The history of the city of Saratov

The foundation of Saratov in 1590 by prince G.O. Zasekin and boyar F.M. Turov as a fortress to protect the south-eastern borders of the Russian state from the invasion of nomads. A convenient geographical position, resources, measures of protection.

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The history of the city of Saratov

Afinogenova I.A.

History Saratov

Founded in 1590 by Prince GO Zasyekins and boyar FM Turov as a fortress to protect the south-eastern borders of the Russian state from invading nomads. The convenient geographical location, natural resources of the region, protection measures of the tsarist government favored the transformation of Saratov in the 17-18 centuries. in the trade and merchant center and an important staging post on the

Volga. In 1780 the city became the Saratov governorship cent in 1782 - the province. fortress invasion protection

The abolition of serfdom in Russia, the construction of the Ryazan-Ural (now the Volga region) railway and development of the shipping company on the Volga helped Saratov conversion of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. One of the largest commercial and industrial centers of the Middle and Lower Volga. The main subject of trade Saratov in the late 19th century. there was bread. The city also played the role of intermediary in the trade of major refined products as well as meat, fish, salt, wool. Factory Industry Saratov was aimed mainly at the processing of agricultural products. In the production of flour, mustard and sunflower oil Saratov held the first place in Russia. At the end of the 19th century. in the city were the first major metalworking plants. Significant development of the industry Saratov accounts for 1920-30. In the prewar years, the city gave the country and machines bearings, measuring instruments and electrical equipment. Since 1939, former harvester plant began producing the Yak-1. After the collapse of the USSR Saratov - and with it, and the region - one of the first regions of Russia integrated into the market economy. Saratov Volga embankment history connected with the names of Stepan Razin and E. Pugachev; with the activities of outstanding scientists and figures of art and culture of Russia. Volzhsky city gave the country a revolutionary democrat Chernyshevsky;

Nobel laureate chemist NN Semenov; artist VE Borisov-Musatov; architect F. Shekhtel; composer A. Schnittke; writer KA Fedin; actors Babochkin BA, B. F. Andreev, SN Filippov OP Tabakov and others. In Saratov studied cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.


Transport Saratov is represented in all forms, from minibuses to buses and trains. Tramways tie factory, Kirovsky and Leninsky districts, it allows virtually no traffic jams to get to the desired location. Because of the noise and the allocation of individual lanes trams want to cut. Already Removed route 12, who walked down the street Big Mountain and backup route 11 tram.

Education in Saratov developed at a level slightly above average where there is not enough kindergartens and schools, and in some cases there are too many. The result is a great place to study. In some areas of Saratov schools is not enough, and in others they are too many. The result of this lack of organization are students being late to class due to traffic jams.

Also some schools are combined in one building, as was the case with the school №12, where the building under the auspices of the party "United Russia" renovated and expanded, and then the "addicted" to Gal (Humanitarian-Economic High School). Some schools do not have a very good feedback on the quality of education and student learning. Several of these schools are in the Zavodskoy district and one in the Volga.

In Saratov, a large number of universities, as well as branches of universities in large cities. Among them stand out clearly educational institutions with legal and economic specialties, for example, Saratov State Academy of Law (CGAP), Saratov State Socio-Economic University (esu). This explains the predominance of these professions on the other, no less important, but few respectable. Very popular among young people coming enjoys classic Saratov State University.

In Saratov public health system comprised of numerous hospitals, clinics, maternity homes, dispensaries, health centers, medical aid station, pharmacy, as well as two educational institutions: medical college and medical school.

Saratov Region

The city is divided into six administrative districts: Volzhsky, Frunze, October, Kirovsky, Leninsky and factory.

The Volga region

The region was founded October 26, 1934 Here is the bulk of the city's monuments and architectural ensembles, more than 70 of them - the federal importance. Business card of the Volga region - Quay Cosmonauts. Among the places of interest can be noted Theatre Square - the main square of the city, the park, "Limes", which like walking all the people without exception.

Frunze district

A large industrial area, scientific and cultural center. The most famous places - State Conservatory, the prospectus of Kirov - "Saratov Broadway" with placed on it offices and shops, the building of the covered market and the Circus of Nikitin Brothers name.

Oktyabrsky district - is a central part of the city and pritsentralnaya, counts its history since 25 March 1917, when the district was formed by train. March 2, 1920 it was renamed the First, and December 15, 1934 grams - in the Oktyabrsky.

In this area, for the majority of medical institutions in the city, in the same area there are 5 higher educational institutions, and a favorite vacation spot of inhabitants of Saratov - City Park of Culture and Rest named after Gorky, in common parlance - Gorpark.

Kirovsky district

The largest area of the city, its population of about 129 thousand. People. In the area of the rail station, bus station, airport. It also contains all the higher military educational institutions of the city: Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the MIA Russia, Saratov Military Institute of Biological and Chemical Safety and the Military Institute of professional development for the Armed Forces mobilization bodies.

Leninsky district

With members of his bedroom and neighborhoods Sunny North, neighborhoods and the WZO Elshanka, as well as so-called "milk" is, in fact, the northwestern boundary region of Saratov. The number of residents of the Leninsky district of about 269.8 thousand. People. Formed area of 2 October 1945. "Volga" and "Atrio" notable in the area of a shopping center.

Factory area

Formed September 7, 1936 under the name of Stalin. In November 1961 it was renamed in the factory - as the name suggests it is a number of the largest factories of the city. The district includes 16 villages.

Saratov Attractions

One of the most beautiful avenues of the city and a popular hiking Mestre - Kirov Avenue.

Among the residents and guests of the popular Opera and Ballet im.N.G. Chernyshevskogo, Drama Theatre. ON. Slonova, Youth Theatre and Saratov Philharmonic. You can visit the art museum im.A.N. Radischeva, which exhibits paintings, sculptures and objects of decorative art of famous artists, as well as the National History Museum. The city has more than a dozen theaters.

Attractions Saratov there are temples and churches. This Trinity Cathedral on Museum Square (the oldest stone building in the city, founded in 1695, the current Orthodox church), Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, the temple "Soothe My Sorrows".

By Saratov architectural monuments include the oldest building of the city's universities - State University. At the main entrance to it is a monument to Cyril and Methodius. Of interest pavilions Hay and indoor market, City Hall (A. Bendera trading house, built in 1867 on the merchant I.G. Kuznetsova), the gate of St.

Nicholas Church. You can visit the planetarium. Modern designers have created a unique in Russia unusual monument of love located on the waterfront of Cosmonauts. Culture

In one of the cultural capitals of Saratov Volga region started to turn into the first half of the XIX century under the governor AD Panchulidzeva whose reign was marked by the foundation of theaters, the emergence of bands. a large number of museums and theaters were opened in the Soviet era. Today the interest provided a large selection of art and science exhibitions, expositions in the homes of famous

Saratov, as well as the military and the open-air ethnographic museum. At the end of XX century the increased requirements to the quality of cinema had a negative impact on their number - from a few survived nearly two dozen 1990s. The performances and the presentation of different genres offer viewers nine theaters. During the years of successful performances and tours of great fame acquired Saratov Circus (one of the first in Russia) and the Philharmonic. House of Culture, who were in the post-war period the centers of cultural life of the regions and enterprises are currently experiencing more decline.


Saratov sport has a rich history. Majors are fencing, rowing (academic, canoes), diving, athletics, martial arts, basketball, hockey and football. Among the athletes of the city glorified two-time world champion Lyudmila Galkina. The greatest success in the team competition sought hockey club "Crystal", double-play in the big league of the USSR, who was in the 1990s, one of the leading clubs in the Russian and European basketball.






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