Analysis of the influence of the external environment factors on the enterprises competitiveness formation
Influence of factors of the entrepreneurial climate of the region on the process of formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise. Ensuring income generation, formation of financial results, creation of conditions for maneuvering fund funds.
Рубрика | Финансы, деньги и налоги |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 30,7 K |
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State Biotechnological University
Analysis of the influence of the external environment factors on the enterprises competitiveness formation
Qin Guohe
In today's conditions of instability of the economic situation, accounting for the impact of the region's entrepreneurial climate is necessary for the formation of a successful strategy for increasing the enterprises competitiveness. The conditions for effective entrepreneurial activity are different in different regions. To take this circumstance into account, it is necessary to clearly define the composition of the elements of the regional environment (subjective factors) and the institutional environment (objective factor), which affect the level of competitiveness of regional enterprises. The entrepreneurial climate is the basis of the company's competitiveness. The more it contributes to entrepreneurial activity, the more competitive the enterprise will be. The factors of the region's entrepreneurial climate significantly affect the process of formation and preservation of competitive advantages of the enterprise. The competitiveness of an enterprise is a multifactor value. In the long term, in the conditions of a free market and competitive relations of its participants, it will be determined by combinations of various factors. The competitiveness of products (works, services) is obviously the central element of the formation of the enterprise's competitiveness, the level of which the enterprise's competitiveness cannot be fixed in the zone of positive values. Successful sale of products ensures income generation and financial results, creating conditions for formation and maneuvering of financial funds. Without it, neither current nor prospective functioning of the organization is possible. It is necessary to consider the enterprise's competitiveness both from the standpoint of the presence of competitive advantages today, and from the standpoint of the possibility of maintaining or possible use of competitive advantages in the future due to changes in the market situation (in the industry). This circumstance makes it possible to reasonably determine the competitiveness of the enterprise not as a discrete value that characterizes the enterprise's position on the market (in the industry) at a particular moment in time, but as a complex characteristic of the enterprise's ability to respond to changes in the market situation and use these changes to create competitive advantages.
Keywords: competitiveness, factors, external environment, enterprises, market conditions.
Державний біотехнологічний університет
У сучасних умовах нестабільності економічної ситуації облік впливу підприємницького клімату регіону є необхідною умовою для формування успішної стратегії підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємства. Умови для здійснення ефективної підприємницької діяльності є різними у різних регіонах. Для врахування цієї обставини необхідно чітко визначитися зі складом елементів регіонального середовища (суб'єктивні фактори) та інституцйним середовищем (об'єктивний фактор), які впливають на рівень конкурентоспроможності підприємств регіону. Підприємницький клімат є основою конкурентоспроможності підприємства. Чим більше він сприяє підприємницькій діяльності, тим більш конкурентоспроможним буде підприємство. Чинники підприємницького клімату регіону істотно впливають на процес формування та збереження конкурентних переваг підприємства. Конкурентоспроможність підприємства є величиною багатофакторною і в довгостроковому періоді в умовах вільного ринку та конкурентних взаємин його учасників визначатиметься комбінаціями різних факторів. Конкурентоспроможність продукції (робіт, послуг), очевидно, є центральним елементом формування конкурентоспроможності підприємства, якого рівень конкурентоспроможності підприємства неспроможна фіксуватися у зоні позитивних значень. Успішна реалізація продукції забезпечує отримання доходу, формування фінансових результатів, створює умови для формування та маневрування фондами фінансових коштів. Без цього є неможливим ні поточне, ні перспективне функціонування організації. Необхідно розглядати конкурентоспроможність підприємства як з позиції наявності конкурентних переваг на сьогодні, так і з позиції можливості утримання чи можливого використання конкурентних переваг у майбутньому за зміни ситуації над ринком (у галузі). Ця обставина дозволяє обґрунтовано визначати конкурентоспроможність підприємства не як дискретну величину, що характеризує позицію підприємства на ринку (в галузі) в окремий момент часу, а як комплексну характеристику здатності підприємства реагувати на зміну ринкової ситуації та використовувати ці зміни з метою створення конкурентних переваг.
Ключові слова: конкурентоспроможність, фактори, зовнішнє середовище, підприємства, ринкові умови.
Statement of the problem in general
At present, increased competition between enterprises in different markets forces manufacturers to improve the existing and develop new mechanisms for managing competitiveness. Taking into account various factors in developing a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises is relevant in the current market conditions. The need to develop ways to adapt to changing economic conditions and respond promptly to these changes to implement ideas in practice requires managers to possess modern methods of identifying, ensuring, and maintaining the competitive advantages of the enterprise.
Analysis of the latest research and publications
In the study of the theoretical and methodological substantiation of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in foreign scientific works, it is necessary to note the works of M. Porter, J.-J. Lamben, F. Kotler, P. A. Samuelson, M. H. Mescon, J. S. Simpson. X. Jakota. Among Ukrainian researchers, methods for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises are given in the works of V. D. Bazylevych, V. A. Borysova, O. D. Vovchak, O. D. Zaruba, T. A. Rotova, L. S. Rudenko, K. V. Shelekhov and others.
The influence of environmental factors on the formation of competitiveness is not sufficiently reflected in scientific works. Therefore it requires further research
The aim of the article is to analyze the factors of influence of the external environment on the competitiveness of enterprises
Presentation of the primary material of the research
In modern competition, with all its sharpness and dynamism, the winner is the one who analyzes and competes for his competitive position. Agri-food sectors must set themselves the task of increasing the level of competitiveness not only of their products but also of the industry to survive this struggle. According to R. Bondarchuk, the main components of the concept of competitiveness of products and enterprises are quality, consumption price, demand, advertising, and service [1]. Korostylov V.A. believes that the competitiveness of products characterizes the degree of possible sale of manufactured products on the market, and the competitiveness of agri-food sectors shows the degree of ability to manufacture and sell their products, make deductions to the budget and ensure sustainable functioning [2]. competitive income financial fund
Thus, these concepts are interrelated and complement each other. Indicators of product competitiveness are quantitative characteristics that reveal the maturity of factors for quality assurance, and indicators of competitiveness of agri-food sectors characterize the qualitative aspect of competition. Panasenko D.A. interprets that the factors that affect the competitiveness of the main activities can be accidental, which increases or decreases the level of competition [3].
Researchers [4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] identify the critical elements of external influence on increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, namely:
Factors (demand for industry products, level of protectionism, vertical and horizontal integration in the industry, quality of fixed assets, availability of resources, provision of infrastructure, institutional aspects of entrepreneurial activity).
Objects (enterprises, industry, region, state).
Subjects (enterprises, business communities, authorities).
Mechanisms (enterprise strategy, target programs, formation of a single information space, lobbying, reduction of competition in the industry, reduction of transaction costs, socio-economic policy, cooperation with business communities).
Also, the competitiveness of an enterprise is formed by the decisions of several subjects, among which one can single out the enterprises themselves, business communities, which are, as a rule, representatives of industry interests, authorities of various levels that form economic policy, and the scientific community.
In the work of M. Porter, it is determined that the competitiveness of products is well revealed through the nature of the product itself. On the one hand, the product is a commodity; on the other hand, the cost of the product. Production as a commodity measures the satisfaction of needs, and production as value includes price, demand, and costs. Product competitiveness is the ability of products to be more attractive to the buyer than other products of a similar type and purpose due to the better correspondence of their quality and cost characteristics to the requirements of this market and consumer assessments.
The external environment of agri-food sectors contains sources that provide enterprises with the resources necessary to maintain their internal potential at the appropriate level. Agri-food sectors are constantly exchanging with the external environment, providing themselves the opportunity to function. The task of strategic competitiveness management is to ensure that the main activities interact with the external environment to maintain their potential at the level necessary to achieve their goals, thus allowing them to develop in the long term. We are talking about state support, budgetary functioning, protectionism, etc.
In order to determine the strategy for the functioning of the agri-food sectors and to implement this strategy, it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the external environment, trends in its development, and the place of the main activities in it. At the same time, both the internal and external environments are studied by strategic management primarily to reveal the threats and opportunities that the industry must consider when determining its goals and achieving them.
Factors of competitiveness are those phenomena and processes of production and economic activity of enterprises and the socio-economic life of society that cause changes in the absolute and relative value of production costs and, as a result, changes in the level of competitiveness of enterprises. Factors can change the competitiveness of enterprises and industries upwards or downwards. External factors are socio-economic and organizational relations that allow enterprises to create more attractive products in terms of price and non-price characteristics.
The external environment of agri-food sectors refers to all conditions and factors that arise in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular industry, but which have or may affect its functioning. Environmental analysis is a process by which factors external to agri-food industries can be monitored to identify opportunities and threats to them. The analysis provides time to anticipate opportunities, make a contingency plan, develop an early warning system for possible threats, and develop strategies to turn past threats into profitable opportunities (Figure 1).
Fig.1. Model of the interaction of forces that determine the competition in the foreign market of agri-food sectors (developed by the author)
Competition from potential competitors from other industries, including foreign companies, arises when there is a possibility that their enterprises may enter this industry. The threat on their part is determined by the "height" of the entry barrier, which depends on the following factors:
parameters of production and marketing effects of scale and development;
availability of patents/licenses for the product;
existing preferences and loyalty of consumers to the brand of the product;
availability or cost of creating and ensuring the functioning of sales and supply channels;
the impact of state regulation, the presence of various barriers on the part of public organizations, and shadow structures.
The "height" of the entry barrier can be expressed in monetary terms. The decision to enter the industry is determined based on a comparison of the value of the entry barrier and the estimated profits in the long term. Some components that determine the "height" of the entry barrier may change over time. For example, the expiration of essential patents tends to reduce the value of the entry barrier. Conversely, investments in advertising, the creation of sales networks, and other marketing activities carried out by industry organizations increase it. In this regard, we have classified the environmental factors that affect the competitiveness of agri-food enterprises (Table 1).
Table 1 Macro-Environment Factors Influencing the Competitiveness of the Main Activities of Agri-Food Enterprises *
Group of factors |
Content |
Spatial and economic factors |
Regional position; the size of the territory; the nature of the surface; conditions of natural resources; the value of the gross national product; inflation rates; Unemployment; other factors. |
Socio-demographic factors and social behavior |
The demographic structure of the population; standard of living (real incomes, level of consumer demand); population density and distribution; seasonal migrations; national traditions and customs that affect consumer preferences; environmental factors; poverty and wealth threshold; other factors. |
Macroeconomic factors |
GDP dynamics; inflation rate; the amount of money supply in circulation; interest rate, national currency exchange rate; the level of investment activity and the state of the state budget; price restrictions in the market of raw materials and energy resources; employment rate and effective demand; other factors. |
Innovation and investment factors |
State priorities in developing industries and spheres of the national economy; innovation priorities (by sectors of the economy); investment attractiveness of the industry (region); protection of intellectual property; other factors.. |
Organizational and managerial factors |
Institutional arrangements; sectoral organization; regional structure of management; management efficiency; regional programs; management and marketing strategies. |
*Designed by the author.
A unique complex of natural, agrarian, and recreational conditions and resources characterizes the Kharkiv region. First, these are hydrogeological conditions and orographic features of the territory (flatness, monotony of landscapes, absence of sharp natural barriers), which allow economic activity to be carried out without restrictions. The territory and the available population form the investment attractiveness of agri-food sectors.
In terms of population, the Kharkiv region ranks 2nd in Ukraine, and in terms of population density per 1 km2 - one of the last. At the beginning of 2022, 2580.6 thousand people lived in the region, and for each square kilometer of territory - 82.7 thousand people. A negative factor in all types of activities is the low population density. In rural areas, it ranges from 17-40 people per km. The population is also unevenly distributed. 30% of its total number is concentrated in Kharkiv.
In this regard, we have analyzed the natural recreational resources of the Kharkiv region and carried out zoning according to their ranks, which will make it possible to trace not only the features of the location and structure of natural recreational resources but also the close connection of the conditions of their operation with the environmental, socio-economic, innovation and investment factors of competitive development of the economy at the sectoral level. This zoning is consistent with the ranking of districts of the Kharkiv region in terms of size, variety of component structure, and other indicators.
Kharkiv region has large areas of agricultural land with fertile land. The branches of budgeting and specialization are mainly the production of grain and industrial crops. In general, the level of soil fertility of the region is sufficient for high-quality agricultural production. A high level of plowing of lands, including on slopes, a significant expansion of row crops, and almost complete cessation of the implementation of a set of works on soil protection, violation of the tillage system lead to a deterioration in the condition of lands. The main problem of deterioration of land resources in the Kharkiv region is soil degradation. In the Kharkiv region, there are 152.2 thousand Hectares of acidic soils. They are distributed mainly in the north and west-northern parts of the region. Among agricultural lands, acidic soils occupy about 82 thousand hectares. However, liming has not been carried out in the region in recent years, except in isolated cases. The lack of liming of acidic soils leads to decreased productivity due to the deterioration of agrochemical and environmental properties [10]. As a result of water erosion, gullies, and ravines are also formed on the slopes, which complicate the work of agricultural machines and implements and take large areas of agricultural land out of use. This should be considered when planning the sectoral structure of agricultural production and activities in general.
Table 2 Structure of the Land Fund of Kharkiv Region
Main types of land and facilities |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
total thousand hectares |
% of the total area of the territory |
total thousand hectares |
% of the total area of the territory |
total thousand hectares |
% of the total area of the territory |
Total area, including: |
3141,8 |
100 |
3141,85 |
100 |
3141,85 |
100 |
1. Agricultural land, of which: |
2411,03 |
78 |
2411,03 |
76,8 |
2411,03 |
76,8 |
Arable land |
1932,36 |
61,4 |
1932,36 |
61,4 |
1932,36 |
61,4 |
Fallow lands |
7,59 |
0,24 |
7,59 |
0,24 |
7,59 |
0,24 |
Perennial plantations |
49,22 |
1,6 |
49,22 |
1,6 |
49,22 |
1,6 |
hayfields and pastures |
421,86 |
13,4 |
421,86 |
13,4 |
421,86 |
13,4 |
2.Forests and other forest- covered areas |
417,25 |
13,3 |
417,25 |
13,3 |
417,25 |
13,3 |
Forests are covered with them. Vegetation |
377,93 |
12,0 |
377,93 |
12,0 |
377,93 |
12,0 |
3. Built-up land |
124,84 |
4,0 |
124,84 |
4,0 |
124,84 |
4,0 |
4.Open wetlands |
32,02 |
1,0 |
32,02 |
1,0 |
32,02 |
1,0 |
5. Open lands without vegetation cover (ravines, lands occupied by landslides, rubble) |
33,77 |
1,1 |
33,77 |
1,1 |
33,77 |
1,1 |
6. Other lands |
122,94 |
3,9 |
122,94 |
3,9 |
122,94 |
3,9 |
Total lands (land) |
3081,11 |
98,1 |
3081,11 |
98,1 |
3081,11 |
98,1 |
Areas covered by surface waters |
60,74 |
1,9 |
60,74 |
1,9 |
60,74 |
1,9 |
Source: According to [11]
The study of the economic components of the macro environment allows us to understand how the financial resources of the Kharkiv region are formed and distributed. The study involves the analysis of such characteristics as the value of the gross national and regional product, inflation rates, unemployment rates, etc. These factors can represent either a threat or a new opportunity for agri-food industries. The leading socio-economic indicators of management are presented in Table. 3.
At the end of 2021, the total volume of gross regional production amounted to 319796 million tons. UAH. Increased by 24% compared to the previous year's production (Table 3), including the volume of industrial products sold, which amounted to 204906 million tons. UAH, agricultural products - 44260 mln. UAH, investments in fixed assets - 24647,6 mln. UAH. Thus, according to the structure of the products sold, the region has an industrial specialization.
Table 3 Value and dynamics of the main . socio-economic indicators of management in the Kharkiv region, 2015-2021*
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Gross Regional product, mln. UAH. |
124843 |
154871 |
187454 |
233321 |
247667 |
257805 |
319796 |
per one person, UAH. |
45816 |
57150 |
69489 |
86904 |
92864 |
97428 |
122227 |
Population incomes, mln. UAH. |
113952 |
135641 |
175850 |
216333 |
245934 |
263887 |
313394 |
Financial result before tax, mln. UAH. |
2769,8 |
3750,1 |
6790 |
8649,3 |
12994,7 |
13325,5 |
33570,4 |
The amount of industrial products Million. UAH. |
93791,8 |
115498,2 |
138913 |
157946,7 |
159007,5 |
175687 |
204906 |
Agricultural products farms, mln. UAH. |
19452 |
21385,9 |
24360,6 |
25944 |
27893,2 |
37250 |
44260 |
Capital investments, mln. UAH. |
11246,6 |
16545,8 |
19361,7 |
23551,3 |
22874,6 |
20248,5 |
24647,6 |
Export of goods and services, Million. USD. United States |
380,1 |
1191,7 |
1109,6 |
1415,1 |
1471,4 |
1801,8 |
Import of goods and services, Million. USD. United States |
242,3 |
1618,2 |
1665,2 |
1744,8 |
1802,5 |
2339,8 |
Natural growth, reduction (-) of population, thousand Persons.. |
-17,6 |
-18,2 |
-19,2 |
-22,9 |
-22,5 |
-27,5 |
-39,7 |
Number of employees (aged 15-70 years), thous. |
1230,8 |
1236,6 |
1247,1 |
1258,9 |
1263,9 |
1208,9 |
1181,1 |
Number of unemployed (aged 15-70 years), thous. |
29,32 |
23,59 |
22,83 |
21,95 |
21,59 |
30,29 |
17,61 |
Unemployment rate, % |
9,6 |
9,8 |
10,0 |
9,3 |
8,6 |
9,6 |
10,3 |
Average monthly wage, UAH |
3697 |
4448 |
6244 |
7657 |
9081 |
10847 |
11313 |
* Source: calculated from [12]
The volume of services sold amounted to 204906 mln. Exports of goods and services amounted to 1801 mln. USD, imports - 2339,8 mln. USD. The service sector and its branches are less developed. Considering the constant upward trend, this indicates the possible prospects for forming activities in this direction. Unstable trends characterize the dynamics of investments in fixed assets. Their growth was halted at the peak of the financial crisis, and the following years were characterized by slow but steady growth. A negative trend characterizes the natural growth of the population and labor force; from 2015 to 2021, it is consistently negative. The unemployment rate in 2021 was 10.3%.
External competitive advantages, which are provided by the favorable business climate of the region of operation of the enterprise, and internal competitive advantages, reflecting the efficiency of its activities, together ensure the enterprise's competitiveness. Each factor of competitiveness can form and maintain a stable competitive advantage for the enterprise.
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10. Zvit pro stratehichnu ekolohichnu otsinku dokumentu derzhavnoho planuvannia proektu prohramy ekonomichnoho ta sotsialnoho rozvytku Kharkivskoi oblasti na 2022 rik
11. Holovne upravlinnia Derzhheokadastru u Kharkivskii oblasti
12. Holovne upravlinniam statystyky u Kharkivskii oblasti
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отчет по практике [2,6 M], добавлен 02.02.2015Analysis of factors affecting the health and human disease. Determination of the risk factors for health (Genetic Factors, State of the Environment, Medical care, living conditions). A healthy lifestyle is seen as the basis for disease prevention.
презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 24.05.2012The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.
курсовая работа [54,6 K], добавлен 18.04.2014Main types of word formation: inflection and derivation. Types of clipping, unclipped original. Blending, back-formation and reduplication. Sound and stress interchange. Phonetic, morphological, lexical variations. Listing and institutionalization.
контрольная работа [24,3 K], добавлен 30.12.2011Value and probability weighting function. Tournament games as special settings for a competition between individuals. Model: competitive environment, application of prospect theory. Experiment: design, conducting. Analysis of experiment results.
курсовая работа [1,9 M], добавлен 20.03.2016The formation of the Bund as the organization was laid union of the circles of the Jewish workers and artisans Russia empire, basis of the organizational structure. Creation of striking funds. Evolution of the organizational structure of the Bund.
статья [8,6 K], добавлен 14.10.2009Formation of a religious community living together. The impact of the formation of the community of practice in modern conditions in the context of Community Baptist. Humility as a guide path, forming relationships and types of activity of the commune.
автореферат [54,5 K], добавлен 26.11.2014