Development of medicine in the Hetmanate in the first half of the XVIII century

Opening of hospitals. The role of hetman D. Apostol in improving medicine in Ukraine. The success of doctors in the treatment of plague, cholera and other infectious diseases. Appearance of the first pharmacies of the state sample with laboratories.

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Розвиток медицини в Гетьманщині в першій половині XVIII ст.

Mariana Zasupko


У першій половині XVIII ст. медицина в Гетьманщині перейшла на новий, вищий щабель розвитку. Почали працювати перші дипломовані лікарі, які отримували знання і досвід роботи закордоном. Поява лікарів, в свою чергу, привела до створення і відкриття спеціальних закладів для лікування - так званих “лікарень”. Методи лікування стають більше науковими, а ніж дилетантськими. У середині XVIII ст. медичні заклади стають доступніші більшому загалу населення Гетьманщини. Певну роль у покращені медицини в Україні у досліджуваний час відіграв і гетьман Д. Апостол, який неодноразово просив присилати в Гетьманщину на роботу справжніх дипломованих медиків.

Разом з тим, покращуються і препарати, які використовувалися в медичних цілях, вони містять у своєму складі хімічні речовини, які покращували процес одужання. Значного успіху досягли українські медики цього часу і в лікуванні таких захворювань як чума, холера та інші інфекційні хвороби. Починають з'являтися перші аптеки державного зразка із лабораторіями, де виготовлялися ліки і аптеки приватного типу, які були дешевшими.

Ключові слова: медицина, Гетьманщина, хвороба, аптеки, чума, холера, дипломовані медики.


В первой половине XVIII в. медицина в Гетманщине перешла на новый, более высокий уровень развития. Начали работать первые дипломированные врачи, которые получали знания и опыт работы за рубежом. Появление врачей, в свою очередь, привела к созданию и открытие специальных учреждений для лечения - так называемых “больниц”. Методы лечения становятся более научными, нежели дилетантскими. В середине XVIII в. медицинские учреждения становятся доступны большему кругу населения Гетманщины. Определенную роль в улучшение медицины в Украине в исследуемое время сыграл и гетман Д. Апостол, который неоднократно просил присылать в Гетманщину на работу настоящих дипломированных медиков.

Вместе с тем, улучшаются и препараты, которые использовались в медицинских целях, они содержат в своем составе химические вещества, которые улучшали процесс выздоровления. Значительного успеха достигли украинские медики этого времени и в лечении таких заболеваний как чума, холера и других инфекционных болезней. Начинают появляться первые аптеки государственного образца с лабораториями, где изготавливались лекарства и аптеки частного типа, которые были дешевле.

Ключевые слова: медицина, Гетманщина, болезнь, аптеки, чума, холера, дипломированные медики.


In the first half of the XVIII century. medicine in Hetman moved to a new, higher stage of development. They began to work first qualified doctors who acquire knowledge and experience abroad. The emergence of doctors, in turn, led to the creation and opening of special facilities for treatment - so-called “hospitals”. Treatments become more scientific, rather than amateurish. In the middle of the XVIII century. Medical facilities are accessible larger general population Hetman. A role in the improved medicine in Ukraine in study time and played Hetman D. Apostol, who repeatedly asked to send Hetmanate work of true certified physicians.

However, improving and pryparaty, used for medical purposes, they contain some kind of chemicals that improved the healing process. Significant progress achieved so far Ukrainian physicians in the treatment of diseases such as plague, cholera and other infectious diseases. They begin to appear the first state pharmacy sample of laboratories where drugs were made and private pharmacies type that were cheaper.

Keywords: medicine, Hetman, illness, pharmacy, plague, cholera, qualified doctors.

hospital hetman medicine pharmacy

The restoration of statehood in Ukraine returns studying names that omynalysya researchers in Soviet times. These figures include Ukrainian hetman and the first third of the XVIII century. Daniel Pavlovich Apostol (1654-1734 gg.).

Hetman D. Apostol period - a time when the Ukrainian Cossack state made the last attempt to preserve the autonomous rights and liberties Hetman. Tirelessly, the process of splitting Ukrainian society representatives autonomist direction, which are obtained privileges and wealth Hetman supported the idea of turning an integral part of Great and statesmen who advocated the idea of Ukraine's independence. It was the second group belonged to Ukrainian Hetman D. Apostol.

In his domestic policy Hetman paid much attention to the economy, the army, the financial sector, but not lowered and by his attention to other important sectors of human society. These areas of life belongs medicine. For objective reasons, almost no medicine developed as Hetman at this time began to actively lose the remnants of autonomy. Most young scientists went abroad for education.

In the XVII century. Hetman begin to appear the first medical schools to train future “doctors”. Before medical schools were mostly zdibnishi most students. After several years teaching high school students could practice as doctors1.

Residents of the city suffered greatly during epidemics, especially plague. In the middle of the XVII century. 20 thousand Kyiv horozhan died from the plague. Flash also provoked epidemics and unsanitary living conditions in cities. In large cities had no sewage, garbage disposal, and this in turn provoked the development of epidemics. Common diseases are cholera, diphtheria, scurvy.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. spread rapidly shop barbers who had the right to treat people. Ukrainian population is not perceived as barbers doctors, special education because they did not have, and the knowledge gained through practical skills. The main type of treatment was bloodletting.

Archives indicate that physicians with patients constituted an agreement on treatment as an ordinary trading business, advances were sometimes pledging a certain period to cure a particular disease. Fee treatment was very high. Ordinary citizens certified physician services were not available. Given this majority Hetman appealed for help to the barbers. Those, in turn, maintaining close contacts with certified physicians received academic experience. Some of them achieved great skill in the treatment of wounds, amputations, cut stones and pulling teeth. Preserved copy of the statute shop barbers XVIII century. It workload Barber is defined as: “signified maysterstvo tsyrulnykov ymeet sostoyat in volume: breyt blood zhylnuyu and zashkurnuyu Start, wound hoyt rubanbie and strelyanbie, and especially in vbirbivanyy tooth and a yzvlychenyy frantsuzkoy and sho-ludney disease, a supply krasterov and in shlyufovanyy bryttov. “Hence we see that the treatment of venereal and skin diseases, traumatology, dental diseases lay within the competence of barbers.

To become a barber man had to go some way had first come to the shop apprentice wizard. For this was made a cash contribution to the treasury department of 12 zlotys. After several years of study and work in the shop student recorded the “moons”. For this it was necessary to make the treasury department 10 zlotys. Not every student was able to pay the money because most of them were on the rights of students for a long time. After graduation, “New Moon” had to go to the so- called “pilgrimage”. We had to move to another city and they come into the shop as a way to get new information on treatment options in other cities. From the “pilgrimage” could pay off in making treasury department 10 zlotys. And only after that “New Moon” became a full barber. There were also those barbers who were not a part of the workshop, they were called “cobbler” - private doctors.

In a letter to St. Petersburg Hetman D. Apostol urge to send Glukhov “real” doctor. As the Deaf at the time was the capital of the Hetman, it was unacceptable that there was not a certified doctor. Subsequently, at the request of hetman was sent two doctors, one of whom became personal physician D. Apostol. Another doctor had to serve the population of the city Glukhov and its environs.

Thus, the situation in Hetman medical affairs at the beginning of the XVIII century. was complex. Chartered doctors with special education were few and barbers practice was not always successful.

In 1703 in Ukraine next wave of plague. No systematic measures to combat epidemics in those days was conducted. Contemporary qualified doctors who worked in the cities, their views on the origin of infectious diseases have taken a step back on other than foreign doctors. For example MD Slezhkovskyy believed that the plague is God's punishment and the best way to deal with it is the rapid construction of the temple. To prevent the plague in his opinion, should rub the body rue juice, camphor and receive three days of morning mix teriaku Mithridates, boy alcohol and urine in equal parts. When bubonic plague he advised to apply warm breast tumor just slain dog alive flattened pigeon and frog.

Instead, the publications of the Italian MD A. Bonfihli for 1711, who worked in Hetman, there were tips for preventing swine sulfur premises and to wash their hands with vinegar. When the disease give emetic recommended to drink a mixture of lemon, sulfur henbane.

Thus, of the above examples we can see that behind Ukrainian medicine in all plans, not only on the availability of certified doctors, but also in the methods of treatment of disease.

In 1737 the Senate ordered in big cities “to polzovanyya byvateley s disease in soderzh Soft Ray”. In preliku points, which was supposed to send doctors and 13 Ukrainian regiments, which then was divided Left Bank Ukraine. A shortage of doctors these positions were not always occupied. For example, reports Hadiach Regiment for 1747 was listed on the retention of only one barber for the entire regiment. This situation prevented simply from the physical point of view to serve a large number of patients Спр. 9380. Універсал гетьмана Данила Апостола. 1733 р. арк. 101 - 104 зв..

Heavy left position and mentally ill people at the time believed possessed witches, strange. These patients are not treated, they are usually placed in the monastery for zamolyuvannya sins. Only in 1787 at the monastery Moskakivskomu range Novgorod-Seversky was opened on 24 crazy person. It was the first in Hetman official government institution for the mentally ill. Historian V. Tatishchev wrote that stayed at 1714 in Lubny to Field Marshal Sheremetev, he learned of a female sorceress, sentenced to be burned. She claimed that could turn into a magpie or smoke. Only after persistent belief Tatishchev Marshal agreed to abolish the death penalty and ordered the woman to send a monastery in penance.

By decree of the Senate in 1737 due to lack of doctors urban pharmacies were required to supply the population medicine. The central laboratories of pharmacy was opened in Lubny (1716) and Kremenchuk (about 1770). These pharmacies supplied the army, and they could take urban doctors chest with a set of drugs that are sold at a certain price. In the first third of the XVIII century. Sloboda Ukraine was no doctor at the state hold, no pharmacy. In Kharkiv, the post doctor and opened the first pharmacy in 1778, when the city became a province. With the closure of the central pharmacy pharmacy Lubny Kharkiv is a major pharmacy for the entire Left Bank Ukraine. This indicates that the Russian government is not concerned about the physical health of residents Hetman was interested in reducing the significant demographic inhabitants Left Bank. In pharmacies pharmacists alone produced drugs, medicines, ointments. 80% cure consisted of components of plant origin, 13% - had the chemical elements and only 7% had drug animal origin Буряк Л. Повсякденне життя козацької еліти Лівобережної України XVTII ст. крізь призму матеріального світу / Л. Буряк. // Соціум. Альманах соціальної історії. Вип. 2. - С. 197. 2 Летопись или описание краткое знатнейших действ и случаев, что в каком году деялось в Украине малороссийской обеих сторон Днипра и кто именно и когда гетманом был козацким... // Сборник летописей, относящихся к истории Южной и Западной России. - К., 1888. - С. 3-69..

The first private pharmacy was opened in Kyiv in 1728, at the Deaf - 1743 Private pharmacies drugs were cheaper and accessible to a wider range of consumers.

One of the most colorful personalities among local scientists and physicians of the XVIII century. Daniel was Samoylovich. He is considered one of the founders of the national epidemiology. Widely known works Samoilovych infectious diseases. All twelve of the then European academies elected him an honorary member, except the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Another prominent Ukrainian doctor this era was Ambodik-Nestor Maksimovic, urozhenets Poltava. He went down in history as the founder of domestic medicine obstetrics. His textbook on obstetrics “art povyvannya, Or Science at babychem actually” enjoyed by many generations of doctors and midwives.

Important role in the history of national medical education played first textbook of pediatrics “Pediatryka” Stephen Hotovytskoho. University of Strasbourg brilliantly finished Shumlyansky Alexander, one of the first domestic histology, who described the structure of the kidney, including its capsule, known as the “capsule Shymlanskaya-Bowman”.

The pride of the domestic medicine Terehovskyy Martin is one of the pioneers of the theory of evolution of living organisms, and John Poletyka who first led the general hospital and the hospital school in St. Petersburg, the highest held at the time medical posts in the state Гетьманські універсали в колекції Чернігівського історичного музею ім. В. Тарновського. //

Сіверянський літопис, 1993. - № 5 (23). Вересень-жовтень. - № 120. - С. 78..

Thus, in the first half of the XVIII century. medicine in Hetman moved to a new, higher stage of development. They began to work first qualified doctors who acquire knowledge and experience abroad. The emergence of doctors, in turn, led to the creation and opening of special facilities for treatment - so-called “hospitals”. Treatments become more scientific, rather than amateurish. In the middle of the XVIII century. Medical facilities are accessible larger general population Hetman. A role in the improved medicine in Ukraine in study time and played Hetman D. Apostol, who repeatedly asked to send Hetmanate work of true certified physicians Герасименко Н. Данило Апостол - гетьман Лівобережної України (1727-1734) / Н. Герасименко // УІЖ. - 1992. - № 3. - С. 92-102..

However, improving and pryparaty, used for medical purposes, they contain some kind of chemicals that improved the healing process. Significant progress achieved so far Ukrainian physicians in the treatment of diseases such as plague, cholera and other infectious diseases. They begin to appear the first state pharmacy sample of laboratories where drugs were made and private pharmacies type that were cheaper.

Along with certified doctors continued to work barbers that in small towns and villages served as doctors. Their services will continue to remain available to most of the population.

However, at the same time, the Russian government was not interested in improving medical conditions in Hetman. Best Doctors climbed to work in Moscow or St. Petersburg. By order of the Russian court in Hetman prysylavsya only one doctor for the whole regiment. In this regard, people just from a physical point of view could not be served by one doctor, and this in turn reduces life expectancy and demographic situation worsened in the regiments Hetman. This was exactly what the Russian government sought - reduce the number of Ukrainian population and territory are free to colonize the Russian landowners and serfs.

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