from day of event to 30 days after it, in % for all companies.

From figure 7 we can find out that new products have positive effect on the stock prices of the companies. Average abnormal returns are positive for 20 out of 31 days with highest average abnormal return of 1,13% on the 30th day after the event and the lowest abnormal return of -0,69% on the 25th day after presentation took place.

Then the cumulative average abnormal returns (CAARs) were calculated for different event windows to find out how stock prices behave during different time periods within one month. Cumulative average abnormal returns were calculated for the both samples: all presentations and new products presentations. The next event windows for CAARs calculations were chosen:

· From one day before the event to one day after the date of the event;

· From one day before the event to 3 days after the date of the event;

· From one day before the event to 10 days after the date of the event;

· From one day before the event to 15 days after the date of the event;

· From one day before the event to 30 days after the date of the event.

The results for CAARs are presented in the table 9 below:


-1 to1day

-1 to 3 days

-1 to 10 days

-1 to 15 days

-1 to 30 days

All presentations (49)






New products (12)






Table 9. Cumulative average abnormal returns for different event windows.

According to the cumulative average abnormal results it is possible to make a conclusion that product presentations have positive effect on the stock prices of the companies. For the sample of all products obtained results are positive for all event windows used in this research and these CAARs have a positive dynamics after presentations it growth from 0,57% for the period of 1 day before the event date and 1 day after the event to 2,50% for the event window from 1 day before event to 30 days after the event. The diagram for the whole sample (49 events) cumulative average abnormal return is presented below, figure 8.

Figure 8. Cumulative average abnormal returns for the sample of all product announcements (49).

The situation with new products is partly different. New products have negative cumulative abnormal return for the short event windows (-1 day to +1 day and -1 day to +3 days), but then new products sample greatly overperforms the expected return from 2,26% on the event window from 1 day before the event to 10 days after and up to the 6,82% for the event window from 1 day before the event to 30 days after the event took place.

It can be explained by the following idea: in most cases there are some rumors and information leaks before the event date and investors can set their expectations on the future of the company and its products based on leaks, but when presentations take place real picture can be different from the rumors and leakages and new products cannot meet investors' expectations in this cases stock prices of the company will slightly decrease. After the presentation date in few days the new product sales can begin, preorder can be launched and first reviews on the new product appear, when the first after presentation appears it can affect stock prices significantly. The other possible reason for this kind of stock price change is that it is not always possible to estimate expectations on the totally new product on the day of announcement, people need some time to understand something new and also then, again, after the first information about pre-orders, orders or first reviews appear, the investors can change their expectations.The diagram for the sample of new products presentations (12 events) cumulative average abnormal return is presented below, figure 9.

Figure 9.Cumulative average abnormal returns for the sample of new product announcements (12).

Table 16 in appendices presents calculations for the sample of fully new products.

The last step of the event analysis methodology is significance testing. To check hypothesis and we have checked different event windows with significance test. To accept the null hypothesis the statistics should be less than table value. After calculating all significance tests, the following results were obtained.

Table 10 contains information about testing the event window from 1 day before the event to the 1st day after the date of the event.


CAAR average value

t, according to Patell's test

t, according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test / Two-tailed test

All presentations (49 events)




All new products (12 events)




Table 10. Significance testing for event window (-1 to 1 day).

There is no significant results in the tests done for event window of -1 day to day 1, that means that both null hypothesis are accepted and there is no cumulative average abnormal return for presentations of high-tech companies in the period from 1 day before the event to one day after the event takes place.

Table 11 contains information about testing the event window from 1 day before the event to the 3rd day after the date of the event.


CAAR average value

t, according to Patell's test

t, according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test / Two-tailed test

All presentations (49 events)




All new products (12 events)




*- means significance at 10% level

Table 11. Significance testing for event window (-1 to 3 day).

For the event window from -1 to 3 days after the event there are significant results at 10% level for the sample of all events, it means that the null hypothesis for the sample of 49 events can be rejected at 10% level of significance and we can conclude that there are cumulative abnormal returns with 90% probability. There are no significant results for new products presentations in the same event window and null hypothesis for the sample of new products is accepted.

Table 12 contains information about testing the event window from 1 day before the event to the 10th day after the date of the event.


CAAR average value

t, according to Patell's test

t, according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test / Two-tailed test

All presentations (49 events)




All new products (12 events)




*- means significance at 10% significance level;

** - means significance at 5% significance level;

*** - means significance at 1% significance level.

Table 12. Significance testing for event window (-1 to 10 day).

For the event window from -1 to 10 days after the event there are significant results at 1% level for the sample of all events, it means that the null hypothesis for the sample of 49 events can be rejected at 1% level of significance and we can conclude that there are cumulative abnormal returns with 99% probability. There are also significant results for new products presentations in the same event window and the hypothesis for the sample of new products is rejected at 1% level according to the Patell's test and at 5% according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

Table 13 contains information about testing the event window from 1 day before the event to the 15th day after the date of the event.


CAAR average value

t, according to Patell's test

t, according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test / Two-tailed test

All presentations (49 events)




All new products (12 events)




*- means significance at 10% significance level;

** - means significance at 5% significance level;

*** - means significance at 1% significance level.

Table 13. Significance testing for event window (-1 to 15 day).

For the event window from -1 to 15 days after the event there are significant results at 1% level for the sample of all events, it means that the null hypothesis for the sample of 49 events can be rejected at 1% level of significance and we can conclude that there are cumulative abnormal returns with 99% probability. There are also significant results for new products presentations in the same event window and the hypothesis for the sample of new products is rejected at 1% level according to the Patell's test and at 1% according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

Table 14 contains information about testing the event window from 1 day before the event to 30 day after the date of the event.


CAAR average value

t, according to Patell's test

t, according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test / Two-tailed test

All presentations (49 events)




All new products (12 events)




*- means significance at 10% significance level;

** - means significance at 5% significance level;

*** - means significance at 1% significance level.

Table 14. Significance testing for event window (-1 to 30 day).

For the event window from -1 to 15 days after the event there are significant results at 1% level for the sample of all events, it means that the null hypothesis for the sample of 49 events can be rejected at 1% level of significance and we can conclude that there are cumulative abnormal returns with 99% probability. There are also significant results for new products presentations in the same event window and the hypothesis for the sample of new products is rejected at 1% level according to the Patell's test and at 1% according to Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

According to the results of the tests completed we can sum up that there is no significance for cumulative average abnormal returns for any presentations in the event window -1 to 1 day. The significant results at 10% level were gained for all presentation (49) in the window -1 day to 3 day. And significant results for both samples at 1% level in the event windows -1 to 10 days, -1 to 15 days and -1 to 30 days. According to these results we can conclude that investors are interested in new product announcements and the market is sensitive to such events.


The goal of this term paper was to study the impact of presentations of high-tech companies onthe stock prices of these companies and to find o...

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