A ouantative approach to identifying factors that affect the use of e-wallets in Bahrain

Volume of transactions in Bahrain. Factors affecting the individual satisfaction and usage of e-wallet regardless of the providers. The relationship between satisfaction concerning the e-wallet use and ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, security.

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Дата добавления 08.04.2022
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Furthermore, this study results indicated that all indirect relationships between continuance use and the four predictor variables [ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, and security] are statistically significant and supported (Al- bashrawi & Motiwalla, 2019; Jusuf et al., 2017; Chen & Li, 2017; Yuan et al., 2016; Hamid et al., 2016). This means that the relationships are statistically significant between continuance and the four predictors (ease of use (p-value <0.0001), compatibility (p-value <0.0001), usefulness (p-value <0.0001) and security (p-value <0.0001)).

The moderating variables were found to be statistically insignificant (Avornyo et al., 2019; Cao et al., 2018). The analysis showed that the moderating variables of gender, age, qualification, and employment status are not significant concerning the use of the e-wallet variable. Its significance level was as follows respectively: 0.351,0.149,0.326,0.326.

This study is consistent with previous studies (Chen & Wu, 2017; Singh et al., 2017) that found that the ease of use of e-wallets affects directly user satisfaction concerning the use of e-wallet. The use of e-wallet to perform transactions was founded to be much easier and faster compared to the traditional method as e-wallet shortens the process of conducting the transactions (Madan & Yadav, 2016).

The research of Chen & Wu (2017) indicates that the “usefulness variable” of mobile payments directly affects user satisfaction, while the compatibility of mobile payment results indirectly in satisfaction through usefulness and ease of use. However, both “compatibility” and “usefulness” variables are found in this study significant predictors that directly affect user satisfaction. Once users are satisfied with the promotional benefits of e-wallet, they will increase the usage of e-wallet (Singh et al., 2017).

However, this study is consistent with the earlier study of Chen & Wu (2017) that substantiated that the more secure the users feel about the technology, the higher the satisfaction.

There are also several studies (Wessels & Drennan, 2010; Singh et al. 2017; Riquelme & Rios, 2010) that consider the demographic characteristics as significant variables in determining the satisfaction level of the e-wallet usage. However, in these studies the demographic variables have no significant effects on the relationships that exist between the satisfaction and the four predictors (ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, and security).

This study presents a proposed research model that is under scrutiny. Still, in an attempt to discover all possible relationships that may exist between the construct variables, the saturated model was introduced. The saturated model outlines the comprehensive relationships that may exist in the entire model. The findings of the saturated model will be discussed below.

First, the adjusted R2 value is considered as a valuable indicator of the goodness of any mathematical model; the higher the value of the adjusted R2, the better. The adjusted R2 was 0.626 in the model that is under the scrutiny of this study, the proposed model. Nevertheless, in the saturated model, the model that outlines all possible relationships that may exist in the model, the new, improved adjusted R2 value is 0.699.

The ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, and security variables exert a substantial effect on continuance use, as reflected by a sizeable adjusted R2=0.699. Since the adjusted R2 can quantify the percentage of explanation in the continuance use by the four factors in the model (ease of use, compatibility, security, usefulness), it is a good indicator to select the better model.

The noticeable improvement in adjusted R2 means that the four factors efficiently predict almost 70% of continuance use; therefore, it means we have obtained a better model.

Second, two of the model factors have a direct relationship with continuance use, while two of the factors have no direct relationship with continuance use.

The compatibility and usefulness variables are recognized as significant direct relationships with the continuance use. The direct relationship between usefulness and the continuance use is consistent with the ECM model and Chen & Li, (2017) findings. This means that if an individual finds the e-wallet is useful and compatible with their needs and wishes, they will continue using it even if they are not satisfied.

Nonetheless, the ease of use and security variables have shown insignificant direct relationships with the continuance use variable (Avornyo et al., 2019). This means that if an individual continues to use an e-wallet, then he/she should be satisfied concerning ease of use and security of e-wallet. If the individual is unsatisfied with the e-wallet ease of use and unsatisfied with the e-wallet security, they will not continue using it.

Third, as an indication of the leading factor that affects the use and the continuance use, the comparison is made by identifying the highest number of total Beta figures. Among the four predictors (ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, and security), the results indicate that the compatibility is the leading factor that exerts the highest effect on continuance use, as reflected by the total Beta =0.372 as shown in table (4.27).

Research Conclusions and Limitations

This research intended to identify factors that affect the use of e-wallets. This study combined the TAM and ECM models in order to understand the reasons for the use of e-wallet and continuous use.

The empirical results of this study demonstrated that direct relations are statistically significant between satisfaction concerning the e-wallet use, and the four predictors (ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, and security). Also, the relation between continuance usage and satisfaction concerning e-wallet use is statistically significant.

Moreover, the results show that continuance usage is indirectly and considerably influenced by the four predictors (ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, and security). However, the moderating variables were found to be statistically insignificant (demographic variables) in the relationship between the satisfaction and the four predictors (ease of use, compatibility, usefulness, and security).

This research analysis is classified as an inferential statistics analysis exercise conducted to discover the factors that affect the use of e-wallet in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Data was collected through an online questionnaire. This study managed to collect 660 completed responses that gave a much more excellent opportunity to draw a more accurate conclusion and reflect the real position of factors that gauge the e-wallet usage. However, this study has experienced many limitations. First, the study was limited to the users in the Kingdom of Bahrain with relatively small sample size. The source of satisfaction may differ among countries (Zhang et al., 2012); therefore, the identified factors that affect the individual satisfaction and usage of e-wallet may differ from country to country. Thus, the study results cannot be generalized outside Bahrain.

Second, this research was designed to identify the significance of four factors only. However, there may be other important factors, such as the social influence on the e-wallets usage that were not investigated due to the time limitation of the study. Third, the lack of previous researches poses a challenge in selecting the optimal theoretical model to investigate the driven factors towards the new concept of using e-wallets. However, the selected two models to this study were TAM and ECM models that were used by the previous research work in investigating new technology.

Forth, the lack of direct interaction with the participants poses limitations as the data collected using a self-administered survey. The study conducted a pilot study to gauge the level of respondent's understanding. The outcome of this pilot study showed adequate understanding and clarity of the survey's questions. Nevertheless, the researcher cannot verify the level of actual understandability of all participants in case of ambiguities. Fifth, this study identified the factors that affect the use of e-wallet in Bahrain regardless of the e-wallet providers. The data collected were analyzed and generalized with all e-wallet providers in Bahrain. In other words, individuals may be satisfied with regards to the security of specific e-wallet while not satisfied with other e-wallet providers. Future studies may be conducted to identify the variances among e-wallet providers.

Recommendations for Future Research

Finally, there are several highlighted points to be taken into consideration for future researches. The identified factors that affect the individual satisfaction and usage of e-wallet may differ from one country to another. Therefore, the satisfaction construct needs to be further investigated to obtain the significant factors that affect the use of e-wallet, enhancing the understandability of e-wallet usage. Moreover, the theoretical implications of this study are recommended to further expand in future research in order to validate the study results.

This study aggregates the results and recommendations of all involved factors among all e-wallet providers in Bahrain. These recommendations can be used to become basis for future researches and to analyze the factors that affect the use of each e-wallet provider separately, to provide a meaningful comparison on the strengths of each provider, as the strength of a specific provider may be a weakness for other providers.

e-wallet bahrain satisfaction transaction


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