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27.03.2019 | |
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- 735 - 745 .
- . , - , - . , 734 - 736 ., . - , . - , -, , . , - , , ( ), - , 735 . . , , 745 .
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This article is observing the last decade of existence of the Eastern Turkic Qaghanate. This period had attracted the attention of Russian Soviet scientists much earlier, however, due to the limited use of the Chinese written sources and emphasis on other issues, the Turkic-Chinese relations have not received proper attention. Herein, for the first time, this article will discuss materials of the court chronicler Zhang Jiulin, who was in charge of the central chancery of the palace in 734-736 AD; the biography of the Chinese commander Wang Zhongsi; analysis of the regional situation in the steppe after the death of the Eastern Turkic Bilge Qaghan and the policy of the Tang dynasty regarding the northern nomadic neighbors. The research includes comparative historical analysis, historical- genetic and structural methods and will apply a novel approach by studying an open field areas of the Turkic-Chinese relations, China's foreign strategy towards the nomads, as well as the policy of nomadic tribes Kumo xi and Khitan (who previously were a part of the Eastern Turkic Qaghanate, but after 735 AD they rebelled against Turks with the support of China). The unification of interests of China and the nomads became the main factor, along with the internal political struggle in the Qaghanate that led to the weakening of the Turks and the fall of their sovereignty in 745 AD.
Keywords: Turkic-Chinese relations, Kumo xi, Khitan, steppe, Central Asia, nomads, Tang dynasty, ancient Turks, Eastern Turks, Turkic Qaghanate
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