Ethno-political situation in the Caucasus in modern times and the historical roots
The historical roots and causes of ethnopolitical situation and ethnic conflicts happened in the Caucasus in modern. Actuallity of the problem in the Caucasus at the Russia’s policy considered in the beginning of the XX century. Ethno-political balance.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.03.2019 |
Размер файла | 33,3 K |
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Archaeology and ethnography institute of anas and causes of ethnic conflicts
Ethno-political situation in the Caucasus in modern times and the historical roots
Rahimli R., Doctor of Philosophy,
Senior scientific researcher
The author has been researching the historical roots and causes of ethnopolitical situation and ethnic conflicts happened in the Caucasus in modern years. It is informed that actuallity of the problem in the Caucasus at the Russia's policy considered in the beginning of the XX century.
Specifically, the Caucasus problem as an internal policy for Russia appeared after Peter's "Caspian" compaign in 1722 at the end of XVIII century the Caucasus problem became the main direction of Russia's external policy and military-foreign interests was increased at Russia's plans about the Caucasus. Geopolitical point of view, Russia used to the Caucasus as a plasdarm.russia's wish to be the most hegemon state was realizable after the appropriating of the Caucasus by the struggle with Otoman Empire, Iran, England, France. After the joining to Russia Empire Caucasus peoples lost their political autonomy. All the territory of Northern Caucasus was divided into Stavropol, Kuban, Ter and Dagistan provinces and established a military board.
Ethno-political balance was broken at the firs yeras of Soviet power. The caucasus peoples were the main target of Stalin's repretons during the 30-40th yeras. Especially ahiskha turks (called Meskhetian) were deported and ethnic killings in the South Caucasus. The azerbaijanis were resettled from their historical territories - Western Azerbaijan (Armenia), but meskhetian were resettled from Georgia then from Uzbekistan mandatory. We should note that azerbaijanis were resettled many times by the Russia Empire, Soviet government and the result of armenian agressors armenians were ressettled Azerbaijan territories in the XIX and XX centuries. After the Gulustan (1813) and Turkmanchay (1828) agreements Russia ressettled the armenians from the Iran and Turkey to Iravan khanate and the Russia established an Armenian province here. At the same time, it is tlaked about the depotation against other peoples by Russia in this paper. The deportation of Meskhetian Turks from 5 districts of Georgea to the the Middle Asia and Gazakhistan in 1944 November 14 at the end of the II World War under the name of providing the border security are researched here. The deportation history of garachays, balkars, chechen-ingush, chechen-akins are characterized in this article and their ethnic cleancing, loss of thier lands in the 40th years of the XX century is mentioned in this article. The author shows that the represenrarives of other nations-russians, ucrainans, avars lacks were resettled in the free lands of the Chechen-Ingushetia in his research. A similar policy took place in Qarachay, Balckar, Kalmyck and other regions of the Northern - Caucasus.
Keywords: the Caucasus, Russia, ethnic territory, Azerbaijanians, repression, deportation, ahisxa Turks, Karachay, Balkar, Chechen-inqush, Chechen-akin.
Досліджуються історичні корені і причини які утворили етнічні конфлікти на Кавказі в сучасному періоді. Відзначається, що активізація питання Кавказу в політиці Російської імперії припадає на початок XVII століття. Конкретно Кавказ як важлива проблема зовнішньої політики Росії виникає після Каспійського походу Петра I в 1722 році. Наприкінці XVIII століття проблема Кавказу стає одним з основних напрямів зовнішньої політики Російської імперії, а в її планах по Кавказу стали переважати військово-політичні інтереси. З геополітичної точки зору Росія використовувала Кавказ як плацдарм. Боротьба проти Османської імперії, Ірану, Великобританії, Франції зробило обґрунтування Росії на Кавказі ще більш актуальним у питанні перетворення Росії в країну світового гегемона. Після включення до складу Російської імперії народ Кавказу позбувся своєї політичної автономності. Вся територія Північного Кавказу була поділена між Кубанською, Терською, Дагестанською областями Ставропольської губернії, було створено військове управління. Політика царського уряду штучного збільшення кількості росіян на Кавказі ще більше посилило політичну обстановку. У статті вказується, що етнопо - літична рівновага на Кавказі стала порушуватися з перших років Радянської влади. Автор у своєму дослідженні показує, що в роки депортації в спорожнілі райони Чечено-Інгушетії були заселені інші народності: росіяни, українці, осетини, авари, даргинці, лакци. Аналогічна політика проводилася і в Карачає - во, Балкарії, Калмикії та інших регіонах Північного Кавказу.
Ключові слова: Кавказ, Росія, етнічні території, азербайджанці, репресії, депортація, турки-ахиска карачаївці, балкари, чеченці, інгуші, чеченці-акинци.
Исследуются исторические корни и причины образовавшихся этнических конфликтов на Кавказе в современном периоде. Отмечается, что активизация вопроса Кавказа в политике Российской империи приходится на начало XVII века. Конкретно Кавказ как важная проблема внешней политики России возникает после Каспийского похода Петра I в 1722 году. В конце XVIII века проблема Кавказа становиться одним из основных направлений внешней политики Российской империи, а в ее планах по Кавказу стали преобладать военно-политические интересы. С геополитической точки зрения Россия использовала Кавказ как плацдарм. Борьба против Османской империи, Ирана, Великобритании, Франции сделало обоснование России на Кавказе еще более актуальным в вопросе превращения России в страну мирового гегемона. После включения в состав Российской империи народ Кавказа лишился своей политической автономности. Вся территория Северного Кавказа была поделена между Кубанской, Терской, Дагестанской областями Ставропольской губернии, было создано военное управление. Политика царского правительства искусственного увеличения количества русских на Кавказе еще больше усугубило политическую обстановку. В статье указывается, что этнополитическое равновесие на Кавказе стало нарушаться с первых лет Советской власти. Автор в своем исследовании показывает, что в годы депортации в опустевшие районы Чечено-Ингушетии были заселены другие народности: русские, украинцы, осетины, авары, даргинцы, лакцы. Аналогичная политика проводилась и в Карачаево, Балкарах, Калмыкии и других регионах Северного Кавказа.
Ключевые слова: Кавказ, Россия, этнические территории, азербайджанцы, репрессии, депортация, турки-ахыска карачаевцы, балкары, чеченцы, ингуши, чеченцы-акинцы.
The maintains of research
There are a great historical roots and causes of ethnopolitical situation and ethnic conflicts happened in the Caucasus in modern years. We can give a lot examples, some of them are following: the centuries-struggle and its reasons, consequences of Tsarist Russia, Iran and the Ottoman Empire in this region, they had a specific national policy in order to keep them under thier ruling and for influence the Caucasus region.
People living in the Caucasus has become the major goal of the realization of the interests of the three countries of the Caucasus and met a lot of wars. In this respect, the role of the Caucasian peoples in history, and to a large extent in Tsarist Russia, Iran and the Ottoman Empire were determined in competition.russian experts to justify all these V. Deqoev notes that “The Moscow government formed “power triangle” between Iran and Turkey (together with the Crimean Khanate) and, over several centuries, which decided the fate of the peoples of the Caucasus since the sixteenth century [1, p.310].
The actuallity of the Caucasus issue in the policy of the Russian Empire coincides with the beginning of the seventeenth century. In particular, the problem of foreign policy in the Caucasus appeared as vital to Russia by Peter the First in 1722, after the invasion of the Caspian Sea. At the end of XVIII centure the Cauasus issue was the main priorities of the Russia foreign policy. Let's pay attention to the views on the matter of Russian scientists V. Chernous and S. Sixoskin: “the Cauasus problem has been the leading factor in Russia's Eastern policy since the middle of the sixteenth century, but arrised as a matter of international relations in East geopolitics of the Caucasus as a problem in the eighteenth century [2, p.37-38].
Military-political interests dominated in Russia plans about the Caucasus. Geopolitical point of view, the Russian enjoyed the Caucasus as a plasdarm. The Russia appropriate the Caucasus after the hard struggle with the Ottoman Empire, Iran, England, France, and Russia became, hegemonic state of the world. “As a reason of Russia and Iran and the Russian-Turkish wars that ended with a victory for Russia, the fracture of mountainous resistance, Eastern (Crimean) war joining the Caucasus to the the Russian Empire has been recognized internationally and the Caucasus geopolitical problem became not only external conflict and also became foreign geopolitics issue" [2, p.38].
Though the conquest prosses of Caucasus by Russia accompanied with hard and great War. So Belo ki, Caucasus people did not obeyed easily and resissted severely. Caucasus people did not accepted. There were rebellions, speeches and wars agains the Russians. Fighting under the leadership of Sheikh Mansur, the mountainous Chechnya began in 1785, continued in the years of 1861 to 1817. After the occupation of the Caucasus without administrative division of the national factors were ignored and resulted in the violation of the rights of the individual ethnic groups. Was annexed by the Russian Empire in the Caucasus peoples were deprived of political autonomy. After the joining Russia empire Caucasian peoples were deprived of political autonomy. Then whole northern Caucasus northern areas Stavropol, Kuban, Ter, Dagistan devided and created a military board. Multiply the number of Russians in the Caucasus by the tsarist government artificially worsened the situation.
So after the Caucasus war the Russia empire trasfered the inqush from the Tar (tar where the inqush lived - R. R.) valley and repleced kazak stations there. Replacing of kazacks here resulted the distribution of inqushes into 2 place: mountainous and plain (Nazran region) [3]. After that there was a shortage of land for the accommodation of inqushes. As a result, there was enmity between inqushes and kazacks in the second half of the nineteenth century, and the conflict disappeared until the beginning of the twentieth century. Ethno-political balance in the Caucasus broken in the first years of Soviet ruling. The peoples of the Caucasus became the main target of Stalin's repression in the 30-40-years. Especially the Azerbaijanis and (Meskhetian) Turks were deported and ethnic killings in the South Caucasus.
historical root ethnopolitical situation
The azerbaiajnis resettled from their historical territories - Western Azerbaijan (Armenia), but meskhetian resettled from Georgia then from Uzbekistan mandatory. We sholud notice that azerbaijanis resettled many times by the Russia Empire, Soviet govrnment and the result of armenian agressors in XIX and XX centuries, armenians ressettled Azerbaijan territories. After the treatments of Gulustan (1813) and Turkmanchay (1828) Russia ressettled the armenians from the Iran and Turkey to Iravan khanate. During the peace talks between Russia and Iran In 1827 they diceded to resettle armenians to Iravan, Nackichivan and Garabagh. The military governor of Tsarist Russia in the Caucasus Paskevich wrote a letter to Yerevan office and sressed: “refuges (he means armenians) should resettle to Iravan and Nackichivan, remanders to Garabagh” [4, p.119].
In the XX century Azerbaijanis departured from the territory of Armenia several times - 1905-1907, 19181920, 1948-1953, 1988-1989, since 1988 from the Nagorno-Garabagh and the surrounding regions and faced of the mass killings, nationally expellings.
Deportation and massacres of Armenians at the expense of the national demographic situation was going to change in their favor. But one thing is certain, that despite of massive deportation Azerbaijanis, the Armenians were less than Azerbaijanis. “There were 74.2 million people or 48% in the Yerevan district, 119 thousand persons or 53.3% in Zangazur, 50.7 million people in New Beyazit district, 45 thousand people due to the information of 1st January, 1916 years" [5, p.131]. Deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia was continued during the Soviet period as a result of the action plans have been implemented by the Soviet leadership. In the years of 20-30 defining and strengthening of the communist regime repression exposed to tens of thousands of azerbaijanis were deported to Central Asia and Kazakhstan. After the Second World due to the desision of USSR Council Ministers The Azerbaijanis (100 thousand people) were deported to Armenia from their native land, some of them died in the Kur-Araz lowland on December 23, 1947 and dated March 10, 1948, they were unable to withstand the climatic conditions. Ethnic cleansing was continued explicit and implicit form in Armenia [5, p.7]. The Soviet leadership protested resettle Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Karabakh. Because the number of Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Garabag could groth than Armenians. Cleansing of Azerbaijanis from Armenia in Nagorno Garabag Azerbaijanis demographic dominance of the Soviet government prevented or cleared Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijanis. “Nagorno-Karabakh, 132 (549 men) of Azerbaijan family “under the internal transfer” was resettled to the neighboring region of the Khanlar. As the result of all this Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan has been cleared from azerbaijanis” [5, p.7]. So at the end of the twentieth centure Azerbaijanis were deprived of the right to live in the Western Azerbaijan, and they lost these territories forever. Akhiska turks were one of the most deported of the South Caucasus. At the end of World War II, the Soviet government under the name of to ensure the safety of the border on 14 November 1944 Akhiska turks were deported from the 5 towns of Georgia to the Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The transfer process of Akhaltsikhe,
Adygea, Aspinza, Akhalkalaki and Boqdanovka regions were subjected to almost 115 thousand people [6]. Similar repression occurred in the Caucasus against the peoples of the North Caucasus. On November 2, 1943, the entire population of the Karachai Autonomous Region (about 70 thousand people) were deported to Central Asia and Kazakhstan [7]. Guerrero's name was changed and called Kluxori this town until January 1957. A large part of the region of the Georgian SSR was created by joining the Kluxori. With the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, Oct.4, 1944, Georgia was given the names of all the residential areas. And then were subjected to repression in Qaracaylardan kalmiklar. At the end of December in 1943, 230 thousand Kalmyks moved to the eastern regions of the USSR [7]. Kalmyk ASSR was abolished and its territory Astrakhan, Rostov, Stalingrad annexed of the RSFSR. All the Kalmyk the names Changed and given all of them russian names of the places and the center of the city Elistan was renamed as Stepnoy. One of the Turkic peoples of the North Caucasus that called Karachay became a target of repression in the 40th years. On the 8th March of 1944, more than 40 balckars were deported to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan [7]. Kabardino - Balkar ASSR was renamed as Kabardino ASSR renamed. By 1944, the existing administrative regions balkarlarin rehabilitation period (in 1957) and then created. On the 23rd of February in 1944 the Chechen-inquslar were banished to north-eastern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from the NorthEast. The decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the Chechen - Ingush ASSR was abolished, but instead of them created the Grozny region. Mountainous province in the southwest part of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic were included to Dushet and Kazbek districts. Other regions of the North Ossetian ASSR annexed. Chechens and ingushes that living outside of the autonomous republic became victims of deportation.
Deportation were attributed to Chechen-ingushes. During the deportation years they lost about 300-310 men, it means that the total number is 45 percent [7]. We should note that it was a genocide against the people that deported. In 1948 November 26 the Soviet government declared that the people which deported never back to their land. This decision was shocked them additionally. Chechen-akins (30 thausand men) that lived in Auckov and Chasavyurt distiricts of Dagistan were deported and Auckov renamed as Novolak. Until the 1st of January the lacks were resettled from the Kulin, avars from the Kazbek district, kumuks from Machachkala and other districts district [8, p.53]. Generally in deportation years russians, uckranians, avars, lacks were resettled to the Chechen-Ingushetia's free terriritories. The same policy taken in garachay, balkar, kalmick and North Caucasus. Chechen-ingush, balckar, garachay, kalmick peoples regained their solidarity in 1957 9 january Due to the decree of SSR Supreme Soviet in 1957 in 9 January. After then reabilitation they had new problems. For example, ingushes began to demand their territory, that given the Autonomous Republic of North Ossetia - to a 1,000 sq. m. refunded a portion of km. However, the historican ingush territories that located on the right bank of the river Terek did not given back to the Chechen-Ingush ASSR. The area called Prigorodni remaned quationable problem among the inqushes and Ossetians. Rebellions begun in Grozny for the returning inqushes' historical lands, the fate of the Ingush villages in North Ossetia, to resolve the issue in 1973 january. Active participants in these rallies were imposed the sanctions, penalties. “relations between Inqushes and Ossetians living in the North Ossetian ASSR became mor worse. In October 1981, in order to prevent inter-ethnic clash in the city of Orcanikidze invaded" [3, p.29].
The National - territorial disputes of the settlement resolve by force the government of the USSR, it was temporary, and it was promoted again after a certain period. Therefore, the national self-esteem, a sense of national pride is always liveth, and no idea of the Soviet people, the principle of internationalism of peoples deprived of their historical lands, can not be the basis for the violation of rights, in fact, the issue of national-territorial relations between Ossetians and ingushes cut again and rose to the level of armed confrontation and events in 1989. The establishment of Ingushetia ASSR, returinig of lands from North Ossetia and othe issues were dicussed in the second meeting of ingush people in Grozny on 9-10 September 1989. The congress agenda included the issue of Ingushetia ASSR consisting of 6 administrative districts. The districts were Nazran, Malqoboy, Qalaskin, Garabulag, Sunjen and Bazarkin (North Ossetian ASSR a part of the Priqorodni region), the congress decided to resettle Ingush ASSR in the center of Vladikavkaz that was the capital city of the Autonomous Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. And it was reported that it could be possible to resettle two province capital cities. It should be noted that - the administrative centers of Ossetian and Ingush circles was Vladikavkaz in the years 1921-1924 Mountainous Autonomous Republic within the of the were. Administrative and management bodies of the inqushes were situated on the right bank of the city. Thus, the inqushes consider on the right bank of Vladigafgaz their territory at the present moment. Congress has appealed to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and Communist Party. The statement recommended looking through the restoration problem of autonomy of the Ingush within the framework of borders that existed until 1934. But inqushes' demands did not implement, and of course, the Ossetian-Ingush conflict did not resolve. On February 23, 1990 inqushes gathered in Grozny demanded autonomy rights. In March 1990, demonstrations were held in Nazran by ingushes.
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