Жінка в українській селянській сім'ї другої половини ХІХ – початку ХХ століття: ґендерні аспекти

Виявлення якісного змісту та особливостей стереотипу фемінінності українців, спектру позитивних й негативних прикмет жіночої вдачі, чинників конструювання образу жінки в народному світогляді. Аналіз механізмів відтворення ґендеру в українській сім'ї.

Рубрика История и исторические личности
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.06.2014
Размер файла 45,8 K

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The academic relevancy of gender approach to historical and ethnological studies of Ukrainian culture has been proved. This approach contributes to greater objectivity and integrity of the research. The content of Ukrainian stereotype of femininity corresponds with patriarchal pattern as a result of the influence of archaic and Christian mental frameworks. The condition of women in marriage concerning their property rights are revealed. Women's household duties have originated from traditional gender labor division in family. The effect of double moral standard for men and women have been traced in personal relations and in etiquette. The process of gender socialization of girls concerning forms and ways of construction of women's identity (rituals, games, toys, working education) demonstrated ethno-cultural specificity. Basic social-age statuses (little girl, girl, woman, old woman) and key social roles (wife, mother, mistress) have been classified according to women's life span and their functions in the family. Normal scenario of women's life program preferred the conjugality to solitary life, therefore widows and unwed mother have been considered as a social deviation. Peculiarities of behavior and social relations of mentioned categories of women are explored.

Key words: Ukraine, peasant family, woman, gender, androcentric, stereotype, status, social role.

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